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-Conclusion: The Fury of Kintobor-

The crowd dragged forth The Mummy (Actor Builder) to be todays lynch. It had been quite a turn around. The crowd cheered as The Mummy protested.
"Wait, you can't kill me! I'm the town vigilante! C'mon Kinto, can't you let me off the hook?" Kinto tuts.
"Well, I mean, you did say if you were lynched I could cut your head off, and we haven't really had a decapitation yet. I can't leave my audience hanging for one of the most memorable ways to die in a  mafia game, now can I?"
Karie looks on, somewhat confused. "I should've stayed back in Eubric. At least there the insanity makes some amount of sense."


Kintobor's great sword slashes through the Mummy's neck, severing it his head from his body. Thick, dark blood pools and sprays everywhere in an over the top display of gore. 
"Well, that was needlessly and senselessly violent." Kintobor declares. "To bed with all of you!"
Night crept over the Mad Monster Mansion.

As the night wore on, the Wolfman (LegoMonorailFan) headed outwards towards the trail that led back to the highway.
"This is getting out of hand, and I doubt there's many honest partygoers left. It should be late enough to-"


The Wolfman didn't make it far as a gunshot rang out throughout the night. A bullet from a rifle found it's way into his chest. He toppled over, dead. A ghost quickly surveyed the scene, the barrel of the rifle it was holding still smoking. "Some apex predator you turned out to be." The ghost cooed. It set the gun aside and rushed into the Mad Monster Mansion.

As the ghost exited the Mansion, it dragged with it a large safe. Despite it's speed, the safe was heavier than it looked. The ghost quickly moved across the yard before it was interrupted by an unseen watcher.
"Hands in the air, where I can see them!"

Turning around, the ghost soon found themselves staring down the barrel of a gun! The Zombie Cheerleader (luck) cocked the gun, looking proud over cornering the assailant. "I've got you cornered, you scummy murderer! I knew that if I waited long enough someone would attempt to make off with the hidden stash of gold inside the mansion! Now, I'm going to insert one of these bullets into your brain very shortly. Any final words?"
The ghost shrugged. "Yeah, how close do you like your haircuts?"

The Bride of Dracula (Lady K) swiftly swung her axe through the Zombie Cheerleader's neck, removing it from the rest of her body. Her head tumbled away as blood trickled out of her neck like a fountain.
"Wow. That was a little excessive." The Bride of Dracula responded. "Oh well. Here, let me help you with the safe. We need to get it into the getaway vehicle."

Another rifle shot rung through the air! Standing in front of a crowd, Romero the hotdog salesman lifted his rifle towards the two obvious mafia members.
"Not another step!" Romero declared. Several partygoers stood behind him. "You have a right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used in court against you!"
The ghost raised a finger towards Romero. "Wait, you're-"
"FBI. I've been in the loop on what's been going on for awhile. I knew someone in this group were members of the mafia, but I merely waited for the opportune moment to swoop in and safe the day!"

"Thank goodness!" Frankenstein's Rocker (LegoRacerfan1) cheered. "It looks like the day has been saved by federal law enforcement yet again!"
"Three cheers!" The Mutant Fly (Steamdemon) declared. "We're getting out of this alive!"
Maws (mediumsnowman) finally spoke up. "Let 'er fly!"

Machine gun fire rained down upon Romero, Frankenstein's Rocker, and the Mutant Fly! They were quickly gunned down by a mysterious, machine gun totting gunman! Maws, having ducked out of the way just in time, stood up to assess the carnage. "Well, we did it, we outnumbered the town!"
"So you did, good work, Mafia!"

Kintobor, the host of this entire fiasco, emerged from the tree line holding a smoking tommy gun. The Swamp Creature (KotZ) uncovered himself from his silly bed sheet disguise.
"Well done, Mafia! I couldn't have made enough of a distraction even if I tried! While you were distracting the Town, I managed to find the location of the stashed gold. Relaying it to you was a little harder, but good work all around!"
"So, uh, now that we've got the money, what happens next? What do we do with it?" Asks the Bride of Dracula.
"Why, the best thing to do with a stash of gold. Invest it in land development, tear down this dusty old mansion, and put up a casino and resort!" 
And there was much rejoicing.



Congratulations to the Mafia! (KotZ, Lady K, Tariq j, mediumsnowman) for a well played game! And thank you to everyone who participated in my first mafia game! I hope you all enjoyed my first foray into Mafia, and I hope you enjoyed it enough to return for an inevitable round two! I'll have some more in-depth thoughts and analysis later, but for now I'll say this was one hell of a wild game, even if most of the players never saw the behind the scenes actions that influenced the game. Your thoughts and opinions would be appreciated!

Well, shazbat. I was as much use as a chocolate lego teapot. Which would dispense hot chocolate....actually scratch that idea. Well played, mafia, well played.

