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  On 7/27/2018 at 4:16 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur shakes his head.  "The Dream Drakes are too likely to negate a bomb right now, both before and after it detonates.  Better to keep at the cannon until our priority targets are down."

"Pardon me, but the Dream Drakes shouldn't be able to undo the effects of my bomb as they themselves would be asleep and unable to act. I admit that I'd only be able to knock out one but I don't think the other one could undo the effect from the other side of the ship."

(WBD: Just to be clear, can the Dream Drakes's special affect allies on the opposite side of the ship from them?)

  On 7/26/2018 at 3:01 PM, The Legonater said:

Bellanotte sings her lucky chant from the back row, while Dyric fires on Dream Drake A (Shadow A, Green A) and Dream Drake B (Shadow B, Green B) from the back.

Are they going to play the same song? 

  On 7/26/2018 at 10:44 PM, Kintobor said:

Karie begins to play on her guitar as she steels herself for the coming onslaught.

"Bellanote, whatever it is you plan on playing, my advice is you keep intake with me so we don't sound like a pair of dying gulls."

Karie plays a Lucky Chant from the back row.


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Edited by samurai-turtle

  On 7/27/2018 at 4:56 AM, Lord Duvors said:

"Pardon me, but the Dream Drakes shouldn't be able to undo the effects of my bomb as they themselves would be asleep and unable to act. I admit that I'd only be able to knock out one but I don't think the other one could undo the effect from the other side of the ship."

(WBD: Just to be clear, can the Dream Drakes's special affect allies on the opposite side of the ship from them?)

"That's assuming they don't nullify the effect with their passive Geas.  Also, taking a second look at those hatchling mobs, I don't think your bomb would take out more than one of each.  It'd put 'em to sleep, sure, but that still leaves the rest to deal with."

  On 7/27/2018 at 4:59 AM, samurai-turtle said:

Are they going to play the same song? 


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"A good catch, Mr....erm..."  Arthur scratches the back of his head, realizing he doesn't recognize many of the newer Heroes, and lack's the Hall's Gallery by which to identify them.  "Mr. Rogue," he settles on.

The Skirmisher looks to Karie and Bellanotte.  "I don't think your songs would build upon each other, and with the present Battle Order the dual plays wouldn't even reduce Karie's Ether cost.  I think one of you playing a Rapid March might be a better option."

Torald catches the gem, barely. He nods. Thanks! he shouts. 

Torald focuses on the energy within the newly acquired gem. With a twist of his hand he sends a blast of wind into the sails, sending the boat forwards. 

  On 7/26/2018 at 6:24 AM, CMP said:

"Matthias, I assume ya've been takin' care of that scroll. Now's your chance to tame a dragon. Don't blow it in fronta' Chesterine, mate, the gals love a man ridin' a dragon. If we're lucky, Euflear's got the same idea. About the dragon-tamin'."

Matthias nods uncertainly. Riding a dragon? Does he not remember what happened last time? Regardless, he heads back near Chesterine, who casts a wind spell to move the ship. The gnome casts from the Scroll of the Chasm at Vermilion Wyvern B, then swings his Stave around to begin healing injured allies in battle order until he runs out of turns.

> Matthias: Scroll of the Chasm vs. Vermilion Wyvern B
> Matthias: Heal (Stave) vs. first injured party member; if none, Extraordinaire vs. Green Drake B
> Matthias: Heal (Stave) vs. first injured party member; if none, Extraordinaire vs. Green Drake B
> Chesterine: Wind Spell (Wand) vs. Ship Movement

Torc speeds high into the sky, above the swarm of drakes, dragons, and wyverns.  Hoke looks down at the flock and finds his target.  He directs Torc without a word, and they both dive down, the wicked tipped spear elongating into a lance.  Molten fire begins to bubble and drip out of Torc's maw as she unleashes a gout of flame as they crash into their foes.

Hoke - consume Titan's Heart (Free Item Use)
Hoke - Zoot's Order, Speckled Wyvern A (whatever Row Atramor said to take)
Torc - Hunter Wyvern A (whatever Row Atramor said to take)

Edited by UsernameMDM

  • Author
  On 7/27/2018 at 4:56 AM, Lord Duvors said:

"Pardon me, but the Dream Drakes shouldn't be able to undo the effects of my bomb as they themselves would be asleep and unable to act. I admit that I'd only be able to knock out one but I don't think the other one could undo the effect from the other side of the ship."

(WBD: Just to be clear, can the Dream Drakes's special affect allies on the opposite side of the ship from them?)

QM Note: Correct, the passive specials are restricted to the respective sides.

  On 7/27/2018 at 4:59 AM, samurai-turtle said:

Are they going to play the same song? 


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QM Note: I'm OK with casting a water spell, it'll be half as effective so only 50ft/ether.

For his third attack, Dyric sights up Red Mob A (Green, Gold) while Bellanotte attacks White Mob A with her flute. 

Waldorf fires his cannon sorrowfully at Shadow Drake A.

What a miserable life. Annie dies twice, and now this..."

  On 7/27/2018 at 5:47 AM, Flipz said:

"That's assuming they don't nullify the effect with their passive Geas.  Also, taking a second look at those hatchling mobs, I don't think your bomb would take out more than one of each.  It'd put 'em to sleep, sure, but that still leaves the rest to deal with."

"I don't think they're affected by their own abilities, but I take your point."

Throlar fires at Shadow Drake A with the cannon.

OoC: Sorry for the extended absence.

Heckz appears to be irritated and shouts amidst the chaos.

"If anyone has any sapphires for me, then please give them over now! I have a feeling you imbeciles don't clean your ears much, given that I asked for the stones beforehand."

If Heckz is given a Sapphire, he attempts to change the weather to Breezy and to blow the ships sails with arcane blasts of wind.

If not, he attempts to change the weather to Humid and magically manipulate the waves to navigate the ship ahead.

Not really sure how Karie's song will work out...of Pretzel, Petaldan, and Waldorf, will any of them be Hastened?

  On 7/27/2018 at 5:47 AM, Flipz said:

"A good catch, Mr....erm..."  Arthur scratches the back of his head, realizing he doesn't recognize many of the newer Heroes, and lack's the Hall's Gallery by which to identify them.  "Mr. Rogue," he settles on.

Does it really matter? But if you got to call me something, Mister Demon would work. That should be simple enough for you to remember. Suddenly remembered trying to buy something from him, but he basically told Germ, "Hell no, I am not selling you anything". 


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QM Note: CMP, can I get a battle order from you?

