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Welcome to the wildest ride in the wilderness! Please keep 'yer hands and arms inside the train at all times and ... WHAT? I see. It seems our special guest has replaced our usual script with the ride dialog to Disney's Big Thunder Mountain, which would also explain what Staudie is wearing. :-|


Take 2.

Welcome to another fun and exciting episode of EB News Presents! I'm imperialshadows, Staudie will be asking the questions and doing most of the annoying, and our special guest this week is Brick Miner! Odd, I could have sworn we interviewed him already.

Uh, boss, it's TheBrickster.


On the show tonight.

Why are we having two guests?

No, just him, not Brick Miner.

Oh. :-$

Take 3.


Hey, that's pretty good, nobody can see your face! Crap, we're already rolling. :-/

Take 4.

Howdy pardners! This here is the Big EB Wild West Revue! I'm 'yer rootin' tootin' host, Buckaroo imperialshadows, this here is my sidekick, Hopalong Staudie, and our gunslinger of the week is TheBrickster!


Oh, just start the interview while I belly up to the bar fer a shot of whiskey. :-|

Q. "The Brickster" What is up with that name? Is the title meant to show your soft huggable side? Like the teddy IS sleeps with?

A. I've always considered myself pretty creative, esp. with writing fiction, something I enjoy. However, when I first signed up as a new member of Eurobricks in January of 2005, I honestly could not choose a name. In addition, I did not want to be labelled as an individual who liked a single theme, as I collect many and have a pretty diverse collection that spans many years. I probably read/heard the name of the villain on the Lego WebSite or perhaps even the Lego Island video game, and liked it; thinking also that I could always change it later to something more unique. Instead, I have been TheBrickster since 2005.

I have considered changing it to Outlaw or something mystery-related (but not quite sure). I appreciate the creative expression of being able to pursue different characters and personalities over a web forum. I like the thought of a Wild West outlaw, as a kind of alter-ego. If I did change the name at this time though, not many people would recognize me, and I'd hate to be known as "The EB Member Formerly Known as TheBrickster.

You mentioned my "soft huggable side" which is non-existent, although I do often times temper my emotion; thinking, "many of the people that irritate me are kids or lacking varying categories of intelligence". Interestingly, I was cursed with my present title by portraiting a conservative role with similarities to Bugs Bunny's "Yosemite Sam", in which I fly off the handle and tease certian EB members for being pink-lemonade-sipping sissies. The reward was a kinder, gentler name, Loving Care Bear. As I have learned through others who complained over their EB titles and were rewarded with something worse. I will not do the same, and choose to be stuck with "Loving Care Bear" for another year or two.

Just because she sleeps in a teddy, doesn't mean she is a teddy. :-|

Q. What is your sigfig? Any background info?

A. I have used a number of different signature figs (if I am understanding your question correctly), depending on my mood and personal flavor of the month. A few of my many faces look like this:


I consider myself to be rather complex in that my moods and interests change quickly. With these changes in mood, my interest in Lego themes as well as other collections change. The result is a multitude of faces, like the classic movie, the 7 Faces of Dr. Lao, a 1964 classic in which Tony Randall portraits the roles of seven different carnival characters. It's an excellent movie if you've never seen it.

You will notice that the majority of my avatars are generally dark, mysterious, and/or, intriguing. These are characteristics that I appreciate and enjoy. I consider the Phantom Rider, the Grave Stone character one of my personal favorites. I don't think I have to tell you about the story, but here's the web site link that provides the story and early inspirations. Grave Stone

I enjoy mystery and those things that are not always visible on the surface, by the naked eye. I am not a fan of "hack and slash", serial killer, or blood and gore movies. Rather, I enjoy suspense and irony, much like Twilight Zone stories. Rod Sterling was a great screen writer that is perfect example of the types of stories that I enjoy most.

That's a lot of personalities. They make medication for that now.

Q. How often are you and BrickMiner confused? Your names I mean. We know it happened at least once, right Shadows?

A. It's happens quite often, and to tell you truth, I get irritated by it. The root cause of my frustration is not because him and I are both fans of the Wild West theme, but rather his building of Ghost Town, a theme and story I introduced. Although he has given me a little credit for the inspiration of a single villain (the Phantom Rider), I would have appreciated a little more credit for the concept and story. As an example, Batbrick recently shared a vignette and short story completely unrelated to Ghost Town that he indicated was inspired by my Grave Stone story. Before he did so; however, he asked me if I would mind if he did so. Of course I did not mind and actually enjoyed reading it (I will provide feedback a little later). I really respect the fact that Batbrick did this, even though he did not have to do so, and that his MOC was completely unrelated. Although I respect BrickMiner and should probably feel flattered for inspiring someone to build a theme I introduced, I would have appreciated a little more credit for the Ghost Town concept.

