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Watching all the commotion around him Ezeran considers the alternatives, the symbiont however is not that tactful and hurls a giant load of acid spit at what it consider being the intruders. Ezeran stands up, brimstone and fire in his eyes. "I don't recognize your authority to represent any law, and certainly not the people of Eubric. Leave those men here with us and be quickly gone before you miss the deadline of your beloved curfew."

Rone watched the group of men and women equip themselves in defense of the Veterans.

I'm not sure they deserve our help, he muttered, but I suppose they don't deserve to be arrested either. 

He downed his mead, and hefted up the unlucky horseshoe

Bring it. 

Edited by The Legonater

Torald cracks his knuckles. Even though he is nowhere near as tall as Vindsval, he still towers above the guards. Begone. We may have no weapons, but we WILL make sure you are not going to take them away. Now, what's it going to be? 

  On 1/7/2018 at 6:37 PM, Palathadric said:

"Well, as you yourself said, with Heroica tearing itself apart, its founders came by today and shut the place down and, in a sense, banished everyone. Can't say that they did wrong in doing so, though in truth, I was beginning to feel a kind of kindred spirit with the people there for the first time since coming back. Perhaps the heroes had been too busy running around and minding other people's business to stop for a moment and think about what we're actually fighting for."

"Money, right? That's what we're fighting for, isn't it?", Eric bluntly replied to Pretzel. He knew that Pretzel probably had a different reason in mind, but he didn't really care. Money, and of lesser importance fame, were primarily Eric's motivators in lending his sword to Heroica.

The Nord watched as the situation grew more tense around him. He wasn't planning on staying at first, after all Heroica was done for and those days now lay past him. His mind changed however when the Town Guard barged in, spewing nonsense about a curfew that some self-appointed Council of Prosperity and Peace had put upon the free citizens of Eubric. The Man. It made Eric's blood boil. His free Nordic spirit could not be tamed, especially not by some invisible power that had yet to prove its worth to him.

He didn't really care about Kukulkan or the Copper Fox, nor did he share much of the Wolfgang's ideals, except bringing down the established order, but right now Eric chose to stand up to the Town Guard. Eric barged forward to the commotion and confronted the Town Guard. "Curfew? Nah, I'd rather stay up late. I'll go home when I choose to. Besides, the way things are going, it looks like it'll be an interesting evening."

His trademark grin grew wider once more and with a condescending look in his eyes and venom in his words he spat: "Besides what are you going to do about? You're nothing but a helpless lackey. You have no power here."

  On 1/7/2018 at 5:58 PM, Zepher said:

“Don’t fret. The Temple team will be able to handle itself.” Ignoring Karie’s rant - if she was happy to go with the Wolfgang group then his dealings with her had worked just fine - he returns to Hoke, Althior, Matthias, and Atramar. “Question is still the same. Put our best fighters together, or try to spread them out?” Boomingham continues his survey of the Room, spotting the pungancious dwarves ambassador. “Part of me feels like we should just let them fend for themselves. But I think we can use all the help we have. Karie can handle herself well. Atramar, you seem interested in the Dragon House. I’d ask one of you others to accompany me to the Temple, but from there I think it’s best we spread ourselves out. Keep an eye on the more junior members.”

Karie raised an eyebrow. Lawrence seemed incredibly calm. Something didn't sit right with her. 

"I'd be more concerned with keeping an eye on you, Lawrence, but that's simply advice I'm giving to whoever goes with you." Karie pointed to the former not-king. "Our younger members are more than capable of handling themselves in a fight should they need to." Karie paused for a moment. She observed the scene of chaos brewing. The guardsman and the town watch guard were going to become martyrs if something didn't happen soon. She turned to Kukulkan, whispering. "I'm thinking of dropping a smoke bomb. If we ran out, I need you to grab ahold of me. The Wolfgang supporters know where to go. I don't. These two men in front of us cannot become martyrs to this bloody council. Do we have an agreement?"