I knew LadyK was mafia! 

Very fun and short game. Shocked I voted for a scummy on day 1! May there we have the dead board and scum board leaks pretty please?

Thanks! I finally survived a whole game, and I played really scummy this game. Good job fellow teammates, and there's some promising new mafia players amongst the town. Hope to play with you guys again!

Awesome job Kintober! :sweet:  This was game was a wild ride; so much fun! 

Thank you to all who played; I really hope to see all of you next game....and Kintober did hint at a round two some time.  To the new players, the more you play the better you will understand the game.   

Good job to all my scum team mates; as I said before....Best Scum Team Ever!  :grin:


Excellent game everyone! I hope to see everyone in the next when that eventually occurs!

49 minutes ago, Lady K said:

Awesome job Kintober! :sweet:  This was game was a wild ride; so much fun! 

Thank you to all who played; I really hope to see all of you next game....and Kintober did hint at a round two some time.  To the new players, the more you play the better you will understand the game.   

Good job to all my scum team mates; as I said before....Best Scum Team Ever!  :grin:

Haha I knew you were mafia this game! I was the cop.

I chose to investigate you the first night and if Actorbuilder hadn't killed me :grin: I would've known so I could reveal it to the town! 

Actually I was investigating you hoping you were town so we could form a coalition.

After I died I reread Trial by Jury and then this and I got a feeling you were playing differently. Knowing you were town last time made me suspect the change meant you were mafia. The deadboard is my proof lol

Edited by Forresto

Thanks for the game Kintober! Shorter than I expected but still fun. Best scum team ever? :look:

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to commit as much time to this game as I have in the past, but between spring semester and sports there just aren’t enough hours in the day. :grin:

Seemed to hit the sweet spot though since it seemed nobody suspected me and really didn’t have to defend myself in thread.

Town was pretty much hosed losing the cop night 1. I still can’t believe we managed to turn the lynch of KotZ into a lynch of the vig - just happened to be the perfect storm of the right people being active at the right time.

I would like to see them deadboard, if someone can post a link that would be great. Thanks again!

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Here's the link to the dead board. The password is graveyardsmash


And here's the link to the mafia board. The password is monstermash

4 minutes ago, mediumsnowman said:

Thanks for the game Kintober! Shorter than I expected but still fun. Best scum team ever? :look:

The town lynched the Doctor on Day one, and the vigilante killed the cop on night one. I'd chock it up to "luckiest" scum team ever, but you guys did play well! 

I'll have my day by day analysis up tomorrow as well as my final thoughts, but I want to once again thank all of you for sticking with me. :sweet: I had a ton of fun hosting this, and I'd be more than willing to host again in the future.

Seriously, how did we manage to turn that around? I think if that didn't happen, the game would've been a town win.

Wow, didn’t know we managed to lynch the doc too. That’s really lucky. 

Glad to see I didn’t even get mentioned on the deadboard, so my flying under the radar worked!

25 minutes ago, mediumsnowman said:

 Glad to see I didn’t even get mentioned on the deadboard, so my flying under the radar worked!

Not so fast! I mentioned all three of you mafia as being on my next-to-kill list the night before I was lynched :wink:

Although I didn't suspect you nearly as much as I did Lady K and Kotz, so good job indeed.

I think I was just too quick to kill the first night. The very first time I played mafia I was vigilante, and I was too slow to pull the trigger, I think. This time I went too far in the opposite direction. Oh well. I know better for next time.

Great job pulling that lynch around, scum. That was well played indeed.

Nicely done, scum bags!

Fun game despite how short it was.  Can we have Actor Builder as vig and Tariq as scum every game?

Great game everyone! And well down to my fellow team mates! 

To lose two crucial PR roles on the first day was unfortunate for the town. The same thing happened in Kingdoms Mafia and I think the scum won that too. 



FYI, I was Vanilla Townie.

10 hours ago, mediumsnowman said:

Thanks for the game Kintober! Shorter than I expected but still fun. Best scum team ever? :look:

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to commit as much time to this game as I have in the past, but between spring semester and sports there just aren’t enough hours in the day. :grin:

Seemed to hit the sweet spot though since it seemed nobody suspected me and really didn’t have to defend myself in thread.

Town was pretty much hosed losing the cop night 1. I still can’t believe we managed to turn the lynch of KotZ into a lynch of the vig - just happened to be the perfect storm of the right people being active at the right time.

I would like to see them deadboard, if someone can post a link that would be great. Thanks again!

Honestly, it was just that three of us survived, and we turned the lynch on Kotz around last few hours as to why I said that.

 Truly the best scum players out there are the ones that manage to infiltrate and/or lead the town block.  I have seen it happen from both scum perspective, @TinyPiesRUs, and from town perspective.   @def and @Hinckley are especially good at leading the town as scum; as well as leading the town as town. :sweet:  

10 hours ago, Forresto said:

Excellent game everyone! I hope to see everyone in the next when that eventually occurs!