Battle Order
>Atramor summons Archdemon
>Atramor drinks Greater Potion
>Germ shoots Shadow Drake A
>Waldorf shoots Shadow Drake A
>Torald shoots Shadow Drake A
>Skuld shoots Shadow Drake A
>Germ uses Smelling Salts on Ezeran
>Boomingham shoots Shadow Drake B
>Petaldan shoots Shadow Drake B
>Nerwen gives Torald Sapphire
>Karie sings Rapid March (20 heroes; -40 ether)
>Heckz changes weather to Humid (Water)
>Heckz speeds up the Magpie (Water)
>Heckz speeds up the Magpie (Water)
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Torald takes Sapphire from Nerwen
>Torald speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Chesterine speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Chesterine speeds up the Magpie (Wind)
>Bellanotte sings Lucky Chant (16 heroes; -32 ether)
>Bellanotte vs. White Mob A (Flute)
>Dyric vs. Dream Drake A and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow)
>Dyric vs. Dream Drake B and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow)
>Dyric vs. Red Mob A and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow)
>Vindsval vs. Black Drake B (Requiem)
>Vindsval vs. Black Drake B (Requiem)
>Kiray vs. Speckled Wyvern B (Hunter's Crossbow)
>Kiray vs. Speckled Wyvern B (Hunter's Crossbow)
>Erik vs. Gold Mob A (Conspirator)
>Erik vs. Gold Mob B (Conspirator)
>Lind vs. Green Mob A (Wind Spitter's Deck)
>Lind vs. Green Mob B (Wind Spitter's Deck)
>Marco vs. White Mob B (Earth)
>Marco vs. Red Mob B (Earth)
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A (or B)
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A (or B, or shoots Green Drake A with Unlucky Crossbow)
>Skrall vs. Green Drake A (Giant Hammer)
>Skrall vs. Green Drake B (Giant Hammer)
>Pretzel vs. Obsidian Wyvern B (Flying Cross)
>Pretzel vs. Obsidian Wyvern B (Flying Cross)
>Arthur uses First Breath
>Arthur vs. Obsidian Wyvern A (Gladiator's Trident)
>Hoke consumes Titan Heart
>Hoke vs. Speckled Wyvern A (Zoot's Order)
>Hoke vs. Speckled Wyvern A (Zoot's Order)
>Torc vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Earth)
>Torc vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Earth)
>Matthias casts Scroll of the Chasm vs. Black Drake A
>Matthias heals first injured party member (or shoots Green Drake B with Extraordinaire)
>Matthias heals first injured party member (or shoots Green Drake B with Extraordinaire)
>Benji vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Meduiak)
>Benji vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Meduiak)
>Benji vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Meduiak)
>Knife-Tongue vs. Hunter Wyvern B (Twice)
>Knife-Tongue vs. Hunter Wyvern B (Twice)
>Elphaba vs. White Mob B (Broomstick)


Filled in anyone that hasn't posted yet. If a melee hero's target isn't Grounded, they'll just go ahead and attack the first targets that are Grounded, I suppose. Hope compiling all this helps.

Edited by CMP

Vindsval targeted Black Drake B. 

OOC: Arthur will be using the First Breath on his first turn, just so as to start building it early; since his damage output is so low anyway, better to use his attacks primarily to negate enemy Free Hits and go for Aim and Defend rather than aiming to kill, at least until he can build the Breath up a bit.

OOC: Will changing the weather to Breezy double the effects of the propelling of the ship?

  On 7/29/2018 at 5:57 AM, CMP said:

>Torald shoots Shadow Drake A


  • Author

The heroes work in concert each doing their part. The mages fill the sail with a tremendous gale as the ship speeds forward. The cannons roar as dragons drop out of the sky severely wounded by the gunfire. Crossbows and longbows twang sending barrage after barrage into the sky. Two of the dragons momentarily join the party under the Fay One's control as Arthur and Kiray prepare defensive maneuvers for the oncoming assault. The minstrels' melodies intertwine and play off each other in fantastical rhythms as the air grows damp from Heckz's weather wizardry. Torc rushes across the sky giving openings to all of the heroes before igniting the heavens with an inferno of fire and brimstone.

Battle Notes:

  • Because we are kicking off essentially a multi-stage battle, consumables with positive effects will only last 10 rounds. If you'd like to reverse your decision to consume your consumables before this, let me know.
  • When a cannon is manned, the players stats/positive effects are not taken into account while running the round, i.e. an encouraged character does not double a cannon's damage output
  • Mages may spend an action to cast a wind spell (providing they have a Sapphire) at the cost of 1 ether to propel the ship an extra 100 feet.
  • Enemies that are *In Flight* can only be hit with ranged weapons or spells. Once struck they will be *Grounded* and can be hit by melee weapons. At the end of the next round each *Grounded* creature has a 1/6 chance to become *In Flight*
  • Enemies have a 1/6 chance to deal damage directly to the ship instead of a given hero or cannon
  • AOE attacks will only effect the enemies on that side of the ship.
  • New dragons will be added randomly during each subsequent round until the party reaches the Fort. The amount and type will be determined by a dice rolls: 1-2: None, 3-4: 2 Dragons, 5-6: 4 Dragons. 1-2: Wyvern, 3-4: Drake, 5-6: Hatchling Mob
  • Cannons take a player's full turn to fire

