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Those Prometheans! They get everywhere, don't they?

Take a minute to check that map for hidden messages with the gem. Does no one watch National Treasure anymore?

@gedren_y Love that film! Far more than PotC Salazar's Revenge, which might be the other reference here...


You check the map with heat and lemon juice, special glasses or water the rocks for clues in national treasure...  I await the third lol 

You check the map with the broken gem in PotC while unknowingly sailing with your father. 

  • 4 weeks later...

"Well, this is the building," the guard with Emile noted.

"Of course. As if Icarus up there didn't give it away."  Emile looked around, the Huntress had tagged along with them this time. Emile found himself slightly annoyed she had come, as if they needed a babysitter. "Alright, let's find this entrance."

The Oleanders looked down at a grate. A sewer.
"Think this could be it?" Emile asked nobody in particular. "Seems to small to be a secret entrance. And too open." He and his comrade discussed the possibility when Emile realized the Huntress had drifted away. "Hey, where'd you go?"


"You scaled the damned building?" Emile shouted when she called down to him.
"Well this building does have a statue of Icarus." The Huntress then pulled open a trap door on the roof. "Boy can fly. Why would the entrance be in the ground?"

"You've got to be kidding me," Emile muttered as he moved to scale the building.

Emile climbed through the hidden passageway, that seemed to go all the way to the back of the building, and then a steep climb down to what he ventured to guess was below the surface and foundation of the building. When he crawled out of the narrow space, he found the Huntress...

... pulling the knife she threw out of the killed guard who was watching over the chest with what he presumed had the clue inside.
"Alright, let's get to it," Emile said as he opened the chest. Inside was a parchment that the Huntress immediately snatched from his hands to read over.
"Yup, this is it," she confirmed. The second clue.

Meanwhile, at Westface.

The small fleet still hasn't lifted anchor, despite the discontent of local authorities. But this state of inactivity is about to change, since the Oleander seamen are roaming in the street of the small harbour city, seemingly looking for provisions, is this a sign of departure?

At the back of this procurement team, were two senior officers, Capitaine Greybeard Albert and Capitaine Redbeard Romeo, who were exchanging their points of view about this expedition, when suddenly Romeo exclaimed, "We can't return home empty handed!" Albert, knowing his colleague for his impulsive temper, replied sceptically, "raiding the port office or bombing the local garrison?" "No, souvenirs, we must buy some souvenirs for our family, here, voila a toy shop, let's get a tour inside."


  • 1 month later...
The Second Clue

Once the Huntress and Emile were safely away from the Promethean's building, they examined the clue. 

"Well, this is just a piece of paper with an x on it!" Said Emile. "This can't be the clue!"

"Wait, lay the parchment across the first clue, the map." Said the huntress. 

They placed the second piece of parchment across the first, and realized that they lined up perfectly. Held against the light, the x clearly marked Nola Mar, one of the original Atwi settlements.

"In Nola Mar..." the huntress mumbled. "But where in Nola Mar? The Atwi has lived there for centuries... I have never heard of any shrine or tomb that could hold such an artifact?..."

"You must proceed from here - I have someone I need to meet" she added before hurrying away into a dark alley with no further explanation.


  • The Sillitholina Monastery
    • Some of the Atwi converted to their own interpretation of the Faith, and erected monasteries, in which Atwi scholars and philosophers would seek peace and contact with the Gods. They were chosen to guard the first of the clues.
      To gain access to the clue, you must go investigate the monastery.
      • Build a micro of the Sillitholina Monastery and a vignette or build showing the expedition finding the clue inside the monastery. (Is it hidden in the floor, a statue, or?)
  • Right into the lion's den
    • The answers must lie in Nola Mar! Atwi or Prometheans be damned, that is where we will go!
      • Build a micro of the Atwi harbour town of Nola Mar and indicate where and how you will start your search.

"Political contacts"...

In Kings Port, there was still muttering about the presence of a seemingly passive Olean delegation. What had they been up to for the last few months? Now that the Eslandians had arrived, many wondered why the RNTC was dilly-dallying so. They still had the names Tarlo had brought them - and now had to decide who to approach...

