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  On 9/28/2018 at 2:17 AM, Lord Duvors said:

"I agree with you, but there are other people more suited to the job then me. Now, why don't we leave finishing this discussion about who'll rule the city until after we know if the city will still be here tomorrow, hm?"

"Can't argue with you there." The Munchkin nodded.

  On 9/28/2018 at 2:19 AM, CMP said:

"Aye, how 'bout we come back alive first? We don't make it back, Heroica won't even-" Atramor trailed off briefly, as he caught a few of the civilians in the corner of his eye - Skuld, Waldorf, Bellanotte. He couldn't help but smirk a bit. "....eh. Nevermind. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Really though, mates, we've dealt with the entire town watch, the paladin order, some pixie dust ghosts, an army of dragons, and we're 'bout to go up against an archdemon in its own cushy little pocket of fairyland."

"If we're gonna tack 'political endorsements' on the end there, at least wait 'til I've had a few drinks. It's been a long day."

Atramor handed out the loot as he walked.

50 Gold each
2 Deadly Venoms to Lind 
4 Fire Bombs each

"50 Gold, two Deadly Venoms, four Fire Bombs...not a bad haul. Thanks, Benji, for all the swift work out there!"

He dabbed one of the Deadly Venoms onto the Bifrost Blades. "This should give Rosier one heck of a poisoning..." He nodded at Atramor. "Thanks for giving me the second - I'll make sure it goes to good use."

Lind tossed the 4 Fire Bombs towards Ezeran. "Hang on to these for the moment, will you?" He winked. "Maybe we'll get the chance to do to Rosy what we missed out on with the Founders...those plants it loves seemed pretty vulnerable to fire the last time we ran into some!"

Edited by Lind Whisperer

  On 9/28/2018 at 2:19 AM, CMP said:

"Aye, how 'bout we come back alive first? We don't make it back, Heroica won't even-" Atramor trailed off briefly, as he caught a few of the civilians in the corner of his eye - Skuld, Waldorf, Bellanotte. He couldn't help but smirk a bit. "....eh. Nevermind. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Really though, mates, we've dealt with the entire town watch, the paladin order, some pixie dust ghosts, an army of dragons, and we're 'bout to go up against an archdemon in its own cushy little pocket of fairyland."

"If we're gonna tack 'political endorsements' on the end there, at least wait 'til I've had a few drinks. It's been a long day."

Karie opened up her makeup kit and began a round of touch ups, potentially her final touch up. She didn't want to believe it was, but better to be prepared. She spoke through touching her face up.

"As much as I want a break after all this... I doubt Ulric will. I know some of us here want Ulric on the throne that is inevitably coming, but for the time being, let's focus on getting the Rosier out of here and saving the Fae. Should Ulric make a move I'll take a crack at making him see things our way." Karie snapped her pocket mirror closed and shoved it into a pocket on her jacket. She turned to Atramor.

"I'm somewhat shocked we've never quested before this, Atramor. Something makes me think we would've gotten along."


"Thank you." said Throlar as he accepted the items given to him by Atramor. "Just a few things before we continue, Althior, as the only ether-user here with a full set of gems you're the best choice to use this." he said handing him the Scroll of Elemental Aura. "Vindsval, Ludeus is an excellent weapon but its elemental properties mean it may not be useful against Rosier herself, may I also borrow your Crystal Blade?"

He seems about to leave it at that, but then spoke again;

"Euflear," he said, "like Lind said it's been an honor working with you. And... I'm sorry neither Heroica nor anyone else was there to save your people. But I promise that if the best we can do is avenge them, then we'll damn well make sure that happens."

  • Author
  On 9/25/2018 at 10:45 PM, The Legonater said:

The Temple of Zoot, below Heroica. Watch out for the floorboards, they're trickier than you'd think.

"Luxidios and the other two dragons might find it difficult to get down there."

"If it helps any, there's another passage via some of the harbor sewers, the demon's been busy excevatin' nearly half the city searchin' for this 'door'"

"Very well then, the dragons will go via the sewers while the rest of us head through Heroica Hall."

  On 9/26/2018 at 2:38 AM, samurai-turtle said:

Using the Magic Compass in an attempted to find Rosier, even trying hold the "Compass" at odd angles like on its side... 

Germ's compass points underground and towards the Hall.

  On 9/26/2018 at 8:13 AM, CMP said:

The rogue looked up towards the city of Eubric outlined against the sky as he clambered out onto the dock, inhaling deeply. Truth be told, he almost wasn't expecting to make it back from Fort Freedom. Would've been a hell of a way to go. Then again...he'd never passed up the chance to do battle with an archdemon. And this one nearly destroyed Heroica. Atramor turned his attention to the civilians- Bellanotte, Waldorf, and the rest of the non-Heroicans.

"This is it, mates. I'm not exaggeratin' when I say we're walkin' into hell. We made it outta the suicide mission, but now is the time for ya' to run off. Ya've saved Eubric from itself. You're as much heroes as the rest of us, but if things go badly for us, Eubric's still in one piece. There'll be rebuildin' to do, and...well, all sorts of post-war nonsense, but my point is, your fight is done. Get outta here, scatter so the Bonies don't find ya', and if anyone asks, tell 'em we're servin' a fairy eviction notice to a nosy archdemon in our haunted basement. We make it back out alive, all the drinks are on me." His mouth twitched into a smirk. "After all, ya'll are heroes, and everyone knows heroes drink free."

"Me an' the rest of the crew will make sure the Bonapartes don't make it into the harbor. I'm sure we can get a bunch of the sailors to help out with some of the local skiffs as well."

"Affer that big boom, I bet they neffer efen think abou' messin' wif us."

Illdria and the ex-Bonaparte sailors give a mock salute to the heroes before shoving off once more into the bay.

Waldorf looks around before quietly piping up.

"I don't thththink I could kill a ddddemon, bbbbut if that thing caused my girlfriend to suffer I wwwant you to give it hel for me!"

"Yeah, after what it did to the Oracle, send it back to the abyss heroes!"

"You two should totally stay over at our place, we can have cocoa and cookies and I might even get Mable to scry the whole thing so we can watch!"

Chesterine, Waldorf, and Skuld give hugs to all the heroes before starting off toward the Ziegfried mansion.

  On 9/26/2018 at 6:21 PM, The Legonater said:

Stepping away from Germ, Rone makes his way over to Bellanote. She, too, had come a long way from when he'd first met her. He could have sworn she stood a little straighter now, a little more confidence hiding behind that pale complexion.

You did good today, kid. I mean that, you should be proud of yourself. Hel, I'm proud of you. But like Atramor said, this is it. You've proven yourself, you've fought for freedom and you've got your family back. You've served this city more than most of the houses ever will - today, you're as much of a Hero as anyone else here. So, take some rest. Be with your family. Let us handle this one. You've earned it. 

The young girl blushes from the praise.
"Thanks, I don't think I could have done any of it without you all. You saw a strength in me that I didn't even know I had. Father said he's going to tell us the truth about mother, but whatever comes of it, I think I'm ready to handle it because of all of you."

Bellanotte wipes a few tears from her eyes before giving a curtsy and joining the rest of her family as they walk toward the Dragon House. The count looks toward the heroes and gives a slight bow.

  On 9/26/2018 at 9:42 PM, Lind Whisperer said:

"Euflear...if I never get the chance again, I'd like you to know it was a honor serving with you. Best luck rebuilding the Fae.

Bellanotte...please tell your family it was an honor to represent them. I only regret that I never was able to serve as a Dragoon."

"Thank you."

"The Fae is a source of constant change and flux, it'll take more than a single archdemon to bring it to complete ruin."

  On 9/27/2018 at 1:10 AM, Lord Duvors said:

Throlar held up a hand.

"Before anyone leaves there's something I want to say. Detective Hoples," he held out the badge, "this is the badge of the captain of the Watch, it belongs to whoever takes Patricia's place. See that they get it. Oh, and... thanks. For what you did earlier. That was a brave thing to do."

The nervous Hoples steps forward.

