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A quiet day ended with the demise of Tony (jluck). The jurors seemed to be like lambs to the slaughter, falling silently into line behind Gary Johnson (Kintober).

"Mama mia! You can't do this me-!"


Night fell, and a dark shadow snuck out to do its dastardly business.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up."


With that bold statement, Gary lunged at the shadow, knocking the gun from its hand!


"Now let's find out who you really are, Ballagio scum!"


It was none other than Tina Hooper (Umbra-Manis)!

"Tina! I trusted you! I protected you!"

Tina snarled back "That was your mistake!"

Gary steadied the gun and levied it at Tina's head.

"I'm going to finish this once and for all."


"GARY! Put the gun down!" boomed the judge, emerging from the emergency elevator access hatch. 

"She's too dangerous to be left alive! I have to finish this!"

"Gary... if you do you're no better than them. Give me the gun."

Gary sighed and passed the gun to Judge Justuss.


"Thank you Gary. You're making the right choice..."



"...just not for you."


"Nice work Tina. That's all of them. I'm afraid we don't have enough jurors for a trial anymore, but we can still get Sleaze out. I don't care either way, as long as I get my money. Our driver is bringing the car around, you go retrieve the boss. He's in block A113 on the ground floor."

"And what are you going to do?" inquired Tina. 

"I've got a... surprise for our friend Anthony."


There was just one small problem... Chief McCain had other plans. Dawn broke over a police barricade.

"Come out with your hands up! We will shoot!"


The judge emerged, a gun and detonator in his hands.

"Evening gentlemen... let's not make this harder than it needs to be. I'm holding here a deadman's trigger. You kill me and you, me, my colleagues, your colleagues, what's rest of the jury, and this whole city block goes up in one big fireball."

The Chief let loose an exasperated sigh and turned to his officers. 

"Guns down men. Let them go. I want a bomb squad and SWAT team sweeping the building ASAP."


Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder) was one such hostage. As a matter of fact, he was the only hostage. 

"Last time I was chained up to a box of explosives, it was by a group of scantily-clad Caribbean women on the island of Guetamala... I think I preferred that to a crusty old judge, but hey, I'll take what I can get."

Back down at street-level, the Ballagio's driver arrived Jared Hartman (Kwatchi)!


"Get in losers, we're running from the law!"


"Right on time Jared. Thank you for indulging my sense of humor,  Chief. I'm sure we'll meet again."

"This isn't over!" yelled the Chief through gritted teeth.

"Well of course not. We're only just beginning!"


Congratulations to the winners, the Ballagio Crime Family, consisting of Umbra-Manis and Kwatchi!


Huge thanks to everyone for playing, I had a blast hosting. Full roles, actions, thoughts, and player analysis to follow.



Edited by mediumsnowman

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Gary Johnson, played by Kintober - Killed in conclusion - Town Doctor


Jared Hartman, played by Kwatchi - Ballagio Crime Family


Tina Hooper, played by Umbra-Manis - Ballagio Crime Family


Tony, played by jluck - Lynched Day 6 - Vanilla Town


Anthony Dodson, played by Actor Builder - Taken hostage in conclusion - Backup Doctor


Cathy Bridger, played by Drunknok - Fell ill day 1, replaced by Jimmy Hessler (Steamdemon) - Backup Doctor


Jimmy Hessler, played by Steamdemon - Committed suicide Day 2, replaced by Anthony Dodson (Actor Builder) - Backup Doctor


Alan Andrews, played by KotZ - Killed Night 2 - Moletti Crime Family


Harry Oldman, played by fhomess - Killed Night 2 - Vanilla Town


Dez Hunter, played by Forresto - Lynched Day 3 - Vanilla Town


Amanda Callahan, played by Khscarymovie4 - Lynched Day 4 - Vanilla Town


Brock Martin, played by Tariq j - Killed Night 4 - Moletti Crime Family


Clifford Schauer, played by LegoMonorailFan - Killed Night 4 - Vanilla Town


Stephanie Diaz, played by Lady K - Lynched Day 5 - Vanilla Town



Night 1:

Kintober protects Lady K

Ballagio's kill jluck (failed since both teams target same person)

Moletti's kill jluck (failed since both teams target same person)


Night 2:

Kintober protects Lady K

Ballagio's kill KotZ

Moletti's kill fhomess


Night 3:

Kintober protects Lady K

Ballagio's kill Khscarymovie4 (failed since both teams target same person)

Moletti's kill Khscarymovie4 (failed since both teams target same person)


Night 4:

Kintober protects Lady K

Ballagios kill Tariq j

Moletti's kill LegoMonorailFan


Night 5:

Kintober protects Actor Builder

Ballagio's kill Actor Builder (failed since he was protected)


Night 6: 

Kintober protects Umbra-Manis

Ballagio's kill Kintober

The game is based on Fire and Ice from the mafiascum.net wiki with the addition of a backup doctor to account for the missing vanilla town. It's really designed to see if a game where scumhunting only on voting patterns can be successful - while 2 kills a night may seem high the two doctors and chance for the kills to cancel out gives the town a lot of time to analyze activity in thread. Unfortunately it's harder than it seems as evidenced by the fact town lynched only other townies. You have to give Kwatchi and UM credit though - they did a great job saying the right things at the right time to fly under the radar and turn Lady K, Kintober, and jluck against each other.

Moletti's got eliminated entirely by accident, which I personally thought was hilarious. :grin: Activity was pretty good, with the exception of parts of Days 2 and 5 - people also really got into their characters, which was great, especially Actor Builder, Forresto, and Khscarymovie4.

Short-lived Moletti Scumboard: https://123.writeboard.com/br1ut3pnwkn1yykc0yy5yzf2 Pass: ballagiosucks

Ballagio Scumboard: https://123.writeboard.com/k0id21oe5u0uamrrm8peyoss Pass: crimeisgood

Deadboard: https://123.writeboard.com/ewes5b3nvbblmt50q8dms21w Pass: hahaudied

Well I applaud the scum team, they played a flawless game! Our host was wonderful. Threads were on time, pictures were great, and the story was strong! Also, the game was very uniquely designed. The role choices were interesting. I think this clearly shows that voting patterns are often useless. I thought that no lynches on days 1 and 2 weren’t really a bad thing. 

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Player Analysis:

Cathy Bridger/drunknok - You started really well. You were active, focused, and engaged. I think you would have gone far if you hadn't fallen ill - though we wouldn't have gotten to experience AB's clothes tossing. :laugh: I really hope you come back for some future games. Your comment about men "planting their wood" was hilarious.

Jimmy Hessler/Steamdemon - Well... I must apologize, I'm afraid I was a little terse with you in PM, but I was understandably frustrated. Mafia is a big time commitment and dropping out mere hours after being subbed out is not going to win you any favors with the community. I wish you'd powered through it, you might have gotten out of the lynch with a roleclaim, though you probably would have been killed soon after anyways. *huh* Play a school before coming back... though I haven't seen any new ones since I started playing in 2015.

Alan Andrews/KotZ - Ah, the classic paradox of the seasoned veteran. I'm afraid you were metagamed by a young scum team, revealing the second scum team far quicker than I anticipated. You were playing well before your untimely death, and were active on the deadboard, which is fantastic. :thumbup: Just make sure to stay away from any math! :wink:

Harry Oldman/fhomess - You ended up in the same position as KotZ. Harry was one of the first characters I made for this game and honestly one of my favorites. You brought a great gruff veneer to your character and I wish you had lasted longer. Ah well. Please do keep signing up - I think I speak for everyone when I say we really do appreciate your participation.

Dez Hunter/Forresto - You played your character very well too. The constant booze jokes were great, though we're a bit far from the prohibition era. :look: I think you had the right idea questioning Lady K's contacts, but the wording came off as fishing and you rightfully got lynched for it. Just need to be a bit more... subtle, if you get what I mean.

Amanda Callahan/Khscarymovie4 - You got off to a strong start, though inactivity in the later days really hurt you. Scum teams had you pegged for a threat, buying the town an extra day when they both targeted you Night 3. Not bad, but not great.