  • Our best chance is to stick to Oldis. He is clearly in charge, and if we try to appease his closest friends and political allies, surely we can bring ourselves closer to an agreement?
  • Oldis is a haughty fool, and clearly, the time has come for a change! We should contact Oldis' political opponents amongst the plebeians and seek to levy pressure through them - Surely he cannot rule comfortably without the support of the commoners?
  • This noble republic may be... short-lived. There are many who still wishes for return to the Mardierian crown. It will be risky, but Tarlo has given us a contact to a secret society of loyalist politicians, nobles, and merchants. Perhaps this is where we should start...

One build is required to progress this storyline. There is a risk of discovery regardless of what choice you make. 

Reassembling the expedition

In Westface, the locals have warmed somewhat to the Oleanders now free and shopping for souvenirs, bringing trade to the settlement. There is still the question though, where the expedition will head next.

One build required. Once fulfilled, the ships in Westface (Esprit Fortune and Eastern Trader) will be free to sail in the tMRCA again, or join the expedition. (Indicate which of these choices you make)


For each storyline, one build is required to continue. Any or all of the storylines can proceed this turn. Remaining options will (most likely) still be available next round.

  • 3 weeks later...

Emile and the men made their way to the Atwi harbour town, which actually seemed more colorful and larger than Emile expected. Guess even a place not as glorious as Oleon can grow, Emile thought to himself. They walked around the town, finding a white, two-story tavern. Emile ventured they could check for clues there. But then, one of his men came running back and waved them over. There was a large square on the next street, and there was a large statue.

The group went over to the statue and began to study it. They all reasoned there could be a clue there, so they fanned out around the base of the statue and began to read the inscriptions, hoping to find a clue.

Lastly, murmurs about Oleon's intent circulate in the streets of Westface, are those blue minifigs going to grab their land? Their prolonged stay, is it a sign of ill intent? So for them, nothing is more reconforting than the sight of bluecoats embarking on their ships.


At the city gate, heavily damaged since the civil war and still unrepaired, captain Surlecoup, an Oleander privateer is asking the captain of the Esprit Fortune to deliver a letter to the Admiralty.


Our brave Oliver, recovered from his injury, goes down the stairs with the help of a nurse.






@Bregir: The ships are leaving Westface, the small fleet is composed of Esprit Fortune, Eastern Trader and the repaired TER brig (now renamed as Slippery Banana, I'll license it later).

9 minutes ago, Bodi said:

@Bregir: The ships are leaving Westface, the small fleet is composed of Esprit Fortune, Eastern Trader and the repaired TER brig (now renamed as Slippery Banana, I'll license it later). 

1) are they leaving to join the expedition, or to join the tMRCA?

2) did you steal the TER brig? :O (What is the story behind OL having taken it over)

25 minutes ago, Bregir said:

1) are they leaving to join the expedition, or to join the tMRCA?

2) did you steal the TER brig? :O (What is the story behind OL having taken it over)

Thank you for the prompt reply.:classic:

The ships will join the tMRCA and I certaily don't need to steal that brig, as it is sitting on my desk now, but I can start a new post to explain how it falls into Oleon hands, what do you think? 

42 minutes ago, Bodi said:

and I certaily don't need to steal that brig, as it is sitting on my desk now, but I can start a new post to explain how it falls into Oleon hands, what do you think?

OOC, you built it and will license it, so no worries there. But IC, it is a TER brig - perhaps the expedition liked how it handled, and decided to purchase it to bring additional goods from Westface to whereever you are going next. :) We should probably have some IC explanation - but that can be handled when you post the vessel, I would say.

21 minutes ago, Bregir said:

OOC, you built it and will license it, so no worries there. But IC, it is a TER brig - perhaps the expedition liked how it handled, and decided to purchase it to bring additional goods from Westface to whereever you are going next. :) We should probably have some IC explanation - but that can be handled when you post the vessel, I would say.

Sounds good to me.:thumbup:

  • 3 weeks later...

A small build to license the Slippery Banana.

