March 22, 20186 yr @Captain Genaro, @Bodi, @KotZ, @Dukesc Kings Port Miro Oldis and the council had accepted the letter and requested a few days to consider the outcome. These days had turned to weeks and Hollande had been growing impatient. However, after the first 10 days, a number of small vessels had approached the fleet bringing fresh fruits and foodstuff, as well as Terraversan wine and beer, to the fleet, compliments of Miro Oldis and the council. Hollande had frowned to himself at the thought of more of that dreadful liquid, but the sailors were happy at the change of menu. And to Hollande's surprise, a small crate was brought in with a personal note from Oldis. "I could not but help to notice your distaste for Terraversan wine. It is an acquired taste, and our vintners are still inexperienced, unfortunately. However, I have arranged for a little something special for you". Upon opening the crate, he found 6 bottles of fine Olean wine, aged well. It was obvious that Oldis was a man of great parts, and that the Terraversans wishes to make a positive impression upon the RNTC delegation. One morning, with fresh supplies, came a sealed letter addressed to Hollande (will be PM'ed to Captain Genaro). It included full trading rights for the expedition for the duration of its stay, as well as some stipulations to be negotiated by mail over the coming weeks and months. Hollande was delighted, although it also posed some issues. If he handled this correctly, perhaps he would earn a peerage, he mused to himself, before remembering that to the best of his knowledge, he had lost half his ships. If only he had word of them... But how would he proceed? Our task here is done, and we have achieved what we set out to do. Now stock up with Terraversan goods and set sail for the next port! (Show the expedition trading for wares - this will end this part of the expedition and free the ships and troops for the regular MRCA, starting in King's Port) NB: Some parts of the expedition may select this option, while others stay. The faith still has demands on our time and there is still the matter of "the Huntress", as well as our contacts with Mardierian Loyalists. Stay, on the pretext of trading and continuing negotiations, and establish contacts to the relevant agents and organisations. Where will our search for the mysterious "huntress" or the elusive loyalists take us? Are they one and the same, or entirely unrelated? Do you seek both, or only one, and for what purpose? Do you seek intelligence on Terraversan military capacities, information on the loyalist movement, some artifact, or something entirely unrelated? The RNTC must have a base of operations in Terraversa. Or troops and sailors can build and set up a trading post for the RNTC. (Build a medium property or larger to represent RNTC activities in Terraversa. Up to 100 dbs in licensing costs will be free of charge.) (Negotiations can proceed outside the AMRCA between "Hollande" and leadership's NPC committee and does not require continuation of the AMRCA.) Westface The commotion after the shot had been harsh, and Oleanders and Terraversans alike still suffered from bruises, strains and a few broken bones. But at least it had been short - The Terraversan Hussars had quickly ridden into the frey, calling orders for all to "Stand down or be cut down!", Terraversans and Oleanders both. From the oaths and curses called by the hussar lieutenant, it was clear that the unit fighting the Oleanders were one of the multiple militias still standing from the war of independence. And the cries of "damned irregulars" and "uncontrollable peasant rabble" from the hussars made it clear that the regular troops had little respect for these self-instituted forces, who in turn made rude gestures to the regulars. Clearly, there was some enmity and discord within the Terraversan ranks, as officials and regular troops tried to wrest control from the many groups of irregular units formed during the war. From a very loudly, and publicly given reprimand, the Olean expedition gathered that the militia had been tasked simply with holding a side road from the harbour, not approach them, but that their commander had taken it upon himself to do so. Had he not done so, the trap might have been perfectly executed. It was no less successful, though, as the full Olean crew were now detained in a large, remote manor under a full guard, and the expedition had to consider its next move. Thus, L'Olius' Terraversan forces had, despite the unruly militias, achieved complete control and disarmament of the Olean forces with an impressive joint naval and army operation. All they had heard from the Terraversans since then was that Oliver was being cared for in the naval hospital, and that his condition was stable, but critical. It also seemed from their guards that official Terraversa placed most of the blame for the incident at the docks on the militia, rather than the Oleanders. Apparently, L'Olius was strict but fair... Hollande must have reached Kings Port by now - we must find a way to get a message across to him! He will make an official complaint and have us released. Show how the expedition gets a message across to Kings Port and what the message contains. (Official Terraversan channels? Royalist rebels? Smugglers? Sneaking out a messenger and stealing a horse?) Surely, Hollande needs not be disturbed. We can handle this ourselves! Request an audience with the local government to explain your position, apologize for the commotion, and require leave to sail the squadron to Kings Port, or perhaps home? Show the expedition negotiating, demanding, or requesting an audience, and let us know what they hope to achieve. Our situation is untenable and our imprisonment can only lead to further diplomatic issues. Let us escape our captivity, discreetly recapture the ships and take our departure. Show the attempts of escaping, and tell us where the expedition will seek to flee to. ("The great escape" like schemes are encouraged! ;) ) At least one build is required to progress any one part of the expedition, but to progress both, a minimum of three builds is required. (And more encouraged) Let us know if the above leads any questions or comments. Genaro will receive a letter from Terraversa as soon as it is cleared with the NPC committee.
