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11 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Vote: Swamp Creature (KotZ) 

For voting on what may be a bandwagon. Dracula needs to eventually talk but 4 votes is a bit to high amount this early on just for someone who has not spoken yet. 

Why are you picking on Swamp Creature as opposed to one of the others who voted for Dracula.  If you think it's a bandwagon, that's fine, but why Swampy in particular?

2 hours ago, Forresto said:

Non active party goers lurk in the shadows and will have to be voted out eventually anyways. 

I'd rather vote someone who isn't active now then someone who is active, because active people run their mouths.

Active party goers provide evidence to their own destruction. Active party goers townie or mafioso provide clues to the overall mystery while non-active party goers do not.


Day One votes are usually unfounded in claims against each other because there are not patterns of behavior or demeanor yet to go off of. 

To vote on day one because you find someone suspicious is a shot in the dark. 

So unless Dracula suddenly becomes very active, they're the only one right now that should be voted out, because once again regardless of allegiance, if they aren't active they aren't helping us find out who is innocent and who is not. 

Vote Dracula people or don't vote at all!

I think you're pursuing this far too strongly.  Yes, an inactive townie can be a distraction, but it's always better to give people time to speak for themselves.  There were four extremely quick votes for Dracula.  That should be enough to get him talking.  It's far better for us to look at everyone, get people talking about their opinions and reasoning behind their vote.  By focusing on someone who hasn't said anything you're essentially telling us all to shut it down for now.  That doesn't seem very conducive towards learning more about people.

Vote: Zombie Groom (Forresto)

As for the Miller claim... I need to think about that one a bit.  Zombie Cheerleader... why did you wait until voting had started to declare it?

1 hour ago, Forresto said:

However if they stay in the game they could take crucial votes away at a critical junction when we have someone more likely to be scum nailed down.

Not always though. I remember in another life of mine over in Brickywood there were a couple of players who were inactive during the first few days, and then piped up as the game went on. 

In a small game, numbers matter, and maybe you're right, maybe Dracula won't do anything useful, but if he's town, then having that one more townie alive may make the difference between a win and a loss. 

18 minutes ago, fhomess said:

Why are you picking on Swamp Creature as opposed to one of the others who voted for Dracula.  If you think it's a bandwagon, that's fine, but why Swampy in particular?

I think you're pursuing this far too strongly.  Yes, an inactive townie can be a distraction, but it's always better to give people time to speak for themselves.  There were four extremely quick votes for Dracula.  That should be enough to get him talking.  It's far better for us to look at everyone, get people talking about their opinions and reasoning behind their vote.  By focusing on someone who hasn't said anything you're essentially telling us all to shut it down for now.  That doesn't seem very conducive towards learning more about people.

Vote: Zombie Groom (Forresto)

As for the Miller claim... I need to think about that one a bit.  Zombie Cheerleader... why did you wait until voting had started to declare it?

I will change my vote if they become more active.

I gave my reason and my logic.

If you disagree fine. 

But they still haven't shown up to defend themselves. 

I have given them ample time to do so. 


As for being forceful, I find it far more damaging to the town to not vote out someone on day one

3 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

Not always though. I remember in another life of mine over in Brickywood there were a couple of players who were inactive during the first few days, and then piped up as the game went on. 

In a small game, numbers matter, and maybe you're right, maybe Dracula won't do anything useful, but if he's town, then having that one more townie alive may make the difference between a win and a loss. 

What i'm saying though is that if we vote someone out today, its going to be a huge risk we vote a townie out.

You're right, it could be Dracula is quiet now and picks up later in the game. I'd love that.

However if we're going to take the risk and vote someone out today, it might as well be the unknown variable who has no pattern or any opinions we can analyze and track. 


If we don't want to vote someone out that's fine, but scattering our votes does nothing but aid the scum.

If we don't want to vote for someone then lets all at least be honest.

My apologies, everyone. I simply have not found the time to post recently. I will be more active. Anyways, on to business.