  On 1/7/2018 at 11:05 PM, The Legonater said:

The breakdown so far seems something like this:



Dragon's Head:

The Demon Germ

Matthias listens to the group breakdown, and pipes in quietly in Hoke's direction, "One might think a Dragoon would be most at home in the Dragon House...." The druid hopes that might actually be helpful. He sees no need to add his voice to the growing cacophany of rebellion around him... and really, who do the Town Watch think they are?

(That's a no.)


  • Author

In a resounding moment of solidarity, the heroes take a stand against the Town Watchmen and Paladin. Some reach for weapons, but discern they had left them with the bouncer out front.

"What in Hel's name do you think you're all doing?"

There is little time for explanation though as an armored squad of more Paladins and Watchmen barge through the door.


"As I suspected, heroes scheming with the enemy. Arrest every damned one of 'em, especially those two veterans. As I told you men, Detective Lestrange always gets his man."


- As opposed to the standard action, players may choose to investigate the bar room for a chance to find useful items such as consumables and weapons. A row to perform this action is still required. -

Unarmored attacks have a WP0 -
- Please note Party Leader will shift every turn -
- As noted by Atramor the Nornalis is currently not in effect, any party member left at 0 HP at the end of battle will perish -

The Enemy:
27788653089_879869fee1_t.jpg Detective Lestrange
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level x3
Health: 1000/1000
Special: Eye for Detail – Makes the target, Weakened, Fragile, Slowed, and Jinxed.
Passive Special: Dead in Your Tracks - Detective Lestrange prevents fleeing.
Drops: Manacles, 10 Gold

25729352148_87fbdc5561_t.jpg Constable Geezard
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level x2
Health: 500/500
Special: Call for Aid - Summons another Watchman Guard or Watchman Arbelist.
Passive Special: Watchful Eye – AOE Damage only affects the target.
Drops: Potion, 10 Gold

38856283994_00f2f2e876_t.jpg Watchman Guard
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level
Health: 200/200
Special: Piercing Maneuver – Reduces the target's SP to 0.
Drops: Potion, 10 Gold

25694667028_55429b6e0e_t.jpg Watchman Arbelist *Fights from Back Row* *Ranged attacks*
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level
Health: 100/100
Special: Suppressive Fire - All targets that deal damage next round, take damage equal to their level ignoring row and SP.
Drops: Potion, 10 Gold

14487117009_ae93ed93c4_t.jpg Commander Fervent
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level x2
Health: 500/500
Special: Ennoc's Smite – Reduce's the target's HP to 1/2 of its current total.
Passive Special: In Ennoc We Trust - Commander Fervent's presence cures all the Enemy Party of Negative effects after 1 Round.
Drops: Remedy, 10 Gold

39535427132_34a0d8d68d_t.jpg Paladin Infantry
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level
Health: 100/100
Special: Ennoc's Guiding Hand – The Paladin Infantry makes an attack against the target and the hero above and below listed in the battle order, ignoring SP.
Drops: Potion, 10 Gold

39535427402_e8ff93ba81_t.jpg Paladin Knight
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level x2
Health: 300/300
Special: Someone Watching Over Me – The Paladin Knight calls forth a guardian angel to protect the enemy party from damage and negative effects.
Drops: Potion, 10 Gold

38856283104_32bf2513d8_t.jpg Paladin Priest
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level
Health: 200/200
Special: Miracle - The Paladin Priest restores the Enemy with the least health to full HP.
Passive Special: Healing Hands - The Paladin Priest uses Miracle in place of Free Hits
Drops: Tonic, 10 Gold