Ship Speed: 1100 ft/round

Ship Condition: 15/15 Hits

Distance to Fort Freedom: 2900 ft

Current Weather: None


Round 1 of Battle Across the Bay

>Atramor summons Archdemon - Success - 175 Mana
>Atramor drinks Greater Potion - Success - +50 HP
Archdemon - Devil's Whisper Port Side - Success - 25 Mana
>Germ shoots Shadow Drake A - Success - 300 Damage
>Waldorf shoots Shadow Drake A - Success - 300 Damage
>Throlar shoots Shadow Drake A - Success - 300 Damage
>Skuld shoots Shadow Drake A - Success - 300 Damage, KO'd
>Germ uses Smelling Salts on Ezeran - Success
>Boomingham shoots Shadow Drake B - Success - 300 Damage
>Petaldan shoots Shadow Drake B - Success - 300 Damage
>Nerwen gives Torald Sapphire - Success
>Karie sings Rapid March (20 heroes; -40 ether) - Success - -40 Ether
>Heckz changes weather to Humid (Water) - Great Forecast Disaster (Thunderstorm) - 61 Lightning Damage to all enemies, 122 Damage to Flying Enemies, All enemies Jinxed -10 Ether
>Heckz speeds up the Magpie (Water) - Success - 50ft, -1 Ether
>Heckz speeds up the Magpie (Water) - Success - 50ft, -1 Ether
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Ezeran speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Althior speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Torald takes Sapphire from Nerwen - Success
>Torald speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Chesterine speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Chesterine speeds up the Magpie (Wind) - Success - 100ft, -1 Ether
>Bellanotte sings Lucky Chant (16 heroes; -32 ether) - Success - -32 Ether
>Bellanotte vs. White Mob A (Flute) - Special Damage Damage Cheer Up - No negative effects to remedy
>Dyric vs. Dream Drake A and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow) - Aim Hit Special Damage Damage Hit - Dream Drake A, KO'd, Green Drake A Immune to KO, 452 Damage to Green Drake A, 292 Damage to Vermilion Wyvern
>Dyric vs. Dream Drake B and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow) - Aim Special Damage Critical Hit - Dream Drake B, KO'd, Green Drake 452 Damage, 0 Damage to Shadow Drake B
>Dyric vs. Red Mob A and following two (Warmonger's Crossbow) - Aim Critical Hit Critical Hit Critical Hit - 1 Hit to Red, Green, and Gold Mobs A
>Vindsval vs. Black Drake B (Requiem) - Aim Critical Hit Critical Hit - 190 Damage
>Vindsval vs. Black Drake B (Requiem) - Aim Supernal Smite Supernal Smite - 270 Damage
>Kiray vs. Speckled Wyvern B (Hunter's Crossbow) - Special Damage Aim Aura
>Kiray vs. Speckled Wyvern B (Hunter's Crossbow) - Special Damage Aim Aura
>Erik vs. Gold Mob A (Conspirator) - Damage Hit Hit - 1 Hit
>Erik vs. Gold Mob B (Conspirator) - Dread Visage Dread Visage - Fragile
>Lind vs. Green Mob A (Wind Spitter's Deck) - Arrogant Prick Hide Arrogant Prick - 3 Hits, 30 Gold Stolen, Stunned
>Lind vs. Green Mob B (Wind Spitter's Deck) - Recovers from Stunned
>Marco vs. White Mob B (Earth) - Special Damage Spell - 1 Hit, -1 Ether
>Marco vs. Red Mob B (Earth) - Damage Critical Hit - 1 Hit, -1 Ether
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A - Poorly Tame Damage Special Damage
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A (or B) - Tame Poorly Tame Poorly Tame
>Euflear tames Vermillion Wyvern A (or B, or shoots Green Drake A with Unlucky Crossbow) - Damage Special Damage Ambush (13 Hits) - 126 Damage to Hunter Wyvern A, Obsidian Wyvern A, and Speckled Wyvern A, 152 Damage to Green Drake A and Black Drake A, 2 Hits to Green Mob A and Red Mob A, 1 Hit to Gold Mob A and White Mob A
>Skrall vs. Green Drake A (Giant Hammer) - Hit Damage Beast Form Beast Form
>Skrall vs. Green Drake B (Giant Hammer) - Massacre Special Damage Massacre - 172 Damage to Shadow Drake B, Green Drake, Black Drake, 1 Hit to Red and White Mobs
>Pretzel vs. Obsidian Wyvern B (Flying Cross) - Damage Hit - 112 Damage
>Pretzel vs. Obsidian Wyvern B (Flying Cross) - Special Damage Critical Hit - 134 Damage
>Arthur uses First Breath - Success - +3 Power
>Arthur vs. Obsidian Wyvern A (Gladiator's Trident) - Special Damage Phalanx
>Hoke consumes Titan Heart - Success
>Hoke vs. Speckled Wyvern A (Zoot's Order) - Special Damage Dragon's Aid Hit - 452 Damage, Cursed, Fragile, Level reduced by 1
>Hoke vs. Speckled Wyvern A (Zoot's Order) - Special Damage Damage Damage - Hexed, 49 Damage to Hunter Wyvern A
>Torc vs. Hunter Wyvern A (Fire) - Breath Dragon's Wrath - Heroes do a bunch of damage, Torc Does 3360 Fire Damage, Obsidian Wyvern A 184 Damage, Red Mob A 1 Hit, All other Mobs Take 4 Hits, Everything else KO'd
>Torc vs. Hunter Wyvern A Obsidian Wyvern A (Fire) - Breath Breath - 0 Damage
>Matthias casts Scroll of the Chasm vs. Black Drake A - Failure - -10 Ether
>Matthias heals first injured party member (or shoots Green Drake B with Extraordinaire) - Special Damage Special Damage Aim - 0 Green Drake, Black Drake, Shadow Drake, Fragile
>Matthias heals first injured party member (or shoots Green Drake B with Extraordinaire) - Special Damage Hit Critical Hit - 0 Green Drake, Black Drake, Shadow Drake, Fragile
>Benji vs. Hunter Obsidian Wyvern A (Meduiak) - Hit Hit Critical Hit - 0 Damage
>Benji vs. Hunter Obsidian Wyvern A (Meduiak) - Aim Damage Alea Lacta Est (3) - 0 Damage, 1 Hit to all Green, Gold, and White Mobs, 0 Hits to Red Mob
>Benji vs. Hunter Obsidian Wyvern A (Meduiak) - Hit Aim Hit - 0 Damage
>Knife-Tongue vs. Hunter Wyvern B Obsidian Wyvern A (Twice) - Hit Damage Damage - 70 Damage
>Knife-Tongue vs. Hunter Wyvern B (Twice) - Damage Critical Hit Slice and Dice - 85 Damage, slowed
>Elphaba vs. White Mob B (Broomstick) - Critical Hit Damage - 1 Hit

Black Drake A - Free Hits (Gold Mob) - 1 Hit
White Mob A - Free Hits (Kiray) - 0 Damage
Speckled Wyvern B - Free Hits (Kiray) - 0 Damage
Shadow Drake B - Free Hits (Kiray) - 7 Damage

Althior - Transcended - +1 Ether
Kiray - Blessed - +18 HP

Reinforcements arriving at the end of Round 2: 4 Hatchling Mobs to each side


39612929215_ef1a2bcc22_t.jpg Obsidian Wyvern A *Grounded* *Immune to Blinded, Stunned, Sleep, Slowed, and Fast Asleep* *Deals Stunned*Hexed (1 Round Remaining)* *Jinxed*
Type: Rock
Level: 70
Health: 327/750
Special: Confounding Echoes - The Wyvern's Shriek reverberates across the water causing all of the party to take 10 damage that ignores SP and Row each turn until a successful Water spell is cast.
1-2: Dragon Scale (Grants Lucky and Blessed, Consumable)
3-6: Nothing

39798022274_0de1ed66af_t.jpg Vermilion Wyvern B *In Flight* *Immune to Sealed, Stunned, Sudden Death, Afraid, Hexed, and Bleeding* *Deals Sleep* *Jinxed* *Tamed (1 Round Remaining)*
Type: Vermin
Level: 40
Health: 847/1200
Special: Comforting Spores - The Wyvern's releases a cloud of healing dust causing all of the enemy party to remove one negative effect and restore 100 HP each turn until a successful Fire spell is cast.
1-2: Greater Potion
3-6: Nothing

Heroicafog-monster-greendragon Green Drake A *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, lightning, cursed, blinded, sealed, and sudden death* *Hexed (1 Round Remaining)* *Jinxed*
Type: Flying
Level: 30
Health: 1172/1823
Special: Acidic Breath – Deals 23 wood-elemental damage and the poisoned by 12-effect to all opponents.
1-2: Dragon Skull (Worth 250 gold, except in Magic Shops where it is worth 500 gold)
3-6: Dragon Scale (Grants lucky- and blessed-effects when consumed.)

Heroicafog-monster-blackdragon Black Drake A *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, lightning, cursed, blinded, sealed, and sudden death* *Hexed (1 Round Remaining)* *Jinxed*
Type: Flying/Dark
Level: 30
Health: 1545/1819
Special: Menacing Breath – Deals 24 darkness-elemental damage and the cursed-effect to all opponents
1-2: Dragon Skull (Worth 250 gold, except in Magic Shops where it is worth 500 gold)
3-6: Dragon Scale (Grants lucky- and blessed-effects when consumed.)

