January 16, 20196 yr Author 2 hours ago, LM71Blackbird said: One of the best things off seen all day. Definitely made me chuckle! It was totally @Kai NRG's idea. I just had the means to do it quickly.
January 16, 20196 yr 35 minutes ago, Capt Wolf said: It was totally @Kai NRG's idea. I just had the means to do it quickly. It was well executed! Â
January 16, 20196 yr 5 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: "Sir? Sir? I have the reports you wanted..." Guilder had nodded off while he waited for the page to return with his papers. As he awoke from the catnap, he could still see the vision of the council from his dream... ... No, it wasn't that bad! Guilder shook off his cobwebs and could see that the Colonial Council was still here, alive and well, despite the long dry spell with no activity. "Ah, here it is," said Guilder, shuffling through a stack of reports and accounting ledgers. "We have finally received the audit from the Continental Council, the audit of the status of our fortifications throughout the colonies. And it is bad news! Despite the Continental Council's assurances that our forts were being well maintained, we now learn that the previous funds were woefully inadequate, and that much work is to be done to keep all our defenses operational. The required cost has approximately doubled on many of our defenses, and the old forts on Bardo, Weelond, and even the royal fortress in Nova Terreli have been neglected by the king entirely. We will have to determine a plan to finance all of this!" Guilder paused to collect himself, then turned to some more reports. "What's more, the accountants back on the continent send word that the royal properties are not generating nearly as much revenue as we were led to believe," he said, waving the papers above his head. "The royal properties are generating only 20% of their expected revenues, so we have that shortfall to deal with. And after all that, they have the gall to tell us that they are appropriating all license fees that previously went to the colonial town banks! So, we are faced with something of a financial and military crisis!" Guilder regained his composure and continued. "At least, in all their supposed wisdom, the auditors do have some suggestions. Their advice is, in settlements owned by trade companies, that we assign responsibilities for the upkeep of those forts to the respective trade companies. Additionally, they suggest the building of a national trade fleet to generate mercantile revenue to fill the revenue shortfall from the under-performing royal properties." Guilder looked around the room. "I suggest we consider these and any other options the members here have to offer on this matter. Shall we commence with discussion?" Great scene! Kudos to @Kai NRG for the idea, and well done on the execution. Also a very fitting IC response to the recent changes. Well done!
January 16, 20196 yr Commodore Hammish Grei stood to be heard, "As most of you should know, I act as the in-shore commodore for the Crahaish neh Triuri's shipping concern. Word of the deterioration of our defensive structures has reached even my desk. I have consulted with my employers, and they have authorized a one-time donation of 1500 DBs to be used, in their words, for the common defense and welfare of the people." He waited a moment for everyone to register the opportunity provided, then continued, "With your approval I can immediately set about dispersing the funds. The Honorable Guilder has identified the three settlements who's defenses need to be quickly funded to maintain operation. I propose an equal three-way split of 500 DBs to be distributed to Bardo, Weelond, and Nova Terreli." (OOC: Just let me know to which accounts I should make the funds transfer.) Edited January 16, 20196 yr by gedren_y
January 16, 20196 yr Yes!! You did it! Great commentary on Eslandian colonial government.  IC: Esterhazy de Troir, rising and standing: This seems to be a sudden and unexpected call upon our... Chef Jalape, bouncing up: Jumping jalapenos! My apologies, de Troir, but you take this awful coolly. Do you realize we've just got banked for something on the order of the Sea Rats national balance plus the amount they've lost in all MRCAs since 615? Captain Argentum, leaning back and putting his boots on his desk: Time to call in the Fontonajo's... Esterhazy: As I was saying, gentlemen of the Council - this is quite a call upon our finances. It requires a prompt decision. Yet we must not lose sight of the financial policy that must guide our great nation. The principles that we stand for... Captain Argentum: Aye, aye! A few privateers commissioned to rid the seas of blue would... Esterhazy: The principles of JUSTICE, PEACE, and FREE TRADE that we stand for must not be compromised in our hurry to reach a solution. Captain Argentum:  Hear, hear! Those blues have absconded with such quantities of our precious treasure with their scam RNTC, that JUSTICE would demand