Posted March 26, 20186 yr NB: Many pictures and long post Invitations had been sent out liberally, but Cooke had far from anticipated the amount of interest a ball, the first of its kind in Terra Nova, would garner. People from Eslandola, Oleon, and Corrington, as well as a number of Sea Rats, had flocked to King's Harbour the last few weeks to participate in the festivities and now the night had finally come. Everyone was gathered in the great hall of the new government palace (in the only wing anything close to finished) and the clock struck the hour, marking the beginning of the event. Cooke called the crowds to attention from the library balcony with a young smiling man at his side. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the first great ball of Terra Nova. It pleases me to see so many faces, new and familiar, and trust we shall have a... well... ball!" The crowd laughed merrily. Cooke wasn't exactly known for his humour and wit, but he had his moments. "Allow me to present to you all sir Michael Farley, the new Colonial Administrator for the Southern Isles. He will henceforth take over civilian administration of King's Harbour and acts as my second in all civilian matters. I trust you will welcome him - tonight is as much his party as it is mine." Cooke stepped back, and Farley held a short, somewhat nervous, but good-hearted speech, before retreating with a sweaty brow and a sigh of relief, calling out: "Let the festivities commence!" The orchestra started playing and the crowd dispersed, many the quadrilles of the lanciers. The dancing took up most of the floor, although some found room for conversation and a glass of sparkling wine. Rear-admiral Fletcher and Constable de Tourment found common ground, figuring they might have fought against each other on more than one occasion, sharing war memories and some recent events. @blackdeathgr Nearby, Mordo of the WTC, Richard Brickford, and Uncle was discussing trade companies, mr. Brickford listening attentively to his more experienced fellows... @Kai NRG, @Drunknok, @LM71Blackbird ...while Micah of Wolfhaven is discussing Montoya's disappearance with Ibn al'Sayeed, as well as strategies for the ETTC. @SilentWolf Sir Aidan Coyle and Cooke himself, both colonial governors to Her Majesty, took the chance to catch up on the military and political situation of the pirate-ridden Brick Seas. @Mike S On the balcony, Willem Guilder, Admius Legistrad to Eslandola, discussed cooperation and trade with the mayor of Mooreton Bay, James Hume. @Capt Wolf, @Ayrlego For those with a taste for more quiet surroundings, the upstairs library and downstairs smoking room were popular. Captain Anthony Genaro was seen talking to Lieutenant Thierry LaGaufre of the Royal Musketeers, perhaps lobbying for access to his Majesty's ear for a command? Rumour had it Genaro had long been on half pay. Downstairs, Hadvice Goshawk and Sir Mowgli were deep in conversation, as Sir Mowgli told an engaging, touching, and almost unbelieveable story of his missing cat, a large black panther last seen on a raft in the middle of the ocean. @Professor Thaum, @Roadmonkeytj Amongst the books, Wilbur Epper II, Royal Conductor of Corrington, was discussing new and innovative means of transportation with Alberto de Pontelli of the Royal Society. Epper maintained the effectiveness and punctuality of the wagonways, while Alberto told of his recent invention of flight and its principles. @Drunknok, @Captain Braunsfeld It was a lovely afternoon, and many retired to the gardens for fresh air or a refreshment in the guest house placed there. The bar was serving the finest wines and rum, and fresh fruits ensured the well-being of the guests. Outside, in the gardens, many found peace for conversation. Sergeant Major DeLeau and Captain Cookie debated swordsman's techniques... @gedren_y, @Captain Braunsfeld ...while Frederick Spud and Colonel Brickinson had an enthusiastic discussion about the merits of apples versus potatoes. @Spud The Viking, @Captain Braunsfeld Young Lieutenant Lavendwood was taken quite aback as a heavy hand landed upon his shoulder, and no less so as he realised it was the hand of a rear-admiral, as near as a god as any man can be to a young naval officer. "Relax, young man." the god-like creature said in a deep, booming voice "I merely wish to express my satisfaction with your recent dispatches. Cooke has praised you no insignificant amount, and should you keep up your initiative, I have no doubt you will one day raise your flag. Corrington needs men like you and your colleagues."