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Zane is arguably one of the coolest characters in the NINJAGO Universe and he deserves a cool ride. In my 10th RA review, I will take a cold hard look at 70616 Ice Tank to examine if it fits his character and if this tank is actually worth one's while. Now let's get it on.

Name: 70616 - Ice Tank
Theme: The LEGO NINJAGO Movie
Year: 2017 (2H)
Pieces: 914
Minifigures: 5
Price: USD 79.99 / EUR 79.99 / GBP 79.99 / SGD 149.99 / MYR 399.90
Resources: Brickset & Rebrickable

Official Set Description


Help Zane save Patty Keys and Torben from the shark soldiers with this action-packed THE LEGO® NINJAGO® MOVIE™ Ice Tank set. This cool vehicle features an opening minifigure cockpit, big tracks, ice cannon with 6-stud rapid shooter, and a rotating ice container. The set also includes 5 minifigures with assorted weapons—including Zane’s bow and arrow and Shark Army Thug’s fish spike dagger—to add to the exciting role-play possibilities.

  • Includes 5 minifigures: Zane, Shark Army Thug, Angler, Patty Keys and Torben.
  • Ice Tank features an opening minifigure cockpit, big tracks, ice cannon with 6-stud rapid shooter and a rotating translucent-blue ice container with extra ice ammo elements for the rapid shooter.
  • Drive the tank to make the ice container spin.
  • Weapons include Zane's bow and arrow, Shark Army Thug's fish spike dagger and Angler's bladed fish sword.
  • Accessory elements include Zane's quiver and Angler's scuba diving tank.
  • Recreate and role-play exciting THE LEGO® NINJAGO® MOVIE™ scenes.
  • Ice Tank measures over 8” (21cm) high, 12” (31cm) long and 9” (23cm) wide.



I made a video review of this set for a local launch event and you can jump at the very end to watch the video review. Today, I am doing a more detailed review of this set so that I can address some of the most common comments I read about this set online.
The front box panel shows the 2 civilians running away from the Shark Army guys. If you're not familiar that Zane is fighting with the good guys, you may think that he's also running after the civilians even if he is supposed to be saving them from the Shark Army bad guys.

The back panel shows the play features of the set. I find it amusing that there are 5 frames at the lower portion of the panel but only 3 of them actually shows the play features. The other 2 just shows Zane hiding behind a plant and another one showing the length of the Ice Tank.


A decent amount of minifigures are included in this set -  2 bad guys, 1 good guy and 2 civilians, for a total of 5 minifigures.

36287917043_a19cf3f444_n.jpg 36287917273_b3d68b93a8_n.jpg

One of the side panels shows the same box art shown in front, while the other one shows the LEGO Life App logo.

Now let's start building.



There are 7 numbered plastic bags, 1 clear plastic bag without a number, 2 loose wheel rims and another plastic containing the instruction manual and sticker sheet.



The quality of the manual is on par with the more recent perfect bind manuals (book binding with adhesives). I don't think it needs to be printed this big (about the size of A4 paper) but I remember these are meant for kids. I almost forgot because the box art does not have the usual recommended age in front of the box.

Flipping through the manual, there is a checklist of TLNM sets towards the last few pages.36912538336_96f77bef43_b.jpg

Below is the sticker sheet for this set and for the first time after doing 10 reviews here in EB, I applied the sticker on this set because I used this set for exhibits as well.


I'm not going to go through all the details but #11, #14 and #15 reads "Zane".

#5, #6 and #11 are symbols for Zane's elemental power. If it is not obvious enough, those are  snowflake pattern variations. 


The next 2 pictures below are the preview on how each numbered bags contribute to the build:


Now, let's go through the actual build.


Bag #1 contents

What's not displayed on the picture is the additional 2 trans-light blue half cone 5x10x6 pieces from the plastic without number.

Bag #1 build

Right from the beginning, we see the cheater wheel that adds grip to the vehicle. The mechanism also turns the axle of the "ice container" so that when you push the vehicle, the mixer axle turns as well.