prompt reprisal! Esterhazy: Without further ado, I remark that it has been suggested that settlements established under TC charters be left to the coffers of those TCs for defenses. I beg leave to observe that this potentially places great concentrated power in the hands of TCs, not only permitting but practically requiring them to establish and control forts, troops, and quite possibly warships entirely at their own discretion. This could severely inhibit the power of both councils in wartime, placing it largely in the hands of TCs... Captain Argentum, pulling Esterhazy to his seat: Whose team are you on, Troir? Do you want the Council ruling Eslandola? I thought that was the MCTC's job! Chef Jalape: Psst! Can't you see he's lobbying for the crown to take over our expenses? (violent whispering on the MCTC bench) Esterhazy, breaking free from Captain Argentum:  I also object to the concept of a national trade fleet. I believe our entrepreneurs should be guided by their own discretion in building and employing trading vessels. The crown should not siphon resources for its own use and purposes. Therefore, I suggest instead a tax upon merchant vessels. If this tax is responsibly used to fund the defense of Eslandola, no merchant will have cause for complai... Chef Jalape: Tax?! Tax??? Did I hear the word tax??? I register a complaint!
January 16, 20196 yr 1 hour ago, Captain Dee said: Hmm... how do you spell "VOC" in Greed, er, sorry, Green...?? VOC? Volatile Organic Compound? Voice of the Customer? Open circuit voltage? Honestly not sure what you're abbreviating there! Violent whispering involves lots of gesticulation.Â
January 16, 20196 yr 1 minute ago, Captain Dee said: VOC: the Dutch East India Company. Pretty much what you describe in your character's comments I quoted previously. Oh. That was my next guess. (It actually was.)
January 17, 20196 yr Author "A very generous offer from Commodore Hammish Grei," said Guilder as he bowed toward the Commodore, "and I'm sure, if it comes to it, others will be willing to join your generosity, including myself. But I'd like to hear more plans with a longer view." Guilder looked around the meeting hall. "We have heard arguments against establishing a national trade fleet, arguments for and against relegating certain financial responsibilities to the trade companies, and also the idea of a tax on all merchant shipping." Guilder shot Esterhazy a wicked glance. "I think most here know I am not in favor of taxing shipping, but we are here to discuss all possibilities. Do any of our other members have suggestions for addressing the financial situation?" OOC: Just a quick call to alert other members of the council to this discussion:  @Garmadon @Maxim I @Umbra-Manis @Faladrin @Legostone
January 17, 20196 yr Viscount Alexander Doblin stood, tapped his colleague on the shoulder to get him to cede the floor, then spoke his peace, "Taxes, and more port docking fees, may be needed in the near term, but the real issue is getting our cities' financials back into solvency. We need a progressive strategy of investment into industry. My learned fellows, many of you are major shareholders in trade companies. Your investments in such aren't only shipboard trade, but in-shore businesses as well. Such investments would provide needed income for the cities' coffers during lean times, when ships fail to reach their destinations, our ports are avoided for fear of fees, or worst of all, a glut in the market causing goods values to plummet." He looked about the hall to gauge the impact of his words, then resumed his speech, "In the near term, I propose a temporary 10% tax on our ships' out-of-country trade paid to the nation's coffers, that can then be distributed to the settlements that need funding. And we should have a firm decision on the distribution of the 1500 DBs the Crahaish has been generous enough to provide. I will second the Commodore's distribution plan." "Third," Lady Cantoni spoke up.
January 17, 20196 yr Author Over at the desks for the Sea of Storms delegation, Aaron van der Meede stood to address the council members. "It might help our discussion," he began, "if we knew some of the specific numbers we're discussing." Van der Meede picked up one of the papers on his desk and read from it. "By my calculations, we have a total financial liability for fort upkeep of 3200 DBs per month. The national account currently has more than 33,000 DBs, so we're in no danger of going bankrupt in the next few months. But where previous national income was believed to be around 2000 DBs per month, after re-evaluating income from royal properties, I'd estimate future income is more likely around..." Aaron shuffled through his papers to find the figure. "... 1200 or 1300 DBs per month. So, if we want to leave all upkeep responsibilities in the hands of the national account, I think what we're looking for is a way to boost national income by around 2000 DBs per month," he concluded.