28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg Green Hatchlings A (Mob 8) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed, and Slowed* *Jinxed*
Type: Flying
Level: 8
Hits: 8/20
Special: Whistling Wind – Randomizes the next battle order

43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg Red Hatchlings A (Mob 13) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed* *Jinxed*
Type: Fire
Level: 13
Hits: 13/20
Special: Frenzied Fire – All enemies deal *Burning 5* during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg Gold Hatchlings A (Mob 10) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed* *Jinxed*
Type: Light
Level: 11
Hits: 11/20
Special: Caressing Corona – All enemies ignore Immunities during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg White Hatchlings A (Mob 13) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed* *Jinxed*
Type: Ice
Level: 13
Hits: 13/20
Special: Flash Frost – All enemies ignore Positive Effects during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

THE ENEMY Starboard

39798022074_9e683cd18f_t.jpg Speckled Wyvern B *In Flight* *Immune to Poison, Confused, Sealed, Blinded, and Stunned* *Deals Poison 15*
Type: Beast
Level: 50
Health: 1000/1000
Special: Corroding Fog - The Wyvern spreads a corrosive gas throughout the cavern that reduces the WP and SP of all the party's equipped weapons and artifacts, by 1 each turn until a successful Wind spell is cast.
1-2: Deadly Venom
3-6: Nothing

26637283538_42fd153cfe_t.jpg Hunter Wyvern B *In Flight* *Immune to Blinded, Stunned, Sudden Death, Sleep, Fast Asleep, Hexed, Slowed, and Jinxed* *Deals Bleeding 15*
Type: Flying
Level: 10* Number of Target's Immunities
Health: 750/750
Special: Blurring Illusion - The Wyvern's creates duplicates of each of the enemy party causing all of them to be Nimble until a successful Light spell is cast.
1-2: Dragon Scale (Grants Lucky and Blessed, Consumable)
3-6: Nothing

39612929215_ef1a2bcc22_t.jpg Obsidian Wyvern B *In Flight* *Immune to Blinded, Stunned, Sleep, Slowed, and Fast Asleep* *Deals Stunned*
Type: Rock
Level: 70
Health: 401/750
Special: Confounding Echoes - The Wyvern's Shriek reverberates across the water causing all of the party to take 10 damage that ignores SP and Row each turn until a successful Water spell is cast.
1-2: Dragon Scale (Grants Lucky and Blessed, Consumable)
3-6: Nothing

39798022274_0de1ed66af_t.jpg Vermilion Wyvern B *In Flight* *Immune to Sealed, Stunned, Sudden Death, Afraid, Hexed, and Bleeding* *Deals Sleep* *Tamed (3 Round Remaining)*
Type: Vermin
Level: 40
Health: 1200/1200
Special: Comforting Spores - The Wyvern's releases a cloud of healing dust causing all of the enemy party to remove one negative effect and restore 100 HP each turn until a successful Fire spell is cast.
1-2: Greater Potion
3-6: Nothing

42740340825_11dbcd3f0f_t.jpg Shadow Drake B *Grounded* *Immune to Sealed, Stunned, Sudden Death, Afraid, Hexed, Slowed, and Bleeding* *Ignores SP*Fragile (3 Rounds Remaining)*
Type: Ethereal
Level: 30
Health: 428/1200
Special: Plane Shift - The Drake removes the target from the next round of battle. The Shadow Drake uses it's special for Free Hits.
Passive Special: Blink - Allies have a 1/3 chance to ignore Shield Rolls of Guardian Angel, Sentinel, and Guardian Sentinel.
1-2: Greater Tonic
3-6: Nothing

Heroicafog-monster-greendragon Green Drake B *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, lightning, cursed, blinded, sealed, and sudden death* *Fragile (3 Rounds Remaining)*
Type: Flying
Level: 30
Health: 1119/1823
Special: Acidic Breath – Deals 23 wood-elemental damage and the poisoned by 12-effect to all opponents.
1-2: Dragon Skull (Worth 250 gold, except in Magic Shops where it is worth 500 gold)
3-6: Dragon Scale (Grants lucky- and blessed-effects when consumed.)

Heroicafog-monster-blackdragon Black Drake B *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, lightning, cursed, blinded, sealed, and sudden death* *Fragile (3 Rounds Remaining)*
Type: Flying/Dark
Level: 30
Health: 1187/1819
Special: Menacing Breath – Deals 24 darkness-elemental damage and the cursed-effect to all opponents
1-2: Dragon Skull (Worth 250 gold, except in Magic Shops where it is worth 500 gold)
3-6: Dragon Scale (Grants lucky- and blessed-effects when consumed.)

28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg28755940687_a1abfd690e_t.jpg Green Hatchlings B (Mob 20) *In Flight* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed, and Slowed*
Type: Flying
Level: 20
Hits: 20/20
Special: Whistling Wind – Randomizes the next battle order
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg43643085481_28b2fe8a35_t.jpg Red Hatchlings B (Mob 18) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed*
Type: Fire
Level: 18
Hits: 18/20
Special: Frenzied Fire – All enemies deal *Burning 5* during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg43596825472_8184986526_t.jpg Gold Hatchlings B (Mob 20) *In Flight* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed*
Type: Light
Level: 20
Hits: 20/20
Special: Caressing Corona – All enemies ignore Immunities during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg28755940117_b70950fa79_t.jpg White Hatchlings B (Mob 17) *Grounded* *Immune to fire, ice, and lightning, Hexed and Slowed*
Type: Ice
Level: 17
Hits: 17/20
Special: Flash Frost – All enemies ignore Positive Effects during the next round
1-2: 20 Gold
3-6: Nothing

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpg Althior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 59 1/5 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened* *Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness* *Encouraged (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus: +6 (+18 to Spells)
Defense: 10
Health: 93/93
Ether: 93/108
Gold: 5130
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), Sungold Seal (Max HP+2; Power+3), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6; healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear)

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16306387965_97c0811ab4_t.jpg Arthur Justus Regulus VII Ziegfried, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (NPC, takes suggestions from Dyric)
24-year-old male Human Skirmisher
Level 43.6  *Permanently Blessed* *Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, Fragile, Poisoned, and Stunned* *Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction* *Deals double damage to Humanoids and Ancient-type enemies*  *Permanently Reinforced*  *Immune to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Lightning, Ice,  Weakening, Frailty, Poison, Asleep* *Permanently Nimble*
Power Bonus: +5 +8
Health: 69/69
Defense: 106
Gold: 6230
Equipment: Dauntlet Index (WP: 20, WP doubled against humanoids, Darkness-elemental; spear), Blue Hand Shield (SP:15, Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, and Stunned; shield),  Shadeaux Cape (SP:15, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction, suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear), Immortal Greaves (Wearer deals double damage to Ancients and Humanoids; footwear), Duke's Coat-of-Arms (SP: 5; Protects against *Fragile* and all *Poisons*; Suitable for Knights, Dragoons, Skirmishers and Regulators; Bodywear), Bloody Skull Helmet (SP: 3; heals wearer by the amount of health other combatants lose by *Bleeding* at the end of each round; Headwear), Soul Link Chain (Allows the user to pair up with another party member, each of them gaining all the effects that the other has. The partner has to equip the chain as well (ie. one chain can be shared by two people); Accessory)
Abilities: First Breath (Arthur may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd), Of Power and Mortals (+1 power each successful quest)