Prior to their departure, Mademoiselle Blois was approached by Mr.Fish, a Oleander privateer under the command of captain Surlecoup,  he claimed having heard from someone that he was looking to sell a ship, the very ship the RNTC salvaged in their route to Westface. This news was naturally communicated to the officers of the small Oleander fleet at Westface, and after a brief discussion, they decided to buy the ship, though it may not be the best bargain but better than coming back home empty handed. So, a meeting was arranged between the seller and the buyer, in a remote spot of the beach.


And the Slippery Banana is purchased at the price of a class 3 trader.


Here's the boat.


@Captain Genaro I think it would be preferable that the RNTC has this boat, since storywise it's part of the RNTC adventure.

  • Author

39654824163_2381f12e42_c.jpgTemple Meeting by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr

The last man hurried to his compatriots who were gathered around the Olean official standing besides the steps leading to the alter of Tyche. While not the largest temple in the compound, it was one of the finest with gold, stained-glass, and marble used liberally in the construction, construction largely financed by the RNTC and other Veleanders who hold venerate Tyche as no other, save perhaps Zeus. Daylight poured in through the stained-glass windows, flooding the floor in a colorful display, while flames from the votive candles flanking the alter serving as the only other source of light.

“Finally, we can get started,” one of the men growled as the newcomer took his place. “And perhaps we can get an explanation as to what is happening here.”

“My dear friends,” Henri Hollande began (for it was none other than the extravagant and seemingly incompetent mayor himself), “forgive me.” At this, Henri was taken by a bought of coughing before he could continue. “I fear I have been indisposed of these past months. The fever, no, no I assure you I am no longer contagious now, the doctor's assure me of that, but it will still be some time before my hair recovers from the treatment (a particularly sore point for Henri as his lush, lengthy locks were a source of pride for him). No, but that must be put aside, and we must discuss this delicate matter. A matter too long delayed by my illness." 

“You could have used an aid,” one of the Terraversans rebutted, upset at the months of delay.

Henri merely shook his head. “I fear not. My men are loyal and trustworthy, make no mistake, but a matter this important requires someone who carries the authority to make decisions without waiting weeks or months to hear back from officials in Granoleon.”

“And you are such a man?” one of the other’s asked.

“You would be surprised, sir, to learn the extent of my full authority within the Company, but that is not why we are here.” At this Henri straighten up and spoke as clearly as his weakened state would allow. “We are here to discuss a new government for Terraversa.”

While such a declaration may have been shocking in most groups, this gathering of loyalist politicians, nobles, and merchants had expected nothing short. In fact, it was why they were present.

“A rather public place to be making such statements, wouldn’t you say?” the first man continued.

“Don’t be absurd, the priests of Artemis may be many things, but I assure you that they are not known for being sloppy. If they assure me that the temple complex is free from outsiders, I am fully prepared to take their word. Besides,” Henri went on. “It’s noon prayers. If someone was spying on us it would be impossible to hear anything over the echoing chants of the monks. And what outsider would be surprised to witness an Olean, nay, a Veleander discussing business before the goddess Tyche herself? Now if there are no further objections,” Henri paused to cough, and when none of the other men responded he continued. “Good. The Company has found negotiations with Oldis to be in vain. He is a stubborn fool who will not negotiate in good faith and would rather line his own pockets with bribes than see commerce, commerce vital to the wellbeing of this island and the farmers, merchants, laborers who inhabit it. And, gentlemen, let there be no mistake, commerce is the only reason I am here. The Company is not concerned with who rules this island as long as they are our friend.”

“Then you would sell us out to earn a few livres!” one of the Terraversans exclaimed.

Henri coughed “Don’t be absurd. No company is going to do very well if it is constantly hitching its wagon to a new horse. Think of the time and resources wasted; we’d never actually earn a profit! No, no. Thanks to Tarlo, we have found men who desire to be masters of their own destiny, men who are prepared to be our friends, and men I would very much like to assist.”

"And your King, no doubt, would like to assist."

"No doubt."

“You speak well, Mayor, but let’s cut to the chase. What is it you want and what can you give us?”

“Financing, powder, weapons, training, and if we can reach an agreement, perhaps some men and ships.”

The Terraversans began muttering excitedly to each other. This was far more than many of them had hoped for, especially given the delays on Henri's part. Nonetheless, they were wise and shrewd, knowing better than to blindly accept Henri's offer. "And in return?" one of them inquired. 

