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Rene, Emile's quartermaster, had been sent a letter from his captain hwo was out at sea with Oleon in Terraversa. The loss of The Elise was a devestating blow to morale for the crew, especially since Emile wasn't with them when the ship was lost. Since then, they all had been waiting on orders. Finally, they arrived. Emile had heard of something going on in Jameston, the Corrington settlement, and he wanted Rene, Gilbert the boatswain, and Henri the rigger to go to the Oleon Consulate in the city and get supplies to search for some orchid. The other three main crew members were told to wait for further orders.


The consulate was imposing. Glass doors opened up to balconies on the first floor, and two guards always stood at attention. After being allowed in, Henri went straight for the butler, hoping to find some form of alcohol there. And yes, Emile's rum was there.


Gilbert found an old acquaintance who had been stationed at the consulate, and they chatted about the old times, back before they had gone their separate ways.


Rene found the Consul and showed the letter he had received from Emile.

"Ah yes," the consul said as he looked at the parchment. "Jameston has been in a bustle recently due to this. Who's going to go on this expedition?"

"Myself, Gilbert, and the boy Henri," Rene replied. "If you could spare any other men, we'll gladly take them."

"Unfortunately I can't send any men with you," the consul admitted. "But, I can give you a healthy amount of supplies. You'll need them when you head out. You'll find some interesting things out there. Just don't start a war, alright?"

"I'll do my best," Rene said.


Up above, they began to gather supplies: shot, weapons, tents. It's dangerous out there for a citizen of Oleon in this place.



A great build on its own on the outside but what really makes it shine, is the interior!

Wonderful mix of Jameston and Oleon - great MOC!

Great entry, suitable representation for the great kingdom of Oleon! :classic:

Which program did you do the render in?

Great consulate and a very welcome addition to Jameston! Hopefully this bodes well for future relations between our great empires! The front façade is very nicely done, and the interior is great as well! What will you license it as? All together a very nice entry.


A great build, very appropriate for the subject! I love the roof, and the tiles for texture on the walls. The entrance stairs are also very nice. My only critique would be that for double doors, I would have made the door arch a couple of studs wider. But a beautiful build none the less. And then we go to the interior, and it takes the build to the next level! (Which reminds me that I have to get back to including interiors for my builds of late.) It's well detailed, and the tiled floors really make it look sharp. I especially like the attic and the stairs that led to it. Excellent job all around! :thumbup:

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Thanks, all! @Gideon I rendered it in Bluerender after making it in LDD. I think it will be licensed as a residence, but I'll have to look at the categories again.

As for the interior, I was worried it was going to be too white and blue and bland, and I was actually worried about the tan walls for the office, as well as not adding too much clashing colors. IT needed a little bit of pop to make my eyes not hurt. For the ladder to the attic, I took that from the Haunted House set that uses either the same or very similar way for the ladder.

It's indeed an imposing building, compatible with the image of our glorious Oleon. The interior is nicely done too, I like the blue-white mosaic and that armory full of muskets and sabres.:thumbup:

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Thanks! It's a natural thing for Oleon buildings to be imposing; we are the best faction afterall, and we need to showcase our strength!:laugh:

On a side note, is there a better program then Bluerender? It makes the gold look yellow.

Cool MOC! Like others have said, it has a sense of grandeur about it. The only thing I kind of dislike are the trans-blue doors on the left and the right. They feel too modern to me and kind of kill the 18th century architecture vibe the rest of the building portrays so well. I like the way you made the liquor bottles by putting a diamond on a regular wine bottle :thumbup:.

Beautiful Colonial consulate, sir. Both interior and exterior looks great, although I agree the large panes of class seem a bit off. Interesting story and characters too, although I don't see why Oleanders should be afraid to venture out in Corlander settlements! (Apart from large carnivorous beasts, of course... ;) )

Also, for licensing, a consulate is a governmental building, so it would be an art and culture. :)

19 hours ago, KotZ said:

On a side note, is there a better program then Bluerender?

I'm no expert, but I use Bluerender 6, but I also have a mod loaded that @Kolonialbeamter recommended called the bublible_sunflow_mod. I don't think it is available anymore, but I just found the .zip file I originally downloaded. If you want to give it a go PM me your email and I'll send it through.