Bag #2 contents

Whenever I see part 32531 Technic Brick 4x6 Open Center, I usually associate it with strengthening frame build.


Bag #2 build


Nothing much happening except it looks more sturdy after adding more technic parts.


Bag #3 contents

Like the first numbered bag, what's not displayed on the picture is the additional 2 trans-light blue half cone 5x10x6 pieces from the plastic without number. It's needed to complete the ice container as seen below.


Bag #3 build

The most notable thing in the build progress so far is that the Ice Tank is looking like a cement mixer. Also, in the picture above I have attached extra parts from bag #4 that should not belong in bag #3 -- mainly the black thread sprocket, the DBG slope with 4 slots and  LBG wheel holders.

The tip of the "ice container" uses 8 white plate 1x1 rounded with handle. I think TLG should create this piece in more colours because it is so useful.


Bag #4 contents

The loose wheels included in the box are not from the bag #4 but it's needed to complete the track wheels,

Bag #4 build
The repeating pattern on the bigger wheels adds a little finishing touch on the wheels but I find it interesting that the designers used the inverted curved slope instead of just the normal 2x1 curved slope which could have produced the same look. The inverted slope is more expensive in the aftermarkets so I am glad they use this part to create that detail.


Bag #5 contents

You almost can't see it but there are 2 trans-clear canopies there -- same mould used in X-Wing and U-Wing but without any printing.



Bag #5 build


So far everything looks symmetrical until the cannon at the left side of Ice Tank (your right) was added.  


Bag #6 contents

There are lots of ball joints included in this set but not a single one of them is used for articulation. So where is it used?

Bag #6 build

The combination of hinges and ball joints make the triangular shape possible. This is the highlight for me on building the Ice Tank because I never thought of using ball joints to achieve this kind of shaping. I came across the use of ball joints to hold the position of the U-Wing deflector shield (the wing prongs) but the designer of Ice Tank explored this technique further to use it for permanent fixtures and it works surprisingly great.


Bag #7 contents

Bag #7 is just like bag #6 but with additional pieces needed for the hanging flags or banners.

Bag #7 build

Finally, we're done with the build... but without all the stickers applied yet.

It looks decent without the stickers but the flags or banners are screaming out loud "you need to put the stickers on here!"


Top view

Here's the top view of Ice Tank with all the stickers applied. The stickers help the cockpit area look more interesting because without them, it just looks too white and bland.

Surely, it looks imposing when viewed from the top angle. I read some reviewers criticising the gap in the middle but I did not mind this gap because it shows the icy core of the tank which totally looks intentional and not a folly of the designer. Why would you close the gap in the middle when it's meant to be seen? Close the gap and you would think that the Ice Tank is trying to pull off an upright Super Star Destroyer (SSD). In a way, it does look like an SSD combined with a mammoth tank already.


Right side view

I appreciate the trans-light blue tiles at the edges. I like this colour in general so having these parts for MOC is most welcome.


Left side view

Only the left side has six studs shooter and this sort of cannon weapon does not move. When you think of tanks,  you think of rotating cannons and turrets so I was expecting it should move in at least one axis so that you can pretend it can aim at target -- but it's just fixed in one position. You can only turn the tan gear to fire the six studs shooter. I suppose durability comes first in designing this set. 

Since I mentioned durability, let me segue there briefly. My problem with this durability thing with LEGO sets is that while the designers try to create sturdy sets, they seem to forget that no matter how sturdy the sets are (frame wise), when you put flimsy things on the set such as those 4 flags/banner sticking out and circular details on the big wheels -- they kind of contradict their own design philosophy. While Ice Tank is definitely built like a tank, if I pick this tank up by the edge or even by the "ice container", it will break apart easily because the weight of this set cannot firmly hold itself together unless you hold it at the right spot. The circular details on the big wheels easily come off also when I try to pick this up by holding both thread wheels because my fingers go in the recessed area of the thread wheels sometimes and the inverted slopes detach when I flick them accidentally. I might be nitpicking here but this is just a general observation.

