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The campaigns for Eslandola’s second Colonial Council have concluded, and the council’s business will be conducted in public in this thread, unless national security merits private deliberations.



Eslandola’s Admius Legistrad, the leader of the Colonial Council, is

  Willem Guilder, Eslandola Secretary of Trade, Governor of An Holli, and Director of the MCTC;


The delegations representing the colonial regions and the trade companies are made up of three representatives each.


The East Trade-Wind Company is represented by @Garmadon :

  Agent Gilles Guelds

  Lieutenant Horatio Hillsboroughbergmachier, retired of the ETWC Elites



The Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company is represented by @Kai NRG :

  Captain Edward Argentum

  Esterhazy de Troir

  Chef Jalape


The MAESTRO Trade Company is represented by @Legostone:

  Jerome Monezterrell, Eslandola Secretary of the Navy, Governor of Isla de Victoria, and Mayor of Fuerto Unido;

  Captain Lamar Evercrees of the Santiago; and

  Farrucio Paraja, naval architect extraordinaire

The Independent traders of Eslandola are represented by @gedren_y:

  Commodore Hammish Grei

  Lady Valentia Cantoni

  Viscount Alexander Doblin


The Sea of Storms Region (An Toli, An Holli) is represented by @Capt Wolf:

  Willem Guilder, Eslandola Secretary of Trade, Governor of An Holli, and Director of the MCTC;

  Aaron van der Meede, attorney and chairman of the Weelond town council; and

  Pieter Reyngout, tavern owner and Weelong town council member.


The Sea of Thieves Region (Nelissa, Berreli, Ferro Azure, Torrach Bonn, Isla Philippe) is represented by @Umbra-Manis:

  Revon de Crocodil, mayor of Salida Este

  Captain Reginald Haddock, retired pirate hunter

  Councilor Hadelson, jewel merchant


The Prio Seas Region (Isla de la Victoria, Otoño, La Sombra) is represented by @Faladrin:

  Lady Condora, officer of the MAESTRO Green Messenger Agency

  Chief Apulo, of the Mehuãtajir people, and mayor of Mehit

  Doctor Ayuda of Fuerte Unido


The Second Cycle of the Colonial Council of Eslandola is in session.

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The council hall was filled with the murmur of multiple conversations, when ...


... Willem Guilder pounded his gavel to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome, members of the 2nd Colonial Council. We have some new members this year, and the independent traders are finally represented, with the election of Commodore Hammish Grei and his associates." Guilder motioned to their delegation, and Grei, Lady Valentia Cantoni, and Viscount Alexander Doblin each stood and waved briefly to their fellow council members.

"And although we proceeded with business last year without representatives for the independent traders, I think we were not our best for it. So this year, when I look at the empty table where the Prio Seas representatives should be seated, I feel we must do something about it." Guilder looked around and saw nods of agreement from members of various delegations with whom he had broached this subject privately. "I know that there were people interested in running for the Prio Seas seats, and for various reasons their campaigns were unable to commence before the election deadline. Thus, for our first item of business this session, I propose that we hold a special election for the Prio Seas delegation, with campaigns to run through February 4, so that we can finally have a full and proper Colonial Council."

"Does anyone second this motion so we can begin debate?"

The Independents delegation glanced at one another, and as the men nod their encouragement, Lady Valentia Cantoni stands.

"As someone who has traveled the Prio Seas, I second this motion. This body was created so that all Eslandolan citizens are properly represented in their government. To do any less is a failure to the nation."

With a pointed look around the council hall, she takes her seat.

Edited by gedren_y

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"Thank you, Lady Cantoni. Well said. And with the motion seconded, we can now open debate. What do other delegations think of this matter?"

Captain Haddock rose slowly from his seat, "I agree with the motion to hold a special election for the Prio Seas. Without a representative that region cannot be sure their defense needs are heard!"

After a few moments of silence, punctuated only by the snores of Captain Argentum, Esterhazy de Troir stood.  "On behalf of the MCTC delegation, I am pleased to state that this motion meets with our unqualified approval, and we would be glad to see it put to a vote at once.  It would be a great handicap to our representative government should a province find itself with out adequate representation."

  • Author

"Excellent!" exclaimed Guilder. "Seeing as how there appears to be strong agreement on this proposal from a majority of the delegations, need for extended debate is limited. As representative of the Sea of Storms, I will second the call for a vote. And as Admius Legistrad, I recognize that a vote has been called and seconded. The proposal is as follows."

Proposed: That Eslandola shall hold a special election for the Prio Seas delegation to the Colonial Council, with campaigns to run through February 4.

"Each member of each delegation may vote Yea or Nay on this matter."


Aaron van der Meede stood from the Sea of Storms delegation. "I vote Yea on this proposal."

New council member Pieter Reyngout, also of the Sea of Storms delegation, then stood as well. "And in my first action as a member of this council, I too vote Yea on the proposal."

Reyngout and van der Meede both sat back down, and Guilder spoke once more. "In my capacity as member of the Sea of Storms delegation, I also vote Yea! Let all regions be represented fully in this council!"