"Well... it was the right thing to do. Thank you Throlar, I know Patricia was a little... stiff, but I hope the Watch can still serve this city yet. I'll hold on to this until you all get back. In the meantime, I think Patricia is organizing the rest of the watchmen to put down some groups of undead that have been reported to be wandering the streets. Good luck!"

With that Hoples and the remainder of the Town Watch forces along with the rescued privates form up and start spreading out throughout the city.

  On 9/27/2018 at 1:27 AM, StickFig said:

Matthias ignores the bigger man's remark as best he can, looking game but a little green as they load up on Torc. "How about some fireworks?"


"Something like that?" he coughs through his airsickness and the smoke.

Once aground, the gnome downs his Hero's Cocktail and prepares to head for the Hall, and the Temple.


Patricia smiles as she gets down from Torc
"Well, now that was some show. Matthias, I'm going to help these two get back to my families mansion, but that doesn't give you an excuse to go dying while I'm away. It'll be so boring if I have to keep raising you whenever we want to chat. Stay safe!" Chesterine plants a kiss on Matthias cheek before leaving with Skuld and Waldorf.

  On 9/27/2018 at 2:00 AM, Lord Duvors said:

"Err, yeah, about that. Before we go we'll need all the help we can get." he said, turning to address the Miracleworker. "Do you think you can bring back the Doomsayer? I don't know how your... nature effects that but it should be possible, right? And... the Dragonlord, Cain, should be here if at all possible. Åsa is already with us and Jacq, Kukulkan, and Semiramis are probably dead now. And if Hestia was able to join us she would. Even if it would have to wait until after the battle it just feels wrong for him to die such a pointless death."

"Unfortunately as Untergang's body never truly existed I cannot raise it... as for Cain, the longer the death, the less of the person's true self actually returns. His soul will have nearly passed on completely and what would remain is a mere shell of a man. His knowledge or memories... perhaps, but nearly all of his spirit would be... elsewhere."

  On 9/27/2018 at 9:39 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur leans over to Marco and nudges him with his shoulder, nodding his head in the direction of Matthias and Chesterine.  "50 gold says she'll have us planning their wedding by this time next year."  He chuckles, then raises his voice back to normal speaking tone to address Chesterine as well.  "Stay safe, you two.  With luck, I'll be back in time for dinner."

The Skirmisher does his best to ignore the political posturing going on around him, instead approaching Illdria.  "Here," he says, handing the Captain he'd met so long ago a parchment with his mother's address.  "My family and I want to help fix the mess that's been made of Eubric, and part of that means undoing the damage the Bonapartes and the rest have done over the years.  The problem being, of course, that we've been so isolated in the past that we lack perspective on the finer details of what exactly went wrong.  When you've got some time, we'd like your perspective."  He pauses.  "Oh, and..."  Arthur gives Illdria 1,000 gold.  "My contribution to repairing the Magpie.  She's a good ship, she deserves a good overhaul after everything she's been through.  Take care, Captain, and I hope to see you soon."

Arthur next looks to the Shadeaux, but sees the group of them huddled together, offering each other what comfort they can.  Rather than interrupting them, he merely catches Bellanotte's eye and offers a grateful smile and nod for her help.

"I'll take that bet. 50 it'll be this year." Marco chuckles.

The captain weighs the bag of gold before smiling at Arthur as the Magpie casts off from the dock,

"I'll be glad to give you that perspective, assuming you're still here to hear it. Thanks for the donation, we'll make sure to name a cannon after ya."

As Arthur joins the rest of the heroes, Bellanotte returns his smile as she and her family head off down the streets of Eubric.

  On 9/27/2018 at 7:38 PM, Palathadric said:


I approach Commander Fervent.

"Glad that we could rescue you from your fate there. I must say that I am very glad we got here on time. I hate to think that you could have faced disgrace and lost your life on our account."

"Eh, I'd resigned myself to my fate. I'd wished that the order could have seen more sense, but they tend to get a little too focused on the 'greater good' portion and forget the actual people we have to interact with. We're moving out to help the Watch with the outbreak of undead in the city. I wouldn't mind facing a demon, but with Commander Brusk in charge, it's all about securing a good foundation from which to strike first. You go give that thing Hel and we'll catch up once this is all over."

  On 9/27/2018 at 9:18 AM, Lind Whisperer said:

"What rule says they don't?

The Copper Fox? Well, if I remember right, he's a "Jack of All Trades," who "started out as a street performer," but then began to "use his talent of imitation to trick people out of their valuables". Don't know about you, but that sure sounds like a Rogue to me.

Right now? Well, his ability to match any hero's fighting style would lead me to believe he's a Mime, though I suppose I could be mistaken...

And yes, I do remember. That's part of the reason I'm bringing the topic up, actually. I want to remind people that they should start mulling over who they want to represent them as Veterans, and who would best represent Eubric - otherwise, it's just going to be a brief popularity contest.

We need to get moving, but there's no reason we can't speculate as we move."

  On 9/27/2018 at 10:46 PM, The Legonater said:

Rone gave a shrug, unable to hide a smile as Pretzel pokes fun. I'm not too proud to admit - I want the position. And I agree, Whisperer, it shouldn't just be a popularity contest - but at the same time, it should go to the people who are actually seeking change. The people who have conviction and will do something. And I swear, if you bring back that whole "I want the job the least, so I deserve it" nonsense... 

The Hero took a deep breath, a lifetime in the Hall playing out before his eyes. He met the Whisperer's gaze, once again trying to speak out of sympathy. 

Look, ever since I came here, I've been trying to find peace for this city. I thought maybe we could unite the houses, or maybe Guts could lead us. I was wrong, or I failed. I don't know. But I want this chance, Lind. If this is another opportunity, then I want to take it. I want to restore Heroica to an organization that means something, that stands for something. And I want to restore it to something that can help Eubric rather than hinder it. I can't sit idly by anymore. 

So, yeah, I want the position. If there's too many Rogues, put me down as a Ranger - I'm more bowman than thief at this point anyways. If it comes down to a vote, then fine. But this is my passion, and that has been my passion for longer than I think I've realized. Give me that chance, Lind. 

  On 9/28/2018 at 2:12 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur groans as the discussion over future Veterans swells.  Personally, he saw quite a few Heroes who ought to be elevated to the position, but the timing was awful and the process unbearable.  "If anyone's still thinking of putting my name up, I want to point out Hestia Bonaparte and exactly how much good her Veteranhood has helped us in this crisis... which, namely, is not at all.  Her parallels with me should be taken into firm consideration.  I should also point out the complication of promoting an ageless being to a lifetime position.  While there are some of us with that trait--" Arthur's eyes dart to Matthias for a moment before darting away "--who I feel would be a boon for Heroica as a Veteran, I'm not sure I'd count that as an advantage if I were given such a role."

"...also as a side note, do we really need a representative for each Veteran Class?  Just...pick whoever's the best for the job and move on."  The Skirmisher shrugged, and went back to organizing his gear.

"Glad yer all tryin' to figure this out, but maybe we should focus on survivin' this archdemon first. One thing at a time mates." Skrall smiles before pushing open the doors to Heroica Hall. "Ah smells just like I left it. Let's get to work!"

As the heroes move toward the familiar corner to the secret passages below the hall, Marco, Asa, and Elphaba approach the group.

"Heroes as you know while the Nornalis is sealed you are all still in danger. Therefore we've been thinking..."

"We're going to see how shoddy that two bit conjurer Doomsayer was at his spell weaving."

"We're going to try and reverse the spell. We don't know how long it'll take, but the more time you can buy us down there, the better chance we'll have at breaking it. Between the three of us, we should be able to figure something out."

"And if not, I won't owe Arthur 50 gold."

"But truly, you have all demonstrated the ideals of this Hall. As I encouraged one of your companions, this city itself is not worth fighting for. What's worth fighting for is the opportunity this city represents to those who come here. A chance to make a difference, to impact the lives around you for the better, to bring peace in a world so often devoid of it. Whatever Heroica looks like moving forward may there be a reason why people once again look to it not as a solution to their problems, but a bastion of the capacity for goodness in each of us when we put off our own self serving attitudes and truly look out for the good of one another be they Human or Norn, Grumpkin or Orc, young or old, rich or poor. Fight well, heroes. Our hopes go with you."