The ice container "mixer"


I'm also not convinced that this is a 'play feature'. it's just a gimmick that could be appreciated by kids below 10 years old. My son enjoyed it but it annoyed me several times. It's totally optional to put those trans-light blue round bricks if you do not want the rattling noise.

Overall, I like the build because of the interesting techniques used in this set. There are little annoyances but those are very minor when compared to the good things about this set.



I already mentioned in the build section which parts I find interesting so let me do a quick round up.

For big parts, these are the more interesting ones for me -- not only they are rare recolour of existing parts, they seem useful in MOCs also.



For the small parts, again the plate 1x1 rounded with handle should appear in more colours. It's really a useful piece. I also found other use for the Technic link threads so I like having different colours of that part.

The other 2 small parts that I really like are minifigure headgears, namely the new conical hat and sand blue angler headgear.



Below are the extra pieces that I got from the set.

For the entire parts list here is the picture taken from the instruction manual:36287914973_ae4f9e5701_b.jpg


We have Zane, Torben, Patty Keys, Shark Army Angler and Shark Army Thug in the set. Overall a decent minifigure selection.

I like the fact that we get 2 civilians even though they are not entirely unique. Patty Key's head piece is also used in the minifigure named Pat in set 70613 Garma Mecha Man. It's likely the same character, just in different torso and legs combination. What's interesting is that Pat in set 70613 is using the same torso and legs combination of Torben. Torben's attire is also used by Takuma which has the same hairpiece as Patty Keys, just with a different headpiece.

Meanwhile, Patty Key's torso and legs are also used on a character named Ham found in set 70607 City Chase.

The removable armour with air tank with "1 bar / low battery" printing used by Shark Army Angler (sand blue) can also be found in 70614 Lightning Jet, used by Crusty (orange crab headgear). A variation of this armour with "3 bars / medium battery" printing can be found in the CMF TLNM series used by Shark Army Octopus and Shark Army Angler (sand green).

Front view with accessories

Back view with accessories

Front view without accessories and head gear

Back view without accessories and head gear

Fun fact: The TV version of Patty Keys appeared in at least 10 episodes. Her inclusion in this set is likely a homage to one of the early NINJAGO episodes where she cheered for Zane as a fan. 

TV version of Patty Keys (minifigure in pink torso) cheering for Zane


A quick side by side comparison of the sand green and sand blue anglers




Quick side-by-side comparison of TLNM Zane (CMF), TLNM Zane in ninja suit and the classic Ninjago TV Zane


Swapping hair and head gears

Just swapping out hair and head gears to see how the movie Zane looks like with the classic hair and classic ninja head wrap. 



Before I proceed, let me address the proverbial elephant in the room about the price of this set. Different regions have different pricing strategy and I realised this when doing price research for this set. All data I used are available publicly and to present this easily, and objectively, I created a bubble graph.

Price Per Gram, Price Per Part and Price Per Minifigure chart for The LEGO NINJAGO Movie sets in USD


On the X-axis I put the price per gram (PPG) and on the Y-axis I put the price per part (PPP). The size of the bubble corresponds to the price per minifigure (PPM) which means that the bigger the bubble the more expensive the set is, per minifigure. For all metrics, a smaller value is better. EUR, GBP and MYR versions are also available but let's focus on the USD chart. Either way, the focus here is the Ice Tank set and it shows the same story across all versions.

Ice Tank is only expensive if you look at the price per part but if you consider the amount of plastic used in this set, it's really more decent than the Green Ninja Mech Dragon both in PPP and PPG, in most markets. The problem is that the Fire Mech set offers about the same number of pieces and weight, and yet it comes with 1 more minifigure. Overall, Fire Mech just offers more value and there is no contest. What adds more insult to injury is that Zane also comes in the Fire Mech set and the cheapest set as if the decision makers in TLG deliberately made it easy for buyers to make a pass on the Ice Tank. I have no freaking clue why. Seriously, why?