Â @Flavius Gratian Many passed by the gardens that evening, discussing matters of personal interest, including Jerome Monezterrel and Captain Tristan Rimbaud... @Legostone, @Keymonus ...Rodsh Derr and Major Romain.... @blackdeathgr, @Bart ...Brickinson and Thierry LaGaufre... @Captain Braunsfeld, @blackdeathgr ...and Elise and Kathy, who discussed the fine Olean wine and rum delivered by Elise herself. @KotZ, @Bart The new colonial administrator also took his chance to meet some of the important people of the Brick Seas, amongst these Lord Frederick Spud, head of clan Spud from the north-most corners of Corrington. @Spud The Viking "I am sorry my invitation should have taken you such by surprise, Captain Genaro." Cooke interjected upon hearing the story. "I had thought my name would have been familiar to you?" "You will forgive me, will you not? I fear I..." "Most certainly" Cooke said with a rare smile. "You helped me once in a time of need. A matter of secrecy - I sent you a few letters...? Genaro's face lit up in recollection, before looking over his should carefully. "Indeed - I remember now. Some matter of political delicacy... Are your situation still... troubled?" "Less so, less so, although you never know when politics are involved! You did me a great service, and I hope I shall one day be allowed to repay you. If not in kind, then in friendship." Genaro patted Cooke's shoulder jovially. "I have no doubt, my friend, I have no doubt." and they walked down the path, sharing stories of the sea in good humour. @Captain Genaro Back in the ballroom, people mingled happily, making new acquaintances or revelling in old. Captains Tristan Rimbaud, Miles Bowditch, and Rodsh Derr found a common interest in the myths of the Brick Seas.... While young Keenan Reid was in exquisite female company with Lady Villeneuve, and mademoiselle de Tourment. @TheCubbScout, @Capt Wolf, @blackdeathgr Nearby, Aidan Coyle and Jerome Monezterrell shared their concerns with the piratical activity stifling trade and communications, not to mention the safety of sailors in general. @Mike S, @Legostone Captain Whiffo was in high spirits, conversing with Lady Norrington. @Capt Wolf, @Garmadon Ibn al'Sayeed inquired industrial magnate Sir Dee, and Mordo of the WTC, for insights into the foundry business, in which both were heavily involved... ...while Captain Nathaniel Brickford was sharing romantic and military exploits with his naval colleagues, Lieutenants Lavendwood and Ferguson. @LM71Blackbird, @Flavius Gratian, @Asgon Agnes Mesabi and Uncle were in complete agreement that "back in the good old times", balls were larger, the spirits stronger, and the young people less noisy. @Mesabi, @Kai NRG "No news whatsoever, I fear." Cooke said with a furrowed brow. The Fontonajos looked concerned, Roman being an old friend of Montoya. "I certainly hope he will reappear. He always has." "Indeed." Cooke changed the subject. "While I wish not to reflect badly upon Guilder, for whom I have the utmost respect, there are many in Corrington, present company included, who were sad to see you retire as Admius Legistrad..." Pausing for a moment, he continued. "You are regarded a friend of Corrington, and you shall ever be welcome in my halls. Montoya have said only positive things of you and what you have achieved in terms of governance and city planning..." @Elostirion And so the party went on into the night, people discussing subjects large and small, in general enjoyment. Hopefully new friendships were made, and perhaps a trade deal or two struck? Only time will reveal what came of the great ball of King's Harbour! ___________________________________________________________________ This was a lot of fun building, writing and photographing, and I hope I have managed to include (almost) all, and that no characters have been grossly misrepresented. It was great fun collecting all these sig figs, and I hope to have a chance to use them all again some day. C&C welcome!
March 26, 20186 yr Fantastic work @Bregir! It's was definitely worth the wait and it certainly shows a lot of hard work was put into this. It's awesome to see so many sig-figs interacting with each other!
