March 15, 20186 yr On 3/15/2018 at 5:26 AM, samurai-turtle said: Well their is a gazebo and a pond. Seems like a good place as any to start. "Should we start with going to the gazebo?"
March 15, 20186 yr On 3/15/2018 at 7:53 AM, Alfadas said: Aye, let's go to that gazebo. Ezeran nods and leads the group towards the gazebo.
March 15, 20186 yr Boomingham follows Torald to the gazebo, grumbling about how he ought to be in front.
March 17, 20186 yr Author As the heroes make their way to the gazebo they notice small holes that have been dug along the side of the path leading to the gazebo. Gleaming through each of the holes is a glimpse of the white roots Germ found earlier. Upon reaching the gazebo, the party notes a figure inspecting some of the floor boards that have been removed from the structure.
March 19, 20186 yr Boomingham covers his nose with his handkerchief and blows a raspberry at the sneezing Germ. Approaching the Gazebo he clears his throat and waves merrily. "Bit of a strange season to grow all these flowers."
March 19, 20186 yr Author On 3/19/2018 at 4:05 AM, Zepher said: Boomingham covers his nose with his handkerchief and blows a raspberry at the sneezing Germ. Approaching the Gazebo he clears his throat and waves merrily. "Bit of a strange season to grow all these flowers." "The wood magic in the area must be strong. It's good to see my garden hasn't been paved over like the rest of the city." The woman turns and surveys the group. "Bit bold, wandering around in broad daylight, isn't it?"
March 19, 20186 yr I stop in my tracks, thinking I recognized something of the woman's clothing style from pictures in the hall, even if her hair looked quite different. " do you do? Er...did you grow all of these white roots that have spread across this garden?"
March 19, 20186 yr On 3/19/2018 at 3:33 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "The wood magic in the area must be strong. It's good to see my garden hasn't been paved over like the rest of the city." The woman turns and surveys the group. "Bit bold, wandering around in broad daylight, isn't it?" "You're not the arbomancer we're looking for", Eric stated and then turned to people who actually knew Wally, "is she?" "We're known to be quite bold. I can't argue with that."
March 19, 20186 yr Author On 3/19/2018 at 7:10 PM, Palathadric said: I stop in my tracks, thinking I recognized something of the woman's clothing style from pictures in the hall, even if her hair looked quite different. " do you do? Er...did you grow all of these white roots that have spread across this garden?" "Roots? Do I look like a gardener to you?" On 3/19/2018 at 7:47 PM, Khorne said: "You're not the arbomancer we're looking for", Eric stated and then turned to people who actually knew Wally, "is she?" "We're known to be quite bold. I can't argue with that." "You lot are causing quite the stir up at the Hall. Yuliana's of the opinion you should be shot on sight, but I think a trial first would at least be appropriate."
March 20, 20186 yr On 3/19/2018 at 8:14 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "Roots? Do I look like a gardener to you?" "You lot are causing quite the stir up at the Hall. Yuliana's of the opinion you should be shot on sight, but I think a trial first would at least be appropriate." "Please listen to us, we have been conducting research that suggests that Eubric is suffering from some kind of infestation, possibly from another realm or from some magic with malicious intent. Theese white roots are not natural to this ecosystem and they are just one piece of evidence that something is about to go horribly wrong." the symbiont enforces Ezerans point by pursing it's lips tight into a serious grin.
March 20, 20186 yr On 3/19/2018 at 4:05 AM, Zepher said: Boomingham covers his nose with his handkerchief and blows a raspberry at the sneezing Germ. Approaching the Gazebo he clears his throat and waves merrily. As he heard the rude gesture, Germ gave him a look of I will kick your @$$ arrogant FOOL. Almost wondering who does this guy thinks he is... On 3/19/2018 at 3:33 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "Bit bold, wandering around in broad daylight, isn't it?" Why not? I got nothing to hide. On 3/19/2018 at 8:14 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "You lot are causing quite the stir up at the Hall. Yuliana's of the opinion you should be shot on sight, but I think a trial first would at least be appropriate." Big talk coming from an imposter. I wonder if I said: I am Enock! I am Enock! If I said that a billion more times will it become magically true. That is how I am seeing you "so called founders".