13 hours ago, jluck said:

Just to give ya'll something to talk about and maybe evaluate some reactions (and also because it's the best/only strategy to employ in my situation), I'll toss this out there:

I'm the Town Miller. This always provides some substance to discuss as opposed to the day 1 fluff. Have at it!

Well, this seems kind of suspicious, but like Maws said, it would be way more suspicious if she claimed after being investigated. It seems reasonable for a Miller to claim now.

2 hours ago, Forresto said:

But we don't know their allegiance. 

If we vote someone out today its 50/50 they're scum or townie, and there's no way to know other wise this early.

We can track the patterns of those who are active, and then vote for them when we have evidence at a more critical moment. 

Someone whose non-active will be voted out eventually. Its inevitable. 

However if they stay in the game they could take crucial votes away at a critical junction when we have someone more likely to be scum nailed down.


My point is they are just as dangerous to the town, innocent or scum, because they don't provide us clues to their allegiance, and if they are innocent scum can use them later onto divert votes away if a scum is on the voting block.

Dracula is a threat until they participate more frequently. 

50/50? Those odds seem high, day one lynches are almost always town. I do agree with everything else you said, and promise to be more active.

15 hours ago, LegoRacer1 said:

Vote: Maws (mediumsnowman)

 A vote at the time with no reason.  This was explained later as a vote to get him talking

14 hours ago, Actor Builder said:

Vote: Frankenstein's Monster (LegoRacer1)

However, this was an immediate vote after the one above; also with no reason given.  Care to share you thoughts now?

13 hours ago, jluck said:

Just to give ya'll something to talk about and maybe evaluate some reactions (and also because it's the best/only strategy to employ in my situation), I'll toss this out there:

I'm the Town Miller. This always provides some substance to discuss as opposed to the day 1 fluff. Have at it!

Fluff can be fun on day one and get people talking.  As to the claim, it could be legit and it could be scum, claiming early to avoided an investigation and thus to survive a little longer.  I won't address this yet with concern, as it is way too early to tell.

12 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:




Hey let's hold out horses why don't we? I looked in on Dracula and it appears he was only awake during the first hour of the day (vampires do sleep alot). It's possible he has not even seen the day being up, though I do agree we should try and get him to talk when he gets online. The main thing that scares me about these votes is that there is already 4 for one person. That's half needed for a lynch. 

Vote: Swamp Creature (KotZ) 

For voting on what may be a bandwagon. Dracula needs to eventually talk but 4 votes is a bit to high amount this early on just for someone who has not spoken yet. 

He only has 4 votes out of the 8 needed to lynch?  You do seem a little too concerned this early about the amount of votes on him.  I pointed out I wanted him to talk; so I placed a vote. He hasn't said a word yet; and if I am correct he is the only one who hasn't posted even once on our first day in this lovely old house.  

However, I see now he is here.  My vote stays till I can see what he has to say.

Here are two trains of thought:

1.  He hasn't said anything; what is the possibility he is a loyal party goer?  Past experience says more than likely.  But if we get rid of a more talkative person and he is just as quiet tomorrow then we have lost more than we have gained.

2.  The no lynch situation; past experience, recently, has not lead to anything good except more days of no lynch and quiet people still around.


8 hours ago, Steamdemon said:

Ok, I'm gonna Vote: Frankenstein's Rocker (Legoracer1)

Reazzon? Zzharkzz are cool, especially Mawzz...(by the way, thizz is not a cozztume, I am litterally a mutant fly...pleazze zzend help)

I'm open to changing my vote, if I zzee a compelling arguement...


Ok, so you first withheld your vote because you didn't have a reason and now you just vote without reason?  Explain please.

4 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Because like I already said he has half the majority votes, and I think that may not be a good thing this early in in the game. 

True but he still needs a total of 8 for a lynch and that could swing at anytime; you still seem too concerned this early.

2 hours ago, Tariq j said:

To be fair though, he's had more than ample time to come on and defend himself. The reason why I'm not voting for him is precisely this though, if we vote someone who talks we have something to go on the next day.

Yes, but what if tomorrow portrays the same; and he says nothing or very little.  I understand your point; its a risk either way.....as is a no lynch.  However, I'm not sure on choosing someone more talkative; tomorrow that person will still be just as talkative which is always more useful for town.