For the record though, BrickMiner has graphic talent beyond me and his attention to the smallest of details (like his decals) make his designs truly outstanding. I've especially enjoyed his more recent MOCs, like the Train Station, my personal favorite. He recently announced that he is leaving EB. I truly am sorry to see him go, because we have shared a love for the WW theme and of Ghost Town.

I can't recall anyone confusing them before. Any more than confusing me and ImperialScouts. :-P

Q. What is your favourite theme?

A. I do have a few. Not necessarily in order: Wild West, Adventurers, Indiana Jones, Train, Castle, City, and special mention to Outback.

Q. And your 3 favourite sets?


(1) 6765 Gold City Junction: I was so excited to find this set after it was retired.

(2) 375 Yellow Castle (it was my first castle set purchased because train transformers from Germany would not work with U.S. power - an exchange. I've loved it since and still keep it in an old shoe box.

(3) The MOT Black Engine, Passenger Car, Caboose, and GondolA. This was my first train, not the best I'm sure, but a great addition to my WW town. I remember how fun it was to build the caboose and passenger car. Great feeling!

To limit a few thousands sets to just a few is pretty tough. There's so many others, many of which I don't own.

Then: classiccity2001-small.jpg



Q. What do you think of the way TLC is heading this year? Any parts you think might come in handy in the WW?

A. I'm really not a "part guy", but rather interested in sets. I don't break up or judge a set on its pieces that might go well with Wild West, or any other theme for that matter. I'm really impressed with the new Indiana Jones sets (I've got them all) and love the new City sets. I honestly don't know what to buy. After seeing the new Green Grocer building, I want to go out and buy Cafe Corner and the blue building (not real fond of it). In addition, I want the 50th Anniversary Town Square. I hate spending over $100 (esp. $150 or more) on a set. Then there's the new Castle sets. I have all of them, except for the battle wheel. This looks too toyish for me. I'd like to buy the new 2008 sets, esp. the large ship.

So, to answer your question, with City, Castle, and Indy, I'm really impressed with Lego's 2008 line-up. Unfortunately though, Lego quality is slipping, and I knew that Bionicle would cause it. Notice the plastic used in Bionicle. Notice the new Lego pieces (softer, less brittle). Not good. I find more and more pieces using the softer plastic. These pieces do not line up the same and will probably not last as long. I still have sets and pieces from the 70s. New Lego will not be around 20 years from now.

Q. The 3rd root of 64 is?

A. 4. What kind of sissy @$$ question is that?

Cut the kid some slack, he's doing his homework during the interview. ;-)

Q. Is there a list of all your WW mocs? You know which ones, Grave Stone? Slap me if I'm mistaken.

A. SLAP! You know the answer to that:

Official Grave Stone Web Page


My WW and Favorite Theme Index on the History & Adventure Forum: TheBrickster's Index.

Please leave feedback on the web page. I like to here what people think about the story or the MOCs.

*slaps Staudie* Just for good measure.

Q. Best IRL Lego related moment?

A. I hate your use of undefined acronyms. IRL? Do you mean EB moment. I'll answer EB moment:

I have a few:

The Sinister Secret of the Stockade thread, in which I tease Phez for secretly trying to create a separatist movement with pirate fans.


Probably: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night thread. I really enjoyed some of the wit shared by Athos and other members- it was classic! You should read it if you've never done so. The Fantasy Island and Star Trek humor was too funny.


Mystery Ship, primarily because of Hinckley's role as the Captain. I think what made parts of the story really funny were humorous character descriptions combined with good acting.

*begins humming the theme to the Love Boat* Er, sorry.

Q. And your biggest moment of glory here on EuroBricks?

A. Your hardest question, to answer truthfully. I don't know. I've never felt glorious nor do I think I want to be. I want to contribute in a positive manner and give back what EB has given me all of these years. It's a great site, unlike no other. I am small and would not change the face of EB if I were to leave today.

I've hosting the Murder Mysteries, but nothing worthy of glory.