The Party:
20713006760_921976d201_t.jpg Atramor Gibbin, the Fiery and Aquatic Champion of Decamon and the Serpent Skinner (CallMePie)
34 year old male human Rogue Thief
Level 45 2/5 *Immune to all elements and all negative effects except virus* *Steal 50% More Gold*
*Encouraged* *Lucky* *Party Leader*
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 10
Health: 88/88
Gold: 2905
Equipment: Living Mythril Claws (WP: 30, double WP against humanoids, double damage against vermin, +1 WP after every successful hit, resets at end of current quest, light elemental, dual strike, daggers), Rat's Hide (SP: 4, backwear, suitable for anyone), Galactic Armor (SP: 6, +6 max health, immune to waterwoodlightningfireearthwindicelightdarkness, and doomed, bodywear, suitable for anyone), Sticky Gloves (Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors; handwear), Wide-Brimmed Hat (Protects from all negative effects except sudden death and virus; headwear)

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18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpg Althior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 58.6 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened* *Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness*Encouraged*
Power Bonus: +6 (+18 to Spells)Defense: 10
Health: 92/92
Ether: 107/107
Gold: 5130
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), Sungold Seal (Max HP+2; Power+3), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6; healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear)

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26368249490_c3bc6e819b_t.jpg Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)
48 year old male human Vindicator
Level 36.25 *Immune to darknessfirefragilesleepweakened, and blinded* *Affluence* *1/2 chance of being reinforced*Zweihänder Grip*
Power Bonus:
 +8 (+5 front row)
Defense: 8
Health: 59/59
Ether: 36/36
Gold: 318
Equipment: Scupperer (WP:17; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding and poisoned by 10; has 1/2 chance each to inflict blinded, sealed, weakened and fragile; greatsword), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blinded, darkness and fire; accessory), Vest of Faded Trials (SP:8, 1/2 chance of granting reinforced effect at the start of every battle, Immune to Fragile; Suitable for Knights, Barbarians, Dragoons, Skirmishers, Regulators, Vindicators; bodywear and headwear), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear.)

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dyrica.jpg Dyric Rone(The Legonater)
Human male, Assassin
Level 32.5 *Permanently Lucky* *Immune to All Elements and Blinded* *Steals 50% more gold* *Encouraged*
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 6
Health: 44/44
Gold: 86
Equipment: Crossbow of Incessant Warmongerers (WP: 26; Darkness and Wind-elemental, deals Slowed on non-AoE rolls, also deals Damage to the enemies above and below the target upon a successful hit; Crossbow) (Deals Poisoned -7 and Cursed for One Battle), Lucky Die (User is permanently *Lucky*; suitable for anyone; Accessory), Night's Helmet (SP: 6; immune to WaterWood,EarthIceFireWindLightningLightDarkness, and Blinded; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Crystal Shoes (Immunities become Absorption), Cabin Boy's Rags (All other party members +3 power, body wear)

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paladin_pretzel_2.jpg Monk Pretzel and His 99 Pieces, the Super Sleuth (Played by Palathadric)
463-year-old male "hermit" Artisan 
Level 38 *Permanently Reinforced* *Encouraged*
Power Bonus: +5
Defense: 32
Health: 71/71
Gold: 4375
Equipment: Dual Staff (WP: 13; Ice, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light; Deals *Bleeding 3*; Dual Strike; Staff), Darksteel Armour (SP: 6; Max. Health +3; Bodywear), Armour of Dark Arts (SP: 10; Takes up: Bodywear, Handwear, Footwear slots; counts as one artifact; Suitable to Knights, Dragoons, and Skirmishers), Wraps of the Steadfast Tortoise (Grants permanent *reinforced* Effect, Handwear, Suitable for Chi Monks) Soul Link Chain (Allows the user to pair up with another party member, each of them gaining all the effects that the other has. The partner has to equip the chain as well (ie. one chain can be shared by two people); Accessory)