March 21, 20186 yr Author On 3/20/2018 at 10:34 AM, MysticModulus said: "Please listen to us, we have been conducting research that suggests that Eubric is suffering from some kind of infestation, possibly from another realm or from some magic with malicious intent. Theese white roots are not natural to this ecosystem and they are just one piece of evidence that something is about to go horribly wrong." the symbiont enforces Ezerans point by pursing it's lips tight into a serious grin. "Roots? Seriously, you all are wanted criminals and you're spending your time gardening?" On 3/20/2018 at 7:48 PM, samurai-turtle said: Big talk coming from an imposter. I wonder if I said: I am Enock! I am Enock! If I said that a billion more times will it become magically true. That is how I am seeing you "so called founders". Lady Luck smiles. "I would think not, especially if you insist on pronouncing Ennoc's name wrong. And don't you worry, talk is cheap, action is what counts and I can guarantee you'll see some of that if you don't come peacefully."
March 21, 20186 yr Having learnt how the roots behave towards magic Ezeran puts on an improvised show of science and shows how the roots reacts to light magic hoping for a result that could be convincing.
March 21, 20186 yr On 3/21/2018 at 4:10 AM, Waterbrick Down said: Lady Luck smiles. "I would think not, especially if you insist on pronouncing Ennoc's name wrong. And don't you worry, talk is cheap, action is what counts and I can guarantee you'll see some of that if you don't come peacefully." As she claims Ennoc and Enock is pronounced differently. I don't hear a difference ... Why so you can beat us to death? Frankly, I think you should surrender to us. I am pretty sure the others won't hurt you. Me one the other hand, I have been in a bad mood since this whole thing started. All I was trying to do was leave the city. And then I got dragged in to this messed, I never was much of any "Heeerrrooo". Hell, I never liked getting call that word (it just rubbed me the wrong way). Most of the other "Heeerrrooosss" just come off as stuck up snobs. Why do I keep putting up with all this stuff ... At this point Germ just started rambling to him self barely making any noticable words.
March 21, 20186 yr Boomingham sighs and draws his swords. "Look, lady, I'm assuming you're one of our original founders... what, did whatever magic bring you back not restore your hair color? Seems a little unfair." He cocks his head to the side. "Though I guess you probably ended up dying old, huh? So this image we have of you as young, strong... bit outdated by the time you kicked the bucket? Anyway, point is, I actually fought alongside you before, whether or not you know it - bit of a veteran of the Orcish Wars myself. I'm not opposed to hearing you folks out, but way I see it having survived a raid on an Orcish King some two hundred sixty years ago doesn't exactly make you an expert in governing Eubric today. What makes you think you know what's right for the city all of a sudden? You think it didn't have a bit of crime when you founded it? Remember, I'm an old boy, I remember the Orcish War and I can tell you its not as if all your and mine compatriots had pearly clean records."
March 21, 20186 yr "If I'm not too presumptuous, my lady," I say as diplomatically as I can. "Why are you acting as if we ruined this city. All we've tried to do was help people."