April 2, 20186 yr Emile and a guard moved to a small fountain the Faith had erected on Terraversa. While not religious particularly, Emile tossed a few coins in, praying he would be home to Elise soon. He recieved letters freom her about the gathering in King's Harbor and how well their rum fared. Fairly well. But he still had work to do. Emile stood outside the fountain the Faith and his contact in Terraversa told him to be. It was a small fountain, but the Faith had erected it, so Emile felt obligated to visit it. He waited for two hours, but he dared not leave. Luckily there was a RNTC guard to keep him company. Paul, he learned, had a wife named Sophie back home, Paul even showed a small portrait of her. But they still waited, even after running out of topics to converse about. Finally, the contact showed. Emile faced away, trying to look to those passing by that he was not meeting with the man. But then he heard the voice. "The Huntess wants to meet with you." Emile felt his heart stop. It was him. "Captain?" "I'm glad to know you still refer to me as that," Emile Perrault's former captain said. "So tell me why you found me." "I didn't find you," Emile retorted. This man had nearly ruined Emile. "You just happen to be here. I'm on other business, and you happen to be the contact." "Yes, your side." The captain grinned. Emile swallowed bile. "What are you doing here?" "This place let me stay here," his malevolent former captain said. "And why leave. And I know you won't harm me. You need my contacts. You'll need them after I pass them on so you can verify them. And once you do I'll be on my way to the next port." Emile gritted his teeth. "I'm doing good things now with the RNTC and Oleon. I don't need you." "Sure you don't," the contact said. "You don't need me, but you need the contacts. So I'll let you know The Huntress wants to meet with all of you before she commits to your cause. You've passed all the previous meetings. She's next. See? Don't you see I have helped you?" With that, Emiile's former contact left the area, under the cover or protection of loyalists. Emile felt his fists clench, but he knew he needed to report his findings.
April 11, 20186 yr Mlle. de Valois was an agent of the Olean admiralty, shortly after the chaotic encounter between local militia and Olean marines, she managed to find somewhere to hide and disguised in local attire. She made her way to the outskirt of the town and came in front of an odd looking building. This was the safe house, de Valois was relieved to find the old-Jean sitting on the ground, holding a bottle of vine, which means their cover has not been blown. She asked old-Jean to find her contact, then she went up the stairs. A few moment later, Mlle de Valois sat down at a table with two suspicious-looking characters, Captain Surlecoup, an Olean privateer, and his first mate Mr. Fish. Where she asked Captain Surlecoup to find a way to deliver a message to Hollande. Mr. Surlecoup, was a greedy man, but he was also a patriot, agreed to send the message. Late in the evening, they met in a dark street of Westface. The town gate was closed and none can leave the town. "Are you sure you can deliver the message to Hollande?" asked de Valois. "We can't pass through the gate, but I know a passage beneath, you'll see." replied calmly Capt. Surlecoup. "Just tell Mr.Fish what you have to say to Hollande, he'll pass the message." Mr.Fish slipped into water and disappeared under the arch of the bridge.
April 18, 20186 yr Author On 3/11/2018 at 9:51 AM, Elostirion said: @Captain Genaro: While your partial shipdeck is great, your architectural MOCs are even better. The temple is wonderful, but the Archduke's Hall is absolutely fantastic and nails it 100%. The mix of styles works so well, just great. As are the characters and your storytelling. Great to see you based Miro Oldis one of my versions (or is it coincidence?). All in all amazing work from you here! I do apologize for taking so long to respond. Thank you for the compliments, and I'm really glad that you enjoy the builds so much. And Miro Oldis is indeed based on your version from Farstrider's Guide (though we had to make him a proper yellow minifig, no fleshies for me!). And now for the story. I apologize for the poor presentation. Work was a bit hectic today (there's an understatement) due to a snafu from our good friends at the IRS. rect4515-9 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr The RNTC wasted no time in taking advantage of the improving relationship between the company and the Terraversans. Almost immediately after Archduke Oldis’ letter arrived, the company began drawing up plans for a massive headquarters in King’s Port. Land was easy to obtain. Much of King’s Port still lay in ruin following twenty years of war, and the Archduke was only too happy to gift the company all the land necessary for the expansion. Labor and supplies, too, were in cheap supply. Apart from the skilled artisans, architects, and engineers the company brought in from St. Vele and Granoleon, almost all the costs were far below estimates. Merchants and suppliers were only too happy to provide materials at marginal costs. No one in the company knew if this was due to a local depression or some desire to appease the