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Congratulations to the BURPAMOUNT SCUM TEAM Ari Nougat (Shadows), Thelma Brickmacher (Kintobor), Studcille B DeMille (Khscarymovie4) and the sole survivor Roger Ebrick (Lord Duvors)!

A big thank you to all of the players and my wonderful co-host DarkDragon. I'll have my final thoughts up later.

Players and Actions

Once again, thank you so much, and hope you all had fun!

As a lurker, this was fun to follow.


Great googly moogly, that was one insane game of Mafia. Thank you for hosting, KotZ and DarkDragon, it was a blast!

This was some great mafia! Thanks to the hosts, it was good to dig back into it!

That was amazing. Thank you for hosting, KoTZ! 

 This was a fun game! 

The reason I dissapeared on day four was because my grandfather passed away, and suddenly an online game (as enjoyable as it was) took a back seat to real life. 

Good job, scum people. You got us.

  • Author

Alright, once again thanks to everyone who played and those who followed as well. Here's my thoughts on everything, from the actual game to the players, as well as background. I've played some of the mafia games and followed a lot, but kind of drifted in and out. Then after someone posted in the index, I decided to give it a shot, and I'm incredibly grateful DarkDragon was willing to help out with her expertise and photography. Running a game is way different from playing; I knew that going in, but still. It was challenging and a great learning experience. And it was a lot of fun. There certainly were some hiccups along the way, but I think in the end everything turned out alright. Looking back, I'd love to host another game in the future, but who knows.

The story and characters of the came came from a little bit of my own life, and I was surprised we didn't have any game with a movie theme yet. I also just really needed an excuse to make silly LEGO and movie jokes, and every character had a name regarding the film industry, LEGO, or both. ABS comes from ABC, or CBS, whichever you prefer. And Burpamount is derived from Paramount, and well, BURPs. Brick Iger is a play on Bob Iger, head of Disney. I'm sure the rest are pretty obvious, but if anyone wants explanations to some jokes/morbid humor, just ask. The death scenes for characters also were written to reference their backgrounds, or something that was mentioned during a Day Thread. I actually expected the game to be much quicker and bloodier, but that no-lynch days, combined with the vig being very careful with the kills made this go from a mini-series to a full season.

DarkDragon had the great idea to make a short brickfilm for you guys for the conclusion thread, but unfortunately other more important projects took up the time and pushed that brickfilm off. So we reincorporated it into the conclusion comic for the flashback scene, finally revealing Duvors/Ebrick as the final scum.

Regarding characters, I'm really pleased at how much you guys went with it. If anyone remembers my first time I played, I was the stuttering cop Erik King in Zepher's Eurodina, and I went all in playing that role. Over the past few games, I've noticed what feels like people not always going into their roles, something I always found fun with these games, especially with Hinckley's Harriet Slutter. So the confirmation thread really helped get you guys in character, and it seemed like you all stayed in character through the end. It was a hoot reading these. Originally, the scum characters all ended up having glasses, by pure chance, so we flipped the characters of Nash and Thelma to make sure Kintobor and mediumsnowman stayed on their assigned teams, and so that it wouldn't be seen as hints in pictures if all of the scum team had glasses.


Day 1- Wow, what a start, TPRU though, you're barking up the wrong tree at Finn (little did we know this would continue all the way to the last day with Finn). And then Lord Duvors subtly saying he's Burpamount to mediumsnowman in the thread is hilarious. But where's Fosstud? Well, he's lynched.

Day 2-Well no kills during the night. Wow, TPRU came incredibly close to being killed and the town losing the vig. Luckily Bob stepped into protect him. Due to a mishap on my part, Shadows is lynched, but it seems like the scum can turn it around, based off the knowledge and expertise Shadows gave before he ultimately died.

Day 3-The scum managed to get it right thanks to Shadows' final words and get the doctor in the night. I'm surprised it's taking this long for the scum to find Thelma/Traitor. It seems relatively obvious. The scum are so under the radar now.