2 hours ago, jluck said:

The other problem with voting for him is that it's usually townies who are not engaged. Scum players are usually engaged in the game to avoid suspicion. Vanilla town players often don't care as much. I'd be ok offing him for inactivity, but it's far to early to suspect him as scum. 

True, as past experience has proven.  However in past lives (and I have had many, as have you) scum have pulled the same tactic to remain under the radar.  Again it is a risk either way.

I'm open to options but, after my most previous life, I'm not sure a no lynch is a good idea.


11 minutes ago, Rider Raider said:

My apologies, everyone. I simply have not found the time to post recently. I will be more active. Anyways, on to business.

Well, this seems kind of suspicious, but like Maws said, it would be way more suspicious if she claimed after being investigated. It seems reasonable for a Miller to claim now.

50/50? Those odds seem high, day one lynches are almost always town. I do agree with everything else you said, and promise to be more active.

Welcome.  You mention on to business but give.....No vote?  Or other thoughts on the vote choices so far?

30 minutes ago, Lady K said:

 Welcome.  You mention on to business but give.....No vote?  Or other thoughts on the vote choices so far?

There was nobody who seemed overly suspicious when I wrote that post, but now that I look back I notice this:

3 hours ago, Forresto said:

Vote Dracula people or don't vote at all!

That seems really counter-productive. Are you trying to suggest that we stop voting for other people just because of one inactive person? That would really benefit the mafia, having a day with no purpose except mindlessly bandwagoning on a townie.

Vote: Zombie Groom (Forresto)

4 minutes ago, Rider Raider said:

There was nobody who seemed overly suspicious when I wrote that post, but now that I look back I notice this:

That seems really counter-productive. Are you trying to suggest that we stop voting for other people just because of one inactive person? That would really benefit the mafia, having a day with no purpose except mindlessly bandwagoning on a townie.

Vote: Zombie Groom (Forresto)

I find it curious how obviously you misconstrue my logic to divert attention from you, especially only when pressed upon why, when you finally posted, why you didn't contribute any form of analysis of the day. 

Please reread my earlier post, especially the parts in bold.

3 hours ago, Forresto said:

But we don't know their allegiance. 

If we vote someone out today its 50/50 they're scum or townie, and there's no way to know other wise this early.

We can track the patterns of those who are active, and then vote for them when we have evidence at a more critical moment. 

Someone whose non-active will be voted out eventually. Its inevitable. 

However if they stay in the game they could take crucial votes away at a critical junction when we have someone more likely to be scum nailed down.


My point is they are just as dangerous to the town, innocent or scum, because they don't provide us clues to their allegiance, and if they are innocent scum can use them later onto divert votes away if a scum is on the voting block.

Dracula is a threat until they participate more frequently. 

1 hour ago, Forresto said:

I will change my vote if they become more active.

I gave my reason and my logic.

If you disagree fine. 

But they still haven't shown up to defend themselves. 

I have given them ample time to do so. 


As for being forceful, I find it far more damaging to the town to not vote out someone on day one

What i'm saying though is that if we vote someone out today, its going to be a huge risk we vote a townie out.

You're right, it could be Dracula is quiet now and picks up later in the game. I'd love that.

However if we're going to take the risk and vote someone out today, it might as well be the unknown variable who has no pattern or any opinions we can analyze and track. 


If we don't want to vote someone out that's fine, but scattering our votes does nothing but aid the scum.

If we don't want to vote for someone then lets all at least be honest.

Let me explain my logic for the third time now. 

When you post something its for the public to see the entire game. Its something we can track and look back on. Patterns can be identified in posts and voting to determine if someone is coasting along with little initiative, sowing confusion, backstabbing, or doing anything consistently suspicious. 

(Its also why sometimes a member of the Scum may post a lot, to create a paper trail of "good behavior" so they seem less suspicious when people analyze patterns, although this is not always the case. Back to this in a moment.)*

Day One votes have little to go on and tend to devolve into McCarthyism far quicker then usual. Its this lack of knowledge that usually results in a townie getting lynched in a Day One Vote, since there are far more innocents then scum.