company, and frankly no one in the company cared. All they knew was that the bottom line was a good bit fatter than expected. But not everyone was in a good mood. Despite the company sending a lieutenant down to manage future expansion, Hollande was still the senior official there, and that meant he had to oversee construction. Spending hours looking over meaningless lines was taking a toll on Hollande’s mental fortitude, and there was only so much that the fine Olean wine, a gift from Oldis, could do. And this stress was only exacerbated by the fact that he still didn’t know what had become of the Eastern Trader and Espirit Fortune. They had far too many marines to have been taken by mere pirates or a mutiny, the weather was too calm for them to have been lost in a storm, yet there was no word of them or the smaller ships they had been sent to rescue. And to make matters worse, the Terraversans continued to drag out negotiations and talks, and Hollande wasn’t sure if this was some form of signal or if they truly were thoroughly incompetent. Surely, this would be enough for any man to handle, but then there was also the matter of the royalists who were remaining enigmatic. As Hollande was thinking about these concerns, he picked up the bottle and began pouring its contents into his glass. “Sir!” one of Hollande’s aids exclaimed, “your glass!” Hollande glanced at his aid before turning his gaze to his glass, the wine overflowing onto the table. P1110894 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr “By Zeus! The wine is overflowing! Not to worry, I’ve got just the thing!” Hollande said, though all his companions heard was a unintelligible nonsense. Hollande pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the table, and as he looked down, he seemed to suddenly become aware of what he was doing there. He paused for a moment, starring intently at the plans before continuing. “No, no, no!” Hollande whined as he rapidly shuffled through the plans. “This simply won’t do! It’s wrong, it’s all wrong!” he exclaimed as he slammed his fist on the table. “These lines, what the devil, by Zeus what are all these blasted lines doing here!” “Sir, may I again remind you that these lines are only for engineering purposes, they won’t appear on the structure,” one of the architects began before Hollande's odd behavior caused him to trail off. P1110903 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Hollande looked up and began surveying the building before him, mumbling all the while. “There!” he declared. “Why can’t you do something like that!” waving his hand towards the massive headquarters. “That’s what I want.” By this point, the architects were fuming, but fortunately Hollande’s aid was able to intervene. “I’m certain, sir, that these fine men will have the building done to your satisfaction. Now perhaps we should return to your lodgings and see if any news has arrived from Breshaun.” “No, no you fool,” Hollande replied, brushing away the man’s hand. “No, I’d better go check and see if I have news from Breshaun.” P1110905 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
May 9, 20186 yr RNTC @Bodi @Captain Genaro @KotZ @Dukesc King's Port Since Hollande had delivered his last letter to the Terraversans, the amiable atmosphere had changed to one of reserved coldness. No more boats had arrived at the fleet offering gifts, and local merchants had increased their premiums on all wares. And while the Terraversans had kept their promises in regards to the building materials, the whole mood of the place had changed. In fact, it had become so hostile that Hollande had ordered all personnel, bar the minimum necessary for trade and the new HQ, back onboard the ships. There seemed to be no threat of violence towards the expedition, but anything might spark an incident. It was clear that relations with the Terraversans had to be handled, but that was a diplomatic concern (OOC: runs parallel with the adventure). Hollande had two other pressing issues that warranted his attention, and Oldis' gift of wine was long gone, with no replacement in sight, which made his temper rise. A message has arrived from Westface, with news of the rest of the expedition, now in captivity of the Terraversans. At least the ships were not lost, and the men in good health. But how on earth had they gotten themselves captured? Show how the expedition handles the captured men and ships. Diplomatic means (Miro Oldis in King's Port, or L'Olius in Westface? Both? Someone else?), subterfuge, protests? Will Hollande really let them rot in prison? Young Emile has reported that the "Huntress" wishes to meet the expedition. It has been quite a process to get an audience. Will the Oleanders take the opportunity? Who is the mysterious "Huntress", and what will the Oleanders try to achieve? At least one build is required to progress any one part of the expedition, but to progress both, a minimum of three builds is required. (And more encouraged) Let us know if the above leads any questions or comments. Genaro will receive a letter from Terraversa as soon as it is cleared with the NPC committee. _________________________ Also, let me just add that I am really enjoying these builds and storyline. It is a bit complex to game master, but it is great fun! :)