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20713006760_921976d201_t.jpg Atramor Gibbin, the Fiery and Aquatic Champion of Decamon and the Serpent Skinner (CallMePie) *Party Leader*
34 year old male human Rogue Thief
Level 46 *Immune to all elements and all negative effects except virus* *Steal 50% More Gold* 
*Encouraged (9 Rounds Remaining)*Hastened (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Lucky* *Inspired*
Power Bonus: +3
Health: 89/89 178/178
Gold: 1090
Equipment: Rat's Hide (SP: 4, backwear, suitable for anyone), Galactic Armor (SP: 6, +6 max health, immune to waterwoodlightningfireearthwindicelightdarkness, and doomed, bodywear, suitable for anyone), Wide-Brimmed Hat (Protects from all negative effects except sudden death and virus; headwear), Beginner's Lockpicks (1/3 chance to grant the Inspired effect at the beginning of each battle. The bearer can also unlock any non-magical locks. Accessory), Brain Drill (WP:20, damages the target’s ether as well; suitable to all classes)

Treasure: Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), 100 Gold, Healing Staff, Cloak of the Dwarven Warchanter (SP: 5, Immune to Blinded and Sealed, suitable for Dwarves), Staff of Ennon (WP:5, light elemental, restores 2 ether on successful hits, staff)

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benji_prophet.icon.jpg Benji Carvenhall, the Dragonslayer and the Champion of the Northern Kingdoms
30 year old half-elf
Level 50 3/5 Prophet *Overkill Gloves* *2x damage against Vermin* *Hastened (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Encouraged (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus: 5
Defense: 25
Health: 82/82
Ether: 55/55
Gold: 794
Equipment: Hollow Meduiak (Precision Bow; WP:24; AIM's become HIT's; darkness-, ice-, fire-, wind- elemental; Hollow [Elixir]), Overkill Gloves [borrowed from Galen] (handwear, +1 gold for every point of damage done extra when defeating an enemy), Scaly Skin of the Allanoid (backwear, SP:6, suitable for Ranger, Barbarian and Beast Warriors), Wonky Shoes (footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes), Order Imperial Prophet's Armor (SP: 8; Grants Command; Suitable for Prophets; Bodywear), Tricorne (headgear, SP:3), Anniversary Medal (Power +5, SP +5, Max Health +5, Max Ether +5. Values increase by 1 with each passing year; Accessory)

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dyrica.jpg Dyric Rone(The Legonater)
Human male, Assassin
Level 33 2/3 *Permanently Lucky* *Immune to All Elements and Blinded* *Steals 50% more gold* *Encouraged 
(9 Rounds Remaining)* *Hastened (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Defense: 6
Health: 45/45
Power Bonus: 0
Gold: 1538
Ability: Ace Assassin Training (Dyric's successful Assassination rolls against enemies immune to instant kill deals an additional LETHAL AIM roll (see Assassin))
Equipment: Lucky Die (User is permanently *Lucky*; suitable for anyone; Accessory), Night's Helmet (SP: 6; immune to WaterWood,EarthIceFireWindLightningLightDarkness, and Blinded; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Crystal Shoes (Immunities become Absorption), Cloak of the Red Assassin (Chance of Assassination is 1/3, suitable for Assassins; back wear), Mythril Crossbow of Incessant Warmongerers (WP: 40; Darkness and Wind-elemental, deals Slowed on non-AoE rolls, also deals Damage to the enemies above and below the target upon a successful hit; Crossbow),

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https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8005/7499132438_39695e9d92_t.jpg[/img] Light Jinn (Controlled by Dyric)
Power: 10
Health: 25/25

eb_heroica_eric_av.jpg Eric (Khorne), Self-proclaimed Siren-Slayer and Butcher of Basilisks 
30 year old Human Nord
Level 31 Vindicator *Evasion* *Protected from Weakened, Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed + Immune to Darkness, Water and Earth* *Zweihänder Grip*
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 0
Health: 62/62
Stealth: 0
Gold: 1360
Equipment: Conspirator (WP: 20, causes Blinded and has 1/2 chance to cause Confused with each hit, Ice- and Darkness-elemental; longsword), Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from Weakened; handwear),Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row + Immunity to Darkness, Water, Earth and Asleep; footwear), Periwinkle Ribbon (Grants Immunity to Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed; suitable for Periwinkle Eric only; headwear)

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29831773111_ce9d27418d_t.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)
42 year old male human Sorcerer
Level 25 *Immune to Wood and Fire, Sealed and Blindness* *Enemies that hit Ezeran become slowed* *Hastened (10 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus: (+2 spellpower)
Defense: 6
Health: 38/38
Ether: 24/29
Stealth: 1

Gold: 552
Equipment: Ooze Wand (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Slow), Sneezing Demon (SP:3; enemies that hit the wearer become slowed; immunity to woodfire  and blindness, suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear), Etherium Pauldrons (SP:3, immune to sealed; backwear),Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory),

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hoke_ableword_1b.jpg Hoke Ablesword - Champion of the Northern Kingdoms, Kraken Whacker, Titan Smiter, Serpent Skinner, Matchmaker and Rock Champion of Decamon (UsernameMDM)
Human Male Dragoon
Level 61 *Immune to Fragile, Confused, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind* *Absorbs Poison* *In Flight* *Encouraged (10 Rounds Remaining)* *Inspired (10 Rounds remaining)*
Power Bonus: +5 Power, +7 WP
Defense: 61
Health: 106/106 212/212
Gold: 996
Equipment: Zoot's Order (WP:40; Deals Darkness, Light, Ice, Cursed, Fragile, permanently Poisoned-by-10, hits reduce enemy SP by 1; spear, suitable for Hoke only [Hydra Tongue, Crimson Haze, Amethyst, Diamond, Etherial Opal]), Mythril Buckler (SP:42, Amethyst, Mythril), Hydra Skin (SP: 2, wearer gains HP when poisoned instead of losing it, backwear),Sven's Heavy Armor (SP:6, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind and Fragile),  Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail": encouraged, hastened, lucky and inspired), Samurai Helmet (WP:+4, immune Confused, Sealed suitable to knights, dragoons, regulators, winged warriors),  Bone Claws (+3 WP, 2 SP, hand wear), Warrior's Treads (SP:2, Health +1, footwear), Prayer Beads (User is Permenantly Blessed, accessory),

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16858651466_09a5cf51c9_o.jpg Torc *In Flight*
Female Dragon Adult 
Level: 61
Health: 91/91
Element: Fire
Ability: Draconic Fate (May pay 10 health for a 1/2 chance to make a party member Lucky)