In my experience from other parties i've been to, the lack of a Day One lynch can prove disastrous. I therefore believe we need to vote someone out today. 

We must then mitigate hurting the town on the chance we lynch an innocent. 

Therefore the logical response is if we have to vote, we should vote for who is the least active, the person with the smallest paper trail we can later analyze. The unknown variable.

Non active party-goers tend to draw suspicion, and if they're innocent then they're drawing suspicion away from scum. This can be devastating if scum divert votes for the suspicious quiet person in the corner when we've got someone highly suspected of being scum on the voting block.

When I voted for you, and advocated for others to follow suit, you were nowhere to be seen. 

Now you're here.

Until I see where you stand, I will not change my vote to someone else, especially with you so far from being voted out yet.


I find it curious though how you're trying to cast this on me being suspicious.

I have voiced my opinion and wear it on my sleeve. :wink:

The reazon I went for Frankenstein's Rocker was becauzze of the vote without any explanation. However, I'm going to Unvote: Frankenstein's Rocker and Vote: Dracula (Rider Raider).

Firzztly, Vampirez have a lot of weaknessess, and secondly, I really think that the zzzooner we lynch, the better...

2 hours ago, Lady K said:

 A vote at the time with no reason.  This was explained later as a vote to get him talking

However, this was an immediate vote after the one above; also with no reason given.  Care to share you thoughts now?

A vote given without explanation deserves a vote given without reason, eh?

But now that I've explained a reason, the bit's up.

UNVOTE:Frankenstein's Monster (LegoRacer1)

Ephemeral fun, i suppose. 

I have mixed feelings towards a day one lynch. However, if that's the direction we're heading, Dracula seems to be a good choice.

Might I ask of our host if we can get an updated tally?

I’ve got mixed thoughts too, I mean if we lynch Dracula, we get rid of a distraction and we can focus on active players who might be scum. Plus Dracula hasn’t offered any thoughts other than a revenge vote. But lynching an inactive player is an easy way out for the scum. And like I said earlier, Dracula’s prescience may be the difference between a win and a loss. We never know. And Dracula may have an important PR role, in one of my first parties I went too our town vig was lynched on the first day, and then an SK was able to claim Vig when they were caught killing someone. Just some food for thought there.

  • Author
26 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Might I ask of our host if we can get an updated tally?

No problem.

Current Vote Count:

Dracula (Rider Racer): 5 votes (Lady K, Lord Duvors, Forresto, KotZ, Steamdemon)
Maws (mediumsnowman): 1 votes (LegoMonorailFan)
Frankenstein's Monster (LegoRacer1): 2 votes (mediumsnowman, Tariq j)
Swamp Creature (KotZ): 1 vote (Khscarymovie8)
Zombie Groom (Forresto): 2 vote (fhomess, Rider Raider)

Non voting: jluck

With 14 players left, it takes a majority of 8 votes to lynch someone. 24 Hours Remain.

4 hours ago, fhomess said:

Why are you picking on Swamp Creature as opposed to one of the others who voted for Dracula.  If you think it's a bandwagon, that's fine, but why Swampy in particular?I

Because he was the one who made the vote halfway to a lynch. The first 2 votes were there to try and get Dracula too talk and to share their suspicious, which I think makes sense for a day 1 vote, but how quickly the vote on the old man spread has me a little scared. 


3 hours ago, Lady K said:

He only has 4 votes out of the 8 needed to lynch?  You do seem a little too concerned this early about the amount of votes on him.  I pointed out I wanted him to talk; so I placed a vote. He hasn't said a word yet; and if I am correct he is the only one who hasn't posted even once on our first day in this lovely old house.  


True but he still needs a total of 8 for a lynch and that could swing at anytime; you still seem too concerned this early.


Like I said above the first votes made sense, just the fact the votes escalated so quickly and early on in the day has me a bit scared. 


1 hour ago, Steamdemon said:

The reazon I went for Frankenstein's Rocker was becauzze of the vote without any explanation. However, I'm going to Unvote: Frankenstein's Rocker and Vote: Dracula (Rider Raider).