Haha I knew you were mafia this game! I was the cop.

I chose to investigate you the first night and if Actorbuilder hadn't killed me :grin: I would've known so I could reveal it to the town! 

Actually I was investigating you hoping you were town so we could form a coalition.

After I died I reread Trial by Jury and then this and I got a feeling you were playing differently. Knowing you were town last time made me suspect the change meant you were mafia. The deadboard is my proof lol

I thought we had taken out the cop early; this is the risk scum take when being active and you did the right thing; would have been interesting to see it unfold had you lived and revealed me the next day to town. I always play scum as if I were town, or so I thought; I'll have to remember this for the future. :laugh:

10 hours ago, KotZ said:

Seriously, how did we manage to turn that around? I think if that didn't happen, the game would've been a town win.

I tend to stay around, time permitting, to see the end of the day for this reason.  Had ActorBuilder shown up with enough time to save himself then we would have to have chosen someone else.  


Can't say this comes as much of a surprise. Well done scum team, you played boldly as soon as you saw how the numbers played in your favor. At first I though 4 scum seemed high, but in the end I think it was mostly the unlucky town plays of killing each other that did us in.

I'm bother by how many followers we had in this game. We were lynching people for tiny reasons like not posting enough or wording something wrong because it was easier than forming a unique opinion. The voting patterns were hardly utilized at all. Hopefully, as new games crop up (soon I hope!) people see the risk in taking the easy route. 

40 minutes ago, jluck said:

We were lynching people for tiny reasons like not posting enough or wording something wrong because it was easier than forming a unique opinion. The voting patterns were hardly utilized at all. Hopefully, as new games crop up (soon I hope!) people see the risk in taking the easy route. 

I agree the voting patterns were'nt utilized as much as they could've been but I do disagree on one point.

If you're going to lynch Day One it should be for the least active person. I address this in my Day One points but in short it shaves off excess players who we'll suspect of being scummy later when we will need to actually analyze for actual scum, they aren't participatory so not providing us patterns to analyze, and there's no actual evidence to go on in Day One so its the most honest method of voting because its a crapshoot with anyone.

Otherwise don't lynch day one. That's my belief. It may seem binary but its no more scummy then lynching anyone the first day.

1 hour ago, Lady K said:

Honestly, it was just that three of us survived, and we turned the lynch on Kotz around last few hours as to why I said that.

 Truly the best scum players out there are the ones that manage to infiltrate and/or lead the town block.  I have seen it happen from both scum perspective, @TinyPiesRUs, and from town perspective.   @def and @Hinckley are especially good at leading the town as scum; as well as leading the town as town. :sweet:  

I thought we had taken out the cop early; this is the risk scum take when being active and you did the right thing; would have been interesting to see it unfold had you lived and revealed me the next day to town. I always play scum as if I were town, or so I thought; I'll have to remember this for the future. :laugh:

I tend to stay around, time permitting, to see the end of the day for this reason.  Had ActorBuilder shown up with enough time to save himself then we would have to have chosen someone else.  


If I can think of why in particular i'll let you know. It was really mostly a hunch.

I write screenplays and prose with a focus on dialogue irl so I have trained myself to focus on code switches. That doesn't mean i'm better at detecting scum more then others because this involved something I noticed while playing the last game. :grin: I try not to play meta. 

EDIT: The first clue was your pushing for a lynch day one. 

In Trial by Jury you didnt seem able to be swayed to lynch anyone Day One so your flip to push for a vote this game seemed peculiar. It made sense because that's the same reasoning I had, but I pushed for a Day One lynch the last game.

Edited by Forresto

4 minutes ago, Forresto said:

I agree the voting patterns were'nt utilized as much as they could've been but I do disagree on one point.

If you're going to lynch Day One it should be for the least active person. I address this in my Day One points but in short it shaves off excess players who we'll suspect of being scummy later when we will need to actually analyze for actual scum, they aren't participatory so not providing us patterns to analyze, and there's no actual evidence to go on in Day One so its the most honest method of voting because its a crapshoot with anyone.

Otherwise don't lynch day one. That's my belief. It may seem binary but its no more scummy then lynching anyone the first day.


Yep, my thoughts exactly.


Great game @Kintobor! Man I bet we could have won if we had lynched @KotZ. Not sure what it was but something suddenly clicked and I was like "I think the swamp creature is scum". But I was more suspicious of @Actor Builder, so when the opportunity came up I was more then eager to lynch him. 

Great job scum! @Lady K PMed me on day two, and said she felt I was hinting in the day topic that I was the town vig, and advised me that if i was the town vig, it wasn't a good idea to hint it. This immediately made me assume she was town, so It comes as a shock that she was scum! Well played.