Q. Am I annoying?

A. No, I always read that in all the interviews, but don't think so. I know that some have said yes. Actually, you've introduced a number of really good questions, and in reading someone else's interview, you don't think the questions are easy to answer, but they really make you think (at least me). I don't find you annoying and think you and IS should be thanked for bringing these interviews to EB. Very creative and interesting to read about people you have corresponded with for years.

We enjoy bringing these to the community. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what theme we like, we're all LEGO fans deep inside, and it's good to get to know a little more about each other. If we can provide a bit of that, we're happy.

Q. Any last words you'd like to say before answering the final question and being thrown back into the StarGate?

A. As I mentioned to you before, I didn't want to answer too many personal questions. I appreciate you sticking with Lego and EB related questions only.

He wanted to ask underwear questions, but I told him no.

Q. Who should we interview Next?

A. Are you actually going to listen? If so, I think Batbrick would be an interesting choice.

You never know...

Thanks for joining us, it's been a pleasure as always!

In keeping with the theme of the evening... Bring on the dancin' girls! *wub*

We have dancing girls? 8-

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Great interview, with very complete answers *y*

Thanks to TheBrickster for taking the time to answer so precisely :-)

And thanks to imperialshadows and Stauder for their fantastic interviews. We really appreciate your work *y*

Btw, I too would really like to see an interview with Batbrick ;-)



Great interview guys, its always great to hear about one of my favourite members, the mysterious TheBrickster!

In addition, I did not want to be labelled as an individual who liked a single theme, as I collect many and have a pretty diverse collection that spans many years.

Good choice, I wish I had done that too, Batbrick is a name I like but I find it too limiting, I like so many themes...

I enjoy mystery and those things that are not always visible on the surface, by the naked eye. I am not a fan of "hack and slash", serial killer, or blood and gore movies. Rather, I enjoy suspense and irony, much like Twilight Zone stories. Rod Sterling was a great screen writer that is perfect example of the types of stories that I enjoy most.

Ah, another thing we have in common, Twilight Zone is one of my favourite shows, the twists and opening/ending narrations really do it for me. I speak of course of the original series, not the remake, as you say Rod Sterling was a great writer, and I always enjoyed his unorthodox narrations for each episode, very unsettling.

As an example, Batbrick recently shared a vignette and short story completely unrelated to Ghost Town that he indicated was inspired by my Grave Stone story. Before he did so; however, he asked me if I would mind if he did so. Of course I did not mind and actually enjoyed reading it (I will provide feedback a little later). I really respect the fact that Batbrick did this, even though he did not have to do so, and that his MOC was completely unrelated.

:-$ , thanks, I really enjoy your Grave Stone universe, its rare that such a great string of originality is seen, so thankyou for letting me use you as inspiration.

Are you actually going to listen? If so, I think Batbrick would be an interesting choice.
Btw, I too would really like to see an interview with Batbrick blink.gif

:-$ , thanks guys, I really enjoyed both of your interviews, you really are fantastic.

Thanks TheBrickster for your excellent replies, I really enjoy reading indepth answers and its been great getting to know you on EB (or as much as I can with someone as mysterious as you ;-) )

Its also great to see such a great taste in cinema, I see you have quite varied genres with your favourites.

I just wish to know one thing, if you don't mind answering that is, I'm fine if you don't wish to, but do you know what started your love of mysteries and suspense?

To the Bricksignal! >:-)


Glad everyone is enjoying this one! *y*

I was messing around in the studio and noticed that we were filming during some of those outtakes, so I'm going to add some footage to the interview. >:-)

Enjoy! ;-)


Great interview and great answers from TheBrickster too! *sweet* Thanks to all involved, including the pikeman... :-D It was a nice excuse for Shadows to play with Lego too! X-D

Mystery Ship, primarily because of Hinckley's role as the Captain. I think what made parts of the story really funny were humorous character descriptions combined with good acting.
|-/ He would have been nothing without me to play against. I'll be speaking to my manager.
Great interview and great answers from TheBrickster too! *sweet* Thanks to all involved, including the pikeman... :-D It was a nice excuse for Shadows to play with Lego too! X-D |-/ He would have been nothing without me to play against. I'll be speaking to my manager.