Day 4- Vig made a somewhat decent choice for this kill. If Duvors dies at night, Umbra becomes Serial Killer. The tracker goes down thanks to the scum, and the scum are making use that the doctor is dead, but nobody knows. Good work. But the town is just running like a chicken without its head.

Day 5- Man I've been waiting to use that joke for Nash. Scum didn't kill, they're taking it slow now I think. And then there was the awful math. We know how that went. Thelma gets the axe. Town got 2/4 scum.

Day 6- There were so many more jokes I could've made for Brickald's death. Also that Thelma lynch joke is the best/worst by far that's been written. The town is getting it's groove, but I'm not sure they can keep it going. And there goes 3/4 scum.

Day 7- Quiet again. Now let's see how Duvors handles this. If he goes too fast or gets the wrong people, he's out. But he continues playing the long con. Good to see AB back as well. Ah and poor AB gets hit because of his vanilla claim. Kinda got screwed by that, even if it was true. Oh wait, no lynch.

Day 8- And poor Gopher. Such is the life of the lowest of the low. I'm actually surprosed he made it that far, not for being a bad player, but for being so experienced. And finally goodbye to AB. He had it a long time coming it seems. Same with Zepher, surprised he made it this far after being gone for a bit.

Day 9- Gah Duvors, you're playing them so well! They're all confused and don't trust anyone. You just have to keep it up a little longer. It's LyLo. And no lynch.

Day 10- Don't do anything wrong, town. Too late. Finn's out. Unless Duvors doesn't kill it's over. Yup, he killed. It's over.


Roger Ebrick/Lord Duvors- Great game. You did amazing, flying under the radar and pretending to be the doctor the entire time. Masterful work.

Ari Nougat/Shadows- Due to your reputation you got shafted with the lynch and investigation, but also a big part of that was my slip up giving you the wrong result for your own investigation. Once again, I'm incredibly sorry. Your death definitely was the factor that prolonged the game, so congratulations on making sure the town became confused!

Thelma Brickmacher/Kintobor- You flew under the radar as well, maybe that was your way of trying to grab the scum's attention to find you. Only at the very end of your tenure did they find you though, and by then it was too late. Great work.

Studcille B DeMille/Khscarymovie4- Great work on your end too. Your three kills were critical to your team winning.

Finn Foley/Tariq J- I'm surprised you made it that long as a vanilla townie. At the very end you went after the wrong person though! You were so close! Great playing.

Brickie/Bob- I'm sorry you were thrown down a well. Your one night action was crucial though, so be proud you got that. I wish you had been able to stick around a bit longer to see what would've happened.

Legonardo Brickcaprio/Umbra-Manis- I really wanted Duvors to die (no offense) to see what would happen when you turn to the Serial Killer. I think your downfall was informing Duvors (I think it was LD) about your role. Not sure what I would've done in your place, but you did well considering that action.

Nash Bricksman/mediumsnowman- The vig got you. Kind of funny, since the character of Nash was originally to be scum. Fairly well played.

Steve Studds/Vaderfan2187- Er, well, yeah...

Rosamund Bricke/Rider Raider- Good playing from you as well. I do have to say I don't remember too much of the playing, but that's really because you were vanilla and lynched early on. Better luck next time though!

William Plastic/jluck- You were killed early as well, which sucks. You tracked the right person the first night, but you didn't get to work on it, I think.

Audrey Hepbrick/Dragonator- So close! So close! Finn's turn against you was what sealed it, and you were doing such a great job, especially staying in character.

Glenn Clutch/WhiteFang- Same thing as Dragonator, except you weren't lynched. If only you two could have trusted each other more. Maybe as the one who saw everything behind the scenes, I felt like it was hitting you on the head Finn wasn't the final scum, but Duvors pulled the wool over your eyes. Great work though.

Brickald Reagan/TPRU- I actually expected you to kill more and make the game run faster. I think your hesitation, along with Shadows' advice, was what really stopped the Town from succeeding, especially the night you were originally going to kill Khscarymovie 4. If you didn't rescind that action, the game would have gone way differently, forcing Duvors to scramble. Both you and Khscarymovie4 would have died, and I had such a great way to end it. Good playing and being a voice of reason for the town though.