42275892404_6df9744fa6_o.png John 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra)
32 year old male human
Level 31 Weather Mage *Immune to Sealed*
 *Deals Weakened to Humanoid Enemies and Fragile to Holy Enemies* *Instant Weather Forecasts* *Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Hastened (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus: +3 (+10 with Spells)
Defense: 3
Health: 41/41
Ether: 49/52
Gold: 329
Equipment:  Weatherfax Broom (WP:30, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear) , Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Burning Eyes (The wearer may add fire elemental to their attacks. The wearer deals weakened to humanoid enemies and fragile to holy enemies. Headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health)

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20584275801_96b45a9eb5_t.jpg Karie Alderflask-Cour (Kintober)
26 Year Old Human Female Minstrel 
Level 38.75 *Permanently Nimble* *1/3 Chance to Weaken targeted enemy on successful hits* *Steal 50% More Gold*
Power Bonus: 3
Health: 66/66
Defense: 7
Ether: 1/44
Stealth: +2
Gold: 686
Equipment: Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and FREE HITS, suitable for women only, body wear), Vorpalis Crown (SP: 4, the wearer has a 1/3 chance of dealing Weakened to the targeted enemy on successful hits. Headwear, suitable for anyone.), Fenarian Robes of the Vampire (SP:3, Max. Ether +4, backwear), Encore Plectrum (If the same song is sung for more than one round of combat in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels, accessory),

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kirayblackknight_sandy.pngKiray Nastayo, A Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (KingoftheZempk)
24 year old Female Human Warden
Level 29 *Immune to Blinded, Doomed, Blessed, Light, Darkness, Wood**Double damage to Demonic and Holy Foes**Half Damage from Free Hits* *Intimidation* *Blessed (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Aura (1 Round Remaining)*
Power Bonus: 6
Defense: 29
Health: 46/46 92/92 184/184
Stealth: 0
Gold: 149
Equipment:  Never Blessed Armor (SP: 11, Immune to Darkness, Light, and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Demons, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Spesialian Spiked Pauldrons (Damage from Free Hits is halved, Immune to Wood; accessory), Never Blessed Helmet (SP: 8, Immunity to Blinded, Doomed and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Holy Enemies, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Orcish Barbed Shield (SP: 12), Mythril Hunter's Crossbow (WP:22, double WP against beasts, fire, ice, wind, and darkness-elemental),

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21994854154_0d4d07263b_t.jpg Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)
25-year-old Human Black Knight *Steal 50% More Gold* 
Level 26
Power Bonus: +7
Defense: 15
Health: 42/42
Gold: 303
Stealth: 0
Equipment: Invader's Armour (SP: 3, wearer is encouraged when their current health is at half or below the wearer's maximum level), Immortal Palms (+7 power; all battle start with one round of Electric weather. Handwear.), Vorpalis Netherwings (SP: 4, the wearer deals double damage to humanoid type enemies and takes half damage from Holy/Light enemies. Backwear, suitable for anyone.), Shield of the Silent Knight (Shield, SP:8, attackers have a 50% chance of being Sealed), Bifrost Blades (WP: 14, dual strike, dagger LightEarth, Water, Wind, and Ice  Elemental)

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26368249490_c3bc6e819b_t.jpg Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)
48 year old male
human Vindicator
Level 38 *Immune to darknessfirefragilesleepweakened, and blinded* *Affluence* *Reinforced*

Power Bonus: +5 (+5 front row)
Defense: 14 28
Health: 61/61
Stealth: 0
Gold: 368
Equipment: Scupperer (WP:19; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding 2 and poisoned by 10; has 1/2 chance each to inflict blinded, sealed, weakened and fragile; greatsword), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blinded, darkness and fire; accessory), Vest of Faded Trials (SP:10, 1/2 chance of granting reinforced effect at the start of every battle, Immune to Fragile; Suitable for Knights, Barbarians, Dragoons, Skirmishers, Regulators, Vindicators; bodywear and headwear), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear.), Round Metal Shield (SP:7),

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vJi7H1L.png Matthias (Stickfig)
Level 32 2/3 Druid *Immune to EarthIce, and Water* *Immune to Blinded, Bound, Fragile, Sealed, and Slowed* *½ chance immunity to Asleep*Deals Fragile* *Gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed*Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Hastened (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus: +18
Defense: 10
Ether: 21/33
Gold: 715
Abilities: Bearer of the Anvil (Matthias may sacrifice his turn to add his WP or SP to another heroes for the round; he may also improve one weapon at the end of each quest [+1 WP]), Immortal Waters (Once per quest, Matthias can heal himself to full health and remove all negative effects during combat; this does not take up an action)
Equipment: Ethereal Steampunk Stovepipe (SP:1; immunity to 
Earth and Water; protects from Blinded and Sealed; ½ chance to protect from Asleep-effect; suitable for men; headwear), Hunter's Plate (SP:4; wearer gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed; suitable for rogues, rangers, barbarians, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators, and winged warriors) (Dreyrugr), Ethereal Rocket Boots (SP:2; immunity to Ice; protects from Bound, Fragile, and Slowed effects; footwear), Sungold Seal (+3 power, +2 health), Coat Hanger (Allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory [no bodywear attached]), Mail of the Renegade Commander (SP: 3, Free hits deal half damage, Bodywear), Ethereal Restored Fireball Extraordinaire (WP:13; also hits enemies listed above and below the target; Darkness-, Ice-, and Lightning-elemental; deals Fragile; user is Slowed; hand cannon)


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paladin_pretzel_2.jpg Monk Pretzel and His 99 Pieces, the Super Sleuth (Played by Palathadric)
463-year-old male "hermit" Artisan 
Level 40.75 *Permanently Blessed* *Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, Fragile, Poisoned, and Stunned* *Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction* *Permanently Reinforced*  *Immune to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Lightning, Ice,  Weakening, Frailty, Poison, Asleep* *Permanently Nimble*
Power Bonus: +5
Defense: 692
Health: 72/72
Stealth: +2

Gold: 1082
Equipment: Wraps of the Steadfast Tortoise (Grants permanent *reinforced* Effect, Handwear, Suitable for Chi Monks), Cloak of the Grand Vizier (SP: 11 multiplied by the number of party members; Grants immunity to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, *Blinded*, *Weakened*, *Frailty*, *Asleep*, and *Confused*; Backwear), Cape of Extravagance (SP: 5, +10 WP, Wearer is Permanently Nimble, Backwear, suitable for Mimes), Soul Link Chain (Allows the user to pair up with another party member, each of them gaining all the effects that the other has. The partner has to equip the chain as well (ie. one chain can be shared by two people); Accessory), Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently Blessed; accessory.), Flying Cross (WP: 11; Darkness; Broomstick)

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26559093112_8a37e42e87_t.jpg Nerwen Calmcacil (played by Chromeknight) Champion of The Northern Kingdoms
265 year old female Elven Shaman
Level 40.4 *Immune to sealed* *Gains Double EXP* *Counterstriking*
Power bonus;+8
Defense: 1
Health: 62/62
Ether: 49/29
Gold: 425
Equipment: Mourning Star (WP: 10; Fire-elemental; inflicts Fragile-effect; mace), Lesser etherial cloak (SP:1, Max. ether +3, immune to sealed; backwear), Medal of Valor (Double experience from battles; accessory), Chameleon Vest (Max. Health +10, the user becomes able to absorb the last element it was damaged with; bodywear), Counterstrike Gloves, Barbarians boots (natural, respite becomes restoration)