“Well, that would depend on the outcome” Henri replied hazily. “Trading concessions, a token of gratitude, political support, I’m sure we can work out an exact arraignment when the time comes. But for now, gentlemen, I must know your resolve. Granoleon grows weary of waiting, and I fear they will not tolerate many more delays. And I am sure that you have no desire to postpone your goals any longer than you already have." 

45705486085_5cf606ca58_c.jpgTemple Meeting by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr

"We are not fools, Henri, we may desire our freedom from Oldis' stupidity any tyranny, but we will not rush headlong into this without," 

"Nonsense!" one of the other Terraversans exclaimed, interrupting his comrade. "We must seize the day! Strike while the iron is glowing hot! I for one do not see Oldis as growing any weaker, and the longer we delay, the harder it will be to win the peasants to our side!" 

"And do not forget Corrington and Eslandola's involvement," Henri interjected. "Delay too long, if their interests become too vested then I fear that my masters may not be so willing to support your cause and risk an outright conflict with the other powers of Halos." 

"What is it you we must do to secure your support?" one of the Terraversans inquired. 

At this, Henri shrugged. "We want to see results, desirable results, to prove you are an investment worth making. Oldis is still weak, and most of his fleet is tied up in Westface with that pirate. Perhaps outright rebellion is too much to expect at this point, but raise your militias, you are influential men. Raise them and take control of smaller port towns, places where our ships can bring supplies to support your efforts. Gain the support of the people, perhaps the natives who fared better under Marderian control would be willing to support you." 

"And no doubt you have recognized that despite our means we are hardly in a position to carry out what you request." 

"I already have men working to earn the support of the common people," Henri said, referencing the men who were deployed across the island as part of the Huntress' quest. "But as for your more immediate concerns," he went on, holding out some parchment. 

One of the Terraversans took it and began reading. “Troop numbers, the status of the fortifications, yes, yes, we know all this. We have men in the army who can provide it to us.”

“Then turn it over and see something I doubt they can provide.”

The man gasped. “This, this is...”

“Fifty doubloons worth of muskets, powder, balls. Enough for a small regiment,” Henri interrupted, grinning while he spoke. “Simply show this to the official at our headquarters and he will release the carriage to you. But gentlemen, before we retire let me caution against delay. I do not mean to be impertinent, but my mission has already taken far too long, even without my illness, and my masters grow impatient by the hour. Please, I beg of you, do not delay in carrying out what I ask. Do not delay, and this Company shall spare no expense in seeing your goals to fruition." 

“Of course, Henri,” one of the men replied. “We thank you for your assistance, and you shall have our reply shortly.”

Ah, more builds and stories.

@Bodi The latest vessel looks pretty good - what we can see of it anyway.

@Captain Genaro Lovely interior. Excellent use of the hair/crown piece on the statue. The columns and stained glass look great and the alternating Technic parts is a neat idea.

I really have to force myself to read these longer stories; it's just too easy to skim the pics and move on. But I can't expect anyone to read my stuff if I'm not willing to return the favor. This looked kinda dry at a glance but proved to be a very good read after all.

I wonder what the Order thinks of one of the High Priestesses of the Crahaish neh Triuri retiring in Westface.

@gedren_y The Order respects political boundaries. We're not the type to risk a diplomatic incident just to burn a few heretics. Much though we might want to...

30 minutes ago, Ross Fisher said:

The Order respects political boundaries. We're not the type to risk a diplomatic incident just to burn a few heretics. Much though we might want to...

Wait, what? I had so high hopes in you... :tongue:

Just now, Drunknok said:

I had so high hopes in you

We respect the rule of law. It's not called The Order for nothing. 

As I said, that's an impressive build, captain Genaro, it looks very neat and clean, I like the way the windows are built, and echo with captain Dee to the alternance of tech bricks.

  • Author
On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 8:22 PM, Captain Dee said:


@Captain Genaro Lovely interior. Excellent use of the hair/crown piece on the statue. The columns and stained glass look great and the alternating Technic parts is a neat idea.