Firzztly, Vampirez have a lot of weaknessess, and secondly, I really think that the zzzooner we lynch, the better...

Any reason? I know this is (sort of) your first time at one of these but if you vote for someone you should have a reason.

16 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Hey let's hold out horses why don't we? I looked in on Dracula and it appears he was only awake during the first hour of the day (vampires do sleep alot). It's possible he has not even seen the day being up, though I do agree we should try and get him to talk when he gets online. The main thing that scares me about these votes is that there is already 4 for one person. That's half needed for a lynch. 

Vote: Swamp Creature (KotZ) 

For voting on what may be a bandwagon. Dracula needs to eventually talk but 4 votes is a bit to high amount this early on just for someone who has not spoken yet. 

Sorry all, been down sick today. At the time of this post, Dracula made his first post four hours ago. Sure, he gave reasoning, but it's not great. And I was what, third or fourth vote? I'd barely call that bandwagoning

51 minutes ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Because he was the one who made the vote halfway to a lynch. The first 2 votes were there to try and get Dracula too talk and to share their suspicious, which I think makes sense for a day 1 vote, but how quickly the vote on the old man spread has me a little scared


Like I said above the first votes made sense, just the fact the votes escalated so quickly and early on in the day has me a bit scared


Any reason? I know this is (sort of) your first time at one of these but if you vote for someone you should have a reason.

Umm...scared? That's a strange choice of words. What's so scary? 

I too don't understand what is so scary?

All I will say is indecision will not serve us.

2 hours ago, Kintobor said:

No problem.

Current Vote Count:

Dracula (Rider Racer): 5 votes (Lady K, Lord Duvors, Forresto, KotZ, Steamdemon)
Maws (mediumsnowman): 1 votes (LegoMonorailFan)
Frankenstein's Monster (LegoRacer1): 2 votes (mediumsnowman, Tariq j)
Swamp Creature (KotZ): 1 vote (Khscarymovie8)
Zombie Groom (Forresto): 2 vote (fhomess, Rider Raider)

Non voting: jluck

With 14 players left, it takes a majority of 8 votes to lynch someone. 24 Hours Remain.

Current vote update with about 24 hrs left.

26 minutes ago, Forresto said:

I too don't understand what is so scary?

All I will say is indecision will not serve us.

Indecision will not get us anywhere at all and will hurt more than help.  I don't see how a no-lynch will benefit tomorrow, based on my last life it resulted in three days of indecision and going no where, in the end town was hurt bad by it.  So the choices are above, with Dracula with the most votes.  At this point Dracula should comment as to why we shouldn't choose him.

Also our zombie cheerleader is the only one who hasn't cast a vote at all.  Care to comment Zombie Cheerleader?


1 hour ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Because he was the one who made the vote halfway to a lynch. The first 2 votes were there to try and get Dracula too talk and to share their suspicious, which I think makes sense for a day 1 vote, but how quickly the vote on the old man spread has me a little scared. 


Like I said above the first votes made sense, just the fact the votes escalated so quickly and early on in the day has me a bit scared. 


Any reason? I know this is (sort of) your first time at one of these but if you vote for someone you should have a reason.

Dracula's revenge vote on Zombie Groom zzeemed odd... I'm not good at analyzing posts for tellzzz tbh...

I’m not saying that wanting a lynch is suspicious, I’m saying that wanting one inactive person lynched without any discussion for an alternative vote is suspicious. Other important things like the miller claim got way underdiscussed because you are trying to push “vote Dracula or don’t vote”. Yes, voting otherwise might result in a no lynch, but is a day without content really any better? If everyone voted for me because I was inactive, would the voting patterns really matter? Lynching an inactive isn’t particularly towny or scummy.

6 hours ago, Forresto said:

I will change my vote if they become more active.

I gave my reason and my logic.

If you disagree fine. 

I don't actually disagree with your reasoning and logic behind the vote.  I disagree with this:

8 hours ago, Forresto said:

Vote Dracula people or don't vote at all!

