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12 minutes ago, KotZ said:

I think you're going after me because I called out you're arguing. The scum could easily be dividing the town by arguing amongst themselves in public, trying to create factions. Yesterday, I think we learned Clifford isn't much help and you were the scummiest that appeared, based off of the amount of votes you received. And now I think you're trying to cover it and play damage control.

Vote: Jimmy (steamdemon)

Jimmy has been no help on this day. He assumedly is the same as Cathy, and Cathy was fairly scummy yesterday. Get rid of Jimmy so we all can focus on what happens tonight from night actions, if any happen.

Also, based off of actions of Jimmy outside the “courthouse”, it would be a good riddance. :wacko:

3 minutes ago, jluck said:

Also, based off of actions of Jimmy outside the “courthouse”, it would be a good riddance. :wacko:

This is why I only trust trees.

22 minutes ago, KotZ said:

I think you're going after me because I called out you're arguing. The scum could easily be dividing the town by arguing amongst themselves in public, trying to create factions. Yesterday, I think we learned Clifford isn't much help and you were the scummiest that appeared, based off of the amount of votes you received. And now I think you're trying to cover it and play damage control.

I'm going after you for the reasons I outlined above.  Why don't you reply to my actual concerns?  Yesterday, you said we learned a lot.  Today the "a lot" turns out to be that I had the most votes and was therefore the scummiest?  Seriously?

Today has really been screwing with my head. First no night action (which I'm glad for, but it is still confusing), overall not much has been going on, and now Jimmy has just said "chow" and left! 


2 hours ago, jluck said:

Also, based off of actions of Jimmy outside the “courthouse”, it would be a good riddance. :wacko:

Well this is a first  *huh*  I didn't think jury duty was that bad......:sceptic:

1 hour ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Today has really been screwing with my head. First no night action (which I'm glad for, but it is still confusing), overall not much has been going on, and now Jimmy has just said "chow" and left! 


This is day 2, all we have to go on is day 1 and what happened night 1 but still wish Jimmy had stayed and just kept with it. 

Ok, so we can't let Jimmy leaving stall all progress and conversation so:

Here is Day 1 voting:

Final Vote Count:


4 votes for Harry Oldman (fhomess): Tariq j, LegoMonorailFan, Umbra-Manis, Forresto

3 votes for Clifford Schauer (LegoMonorailFan): KotZ, Drunknok, Lady K

3 votes for Cathy Bridger (Drunknok): jluck, Kintober, Khscarymovie4

1 vote for Stephanie Diaz (Lady K): Kwatchi

1 vote for Dez Hunter (Forresto): Fhomess

Nonvoting (0):

And here is what I have so far for Day 2 voting:

Tony:  Stepanie, Jimmy, Gary

Amanda: Clifford, then un-vote by Clifford

Jimmy:  Amanda, Brock, Tony, Alan

Alan:  Harry

Stephanie:  Jared

Non-voting:  Clifford, Dez, and Tina

My observations are as follows:

Jimmy jumped on the votes after I voted for Tony with no real valid reasons given; then Brock votes for Jimmy based on Jimmy jumping on the vote for Tony

Jared voted for me just because he voted for me yesterday

Alan waited to vote till many others had and then jumped on the Jimmy bandwagon.

Clifford votes for Amanda then un-votes quickly; reason was she was quiet and gave what he considered a good explanation.  However, when I was calling out Amanda for being quiet because she did speak up till it was time to vote.  That was a whole 24hrs she could have said something but didn't...why?

Tina hasn't been active since Tues at 5:35pm so.....

And Dez hasn't voted, or given constructive conversation towards voting for anyone.


Oh and Amanda, why did you wait to give your thoughts till it was time to vote?

7 minutes ago, Lady K said:

Alan waited to vote till many others had and then jumped on the Jimmy bandwagon.

I only jumped on that one after he had announced his untimely, impending departure. I'd rather get rid of that role/character in case we get another person brought in who would get the same role/character so we're not stuck on Day 3.