Gopher/Zepher- There was one character and player I knew had to be tied together, and that was yours. Kind of fitting you were vanilla also. You got pretty far, but unfortunately bad luck got you.

Bob Fosstud/PatRat- Silence killed you. No, not Scorcese's movie.

Brick Affleck/Actor Builder- Finally, you. Thank you o much for filling in after Vaderfan left before the game even started. You did a great job after being thrown in there with little warning. I'm surprised you got as far as you did, but you did a great job doing it.

Self-Criticism- I definitely dropped the ball regarding math and clearing things up. Totally on me, but I think the game still ran smoothly for the most part.

And finally, once again to DarkDragon for the fantastic photos and guidance. It was great workin on this with you the past months, and it certainly wouldn't have been possible without you.

Thanks for the awesome game DD and KotZ, loved the story and characters.

Great work on Duvors part :thumbup:, the way you related UM's claim made me believe you were town because I thought he was the back up role.

I'm so sorry for suspecting you Dragonator, since I was so sure Duvors was town it was between you and Whitefang.

No epic death scene for me though, how disappointing! :cry_sad: I feel cheated out of a dramatic final scene! *dramatic hair swish* :laugh: 

Well played Lord Duvors, and hard to catch you out when you could clearly choose whether or not to use your kill action.

Very good game, thanks for hosting!

The characters were all very good, my “box office bomb” death was hilarious. :laugh:

It was agonizing watching Duvors slowly turn the town against each other from the dead board when victory seemed all but certain for us. Well played :thumbup:

Thank you KotZ and DD for the fun and amazing mafia game ever, since I last played in years. It's definitely not my best performance but was thrilled to be able given a role as town investigator for the very first time in my game of life. 

I am sorry that my blinded moment (Duvor) had caused a crack on the Town Block. The inner town block which was TPRU, Zepher and I, felt something is not right. With UB claim to me privately on the backup role, I was too trusty and fell for it. I know Zepher trust Draggy completely and I wanted to trust Draggy a little bit more and to the final tipping point. It was just re-entact the whole sequence again with just the 4 of us. I felt less motivated to push further and drag to Day 11. Mistake and oversight on my part especially the end of it. 

It was fun and really enjoyable for me to go after Shadows in Day 2 openly and probably the part I enjoyed the most. 

It was a very fun game and great work to all of the players involved too. These are just my concluding thoughts for now. 

It was interesting to watch, would have enjoyed more time to play but I'm pretty much guaranteed a night one investigation, which means that if I'm scum and not the godfather, I can't survive long past the first night. *shakes fist at metagaming Fangy* :tongue:

  On 9/29/2017 at 9:26 PM, KotZ said:

Ari Nougat/Shadows- Due to your reputation you got shafted with the lynch and investigation, but also a big part of that was my slip up giving you the wrong result for your own investigation. Once again, I'm incredibly sorry. Your death definitely was the factor that prolonged the game, so congratulations on making sure the town became confused!

It was the most unfortunate set of events possible with regards to your mistake, I had been contacted by a tracker/watcher (jluck) and he knew I had investigated, so I had no other role claim option. That would have been fine, if the person I had investigated wasn't supposed to be the actual town cop. I had investigated Brickie, thinking it would be funny if the game had a police dog. Sadly, he wasn't the actual town cop, but the wrong info meant that I believed he was, so when Fangy popped up to point the finger at me, I thought that Brickie had investigated me and couldn't try to build a quick alliance with him behind the scenes. Since I had every reason to believe that Fangy had been given the info and wasn't the actual cop, I even sent him a PM warning him not to trust whoever was giving him that info, not knowing that it was his own role. I wish I had gotten any other wrong result, I could have tried to take out Fangy and delay my own death, which would have possibly speeded things along later, though I was pretty much destined to die in the first few days no matter what.

  On 9/30/2017 at 5:35 AM, WhiteFang said:

It was fun and really enjoyable for me to go after Shadows in Day 2 openly and probably the part I enjoyed the most.