I really have to force myself to read these longer stories; it's just too easy to skim the pics and move on. But I can't expect anyone to read my stuff if I'm not willing to return the favor. This looked kinda dry at a glance but proved to be a very good read after all.

Thank you for the compliment. I hope the story isn't too dull, and if you have any ideas on how I can improve my writing please let me know. 

1 hour ago, Captain Genaro said:

Thank you for the compliment. I hope the story isn't too dull, and if you have any ideas on how I can improve my writing please let me know. 

If by "improve" you mean grab readers' attention so they'll read every word every time and write about their reading experience in a reply post, then write short semi-nonsensical comedy every time.

I like occasional comedy. But you're obviously trying to write a serious story, which I appreciate. I think you've written this piece out really well, and I don't really have any suggestions.

And when I said:

On 1/6/2019 at 10:22 PM, Captain Dee said:

I really have to force myself to read these longer stories; it's just too easy to skim the pics and move on.

 ... I was referring to all long stories on EB, and not just BoBS. :wink:

  • 3 weeks later...


@KotZ, @Captain Genaro, @Bodi, @Dukesc

The clandestine investment in the dissidents appears to have produced results with two Terraversian settlements raising militias.

In Sillitholina, the rebels took up arms and loudly declared their allegiance to Mardier in open affront to Terraversan authorities. The reaction was as swift as it was efficient, as L'Oluis' troops from Westface marched in and was able to re-establish control without violence, arresting the ringleaders and dispersing the 'militia'.

Farther from the reach of Terraversa's establishment, in Nola Mar, the rebels took a wiser course, peacefully and quietly replacing the mayor and garrison commander with loyalists and instilling martial law under the guise of increasing smuggling. Makeshift roadblocks and checkpoints on all roads ensure that no one can leave to warn the authorities, while house searches and patrols have rounded up many supporters of an independent Terraversa, incarcerating them as smugglers. Day by day, more and more people arrive to rally to the cause, and as more and more opponents are disposed off, the loyalist militia grows in strength. It seems there are still many loyalists in Terraversa...


 - Vive la révolution

It would seem the dissidents have proven themselves but what next? How involved do we wish to be and do we care who knows of our involvement?  

Only one of these options can be chosen this turn:

  • Covert
    • By working in the shadows, perhaps through the agents of the order, we can support the growth of the movement, although the effect would be limited by the requirements of secrecy. The risk of being discovered is limited, but so will the effect be.
    • One build required showing the cause being supported in secrecy
  • Overt 
    • Perhaps we can risk a more... active involvement. It will certainly be easier to assist the cause if we can be more blunt... Although discovery would likely be a disaster.
    • One build required showing the support given to the movement

The below option may also be progressed this turn if it has its own build:

- The Quiver of Artemis

The Inscriptions on the statue revealed an epic of war and peace that stretched back to the Mardierian invasion. But most importantly, it revealed that the Quiver is hidden somewhere under the town of Nola Mar. It seems there are extensive catacombs under the city, and the Quiver is located somewhere there. 

  • One build required showing the catacombs. Max 32x32 (or equivalent). The potency and power of the "Quiver of Artemis" will be determined depending on the quality of the build.
  • 1 month later...

Emile, the Huntress, and a RNTC soldier made their way to the catacombs where the Quiver was rumored to be held. "Let's all be careful, alright?" Emile said. It took some force to break the door, but they managed. The guard went in first.

Oh no! The poor man stepped on a trigger, activating a hidden spear meant to guard the catacombs. The spear impaled him through his back, killing him. He gurgled out some blood. Emile and the Huntress carefully made their way around him.

They scoured the catacombs, but could not find the Quiver. That is, until the Huntress started studying a skeleton. She noticed there was something attached to the skeleton's arm; she moved it. CREEEEK! A wall in the catacombs slid aside, revealing a secret chamber.

"After you," The Huntress instructed Emile.

"Ladies first," Emile responded.

"Scared of another trap?"

Emile gave her a quick glare, but then made his way in.

"There it is," Emile whispered. He grinned. They had found it.

NOTE: the builds are 8x16, 16x16, and 16x32, staying within the 32x32 maximum footprint for this build.

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