Brock Martin/Tariq j - You were in a tough position losing your teammate right out of the gate, but you buckled down and flew under the radar. Nobody suspected you,and I for sure thought it would be you vs. Kintober vs. jluck vs. Kwatchi in the endgame. That would have been nuts. Great job :thumbup:

Clifford Schauer/LegoMonorailFan - You were a bit jumpy Day 1 but really settled down to play a solid game. You were active and made reasoned and thoughtful posts. You did well not overreacting to a handful of votes on Day 1, when a lot of new players would have gotten really defensive. I hope you sign up for more games, you've got a future in this section of the forum! :wink:

Stephanie Diaz/Lady K - Lady K... what can I say that hasn't already been said? :blush: You were active and engaged with laser-sharp focus, though that focus often was misplaced. You're a strong voice leading the town and I'd hate to play against you when you're scum. You got a bit of tunnel-vision on jluck which hurt both of you in the long run. Kintober, the only confirmed townie, voting against you pretty much sealed your fate and left the town with little hope of pulling it off, though you certainly did your part. Not bad at all.

Anthony Dodson/Actor Builder - Clothes tossing was excellent. 10/10. You were in a tough spot coming in off the heels of two widely-suspected newbies but managed to weasle your way out of it. Impressive, most impressive. 

Tony/jluck - Your feud with Lady K really doomed the town, but you managed to stave off your lynch despite being suspected since Day 1. You were active and engaged,a nd it's too bad you didn't push harder to try and shift the train onto Kwatchi during Day 6. I'm not sure anything would happen without getting Kintober to switch first, but you never know. 

Tina Hooper/Umbra-Manis - Great game, you avoided suspicion almost the entire time and managed to get away with a few penalty votes. I wish you had been a little more active, but I know real life always comes first. And I can't fault you too much since you won. :laugh:

Jared Hartman/Kwatchi - Possibly one of the most impressive performances I've seen from a first-time player. Your fixation on Lady K may have seemed a bit odd, but you played it off well as an earnest townie. Great job not overreacting to Kintober's suspicions in-thread on Day 5 and 6, though your freakouts on the scumboard were kind of hilarious. I also don't have a clue what the hell you were trying to do with that binary thing either. Taking the software developer character to heart, I see. :grin: I think you would be do great as scum in a larger game with more teammates to bounce your ideas off of. You were the first one to put together that the kills canceled out, though UM talked you out of it. 

Gary Johnson/Kintober - The sole town PR. You played a solid game, and your hunch about Actor Builder really paid off Night 5, buying the town an extra day. I think it was finished when you voted for Lady K - she wasn't confirmed but without any PR's claiming it was your best chance at getting any sort of block together. The theory about Lady K buddying up for protection falls apart a but when you start to examine it more closely, though it isnt too far-fetched. That's where you need a block to bounce theories off of, though that is very difficult when you expect the game to have 1 or 2 investigative roles. By the time you realized it was too late. Still, you played well, and the town has you to thank for lasting so long.


One last note:

KotZ and Lady K will appreciate this...

The original scum teams were Tariq and Lady K on one and KotZ and Kwatchi on the other, but I really h*cked up bad by PM'ing each the wrong scumboard links, each listing the opposing scum teams. KotZ brought this to my attention, and I went into damage control mode, deleting writeboards and editing Lady K and UM's PM's to switch their roles since they hadn't read them yet. I played off my mistake with KotZ as an Excel error. Lady K apparently recieved two PM's, but it didn't matter since I had already killed the writeboards and the scum partners weren't listed in the PM. 

...that was a close one. :look:


I think Kintober will be hosting some sort of game next, which sounds great :wub:, but I'm already looking beyond that - if anyone wants to host please PM Dragonator, he's always looking for pitches! If you can commit the time to it hosting is a blast and very rewarding. 

I have already been tossing around some ideas in my head for a larger 1920's Titantic game over the summer, but I'd need a cohost - please PM me if you might be interested! :wink:

Good game scum! You guys played well!