With that the heroes descend below the Hall. Down, down, down, and yet even further down the Party descends. The more experienced of the heroes recall the old architecture of the ancient civilization upon which the city was built as they lead everyone onward. At long last the heroes reach the old temple of Zoot still in disarray and ruin, a fine dust flits about the air reflecting off of the torches and light spells illuminating the cavern. Scattered across the ground the group find slain corpses of undead druids and herbaceous elemental monsters. The trail of bodies leads away from the temple and to a newly dug tunnel of massive proportions. The air thickens with even more spores as the group approaches closer, no sound can be heard from up ahead. A flurry of wings sounds behind the party as the three dragons arrive in the temple cavern.


"Steel yourselves heroes, there is no telling what lies ahead."

As the heroes move forward, the darkness begins to stifle all the light around everyone. A bright light flashes, a rushing wind, and the sound of the Semiramis Azzurati, the Sand Queen's, voice seems to echo throughout the chamber before all grows completely black and silent and each of the heroes passes out...






The heroes all awake in Heroica Hall, the sun shines through the windows as Scheherazade is sweeping the floor and startles as the heroes come to.

"Oh my! Oh my! Oh My! Asa, Jack, Hestia, Kukulkan, Semiramis! They're awake! They're finally awake!"

The veterans come running into the hall. Jack is missing a hand, Kukulkan's leg is in a cast.

"Thank goodness, it finally worked!"

"Gods above, what a relief."

"Almost thought you lot weren't going to make it down there."

"Indeed, even I could not foresee your possible futures and whether you would recover."

"Aye, when you lot showed up down there, it sure sent Rosier into quite the panic, gave Jack the perfect opening to finish her off. Not before she ignited all those spores and nearly blew us all up."

The heroes note burns, scars, and bruises over their bodies. Hestia Bonaparte approaches the heroes.

"You've all been out for nearly a week. Asa was just able to break the seal on the Nornalis, a lot's happened since you've been out. The founders perished after Rosier was defeated, their bodies turned into somesort of powder. The Paladins and Town Watch dealt with a bunch of the archdemons druids and the two organizations are currently in the middle of selecting new leadership. I was able to talk Attina into negotiations with the fort's sailors, but we hope some of you might be able to assist with the peace talks. The Wolfgang has officially disbanded and Ulric turned himself in, something to do with enacting change the right way. Euflear was able to gather survivors from her people and are already at work in repairing the damage done to the Fae. They intend to build a permenant portal to Eubric to encourage better relationships between the fairy folk and Olegia."

"It's a lot to take in heroes and we know there's a lot more to be done if Eubric is ever to be made whole again. But after everything that has happened, we believe that moving forward you're quite capable of making it happen."

"That's why we're going to be stepping down, it's about time this hall had some new blood in leadership. You're free to pick amongst yourselves, but I don't think any of us would be afraid to give you our thoughts if you have them."

The heroes looked between themselves. They had come so far and yet there was still so much more work to be done, but they had a sense that it would be good work and work worth doing. The work of...Heroes!

Final Stats:

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpg Althior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 59 2/5 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened* *Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness
Power Bonus: +6 (+18 to Spells)
Defense: 10
Health: 93/93
Ether: 89/108
Gold: 5180
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), Sungold Seal (Max HP+2; Power+3), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6; healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear)

Reveal hidden contents

16306387965_97c0811ab4_t.jpg Arthur Justus Regulus VII Ziegfried, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (NPC, takes suggestions from Dyric)
24-year-old male Human Skirmisher
Level 43.8  *Permanently Blessed* *Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, Fragile, Poisoned, and Stunned* *Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction* *Deals double damage to Humanoids and Ancient-type enemies*  *Permanently Reinforced*  *Immune to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Lightning, Ice,  Weakening, Frailty, Poison, Asleep* *Permanently Nimble*
Power Bonus: +5
Health: 69/69
Defense: 106
Gold: 5280
Equipment: , Blue Hand Shield (SP:15, Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, and Stunned; shield),  Shadeaux Cape (SP:15, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction, suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear), Immortal Greaves (Wearer deals double damage to Ancients and Humanoids; footwear), Duke's Coat-of-Arms (SP: 5; Protects against *Fragile* and all *Poisons*; Suitable for Knights, Dragoons, Skirmishers and Regulators; Bodywear), Bloody Skull Helmet (SP: 3; heals wearer by the amount of health other combatants lose by *Bleeding* at the end of each round; Headwear), Soul Link Chain (Allows the user to pair up with another party member, each of them gaining all the effects that the other has. The partner has to equip the chain as well (ie. one chain can be shared by two people); Accessory), Dauntlet Index (WP: 20, WP doubled against humanoids, Darkness-elemental; spear) 
Abilities: First Breath (Arthur may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd), Of Power and Mortals (+1 power each successful quest)

Reveal hidden contents

20713006760_921976d201_t.jpg Atramor Gibbin, the Fiery and Aquatic Champion of Decamon and the Serpent Skinner (CallMePie) *Party Leader*
34 year old male human Rogue Thief
Level 46 1/5 *Immune to all elements and all negative effects except virus* *Steal 50% More Gold*

Power Bonus: +3
Health: 89/89
Gold: 1170
Equipment: Rat's Hide (SP: 4, backwear, suitable for anyone), Galactic Armor (SP: 6, +6 max health, immune to waterwoodlightningfireearthwindicelightdarkness, and doomed, bodywear, suitable for anyone), Wide-Brimmed Hat (Protects from all negative effects except sudden death and virus; headwear), Beginner's Lockpicks (1/3 chance to grant the Inspired effect at the beginning of each battle. The bearer can also unlock any non-magical locks. Accessory), Brain Drill (WP:20, damages the target’s ether as well; suitable to all classes)

Treasure: Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), 100 Gold, Healing Staff, Cloak of the Dwarven Warchanter (SP: 5, Immune to Blinded and Sealed, suitable for Dwarves), Staff of Ennon (WP:5, light elemental, restores 2 ether on successful hits, staff)

Reveal hidden contents

benji_prophet.icon.jpg Benji Carvenhall, the Dragonslayer and the Champion of the Northern Kingdoms
30 year old half-elf
Level 50 4/5 Prophet *Overkill Gloves* *2x damage against Vermin*
Power Bonus: 5
Defense: 25
Health: 82/82
Ether: 13/55
Gold: 844
Equipment: Hollow Meduiak (Precision Bow; WP:24; AIM's become HIT's; darkness-, ice-, fire-, wind- elemental; Hollow [Elixir]), Overkill Gloves [borrowed from Galen] (handwear, +1 gold for every point of damage done extra when defeating an enemy), Scaly Skin of the Allanoid (backwear, SP:6, suitable for Ranger, Barbarian and Beast Warriors), Wonky Shoes (footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes), Order Imperial Prophet's Armor (SP: 8; Grants Command; Suitable for Prophets; Bodywear), Tricorne (headgear, SP:3), Anniversary Medal (Power +5, SP +5, Max Health +5, Max Ether +5. Values increase by 1 with each passing year; Accessory)

Reveal hidden contents

dyrica.jpg Dyric Rone(The Legonater)
Human male, Assassin
Level 34 *Permanently Lucky* *Immune to All Elements and Blinded* *Steals 50% more gold* *Hastened* *Encouraged*

Defense: 6
Health: 46/46
Power Bonus: 0
Gold: 1588
Ability: Ace Assassin Training (Dyric's successful Assassination rolls against enemies immune to instant kill deals an additional LETHAL AIM roll (see Assassin))
Equipment: Lucky Die (User is permanently *Lucky*; suitable for anyone; Accessory), Night's Helmet (SP: 6; immune to WaterWood,EarthIceFireWindLightningLightDarkness, and Blinded; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Crystal Shoes (Immunities become Absorption), Cloak of the Red Assassin (Chance of Assassination is 1/3, suitable for Assassins; back wear), Mythril Crossbow of Incessant Warmongerers (WP: 40; Darkness and Wind-elemental, deals Slowed on non-AoE rolls, also deals Damage to the enemies above and below the target upon a successful hit; Crossbow),