March 21, 20186 yr Author On 3/21/2018 at 7:16 AM, MysticModulus said: Having learnt how the roots behave towards magic Ezeran puts on an improvised show of science and shows how the roots reacts to light magic hoping for a result that could be convincing. "So you can cause some plants to start smoking, the Doomsayer does that in his sleep." On 3/21/2018 at 4:56 PM, Zepher said: Boomingham sighs and draws his swords. "Look, lady, I'm assuming you're one of our original founders... what, did whatever magic bring you back not restore your hair color? Seems a little unfair." He cocks his head to the side. "Though I guess you probably ended up dying old, huh? So this image we have of you as young, strong... bit outdated by the time you kicked the bucket? Anyway, point is, I actually fought alongside you before, whether or not you know it - bit of a veteran of the Orcish Wars myself. I'm not opposed to hearing you folks out, but way I see it having survived a raid on an Orcish King some two hundred sixty years ago doesn't exactly make you an expert in governing Eubric today. What makes you think you know what's right for the city all of a sudden? You think it didn't have a bit of crime when you founded it? Remember, I'm an old boy, I remember the Orcish War and I can tell you its not as if all your and mine compatriots had pearly clean records." "I don't know for what reason my companions and I were brought back, all I know is we returned to this city to find it on the edge of war and the very organization we created to strive for higher ideals, mired in backbiting and power mongering. The Houses were corrupt and filled had too many skeletons in their closets. The people of this city turned on them when their deeds were exposed to the light. You may very well have served in the Orcish Wars, having just returned myself, I cannot be the judge of that validity. But if you did indeed serve, you know what we were fighting for. The enemies of this city today may not be green of skin, but their hearts are green with greed and envy for power. You question my companions and my suitability to lead, you abandoned that responsibility the moment you aligned yourself with the power brokers of this city and not its people. Tell me, when you accepted the nomination for King of Eubric, did you even consider the will of the populace or were you so desperate to regain a kingdom that you were fine sacrificing their well being just as you did the soldiers under your command on the battle field of the Orcish Wars?" On 3/21/2018 at 7:29 PM, Palathadric said: "If I'm not too presumptuous, my lady," I say as diplomatically as I can. "Why are you acting as if we ruined this city. All we've tried to do was help people." "Isn't that how it always is though? Noble intent, but so narrow minded on who that help actually benefits. I won't discount you helped some, but that doesn't erase you and your friends complicitness in aiding the Houses in their corruption not to mention actively assisting activities of this notorious Wolf Gang." On 3/21/2018 at 10:47 AM, samurai-turtle said: As she claims Ennoc and Enock is pronounced differently. I don't hear a difference ... Why so you can beat us to death? Frankly, I think you should surrender to us. I am pretty sure the others won't hurt you. Me one the other hand, I have been in a bad mood since this whole thing started..." "Well, I had hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if you insist." Lady Luck reveals a number of daggers stored in her coat.PREPARE FOR BATTLE!Round 0 of Gazebo Scuffle Boomingham Vest of Faded Trials - Success - Boomingham Reinforced!The Enemy Lady Luck*Permanently Nimble & Lucky* *???* *???* *???* *???* *???* *???