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Wow, so much good stuff.

- Agents is definitely silver, not chrome - which is good as I find chrome wears badly. So much dark blue! Must-have on the number of those parts alone. Definitely exceeded expectations.

- Indy - great and the temple is much better than what we'd seen before. A great looking playset and fantastic for dark tan.

- Batman - not so interesting - vehicles look ill-proportioned or blocky and it doesn't love up to the 2006 sets. I guess if you're desperate for the Penguin or Mr Freeze and didn't get the Batcave they're useful, but the vehicles are ugly.

- Mars Mission - the huge ship would be a mustbuy if it wasn't for the huge plane wing piece in the middle. Don't get me wrong, I love the new planes, and I think this piece is OK for the job it does in those sets, but it's just a shame to see this massive piece in a space set that looks solidly brick built and detailed everywhere but for that wing!

- Creator - less keen on the ferry than when I first saw it. I think the City coast rescue sets will take precedence.

Does anyone know if the August dates are just for the US and the rest of the world will get them earlier, maybe June? It looks as if the US production/distribution shift will be taking place before these are released since all the Castle sets have been pushed to August as well.

More impressions:

- Agents, which was looking okay to me in the begining, is looking far better now, and truly seems to be everything Alpha Team wasn't. The vehicle designs are a whole lot better, the parts selection is amazing with all that dark blue - man, I'm really liking this line. *sweet*

- Creator is awesome as always - I'm so glad they are expanding with new vehicles like that ferry, which looks fanstastic. *wub*

- The big castle boat seems to be far better than the viking ship in 2005 - which wasn't that bad to begin with. Lots of cool details, a good green dragon with head armor, and lots of figures! *y* The catapault... eh, not that great, but a good army builder. :-)

- Mars Mission seems far better this year than last year. It's great to see a large human ship, and the tank and human moon walker are awesome! Oh, and the alien ships aren't clones of each other. *y*

- No summer exo-force..... :'-(

- Bionicle.... is mostly crap. Except for Bitil and Takanuva, but the higher price will keep me from buying the former, although the latter I might get... eventually. :-/

Overall - SUMMER LEGO ON! *sweet*

Well it looks like the big surprise for a lot of people including me is the Agents line. I had no interest in this at all after seeing prelim pics, but that silver and dark blue look brilliant. The city advent calendar is very ho hum, just more of the same.

Also a big plus for the new creator sets, love that ferry!

Does anyone know if the August dates are just for the US and the rest of the world will get them earlier, maybe June? It looks as if the US production/distribution shift will be taking place before these are released since all the Castle sets have been pushed to August as well.

I am almost sure that we will get some of those earlier than that! I mean, I just can't live with the thought imagine that TLC would give us Indy and Speed Racer in May, Batman in June, and bust out everything else in August! >:-( It says that we were going to get the Dwarves' Mine in August as well, but we already have it (and some of us the Battle Wheel) already, too! ;-)

Agents, which was looking okay to me in the begining, is looking far better now, and truly seems to be everything Alpha Team wasn't. The vehicle designs are a whole lot better, the parts selection is amazing with all that dark blue - man, I'm really liking this line. *sweet*

Of course it's awesome! And it always has been! I don't know what you are talking about; the design hasn't changed at all, they just made some of the parts silver, and the agents' color scheme was bley & dark blue to begin with, even though it was a little hard to make out from the first pics. No offense, but you should have paid more attention. ;-)

Did anyone notice this?

08 City Advent Calender!!!!!!! 8-

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Btw, Darth_Legois_619, I would love to copy your signature to mine as you requested, BUT I JUST TURNED 20, BABY!!! OH YEAH! X-D


:-| X-D

Looks like i will definatly get the City Advent Calender this year... *y*

Hi im new here and I was wondering, How much is the coast guard boat and tower? I'm really excited about the new starwars sets but im not that happy about the new figs. some r pretty cool but the others (like obi wan) are just terible...