If you can move past the idea that Ice Tank price is ludicrous, then we can move on to my next point. The value of TLNM sets are incredibly high. I feel that the scaled down models are scaled so well that it achieves a good price point while maintaining a balance of details without pushing the price too high. I think Ice Tank retained majority of the details intended to be seen in the movie.  It is still sad, however, because I know for sure that the Green Ninja Mech Dragon has worse overall value and yet it will surely sell more than the Ice Tank simply because it is cheaper and looks more iconic even though you're really getting less.

Outside TLNM however, you'll realise that the Ice Tank is very competitively priced. Sets such as 60141 City Police Station (2017) and 41318 Friends Heartlake Hospital contains slightly fewer pieces but retails for $99.99. If you want to compare this to a licensed set -- 75179  Star Wars Kylo Ren's TIE Fighter retails for the same price at $79.99 and yet it contains less than 200 pieces! So you'll be the judge if the Ice Tank is overpriced.

The value of this set comes with the big pieces such as the trans-light blue half cone 5x10x6 pieces, trans-clear windscreens 8x4x2, wheel 81.6x15 as well as the 62 pieces of track wheels threads. It is definitely a  must-buy for track wheels enthusiasts and those who are willing to use the technique from this tank as a basis for other tank MOCs.


This how my son posed the minifigures for the "money shot"

Review summary

Playability: 7/10 - Track wheels are fun to play with but the rotating 'ice container' is a gimmick that only kids below 10 y.o. will likely appreciate. Otherwise, there is not much you can do with the tank other than roll and shoot. Wish there is at least 1 rotating/articulated turret included.
Design / Building Experience: 8/10 - I enjoyed the build. The eccentric and asymmetric design fits Zane's character very well. There are lots of unusual techniques used to achieve the angles. 
Minifigures:  7/10 - Getting 2 civilians is good and the sand blue Shark Army Angler is a great addition. There should have been 1 more minifigure to make it a better deal.
Price / Value for money: 8/10 - the set has tremendous value but when compared to immediate set of similar piece count, there are other sets that easily overshadows it within the same theme. Look outside The LEGO NINJAGO Movie theme and you will realise it's very competitively priced.
Overall: 7.5/10 - There are many things to like about this set but it lacks the oomph that other TLNM sets offer. Yes it is a land vehicle but it would have benefited for some articulated play features. Of course, if you're a track wheel enthusiast this is a must buy. If you are not after the good big parts and exclusive sand blue Shark Army Angler, there are better sets in TLNM that you can easily prioritise before buying this. 



Good review! This set is cool, but I have mixed feelings about it.

On the one hand, it's pretty huge and looks fantastic. Like the Lightning Jet, its overall shape is so unlike any other vehicle I've seen Lego create before. It also has a pretty unique feature in the form of the mixing drum.

On the other hand, there are some pretty sizable drawbacks. You mentioned one (the price), but another is that it feels a little... underarmed, for a set this size. The only armament is a single cannon that is not articulated (meaning that the Ice Tank is pretty useless against any foe at a different elevation) and uses a single six-shooter to function (a neat functional element in general, but one that's also integrated into the much smaller and better-armed Water Strider). I feel like the vehicle would generally be more imposing if the cannon were articulated, if there were additional weapons (maybe an identical cannon on the other side or some smaller turrets on the "wings"), and/or if it fired with force more proportional to the cannon's size (using a launcher like a 1x4 spring shooter, a Bionicle/Hero Factory sphere launcher, or even a Technic missile launcher).

  • Author
Just now, Lyichir said:

Good review! This set is cool, but I have mixed feelings about it.

On the one hand, it's pretty huge and looks fantastic. Like the Lightning Jet, its overall shape is so unlike any other vehicle I've seen Lego create before. It also has a pretty unique feature in the form of the mixing drum.