* *Quickened 9*Type: HumanoidLevel: 40Health: 8000/8000Special I: Run the Table - Swaps all of the target's positive effects for Lady Luck's current negative effects. In case of no effects uses "All In".Special II: All In - Lady Luck does damage to the party equal to the amount of Gold she currently has distributed equally amongst the party.Passive Special I: ???Passive Special II: ???Passive Special III: ???Passive Special IV: ???Passive Special V: ???Passive Special VI: ???Drops: Lucky Die (Makes the user permanently Lucky, Accessory), Robes of the Tumbling Acrobat (Makes the user permanently Nimble, Torsowear), Pick Pocket's Purse (Makes the user immune to having their equipment stolen, accessory), 100 GoldNote: The Quickened Effect is similar to the Hastened effect, with the number representing how many extra free hits will occur if the monster is not targeted, however these free hits can be cancelled if the monster is targetted as many times extra as that number. Hovel's Party Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher) 48 year old male human Vindicator Level 36.75 *Immune to darkness, fire, fragile, sleep, weakened, and blinded* *Affluence* *Zweihänder Grip* *Encouraged* *Lucky* *Reinforced* *PARTY LEADER*Power Bonus: +5 (+5 front row)Defense: 10 20Health: 58/59Ether: 36/36Stealth: 0Gold: 358Equipment: Scupperer (WP:19; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding and poisoned by 10; has 1/2 chance each to inflict blinded, sealed, weakened and fragile; greatsword), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blinded, darkness and fire; accessory), Vest of Faded Trials (SP:10, 1/2 chance of granting reinforced effect at the start of every battle, Immune to Fragile; Suitable for Knights, Barbarians, Dragoons, Skirmishers, Regulators, Vindicators; bodywear and headwear), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear.)Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Epidemic Halberd (WP:8, causes all negative effects that the user has to the target when attacking; halberd), Venom Fang Blade (WP:9, causes poisoned equal to WP; longsword), Lullaby Wand (WP:6, inflicts asleep), Silver Sword (WP: 18, Longsword), Frozen Saber (WP: 15; light-, ice- and wind-elemental; inflicts stunned; great sword), Round Metal Shield (SP:7),Artifacts: Crown of the Desert King (SP:6; absorbs fire, wind, and earth; suitable for Boomingham only, headwear.), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (Power +4; Ether -6; headwear), Scarlet Hood (SP:4, grants immunity to stunned), Chains of the Pongcanis Chief (Hero Pierces SP if fighting from Front, Enemies ignore SP if hero fights from the back row, cannot be removed in battle), Amulet of Optimism (Adds the confused-effect to all attacks; accessory, suitable to Erdathcath only), 2x Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently blessed; accessory.), Counterstrike Gloves (If the wearer is damaged by a Free Hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear.), Crimson Suit of Armor (SP:12, allows wearer to pose as Crimson Bear Knight; takes three artifact slots: bodywear, headwear and footwear),Spell Items: Amethyst (Darkness), Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile; costs 5 Ether; 50/50 chance), Emerald Lamp of Summoning (0/3), “True Love Serenade” (restores 50 health to the rest of the party per round; costs 10 ether; Battle Song)Consumables: Potion, Health Core, 2x Remedy, Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), 12x Mead, 4x Smelling Salt, 4x Nostrum, 2x Ambrosia, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immune to Ice), Fireball Whiskey (Immunity to Fire One Battle OR 20 Fire Damage All Enemies), Hamantasch (Lucky, Blessed), Jinxy Juice, 2x Floral Bomb, Seal Bomb, Poison Bomb, Stun Bomb, Seth Bomb (Deals 100 darkness-elemental damage to all opponents when used.), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), Hair of the Dog, Oculoid Miasma, Oculoid Fireworks, Saber Teeth, BoneTools/Treasure: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away), Mythril Shard, Rose Bouquet The Demon Germ (samurai-turtle) ??? years old ; Half Demon; Male Black Knight Level 22 *Immune to Slowed & Hastened *Power Bonus: +4Defense: 7Health: 39/39Stealth: +3Gold: 151Equipment: Obsidian Scimitar (WP:20; Amethyst/Darkness-elemental; longsword), Spesialian Helmet (SP:2, SP:4 if wearer’s Star Elf, Health +2, Power +2, Suitable for anyone; headwear), Greaves (SP:2, immunity to Slowed and Hastened; footwear), Shadow Cloak (SP:1; backwear), Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Flying Talon "of the Salamander" (WP:10; Ruby/Fire-elemental; Steals one drop at Random from Enemy; whip), "Sporing" Brilliant Dagger (WP: 10; Emerald/Wood-elemental; 1/3 chance to Blind; dagger), Sword-Fish (WP:8; WP double if target has been attacked by Spear-Fish or Fail-Fish; longsword), Kobold Sharp Wings (WP:9; Deals Bleeding 1; throwing weapon), Kobold Sharp Wings (WP:9; Deals Bleeding 