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hoke_ableword_1b.jpg Hoke Ablesword - Champion of the Northern Kingdoms, Kraken Whacker, Titan Smiter, Serpent Skinner, Matchmaker and Rock Champion of Decamon (UsernameMDM)
Human Male Paragon
Level 59.6 *Blessed* *Immune to Fragile, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind* *Absorbs Poison* *Gains Triple Experience* *Inspired* *Encouraged*
Power Bonus: 14
Defense: 58
Health: 122/122 244/244
Gold: 1138
Equipment: Zoot's Order (WP:40; Deals Darkness, Light, Ice, Cursed, Fragile, permanently Poisoned-by-10, hits reduce enemy SP by 1; spear, suitable for Hoke only [Hydra Tongue, Crimson Haze, Amethyst, Diamond, Etherial Opal]), Mythril Buckler (SP:41, Amethyst, Mythril), Hydra Skin (SP: 2, wearer gains HP when poisoned instead of losing it, backwear), Helm of Prestige (SP: 5, +10 Max HP, Wearer is Permanently Blessed, Headwear, suitable for Paragons), Bone Claws (+3 WP, 2 SP, hand wear),  Sven's Heavy Armor (SP:6, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind and Fragile),  Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail": encouraged, hastened, lucky and inspired), Warrior's Treads (SP:2, Health +1, footwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer gains triple experience, accessory), Crescent Seal  (+2 Power, +1 Free item usage during the first round of battle)

Reveal hidden contents

20584275801_96b45a9eb5_t.jpg Karie Alderflask-Cour (Kintober)
26 Year Old Human Female Minstrel 
Level 35 *Permanently Nimble* *1/3 Chance to Weaken targeted enemy on successful hits* *Lucky*Steal 50% More Gold*
Power Bonus: 3
Health: 63/63
Defense: 7
Ether: 41/41
Gold: 1186
Equipment: Vagrant's Guitar (WP: 5, user is lucky, fire and wind elemental instrument), Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and FREE HITS, suitable for women only, body wear), Vorpalis Crown (SP: 4, the wearer has a 1/3 chance of dealing Weakened to the targeted enemy on successful hits. Headwear, suitable for anyone.), Fenarian Robes of the Vampire (SP:3, Max. Ether +4, backwear) Encore Plectrum (If the same song is sung for more than one round of combat in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels, accessory),

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kirayblackknight_sandy.pngKiray Nastayo, A Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (KingoftheZempk)
24 year old Female Human Warden
Level 27 1/3 *Immune to Blinded, Doomed, Blessed, Light, Darkness**Double damage to Demonic and Holy Foes**Half Damage from Free Hits* *Intimidation* *Encouraged*
Power Bonus: 6
Defense: 29
Health: 44/44
Gold: 769
Equipment: Deadly Crossbow (WP:16, Light elemental, has 1/6 chance of instantly knocking out the target unless it is immune to sudden death; crossbow, deals poisoned by 10), Never Blessed Armor (SP: 10, Immune to Darkness, Light, and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Demons, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Spesialian Spiked Pauldrons (Damage from Free Hits is halved; accessory), Never Blessed Helmet (SP: 8, Immunity to Blinded, Doomed and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Holy Enemies, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Orcish Barbed Shield (SP: 11)

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Throlar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors)
137 year old male Dwarven Warden. 
Level 20 *Nimble* *immune to Weakened* *1/3 chance of dealing Fragile*Encouraged* *Inspired* *Blessed* *Slowed*
Power Bonus: 3
Defense: 20
Health: 58/58 116/116
Gold: 620
Equipment: Sundering Longsword (WP: 10; 1/3 chance to deal fragile; longsword), Greaves of the Wolf (SP: 5; Wearer is Nimble; footwear).Counterstrike Gloves (If the wearer is damaged by a free hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear). Robes of the Kappa Master (+20 health, user is slowed, bodywear), Weathered Shield (SP: 15).