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petaldan_parfenius.jpg Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)
5-year-old male "wonder" Paladin *Immune to Darkness*
Level 17.5
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 33
Health: 39/39
Ether: 14/17
Stealth: 0
Gold: 73
Equipment: Armour of Dark Arts (SP: 10; Takes up: Bodywear, Handwear, Footwear slots; counts as one artifact; Suitable to Knights, Dragoons, and Skirmishers), Cloak of Innocence (SP: 3; grants the wearer immunity to Darkness, if the health of the wearer is below 50% the wearer is also *Blessed*; Backwear; Suitable for Petaldan only), Slimy Sword (WP:25, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword), Mythril Shield (SP: 20 Shield)

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40448039192_009d4d30f6_t.jpg26621841541_b6c025c0ed_t.jpg Skrall (Waterbrick Down)
81 year old Male Ogre Beast Warrior
Level 43.8 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Fragile, Blinded, and Confused* *1/3 chance to revive when KO'd* *Encouraged (9 Rounds Remaining)* *Lucky (9 Rounds Remaining)*
Power Bonus:
Defense: 11
Health: 68/68
Stealth: +2

Gold: 6
Equipment: Oversized Mythril Greatsword (WP:46, double damage on targets that are clearly smaller than the hero, Poisoned 10, greatsword), Tricorne (SP: 3, head wear), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, wearer is immune to fragile, blind, and confused effects, body wear), Moone Greaves (SP: 3), Vorpalis Talisman (1/3 chance of instantly resurrecting with 1 HP and 1 Ether upon being knocked out; accessory)

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AuPkwWK.png The Demon Germ (samurai-turtle) 
??? years old ; Half Demon; Male Black Knight  
Level 24.33 *Immune to Slowed & Hastened *Steal 50% More Gold*
Power Bonus: +4
Defense: 21
Health: 43/43
Stealth: +3
Gold: 151
Equipment: , Spesialian Helmet (SP:2, SP:4 if wearer’s Star Elf, Health +2, Power +2, Suitable for anyone; headwear), Greaves (SP:2, immunity to Slowed and Hastened; footwear), Dastan Armor (SP: 4; Immune to Darkness/Amethyst Diamond/Light Garnet/Earth Ruby/Fire; +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment; Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators; bodywear), Crested Shield (SP: 13; shield), Flying Talon "of the Salamander" (WP:10; Ruby/Fire-elemental;  Steals one drop at Random from Enemy; whip)

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41940476375_e8095611eb_t.jpg Throlar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors)
137 year old male Dwarven Paladin  *Permanently Nimble* *Absorbs Fire* *Immune to Ice*
Level 22
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 31
Health: 51/51
Ether: 17/22
Stealth: +1
Gold: 0
Equipped:  Gloves of the Hypocritical/Hippocratic Oath (Adds +10 to healing for characters with the Healing job trait and +10 Poisoning for characters with the Wicked fighting style [or future equivalent]), , Greaves of the Wolf (SP: 5, Wearer is Nimble; footwear),  Rotting Rod (WP: 15, 1/3 chance to Hex Undead, staff), Weathered Shield (SP: 16, Ice elemental), Infernal Armor (SP: 10, absorbs fire, suitable for knights, dragoons, regulators, skirmishers, and vindicators; bodywear), 

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34997035535_5a52b3077b_s.jpg Torald Waruelf, Matchmaker (Alfadas)
21 year old male human Battle Mage
Level 17.5
Power Bonus: +19
Defense: 16
Health: 42/42
Ether: 28/29
Stealth: 0
Gold: 236
Abilities: Pact of the Tome (Torald may spend his action for a 1/6 chance to cause the Doomed effect on a Humanoid enemy or the Hexed effect on a Demon enemy).
Equipment: Torangu's Trident (WP: 20, SP: 5, cannot be used with Shield, Trident), Pandemonicon (+11 Power Bonus, HP, SP, Ether, Grants Pact of the Tome ability, accessory, Level 1, cannot be unequipped)

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27754792869_f843639acf_t.jpg Vindsval Half-Born (Asphalt)
41 year old, Male, Half Giant,
Level: 43 Vindicator *Immune to Dark & Demonic enemies* *Immunity to Asleep,Blinded,ConfusedFragile, and Weakened* *Gains 3x Experience* *Lucky 
(9 Rounds Remaining)* *Reinforced (9 Rounds Remaining)
Power Bonus: +12
Defense: 10 20
Health: 66/66

Stealth: +1
Gold: 134
Equipment:  Shikokku's Stealth Suit (SP:7; Power +6, User is immune to Dark & Demonic enemies; Body, Head and Backwear counts as 1 Artefact), Wonky Shoes (footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj), ), 
Multi-tool Attachment (Artificial arm, Enables user to ignore the weapon restrictions of their class excluding Shields, Handwear, Suitable for Vindsval), Great Club (WP: 100, cannot be reinforced, imbued, or used with a shield. Suitable to barbarians and beast warriors); Medal of Glory (accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity to Asleep,Blinded,ConfusedFragile, and Weakened effects),  Requiem (WP: 20;Wood and Light-elemental; Longbow),

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39209738684_688c2e3d3a_t.jpg Bellanotte Shadeaux (Takes suggestions from Dyric)
Level 30 Minstrel *Permanently Fragile* *Immune to Asleep and Fast Asleep*
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 10
Ether: 24/56
Gold: 0
Equipment: Nocturne Flute (WP: 6, inflicts the Sleep affect, instrument), Shadeaux Cape (SP: 9), Sandman’s Parasol (Protects from asleep- and fast asleep –effects; accessory), Bard's Corset (SP: 1, Ether +10)
Inventory: Serenade of Water (Causes water-elemental damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies instantly. Costs 2 ether per damaged enemy.), Bolero of Fire (Causes fire-elemental damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies instantly. Costs 2 ether per damaged enemy.), Grand Potion, Trickster's Mask of the Elf (changes the wearer into an elf of the same gender when worn; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Sven's Dagger (WP: 14, Fire- and Earth+Sealed Elemental), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, staff, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd), Fur Leggings (SP: 1, Beast enemies do not deal free hits to the wearer; footwear, suitable for anyone), Anniversary Medal (Power +6, SP +6, Max. Health +6, Max. Ether +6. The values will increase by 1 with each passing year; accessory.)