I'll have to spend a good amount of time looking over the dead board and the scum board. :laugh: While it was awesome to play, part of me wished I could have watched it from the sidelines all while knowing who is who and seeing it all play out.


3 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Great game @Kintobor! Man I bet we could have won if we had lynched @KotZ. Not sure what it was but something suddenly clicked and I was like "I think the swamp creature is scum". But I was more suspicious of @Actor Builder, so when the opportunity came up I was more then eager to lynch him.

Yeah, I was really scummy. Pretty sure you would''ve won if the lynch wasn't turned around.

5 hours ago, jluck said:

Can't say this comes as much of a surprise. Well done scum team, you played boldly as soon as you saw how the numbers played in your favor. At first I though 4 scum seemed high, but in the end I think it was mostly the unlucky town plays of killing each other that did us in.

I'm bother by how many followers we had in this game. We were lynching people for tiny reasons like not posting enough or wording something wrong because it was easier than forming a unique opinion. The voting patterns were hardly utilized at all. Hopefully, as new games crop up (soon I hope!) people see the risk in taking the easy route. 

It was a blow to the town right away and that the scum got PRs so soon;  which made it that more difficult to form a town block.

Agreed.   Ok, scummy me aside, playing as I thought I would have as town:

 I didn't really stress analyzing voting patterns due to this being a school game.  I thought if the newer players focused more on what was being said to get a feel for who might be scum would be more helpful.  This is also why I pushed for a day 1 lynch; more as a Day 1 lynch learning experience.  And for a scum it is more important to get a Day 1 lynch than a no-lnch; of course pushing too hard would stand out as suspicious.

However in a regular game it is very important to look at both the voting pattern and un-voting patterns.  I was a little disappointed that no one pointed out how often I switch votes; even with the reasons I gave this could have been a subtle scum tell. 

3 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:


Great game @Kintobor! Man I bet we could have won if we had lynched @KotZ. Not sure what it was but something suddenly clicked and I was like "I think the swamp creature is scum". But I was more suspicious of @Actor Builder, so when the opportunity came up I was more then eager to lynch him. 

Great job scum! @Lady K PMed me on day two, and said she felt I was hinting in the day topic that I was the town vig, and advised me that if i was the town vig, it wasn't a good idea to hint it. This immediately made me assume she was town, so It comes as a shock that she was scum! Well played.

I'll have to spend a good amount of time looking over the dead board and the scum board. :laugh: While it was awesome to play, part of me wished I could have watched it from the sidelines all while knowing who is who and seeing it all play out.


I really didn't contact you to influence you into thinking I was town.  Since this is a school learning game I thought you really had hinted at being the town vig, which could get you lynched or killed if the scum pick up on it.  Keep playing; the more you play the more you learn. :grin:


1 hour ago, Lady K said:

I really didn't contact you to influence you into thinking I was town.  Since this is a school learning game I thought you really had hinted at being the town vig, which could get you lynched or killed if the scum pick up on it.  Keep playing; the more you play the more you learn. :grin:


You know its funny, I had no clue why you thought I was hinting at being the town vig, until I realized I'd wrote "vigilante" instead of "vigilant". :laugh:  Whoops!


Edited by LegoMonorailFan
Because I can :-P

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Here it is, my notes on the actions performed, as well as everyone's role:

As you can see, Day One more or less crippled the Town. The Town Doctor was lynched right off the bat, and the Town Cop murdered by the Mafia. From there, the scum managed to shift around and boil while the Vigilante went right into killing. Had the Mafia not turned around the vote on Actor Builder, the Town might've had a chance to move onto Day 4.

I'll say that I think the game was well balanced from a set up standpoint.  The Miller is a bit of an unusual choice for a School game, but I think throwing an unusual role in isn't bad.

Was our vig compulsory, or did he have an option to not kill?  Generally, I think vig's should not kill night 1 if they don't have to.

We lynched two town PR's, so if you've got a PR and are the leading candidate to be lynched, you really ought to claim your role.  And make sure there's enough time for people to turn the vote around.  I know Actor Builder's lynch came very quickly towards the end of the day, so there wasn't much time to work with.

I told you all KotZ was a scummy scumbag who loves guns... I don't know why none of you believed me!  Except jluck, who is awesome.  :classic:

The scum did a good job leading the lynches.  3 of the first 5 votes on me (including the first two) were scum.  I almost posted something in the dead board about the 1st vote on a bandwagon being a great place for scum to hide when I was talking about how Lady K looked scummy to me, but I took it off because I felt like I was trying too hard to confirm a suspicion.  For me, Lady K felt like she just didn't actually care that much about getting the answers she usually does.  She wasn't as committed as usual.  All scum try to play as town, but things like that slip through because you already know who is and isn't scum.  They're just hard to pick up.

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