March 26, 20186 yr That is amazing Bregir! If my sigfig wasn’t sailing somewhere in the far South, he would have attended! :) Â
March 26, 20186 yr @Bregir this turned out amazing such good shots and I love how all the other rooms turned out ... Really makes it feel like the estate was opened to the party. Ive been enjoying that sea green too lol. But most of all its awesome to see Sir Mowgli finally has a face to the name ... Im looking forward to developing his story progression with finding Bagheera.
March 26, 20186 yr A very nice idea, what a display of cool minifigs in cool scenic design ! Great collection of memories too Â
March 26, 20186 yr Ah perfect! I love those sigfig/minifig encounters - and here we have them all. Great to see that Alberto brought George with him (or was it the other way round?). The great ball of Terra Nova is definitely the place to be this season.Â
March 26, 20186 yr Excellent work in the building, storytelling and photography here, you've outdone yourself here @Bregir! So many details I love and you can see the time you took to build and arrange everything into the perfect event. That discussion Spud is having with Colonel Brickinson looks more than enthusiastic, judging by the expressions and the hands in the swords, you could say it might have turned sour. Fantastic job Bregir, I'm very much looking forward to the next event! Â
March 26, 20186 yr It's fantastic to see all those sigfigs interacting, you really did a great job showing all the figures, even in different poses! around the ball, which is at the best location a ball could be. Normally you don't see much sigfig interaction because well that's the nature of the game we made. But this is defiantly a build worth remembering. As others have said, it was really worth the wait, and the build up of anticipation got the spectacular end it deserved.Â
March 26, 20186 yr It's great to see so many characters reunited under a same roof. The ball room, the library and the garden are very well built, and you did a wonderful job posing all these minifigs.
March 26, 20186 yr Excellent job with this, Bregir! - such an amazing number of sig-figs here, and you've gone so far as to mention and pose them all  Great work with the buildings themselves too, and the piano is definitely a highlight for me!Â
March 26, 20186 yr Great work. And a wonderful narrative for it as well. Hope everyone liked the Perraults' drinks!
March 26, 20186 yr You have a bunch of really nice builds, Bregir. All three of the builds are clean, have great architectural features, and include some nice designs for the furnishings. The bookshelves and piano are particularly nice designs. I am still amazed that you went ahead with such an ambitious project. It's neat to see so many characters interacting, and you did a great job with the various topics of conversation. And I must admit that I enjoyed searching for my character in the various pics.Â
March 26, 20186 yr Wonderfully done. This reminds me of the Damaximus wedding in GOH. If I'm not mistaken, when put together this build qualifies as a Royal Property.
March 26, 20186 yr I think this has instantly become one of my favourite BotBS builds. It just oozes character, embodies the theme of the game perfectly, and brings the game comunity together figuratively and literally - the latter in minifig form of course. Kudos and hats off to @Bregir, an absolute masterpiece. Â Both builds are excellently crafted. A lot of planning must have gone into both, and it shows in every single picture. The architecture is elaborate, but not overly so - it looks great, but it does not detract from the minifig scenes. The minifig placing is just briliiant, and I especially love how the build and minifigs work on a "larger" scale, i.e. as a crowd scene, but also in all kinds of small scenes at the same time. This is so well done! Â The following criticism is absolute nitpicking and wishlisting on my part - read at your own risk! Spoiler A trumpet/horn and a piano do not make an "orchestra". After the first pictures with the full crowd in the ballroom, I think there could have been some more "party related" extras to the hall. Things like some tables with food and drinks, or some servants bringing/holding the glasses (I mean, the glasses did not appear from thin air, right?). I had wished for a bit more of Lady Mesabi. Do not get me wrong, the one line about her and Uncle captures both their characters just fine, but I feel the ball could have used a little bit more mischief. The Lavendwood/Fletcher exchange is so over the top in my opinion. "god-like creature"? Seriously... The statues in the garden, while a great idea overall, would look much better with a 4x4 base instead of 2x2. It looks flimsy and unbalanced to me. None of this takes away from this overall awesome build. People will be talking about this in years to come! Â 1 hour ago, Captain Genaro said: Â All three of the builds It is "only" two builds. 56 minutes ago, gedren_y said: If I'm not mistaken, when put together this build qualifies as a Royal Property. At first I thought the same. Out of curiousity I counted, and the two builds are actually not that big. The ballroom/inside build is 48x32 in size, the garden/guesthouse is 56x32 in size - a total of 3328 studs. While this will probably become the benchmark build for "arts and culture", this one is about halfway between medium (48x48=2304) and large (64x64=4096), 81,25% of a large arts&culture property to be precise. Sue me, I like numbers. I think nobody has a problem with this being a large arts&culture property, and as I said I think it is the best and biggest example for that category so far, but it is definitely not a royal property. Edited March 26, 20186 yr by Drunknok Spelling.