1; throwing weapon), Dwarven Portable Catapult (WP:10; Double Damage to Enemies Visibly Larger than the User; Throwing Weapon), Fellcrest Hand Axe (WP: 8; deals bleeding 5 on successful hits; throwing weapon)Shields: Winter Shield (SP:10; absorb Ice but takes double damage from Fire; shield), Crested Shield (SP: 13; shield), Artifacts: Demon Wings (Take to the Skies deals Darkness-elemental damage and Hexed instead of Wind-elemental damage and Stunned; backwear; suitable to The Demon Germ only), Snake Eye Charm (Protects from Petrified-effect; accessory), Blessed Amulet (Protects from Cursed-effect; accessory), Sterile Gloves (Protects from Poisoned- and Bleeding- effects; handwear), Dastan Armor (SP: 4; Immune to Darkness/Amethyst Diamond/Light Garnet/Earth & Ruby/Fire; +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment; Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators; bodywear), Consumables: Bone (x6), Deadly Venom (x6), Remedy (x14), Potion (x2), Venom (x3), Grand Potion (x15), Smelling Salts (x6), Nostrum (x8), Pickled Mushroom, Fire Bomb (x5), Faerie Dust (Allows the user to change their age, size, and gender for a short period of time. +1 Stealth), Holy Bomb (x4), Tools: Crescent Seal (+2 Power, +1 free item usage during first round of battle), Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Candles (x3), Telescope, Magic Compass Torald Waruelf, Matchmaker (Alfadas)21 year old male human Battle MageLevel 16Power Bonus: +19Defense: 16Health: 40/41Ether: 21/28Stealth: 0Gold: 236Abilities: Pact of the Tome (Torald may spend his action for a 1/6 chance to cause the Doomed effect on a Humanoid enemy or the Hexed effect on a Demon enemy).Equipment: Torangu's Trident (WP: 20, SP: 5, cannot be used with Shield, Trident), Pandemonicon (+11 Power Bonus, HP, SP, Ether, Grants Pact of the Tome ability, accessory, Level 1, cannot be unequipped)Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons - Broken Spear (WP: 3; Causes Bleeding and Poisoned by 2 every other round used), Sludge Glaive (WP:8, pierces defense and causes either fragile or weakened; halberd), Whispering Greatsword (WP: 10, 1/3 Chance to Seal), Keen Axe (WP 15, Ignores SP)Artifacts - Pongcanis Shield (SP: 7; Shield), Crocodile Belt (Max. Health +2; accessory), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; footwear.), Pugilist's Gloves, Heavy Armour (SP:5, protects from fragile-effect, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators and vindicators; bodywear.), Mythril Mail (SP:10; suitable to knights and barbarians only; bodywear), Consumables - 4 Potions, 8 Mead, 3 Venom, 3 Grand Tonics, Feather of White, Smoke Bomb, Bright Polish, Phoenix Essence, Tiny ShroomTools - Shovel, Pickaxe, Crescent Seal (+2 Power, +1 Free item usage during the first round of battle)Gems - 2x Emerald (wood), Topaz (lightning), Aquamarine (water), Garnet (earth) Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric) 5-year-old male "wonder" PaladinLevel 16Power Bonus: 0Defense: 18Health: 37/38Ether: 16/16Stealth: 0Gold: 73Equipment: Mace (WP: 6, mace), Armour of Dark Arts (SP: 10; Takes up: Bodywear, Handwear, Footwear slots; counts as one artifact; Suitable to Knights, Dragoons, and Skirmishers), Cloak of Innocence (SP: 3; grants the wearer immunity to Darkness, if the health of the wearer is below 50% the wearer is also *Blessed*; Backwear; Suitable for Petaldan only),Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Brine Blade (WP: 5, 1/6 chance to trigger a Flood (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, Longsword), Slimy Sword (WP:25s, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword), Renegade’s Crook (WP: 10, successful healing also poisons the target’s weapon by 3, staff), Shield (SP: 5; Shield),Artifacts: Baron's Oversized Hat (wearer is permanently Encouraged and Slowed; headwear), Really Hard Helmet (SP: 2, Immunity to Rock), Paladin's Armour (SP:4, Ether +2; suitable to Knights, Clerics, Paladins; Bodywear),Gloves of the Boy Wonder (SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear),Spell Items: Emerald, Topaz, Scroll of Tongues (Grants the user the Glossolalia Job Trait. Each casting lasts for a limited amount of time and costs 10 ether)Consumables: Potion x 2, Grand Potion x 2, Remedy x 2, Phoenix Essence x 2, Ambrosia, Tiger Balm, Smoke Bomb x 6, Level-Up