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AuPkwWK.png The Demon Germ (samurai-turtle) 
??? years old ; Half Demon; Male Black Knight  
Level 21 1/3 *Immune to Darkness Fire Earth Light Slowed Hastened *Steal 50% More Gold* *Encouraged*
Power Bonus: +7
Defense: 21
Health: 38/38
Gold: 411 
Equipment: Obsidian Scimitar (WP:20; Amethyst/Darkness-elemental; longsword), Crested Shield (SP: 13; shield), Spesialian Helmet (SP:2, SP:4 if wearer’s Star Elf, Health +2, Power +2, Suitable for anyone; headwear), Dastan Armor (SP: 4; Immune to Darkness/Amethyst Diamond/Light Garnet/Earth Ruby/Fire; +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment; Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators; bodywear), Greaves (SP:2, immunity to Slowed and Hastened; footwear), 

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34997035535_5a52b3077b_s.jpg Torald Waruelf, Matchmaker (Alfadas)
21 year old male human Battle Mage
Level 15
Power Bonus: +8
Defense: 0
Health: 29/29
Ether: 16/16
Gold: 236
Equipment: Keen Axe (WP 15, Ignores SP), Boots of Drunken Boxing (Power +2; if wearer is encouraged: power +8. Footwear. Suitable for Torald only)

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petaldan_parfenius.jpg Paladin Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)
5-year-old male "wonder" Knight 
Level 15 *Immune to *Stunned*, *Bound*, *Petrified**and *Rock (Earth)*-Elemental Damage
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 9
Health: 26/26
Gold: 248
Equipment: Brine Blade (WP: 5, 1/6 chance to trigger a Flood (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, Longsword), Shield (SP: 5; Shield), Gloves of the Boy Wonder (SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear), Really Hard Helmet (SP: 2, Immunity to Rock)

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 27754792869_f843639acf_t.jpg Vindsval Half-Born (Asphalt)
41 year old, Male, Half Giant,
Level: 41.8 Vindicator *Gains Triple XP* *Immune to AsleepBlindedConfusedFragile, and Weakened, Effects* Immune to Dark & Demonic enemies  
Power Bonus: +12
Defense: 30
Health: 63/63
Gold: 134
Equipment: Ludeus (WP: 25 Successful hits have a 1/3 chance of Awakening the blade's true power, doubling the sword's WP for the next round. Doubling does not compound.Lightning, and Wood Elemental, Greatsword/Longsword), Shikokku's Stealth Suit (SP:7; Power +6, User is immune to Dark & Demonic enemies; Body, Head and Backwear counts as 1 Artefact), Mythril Shield (SP: 20 Shield), Mechanical Arm (Doubles WP for the equipped weapon; wearer cannot become disarmed; suitable for Vindsval only; handwear), Wonky Shoes (footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj), Medal of Glory (accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity toAsleep,Blinded,ConfusedFragile, and Weakened effects)(lent by Benji)

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eb_heroica_eric_av.jpgEric (Khorne), Self-proclaimed Siren-Slayer and Butcher of Basilisks
30 year old Human Nord
Level 30 1/4 Vindicator *Evasion* *Protected from Fragile, Weakened, Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed + Immune to Darkness, Water and Earth*
Power Bonus: +6
Defense: 5
Health: 61/61 (8+29+15+4+5 from Raw Meat)
Gold: 1360
Equipment: Conspirator (WP: 20, causes Blinded and has 1/2 chance to cause Confused with each hit, Ice- and Darkness-elemental; longsword), Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from Weakened; handwear), Heavy Armor (SP:5, protects from Fragile; bodywear), Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row + Immunity to Darkness, Water, Earth and Asleep; footwear), Periwinkle Ribbon (Grants Immunity to Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed; suitable for Periwinkle Eric only; headwear)