Reveal hidden contents
eb_heroica_eric_av.jpg Eric (Khorne), Self-proclaimed Siren-Slayer and Butcher of Basilisks 
30 year old Human Nord
Level 31 1/4 Vindicator *Evasion* *Protected from Weakened, Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed + Immune to Darkness, Water and Earth* *Zweihänder Grip*
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 0
Health: 62/62
Stealth: 0
Gold: 1410
Equipment: Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from Weakened; handwear),Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row + Immunity to Darkness, Water, Earth and Asleep; footwear), Periwinkle Ribbon (Grants Immunity to Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed; suitable for Periwinkle Eric only; headwear) Twin Biter (WP:7, causes bleeding; dual strike axe),
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29831773111_ce9d27418d_t.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)
42 year old male human Sorcerer
Level 25 1/3 *Immune to Wood and Fire, Sealed and Blindness* *Enemies that hit Ezeran become slowed*
Power Bonus: (+2 spellpower)
Defense: 6
Health: 38/38
Ether: 29/29
Stealth: 1

Gold: 626
Equipment: Ooze Wand (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Slow), Sneezing Demon (SP:3; enemies that hit the wearer become slowed; immunity to woodfire  and blindness, suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear), Etherium Pauldrons (SP:3, immune to sealed; backwear), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory),

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42275892404_6df9744fa6_o.png John 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra)
32 year old male human
Level 31 1/4 Weather Mage *Immune to Sealed*
 *Deals Weakened to Humanoid Enemies and Fragile to Holy Enemies* *Instant Weather Forecasts*
Power Bonus: +3 (+10 with Spells)
Defense: 3
Health: 41/41
Ether: 29/52
Gold: 379
Equipment:  Weatherfax Broom (WP:30, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear) , Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Burning Eyes (The wearer may add fire elemental to their attacks. The wearer deals weakened to humanoid enemies and fragile to holy enemies. Headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health)

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hoke_ableword_1b.jpg Hoke Ablesword - Champion of the Northern Kingdoms, Kraken Whacker, Titan Smiter, Serpent Skinner, Matchmaker and Rock Champion of Decamon (UsernameMDM)
Human Male Dragoon
Level 61 1/5 *Immune to Fragile, Confused, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind* *Absorbs Poison*
Power Bonus: +5 Power, +7 WP
Defense: 61
Health: 106/106
Gold: 1046
Equipment: Zoot's Order (WP:40; Deals Darkness, Light, Ice, Cursed, Fragile, permanently Poisoned-by-10, hits reduce enemy SP by 1; spear, suitable for Hoke only [Hydra Tongue, Crimson Haze, Amethyst, Diamond, Etherial Opal]), Mythril Buckler (SP:42, Amethyst, Mythril), Hydra Skin (SP: 2, wearer gains HP when poisoned instead of losing it, backwear),Sven's Heavy Armor (SP:6, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind and Fragile),  Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail": encouraged, hastened, lucky and inspired), Samurai Helmet (WP:+4, immune Confused, Sealed suitable to knights, dragoons, regulators, winged warriors),  Bone Claws (+3 WP, 2 SP, hand wear), Warrior's Treads (SP:2, Health +1, footwear), Prayer Beads (User is Permenantly Blessed, accessory),

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16858651466_09a5cf51c9_o.jpg Torc *In Flight*
Female Dragon Adult 
Level: 61
Health: 91/91
Element: Fire
Ability: Draconic Fate (May pay 10 health for a 1/2 chance to make a party member Lucky)

20584275801_96b45a9eb5_t.jpg Karie Alderflask-Cour (Kintober)
26 Year Old Human Female Minstrel 
Level 39 *Permanently Nimble* *1/3 Chance to Weaken targeted enemy on successful hits* *Steal 50% More Gold*
Power Bonus: 3
Health: 67/67
Defense: 7
Ether: 15/45
Stealth: +2
Gold: 736
Equipment: Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and FREE HITS, suitable for women only, body wear), Vorpalis Crown (SP: 4, the wearer has a 1/3 chance of dealing Weakened to the targeted enemy on successful hits. Headwear, suitable for anyone.), Fenarian Robes of the Vampire (SP:3, Max. Ether +4, backwear), Encore Plectrum (If the same song is sung for more than one round of combat in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels, accessory), Fine-tuned Guitar (WP:15, user is lucky; instrument), 

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kirayblackknight_sandy.pngKiray Nastayo, A Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (KingoftheZempk)
24 year old Female Human Warden
Level 29 1/3 *Immune to Blinded, Doomed, Blessed, Light, Darkness, Wood**Double damage to Demonic and Holy Foes**Half Damage from Free Hits* *Intimidation* *Lucky* *Hastened* *Encouraged*

Power Bonus: 6
Defense: 29
Health: 46/46
Stealth: 0
Gold: 199
Equipment:  Never Blessed Armor (SP: 11, Immune to Darkness, Light, and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Demons, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Spesialian Spiked Pauldrons (Damage from Free Hits is halved, Immune to Wood; accessory), Never Blessed Helmet (SP: 8, Immunity to Blinded, Doomed and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Holy Enemies, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Orcish Barbed Shield (SP: 12), Mythril Hunter's Crossbow (WP:22, double WP against beasts, fire, ice, wind, and darkness-elemental),

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21994854154_0d4d07263b_t.jpg Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)
25-year-old Human Black Knight *Steal 50% More Gold* *Immune to Darkness*

Level 26
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 15
Health: 42/42
Gold: 393
Stealth: 0
Equipment: Invader's Armour (SP: 3, wearer is encouraged when their current health is at half or below the wearer's maximum level), Vorpalis Netherwings (SP: 4, the wearer deals double damage to humanoid type enemies and takes half damage from Holy/Light enemies. Backwear, suitable for anyone.), Bifrost Blades (WP: 14, dual strike, dagger Poisoned 10 LightEarth, Water, Wind, and Ice  Elemental), Swift Boots (Changes HIDE into STEAL & HIDE, allowing the wearer to steal gold equal to the target’s level if it carries gold in addition to hiding; suitable to rogues; footwear.), Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to dark-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only; shield.),

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26368249490_c3bc6e819b_t.jpg Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)
48 year old male
human Vindicator
Level 38 1/4 *Immune to darknessfirefragilesleepweakened, and blinded* *Affluence* *Reinforced*

Power Bonus: +5 (+5 front row)
Health: 61/61
Stealth: 0
Gold: 428
Equipment: Scupperer (WP:19; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding 2 and poisoned by 10; has 1/2 chance each to inflict blinded, sealed, weakened and fragile; greatsword), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blinded, darkness and fire; accessory), Vest of Faded Trials (SP:10, 1/2 chance of granting reinforced effect at the start of every battle, Immune to Fragile; Suitable for Knights, Barbarians, Dragoons, Skirmishers, Regulators, Vindicators; bodywear and headwear), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear.), Round Metal Shield (SP:7),

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vJi7H1L.png Matthias (Stickfig)
Level 33 Druid *Immune to EarthIce, and Water* *Immune to Blinded, Bound, Fragile, Sealed, and Slowed* *½ chance immunity to Asleep*Deals Fragile* *Gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed*
Power Bonus: +18
Defense: 10
Ether: 22/34
Gold: 765
Abilities: Bearer of the Anvil (Matthias may sacrifice his turn to add his WP or SP to another heroes for the round; he may also improve one weapon at the end of each quest [+1 WP]), Immortal Waters (Once per quest, Matthias can heal himself to full health and remove all negative effects during combat; this does not take up an action)
Equipment: Ethereal Steampunk Stovepipe (SP:1; immunity to 
Earth and Water; protects from Blinded and Sealed; ½ chance to protect from Asleep-effect; suitable for men; headwear), Hunter's Plate (SP:4; wearer gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed; suitable for rogues, rangers, barbarians, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators, and winged warriors) (Dreyrugr), Ethereal Rocket Boots (SP:2; immunity to Ice; protects from Bound, Fragile, and Slowed effects; footwear), Sungold Seal (+3 power, +2 health), Coat Hanger (Allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory [no bodywear attached]), Mail of the Renegade Commander (SP: 3, Free hits deal half damage, Bodywear), Ethereal XX Handcannon Replica (WP:12, pierces defense, Fire- and Light-elemental, deals Afraid, hand cannon),