Mushroom, Health Core, Mead, Phoenix Incense, Pickled Mushroom, Tonic x2Tools: Bedroll, Etherium Ore (may applied to one weapon to allow it to deal the Sealed-effect permanently), Letter of Recommendation (Increases reputation with one of the seven main factions depending on the user's choice.) Eric (Khorne), Self-proclaimed Siren-Slayer and Butcher of Basilisks 30 year old Human Nord Level 30 3/4 Vindicator *Evasion* *Protected from Weakened, Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed + Immune to Darkness, Water and Earth* *Zweihänder Grip*Power Bonus: +3Defense: 0Health: 60/61Stealth: 0Gold: 1360Equipment: Conspirator (WP: 20, causes Blinded and has 1/2 chance to cause Confused with each hit, Ice- and Darkness-elemental; longsword), Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from Weakened; handwear),Boots of Evasion (Wearer takes half damage in front row + Immunity to Darkness, Water, Earth and Asleep; footwear), Periwinkle Ribbon (Grants Immunity to Stunned, Poisoned, Bleeding, Cursed, Asleep, Fast Asleep, Confused and Hexed; suitable for Periwinkle Eric only; headwear)Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Godricsleif (WP: 22; Lightning-elemental; greatsword), 6 Silverfish Wings (WP:8, retrievable, throwing dagger), 2 Diseased Silverfish Wings (WP:8, causes cursed-effect, retrievable, throwing weapon), Twin Biter (WP:7, causes bleeding; dual strike axe), Rakshasa Blade (WP:8 multiplied by the amount of Rakshasa weapons equipped by the party in the battle; greatsword), Rakshasa Flail (WP:7 multiplied by the amount of Rakshasa weapons equipped by the party in the battle; mace), Rakshasa Scimitar (WP:11 multiplied by the amount of Rakshasa weapons equipped by the party in the battle; longsword), Rakshasa Waveblades (WP:5 multiplied by the amount of Rakshasa weapons equipped by the party in the battle; dual strike daggers), Shield (SP:5), Natnail's Sword (WP:10 Longsword), Spell Items: Opal (from Hybros for Dyric)Artifacts: Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently Blessed; accessory.), Flora Gear (adds Wood-element to physical attacks and protects from Wood-elemental damage, accessory), Redhawk Helmet (Power +12 if the wearer acts first in the battle order; suitable to barbarians, knights, dragoons, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; headwear.), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb Poison as Health; helmet), Heavy Armor (SP:5, protects from Fragile; bodywear),Consumables: Potion, 13 Grand Potions, 2 Elixirs, 3 Remedies, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, 9 Meads, 6 Smelling Salts, 2 Nostrums, 2 Mulled Wine, Ambrosia, Dragon Scale, Genuine Nordic Mead (Grants the encouraged, hastened, inspired, reinforced, and enraged-effects; consumable), Venom, Deadly Venom, 2 Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.), Feather of Lithe (Makes the user nimble for three rounds, giving them a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits.), Fire Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Floral Bomb, Aeolus Bomb, Poison Bomb, Seal Bomb; Phoenix Essence, Pickled MushroomTools etc.: Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away), Cornucopia (Increases the holder’s gold by 25% at the end of each quest.) Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)42 year old male human SorcererLevel 24.67 *Immune to Wood and Fire, Sealed and Blindness* *Enemies that hit Ezeran become slowed*Power Bonus: (+2 spellpower)Defense: 6Health: 36/37Ether: 8/32Stealth: 1Gold: 552Equipment: Ooze Wand (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Slow), Sneezing Demon (SP:3; enemies that hit the wearer become slowed; immunity to wood, fire and blindness, suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear), Etherium Pauldrons (SP:3, immune to sealed; backwear), Sedge hat (Max. Ether +4; headwear)Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons: Trickster’s Baubel (WP:6, each hit causes one random effect: stunned, poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed or confused; wand), Ancient Sapphamber Staff (WP:8, doubled against Ancient enemies, staff), Simple Staff (WP: 10), Mockthril Spear (WP:4, spear)Artifacts: Hood of the Elementalist (SP:1, *Absorbs darkness*; headwear, suitable to anyone), Pointy Hat, Mage's Muffler, Bad Luck Charm, White