26214449057_f7b14609f4_t.jpg Chesterine Ziegfried (NPC, controlled by Matthias)
27-year-old Human Necromancer *Immune to Enamored*
Level 30
Power Bonus: +3 (+20 Spellpower)
Health: 39/39
Ether: 59/59
Defense: 1
Gold: 100
Equipment: Grand Tonic, Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Heart Locket (Protects from the Enamored effect, accessory), Particularly Peculiar Pink Wizarding Hat (SP: 1 times the number of summons under the necromancer's control, minimum of 1, maximum of 20, suitable for Necromancers, Headwear), Marginally Magnificent Magenta Wizarding Robes (1/2 chance to avoid negative effects), Star-struck Wand (WP:6, confused-effect, wand). Zirconia
Inventory: Sigil of the Cold Circle - (Raise an Army costs twice as much ether, but raised undead are three times as powerful, accessory, suitable for necromancers),

25404690297_36491a070f_t.jpg Elphaba of Ozmath (NPC, takes suggestions from Zepher)
??? years old female Witch *Immune to Sealed, Bound, Blinded, Poisoned, Burning, Enamored, Cursed, Petrified, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth*
Level 35
Power Bonus: 0
Health: 59/59
Ether: 44/46
Defense: 15
Stealth: +4
Gold: 100
Equipment: Ozmath Witch's Talisman (Makes the Witch's poisonous attacks deal poisoned 10 and additionally drop the target's level by 1, Accessory), Ozmath Witch's Cloak (SP 5, Immunity to Sealed, Bound, Blinded, Poisoned, Burning, Enamored, Cursed, Petrified, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth, Backwear), Ozmath Witch's Gloves (Healing also restores the target's ether equal to user's WP, Handwear), Ozmath Witch's Robes (+10 Health, +10 Ether, +10 SP,  +1 Stealth, Torsowear), Hickory Broomstick (WP: 15, Broomstick), Roderick's Staff (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Confuse, Staff)

42748028751_4a3f08bf58_t.jpg Euflear, the Fey One (NPC, takes suggestions from Karie) *Permanently Blessed* *Permanently Encouraged* *Permanently Hastened* *Immune to Slowed & Bound*
??? Old Fairy Sylvan Ranger
Level 50
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 6
Health: 64/64
Stealth: 0
Gold: 0
Dwarven Portable Catapult (WP:10; Double Damage to Enemies Visibly Larger than the User; Throwing Weapon),  Counter-strike Gloves, Darksteel Armour (SP: 6; Max. Health +3; Bodywear), Baron's Oversized Hat (wearer is permanently Encouraged and Slowed; headwear), Quiver of Blinding Light (Attacks become light-elemental and cause blinded; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; back wear), Winged Sandals (Protects from bound- and slowed-effects; footwear), Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently blessed; accessory.)
Inventory: Double-Barreled Handcannon (WP: 15, fire-elemental, dual-strike, hand cannon), Unlucky Crossbow (WP: 13, causes Jinxed Effect)

15590598007_383e03f36d_t.jpg Knife-Tongue (NPC, takes suggestions from Arthur) *Permenantly Hastened*
39 years old male hobgoblin Marauder
Level 25
Power Bonus: 0
Health: 40/40
Gold: 0
Equipment: Cendstyr (WP: 10, cutlass), Shank (WP: 10, dagger), Quickdraw Belt (Suitable for Knife-Tongue, user is hastened, accessory)

25883609950_939c0695b8_t.jpg Marco Malfron (NPC, controlled by Althior)
27-year-old Human Battle Mage
Level 30
Power Bonus: +3 (+20 Spellpower)
Health: 50/50
Ether: 57/59
Defense: 20
Gold: 100
Equipment: Grand Tonic, Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Gravely Guardian Gray Wizarding Hat (SP= Current Ether/3 rounded up, headwear, suitable to Marco only), Silently Sneaking Slate Wizarding Robes (1/2 chance to avoid negative effects), Dueling Wand (WP:25, Dual Strike, wand), Ruby, Topaz, Opal, Garnet

38770468344_4235a941eb_t.jpg Sküld (NPC, controlled by Alfadas) 
12 years old female nôrn Altar Girl *Immune to Burning*
Level 16
Power Bonus:
Health: 22/22
Ether: 18/25
Defense: 1
Gold: 20
Equipment: Silk Fan (WP:10, wind-elemental, fan), Shrine Robes (Immune to Burning, +5 HP, Torsowear) Shadow Cloak (SP:1; backwear), Scroll of Intellect, Scroll of Minor Dispel, Scroll of Shielding, Grand Tonic

heroicaquest124-waldorf.jpgWaldorf (NPC, controlled by Petaldan)
22 years old male human Mage
Level 10 *Immune to wood and poisoned*
Power Bonus:
Health: 14/14
Ether: 16/16
Gold: 0
Equipment: Wandrake (WP:5, wood-elemental broomstick), Green Pointy Hat (Max. ether +2, immune to poisoned-effect and wood-element; suitable to mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages; headwear)
Inventory: Ruby (Fire), Emerald (Wood)

Ship Cannons

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpgAuPkwWK.png Cannon A (Manned by Germ)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpg38770468344_4235a941eb_t.jpg Cannon B (Manned by Skuld)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpgheroicaquest124-waldorf.jpg Cannon C (Manned by Wally)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpg41940476375_e8095611eb_t.jpg Cannon D (Manned by Throlar)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpgpetaldan_parfenius.jpg Cannon E (Manned by Petaldan)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

heroicaquest120-tritechcannon.jpg26368249490_c3bc6e819b_t.jpg Cannon F (Manned by Boomingham)
Condition: 3/3
Power: 300
Element: None
Note: The Cannon is ranged and can be used to shoot at one enemy once per round. It is immune to all effects and cannot absorb Free Hits, but can be hit with one. If the Cannon gets hit by a Free Hit or an Area-of-Effect attack it will lose 1 condition, which cannot be restored. If it's condition drops to zero, the cannon becomes inoperable.

Party Leader, please determine a battle order. Everyone Else, please determine your action and the row from which you are performing it.

  On 7/28/2018 at 7:40 PM, samurai-turtle said:

Does it really matter? But if you got to call me something, Mister Demon would work. That should be simple enough for you to remember. Suddenly remembered trying to buy something from him, but he basically told Germ, "Hell no, I am not selling you anything". 


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QM Note: As no one mentioned they were taking the gems except Torald, I'm going to rule no.

  On 7/29/2018 at 8:22 PM, Cutcobra said:

OOC: Will changing the weather to Breezy double the effects of the propelling of the ship?

QM Note: Yes

OoC: Nice work, WBD!

This is not a great period of my life right now...very long story. If I'm not around, Asphalt can control Lind's actions.

Lind nodded at the Hatchlings.

"Thanks for the cash, I was running low."

With his first action, he attacks the Green Hatchlings A (Mob 9) with Gladius, then attacks Red Hatchlings A (Mob 14) with his Steel Knife.

Edited by Lind Whisperer


Edited by Lind Whisperer

Seeing the wind filling the sails of their ship Ezeran is filled with confidence and repeats. 

Torald uses the sapphire again to propel the ship forwards. 

"Damned arrows, what's gotten into them..." Benji grumbles angrily as his target had fallen dead a moment before he fired at him, and his powerful attack rendered useless. 

Benji attacks Hunter Wyvern B three times with Meduiak. If the opponent is defeated he'll take on Speckled Wyvern B. All from the back row.

"Back off from my targets, worm!!" Benji shouted at Torc, in a pissed attitude and apparently not intimidated too much by hin. 

Edited by Flare
Vermillion dragons are tamed so i probably shouldn't attack them

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