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Movements: We would like to move 4 left to H13, if that is not possible, then as far Left and Down. 



The story so far:
First Day Aboard the Avenger
At The Table-Before The Storm
Rescue Mission
Eliminating The Competition*
Target Practice*
“Here we go again…”
Evac Escape

A Quick Transaction*

"Black Sunshine"

Repel and Retreat*                                                                  

Flatline Reflection

A Promotional Meeting

The New Squad

Farmland Triangulation*

The Rat*

Traitor In The Sunshine*

"Home" in the Minds View

Fire in the Sky*

Light Cruiser Consolation*

Previously: Surface Skirmish*

* = Builds that are worthy of a visit. I guess.





The fierce battle above Endor was just getting started, as Beltar and the forces of the Consolation had been deployed to the surface of the Forest Moon to reinforce the shield generator in case there were any injured men in the battle. Beltar’s team was deployed north of the Shield Generator, and the team has been traveling checkpoint to checkpoint on their way. These checkpoints are of note, as they were set up by the Empire as possible construction sites many months ago. Due to the discovery of a better location, often these sites would yield left over supplies that could come in handy as Imperials arrive and march through the thick forests of Endor. Beltar’s squad has been nothing but tense the last few hours. They seem to sense that something bad will happen.



TK-1702: Sir, we’ve checked all the crates. Not too much of note here. Grabbed a couple extra blasters and their charge packs. There’s also some general equipment that isn’t essential. But it looks as if someone rummaged through here recently… We should get moving.

Colonel Oppenheimer: Hm… Alright Major Diaz. I’ll-

Beltar: Colonel!



Colonel Oppenheimer: Yes Commander?

Beltar: I’ve just received word from the Consolation. The battle is turning messy. We are probably going to be needed ASAP back in the medbay as soon as we are done down here.

Colonel Oppenheimer: Well then. We better get moving. We need to make good time… Less rest then.. *sigh*



As the Colonel went to address the rest of the men, Beltar and Major Diaz were left do themselves.

TK-1702: Betlar- between you and me. I don’t like this. I’ve seen eyes in the trees. We’re being watched.

Beltar: I’ve gotten that feeling too. It’s not the rebels though. Perhaps the natives, I’ve heard some strange stories from you and men that where here before.

TK-1702: Perhaps… I didn’t get to much contact with them when I was here though. I’ve been told the natives like to get up close since they don’t have effective ranged weapons…I just hope we reach the shield generator before the Rebels. And get out of here even faster.

Beltar: Agreed.



Colonel Oppenheimer: Let’s get going! We are only 9 Clicks from the Generator according to command. With a little luck we’ll be able to avoid Rebel entanglements and perhaps meet up with other forces.

TK-1702: And if we don’t reach the generator in time or get jumped by Rebels or Emperor knows what else?

Beltar: The Evac point is to the 7 Clicks west of the Generator. It’s a beach point.

TK-1702: Well. Good to know. I got a bad feeling about this.

Colonel Oppenheimer: Cut the chatter- let’s get moving. I don’t like this either but we need to go.


More Pics:


Well that wraps it up for this episode build! This was a fun build, lots of terrain for me to mess around with. And a LOT of foliage. (Nearly every loose foliage part that I have went to this!)  Inching towards when the Death Star II blows… It’s going to be a fun storytelling moment. (Like in the new Battlefront II)  My excitement toward SoNE 2.0 is also growing! I think it’ll be great to show our characters in the aftermath of Endor and what happens afterwards. Oh yeah- Beltar has a new head. Finally! Less generic-ness! Also, comments and criticism welcome!



Edited by Commander Beltar
Pics didn't load at first.

Very good work :thumbup:, much like Puvel's build, I like the way the border is actually part of the build making it seem as though you've "cut out" a section of Endor. I also like that overgrown foliage look.


Great stuff as always, very well written! It's always a joy to read through Beltar's missions. Well built too, I like that you used barrells for trees, that's very resourceful. Shoulda thought of that!

On 1/14/2018 at 2:19 AM, elementary said:

Cool! It looks like some kind of ruins with the fallen tree and grey parts

Thanks! That was the intention!

On 1/14/2018 at 10:07 AM, Tariq j said:

Very good work :thumbup:, much like Puvel's build, I like the way the border is actually part of the build making it seem as though you've "cut out" a section of Endor. I also like that overgrown foliage look.

Thank you! I use to never like having 'natural' borders on MOCs, but I felt it was appropriate for this build, and it was actually kinda fun to build

8 hours ago, Cody Startale said:

Great stuff as always, very well written! It's always a joy to read through Beltar's missions. Well built too, I like that you used barrells for trees, that's very resourceful. Shoulda thought of that!

Heh, if you noticed there's also not one full tree standing because I am terrible at building full trees! :laugh: Thanks for reading, as well! (I don't really comment on my builds unless they get 3 or more,so thanks for the comment on my recent FB as well!)


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