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paladin_pretzel_2.jpg Monk Pretzel and His 99 Pieces, the Super Sleuth (Played by Palathadric)
463-year-old male "hermit" Artisan 
Level 41 *Permanently Blessed* *Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, Fragile, Poisoned, and Stunned* *Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind, Blind, Confused, and Defense Reduction* *Permanently Reinforced*  *Immune to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Lightning, Ice,  Weakening, Frailty, Poison, Asleep* *Permanently Nimble*
Power Bonus: +5
Defense: 692
Health: 73/73
Stealth: +2

Gold: 1132
Equipment: Wraps of the Steadfast Tortoise (Grants permanent *reinforced* Effect, Handwear, Suitable for Chi Monks), Cloak of the Grand Vizier (SP: 11 multiplied by the number of party members; Grants immunity to Darkness, Wood, Earth, Water, Light, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, *Blinded*, *Weakened*, *Frailty*, *Asleep*, and *Confused*; Backwear), Cape of Extravagance (SP: 5, +10 WP, Wearer is Permanently Nimble, Backwear, suitable for Mimes), Soul Link Chain (Allows the user to pair up with another party member, each of them gaining all the effects that the other has. The partner has to equip the chain as well (ie. one chain can be shared by two people); Accessory), Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently Blessed; accessory.), Mythril Heaven and Hell (WP: 41; Darkness; Poisoned 9, Cursed, Dual-Strike; Whip),

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26559093112_8a37e42e87_t.jpg Nerwen Calmcacil (played by Chromeknight) Champion of The Northern Kingdoms
265 year old female Elven Shaman
Level 40 3/5 *Immune to sealed* *Gains Double EXP* *Counterstriking*
Power bonus;+8
Defense: 1
Health: 62/62
Ether: 46/49
Gold: 475
Equipment: Mourning Star (WP: 10; Fire-elemental; inflicts Fragile-effect; mace), Lesser etherial cloak (SP:1, Max. ether +3, immune to sealed; backwear), Medal of Valor (Double experience from battles; accessory), Chameleon Vest (Max. Health +10, the user becomes able to absorb the last element it was damaged with; bodywear), Counterstrike Gloves, Barbarians boots (natural, respite becomes restoration)

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petaldan_parfenius.jpg Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)
5-year-old male "wonder" Paladin *Immune to Darkness*
Level 18
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 33
Health: 40/40
Ether: 16/18
Stealth: 0
Gold: 123
Equipment: Armour of Dark Arts (SP: 10; Takes up: Bodywear, Handwear, Footwear slots; counts as one artifact; Suitable to Knights, Dragoons, and Skirmishers), Cloak of Innocence (SP: 3; grants the wearer immunity to Darkness, if the health of the wearer is below 50% the wearer is also *Blessed*; Backwear; Suitable for Petaldan only), Slimy Sword (WP:25, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword), Mythril Shield (SP: 20 Shield)

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26621841541_b6c025c0ed_t.jpg40448039192_009d4d30f6_t.jpg Skrall (Waterbrick Down)
81 year old Male Ogre Beast Warrior
Level 44 *Natural Respite* *Immune to Fragile, Blinded, and Confused* *1/3 chance to revive when KO'd*
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 11
Health: 69/69
Stealth: +2

Gold: 56
Equipment: Oversized Mythril Greatsword (WP:46, double damage on targets that are clearly smaller than the hero, greatsword), Tricorne (SP: 3, head wear), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, wearer is immune to fragile, blind, and confused effects, body wear), Moone Greaves (SP: 3), Vorpalis Talisman (1/3 chance of instantly resurrecting with 1 HP and 1 Ether upon being knocked out; accessory)

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AuPkwWK.png The Demon Germ (samurai-turtle) 
??? years old ; Half Demon; Male Black Knight  
Level 24 2/3 *Immune to Slowed & Hastened *Steal 50% More Gold* *Lucky*
Power Bonus: +4
Defense: 21
Health: 43/43
Stealth: +3
Gold: 301
Equipment: , Spesialian Helmet (SP:2, SP:4 if wearer’s Star Elf, Health +2, Power +2, Suitable for anyone; headwear), Greaves (SP:2, immunity to Slowed and Hastened; footwear), Dastan Armor (SP: 4; Immune to Darkness/Amethyst Diamond/Light Garnet/Earth Ruby/Fire; +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment; Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators; bodywear), Crested Shield (SP: 13; shield), Obsidian Scimitar (WP:20; Amethyst/Darkness-elemental; longsword),

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41940476375_e8095611eb_t.jpg Throlar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors)
137 year old male Dwarven Paladin  *Permanently Nimble* *Absorbs Fire* *Immune to Ice*
Level 22 1/3
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 31
Health: 51/51
Ether: 10/22
Stealth: +1
Gold: 50
Equipped:  Gloves of the Hypocritical/Hippocratic Oath (Adds +10 to healing for characters with the Healing job trait and +10 Poisoning for characters with the Wicked fighting style [or future equivalent]), , Greaves of the Wolf (SP: 5, Wearer is Nimble; footwear),  Rotting Rod (WP: 15, 1/3 chance to Hex Undead, staff), Weathered Shield (SP: 16, Ice elemental), Infernal Armor (SP: 10, absorbs fire, suitable for knights, dragoons, regulators, skirmishers, and vindicators; bodywear), 

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34997035535_5a52b3077b_s.jpg Torald Waruelf, Matchmaker (Alfadas)
21 year old male human Battle Mage
Level 18
Power Bonus: +19
Defense: 16
Health: 43/43
Ether: 14/30
Stealth: 0
Gold: 286
Abilities: Pact of the Tome (Torald may spend his action for a 1/6 chance to cause the Doomed effect on a Humanoid enemy or the Hexed effect on a Demon enemy).
Equipment: Torangu's Trident (WP: 20, SP: 5, cannot be used with Shield, Trident), Pandemonicon (+11 Power Bonus, HP, SP, Ether, Grants Pact of the Tome ability, accessory, Level 1, cannot be unequipped)

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27754792869_f843639acf_t.jpg Vindsval Half-Born (Asphalt)
41 year old, Male, Half Giant,
Level: 43 3/5 Vindicator *Immune to Dark & Demonic enemies* *Immunity to Asleep,Blinded,ConfusedFragile, and Weakened* *Gains 3x Experience*

Power Bonus: +12
Health: 66/66
Stealth: +1
Gold: 184
Equipment:  Shikokku's Stealth Suit (SP:7; Power +6, User is immune to Dark & Demonic enemies; Body, Head and Backwear counts as 1 Artefact), Wonky Shoes (footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj), ), 
Multi-tool Attachment (Artificial arm, Enables user to ignore the weapon restrictions of their class excluding Shields, Handwear, Suitable for Vindsval), Great Club (WP: 100, cannot be reinforced, imbued, or used with a shield. Suitable to barbarians and beast warriors); Medal of Glory (accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity to Asleep,Blinded,ConfusedFragile, and Weakened effects),  Requiem (WP: 20;Wood and Light-elemental; Longbow),

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QM Note: Folks, it's been amazing having all of you on this journey. Feel free to continue posting in this thread if you want.

Atramor shook his head groggily as he peeled his face off the usual spot on the counter.

"...ah....hell. Must've been...damn good fight. I don't even..." He coughed and shook his head. "...Gah, mouth's dry. I need a rum. Anyone remember anythin' 'bout the battle? Can't recall any details. Musta' been good though, looks like we all made it out in one piece."

Something feels off, like it is some sort of dream... 

Karie awakens at her corner spot in the bar, her table converted to a makeshift nightstand. As she comes to she feels a bandage woven tightly around her head, covering one eye. A small pouch sits on the table with her name scrawled onto a piece of parchment attached to it. Karie wearily picks up the pouch and opens it up. A glass eye stares back at her. Hastily closing the pouch and shoving it into a pocket, Karie gets up, hobbling her way over to Atramor: she grabs the crutches next to her chair and makes good use of them.

