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53 minutes ago, BrickbyBrickTechnic said:

I'm pretty sure that it's LBG, but it could just be the picture.

If get it correctly, the "Ferry" deck is just made of them, in LBG. Wonder how much it has...

And it seems I missed all the fun and pictures, but from what I read I think rally car would be most up my alley or maybe a truck if it has some nice features or parts

Edited by Ascius

Just to be clear, @Jim, are we allowed to post links, or no? 

Anyway, some leaked photos, including Technic, are on the Lego Reddit page, for now.

15 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

Just to be clear, @Jim, are we allowed to post links, or no? 

Anyway, some leaked photos, including Technic, are on the Lego Reddit page, for now.

Can't find the Technic pics even on Reddit.

After seeing the leaked pictures i am 100% sure that the rally car is exactly the same size, wheels an then,  by deduction, functionalities than the 42041 B model.

According to me it is not a bad thing since this B model is still build actually and played with by my children. The A model was put in pièces after 3days....

I read that you guys want transmitions and suspension on it, but at this scale it is absolutely not a must have....

EDIT: and from memories, the space between front wheel and mudguard doesn't let any doubt on the lack of this feature.


For the Mack truck i am not 100% sure but would'nt be surprised if it use the medium size tires and then will not be in the 42043 scale.

Just think about how large the b model of this 42043 is. And then think it is a different tractor, MUCH longer, and with a trailer???? no much too big i think.

I base my analyse in comparison size between tires and the rack of the outriggers

Edited by steph77

3 minutes ago, steph77 said:

EDIT: and from memories, the space between front wheel and mudguard doesn't let any doubt on the lack of this feature.

That is the most realistic outcome for this set. We should appreciate to have another red wheels in new set

29 minutes ago, steph77 said:

After seeing the leaked pictures i am 100% sure that the rally car is exactly the same size, wheels an then,  by deduction, functionalities than the 42041 B model.


I read that you guys want transmitions and suspension on it, but at this scale it is absolutely not a must have....

EDIT: and from memories, the space between front wheel and mudguard doesn't let any doubt on the lack of this feature.

The front wheel compared to the 18944 mudguard and 5x7 panel suggests that it uses these tyres on Xerion rims. I'm willing to bet that in the gap between the mudguards - partially obscured by the "P" in preliminary - that's a yellow shock absorber lurking in there. Something overall very similar in looks and function to the 42039.


29 minutes ago, steph77 said:

For the Mack truck i am not 100% sure but would'nt be surprised if it use the medium size tires and then will not be in the 42043 scale.


I base my analyse in comparison size between tires and the rack of the outriggers

I think you're spot-on with this one though.

Edited by Gnac
Added stuffage

It does look a bit like Jim's favourite around the back, yeah :B

Could just be a trick of the light...

10 hours ago, J_C said:

do you realize not all the set can be (nor should be) flagships? There must be smaller cheaper simpler sets. Because there must be a price range from something to something, there must be products targeting different audience, from relatively young kids to adults (where kids are always the main focus, since LEGO is toy).  It can't be all 3000parts.

Sorry for stating the obvious, but it gets so easily forgotten.


Did you even read what I posted? I'm sorry if this is going to sound like me going in to Nerd Rage mode, but I full well realize that not all sets can be flagships. I'm saying that these sets are bad in relation to other sets of comparable price range. I've seen plenty of great sets that weren't flagships, like 42035, 42025, 42008, 8053, and many others. I actually like some of the small sets in the past, and feel that this latest batch don't hold up to that standard. I fully understand that not all sets can be 42043, but can't we at least have stuff like 42048 Go Kart, or 42035 Mining Truck?

7 hours ago, iv-tecman said:

The newer leaked pic with the hovercraft and rally car, I like them all if I'm honest. Problem is, many are expecting MOC type boxed sets, but as mentioned, TLG just cannot do this. They have budgets , deadlines and restrictions when designing these sets.

They are afterall still toys aimed at 10 - 14 year olds, the bigger sets towards age 16, and then they have to make them reasonable affordable.

2016 was one of the best years for Lego, even this year has been a few notable sets. So we'll see just how good these sets are.

I do know that Lego technic sets do generally tend to look much better once built and you start to play with them, or in my case my daughter plays with them.

The container truck I recently built from the 40th anniversary has in fact provided my daughter hours of fun , whereas the bucket wheel she hardly likes to play with. £50 container truck provided more playable fun then a rrp £230 bucket wheel.

Figures. Cause the bucket wheel was amazing value when it hit £140 ish, and was fantastic to build. But it is large and my daughter doesn't find it fun at all.

My point is, Lego needs to be both fun and engaging for not just afol, but also kids.

But I also understand technic builders enjoy all the gears, technical aspects. It must be hard for TLG to make affordable, engaging, playable, technical sets,  so I don't envy their tasks.

