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36221733850_91e45278d0_s.jpg "Quarrie! You ol' junk dealer, how's my new ship coming a long? You know an all out battle is no place for my Lady Luck."

36618355145_4b1a5e1484_s.jpg "Youur point is well taken Gold Leader. I'm suure a ship will arrive that matches your specifications; new allies aare arriving everyday with any kind of ship that can carry them. We maay not have the largest fleet and much of these beasts are cobbled together freighters with a suspicious number of armaments, buut the strength of the Rebel Fleet lies in it's heterogeneity and the ability of our Admirals to capitalize on those differences when the battle allows it."



36221733700_d77d9f8f6b_s.jpg "Admiral, break off your current operations and send your Task Force to the Hudalla system and prepare for immanent fleet and ground operations."

36221733980_1a264c653f_s.jpg "Yes, my lord."




  • Category A: Starfighter or Freighter (anything under 100 studs) - The weapons race for a game changing starfighter culminates now above the forest moon of Endor. Build the perfect representation of a canonical starfighter or freighter, or create your own.
  • Category B: Capital SHIPs (at least 100 studs) - Whether it's minifig-scale or a massive micro-scale ship, create a SHIP at least 100 studs long. Again, redefine the standard for a perfect canonical ship or create your own to join the fleet.
    • Spoiler

      SHIP typically means Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. Or more specifically, a space ship that is built between September 1st and September 30th that is more than 100 studs long (or wide). 

      I (Goatman461) feel like the one month restriction is more of a suggestion since everybody's building schedule varies and it doesn't allow for proper planning. So, those of you that are purist should feel free to stick to the one month window, but others can shoot for an August 15 to September 14 window, and still, others may need the full month and a half. Up to you. 

      WIPs are commonly shared, so please post them in this thread. Most of the strategy in this Episode have been purposefully reserved for after the deadline, so we hope you will be willing to share your builds as they develop.

      Be sure to tag your shots as SHIPtember and post to the Flickr group to reach out to broader AFOL community


  • Bonus: Build a scene for your starfighter or SHIP. This will help your score in Wave 1 and Wave 3. Additional story and exposition about the fighter or SHIP will help judges assess Wave 2. Most importantly, get your characters to Endor. Use this Episode as an opportunity to prepare your character for the ultimate battle on Endor. Whether they're piloting or just catching a ride we all know where everybody needs to end up. Make it happen.


  • All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Nar Eurbrikka subform, the title prefixed by "[SoNE Ep. XVI]" followed by "[Cat. A]" or "[Cat. B]" and your personal title. For example, "[SoNE Ep. XVI] [Cat. A] Grey Squadron Leader." 
  • You may build in one or both categories. 
  • If you use the same bonus scene for both categories, the extra points will be attributed to your Category A build.
  • Canonical ships may be built, but you should improve on previous renditions. There have been a lot of X-Wings; if you're going to do one, do a damn good job. For any non-canonical ships, your score will weigh heavily on the appropriateness of your design and how it fits in with the rest of the fleet. 
  • The Episode will run from August 18 to September 30. As long as it is still September somewhere in the world, you can still post your build. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified from the Episode and will not receive XP.
  • Entries will be judged on a 1-25 point scale, however the judges see fit. Points earned will be attributed to your character at the end of Wave 3.
  • This episode/contest is open to all players of Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka, even if they joined EB or signed up for the game after the episode has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win XP or prizes; the EB admins and moderators, who are not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP; and the episode host, who is not eligible to win prizes but may earn XP.
  • All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the episode. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation.
  • All entries must be built from real LEGO or with Lego Digital Designer. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts.
  • Post pictures no larger than 1024x768, as specified in the EB Member Guidelines.
  • You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on as many shots as you like. At least one shot must be posted (under a spoiler tag, if desired) with no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited,.
  • All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC.
  • All rules in the Core Rules topic apply unless otherwise stated in this explanation or the rules above.



  • Scoring will be done in three waves of single loss elimination. Both factions will choose an Admiral to command their fleet (Admirals must be available to choose builds in a timely manner or they will be replaced based on the judges's discretion). Each wave will involve one on one and one on two match ups chosen by the Admirals. Posting of results will depend on the rate of play, so it could be after each SHIP to SHIP or fighter to fighter skirmish or after the entire round; we're not exactly sure how it'll all play out.

Scoring (Wave 1)

  • When the submission deadline has passed, the Admiral of the largest fleet will choose a fighter and a SHIP to launch the Wave 1 attack.
  • The smaller fleet Admiral will choose a fighter and a SHIP to counter their respective attackers. Judges will score each individual build (secretly) and the higher scoring builds will advance to Wave 2. The lower scoring build will be eliminated from the remainder of the competition. 
  • The smaller fleet Admiral will choose the next fighter and SHIP to attack and the larger fleet Admiral will counter. Judges will score/advance/eliminate builds. This will continue with each Admiral alternating attacks and counter attacks until one side is out of builds. The winning and remaining/unchallenged builds will advance to Wave 2.