1 minute ago, KotZ said:

I only jumped on that one after he had announced his untimely, impending departure. I'd rather get rid of that role/character in case we get another person brought in who would get the same role/character so we're not stuck on Day 3.

We don't need to be stuck on Day 3.  I don't agree with this tactic; sure both Cathy and Jimmy were acting very suspicious however they were both brand new to jury duty and that could be the reason for the behavior.  

What if the alignment is town?  I just can't see the crime family members not coaching other newer crime family members on not blatantly standing out as scummy like that.  I have seen it before in the past, so I am more inclined to think that one or more scummy crime family members are on that bandwagon to get rid of a brand new townie jury member.

This is why we need good discussion it instead of just adding votes to get rid of the person.  

8 minutes ago, Lady K said:

We don't need to be stuck on Day 3.  I don't agree with this tactic; sure both Cathy and Jimmy were acting very suspicious however they were both brand new to jury duty and that could be the reason for the behavior.  

Sure, but if the role transfers, the new person could inherit that third-party you constantly brought up. And if they are town, a town member that isn't understanding how to help us isn't an asset to the town.

Just now, KotZ said:

Sure, but if the role transfers, the new person could inherit that third-party you constantly brought up. And if they are town, a town member that isn't understanding how to help us isn't an asset to the town.

I only brought it up once on Day 1 and already explained my thoughts behind it.

Please elaborate on how you are helping the jury members and being an asset to the town?

We don't know the experience or lack of it, the new jury member has till that person gets here.  However, we have plenty of experienced loyal town members on this jury to continue with the trial.  We need to move forward and to do that we need to stop focusing on the lack of experience a new jury member had the resulted in very scummy looking behavior and focus on the fact that scummy crime family members are using this to their advantage to divide us.  Then they will start to pick us off one by one if we don't proceed forward and work together.


What’s the current vote count? Roughly scanning looks like 4 for Jimmy and 3 for me, but that was a fast scan. 

44 minutes ago, Lady K said:

Ok, so we can't let Jimmy leaving stall all progress and conversation so:

Here is Day 1 voting:

Final Vote Count:


4 votes for Harry Oldman (fhomess): Tariq j, LegoMonorailFan, Umbra-Manis, Forresto

3 votes for Clifford Schauer (LegoMonorailFan): KotZ, Drunknok, Lady K

3 votes for Cathy Bridger (Drunknok): jluck, Kintober, Khscarymovie4

1 vote for Stephanie Diaz (Lady K): Kwatchi

1 vote for Dez Hunter (Forresto): Fhomess

Nonvoting (0):

And here is what I have so far for Day 2 voting:

Tony:  Stepanie, Jimmy, Gary

Amanda: Clifford, then un-vote by Clifford

Jimmy:  Amanda, Brock, Tony, Alan

Alan:  Harry

Stephanie:  Jared

Non-voting:  Clifford, Dez, and Tina

My observations are as follows:

Jimmy jumped on the votes after I voted for Tony with no real valid reasons given; then Brock votes for Jimmy based on Jimmy jumping on the vote for Tony

Jared voted for me just because he voted for me yesterday

Alan waited to vote till many others had and then jumped on the Jimmy bandwagon.

Clifford votes for Amanda then un-votes quickly; reason was she was quiet and gave what he considered a good explanation.  However, when I was calling out Amanda for being quiet because she did speak up till it was time to vote.  That was a whole 24hrs she could have said something but didn't...why?

Tina hasn't been active since Tues at 5:35pm so.....

And Dez hasn't voted, or given constructive conversation towards voting for anyone.


Oh and Amanda, why did you wait to give your thoughts till it was time to vote?

Here was what I found.

Just now, jluck said:

What’s the current vote count? Roughly scanning looks like 4 for Jimmy and 3 for me, but that was a fast scan. 

See above.

34 minutes ago, Lady K said:
Jared voted for me just because he voted for me yesterday he doesn't trust me for one second.


Fixed that for you.

Honestly, until the Cathy/Jimmy/whomever situation is resolved I am not sure there is much point in rabble rousing us into circular discussions ad nauseum.  We have a lingering vote that may be invalid and four cast votes for a potential non-entity; that equates to trying to decipher a truth while utilizing a faulty variable.  Once the judge weighs in officially, we can go back to our finger pointing.