I'm sorry, but I don't care what your kid thinks. You're the member on this site, what do you think? And, my main point is that "It's aimed at kids" does not excuse crap design. Lego's ethos has always been "Only the best is good enough", and I don't see how the 2018 lineup fits that. Also, can you imagine if Lego released City sets that looked this bad? Lego can make sets that both look good and appeal to kids, and that's more my source of disappointment then that the sets are not like AFOL MOCs. I don't even know how you arrived at that conclusion. Most of us don't think that.

4 hours ago, nerdsforprez said:

Very well put.  It's frustrating when some can't see this.  I have said it before as pertaining to flagships:

There are inherent problems in judging something meant for 16 year olds by full grown adults. Many of whom carry advanced degrees and training in design, engineering, mechanics, etc. 

Think of how much more this applies to sets designed at 7-12 year Olds! *huh*

Forgive me, but this site is targeted at adults.  I'm not understanding why there is so much chatter about the faults of kids sets.  Even if they are technic.  For some seven year olds TWO functions may just be enough.

LEGOs job is to sell sets.  As many as possible.  And before anyone jumps to the "capitalist" complaints let me remind everyone that more sets sold means more pieces.  Billions and billions of them for which we should all be entirely grateful.  We would not have the hobby we do today, at least not like we now know it, if TLG did not worry about its bottom line.  Remember, it was only about 15 years ago that TLG was really struggling.  Really struggling.  They are NOT immune to market forces. If catering to the needs of the general public (and substandard sets for a very select group of AFOLs) means flooding BL with new pieces in different colors.....sign me up....


Exactly. This site is by and for adult fans, and we should be allowed to complain about the lineup. And, yet again, Lego has shown that they can appeal to both kids and adults. Furthermore, I think making Technic sets more like City sets ultimately hurts both lines, as it cannibalizes sales, if they are too close, and I have personal experience in this regard. Most kids who are in to Technic want something that is complex anyway, as they have in some ways outgrown other sets. And, you are forgetting something. Technic does not stand on its own. It is merely one of several brands Lego has. And, having brands means that each brand can focus on its own market, rather than having to do everything.

Sorry, that was a rant. I just don't think that good design and kid appeal are mutually exclusive, and Lego has shown they are able to combine both.

4 hours ago, nerdsforprez said:

Think of how much more this applies to sets designed at 7-12 year Olds! *huh*

You are most likely hitting the nail on the head here, age range aside.

Lego wants to sell sets to kids who have outgrown the City/Ninjago/Superhero lines.

What easier way than making a simple Technic set that feels like a grown up version of a City bulldozer or a Chima hovercraft? The kids get introduced to Technic parts, visible mechanical functions, and are hopefully retained as customers for the next 3 or 4 years, not to mention the possibility of becoming an AFOL later on. 

22 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

Sorry, that was a rant. I just don't think that good design and kid appeal are mutually exclusive, and Lego has shown they are able to combine both.

I know you are expressing your opinion to @iv-tecman,  but you should be more kind, and don't forget, This is eurobricks, not www.rant.com

30 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

can't we at least have stuff like 42048 Go Kart, or 42035 Mining Truck?


30 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

not excuse crap design


31 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

Also, can you imagine if Lego released City sets that looked this bad?

Wow, you can really judge a lot from 2 tiny blurry prelim pictures. You did not see the final set yet and you know it is bad, crap etc and you can compare their functions with already known sets. 

I may be jumping to conclusions, but come on. The pictures are not that small, or that blurry. Have you even seen them? Also, I know I'm being negative, but a lot of you are like "How dare you criticize Lego, it's for the kids blah blah blah". I can acknowledge that Lego has their reasons for doing things, but I don't have to like it. I also feel that you guys are taking down opinions you don't like. You are allowed to like the sets you like, just as I'm allowed to dislike what I dislike. I don't need people saying I shouldn't be harsh because their kid likes a set, or that it's directed at kids. Like I keep coming back to, pleasing both young and old fans isn't impossible.

15 minutes ago, Saberwing40k said:

I may be jumping to conclusions, but come on. The pictures are not that small, or that blurry. Have you even seen them? Also, I know I'm being negative, but a lot of you are like "How dare you criticize Lego, it's for the kids blah blah blah". I can acknowledge that Lego has their reasons for doing things, but I don't have to like it. I also feel that you guys are taking down opinions you don't like. You are allowed to like the sets you like, just as I'm allowed to dislike what I dislike. I don't need people saying I shouldn't be harsh because their kid likes a set, or that it's directed at kids. Like I keep coming back to, pleasing both young and old fans isn't impossible.

I think you are missing a central point here.  We are not arguing that Lego cannot be for both adults and kids.  It certainly can and IS.  Several thousand-piece sets with price tags of several hundreds of dollars attest to that.  7-11 sets versus 16+ sets.  That is the discussion.  Entirely different things here.  Your comments are drawing criticism as they are directed towards certain sets.  Can't miss this point.  