Ninja Cowl, Begone with the Winds (Allows access to the Weather Mage Class, Accessory)Gems: Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Diamond (Light), Sapphire (wind), Amethyst (Darkness)Consumables: 5x grand potions, 5x grand tonics, 3x Remedy, ether core, 2x Smoke Bomb, myrrh, venom, Pickled Mushroom, Soma, 2x Golden Lotus Flower (heals to full health upon consumption), 2x potions, phoenix essence, elixir, Tooth, Firebomb, Pickled MushroomTools: Crescent Seal (+2 Power, +1 Free item usage during the first round of battle), Bedroll, Shovel Sküld (NPC, controlled by Alfadas) 12 years old female nôrn Altar Girl *Immune to Burning*Level 15.5 Power Bonus: 0Health: 21/21Ether: 13/24Defense: 0Gold: 20Equipment: Silk Fan (WP:10, wind-elemental, fan), Shrine Robes (Immune to Burning, +5 HP, Torsowear) Scroll of Intellect, Scroll of Minor Dispel, Scroll of Shielding, Grand Tonic Elphaba of Ozmath (NPC, takes suggestions from Zepher) ??? years old female Witch *Immune to Sealed, Bound, Blinded, Poisoned, Burning, Enamored, Cursed, Petrified, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth*Level 35Power Bonus: 0Health: 59/59Ether: 46/46Defense: 15Stealth: +4Gold: 100Equipment: Ozmath Witch's Talisman (Makes the Witch's poisonous attacks deal poisoned 10 and additionally drop the target's level by 1, Accessory), Ozmath Witch's Cloak (SP 5, Immunity to Sealed, Bound, Blinded, Poisoned, Burning, Enamored, Cursed, Petrified, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth, Backwear), Ozmath Witch's Gloves (Healing also restores the target's ether equal to user's WP, Handwear), Ozmath Witch's Robes (+10 Health, +10 Ether, +10 SP, +1 Stealth, Torsowear), Hickory Broomstick (WP: 15, Broomstick), Roderick's Staff (WP: 10, 1/3 chance to Confuse, Staff)Party Leader, please determine the battle order. Everyone else, state your action and the row from which you will be performing it.
March 21, 20186 yr On 3/21/2018 at 4:10 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Roots? Seriously, you all are wanted criminals and you're spending your time gardening?" Lady Luck smiles. "I would think not, especially if you insist on pronouncing Ennoc's name wrong. And don't you worry, talk is cheap, action is what counts and I can guarantee you'll see some of that if you don't come peacefully." "Ja, we all enjoy a little gardening in our free time. Especially during the dead of winter. And while we're being chased by the Town Watch. It's kind of a hobby of ours", Eric said dryly. "Or I don't know, maybe we're doing this because we're actually doing something useful for this city?" The Nord rolled his eyes at all the ignorance. "Listen, you seem interesting and all, but I'm not going anywhere with you." He grinned. "You didn't try asking it nicely." Shifting the topic of conversation, Eric tried to gain some more information on the roots again. "These white roots have anything to do with the whiteness of your hair?" D'oh, I posted at the same time you did Eric grunted and glared at the Demon Germ. He shook his head. "That guy needs to learn when to shut up sometimes". The Nord detested that it had come to this. Not that he disliked a good brawl, but the chance of gaining more information on this whole situation had gotten a whole lot slimmer once more. "So, how are we going to handle this? Anyone have any bright ideas? I doubt spewing tough-talk at her is going to bring her down." Edited March 21, 20186 yr by Khorne
March 22, 20186 yr On 3/21/2018 at 9:07 PM, Waterbrick Down said: "Well, I had hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if you insist." Lady Luck reveals a number of daggers stored in her coat.PREPARE FOR BATTLE! NO! If this is way you want to handle things over a suggestion then, then, then you are going to have to push my back against a wall... On 3/21/2018 at 9:11 PM, Khorne said: Eric grunted and glared at the Demon Germ. He shook his head. "That guy needs to learn when to shut up sometimes". "So, how are we going to handle this? Anyone have any bright ideas? I doubt spewing tough-talk at her is going to bring her down." What don't look at me, look at her. She is the one wanting to start this. Let's just run. We then can see how bad she wants us. Make her chase us (I get the feeling you like the ladies chasing you). I am getting so tired of this "Crayola"!