Scoring (Wave 2)

  • The Admiral with the largest remaining/advanced fleet will choose EITHER a fighter or a SHIP to attack.
  • The Admiral of the smaller fleet will counter with 1-2 builds, likely a capital SHIP and fighter escort.
  • The judges will advance the build they think would win in an actual fight. Therefore, an intricate, perfectly-built transport SHIP, may be destroyed by a smaller, lower scored TIE fighter. Descriptions and stories of the builds will help the judges make their decisions. For example, although Mortesv's Nebulon-B is an absolutely stunning build that should win any competition we put together, but without a fighter escort, it may be destroyed by a crappy little Cutlass-9. Admirals will have to carefully weigh whether their best fighters should be on attack or defense. 
  • The Admirals will take turns attacking and countering builds until one side is out of builds. The winning and remaining/unchallenged builds will advance to Round 3.

Scoring (Wave 3)

  • Both fleets have suffered heavy attrition and will now face each other in mass. The (secret) scores on each remaining build will be tallied and the highest scoring faction will win the Episode. This is when effective protection of intricate, perfectly-built transport ships will be proven important. 
  • In the event of a tie, the judges will judge the entire fleet as a whole without regard for individual points, giving special notice to backstories and collaborations. The best fleet wins.


  • All players with the winning fleet will receive this tag 35438708844_67ed853101_s.jpg to commemorate their victory. You can only have one of these tags or one of the Community Build tags at a time, but a log will be kept of all the tags you've earned in your profile in the Player Index.
  • You will receive XP equal to the number of points you are awarded from the judges in each category.
  • The winning fleet may choose any unclaimed planet to add to their faction's territory.

Edited by goatman461

OK, so with this contest officially announced does that reset our freebuild count to zero? Because I have one more to post that is built but not photographed (I'm lazy and have been working on a fighter for this) But if I post that freebuild I don't want to cap out and not be able to post a "How I got to Endor" freebuild.

My build is very un-Empire in design but if I can story my way into how I ended up with it is that ok? IMO making yet another TIE is awfully boring. I'd be more inclined to build a Rebel ship and say I stole it. :grin:

7 hours ago, Kodan Black said:

OK, so with this contest officially announced does that reset our freebuild count to zero? Because I have one more to post that is built but not photographed (I'm lazy and have been working on a fighter for this) But if I post that freebuild I don't want to cap out and not be able to post a "How I got to Endor" freebuild.

My build is very un-Empire in design but if I can story my way into how I ended up with it is that ok? IMO making yet another TIE is awfully boring. I'd be more inclined to build a Rebel ship and say I stole it. :grin:

Well there's a lot more than tie fighter's. 

On 8/18/2017 at 1:37 PM, Kodan Black said:

OK, so with this contest officially announced does that reset our freebuild count to zero? Because I have one more to post that is built but not photographed (I'm lazy and have been working on a fighter for this) But if I post that freebuild I don't want to cap out and not be able to post a "How I got to Endor" freebuild.

According to the core rules topic, the freebuild count resets after each episode concludes.    I'm not sure we've actually been tracking it all that closely, and I realized after looking it up that I've probably been labeling my freebuilds incorrectly... I'd say go ahead and post your planned freebuild(s) and if it looks like you'll have more than 4 for the current episode you can always throw yourself at the mercy of the judges :devil:


My build is very un-Empire in design but if I can story my way into how I ended up with it is that ok? IMO making yet another TIE is awfully boring. I'd be more inclined to build a Rebel ship and say I stole it. :grin:

We want to give people a lot of creative freedom when it comes to ship choice/design, so if you can justify it with your story (and it's not too outrageous, like a stolen Millennium Falcon) we'll be fine with it.

  • MKJoshA pinned this topic

That's an interesting idea for the contest, I really like how each episode feels so unique. Just for clarification:


Category A: Starfighter or Freighter (anything under 100 studs)

The 100 studs refer to width/length, correct? Like, it's not the total surface or anything? It would be awfully hard to build a starfighter in less than 10x10.


Hope I can come up with something! Still a slow time for me, Lego-wise, right now.. but the episode runs long enough, so that's no excuse, lol.

On 8/18/2017 at 10:37 PM, Kodan Black said:

OK, so with this contest officially announced does that reset our freebuild count to zero? Because I have one more to post that is built but not photographed (I'm lazy and have been working on a fighter for this) But if I post that freebuild I don't want to cap out and not be able to post a "How I got to Endor" freebuild.