"I don't care how early it is: I'll take whatever Atramor's having." She tells Scheherazade. 

  On 9/28/2018 at 9:13 AM, CMP said:

Atramor shook his head groggily as he peeled his face off the usual spot on the counter.

"...ah....hell. Must've been...damn good fight. I don't even..." He coughed and shook his head. "...Gah, mouth's dry. I need a rum. Anyone remember anythin' 'bout the battle? Can't recall any details. Musta' been good though, looks like we all made it out in one piece."

"Funny, I don't remember any of it either, however it seems like I took a bit of a beating during it." Karie rests on a seat. She felt like she got ran over by a carriage. "Anyone got a newspaper? I'd like to catch up on what's happened since we were knocked out."

Throlar heard a muffled voice in his head, as if someone was trying to speak to him from a long way off and through several layers of thick cloth. He briefly wondered about that, but was distracted by the words of those speaking to them.

"What? No... none of this makes sense! It can't be that easy, not fixing Eubric, and certainly not fighting an archdemon. I don't even remember fighting, all I remember is falling asleep before we even..."

Something buzzed in his head, when the veterans had spoken certain... he had no idea what it was, but something... Arrgh! It was like trying to think through a wooly blanket. He knew there was something about what they'd said.

At least, he thought there was?

"Maybe I was just... an oddity? Does anyone else remember anything?"

On and on and on it goes...  Dyric mutters, almost subconsciously, as he takes in the Hall. Something felt off, but he had just been out for a week. There was probably something in his back. If he just walked around a bit...

The assassin stands, but the world goes in a spin and he nearly falls again. One step at a time, Dyric... Looking up, he saw Atramor and Karie at a table, and stumbled over to talk to them.

  On 9/28/2018 at 9:13 AM, CMP said:

"...ah....hell. Must've been...damn good fight. I don't even..." He coughed and shook his head. "...Gah, mouth's dry. I need a rum. Anyone remember anythin' 'bout the battle? Can't recall any details. Musta' been good though, looks like we all made it out in one piece."


The Veterans seem to remember it well enough. Say, why did we all got knocked into next week, and not them? Some luck. Also, who has Requiem? I'll be wanting her back. 

  On 9/28/2018 at 6:51 AM, Waterbrick Down said:

With that the heroes descend below the Hall. Down, down, down, and yet even further down the Party descends. The more experienced of the heroes recall the old architecture of the ancient civilization upon which the city was built as they lead everyone onward. At long last the heroes reach the old temple of Zoot still in disarray and ruin, a fine dust flits about the air reflecting off of the torches and light spells illuminating the cavern. Scattered across the ground the group find slain corpses of undead druids and herbaceous elemental monsters. The trail of bodies leads away from the temple and to a newly dug tunnel of massive proportions. The air thickens with even more spores as the group approaches closer, no sound can be heard from up ahead. A flurry of wings sounds behind the party as the three dragons arrive in the temple cavern.

Lind loots all of the bodies they pass. :laugh:

  On 9/28/2018 at 6:51 AM, Waterbrick Down said:

The heroes note burns, scars, and bruises over their bodies. Hestia Bonaparte approaches the heroes.

"You've all been out for nearly a week. Asa was just able to break the seal on the Nornalis, a lot's happened since you've been out. The founders perished after Rosier was defeated, their bodies turned into somesort of powder. The Paladins and Town Watch dealt with a bunch of the archdemons druids and the two organizations are currently in the middle of selecting new leadership. I was able to talk Attina into negotiations with the fort's sailors, but we hope some of you might be able to assist with the peace talks. The Wolfgang has officially disbanded and Ulric turned himself in, something to do with enacting change the right way. Euflear was able to gather survivors from her people and are already at work in repairing the damage done to the Fae. They intend to build a permenant portal to Eubric to encourage better relationships between the fairy folk and Olegia."

"It's a lot to take in heroes and we know there's a lot more to be done if Eubric is ever to be made whole again. But after everything that has happened, we believe that moving forward you're quite capable of making it happen."

"That's why we're going to be stepping down, it's about time this hall had some new blood in leadership. You're free to pick amongst yourselves, but I don't think any of us would be afraid to give you our thoughts if you have them."

The Black Knight shook his head at Hestia's news. "Ulric gave up? Well, that makes sense - always pinned him as a coward, really. Shame, was looking forward to fighting him!"

He looked around the Hall. "But, sadly, that would have meant fighting some of you - so, a happy resolution all around!"

OoC: Thanks, @Waterbrick Down - I didn't want to have to fight Skrall! :cry_sad: :cry_happy: :thumbup:

"So, Asa - what loot drops did I take off of Rosier before I went down?"


After waiting to hear what Asa said, he stepped forward, and clapped his hands loudly, so that everyone could hear.


He thought a moment.

"Oh, and LADIES!"

He thought an additional moment.

"And...the rest of you!"

He stumbled, but barely managed to save himself.

"It is time for the elections! Let us break apart into parties, and discuss this matter in detail!"

  On 9/28/2018 at 1:49 PM, samurai-turtle said:


  On 9/28/2018 at 5:19 PM, Lord Duvors said:

"What? No... none of this makes sense! It can't be that easy, not fixing Eubric, and certainly not fighting an archdemon. I don't even remember fighting, all I remember is falling asleep before we even..."

"Maybe I was just... an oddity? Does anyone else remember anything?"

Lind shrugged.

"Throlar...sometimes things just are that easy.

We are heroes, after all." He looked at Asa. "Can't say my memory of it is too great, but I'm sure once I found out what I looted, I'll remember everything much, much better."

Loot kind of does that for me...I forget the quests, but I always remember the loot!"

He was aware, as he spoke, that his voice was slightly intimidating. Can't have her giving it all to Atramor, now. Remember how long it took him to divvy up the loot last time...! And we specialize in the same gear, he'll probably keep the good bits for himself... :cry_sad:


"GENTLEMEN of the FORMER CRESCENT UNION!" He waved at Germ, Ezeran, and Torald. "LET US PARLAY IN PRIVATE, as I am sure the rest of these fine people are doing!"

He nodded at Throlar. "You weren't originally part of the Union, but we can overlook that." He pointed at the table where Karie, Atramor, and Dyric were sitting.

"If the old guard can plan out who they're going to elect, than surely us new guard can as well!"


TO THE PMs, GENTLEMEN! :excited::moar::excited:

  On 9/28/2018 at 6:40 PM, Lind Whisperer said:

"GENTLEMEN of the FORMER CRESCENT UNION!" He waved at Germ, Ezeran, and Torald. "LET US PARLAY IN PRIVATE, as I am sure the rest of these fine people are doing!"

He nodded at Throlar. "You weren't originally part of the Union, but we can overlook that." He pointed at the table where Karie, Atramor, and Dyric were sitting.

"If the old guard can plan out who they're going to elect, than surely us new guard can as well!"


The Hel? No one's even talking about the election, Lind! 

You can't seriously pay lip-service to 'not wanting a popularity vote' and then hide off in the back room to discuss how you're going to swing the election. I thought you were better than that. 

This is an open table, no one has been excluded. If you want a discussion, come and have one

Rone shakes his head, shocked at the Whisperer's flagrant display. Just when he thought they were making headway. At least the knight had finally stopped roping him in with the rest of the Union, maybe that counted for something.

  • Author
  On 9/28/2018 at 9:13 AM, CMP said:

Atramor shook his head groggily as he peeled his face off the usual spot on the counter.

"...ah....hell. Must've been...damn good fight. I don't even..." He coughed and shook his head. "...Gah, mouth's dry. I need a rum. Anyone remember anythin' 'bout the battle? Can't recall any details. Musta' been good though, looks like we all made it out in one piece."

"Rum? I should have you all on nothing but chicken soup for the next month."