4 minutes ago, Kwatchi said:


Fixed that for you.

Honestly, until the Cathy/Jimmy/whomever situation is resolved I am not sure there is much point in rabble rousing us into circular discussions ad nauseum.  We have a lingering vote that may be invalid and four cast votes for a potential non-entity; that equates to trying to decipher a truth while utilizing a faulty variable.  Once the judge weighs in officially, we can go back to our finger pointing.


We need to continue as is; the Judge will speak to us when he is ready to speak to us.  Till then we can't just stop and wait; so we keep moving forward.  I would assume most of us have more than one person they find suspicious.  The jury needs to work together to find all the crime member family members hidden amongst us and that not going to happen by just sitting around doing nothing.

You have't contributed anything useful to the town; all you have given is your opinions of me.

So voice your thoughts on others you find suspicious or on those who have votes on them.

  • Author

Actor Builder will be joining us as Anthony Dodson, replacing Jimmy Hessler (Steamdemon). As when Jimmy replaced Cathy, Anthony has received a copy-paste version of their role. I hope that should be the end of that mess. :hmpf_bad: Votes for Jimmy's character have carried over to Anthony but Jimmy's vote (for Tony) has been removed so that Anthony is free to make his own decision. Any complaints or suggestions should be directed to my inbox.


Anthony Dodson, Athlete - played by Actor Builder


Vote Count:

4 votes for Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder): Khscarymovie4, Tariq j, jluck, KotZ

2 votes for Tony (jluck): Lady K, Kintober

1 vote for Stephanie Diaz (Lady K): Kwatchi

1 vote for Alan Andrews (KotZ): fhomess

Nonvoting (4): Forresto, Umbra-Manis, Actor Builder, LegoMonorailFan


With 12 jurors remaining, a majority of 7 is required to lynch. Approximately 23 1/2 hours remain in the day.


2 minutes ago, mediumsnowman said:

Actor Builder will be joining us as Anthony Dodson, replacing Jimmy Hessler (Steamdemon). As when Jimmy replaced Cathy, Anthony has received a copy-paste version of their role. I hope that should be the end of that mess. :hmpf_bad: Votes for Jimmy's character have carried over to Anthony but Jimmy's vote (for Tony) has been removed so that Anthony is free to make his own decision. Any complaints or suggestions should be directed to my inbox.


Anthony Dodson, Athlete - played by Actor Builder


Vote Count:

4 votes for Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder): Khscarymovie4, Tariq j, jluck, KotZ

2 votes for Tony (jluck): Lady K, Kintober

1 vote for Stephanie Diaz (Lady K): Kwatchi

1 vote for Alan Andrews (KotZ): fhomess

Nonvoting (4): Forresto, Umbra-Manis, Actor Builder, LegoMonorailFan


With 12 jurors remaining, a majority of 7 is required to lynch. Approximately 23 1/2 hours remain in the day.


Glad to have an old face who can bring a bit of sanity to the role. 

Welcome Anthony, why shouldn’t we kill you? :laugh:

So Anthony now has less than 24 hrs to gather his thoughts, present them to us......and cast a vote.  No pressure, really.....:grin:


So after looking over the day so far, the people I consider suspects are Harry, Tina, Tony, Jared, and Amanda.

Harry: I'm still suspicious of Harry from yesterday but as for his actions from today so far, nothing to noteworthy, but I wouldn't say suspicious behavior on his part from today is nonexistent.

Tina: She has said nothing. 

Tony: I would definitely consider some of the speculation that people have said about Tony to be plausible. 

Jared: Jared has pretty much done nothing except harass Stephanie. It gives the appearance of being involved in the game, but all he's doing is adding wood to the same old fire. 

Amanda: She was absent for a while, and then posted a lengthily post containing various speculation and opinions about yesterday and today. After that I expected she'd be more present, but has since gone back to watching from the sides.