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vJi7H1L.png Matthias (Stickfig)
Level 31¾ Druid *Immune to EarthIce, and Water* *Immune to Blinded, Bound, Fragile, Sealed, and Slowed* *½ chance immunity to Asleep*Deals Fragile* *Gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed*
Power Bonus: +18
Defense: 7
Ether: 32/32
Gold: 715
Abilities: Bearer of the Anvil (Matthias may sacrifice his turn to add his WP or SP to another heroes for the round; he may also improve one weapon at the end of each quest [+1 WP]), Immortal Waters (Once per quest, Matthias can heal himself to full health and remove all negative effects during combat; this does not take up an action)
Equipment: Ethereal Restored Fireball Extraordinaire (WP:13; also hits enemies listed above and below the target; 
Darkness-, Ice-, and Lightning-elemental; deals Fragile; user is Slowed; hand cannon), Ethereal Steampunk Stovepipe (SP:1; immunity to Earth and Water; protects from Blinded and Sealed; ½ chance to protect from Asleep-effect; suitable for men; headwear), Hunter's Plate (SP:4; wearer gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed; suitable for rogues, rangers, barbarians, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators, and winged warriors) (Dreyrugr), Ethereal Rocket Boots (SP:2; immunity to Ice; protects from BoundFragile, and Slowed effects; footwear), Sungold Seal (+3 power, +2 health)

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29831773111_ce9d27418d_t.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)
42 year old male human Sorcerer
Level 24 *Immune to Wood and Fire, Sealed and Blindness* *Enemies that hit Ezeran become slowed*
Power Bonus: 3 (+2 spellpower)
Defense: 6
Health: 73/73
Ether: 32/32
Gold: 504
Equipment: Ooze Wand (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Slow), Sneezing Demon (SP:3; enemies that hit the wearer become slowed; immunity to woodfire  and blindness, suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear), Etherium Pauldrons (SP:3, immune to sealed; backwear), Sedge hat (Max. Ether +4; headwear)

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QM Note: Alrighty folks, Party Leader will be going down the line. Please determine your action and from what row you are performing it.

Torald downs a Mead (crescent seal, free item use first round of battle), then he tosses a fire bomb (Hoke's paragon stuff). He then casts a water-spell on The Paladin Priest, backrow. 

(if you want me to do something else, please say so. I'm just doing what I think is right. Putting some damage out while others go looking for weapons/consumables)

Edited by Alfadas
put in an extra action from Hoke's Paragon

Ezeran downs a nostrum and casts a dark spell at the Paladin Priest from the back row. 

Ezerans stats are outdated, I missed updating the character statistics since quest 158. That has been corrected now.


Edited by MysticModulus
changed to dark spell


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A lot of grumbling could be heard from Germ but most of it was inaudible or in a odd language. 

Does anyone want to be faster or probably luckier? 

Edited by samurai-turtle
Added a comment

OOC:  it looks like we have more than enough spare heroes for some of us to search without swimming in free hits.   Vindsval does more good with a weapon in his hand so he is going to take a look around..

More for the party it would seem.  

Vindsval SEARCHES the room from the FRONT row.

Edited by Asphalt

  • Author
  On 1/9/2018 at 10:51 AM, MysticModulus said:

Ezerans stats are outdated, I missed updating the character statistics since quest 158. That has been corrected now.

  On 1/9/2018 at 11:06 AM, samurai-turtle said:


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QM Note: Both correct and fixed.

"I can withstand a few hits," Kiray says, pulling up her shield, "but it'll be a challenge. Shall we take turns being punching bags?"

Kiray takes a position in the back, raising her shield and doing nothing.

  On 1/9/2018 at 7:40 AM, Waterbrick Down said:

The Enemy:
27788653089_879869fee1_t.jpg Detective Lestrange
Type: Humanoid
Level: Hero's Level x3
Health: 1000/1000
Special: Eye for Detail – Makes the target, Weakened, Fragile, Slowed, and Jinxed.
Passive Special: Dead in Your Tracks - Detective Lestrange prevents fleeing.
Drops: Manacles, 10 Gold

I am assuming this means Hoke's plan of grabbing Copper Fox and running while the others fight is a no-go?


  • Author
  On 1/9/2018 at 4:33 PM, UsernameMDM said:

I am assuming this means Hoke's plan of grabbing Copper Fox and running while the others fight is a no-go?


