March 27, 20186 yr On 3/27/2018 at 4:43 AM, Flipz said: "I want to do something. But for all my power, I'm one person. Even all together--if by some miracle we all managed to agree on something--there's only a handful of us. Not enough to actually fix everything that's broken. Hel, I even got Leonard to send in a squad of Lion Knight Skirmishers, just to try and get a little information--did you know our 'glorious' overlords locked them in the Embassy for their trouble?" 1 Then come with us. You can't do anything locked in here. We could use you, brother, and it sure sounds like you could use us. The Embassy, huh? Interesting. If they're still in one piece, that doesn't sound like a bad detour. We could use all the hands we can get. Speaking of which, can you take me to Chesterine and Mabel? I, uh, wouldn't mind having a guide if I'm going to be wandering the halls of this place. On 3/27/2018 at 4:43 AM, Flipz said: "Noel," he asks with a tone of exaggerated sweetness only an exasperated sibling can completely convey, "what exactly have you done to Dyric's friends?" 1 Dyric watches passively as the two mages converse, not sure how to deal with Noel by himself.
March 27, 20186 yr Author On 3/27/2018 at 4:43 AM, Flipz said: "Noel," he asks with a tone of exaggerated sweetness only an exasperated sibling can completely convey, "what exactly have you done to Dyric's friends?" "Just a little trapdoor to the void. They're fine, they haven't been eaten... yet. Maybe they should learn some manners and knock next time." "Wait, what do you mean by eaten?"
March 28, 20186 yr On 3/27/2018 at 7:32 AM, The Legonater said: Then come with us. You can't do anything locked in here. We could use you, brother, and it sure sounds like you could use us. Arthur spares a glance for the idealistic Rogue, but doesn't quite seem convinced--though mostly, he is preoccupied with his brother. On 3/27/2018 at 3:39 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "Just a little trapdoor to the void. They're fine, they haven't been eaten... yet. Maybe they should learn some manners and knock next time." "Wait, what do you mean by eaten?" Arthur sighs. "Okay. Not sure whether to commend you for your spellwork, chastise you for your recklessness, or commiserate over dealing with prickly Heroes with bad manners." He rubs his temples, struggling to achieve an elder sibling's proper balance. To buy himself time, he decides to address Bellanotte. "Void Eaters. Huge, omnivorous beasts, 'Nature's janitors', the reason the Void is still...well, a void. You'd be shocked at how much mortals just toss in there like it was nothing...which brings us back to Noel." With a sigh, the former Mage turns back to his brother. "First, I know Mom taught you better than to just Void stuff willy-nilly. Our mail has to go through there, I'm sure you remember that much from school..." The mention of school seems to jog something in his memory, but he keeps his focus on Noel for now. "Second, these are Heroes. For all their flaws, we owe them so much--Merlyn's life, Lilly's soul, Bluto's freedom, and surely you haven't forgotten what they did for you and the other students at the Academy of Enlightenment? And third...these are bloody Heroes. They've killed Void Eaters. As a starter course. While, as a matter of fact, on a Quest trying to deliver our family's vengeance against Baba. Do you really think ticking them off is going to end well? For anyone involved?" Arthur returns his attention to Dyric. "Please, come in, both of you. I need to retrieve some things from my room and fetch Mabel and Chesterine. Noel, meanwhile, will take you to Mother to get the other Heroes back." Arthur shoots his half-brother a commanding glare daring him to do otherwise. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I assure you we'll get everything sorted out momentarily," he reassures diplomatically.
March 28, 20186 yr Author On 3/28/2018 at 12:38 AM, Flipz said: "First, I know Mom taught you better than to just Void stuff willy-nilly. Our mail has to go through there, I'm sure you remember that much from school..." The mention of school seems to jog something in his memory, but he keeps his focus on Noel for now. "Second, these are Heroes. For all their flaws, we owe them so much--Merlyn's life, Lilly's soul, Bluto's freedom, and surely you haven't forgotten what they did for you and the other students at the Academy of Enlightenment? And third...these are bloody Heroes. They've killed Void Eaters. As a starter course. While, as a matter of fact, on a Quest trying to deliver our family's vengeance against Baba. Do you really think ticking them off is going to end well? For anyone involved?" Arthur returns his attention to Dyric. "Please, come in, both of you. I need to retrieve some things from my room and fetch Mabel and Chesterine. Noel, meanwhile, will take you to Mother to get the other Heroes back." Arthur shoots his half-brother a commanding glare daring him to do otherwise. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I assure you we'll get everything sorted out momentarily," he reassures diplomatically. "Sheez, just chillax bro. Give me a sec, here." Noel goes to a nearby coat closet and after casting a quick spell opens the door letting Althior, Atramor, Hoke, and Matthias come tumbling out. "It was pretty easy, just shunted the front door into a pocket dimension in the void. Ya don't have to drag mom into it."