Lady Valentia Cantoni pulls out a scrap of parchment, and reaches for the inkwell and quill. She begins writing the names of her fellow representatives.

Commodore Hammish Grei stands to vote, "Yea." He remains standing.

Viscount Alexander Doblin stands to vote, "Yea." He remains standing.

Lady Valentia Cantoni, setting her writing implements aside, stands to vote, "Yea." As a group they return to their seats.

Chef Jalape bounded eagerly from his chair.  "Aye!" he cried.

Esterhazy de Troir rose more sedately.  "Aye."

There was a moment of silence, during which a close observer might have noticed that Captain Argentum received a few kicks on his shin.  The Captain snorted and groaned before he realized where he was.  Then he fumbled quickly to his feet.  "Nay!" he bellowed.

"The proposal is, that Eslandola hold a special election for the Prio Seas delegation to the Colonial Council," Esterhazy hissed.

"Oh!  Aye, then!" 

And the three resumed their seats.

MAESTRO delagation:

Governeur Monezterrell: Given the importance of the Prio Seas, especially Isla de Victoria we obtained recently, there is no way we can leave those seats empty. Yea!

Captain Lamar Evercrees: With our headquarters in Trador it is unexcusable not to have representatives for our region. Yea!

Farrucio Paraja: The ocean freezes entirely before  I disagree with the Governeur and Captain on this issue! Yea!

Captain Haddock thumped out of his chair and answered with an emphatic, "AYE!"

Hadelson and Revon de Crocodil subsequently stood and also voiced votes of affirmation. "Aye, aye"

  • Author

"Very good" said Guilder. "It appears this matter will pass, but will it be unanimous? We need only hear from (@Garmadon and) the ETWC delegation. Agent Guelds, how do you and your compatriots vote on this issue?"


As both Guelds and Lieutenant Hillsboroughbergmachier were sound asleep, Willoughby scrawled a "Yea" for each of them on their ledger, as well as upon his own.

But the commotion in the MCTC chairs had the effect of startling Agent Guelds into attention, and as soon as he perceived what was up, he woke up the Lieutenant in a hurry to let him know.  

"They about to pass such a thing, and you asleep!" vociferated the Agent in disdain.  "Lieutenant, I am ashamed of you."  And, quickly erasing the yea on his slate, he exclaimed - "And if there is any doubt as to what I vote, it is a most decided Nay!  What possesses you all to purposefully make your votes less weighty in this council I have absolutely no idea."

The Lieutenant looked a bit abashed, but decidedly backed Agent Guelds' sentiments.

Two Nays and one Yea from the ETWC seat!

  • Author

Guilder understood the self-serving sentiment, but the ETWC's vote still surprised him. Guilder eyed Guelds in a new light for a moment, then addressed the whole council.

"By a vote of 16-2, the motion to hold a special election for the Prio Seas delegation has been approved. Campaigns may commence immediately, to be concluded by February 4. At that time we shall finally have all of colonial Eslandola represented in this council."

Governor Monezterrell walked into the council hall, seemingly enraged. "We've got to do something! They have dared attacking our shipping and sailed straight into our port! Are we gonna let them get away with this? We need to seize those vessels! We have the wind on our side here!"

@Garmadon (ETWC)
@Legostone (MAESTRO)
@gedren_y (independent traders)
@Capt Wolf (Sea of Storms, Admius Legistrad)
@Umbra-Manis (Sea of Thieves)

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Guilder rose from his seat, waving a folded newspaper. "By they, I assume you mean those bloody Sea Rats who attacked our convoy in the eastern seas!" Guilder threw his copy of the Kings Port Advertiser down on the table. "By all means, I say seize those vessels! Round up the crews if we can, as well. If they were foolish enough to sail into our port after attacking our ships, they've got it coming!"

Haddock sprang violently from his chair, upsetting an inkwell, "I'll be damned if we let any sea rat involved in this offense ever leave or use an Eslandolan port again! Seize the ships and cargo immediately!"

Captain Argentum and Chef Jalape rose immediately, the Captain stomping his boots and the Chef waving something that looked like a massive butcher knife a little dangerously.  Both began at the same moment, "Those vile...!"  "Piratical scoundrels...!"

But Captain Argentum could yell louder than Chef Jalape, and he had the word.  "Those vile double dealing scoundrels!"  He brought his hook down with a thump onto the desk before him.  "I maintain that we ought instantly to detain those ships, jail the captains and crews, and set the ships up for auction, dividing a fair portion of the proceeds between the attacked vessels to indemnify them for the harm these pirates have caused!"

Esterhazy de Troir stood and nodded his agreement with the sentiments of his companion.  "I must say," he added, "attacking an Eslandian squadron and then sailing into an Eslandian port wasn't the brightest of moves.  I suggest sending a fast courier with orders to detain the ships until further notice.  As for the crews, an arrangement can perhaps be reached with authorities in Bastion?  I don't pretend to know how much interest the generality of Sea Rats are likely to take in the fate of these compatriots of theirs, but at least Bastion ought to be informed that Eslandola will not hold itself accountable for any citizens of its own who choose to attack Sea Rat ships should these unprovoked assaults continue."