My build is very un-Empire in design but if I can story my way into how I ended up with it is that ok? IMO making yet another TIE is awfully boring. I'd be more inclined to build a Rebel ship and say I stole it. :grin:

How have you been building a ship for this if this was just announced? *huh*

19 hours ago, LucasLaughing said:

We want to give people a lot of creative freedom when it comes to ship choice/design, so if you can justify it with your story (and it's not too outrageous, like a stolen Millennium Falcon) we'll be fine with it.

Why no, this Centennial Hawk is totally my own creation... :laugh:

Nah, I have a good cover story for my build. It is a fighter, nothing crazy like stealth or the whole ship is made out of the stuff black boxes are made of. :tongue:

6 hours ago, Cody Startale said:

That's an interesting idea for the contest, I really like how each episode feels so unique. Just for clarification:

The 100 studs refer to width/length, correct? Like, it's not the total surface or anything? It would be awfully hard to build a starfighter in less than 10x10.

Correct, the 100 studs refers to total length or width, not surface area.  

Edited by LucasLaughing

I've honestly never laid out 100 studs in length to see what scale it even is. I'll have to see if I even have the parts to make a SHIP. That is a LOT of pieces.

  • Author

Just to start off the WIP part of this episode... (please pardon the instagram interface)



Contemplating throwing my hat into the race. Not sure how much time I'll have but Care to add me to the Imperial chat on this one, old friend? 

~Imperial scum


2 hours ago, Dannylonglegs said:

Contemplating throwing my hat into the race. Not sure how much time I'll have but Care to add me to the Imperial chat on this one, old friend? 

~Imperial scum


Hey Danny!  We'd be glad to have you join us, and even if you don't have time to build a SHIP (I'm not sure I will either), we'll still need starfighters and smaller vessels.

6 hours ago, LucasLaughing said:

Hey Danny!  We'd be glad to have you join us, and even if you don't have time to build a SHIP (I'm not sure I will either), we'll still need starfighters and smaller vessels.


8 hours ago, Dannylonglegs said:

Contemplating throwing my hat into the race. Not sure how much time I'll have but Care to add me to the Imperial chat on this one, old friend? 

~Imperial scum


That's why I am going Micro.:grin:

  • Author

Some more WIPs...

I'll slow down a bit at this point and shore up the structure while I re-evaluate the design. It did go a lot faster than I thought it would, but I haven't built much else lately, so I think I was a bit starved for building big.

Hoping to see some more WIP shots from everybody else. What are y'all planning? Where are you getting your design inspiration? I shared this link with the Imperials, but I suppose it could help the Rebels, too... http://fractalsponge.net/ I've been using it to help figure out what scale I wanted to work in and how the greebling should work.

Here is my first, low quality #WIP picture of my build:


More progress:


Edited by Gubi0222

  • Author
On 8/30/2017 at 6:23 AM, Gubi0222 said:

Here is my first, low quality #WIP picture of my build:


More progress:


Interesting. Nice greebling work. I like how you've set out some of the elements first. I think the more you can nail down before building, the better you can focus on those elements in your overall design

On 2017. 09. 02. at 3:52 AM, goatman461 said:

Interesting. Nice greebling work. I like how you've set out some of the elements first. I think the more you can nail down before building, the better you can focus on those elements in your overall design

Yeah, Thanks!Usually before building I have ideas of the small details already and I start with them. Then comes the tricky part, combine all of this to one model. I'm doing this type of building because I'm a little limited with parts and want to use the right parts for the planed details.

Here are some more WIP pics as examples:


  • 2 weeks later...

All right - just over two weeks left!  How's everyone doing?  I've finally had some time to sit down and build - here's my WIP:



Still a fair amount of body to fill in and detail, but I'm pretty happy with it so far.

Looks awesome! Makes me wanna throw in the towel, though xD


I've got the vague feeling that this will be, once again, an uphill battle for the Alliance. But on the other hand, that's what the whole Rebellion itself is, so...


No WIPs from me, yet. I haven't started on the episode build yet, but done a lot of planning already. Will begin building next week.

Looking nice. I'm at the final tweaks stage for my fighter and part of my bonus scene. Have a plan for my 2nd bonus scene build, now time to start putting pieces together. Glad I have 2 weeks, will let me finish and take pics without being quite so rushed.

Is a ship a little bit smaller than the Ghost with the fire power to take out a Star Destroyer considered too Over Powered?

Not that I'm a judge, but since the Ghost is about 44 meters long and the ISD is 1600 meters long, that seems like a bit much. I can't recall the Ghost going up against anything that large on the show.

26 minutes ago, Kodan Black said:

Not that I'm a judge, but since the Ghost is about 44 meters long and the ISD is 1600 meters long, that seems like a bit much. I can't recall the Ghost going up against anything that large on the show.

But the B-wing did destroy a small destroyer.

If not can it disable it?

Or at least destroy a Tie Transport thing?

Edited by LEGORACER1

Okay thanks.

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