March 28, 20186 yr On 3/28/2018 at 12:38 AM, Flipz said: Arthur returns his attention to Dyric. "Please, come in, both of you. I need to retrieve some things from my room and fetch Mabel and Chesterine. Noel, meanwhile, will take you to Mother to get the other Heroes back." Arthur shoots his half-brother a commanding glare daring him to do otherwise. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I assure you we'll get everything sorted out momentarily," he reassures diplomatically. Dyric follows the former Hero inside, keeping an eye out for Bellanotte as he walked. Stepping into the indicated room, he takes a seat. As Arthur deals with his actual brother, Dyric turns to the young Shadeaux. What do you make of all this, Bellanotte? The Ziegfrieds, I mean. On 3/28/2018 at 4:33 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Sheez, just chillax bro. Give me a sec, here." Noel goes to a nearby coat closet and after casting a quick spell opens the door letting Althior, Atramor, Hoke, and Matthias come tumbling out. "It was pretty easy, just shunted the front door into a pocket dimension in the void. Ya don't have to drag mom into it." The assassin is startled by the clatter but relieved to see his friends piling out. How was the trip?
March 28, 20186 yr On 3/28/2018 at 4:33 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Sheez, just chillax bro. Give me a sec, here." Noel goes to a nearby coat closet and after casting a quick spell opens the door letting Althior, Atramor, Hoke, and Matthias come tumbling out. "It was pretty easy, just shunted the front door into a pocket dimension in the void. Ya don't have to drag mom into it." Arthur visibly relaxes as the other Heroes appear. He starts upstairs, but pauses partway up. "You know, I can't help but wonder what frightful headway you'd make if you applied that enthusiasm to your lessons instead of just your personal projects. Maybe then dragging Mom into things wouldn't be such a terrifying prospect." With a teasing grin, Arthur slips away to the mansion's upper reaches to retrieve its other remaining residents.
March 28, 20186 yr On 3/28/2018 at 5:26 AM, The Legonater said: The assassin is startled by the clatter but relieved to see his friends piling out. How was the trip? "I've had better," Hoke says as he straightens himself out and shoots the pointy-eared juvenile a sharp look.
March 28, 20186 yr Matthias echoes Ablesword's glare as he checks his things and wonders what's next.
March 28, 20186 yr Atramor whirls around in momentary confusion for a moment before realizing that he is not only back but that the young wizard was also present in the front of the manner. On 3/28/2018 at 5:26 AM, The Legonater said: How was the trip? "Dark. And judgmental," grumbled the rogue. "Kid, I dunno what the hell that thing in there was, but you gotta be a damn sight more careful when you go doing...whatever the hell that was."
March 28, 20186 yr Well, the news is good. That is, my news is good, you all look a little worse for wear. Most of the Ziegfrieds have shipped off, but there are a few still around with the talents we need. Arthur's gone up to get them, which brings me to point two. When everything fell, he called in the big guns. The Lions sent in a squadron of Lion Knights, but they got locked up in the Embassy by the pseudo-Veterans. I think our next step after we raise the Golden Dragon should be busting them out, we could use the manpower.
March 28, 20186 yr "Regulus..." the prophet nods, knocking on the door. "No wonder you're getting a bad reputation if, when visitors arrive, your first instinct is to seal them away in a pocket dimension to be devoured," he glares at Noel.
March 29, 20186 yr Author On 3/28/2018 at 4:43 PM, CMP said: Atramor whirls around in momentary confusion for a moment before realizing that he is not only back but that the young wizard was also present in the front of the manner. "Dark. And judgmental," grumbled the rogue. "Kid, I dunno what the hell that thing in there was, but you gotta be a damn sight more careful when you go doing...whatever the hell that was." Noel looks rather sheepishly down at his boots. "It was only a void eater, and besides I wouldn't have let it eat you. Mom would have had my head."After Arthur departs a few awkward moments pass before two women in flowing wizard robes walk downstairs into the drawing room where the heroes had gathered. "Althior Emorith! As I live and breathe, what a pleasant surprise, it's been an age since you've stopped by! Arthur said we had visitors, but he didn't mention you. Please sit and introduce your friends." With a flick of her wand, the wizard summons a half dozen cozy armchairs around the sitting room. "Tea?"Chesterine sits quietly watching the group, she smiles rather bashfully at Matthias. "Hi."