Lady Cantoni strode over to Guilder's table and rifled through his paper to a different article. "I would be more concerned with the Mardier ships in your own home port, sir," she purred to the irate man, "And it would behoove this body to investigate whether any of those ships participated in the taking or sinking of any Eslandola vessel during the recent hostilities."

Esterhazy de Troir laid a heavy hand on Captain Argentum and spoke out himself before the irate Captain could respond.  "Indeed, Lady Cantoni, these are no innocent Sea Rats that have mistakenly thought our ports a safe haven.  It is well documented that they were the very squadron that attacked our trading flotilla near Stephanique, protected by the Verde Oro and the Firefly.  Although they were not successful in their attack, that is no vindication.  As well might one claim that a highwayman is not guilty because his intended victim defended himself manfully!"

Lieutenant Hillsboroughbergmachier started up, his eye gleaming dangerously (the one not under the eyepatch, that is).

"Seize their ships!" he exclaimed, waving his cane, "Put them all in the stocks!  Confiscate everything!  And let's raid Bastion too while we're at it!"

Agent Guelds clapped and roared loudly at all this, trying to sound like more as many people as possible.  Even Willoughby was outraged at all of it.

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From the Sea of Storms delegation, Aaron van der Meede rose to speak. "Gentlemen, I share your outrage at the events perpetrated by those Sea Rats. But as an attorney of law by trade, I feel I must offer some free legal advice here. With strong port defense in Fuerte Unido, notably comprised of a large fort and two companies of battle-tested troops, not to mention any ships we have in port there, I would think we certainly have the ability to seize the offending ships. But I would suggest we take two initial steps prior to that course of action. First, we should send word to Fuerte Unido to detain -- rather than seize, a delicate but legal difference -- the Sea Rats ships and crews while we sort out this matter. Second, we should send word to the Sea Rats to send us an envoy authorized to negotiate a settlement."

Van der Meede paused to see how his words were being received. It was hard to read. This was not a room itching to act cooly and calmly, but he continued. 

"The tricky part of that is knowing where to send such word, as the Sea Rats are not a unified nation, but rather a collective of scattered independents. I understand one of the ships is registered out of Charlatan Bay. But Bastion has been the hotbed of hostilities with the Corries recently. Perhaps we send word to both settlements in hopes of finding someone in authority on their part."

As those words settled onto the ears of the council, van der Meede turned toward the Independents delegation.

"Lady Cantoni, as for the Mardierian trade fleet in Weelond, those hostilities are concluded. Were we to take any action against them in retribution for wartime activities, we would be committing acts of piracy, no better than those Sea Rats who have us so up in arms."

Guilder took this as an opportunity to jump in. "And I dare say we have the best of those Mardierian rascals if they try anything!" Guilder exclaimed as he shook his walking stick in the air. "Weelond's harbor is guarded by two large fortresses, and we have city militia and my personal guard unit on the ground, not to mention a company of troops that served in the war. It is telling they came with their smaller trade fleet. The KPA wants to make it look like we are scared of them, but it is they who are scared of us!"

"I take no issue with the justifiable capture, and prosecution, of Sea Rats for the crime of piracy, but they are a loose collection of cities and lone actors," Lady Cantoni continued with her diatribe, "My issue, our dear honorable Admius Legistrad, is the fact that Mardier vessels berthed in Weelond pose a security risk. I do not mean we should take overt action against them. What I am advocating for is increasing troop deployments there for the monitoring of suspect persons, and protecting your home and offices. Mardier does not lack a quality intelligence service."

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"Ah, that you need not worry about, my dear Lady," replied Guilder, waving his walking stick as if to brush the words aside. "I have a man on the case, and my personal guard are informed on the matter as well. Have no fear for Weelond's security from any Mardierian agents."

A messenger short of breath burst in to deliver a missive.  "sorry for the intrusion I was told to deliver this straight away"

The letter written in his own hand from Gustaf Von Bricktin:

To whom it may concern -

Good Sirs and Madams of the council.  I have been notified via missive that a ship of my ownership was involved in suspected acts against your shipping fleets.  While the details are yet to myself unclear as well.  I request that what ever action is decided you return my vessel,  without further damage, to me.  Reasons being when I loaned the vessel known as The Drunken Monkey to Capitan Larvey it was under the pretense he would be making a escorted trade run.  It was explained to me the escort was infact for protection as the recent stagnent air involving others of my nation and the Cories. 

Saying this you are welcome to detain Capitan Larvey until this matter is sorted out, but I request my vessel and a crew of sailors be allowed to leave port without issue.

I am investigating from my end as I encourage you to do as well.  I would like to maintain open discussions of findings within reasonable means of course.  I remind you I am but a businessman much like many of you.  Even though I only spent part of my youth in your ports I do hope for the mutual respect of a fellow trader. 

Please keep me abreast to any new developments involving this dastardly incident, and please keep in mind the ownership of the vessel was not that of the Capitan and further more I myself did not condone his accused actions.  I hope we can work together to reach the bottom of this foul barrel.


Sir Gustaf Von Bricktin of Charlaton Bay


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