I can guarantee it would have been a lot more fun for one of us if I'd had the chance to put up a proper fight. :devil:

Whatever the case, it all worked out in the end. Kudos to Lord Duvors for playing the ending very smoothly. It would have been easy to mess that up, but you managed it in a very tough situation. :thumbup:

Thanks to the hosts for putting this together. That said, if I was looking to give any specific future hosting advice, I'd just say to keep it really simple. You think you tried to incorporate a few things that were a little contradictory and it seemed to cause unnecessary confusion for the players. On the plus side, that made me suspect a hidden neutral, so at least that kept it exciting. :laugh:

And now its all over. Amazing job Duvors! Your performence in the last few days is what gave us the win! Why are you a critic? All the actors are dead, you can now win all the Henry awards. This was the most enjoyable mafia game I have played yet, so thank you KOTZ and darkdragon! This might be too early to bring up but is there any games set for the future. This was really fun, and I don't want to wait another year for the next one.

Not too too much for me to say since I was killed so early but I’m glad my one night action wound up saving the town. 

Good job to the scum team! I wasn’t watching much mid-game but I watched at the end and I was pretty impressed. 

In a way, Shadows, I was a Doctor Dog, which would make an excellent show if I’m honest. 

Keep forgetting to say a big thank you. Was a huge blast to get back into things. Some of the playing after my death was a little confusing to me, especially just blocking Finn two nights in a row to confirm he was the killer (I thought maybe there was some shenanigans behind the scenes but maybe not? Anyway, it felt obvious the real killer just had to not kill again to make everyone think it was Finn). But obviously things become more clear once you're out of the game. The U-M and Duvors link really threw me for a loop, and I guess we should have been cautious (honestly, we were still cautious) but it was a bad combination of things: both that a townie was linked to a member of the scum team and that the member of the scum team was the godfather made it VERY difficult to guess, in my opinion. Maybe a few too many wrinkles, but only in that one case.

All that being said, it really was a blast to get back into things with some old friends (WF, TPRU, Draggy, Shadows [briefly!]) and some newer friends (Duvors, though I think the deck was stacked slightly in your favor with the way U-M shook out you still played a masterful end game). I'd love for there to be another game, and I'm even thinking of maybe hosting one if I ever get my LEGO to my new place!

Thanks KotZ and DD, it was great to play another mafia game! Even though it took a while, there were a lot of twists and turns, and it felt like the game could go either way right up until the final day. Well done to Duvors for treading so carefully as the game went on. It must have been tempting to hammer Tariq when you had the chance, but nice job on taking out the blocker instead and ensuring your next kill would go through. 

I kind of regret playing so conservatively with the vig role, but more often than not the vig is going to hinder rather than help the town early on in the game. I wasn't in the town block until fairly late, so I kept PMing Fangy and jluck about their suspects each night so that I could avoid killing anyone who'd already been cleared (even though I ended up killing U-M, who I later found out had been investigated as town, but I guess that wasn't a bad decision after all). I had Khscarymovie and Kinto on my radar for so long, but unfortunately never got around to killing them.

  On 10/1/2017 at 12:32 PM, Bob said:

Not too too much for me to say since I was killed so early but I’m glad my one night action wound up saving the town. 

Thanks for the protection! I'd been giving Duvors credit for that. Duvors, my thank you has been rescinded. :angry:

  • 4 weeks later...

Just read all the threads today. I certainly suspected Tariq J more than Lord Duvors, based on night actions, though Tariq's voting was pretty towny. I am slightly surprised at the choice to lynch Dragonator though. It would seem illogical to me that a scum blocker would be able to take on a scum Godfather role. Doesn't the Godfather usually lose his ability to appear Town when he becomes the killer?

Regardless, well played everyone. For town, I especially enjoyed watching TPRU and Dragonator (towards the end).


Edited by Palathadric

  • 4 weeks later...

Firstly, I apologize for not speaking here in a more timely fashion, I would have spoken, but I was too exhausted and need some time to recover. That being said, this was a wonderful game and I enjoyed playing it, and I look forward to the next game KotZ hosts with anticipation. Thank you for having me.

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