QM Note: It is indeed.

We have original rogues in the party, so I should be lucky, WBD. Do people looking for weapons still take free hits? As soon as this is clarified I'll put together a battle order.

"Alright, old man. You wanna do this, let's do this."

Lacking traditional weaponry, Atramor pulled out his Magic Shovel and attempted to wallop Geezard from the front row. 

  On 1/9/2018 at 11:06 AM, samurai-turtle said:

A lot of grumbling could be heard from Germ but most of it was inaudible or in a odd language. 

Does anyone want to be faster or probably luckier? 

"I wouldn't mind a little speed, mate!"

Edited by CMP

  On 1/9/2018 at 4:52 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

QM Note: It is indeed.

I hate you :angry: (not really :wub:). Always throwing a wrench in the works. :laugh:

Hoke looks around him quickly once more, not seeing an alternative exit through which to abscond with the drunk Copper Fox.

He calls forth the dark metallic orb hidden within a small pocket in his glove.  He had to will it to not morph into a weapon, not yet.  The orb almost buzzes, shaking violently within Hoke's palm.  It had been to long since it had fed on violence and chaos.

Using Diplomacy, he addresses the Town Watch and Paladins blocking the exit.

"We truly do not want to hurt any of you.  We just want answers, and time to find those answers.  We here who were locked out of Heroica Hall have done good for Eubric.  We truly do now wish to fight you, but we don't trust you either.  Put yourself in our place."


  On 1/9/2018 at 5:29 PM, CMP said:


"I wouldn't mind a little speed, mate!"

If you think that is best ... 

Free item use - Smelling Salts on Atramor ; Nostrum on Hoke ; regular action Human Repellent on myself (Germ) from the back row 

While I am at it, Hoke use this. Hey, I forgot I even had this. Geez, I should of became an alchemist. 

  On 1/9/2018 at 10:51 AM, MysticModulus said:

Ezeran downs a nostrum and casts a fire spell at the Paladin Priest from the back row. 

Ezeran, hit them with Dark energy instead. 

"Tsk, you think Ennoc watches over you?", Eric mocked the Paladins. "Bring it, girls."

Eric wasn't gifted with any magical skills, so he looked around him to see if he could find anything of use to dole out some divine wrath with.

Eric looks for a weapon, from the front row.

  • Author
  On 1/9/2018 at 5:29 PM, CMP said:

We have original rogues in the party, so I should be lucky, WBD. Do people looking for weapons still take free hits? As soon as this is clarified I'll put together a battle order.

"Alright, old man. You wanna do this, let's do this."

Lacking traditional weaponry, Atramor pulled out his Magic Shovel and attempted to wallop Geezard from the front row. 

"I wouldn't mind a little speed, mate!"

QM Note: Fixed and yes, people looking for weapons are still susceptible to free hits and just in case anyone is wondering, my random table for the front row has better items than the random table for the back row.

Having sat down again at the bar, Matthias closes his eyes and begins to pool ether at the tips of his fingers, reaching out to the large group and wondering if he'll be able to hold enough ether to heal all the injuries that are about to happen.

> Matthias: Heal (no weapon) vs. First (by battle order) Injured Party Member

"Kiray, ya may as well go for a weapon if you've got nothin' else goin'."

Hastened by Germ's smelling salts, Atramor repeats his shovel-swipe at Geezard.

Battle Order

Edited by CMP

  On 1/9/2018 at 6:59 PM, samurai-turtle said:


Ezeran, hit them with Dark energy instead. 


"Works for me," Kiray replied, considering using a stool as a weapon, or looking around if it doesn't work.

  On 1/9/2018 at 6:59 PM, samurai-turtle said:

Free item use - Smelling Salts on Atramor ; Nostrum on Hoke ; regular action Human Repellent on myself (Germ) from the back row 

"Thanks for the Boost."

If Dipolmacy doesn't work: LeStrange, Zoot's Order, Back Row

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