May 30, 20186 yr Author Hollande's Office by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Hollande nervously paced back and forth in the office, forgetting about the platters of food surrounding him, his hunger being replaced by nervousness and anger as he waited for the Terraversan official to arrive. It simply wasn’t fair, Henri knew. A month ago, he had dreams of a peerage, his goals in Terraversa had accomplished more than anyone had thought possible, and the RNTC was becoming quite influential in the new island nation. Now his troops and ships were being held hostage in West Face, the local officials were becoming increasingly cold, almost openly hostile, towards the Oleanese, and he had no doubt that if he couldn’t manage to solve the problem some hot-headed general would be dispatched to finish the job. But all was not lost, and Henri knew that there was still a chance to repair the damage. Some heads might roll in the process, but as long as his stayed firmly between his shoulders, Henri couldn’t care less. A knock on the door interrupted Henri’s thoughts, a secretary announced the arrival of Jonathan Tarlo, and the guest entered. Henri knew the man well. They first met in Oldis’ grand chamber, though Henri questioned why the chamber should be called grand, and despite Jonathan’s initial misgivings the two developed a good relationship. There was still much Henri didn’t know about the man, such as his exact authority and power in Oldis’ court, but he did know that the man was a farmer by trade and tended to distrust the merchant elites that supported Oldis. Hollande's Office by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr “So, Henri, what’s on your mind,” Jonathan casually asked, using his host’s Christian name. “You know damned well why I want to talk” Henri replied, more out of frustration than anger towards his guest. “My men are being held prisoner in West Face, and I learn of it through a letter smuggled out by a prisoner, and every request to see my men is being denied with one flimsy excuse or another.” “Henri,” “This is not how civilized people behave!” Henri snapped. “We rescue your ships and then you proceed to arrest my men and hold them hostage for months with no news, nothing. Frankly, sir, I am starting to question whether we were ever negotiating in good faith,” and whether he would be able to hold all that he worked his whole life to achieve, Henri thought but did not mention. “Our negotiations were always in good faith, sir,” Jonathan replied stiffly, and rather more formal than he intended, “but we cannot allow anyone, even our friends to flaunt Terraversa’s laws. We, sir, are a sovereign nation and will no longer bow before colonial overlords.” “And as a sovereign nation, you must know that there are consequences for secretly holding Oleanders as prisoner.” Hollande began shuffling some of the papers on the desk. “You’ve heard the news from Breshaun?” “What are you getting at?” Jonathan asked knowing full well what the mayor was getting at. Still, he had to play along, and he did so, though he did become a little less comfortable at the prospect of doing so. “Three or maybe four ships of the line, ten heavy frigates, dozens of support craft,” Hollande said reading from the lists. He had no idea why such a powerful fleet was gathered in Breshaun, but then again, he remined himself, neither did his visitor. “The 31st deployed to Lavalette…transports in Breshaun.” Jonathan just stood there, silently thinking about the situation. He had no idea why Oleon’s fleet was in Breshaun. It seemed likely that their trade routes had something to do with it, but it also couldn’t be denied that, even if it was just a coincidence, that fleet could quickly be repurposed to threaten Terraversa. “Damn him, Jon, what was Oldis thinking!” Henri interrupted Jonathan’s thoughts. “Damn fool, he’ll succeed in turning all of Oleon against him!” “And what did you think, sending a delegation to Mardier while carrying on negotiations here!” Jonathan desperately replied. “Did it occur to your archduke that the delegation in Mardier is there to ensure that we can trade with Terraversa without provoking Marderian privateers?” “Is that what they’re doing?” “Whatever they’re doing, I do assure you that they aren’t holding any of your men hostage,” Henri said, a failed attempt to snarl making him sound like he was merely whining. “I must remind you, sir, that any attack against Terraversa,” Jonathan began, but Henri held up a hand to silence him. “I have no quarrel with Terraversa, and despite your Archduke’s insane musings I have no desire to conquer the island. After all, if Oleon took control of the island, how long before Mardier demanded it’s return? I doubt they would use force to take it, but it could damage diplomatic relations.” “You could have told me all this in a letter, Henri, and saved us both a lot of shouting,” Jonathan replied. “So why exactly am I here? Did you need a dinner guest?” “You’re welcome to enjoy the food, but I’ve got something you might find a little more interesting,” Hollande said, placing a small purse on the desk. “What’s this?” “I’m paying off my gambling debts.” “Ah,” Jonathan said as he greedily eyed the bag, understanding the gesture for what is was. “The