Actually, you'd be surprised what I might have done on my own. *wacko* But, in this case you are right. I had a great "straight man" to play off of. ;-)

Great interview here! It's nice to learn more about the enigmatic TheBrickster. I really enjoyed this one. Thanks guys! :-)


I love the pics. I think shadows wil lstart doing them, since hi's photography is very good. :-D

Andyway, this interview was made because as most know, We like to confuse The Brickster And Brikminer :-P

Stauder *y*

Great interview, with very complete answers *y*

Thanks to TheBrickster for taking the time to answer so precisely :-)

You're welcome Luxor, and thank you for that feedback. Just like a great Lego MOC, it's all about the details.

I just wish to know one thing, if you don't mind answering that is, I'm fine if you don't wish to, but do you know what started your love of mysteries and suspense?

Great question BB. My interest in mysteries and suspense probably spans a lifetime. First, I would say that in the late 70s, early 80s, we did not have as many toys as children do now. I think children growing up without all the toys and video games creates a high level of creativity and imagination, esp. with books, television, and movies. I enjoyed movies from a very early age, esp. those of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror variety. I can't exactly explain it, but even with great special effects now, movies have lost a certain level of suspense and adventure. They're all about shooting and explosions, rather than suspense, intrigue, and mystery. I'm getting off-topic, but let me just say that I'm sure early exposure to good mystery stories have influenced me.

I also remember watching great cartoons like Scooby Doo and Johnny Quest as a kid. The stories to these cartoons were well-written and had such great characters, villains, and, story-line. I enjoyed them immensely and still watch them from time-to-time.

I also did a lot of reading of HP Lovecraft, Steven King, August Derleth, some Edgar Allen Poe (and others). These outstanding horror and mystery writers peeked my interest in horror and fantasy.

Halloween esp. peeks my interest and curiosity every year, and I enjoy the holiday very much. Not the dress-up, but rather the spooky stories. I even had some friends over one year and we took turns reading/telling scary stories (what a great thing to do if you have never done so). I've also hosted a Murder Mystery once, although I never participated in one; something I'd love to do.

And lastly, I have this interest in old Ghost Towns. Perhaps it's just the name, or the thought of something sinister behind the tattered shades of the old wooden building watching you (OK, I'm getting in story mode again). Strike that thought. I visited a few Ghost Towns as a child and remember them. Perhaps they left a lasting impression that only a psychiatrist could figure out. Let's just say that wondering what is behind the curtain, always sparks my curiosity.

Well, I hope I answered your question to some degree.

Great interview and great answers from TheBrickster too!

Oh, I'm sorry, how could I have forgotten the equally impressive acting of Sinner who played the part of Chief Engineer, Jim Doohan, aka "Scotty". - sorry about that. :-$

Even though he's a girl

Boy, don't make me have to open up a 6-pack of whoop @$$ on you!

Check out my title change! Between you and the TinyPieGuy, you guys are in for it! >:-(

A very fine interview, interesting and informative. The setting

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. This is a great example of how well an interview can go when you have a guest who is willing to provide in-depth answers. *y*

I loved the setting to. Nice job goes to IS and Stauder (not sure which of them designed it and took the photos).

Thanks! This was the first interview since I picked up a new camera, so I took a few minutes (didn't think of it until after I posted the interview itself) and threw together a sort of desert set out of parts I had handy. It made me realise just how lacking my WW parts assortment is (I came out of my dark ages after they were pretty much gone). That is something I need to correct at some point.

On the other hand, you can always tell a Staudie set because it includes a tank and I have the scariest red cape in history. :-| ;-)

On the other hand, you can always tell a Staudie set because it includes a tank and I have the scariest red cape in history. :-| ;-)

Gotcha ;-) .

But I still think that the interview questions need to make the person cry. Hard emotional questions that cause a "swirley" in ones mind - kinda like windmills.


Ahh, an excellent interview of our illustrious, yet mysterious member, TheBrickster.

This is a great interview with lots of information provided by TB.


This is a great interview with lots of information provided by TB.

Thanks. I try to be complete without revealing too much.

Good interview, like always.

Glad you enjoyed Lord S. It's quite flattering to be able to share info about yourself to others.

Posted (edited)

As I reread the interview I came across a detail I missed (since this was a very good Q/A interview) that Brickster was the original creator of the WW Ghost Town theme.Quite surprising, as I had always thought Brickminer came up with the idea 8-| He never mentioned Brickster as the creator......


Edited by Piranha
Posted (edited)

What a wonderfully in depth review! *y* Thanks to imperialshadows and Stauder for bringing this to us, and great job TheBrickster with providing fantastic answers! *y* *y*


Edited by iamded

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