March 29, 20186 yr Matthias blushes self-consciously as he notices the girl. "Hi." is all he can muster, so he climbs onto a chair. As he realizes introductions are called for, he scrambles to his feet - on the chair - and then realizes his boots are probably muddy so he hastily steps down. "Matthias the Druid, at your service. Peace be with you." Done intoning the formal greeting, he climbs into the chair again, as irritated at his own lack of poise as he had been at being trapped in the Void.
March 29, 20186 yr "Arthur? He's hangin' 'round here? Damn, who ain't we gonna run into..." Atramor shrugged his shoulders, taking a seat and nodding at the offer of tea. "Thank ya' ma'am. Atramor Gibbin. Gotta say, feels like years since I just...took a nice long sit." He reclined very comfortably in the chair for the time being. "Shame we ain't here for leisure, but we've got some business. Maybe Althior's best suited to fill ya' in."
March 29, 20186 yr On 3/29/2018 at 5:44 AM, CMP said: "Arthur? He's hangin' 'round here? Damn, who ain't we gonna run into..." Atramor shrugged his shoulders, taking a seat and nodding at the offer of tea. "Thank ya' ma'am. Atramor Gibbin. Gotta say, feels like years since I just...took a nice long sit." He reclined very comfortably in the chair for the time being. "Shame we ain't here for leisure, but we've got some business. Maybe Althior's best suited to fill ya' in." "It's my family's manor, Atramor, why wouldn't I be here?" Arthur descends the staircase, an envelope in hand. He glances toward Dyric for a moment, but decides to let the matter wait for the moment. "Actually, I'm a bit curious as to what you've been up to myself, Lady Bellanotte mentioned staying at the Dragon House and Dyric something about a Necromancer solving all our problems? I'll admit, my cousins are powerful, but not all-powerful." The ex-mage pauses for a second, blinking. "Well, not yet, anyway," he amends with a jokingly wary glance at Noel. The ex-Hero surveys his former compatriots, every one a face he'd fought alongside, whether saving citizens, soldiers, cities, states, even the world itself. "It's good to see you," he adds with feeling, catching the eyes of each Hero like windows into a now-distant past.
March 29, 20186 yr "Arthur," Hoke says as he nods to his former quest mate. Hoke turns to the newcomers to introduce himself. "I do not believe I have worked with the Ziegfrieds before. I am Hoke Ablesword. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintances." He turns his head to Arthur, "You may be interested to see who is hiding in your garden."
March 29, 20186 yr Dyric Rone, the assassin says in greeting, giving a formal but friendly nod to the Ziegfrieds. Tea would be fantastic, thank you. It would be good to drink something not brewed in a tavern or a market for once.
March 30, 20186 yr On 3/29/2018 at 7:18 PM, The Legonater said: Tea would be fantastic, thank you. It would be good to drink something not brewed in a tavern or a market for once. "The traitor reveals himself at last," chuckled Atramor with a smirk, stealthily stowing his flask.
March 30, 20186 yr Althior shrugs. “Usually I go for something stronger, but tea will do nicely. Now, where’s the rest of the family?”