purse holds livres, crowns, guineas, doubloons, and reals from about twelve different nations. A bit of an effort, but it would seem odd if you began running around with a purse full of livres.” “It feels heavy.” “It should. It’s worth 50 doubloons.” “Didn’t we wager 100?” “We wagered 50, and if you get greedy I’ll find someone else to play cards with.” “And you’re just doing this out of the goodness of your heart, are you, Henri?” Henri smiled. “Of course, of course, Jonathan. We’re old friends, aren’t we? And I’m sure you know how much I’d love to play cards with you again.” Henri paused, but seeing that Jonathan wasn’t going to reply he went on. “As I said when you entered, you know exactly why you’re here. I didn’t need to ask for you to discuss the men. They will be taken care of in due time. Right now I have more pressing matters. My mission, Jonathan, is in ruins. My counterparts in Londa manage to arrive, negotiate, and leave before I can even get the Archduke to come to the negotiating table, and if I don’t have some real progress soon, I’m finished. Finished, do you understand? I have this one chance, and if I fail here, I’ll return to Lavalette in shame.” Hollande's Office by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr “Henri,” Jonathan began sympathetically. “I don’t want to see you fail,” “Then listen. I’m desperate, Jonathan, desperate, you have to believe me. But I also know that someone in your government has to hate Oldis, there have to be enough people who dislike the Archduke and who might look for a friend in Oleon.” “What exactly are you proposing?” Jonathan asked, almost fearing the answer. “It’s not what you think,” Henri quickly replied. “I don’t fully understand how your republican systems work, but I know enough to realize that Oldis can’t properly govern without the support of his Court and the representatives. With enough pressure from them, I’m hoping that Oldis will have no choice but to acquiesce. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but if it does, I’d like to know that I have friends in some parts of his government.” “And to do this, you need…” “Names, Jonathan, names of people who hate Oldis. His rivals, people who would rather see him dead, those who believe they deserve his throne. Anyone who might form a coalition against him.” “If Oldis learns of this, he won’t be pleased.” “And how will Oldis learn of this? As far as anyone knows, a political outsider is simply meeting with a variety of Oldis’ court. And if you tell, Jonathan, if you spill a word of this to anyone,” Henri leaned forward and paused before continuing. “I’ll have you killed in the most painful manner the Clerics of Hades can devise” Henri finished holding up the letter he had from Lord Calida, the same letter that ordered all members of the Order to provide Henri with any assistance in his mission. “But I’m sure it won’t come to that,” Henri said, smiling. “After all, if Oldis comes to his senses, this will all be for naught, and if he doesn’t, I can lose a few hundred doubloons to you and the new friends you’re about to find.” And just a final picture showing the various furniture used in Hollande's office. Hollande's Office by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
May 31, 20186 yr Build I: "Sir," Emile shouted as he sprinted up to Hollande. "May I have a word?" "Quickly, Captain," his superior said, "There's quite a bit I need to attend to." "I made contact with a man working for the Huntress, and she wants to meet," Emile replied. "She gave us a time and location. I want, no need your blessing to do this." Hollande thought for a moment. "As you wish." "If I may also ask, would it be wise to bring a gift to them? If we're to work with the Huntress and her people, I think it would put us in good standing if we offered them some coin. Is 100 doubloons fair enough?" "That sounds reasonable, Emile." Hollande turned to go. "One last thing," Emile quickly added in. "The contact we made with is a fairly, uh, interesting fellow. One whom I've dealt with before. He's unsavory, in my own opinion. What do you recommend, sir? I need advice." Holland was silent for many a moment. "Bring glory to Oleon and the RNTC. That's my advice." With that, Hollande walked away to his next order of business. Build II: "Think they'll show?" Emile asked the guard he brought as they set the chest down in the middle of the bombed out building. Emile took in the surroundings. "Seems they haven't gotten around to fixing this one up yet." The guard pushed at a cannonball with his toe. "A little obvious for a secret meeting, no?" "Just keep your wits about you," Emile warned. Then, Emile's old captain stepped into the building, followed by the Huntress. "Emile, the Huntress. Huntress, Captain Emile Perreault." The Huntress looked Emile over. "Captain Perrault. My colleague speaks highly of you." Emile carefully worded his answer, "We're acquainted. I believe I've proven myself to him before." He then gestures to the chest. "And I believe this here proves the committment from us to work with you and your people. 100 doubloons for you as you see fit. Consider it an advance." The Huntress looked in the chest, as did the Captain. When she looked back up at the Oleanders, she gave a warm smile.