Also,  you are right about your privilege about to complain about the sets.  And others have the right to comment if they think it is somewhat outta place.  See how circular this is?   We could do this all day.  No one made a remark about censoring your comments, only our own reactions to them.  That would be the only place to draw the line.  Other's have the right to comment about your comments and not be accused of censorship.  Because no one recommended that.  Some have asked for calming the negativity, but this was not directly solely at you nor trying to stymie your preference for a set or articulation thereof.  It was simply a recommendation to calm the way your opinion was shared.  Jim even gave an example of someone who did not like the sets, but voiced their opinion on a much more productive manner.  Another point that cannot be missed. 

Ultimately, you don't like the sets.  Totally understand.  Not a problem.  I was simply pointing out how I see the rationale, or lack thereof, behind how you made your decisions.  I don't disagree with the criticisms of the small sets.  I just don't see them in a contextually-appropriate place.  Best way to describe my opinion, not directly targeted at you but towards the whole enterprise of adults criticizing sets meant for 7-11 year olds, could be summarized in the following example:

Complaining for the lack of design in a child's Technic set kinda seems to me like an engineer from Porsche running into  a Ford designing plant and begin complaining about how a Ford Focus is designed.  Would he/she be correct in their complaints?  Most assuredly yes.  At the same time, would their comments have a very "wrong place and wrong time feel to them"?   Hmm.... I won't say..... but it is something to think about.  

Personally, I just don't see the utility in flexing ones mechanical/technical muscles in front of a bunch of guys and guys given a task to build toys for kids.  There seems to be an incredible lack of logic behind it.  But, that is just my opinion.   



8 hours ago, Saberwing40k said:

I just don't think that good design and kid appeal are mutually exclusive, and Lego has shown they are able to combine both.

This. And for example 42070 seems to fail both groups: it's very expensive (so not really aimed at kids) and it lacks some of basic features (not really aimed at kids).
I am also very disappointed by the car and 'meh' by the others, but I don't think the situation is that bad. Most sets in a year are quite poor (remember the white robot that shakes its head if it's rolled?) but we always get some very good sets too (42069 in 2017 H2). We can hope that the Mack will be quite awesome, and it's just H1 yet.

(honestly seeing these sets makes me feel I could design better sets that these, even with the restrictions TLG designers have...)

Edited by Lipko

41 minutes ago, Lipko said:


(honestly seeing these sets makes me feel I could design better sets that these, even with the restrictions TLG designers have...)

I think the same thing. Lego, hire me and Lipko already!:laugh:

48 minutes ago, Lipko said:

(honestly seeing these sets makes me feel I could design better sets that these, even with the restrictions TLG designers have...)

I know we don't know much about the design process, but my god, I feel exactly the same.

53 minutes ago, Lipko said:

(honestly seeing these sets makes me feel I could design better sets that these, even with the restrictions TLG designers have...)

True that, although I'd like to know to what constraints sets are being developed (piece count etc.) before I would make this statement myself...

But I do feel that some of the smaller sets offer great MOC pieces for a relatively low price. That has to be a positive thing for AFOLs right? And as mentioned before, we havent seen the real models yet. 42069 is biggest example of recent sets that got everyone blown away when fully exposed. Who knows what surprises are still hidden :look:

6 hours ago, Saberwing40k said:


I think we do not understand each other. 

I am absolutely not questioning your right to have even the most negative opinion. Absolutely not. 

I am neither non-critical fanboy who wows everything that LEGO makes. examples: I do not like that there are so many colours (non only in Technic, everywhere - I think the breaks visual consistency of Lego) I think 2 of each colours would be plenty, I do not like when models relies on stickers to achieve their visual design goals, I do not like there are differences in instructions qualities and standards between models, I absolutelly hate how "lazy" Lego is nowadays (when I was a kid Legoland house wall was made from bricks, now single piece which will always be just a wall. The most "offensive" to me are current planes, helicopters and trains. Look at City plane now where half of the fuselage is one part and 4studs wide planes from Legoland from 80s. Old ones were made from relatively non-specialized bricks. Current passenger train is half of its body from 1 piece. That is criminal IMO. I also do not like how Lego openly violent is at some themes - superheros, StarWars - I know money talks, anything labeled StarWars or Marvel will sell regardless what it is, but there are sets I would NOT buy to my kids. If I take catalog from old times, I would happily buy all.

I am not in "we must not criticize" "Lego group. At all.

Now my point: I am not questioning THAT you have such a opinion, I am puzzled HOW you got to that opinion. Why? because these pics were prelim, you did not see the sets in final form, you did not see it in "action" to judge the functions. I think it is just premature to judge it or dismiss it. That is all.

Maybe even these smaller sets are really clever, maybe they are just like 42070....or worse  :wink:

edit: I liked those prelim sets, they looks promising and idea of sailboat is exciting for me

Edited by J_C

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