On the other hand, there are some pretty sizable drawbacks. You mentioned one (the price), but another is that it feels a little... underarmed, for a set this size. The only armament is a single cannon that is not articulated (meaning that the Ice Tank is pretty useless against any foe at a different elevation) and uses a single six-shooter to function (a neat functional element in general, but one that's also integrated into the much smaller and better-armed Water Strider). I feel like the vehicle would generally be more imposing if the cannon were articulated, if there were additional weapons (maybe an identical cannon on the other side or some smaller turrets on the "wings"), and/or if it fired with force more proportional to the cannon's size (using a launcher like a 1x4 spring shooter, a Bionicle/Hero Factory sphere launcher, or even a Technic missile launcher).

Thanks! I totally understand you. I have the same feeling when I completed this set. The build is really good and the shape is like no other (except that it does remind me of an upright SSD.. but that's just silly thoughts).

This is a set that should have at least 1 rotating turret, or like you said, an articulated cannon. We have not seen how the Ice Tank is going to be animated in the movie... but looks quite stiff. It is silly if the only way Zane can retarget an opponent is to move side to side using the track wheels. He can't even position his cannon up or down with the current configuration. :oh:

Is the cockpit an issue? I think I saw in Brick Vault's vid that Zane doesnt sit securely and the bottom can cockpit screen is on a hinge.

  • Author
Just now, LegendaryArticuno said:

Is the cockpit an issue? I think I saw in Brick Vault's vid that Zane doesnt sit securely and the bottom can cockpit screen is on a hinge.

It's not an issue. Even though there's no stud to securely hold Zane, he lays down on a 2x3 modified tile with clips and not directly on the canopy. 

Beautiful review and fantastic trans-clear cockpit!

I was super disappointed that this doesn't have the trans light blue cockpit as seen in the movie previews. It looked very cool (literally) with the white, but the clear cockpit is boring. 

  • Author
5 hours ago, LEGO Train 12 Volts said:

Beautiful review and fantastic trans-clear cockpit!

Thanks! I also like the trans-clear cockpit. :)

1 hour ago, danth said:

I was super disappointed that this doesn't have the trans light blue cockpit as seen in the movie previews. It looked very cool (literally) with the white, but the clear cockpit is boring. 

I understand your disappointed. I am more confused whether this is due to the colour grading of the film trailer. Kai's Fire Mech looks deep red (close to Harvard crimson) and even those trans-light blue tiles at the edge of Water Strider and Ice Tank looks greenish. I also have the Water Strider  -- and it also got the trans-light blue tiles on its legs, and a trans-clear cockpit. Therefore, it's not a "mistake" as they both have trans-clear cockpits.

Very nice review! I always love to read your reviews with those very clear and nice photos. This time with that time lapse video, everything is so perfect! 

Nice review, totally enjoyed reading it. Among the iconic vehicles and crafts, this particular set was the least interesting to me. I was more keen on Jay, Lloyd and Kai's main built. You managed to bring out the many fun aspects which I fail to notice and this is certainly in my radar now. Thanks for sharing with us. 

Great review, very thorough and lots of info and pics. I like the color scheme and there are some cool parts of this tank, but I don't love the price point. A couple more minifigs (though maybe then it would feel like putting in minifigs just for value) or maybe some minibuild like a hut or something (haven't seen the movie so I can't offer much of a suggestion). It just feels like a lot for a tank.

  • Author
12 hours ago, kaelthas said:

Very nice review! I always love to read your reviews with those very clear and nice photos. This time with that time lapse video, everything is so perfect! 

Thanks. I always try to put together the best review possible that I can, given the time constraints. 

10 hours ago, WhiteFang said:

Nice review, totally enjoyed reading it. Among the iconic vehicles and crafts, this particular set was the least interesting to me. I was more keen on Jay, Lloyd and Kai's main built. You managed to bring out the many fun aspects which I fail to notice and this is certainly in my radar now. Thanks for sharing with us. 

Thanks. Watch out for Jay's Lightning Jet. It's up next!