June 11, 20186 yr RNTC @Captain Genaro @KotZ @Bodi @Dukesc The atmosphere in Kings Port is still somewhat troubled, although there seems to be some revival of good relations after the latest communication from Oldis arrived. In Westface, the detained crew has been given additional quarters, wine and cake, and been asked to tell their story, after being assured that their situation is currently being sorted. "Political contacts"... Despite the positive change of attitude towards the RNTC expedition, Hollande is still considering his ploy to garner inflluence against Oldis, but how will he proceed? Tarlo had brought him some names - and now Hollande had to decide who to approach... Our best chance is to stick to Oldis. He is clearly in charge, and if we try to appease his closest friends and political allies, surely we can bring ourselves closer to an agreement? Oldis is a haughty fool, and clearly, the time has come for a change! We should contact Oldis' political opponents amongst the plebeians and seek to levy pressure through them - Surely he cannot rule comfortably without the support of the commoners? This noble republic may be... short-lived. There are many who still wishes for return to the Mardierian crown. It will be risky, but Tarlo has given us a contact to a secret society of loyalist politicians, nobles, and merchants. Perhaps this is where we should start... One build is required to progress this storyline. There is a risk of discovery regardless of what choice you make. The mysterious huntress... "These funds shall do well with those wanting..." the mysterious lady said. "Now, let me tell you a tale..." "When the Mardierian colonists first arrived, the Atwi natives feared the sanctity of their most treasured artefact. Hence, they hid it away in a secret temple under the utmost secrecy. Rumours of the artefact, said to be the Quiver of none less than Artemis, soon caught the ear of the Mardierians, who sought it for years. There are in fact still agents of King Alfonse said to be looking for it to this very day. Further, many Terraversans have sought the temple, as have the Atwi, who have lost knowledge of the location after the bloody civil war with Mardier. Lastly, the order of the Faith have sent many a priest into the interior of Terraversa to seek this artefact, much to the disarray of those not following the strict teachings of the Faith." "Whoever secures this artefact will be in a position of power, as so many desire it. Further, there is a myth that the quiver has some magical properties for anyone carrying it." "As it happens, I have contacts who may hold clues to its location. And for a small service, I could be willing to share..." An artefact? Magical mumbo jumbo is the providence of the Order, not the RNTC. Our hopes that the huntress could offer us political influence seems naive and we shall abandon this folly. Ends this storyline (for this adventure...). Aha! The Order, the Terraversans, the Atwi, or the Mardierian loyalists will be most interested in hearing this! Hand over your information to any one of these factions for a small improvement in relations with any one faction. The fabled Quiver of Artemis?! We must pursue this further and do as the Huntress asks. Show the expedition doing something for the veterans, widows, orphans, or other victims of the recent war of independence, and the Huntress will give you a clue. Reassembling the expedition Our men in Westface are being released. We must provision the ships and set sail. Show the crews somehow preparing to leave Westface. One build required. Once fulfilled, the ships in Westface (Esprit Fortune and Eastern Trader) will be free to sail in the tMRCA again, or join the expedition. (Indicate which of these choices you make) Further, 100 dbs is subtracted from adventure treasury to cover the expenses of their stay, Inspection the fortifications A young captain has presented himself to Hollande and is ready to give a tour of some of the main defences of Kings Port. Show someone following the captain on a tour. One build required. This will reveal a considerable part of Terraversa's defences in Kings Port. Three builds required to continue, but only two options can be taken this round. Remaining options will (most likely) still be available next round.
June 15, 20186 yr I love this story. Extremely creative and so many original builds. It creates a vibe completely on its own. Compliments to all! @Bregir @Captain Genaro @KotZ @Bodi
July 3, 20186 yr At Westface, the RNTC sailors were preparing to leave. An Oleander capitaine was having a conversation with a harbour clerk. "We are going to join the rest of our men in Kings Port." Said the capitaine. "So, you men are preparing to leave, according to my books, you little fleet entered our port in January, which means you owe me the moorage for 6 months, and, the port tax that you should also pay for your little fleet. This will cost you dearly." Said the clerk with a smile. "Hum, let's see..." The Oleander guy was surprised by the astronomical figures, luckily enough for him, he was saved by the weather. "Sir, as you may have already noticed, the weather is too heavy to sail, see how the sea is agitated!" Meanwhile, aboard of one the dinghies. "Allez, row, mon gros, row, we are nearly there." A storm was coming up, clearly, it was not a good day to sail, and our men shall spend a couple more days at Westface.
July 3, 20186 yr "Rice for those who served!" Emile calls out to the veteerans, those who were forgotten. "Come and get your fill! We have enough for everyone. I know it's difficult, but for those who sacrificed, we will share." "Food! Please!" there were cries from the forgotten veterans of the recent war. "We have enough for all!" a RNTC guard calls out. One guard came to Emile and whispered, "That one man with the fish and tattoos. He is the hairiest person I've ever seen." Emile looked down to the man. "You weren't joking!" "We wish to help those who have lost so much," Emile said, looking back to the growing crowd. He then sent a letter to the Huintress. "We're here to help. We need the Quiver to make sure people are safe, to make sure the innocent are safe, to make sure those who are wounded can survive."