Loving that advent calender, much better than last year's disappointing one, but I'll be getting the Castle one still.

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick

The advent calendar is indeed nice. I like the ice-cream stand, and the fireman rescuing the cat from the tree is great :-D

Ace has got loads of pics up here:


580 pics so far!

I'm just lookin' at Agents and I already see, in the bottom 12 pics, 2 new hairpieces and five new heads! *wub* 3 cheers for Ace! *y* *y* *y*

The orange-haired guy in the trailer has Mutt's hair, no doubt about it.

Edited by trooperdavinfelth

You can find more here via BrickJournal. *sweet*

anyone has a really good close up of the agent's theme? i see tons of new hairpiece mold. i wanna see the orange/black punk style and also the silver metal jaw headgear. it seems like i underestimated the agent theme. looks to be an extremely useful and weird parts pack. even mm looks good. no close up of that neat little mech yet. :(

wow...2008 looks to be the best year yet...

edit: sorry...posted too early...didn't see sam's or sinner's latest thread. pls ignore...going through the goodies now...can't chat. :-P

Hi im new here and I was wondering, How much is the coast guard boat and tower?

Hello and welcome, Mocha! You can see these new sets with price tags pretty good

in Ace

Did anyone see the preliminary set pics for Indy 4? They are HILARIOUS! In the temple, Mutt has Bruce Wayne's head and Satipo's hair, and Irina has the basic hair(you know, what Han has)! :-D The Jungle Cutter is, surprisingly, OK. But the River Chase, that's another piece of work: It has Well of Souls Marion, and two 'street thug' Russians! They seem to have knit caps and grey jackets! :-D :-P

And I THINK, I THINK, Batman has the new suit in the BatBuggy.

Thank you all for the links *sweet* *y*

Lego Has not Dissapointed me with Indy this year. 'specialy with the Bazooka! 8-

Check out this fantastic statue of Rex(found on Ace's Flickr):


I gotta stop looking at all those photos...especially the ones with the prices attached.

Kidney sellin' time... X-O

It's really good to see loads of new Agents pictures. I'm loving all the new molds in there, especially that ponytail in the Mobile HQ, that looks so cool. As for the sets themsleves, they're looking really sweet, and tere seems to be quite a lot of chrome in there.

It's also nice to see some boxart pics for some things. It's the first thing you see when you walk into a shop, so why do people not take much interest in them?

It also looks like Bats might have the new suit in all four sets, which I gues is good.

I think I may have to take some time later to have a proper look at the pictures.

It also looks like Bats might have the new suit in all four sets, which I gues is good.

That Batman Begins torso (I guess) looks really pretty cool.... could be useful for

futuristic warfare suits too, beside the batlogo that is.... 8-| :'-)

That Batman Begins torso (I guess) looks really pretty cool....

It's Batman Begins/The Dark Knight style, but in dark grey instead of black. I would've preferred it in black, but it's nice enough, so I'll settle.

Of course it's awesome! And it always has been! I don't know what you are talking about; the design hasn't changed at all, they just made some of the parts silver, and the agents' color scheme was bley & dark blue to begin with, even though it was a little hard to make out from the first pics. No offense, but you should have paid more attention.

Sorry, I guess I should have made myself more clear: what I meant was, that in comparison to Alpha Team, Agents has a lot more going for it in terms of design and parts. I knew they were fine once I saw the whole wave of preliminary pictures (the ones that TLC asked eurobricks to take off) - I never doubted that this was looking better than Alpha Team. ;-)

Thank you all for the links *sweet* *y*

Seconded, thank you everyone for showing us these great pics, now to go comment!

Batbrick Away! >:-)

LEGO is really getting sooo much of my money this year. :-( Town Plan, Green Grocer, 4x4 & Jet Ski, Truck & Forklift, Mail Van...it's too much!

I hate you LEGO. You're making me poor. :-(

PS: Can I just say, look here! SHARKS WITH FRIGGIN' LASER BEAMS!!!

Edited by Mr Hobbles

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