"It's ok, Scheherazade, they deserve a little spoiling." Jack grabs a bottle of rum from behind the bar and tosses it to Atramor. "There wasn't much fighting on your part heroes, as Kukulkan said, your mere presence gave us the opening we needed to finish the beastie off." 

  On 9/28/2018 at 2:39 PM, Kintobor said:

Karie awakens at her corner spot in the bar, her table converted to a makeshift nightstand. As she comes to she feels a bandage woven tightly around her head, covering one eye. A small pouch sits on the table with her name scrawled onto a piece of parchment attached to it. Karie wearily picks up the pouch and opens it up. A glass eye stares back at her. Hastily closing the pouch and shoving it into a pocket, Karie gets up, hobbling her way over to Atramor: she grabs the crutches next to her chair and makes good use of them.

"I don't care how early it is: I'll take whatever Atramor's having." She tells Scheherazade. 

"Funny, I don't remember any of it either, however it seems like I took a bit of a beating during it." Karie rests on a seat. She felt like she got ran over by a carriage. "Anyone got a newspaper? I'd like to catch up on what's happened since we were knocked out."

The orc barmaid brings a few glasses over to the table.
"Careful dearies, take it slow, you're all still recovering."

Asa slides a paper over to Karie.
"Figured you'd be interested in reading this. Might help."

The first article to catch Karie's eye is the front page simply titled "Trust"


In the time of this paper, we have always striven to accurately deliver to our readers the truth about the city they live in and the people who help it. We, The Eubric Herald, realize that we have broken that trust. In our effort to help the people of this city we actually ended up harming the very ones who were trying to save it. The Eubric Herald would therefor like to take this opportunity to retract its statements regarding the six houses of the city and would like to issue a full apology for disparaging and attacking the credibility and motivation of the Heroica organization. We know that we have done you all a disservice and we understand that we may have lost readership because of it, we are prepared to accept those consequences and promise to do our best to restore that confidence you once placed in us. Together Eubric will be rebuilt, slowly, but hopefully more wisely. - Rook, Eubric Herald Owner

A few of the other articles detail the negotiations occurring with the Bonaparte fleet, the Guild of Invision and Ji Pei offering educational courses to citizens of the hovels and Shadeaux and Hinckwell houses establishing mutual business relations and job opportunities for all those of the hovels who wished to work. The paper continues on about the work of the Ziegfrieds in establishing magical services around the city ranging from street lighting, to clean water fountains. An entire section of the paper is dedicated to letters sent to the editor expounding on how Heroica had helped all of them in the past, including farmer MacDonald, Bilbert Wigglepike, Teresa Finneldria, and many more.

  On 9/28/2018 at 5:19 PM, Lord Duvors said:

Throlar heard a muffled voice in his head, as if someone was trying to speak to him from a long way off and through several layers of thick cloth. He briefly wondered about that, but was distracted by the words of those speaking to them.

"What? No... none of this makes sense! It can't be that easy, not fixing Eubric, and certainly not fighting an archdemon. I don't even remember fighting, all I remember is falling asleep before we even..."

Something buzzed in his head, when the veterans had spoken certain... he had no idea what it was, but something... Arrgh! It was like trying to think through a wooly blanket. He knew there was something about what they'd said.

At least, he thought there was?

"Maybe I was just... an oddity? Does anyone else remember anything?"

"Peace, Throlar, you all suffered terrible trauma and if it were not for Asa repairing the Nornalis, none of you may have survived. Have hope, because of what you did at Fort Freedom, how you and your friends solved this horrible business through peace instead of violence, you have inspired the entire city to come together to repair what was broken."

  On 9/28/2018 at 6:40 PM, Lind Whisperer said:

Lind loots all of the bodies they pass. :laugh:

The Black Knight shook his head at Hestia's news. "Ulric gave up? Well, that makes sense - always pinned him as a coward, really. Shame, was looking forward to fighting him!"

He looked around the Hall. "But, sadly, that would have meant fighting some of you - so, a happy resolution all around!"

OoC: Thanks, @Waterbrick Down - I didn't want to have to fight Skrall! :cry_sad: :cry_happy: :thumbup:

"So, Asa - what loot drops did I take off of Rosier before I went down?"


After waiting to hear what Asa said, he stepped forward, and clapped his hands loudly, so that everyone could hear.


He thought a moment.

"Oh, and LADIES!"

He thought an additional moment.

"And...the rest of you!"

He stumbled, but barely managed to save himself.

"It is time for the elections! Let us break apart into parties, and discuss this matter in detail!"

Lind shrugged.

"Throlar...sometimes things just are that easy.

We are heroes, after all." He looked at Asa. "Can't say my memory of it is too great, but I'm sure once I found out what I looted, I'll remember everything much, much better."

Loot kind of does that for me...I forget the quests, but I always remember the loot!"

He was aware, as he spoke, that his voice was slightly intimidating. Can't have her giving it all to Atramor, now. Remember how long it took him to divvy up the loot last time...! And we specialize in the same gear, he'll probably keep the good bits for himself... :cry_sad:


"GENTLEMEN of the FORMER CRESCENT UNION!" He waved at Germ, Ezeran, and Torald. "LET US PARLAY IN PRIVATE, as I am sure the rest of these fine people are doing!"

He nodded at Throlar. "You weren't originally part of the Union, but we can overlook that." He pointed at the table where Karie, Atramor, and Dyric were sitting.

"If the old guard can plan out who they're going to elect, than surely us new guard can as well!"


TO THE PMs, GENTLEMEN! :excited::moar::excited:

"Plenty of fairy dust, but we sent that back with Euflear. The demon did drop this, none of us were really keen to keep it."

PRKCSWDMUzmed63K9oUjdtFiBRN7gVngdL52G8STrakbqp29btAqzIZOHxZJYM5AMUSH=s85 Thorn of Rosier (WP: 100, 1/6 chance to cause Enamored, whip/longsword/staff)

  On 9/28/2018 at 9:22 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

"It's ok, Scheherazade, they deserve a little spoiling." Jack grabs a bottle of rum from behind the bar and tosses it to Atramor. "There wasn't much fighting on your part heroes, as Kukulkan said, your mere presence gave us the opening we needed to finish the beastie off." 

"Plenty of fairy dust, but we sent that back with Euflear. The demon did drop this, none of us were really keen to keep it."

PRKCSWDMUzmed63K9oUjdtFiBRN7gVngdL52G8STrakbqp29btAqzIZOHxZJYM5AMUSH=s85 Thorn of Rosier (WP: 100, 1/6 chance to cause Enamored, whip/longsword/staff)

"Shame - I was looking forward to it! Glad all of you took such good care of her, though!

He picked up the Thorn. "Very impressive!" He thrashed it around a few times. "A weapon worthy of an arch-demon."

As Germ listens to "noise" going on around him it just seem to happy to him this does feel off. That is when Germ jumped up on a table and started yelling..

Rosier! Do you hear me? This is not fooling me! I know what you are trying to do! And it is pretty lame! 

Think about it every one! None of us remembers how we got here or anything right! And Rosier can mess with your dreams! So, what would be the best way to not lose? Make your enemies think they all ready won! 


Reveal hidden contents


"I think Heckz might like that." I mutter, seeing what Rosier has left.

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:11 PM, samurai-turtle said:


Reveal hidden contents


OoC: No misinterpretation - I only bought one.

"Do you think if I throw a Smoke Bomb we'll all wake up?"

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:13 PM, Palathadric said:

"Do you think if I throw a Smoke Bomb we'll all wake up?"

Unfortunately, I don't think it will be that easy. 

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:12 PM, Palathadric said:

"I think Heckz might like that." I mutter, seeing what Rosier has left.


  On 9/28/2018 at 9:22 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

Plenty of fairy dust, but we sent that back with Euflear. The demon did drop this, none of us were really keen to keep it."

PRKCSWDMUzmed63K9oUjdtFiBRN7gVngdL52G8STrakbqp29btAqzIZOHxZJYM5AMUSH=s85 Thorn of Rosier (WP: 100, 1/6 chance to cause Enamored, whip/longsword/staff)

My question on that is, their only one? 

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:11 PM, samurai-turtle said:

As Germ listens to "noise" going on around him it just seem to happy to him this does feel off. That is when Germ jumped up on a table and started yelling..