July 6, 20186 yr Author Hot, hot, hot, Henri Hollande thought to himself, wishing that he could have sent some underling to survey the forts. After all, Henri had no experience with engineering and was probably the last man you would ask for an opinion on fortifications, but this task was simply too important, and Henri knew that he had to see it through personally. Though he did wish the engineers, hunched at their telescopes while furiously scribbling notes, would hurry up with their analysis. Star Fort by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr “As you can see, monsieur, not even the most furious Marderian assault was capable of breaching these walls,” the young dragoon officer proudly stated. “Fantastic” Henri replied in a tired voice. He didn’t care much for the young officer. Henri had no idea what a dragoon was, but from the gaudy uniform the young man wore, he gathered that their primary role would be court dandies rather than proper soldiers. “Built by the finest engineers in Mardier,” the dragoon went on. “Those marks were caused by our batteries during the siege, yet the walls held. Two weeks of bombardment and nothing more than a scratch. That’s the sign of a good fortification.” Star Fort by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Or the incompetence of your gunners, one of the company’s engineers thought. “The glacis seems rather low and steep” the engineer replied. “I doubt it would do its job well against a heavy siege.” “Of course, of course, this fortification isn’t finished yet,” the dragoon said dismissively. “Between the hurricanes and rebuilding our island we haven’t had time to finalize all the repairs that need to be made. But I assure you, gentlemen, this rampart is of no importance in our fortifications.” “It’s where your artillery chose to begin their attack,” the engineer responded. “A decision that reflects their inexperience. Come, let us continue our tour and I can show you the remainder of this great fortification. And I believe once you see the inner works you will agree that this minor point really is not indicative of our defenses.” Hmph, the engineer thought. I'll be the judge of that. Star Fort by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
July 11, 20186 yr As I read it, you have selected to inspect the forts and do as the huntress has asked. However, your men in Westface stays? Does that mean they will continue the adventure there, or that they break off and sail from there next turn (in the tMRCA)? And you have not (yet) decided to go into supporting one of the i al factions. Let me know if I have read any of this wrong. :) @Captain Genaro
July 20, 20186 yr @Captain Genaro, @KotZ, @Bodi, @Dukesc Military intelligence In their extra spare time, the troops at Westface made an additional screening of the fortifications they had so far only seen from the sea. For fear of being taken as spies, they could not nose around too much, but prepared a preliminary report and sent it to Hollande in Kings Port, where the surveys had also been successful. All this had been compiled into a report by Hollande's clerk (forwarded to Captain Genaro). "Political contacts"... In Kings Port, the question still remained - what political horse should the RNTC bet on? He still had the names Tarlo had brought him - and now had to decide who to approach... Our best chance is to stick to Oldis. He is clearly in charge, and if we try to appease his closest friends and political allies, surely we can bring ourselves closer to an agreement? Oldis is a haughty fool, and clearly, the time has come for a change! We should contact Oldis' political opponents amongst the plebeians and seek to levy pressure through them - Surely he cannot rule comfortably without the support of the commoners? This noble republic may be... short-lived. There are many who still wishes for return to the Mardierian crown. It will be risky, but Tarlo has given us a contact to a secret society of loyalist politicians, nobles, and merchants. Perhaps this is where we should start... One build is required to progress this storyline. There is a risk of discovery regardless of what choice you make. The mysterious huntress... "Your efforts are much appreciated, and I will help you find the first clue to the temple." she said. "But know that finding the quiver will be no trivial task. The Atwi has hidden it well behind traps and riddles to safeguard it from the Mardierians and other prying eyes." "There are clues in several locations, and you may not need to collect them all..." So where will the expedition start? (The options of giving up the huntress and/or the information to the Order, the Terraversans, the Atwi, or the Mardierians still remain) But only ONE option can be selected. Each of the following options will reveal a clue towards the temple location. The Sillitholina Monastery Some of the Atwi converted to their own interpretation of the Faith, and erected monasteries, in which Atwi scholars and philosophers would seek peace and contact with the Gods. They were chosen to guard the first of the clues. To gain access to the clue, you must go investigate the monastery. Build a micro of the Sillitholina Monastery and a vignette or build showing the expedition finding the clue inside the monastery. (Is it hidden in the floor, a statue, or?) Tanari caverns In Tanari, Atwi fishermen discovered caves which entrances were only above water during low spring tides. In these caves, the Atwi buried their dead, along with another clue. Show the expedition getting into the cave at low tide (one build) and how they search for and find a hidden chest (another build). Reassembling the expedition Our men in Westface are being released. We must provision the ships and set sail. Show the crews somehow preparing to leave Westface. One build required. Once fulfilled, the ships in Westface (Esprit Fortune and Eastern Trader) will be free to sail in the tMRCA again, or join the expedition. (Indicate which of these choices you make) Further, 100 dbs is subtracted from adventure treasury to cover the expenses of their stay, Two builds required to continue, but if you want to proceed in two storylines, four builds are required. Max two storylines can proceed this turn. Remaining options will (most likely) still be available next round, but be aware that Eslandola is going to Terraversa too. Edited July 20, 20186 yr by Bregir A mishap during posting...
August 13, 20186 yr "This is the famous cave?" Asked Emile. "Are there excrements at the foot of the hill? White clothes stain easily you know."complained a soldier. "Ermm, that's just mud, I thought nothing can stop the Bluecoats." replied ironically one of the fishermen. "Gents, you've heard the lady, down the ladder." ordered Emile.