March 22, 20186 yr Ezeran sighs and pulls out a myrrh that he simply throws into the maws of the symbiont. "You will regret not helping us when the infestation accelerates..." Ezeran readies his ooze wand and casts a fire spell from the back row at the fierce woman standing before them.
March 23, 20186 yr "We'll have a better chance negotiating with her once we prove we're worth our mettle. The plan is to hit her hard and fast - I imagine she's got more than one trick up her sleeve, so the faster we take her, the better. Those who might poison her, blind her, what have you should try to hit her after the others to further disorient her (and so the negative effects are less likely to transfer)."Boomingham attacks Lady Luck from the front row with Scupperer and directs Elphaba to attack from the back row. "What do you think, Witch? any idea why the dead are walking again? She is supposed to be dead, right?" BATTLE ORDER Torald Demon Germ Ezeran Petaldan Eric Boomingham Elphaba Skuld
March 23, 20186 yr Author On 3/22/2018 at 6:19 AM, samurai-turtle said: NO! If this is way you want to handle things over a suggestion then, then, then you are going to have to push my back against a wall... "All talk until the stakes are too high? I heard about your precious life restoring artifact, afraid to live with the consequences of your actions?" On 3/23/2018 at 2:04 AM, Zepher said: "We'll have a better chance negotiating with her once we prove we're worth our mettle. The plan is to hit her hard and fast - I imagine she's got more than one trick up her sleeve, so the faster we take her, the better. Those who might poison her, blind her, what have you should try to hit her after the others to further disorient her (and so the negative effects are less likely to transfer)."Boomingham attacks Lady Luck from the front row with Scupperer and directs Elphaba to attack from the back row. "What do you think, Witch? any idea why the dead are walking again? She is supposed to be dead, right?" "She's your founder, you tell me! She don't look undead, so it either her or a really good copy."
March 23, 20186 yr On 3/23/2018 at 2:04 AM, Zepher said: any idea why the dead are walking again? She is supposed to be dead, right?" At this point who cares. I might "accidentally" cut her head off. (Along with someone else's). Could be a time traveler... On 3/23/2018 at 3:50 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "All talk until the stakes are too high? I heard about your precious life restoring artifact, afraid to live with the consequences of your actions?" Are you saying I am afraid of dieing? At times I just want to be dead. When I see all the cowardly people begging for their life, it pisses me off. I just want grab by the throat and dig my claws in them, choking life out of them. They caim all "life is precious" but, it is only human life they are talking about because humans are the "special ones" they are chosen by some dumb god (probably just as dumb as they are if not stupider). Consequences? Do you mean our thoughts? That is all we have left at the end of the "day". What about your consequences? I am starting to think what you really want is "bad guys". And we are it, mabey some day you will see we are more alike than you think. The only difference is you are liked at this "minute", and I do mean "minute". When someone else comes along better than you clamming to be able to fix everything, you will see I was right along this time. All the thing from earlier seems to fill Germ with visible rage. Grabbing his sword and shield tightly, his Pickled Mushroom falls out on to the ground. Picking the mushroom up and blows the dirt off, and then bites into the mushroom hard like he was imagining it was someone's flesh. Free item use Pickled Mushroom on himself, attacks with Obsidian Scimitar and Winter Shield from the back row OoC: Reveal hidden contents WBD why is their so many ??? I would think they are connected to the item(s) drop(s) it seems natural to me at least.
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