Here is an example of a build I rendered using Bluerender 6 and the Sunflow mod.


I really like the outside facade and the front stoop with the two stairs.  Looks sharp.

Not that my opinion counts for anything, but how is a government building "arts & culture"? That is just nonsense.


@KotZ: The build is brilliant, I love it. It looks imposing from the outside, but the true star is the interior - lots of lovely details, well done! I would suggest a different render software though, this one makes some parts look really weird.

The oleonese one, is up too

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Thanks, all!

On 03/01/2018 at 11:23 PM, Drunknok said:

Not that my opinion counts for anything, but how is a government building "arts & culture"? That is just nonsense.

If a governmental building does not fit obviously into any of the other categories, it is an art and culture. This has been established earlier.

Think of a city hall as a cultural institution, of a consulate as a means of cultural exchange, as examples.

Also, such are the rules.

1 hour ago, Bregir said:

If a governmental building does not fit obviously into any of the other categories, it is an art and culture. This has been established earlier.

Think of a city hall as a cultural institution, of a consulate as a means of cultural exchange, as examples.

Also, such are the rules.

This is stated nowhere in the corresponding rules thread. I could be mistaken, please quote me the relevant section. A stupid thing does not get less stupid only because "we have always done it like that". Politics have little to nothing to do with arts or culture.


If the build would be depicting a great ball in the consulate, that would be different. As it is it depicts storage room for a variety of goods, a private room, and a butler - if anything, this is a residence.

Edited by Drunknok

Just now, Drunknok said:

This is stated nowhere in the corresponding rules thread. I could be mistaken, please quote me the relevant section. A stupid thing does not get less stupid only because "we have always done it like that". Politics have little to nothing to do with arts or culture.


If the build would be depicting a great ball in the consulate, that would be different. As it is it depicts storage room for a variety of goods, a private room, and a butler - if anything, this is a residence.

We will get it updated at some point. It has been established by precedence.

You are of course welcome to question leadership, but sometimes it may be easier for everyone to enjoy BoBS if players agree to generally listen to leadership when there are questions about the rules.

Just now, Bregir said:

We will get it updated at some point. It has been established by precedence.

You are of course welcome to question leadership, but sometimes it may be easier for everyone to enjoy BoBS if players agree to generally listen to leadership when there are questions about the rules.

Ruling by "because I say so" is not leadership, it is bullying.

Edited by Drunknok

24 minutes ago, Drunknok said:

Ruling by "because I say so" is not leadership, it is bullying.

Drunknok. This is one of these events again. I explained to you how the rules are (even if sometimes, rules are not explicitly written down yet, as being a grey area) and I even tried to explain why.

Leadership is here to answer questions about the rules and to enforce them. That is what I did. You are a new player, and you have no way of knowing everything, but you have every chance of being reasonable and friendly, and play along with the game.

I hereby ask you politely again to consider your OOC conduct on these forums.

Very nice build. The curved stairs leading up to the building are nice, and I you did a nice job making the building look Oleandish. The SNOT bricks on the side of the building are just enough to make it look imperfect, but not decrepit. I wish your figs all the best as they set out. 

In regards to the licensing, Bregir is right. Long before this build, it was established that government buildings are generally considered arts and culture. It may not be a perfect fit, but that was the determination reached by the Court as a whole, not one individual. If the rules are not updated to reflect this determination, that will be corrected shortly. 

46 minutes ago, Captain Genaro said:

Long before this build, it was established that government buildings are generally considered arts and culture. It may not be a perfect fit, but that was the determination reached by the Court as a whole, not one individual. If the rules are not updated to reflect this determination, that will be corrected shortly. 

Then... do so? If you make a ruling and then not make it public knowledge it is not the new player to blame for not not knowing about it.


@Bregir: You could get of your high horse every once in a while...

1 hour ago, Drunknok said:

Then... do so? If you make a ruling and then not make it public knowledge it is not the new player to blame for not not knowing about it.

As Bregir stated, everyone who works with BOBS does so voluntarily. Things can be forgotten or overlooked, and occasionally a polite reminder is needed. I don't think anyone is blaming you for not knowing about this rule. 

Let's leave this thread for discussing Kotz's build. If there are any further concerns about the rules or a personal matter, please use the general topic or PMs.:pir-classic:

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