9 hours ago, Kodan Black said:

Great review, very thorough and lots of info and pics. I like the color scheme and there are some cool parts of this tank, but I don't love the price point. A couple more minifigs (though maybe then it would feel like putting in minifigs just for value) or maybe some minibuild like a hut or something (haven't seen the movie so I can't offer much of a suggestion). It just feels like a lot for a tank.

Glad you like the review. I really don't mind having more minifigures at this price point just to add more value in it. The less expensive set like  Lightning Jet has 6. This one is more expensive and it has 5. Zane might say, it does not compute.

On 9/11/2017 at 5:41 PM, danth said:

I was super disappointed that this doesn't have the trans light blue cockpit as seen in the movie previews. It looked very cool (literally) with the white, but the clear cockpit is boring. 

Same here. :sceptic:

Those Trans. White canopies in a unprinted form are a first, which is nice; but still, to have any canopy recolored in a transparent color other than Trans. White or Trans. Black is always is a much more ideal scenario.

It just could be that the designers chose that for the canopies for visual differentiation between the cockpit area and the ice mixer under the rear tail of the tank. Otherwise, it may give the impression to some that the tank's cockpit has been flooded. :oh3: :laugh:

Such an entertaining and detaile review with lots of bonus data.
The bubble chart approach is nice (I've done something similar for my personal comparison for other sets)
The nicely taken pictures and transitions within the pictures are a marvel to behold and I know for a fact, a pain to arrange.
Judging by the shadow diffusion, you must have a decent softbox setup too!
I have the same complaint for the Fire Mech which is generally very sturdy except for the flimsy flags. How could they have missed that?
Nice review all round.

PS: I love your watermark.

 great review! :sweet: I actually quite like this tank. It's highly creative, a bit weird, but in my opinion, pretty cool :wub:

the cockpit is not all that special though. that could have been a lot better. the gun... hmmm....

  • Author
11 hours ago, Digger of Bricks said:

It just could be that the designers chose that for the canopies for visual differentiation between the cockpit area and the ice mixer under the rear tail of the tank. Otherwise, it may give the impression to some that the tank's cockpit has been flooded. :oh3: :laugh:

:grin: that could be the reason.

4 hours ago, ultiminutes said:

Such an entertaining and detaile review with lots of bonus data.
The bubble chart approach is nice (I've done something similar for my personal comparison for other sets)
The nicely taken pictures and transitions within the pictures are a marvel to behold and I know for a fact, a pain to arrange.
Judging by the shadow diffusion, you must have a decent softbox setup too!
I have the same complaint for the Fire Mech which is generally very sturdy except for the flimsy flags. How could they have missed that?
Nice review all round.

PS: I love your watermark.

Thanks! I don't use a softbox even though it looks like I do. It's just how I setup my studio and post-processing that makes you think I use a softbox.

7 hours ago, snefroe said:

 great review! :sweet: I actually quite like this tank. It's highly creative, a bit weird, but in my opinion, pretty cool :wub:

the cockpit is not all that special though. that could have been a lot better. the gun... hmmm....

Thanks! I agree, it's cool and very creative. As for the cockpit, you're right. The cockpit could have been better. Without the stickers, it looks too plain so that is one of the rare occasion that I am glad I put the sticker on a set. I usually don't.

Great review, makoy!  I love this set, despite its (numerous) flaws.  Unfortunately, it's a Toys "R" Us exclusive in the U.S., which means I might be able to find it for a good clearance price...

...three years from now.  :(

  • 4 weeks later...

Makoy, do you mind posting a hi-res picture of the new cone piece? I would like to construct it for the LDraw library and I need to see the underside.


  • Author
On 10/16/2017 at 3:28 AM, freakwave said:

Makoy, do you mind posting a hi-res picture of the new cone piece? I would like to construct it for the LDraw library and I need to see the underside.


Sure, I'll post it here within 24 hours.

@freakwave check your inbox.. :cry_sad:

Edited by makoy

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