March 26, 20186 yr Wow, great job Bregir, both on the builds themselves, and on bringing together so many sigfigs - quite an achievement! I really like the arches of the ballroom, the checkered floor, and the rug. And of course the piano! Nice job on the library and smoking room too, and the garden! 18 hours ago, Bregir said: Agnes Mesabi and Uncle were in complete agreement that "back in the good old times", balls were larger, the spirits stronger, and the young people less noisy. @Mesabi, @Kai NRG   That sounds like Uncle! I'm surprised Agnes didn't have something a little sharper to say though, considering that their last meeting was in dangerous proximity to a palm tree...Â
March 26, 20186 yr This is an amazing set of builds and a great scene. The posing of the minifigures is excellent and the movement of the minifigures in the different sets of photos really adds to this post. I can only imagine how much work it was to reset the minifigures and rephotograph as many time as you did. You really cranked this build out quickly for the size and quality it has. I love the usage of Micah in the builds. We do need to find out what happened to Montoya, that is for sure. Do I spot the lady in black upstairs in the library? Or is that just similarity?
March 26, 20186 yr The hall and gardens are excellent, but the collection of sigfigs steals the show! Great job highlighting the individual figs and their activities. I still need to take my time and take a closer look at all the pics, but a big  from me on a fantastic MOC. The ball is sure to be mentioned in the next KPA.
March 27, 20186 yr Brilliant job Bregir, a truly epic build at brings together your vision perfectly. Excellent minifig placement and the story was well done without being too much text. All up brilliant!
March 27, 20186 yr On 26.3.2018 at 11:00 AM, Spud The Viking said: That discussion Spud is having with Colonel Brickinson looks more than enthusiastic, judging by the expressions and the hands in the swords, you could say it might have turned sour.  Colonel Brickinson rarely gives a smile.  By his standards he seems to be in a relaxed mood, enjoying his conversation.
March 28, 20186 yr There is so much to say about this build: seeing so many inhabitants of the Bick Seas gathered in the same place was absolutely impressing, but the huge number of minifigs and their (great) posing is only a part of what you did! The details and the furniture in particular are great, and the short description of each picture are a very nice touch. Thank you for having included Monsieur Rimbaud (and not having included him completely drunk, duelling with somebody for the honour of Oleon or something similar )
March 29, 20186 yr Wonderful project! This truly is a Great Ball. Both builds are great. The main hall is lovely with the grey, tan and green colors. And I love all those arches. The side rooms are a good idea, and well furnished. The gardens and guest house are quite nice as well, and I like the interior. Of course, the main attraction is all the sigfigs and other characters. Fantastic work there, simply put. All that posing and re-posing for the camera is time-consuming work. It greatly enhances the presentation, even though it didn't really need it. And good work with the story too. Sir Dee (perfectly portrayed, I might add) was somewhat disappointed there weren't more ladies in attendance, but he had a good time anyway. And he didn't spill any of Corrington's secrets to foreign ears. Â
March 29, 20186 yr Great Project Bregir, I really like the culmination of all of the work you put into this. You are a great builder and it really shows. And the Cameos really make the whole thing fun and entertaining. Great job all around! On 3/26/2018 at 2:26 PM, Kai NRG said:  That sounds like Uncle! I'm surprised Agnes didn't have something a little sharper to say though, considering that their last meeting was in dangerous proximity to a palm tree... agreed!Â
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