August 14, 20186 yr No form submitted here? You'll have until Sunday. And please, in the future, enter your forms early and just ask about a short extension. @Captain Genaro
August 15, 20186 yr "Ah! My damn head!" one of the Oleander expedition members said, rubbing his bald cranium after hitting it on a low hanging portion of the cave. He muttered, "Better be worth it." Emile talked with one of the fishermen who found the caves after the tide receded. "You just forgot this place?" "We haven't had to access it," the fisherman answered in his thick accent. "Besides, it was unaccessible for some time." "Right." Emile looked at his dirty boots from mucking around in the cave. The fisherman saw this and laughed. "You people and your white, clean clothes. Look at me! I went prepared! Pants off so no need to clean." "Yes, I see," Emile said, turning away. He wanted to mention the man's underclothes were a bit too small, but he didn't want to risk breaking some cultural norm he had not learned yet. Hebert called out from looking at the skeletons in alcoves. "You just bury your dead here? Are you not worried that scavengers could carry them off?" "Of course not," the fisherman answered. Emile noticed how the man never said how. "Sir!" Emmanuel shouted after there was a tumble of rock. "I think I found something!" Everyone immediately rushed over. There was a dirty chest, and everyone poulled the rocks away. The Fisherman said, "Yes, that should be it." Emile knelt down beside the chest and carefully opened it, finding the next clue.
August 15, 20186 yr 9 hours ago, Legostone said: No form submitted here? You'll have until Sunday. And please, in the future, enter your forms early and just ask about a short extension. @Captain Genaro Usually it's Captain Genaro who got all covered for us, I guess we have to wait a while, until he's back.
August 15, 20186 yr @Bodi Any one of you can fill out the forms. You've got the two builds required for another turn, so unless you were planning two more, you should get the form in. I'd hate to see you lose a turn because you're waiting for someone else to fill out a form.
August 16, 20186 yr @Mesabi Thank you for reminding us, I can't access google forms due to local restriction so I'll ask Kotz if he has time to fill the forms.
August 22, 20186 yr @Bodi would you like me to fill out the forms or something? They still haven't been filled out. (If the court so allows. )
August 22, 20186 yr @Mesabi That would be great! But let me ask Kotz first, if he hasn't time to fill them, I'll let you know. Thank you!
September 24, 20186 yr @Bodi, @KotZ, @Captain Genaro, @Dukesc The First Clue The expedition brought the chest to the Huntress, who greeted them with surprise. "I thought the Prometheans had gotten to the caves long ago. You are lucky you found it without them coming for you. Now, let us open the chest, and see what is inside." She took the chest, and opened it with a small knife. Reaching inside, she pulled out a roll of parchment, and a small green gem. She looked over the parchment, and frowned. "It's a map of Old Terraversa, but it has no labels, or any indication of where the Quiver is. It seems the other pieces must be found to read it." Then, she examined the Green gem. "Lesser relic, but still valuable. I believe these were called 'leaves of the heavens.'" (200 dbs added to adventure treasury) "If we can recover two more of the clues, we should be able to find where the quiver is located." She said with finality. "But I believe the Prometheans may have taken one..." Options: The Sillitholina Monastery Some of the Atwi converted to their own interpretation of the Faith, and erected monasteries, in which Atwi scholars and philosophers would seek peace and contact with the Gods. They were chosen to guard the first of the clues. To gain access to the clue, you must go investigate the monastery. Build a micro of the Sillitholina Monastery and a vignette or build showing the expedition finding the clue inside the monastery. (Is it hidden in the floor, a statue, or?) The Heretic's Shrine In Westface, a statue of Icarus adorns a large building in the center of town. Icarus is a symbol of the Prometheans, who believe he will return and herald the end of the Gods. You should search this building to recover the clue. The Prometheans almost certainly have a hidden entrance somewhere, and will need to opened. Once inside, you'll have to fight whoever is guarding their space. Build the secret entrance to the Promethean's lair, and a second build showing where the Prometheans have stashed the next clue. Political contacts"... In Kings Port, the question still remained - what political horse should the RNTC bet on? He still had the names Tarlo had brought him - and now had to decide who to approach... Our best chance is to stick to Oldis. He is clearly in charge, and if we try to appease his closest friends and political allies, surely we can bring ourselves closer to an agreement? Oldis is a haughty fool, and clearly, the time has come for a change! We should contact Oldis' political opponents amongst the plebeians and seek to levy pressure through them - Surely he cannot rule comfortably without the support of the commoners? This noble republic may be... short-lived. There are many who still wishes for return to the Mardierian crown. It will be risky, but Tarlo has given us a contact to a secret society of loyalist politicians, nobles, and merchants. Perhaps this is where we should start... One build is required to progress this storyline. There is a risk of discovery regardless of what choice you make. Reassembling the expedition Our men in Westface are being released. We must provision the ships and set sail. Show the crews somehow preparing to leave Westface. One build required. Once fulfilled, the ships in Westface (Esprit Fortune and Eastern Trader) will be free to sail in the tMRCA again, or join the expedition. (Indicate which of these choices you make) Further, 300 dbs is subtracted from adventure treasury to cover the expenses of their stay, Two builds required to continue, but if you want to proceed in two storylines, four builds are required. Max two storylines can proceed this turn. Remaining options will (most likely) still be available next round.
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