March 30, 20186 yr Author On 3/29/2018 at 3:21 AM, StickFig said: Matthias blushes self-consciously as he notices the girl. "Hi." is all he can muster, so he climbs onto a chair. As he realizes introductions are called for, he scrambles to his feet - on the chair - and then realizes his boots are probably muddy so he hastily steps down. "Matthias the Druid, at your service. Peace be with you." Done intoning the formal greeting, he climbs into the chair again, as irritated at his own lack of poise as he had been at being trapped in the Void. "Well met Master Matthias, it is not often we have entertained a druid in our home, do forgive some of our decor." Matthias notes several taxidermied magical beasts around the room. On 3/29/2018 at 5:44 AM, CMP said: "Arthur? He's hangin' 'round here? Damn, who ain't we gonna run into..." Atramor shrugged his shoulders, taking a seat and nodding at the offer of tea. "Thank ya' ma'am. Atramor Gibbin. Gotta say, feels like years since I just...took a nice long sit." He reclined very comfortably in the chair for the time being. "Shame we ain't here for leisure, but we've got some business. Maybe Althior's best suited to fill ya' in." "I like your hat." On 3/29/2018 at 3:17 PM, UsernameMDM said: "Arthur," Hoke says as he nods to his former quest mate. Hoke turns to the newcomers to introduce himself. "I do not believe I have worked with the Ziegfrieds before. I am Hoke Ablesword. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintances." He turns his head to Arthur, "You may be interested to see who is hiding in your garden." "Likewise Mr. Ablesword. If we have more visitors, perhaps we should invite them in?" On 3/29/2018 at 7:18 PM, The Legonater said: Dyric Rone, the assassin says in greeting, giving a formal but friendly nod to the Ziegfrieds. Tea would be fantastic, thank you. It would be good to drink something not brewed in a tavern or a market for once. "Of course." Mabel Ziegfried claps her hands and a large teapot, cream, sugar, and several cakes appear in the middle of the room on the sitting room table. On 3/30/2018 at 1:01 AM, K-Nut said: Althior shrugs. “Usually I go for something stronger, but tea will do nicely. Now, where’s the rest of the family?” "Vacation!" Chesterine begins pouring the tea. "Well, something like that. Most of the family teleported to the Ever Summer Islands, at least until this whole thing blew over. We didn't want the children being exposed to the nastiness that's been lurking outside our gates lately. I'll be joining them for the weekend, but there's still things to attend to here, so it's just me, Chesterine, Arthur, Noel, their mother Valentine, and my half-brother Marco."
March 30, 20186 yr On 3/30/2018 at 12:45 AM, CMP said: "The traitor reveals himself at last," chuckled Atramor with a smirk, stealthily stowing his flask. On 3/30/2018 at 2:06 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Of course." Mabel Ziegfried claps her hands and a large teapot, cream, sugar, and several cakes appear in the middle of the room on the sitting room table. Dyric gives a wink to Atramor before receiving his cup of tea, carefully mixing in a spoonful of sugar. It's lucky that the two of you have the talents we need, then. Althior, would you like to introduce our business, or should I?
March 30, 20186 yr On 3/30/2018 at 2:06 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "I like your hat." "Yours ain't half bad either, lady," remarked Atramor as he picked up a cake, dunking it straight into his cup of unsweetened, milkless tea and taking a large bite. Edited March 30, 20186 yr by CMP
March 30, 20186 yr On 3/30/2018 at 2:06 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Likewise Mr. Ablesword. If we have more visitors, perhaps we should invite them in?" "With your abilities, I am sure you could accommodate her, but I think she would prefer not to have a roof over her head."
March 30, 20186 yr On 3/30/2018 at 2:42 PM, UsernameMDM said: "With your abilities, I am sure you could accommodate her, but I think she would prefer not to have a roof over her head." Matthias giggles internally, but finds himself still irritated from the void and a little bored with the small talk. "What do you know of what is happening in the city - I mean, the real, behind-the-scenes happenings, Lady ...?" The druid trails off, realizing that while he has introduced himself and many of the others seem in familiar company, he has no idea who the ladies are.
March 31, 20186 yr On 3/29/2018 at 3:17 PM, UsernameMDM said: "Arthur," Hoke says as he nods to his former quest mate. Hoke turns to the newcomers to introduce himself. "I do not believe I have worked with the Ziegfrieds before. I am Hoke Ablesword. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintances." He turns his head to Arthur, "You may be interested to see who is hiding in your garden." On 3/30/2018 at 2:42 PM, UsernameMDM said: "With your abilities, I am sure you could accommodate her, but I think she would prefer not to have a roof over her head." "...Miirym?" Arthur asks in a small voice. "Is it...have you found her? Is she all right?" On 3/30/2018 at 3:09 PM, StickFig said: Matthias giggles internally, but finds himself still irritated from the void and a little bored with the small talk. "What do you know of what is happening in the city - I mean, the real, behind-the-scenes happenings, Lady ...?" The druid trails off, realizing that while he has introduced himself and many of the others seem in familiar company, he has no idea who the ladies are. Arthur clears his throat awkwardly, grateful to the gnome for drawing away his focus from painful matters. "O-of course, where are my manners. Heroes, these are my second-cousins, Secondary Spiritist Mabel Ziegfried--" Arthur gestures to the tan-clad Ziegfried "--and Minor Occultess Chesterine Ziegfried," he finishes, indicating the pink-hatted Chesterine. "And of course, you've already met my half-brother Noel."
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