You're basically telling everyone else to stop looking elsewhere, and that bothers me.  There was a LOT of time left in the day to discuss.  A lot of time for Dracula to show up TODAY even.  If there had been just a few hours left in the day and we were in danger of no lynching, I think it's perfectly valid to get everybody on the bandwagon to push through a lynch.

3 hours ago, Steamdemon said:

The reazon I went for Frankenstein's Rocker was becauzze of the vote without any explanation. However, I'm going to Unvote: Frankenstein's Rocker and Vote: Dracula (Rider Raider).

Firzztly, Vampirez have a lot of weaknessess, and secondly, I really think that the zzzooner we lynch, the better...

What about Dracula do you find suspicious?  We don't need to get the lynch sooner... just to complete it before the end of the day.  (FWIW, I'm in favor of lynching today)

1 hour ago, KotZ said:

Sorry all, been down sick today. At the time of this post, Dracula made his first post four hours ago. Sure, he gave reasoning, but it's not great. And I was what, third or fourth vote? I'd barely call that bandwagoning

Actually, that's pretty much the definition of bandwagoning.

19 minutes ago, Steamdemon said:

Dracula's revenge vote on Zombie Groom zzeemed odd... I'm not good at analyzing posts for tellzzz tbh...

It's somewhat odd, but it's mostly lazy and looks like an effort to get some heat off his back.  It's certainly not the kind of thing that will convince someone to unvote him.

7 hours ago, Kintobor said:

No problem.

Current Vote Count:

Dracula (Rider Racer): 5 votes (Lady K, Lord Duvors, Forresto, KotZ, Steamdemon)
Maws (mediumsnowman): 1 votes (LegoMonorailFan)
Frankenstein's Monster (LegoRacer1): 2 votes (mediumsnowman, Tariq j)
Swamp Creature (KotZ): 1 vote (Khscarymovie8)
Zombie Groom (Forresto): 2 vote (fhomess, Rider Raider)

Non voting: jluck

With 14 players left, it takes a majority of 8 votes to lynch someone. 24 Hours Remain.

I'm also non-voting at the time of this consensus, I believe.

16 minutes ago, Actor Builder said:

I'm also non-voting at the time of this consensus, I believe.

Join the team:laugh:

Honestly, to avoid the penalty I'll place a vote, however, I have no strong conviction at this time. As I've argued in prior games, I'm not sold on the necessity of a day 1 lynch. If we must lynch, I will target inactivity as that is useless to the town.

23 minutes ago, jluck said:

Join the team:laugh:

Honestly, to avoid the penalty I'll place a vote, however, I have no strong conviction at this time. As I've argued in prior games, I'm not sold on the necessity of a day 1 lynch. If we must lynch, I will target inactivity as that is useless to the town.

Hmm. I seem to remember a very similar situation in a very recent life where no lynching did the town no favors. This seems suspicious, but at least you are consistent throughout your lifetimes, and I really don’t see scum claiming Miller Day 1.

I’d be voting for you know if it weren’t for that claim. For now I will stay the course on Mr. Frankenstein for his unsubstantiated bandwagon vote on an innocent shark like myself.

2 hours ago, jluck said:

Join the team:laugh:

Honestly, to avoid the penalty I'll place a vote, however, I have no strong conviction at this time. As I've argued in prior games, I'm not sold on the necessity of a day 1 lynch. If we must lynch, I will target inactivity as that is useless to the town.

I forgot about the non-voting penalty.

I never cared for a first day lynch either.

Let's just vote for each other then, eh, bud?

Vote: Zombie Cheerleader (@jluck)

Personally, I've always found placing a vote useful, even if there's very little reasoning behind ot, a discussion can still be had about it. (Kind of like the discussion were having now about Dracula). 

14 hours ago, Steamdemon said:


Firzztly, Vampirez have a lot of weaknessess, and secondly, I really think that the zzzooner we lynch, the better...

Not necessarily, the sooner we lynch, means less time for people to talk, it gives scum the easy option of voting and then saying nothing. And to echo others, what is your reason for voting for Dracula?

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