How horrifying knowing I was the only town PR. Was Actor Builder actually the Back Up Doctor like he claimed in a PM chain? That came outta nowhere and I want to know if it was true. :tongue:

As for why I drew suspicion on Steph, part of it was because I got busy and couldn't react to what had gone down, part of it was because I did wonder why I wasn't in the deadboard days after I role claimed. I genuinely got suspicious of Steph.

As for myself, I do want to host something soon. It won't be for a few weeks, but whether it's Mafia or something a little different I'm not sure. It'll be fun, to say the least! Still running through potential themes, but I've got a few ideas... :yoda:

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Yes, he really was a backup doc. :wink:

Good job scums!

What a strange game!

Fun stuff. Thanks for putting it on!

Well played scum! And once again excellent job hosting Medium :thumbup:, to echo Jluck, the story pics, and characters were very strong. The kill cancelling mechanic really threw me off since I was sure there was a blocker out there and it was just a matter of time before they revealed my name on the day thread.

I'm usually good at spotting contradictions, but this was a whole new level for me. I'm going to wait for the next Mafia school before I try again. Oh well, Well played Kwatchi!

(So the judge was in on this the whole time?)

Again, apologies for the drop out. Where's my dunce cap?

Great game @mediumsnowman! I'll definitely be back for more mafia! :wink:

Great job everyone! Extra kudos to @Kwatchi! I never would have suspected you as scum. :laugh: 

Thanks for having me @mediumsnowman.   While I am still trying to get me head around the revealed set-up at the moment, I did enjoy myself (except for the start of day 4 ofc).

And the binary solution table was a solid idea!  I swear!

Awesome game Medium!  :sweet:  Thanks for hosting it. 

Good job to the Ballagios.  I'll echo everything already said about the pictures, timing, and character set-up.  This was a challenging game with only the two PRs and having to base everything off of voting and conversations; or lack there of.  I sure learned a lot from this game; and it was fun.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone again in future games. 


Awesome work as Host medium! The cancelling kill mechanic is unexpected, seeing as I didn't believe you would do that. :grin:

And a big shoutout to kwatchi for covering for me a few times!

Great work, medium. This was a fantastic game to play and watch unfold. Congrats Ballagios, you guys were excellent. I think the mix-up you made with the scum teams earlier may have subconsciusly made me suspicious of LadyK, but great damage control there.

Nice job UM and Kwatchi... well hosted game, Medium.

I just read through the scumboard and... Kwatchi, what the heck was going on with that Binary stuff?

I know I play as a bit of a village idiot, but I don't think that's what's keeping me from understanding the logic in this...

What were you doing? I'm honestly curious. I can't figure it out.

On 2/12/2018 at 5:30 AM, Actor Builder said:

I just read through the scumboard and... Kwatchi, what the heck was going on with that Binary stuff?

I know I play as a bit of a village idiot, but I don't think that's what's keeping me from understanding the logic in this...

What were you doing? I'm honestly curious. I can't figure it out.

Sorry, I can't tell you. It is trade secret that has nothing to do with being over tired and trying to apply logic to an illogical situation. :blush:

16 hours ago, Kwatchi said:

Sorry, I can't tell you. It is trade secret that has nothing to do with being over tired and trying to apply logic to an illogical situation. :blush:

This is the best part of Mafia for me.  You get so worked up and paranoid about what's going on that you start to do crazy things in your head.  It's also why I generally prefer to be night killed early in the game and then watch others struggle through it while I post on the deadboard all of the obvious things people are missing...  and then find out I was wrong even with all the extra info I had.

17 hours ago, Kwatchi said:

Sorry, I can't tell you. It is trade secret that has nothing to do with being over tired and trying to apply logic to an illogical situation. :blush:

That's fair.

I didn't see this thread! :wacko:

This is one of the most riveting game of mafia i've ever played, excellently done MediumSnowMan, you are an incredible host! Everything was seamless on your end!

Well played Mafioso! Especially Kwatchi, I never seriously suspected you and you totally put me on the innocent Lady K's trail! I was played like a fiddle and I salute you!


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