1 minute ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

So after looking over the day so far, the people I consider suspects are Harry, Tina, Tony, Jared, and Amanda.

Harry: I'm still suspicious of Harry from yesterday but as for his actions from today so far, nothing to noteworthy, but I wouldn't say suspicious behavior on his part from today is nonexistent.

Tina: She has said nothing. 

Tony: I would definitely consider some of the speculation that people have said about Tony to be plausible. 

Jared: Jared has pretty much done nothing except harass Stephanie. It gives the appearance of being involved in the game, but all he's doing is adding wood to the same old fire. 

Amanda: She was absent for a while, and then posted a lengthily post containing various speculation and opinions about yesterday and today. After that I expected she'd be more present, but has since gone back to watching from the sides.


So three other jury members haven't voted yet besides Anthony (who just got here).

Clifford, Dez, and Tina.

Yes Tina has said nothing for Day 2; however she hasn't even been here.  

Dez and Clifford have been here and have not cast a vote yet.

Clifford you have finally given some thoughts on those you find suspicious, however what is your conclusion?  Which of those you mention do you find most suspicious?

Dez what are your thoughts? Suspicions? Anything?


19 minutes ago, Lady K said:

Clifford you have finally given some thoughts on those you find suspicious, however what is your conclusion?  Which of those you mention do you find most suspicious?

Most suspicious? Probably Tony. However I'd like to hear what Jared has to say. 

But it doesn't hurt to cast a vote now, so I'll go with...

Vote: Tony (jluck)

I am not too keen on Mr. Dodson, and when last I checked this late morning/early afternoon he had contributed little and threw us for a loop.

So my current vote is:

Vote: Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder)

[apologies long day at work, not mant chances to get on]

18 minutes ago, Forresto said:

I am not too keen on Mr. Dodson, and when last I checked this late morning/early afternoon he had contributed little and threw us for a loop.

So my current vote is:

Vote: Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder)

[apologies long day at work, not mant chances to get on]


maybe you didn’t read the turn of events carefully enough. Anthony has been a member of this jury for all of an hour so far. 

54 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

So after looking over the day so far, the people I consider suspects are Harry, Tina, Tony, Jared, and Amanda.

Harry: I'm still suspicious of Harry from yesterday but as for his actions from today so far, nothing to noteworthy, but I wouldn't say suspicious behavior on his part from today is nonexistent.

Tina: She has said nothing. 

Tony: I would definitely consider some of the speculation that people have said about Tony to be plausible. 

Jared: Jared has pretty much done nothing except harass Stephanie. It gives the appearance of being involved in the game, but all he's doing is adding wood to the same old fire. 

Amanda: She was absent for a while, and then posted a lengthily post containing various speculation and opinions about yesterday and today. After that I expected she'd be more present, but has since gone back to watching from the sides.

This is better from you, although from this I didn't get the impression that Tony was the highest on your suspect list.

1 minute ago, jluck said:


maybe you didn’t read the turn of events carefully enough. Anthony has been a member of this jury for all of an hour so far. 

This is par for the course with Dez.  Unfortunately, he's going to have both Cathy AND Jimmy's baggage to carry around.

10 minutes ago, fhomess said:

This is better from you

This is better from you:tongue:

11 minutes ago, fhomess said:

Although from this I didn't get the impression that Tony was the highest on your suspect list.

Amanda would probably be higher on my list. No need to ask why. Just a hunch.

On 17/01/2018 at 10:10 PM, Kintobor said:

The evidence simply isn't there, and I doubt it will be for a few more nights. Vigilantes tend not to strike on night one, where the likelihood of killing a townie is higher as there's less information to go on. I'm not ruling out a vigilante, I just don't think there's one.

Brock, who are you going to vote for, because ultimately that's a far more productive train of thought over speculation as to what happened last night.

You've added nothing of interest or discussion since arriving Jimmy. Who are you going to vote for once voting opens?

I actually noticed this earlier on in the day, but it was late and never got a chance to comment on it, you called out a ton of people for not voting but didn't place a vote yourself. It was like you were waiting for a good vote which you could then bandwagon on.

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