Rosier! Do you hear me? This is not fooling me! I know what you are trying to do! And it is pretty lame! 

Think about it every one! None of us remembers how we got here or anything right! And Rosier can mess with your dreams! So, what would be the best way to not lose? Make your enemies think they all ready won! 

Lind leaned casually back against the table. "Our memories are coming back to us slowly - after a hard battle like that, it's no wonder we can't remember anything!

Besides, all of the Veterans are here, and they agree that we won the battle - are you calling the Veterans liars?"

He jerked the demon down off of the table.

"Now, let's focus on more important things - like planning for the Elections!"

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:12 PM, Palathadric said:

"I think Heckz might like that." I mutter, seeing what Rosier has left.

"I'll keep him in mind, but it would be nice to finally have a decent weapon. And this is a bit more than just "decent"."

Edited by Lind Whisperer

  On 9/28/2018 at 9:22 PM, Waterbrick Down said:


"Peace, Throlar, you all suffered terrible trauma and if it were not for Asa repairing the Nornalis, none of you may have survived. Have hope, because of what you did at Fort Freedom, how you and your friends solved this horrible business through peace instead of violence, you have inspired the entire city to come together to repair what was broken."

"Perhaps... did the Miracleworker leave anything behind? A book, a scrap of paper? Anything he had written down? It would be awful if the secret to true resurrection perished with him. There are many who died today and I think there may still be time to save them."

Edited by Lord Duvors

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:23 PM, Lind Whisperer said:

Besides, all of the Veterans are here, and they agree that we won the battle - are you calling the Veterans liars?"

He jerked the demon down off of the table.

Don't do that! Or you are going to have a second demon to deal with, besides I can't be the only one hearing the slight difference when they talk... 

Karie finishes reading the paper and pours herself a small glass of rum before finishing it up and topping it off with another shot. She took it in quick succession, hoping to null a little of the pain. She didn't feel much resolution when it came to the fight with Rosier, but the city seemed safe for now. There was work to be done, but it could wait for some of the more important things in her life.

"As much as I would enjoy revelling in the Hall, there's a group of people who I need to see: my family. My daughter and husband are probably worried sick after all this. I need to go and make sure they're alright." Karie got out of her seat and grabbed her crutches. It'd be a few weeks of rest before she figured she'd be better. "After that I'm going to into the Hanging Gardens and try and find my sister's grave. Atramor, you're more than welcome to visit. I'm certain there's a number of stories we could share good food and alcohol over." Karie took a look over the hall. Peaceful, sure, but for now, that seemed alright. She began to head for the door.

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:47 PM, Kintobor said:

She began to head for the door.

Fine, if no one wants to listen to me, I will just get down. I hope your bodies rot fast for your sakes...I am going to fine a way out of here. That is when Germ watched Karie try to leave... Let's see how real you made this place, Rosier. He said to himself. 

  On 9/28/2018 at 6:10 PM, The Legonater said:

The assassin stands, but the world goes in a spin and he nearly falls again. One step at a time, Dyric... Looking up, he saw Atramor and Karie at a table, and stumbled over to talk to them.

The Veterans seem to remember it well enough. Say, why did we all got knocked into next week, and not them? Some luck. Also, who has Requiem? I'll be wanting her back. 

"Still, they ain't gonna be able to tell it half as well as I could...if I remembered the damn thing."

  On 9/28/2018 at 9:22 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

"It's ok, Scheherazade, they deserve a little spoiling." Jack grabs a bottle of rum from behind the bar and tosses it to Atramor. "There wasn't much fighting on your part heroes, as Kukulkan said, your mere presence gave us the opening we needed to finish the beastie off." 

" 'Ppreciate it," remarked Atramor, catching the rum and taking a swig just as soon as he was able to lift it to his lips. He turned his other hand over a few times, trying to recall details about the burn scars on it.

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:47 PM, Kintobor said:

"As much as I would enjoy revelling in the Hall, there's a group of people who I need to see: my family. My daughter and husband are probably worried sick after all this. I need to go and make sure they're alright." Karie got out of her seat and grabbed her crutches. It'd be a few weeks of rest before she figured she'd be better. "After that I'm going to into the Hanging Gardens and try and find my sister's grave. Atramor, you're more than welcome to visit. I'm certain there's a number of stories we could share good food and alcohol over." Karie took a look over the hall. Peaceful, sure, but for now, that seemed alright. She began to head for the door.

"Will do," nodded the rogue, lifting his bottle to Karie as she crutched over to the exit. "Careful, third cobblestone from the door's a bit..." Atramor paused, and coughed, swallowing another few mouthfuls of rum. It hardly seemed to do anything for the dryness of his throat. "Ah. Sorry. Third stone from the door's a bit loose. Anyone else feelin' like they've inhaled half of Azzurat? Last time I was in that temple it was musty as all hell, not dry like a corpse."

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:11 PM, samurai-turtle said:

As Germ listens to "noise" going on around him it just seem to happy to him this does feel off. That is when Germ jumped up on a table and started yelling..

Rosier! Do you hear me? This is not fooling me! I know what you are trying to do! And it is pretty lame! 

Think about it every one! None of us remembers how we got here or anything right! And Rosier can mess with your dreams! So, what would be the best way to not lose? Make your enemies think they all ready won! 

"Relax, mate. Look at these scars, how'd we get these if this was a dream? Would I want to dream I got fried like an egg?"

Atramor chuckled.

@Waterbrick Down OoC: Since it's the end of the quest and all, it doesn't matter, but my Power Bonus should be 2 (Crescent Seal), and although I never say no to extra cash, my Gold should be 263 - unless we looted some more off of Rosier?

303 - 90(to Germ) + 50(Fort battle).

  On 9/28/2018 at 10:47 PM, Kintobor said:

Karie finishes reading the paper and pours herself a small glass of rum before finishing it up and topping it off with another shot. She took it in quick succession, hoping to null a little of the pain. She didn't feel much resolution when it came to the fight with Rosier, but the city seemed safe for now. There was work to be done, but it could wait for some of the more important things in her life.

"As much as I would enjoy revelling in the Hall, there's a group of people who I need to see: my family. My daughter and husband are probably worried sick after all this. I need to go and make sure they're alright." Karie got out of her seat and grabbed her crutches. It'd be a few weeks of rest before she figured she'd be better. "After that I'm going to into the Hanging Gardens and try and find my sister's grave. Atramor, you're more than welcome to visit. I'm certain there's a number of stories we could share good food and alcohol over." Karie took a look over the hall. Peaceful, sure, but for now, that seemed alright. She began to head for the door.

"Tell Masson I said hello! And that I hope we can quest again soon - really liked working with that chap!"

Lind watched Karie walk toward the door, intently.

  On 9/29/2018 at 12:34 AM, CMP said:

"Still, they ain't gonna be able to tell it half as well as I could...if I remembered the damn thing."

" 'Ppreciate it," remarked Atramor, catching the rum and taking a swig just as soon as he was able to lift it to his lips. He turned his other hand over a few times, trying to recall details about the burn scars on it.

"Will do," nodded the rogue, lifting his bottle to Karie as she crutched over to the exit. "Careful, third cobblestone from the door's a bit..." Atramor paused, and coughed, swallowing another few mouthfuls of rum. It hardly seemed to do anything for the dryness of his throat. "Ah. Sorry. Third stone from the door's a bit loose. Anyone else feelin' like they've inhaled half of Azzurat? Last time I was in that temple it was musty as all hell, not dry like a corpse."

"Relax, mate. Look at these scars, how'd we get these if this was a dream? Would I want to dream I got fried like an egg?"

Atramor chuckled.

The Black Knight chuckled along with the Rogue Thief. "Well said!"

He reached into his Bag of Holding, and pulled out a Smelling Salts, and a Mulled Wine. He shook his head regretfully, "Spent a pretty penny on these Salts...ah, well. They'll christen our triumph, as well as they would have our fight."

He raised the vials. "To our victory!"

As he swallowed them both down, he nodded at Atramor. "What are you having? Round on me!"

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