January 17, 20196 yr Esterhazy: Tax is never a popular move, and that is precisely why I suggest it in this instance. Members of Eslandola will not stand for a tax unless they whole-heartedly approve of the uses that are being made with the tax money. On the other hand, if the nation has (as is already to some extent the case) a non-tax income, then it is to a large extent autonomous in its fiscal moves. Not only that, but the alternative to tax involves using resources [read, builders' time] for the crown which could be used for members' own benefit. A relatively small percentage tax would be sufficient to cover fort expenses. I do not however favor the concept of a differentiated tax, be that differential based on income, foreign trade, or what have you. Differentiation penalizes certain behavior, and as a proponent of free trade for all Eslandola, penalizing trade with non-Eslandian ports is the last thing I want to do. However, as a loyal member of Eslandola, I will stand by whatever this council decides upon. And specifically regarding whether or not TCs should pay for forts and military protection in their own settlements, please consider what I earlier stated in the light of a concern rather than an argument.
January 17, 20196 yr Author 7 minutes ago, Captain Dee said: This conversation is... quite serious. We could do it in a PM, but playing it out IC adds a little fun to it. Not as much as some would like, but it's something. And we have to resolve the matter somehow. 9 minutes ago, Captain Dee said: 1 hour ago, gedren_y said: ...spoke his peace... Wouldn't a minifig speak (or hold) his/her piece(s)? No, but if he were distraught, he might "go to pieces".
January 17, 20196 yr Author 25 minutes ago, Captain Dee said: As for piece/peace, I was thinking... we all agree it's "disturbing the peace" and "preserving the peace" and "give someone a piece of your mind" but what is the correct form as @gedren_y wrote it? I was thinking he was right (and just messing with him) but the more I think about it, the more I think it could be either way. Same for "hold your piece/peace." Ah, the joys of English! They're are to mini weighs two spell words, write? Actually, I think it's "say your piece" but "hold your peace". Seriously! Yes, English is a wonderful mishmash! As I saw somewhere (not that this applies to the piece/peace question): "English doesn't just borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."
January 17, 20196 yr Just now, Capt Wolf said: Actually, I think it's "say your piece" but "hold your peace". Seriously! Yes, English is a wonderful mishmash! As I saw somewhere (not that this applies to the piece/peace question): "English doesn't just borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar." English has been gobbling other languages ever since it landed in Britain, and supplanted the Cornish peoples' language. Compare the Old English of the epic poem Beowulf to modern Dutch sometime.
January 17, 20196 yr Author 22 minutes ago, Maxim I said: I am still somewhere in the South :) (I think I am not a member this cycle You are correct! My apologies. That said, I think if any active ESL players want to have a character address the council on this matter, that would be acceptable.
January 18, 20196 yr Lady Condora stands up and declares : " I will be clear and precise here. Tax is never a popularsolution and could lead to accentuate smuggling to finally dissuade ships to move to our ports. I am not sure it is the best move for our country. Instead of a tax raise we should defitively raise the National income per month. To do so, why wouldn't we encourage a Great Building Project all over the colonies to obtain a return on investment by the Royal Tax entries in the future month. As it has been said by our estimed collegue Aaron Van Der Meede we are not at the reach of banckrupcy, we can develop more Royal builds by investment".
January 18, 20196 yr To be clear, Esterhazy remarked, what I am proposing is an asset tax on Eslandian citizens. 2% of player and TC cash assets every MRCA turn would raise well over 3000 DBs, encourage investment, and discourage DBs lying around in bank accounts. It ought not affect trade in Eslandian ports at all. What is better, tax DBs that players have earned by building what they want and when they want, or impose a build drive that asks builders to build what we want when we want it?
January 18, 20196 yr 1 hour ago, Kai NRG said: that players have earned Argh, you hit me right in the third wall there...
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