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Welcome to Imperial Officers Mafia! You've each been given an imperial officer to play!

List of Characters (16):
Grand Moff Tarkin - Played by: LegoMonorailFan
Grand Admiral Thrawn - Played by: mediumsnowman
Director Isard - Played by: Kintobor
Admiral Piett - Played by: Sandy
Admiral Motti - Played by: mostlytechnic
Admiral Daala - Played by: Rider Raider
Admiral Ozzel - Played by: Actor Builder
Admiral Yularen - Played by: KotZ
General Veers - Played by: fhomess
Admiral Shelby - Played by: Forresto
Admiral Greer - Played by: Tariq j 
Colonel Dellus - Played by: LegoRacer1
Captain Needa - Played by: Khscarymovie4
Captain Komec - Played by: jluck
Captain Fenton - Played by: Peanuts
Captain Jellico - Played by: Lady K


1) Every player has received their own character. You are either a Loyalist or a Traitor. The town need to eliminate the scum and the scum need to outnumber the town. Any third party characters have their own win conditions. 

2) Every day you will be able to vote for a player. Voting should be done as so: Vote: Character (Player). Unvoting is to be done in the same fashion: Unvote: Character (Player). A majority vote is required to lynch a player. You must vote every day, or you'll receive some sort of devious punishment.

3) A game day will last 72 hours, but if a unanimous vote is acheived after the 48 hour mark and the day thread goes quiet, the day may end early to my discresion. You may not vote within the first 24 hours of the day. Once the day is over, you will have 24 hours to send in a night action if this applies to you. Nights will last at most 48 hours, but it usually won't and I'm just saying that so nobody faults me if I'm late. You may not talk about the game outside of the day thread.

4) The alignment of players who have been lynched, as well as those who died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5) You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6) You are encouraged to role-play in this game. I've provided a role for you to expand upon if you wish. With that being said, please try not to post out of character in the game thread. You may PM other players, but do so at your own risk.

7) If you die, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players. Any information you had is null and void and is not allowed to be passed on under any circumstances.

8) Don't edit your posts.

9) You must post in every day thread.

10) Try to be nice to your fellow players. It's a game on a LEGO forum.

11) Violation of your first rule will result in a 5-vote penalty and your second violation will result in your death!


Day One will start once every player has confirmed. I will still accept players for the reserves spot in the event someone drops out, so PM me if you're interested. Other than that prepare yourselves! 

Edited by Bob

Admiral Yularen here for duty!

Admiral Greer reporting in.

Captain Fenton, ready for duty!

Grand Moff Tarkin on duty as always.

Admiral Piett on deck! 

It feels great to be playing again after such a long time. :blush:

Admiral Motti is here, ready to hunt the scum. Interesting change finding traitors internally instead of looking for those rebels.

Captain Needs is here as always. Ready to serve the Empire. 

Captain Needa, thank you auto correct. Damn rebels hacking the technology!

1 hour ago, mostlytechnic said:

Admiral Motti is here, ready to hunt the scum. Interesting change finding traitors internally instead of looking for those rebels.

Yes, interesting indeed. I feel in the mood for somewhat of a war cry.


Captain Jellico reporting for duty!

Grand Admiral Thrawn checking in. Everything is proceeding according to my calculations... those who are not loyal to our great Emperor will soon be rooted out and properly disposed of. 

General Veers here.

Captain Komek checking in. 

Admiral Daala here, ready to find and destroy the traitors.

Director Isard of Imperial Intelligence present. Anyone want anything to drink? Champagne from Coruscant? Rum from Naboo? I promise you it's not a test or anything to confirm your allegiance. 

I pinky promise.

Colonel Dellus reporting as ordered! I think with Yurlaren and his experience we can find this "fulcrum".

3 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Director Isard of Imperial Intelligence present. Anyone want anything to drink? Champagne from Coruscant? Rum from Naboo? I promise you it's not a test or anything to confirm your allegiance. 

I pinky promise.

How about some Romulan ale?

52 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

How about some Romulan ale?

Hey now, stick to canon stuff, Grand Moff. We don't want to get sued by Starfleet.

As your Intelligence Director, I will remind everyone that you will be deducted brownie points if you reference properties not owned by the Galactic Emperor or the House of Mouse.

Just now, Kintobor said:

Hey now, stick to canon stuff, Grand Moff. We don't want to get sued by Starfleet.

As your Intelligence Director, I will remind everyone that you will be deducted brownie points if you reference properties not owned by the Galactic Emperor or the House of Mouse.

Houes of Mouse? We only recognize the rule of the Emperor and Lord Vader! Not some two eared company killer!

Just now, LegoRacer1 said:

Houes of Mouse? We only recognize the rule of the Emperor and Lord Vader! Not some two eared company killer!

As a Colonel, Deelus, I don't expect you to understand the inner workings of the Emperor's Inner Council, just understand that if we question the House of Mouse, we lose funding for... some very important, very special projects coming down the line.

The most I can say without being reprimanded for speaking about classified information to some with a rank as you, Deelus, is that unless you have a reason not to support an Imperial only space station sauna and spa that orbits the planet of Jaaku and has mascots based off of icon cartoon characters wandering about it to entertain guests, I'd suggest you not speak ill of the House of Mouse.

After all, I'm the Intelligence Director, and our Emperor really doesn't like people who think this spa is a bad idea.

After this game I'd say it's high time a few players get the mafia tag on their profile. It would help to promote the game site-wide and acknowledge those that have been so faithful.

12 hours ago, Kintobor said:

some very important, very special projects coming down the line.

That's no moon... It's the next Disneyland Ride!

Edited by Tariq j

23 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

That's no moon... It's the next Disneyland Ride!

As long as it goes really fast with twists and turns; and has a giant worm trying to eat the ship then I'm good!  

Except of course that my current salary as a captain in the Imperial Officers Corp doesn't pay well enough for me to go more than once; and I'll have to increase in rank to go to the floating spa to be entertained by the costumed cartoon creatures. 

1 hour ago, Lady K said:

As long as it goes really fast with twists and turns; and has a giant worm trying to eat the ship then I'm good!  

Except of course that my current salary as a captain in the Imperial Officers Corp doesn't pay well enough for me to go more than once; and I'll have to increase in rank to go to the floating spa to be entertained by the costumed cartoon creatures. 

You know, I heard such amusement parks tend to attract rebels, smugglers and other scum...we should send a recon team to this Disneyland to ensure they establish no presence there. Obviously such a matter is much too trivial for an Admiral and too complex for a lower-ranked officer, but a team of four, say, captains would be ideally suited for this kind of mission. Of course, in order to blend in we may have to spend quite a bit, but certainly the information gained by such a mission outvalue the expenses. What do you think, Captain Jellico?

19 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

You know, I heard such amusement parks tend to attract rebels, smugglers and other scum...we should send a recon team to this Disneyland to ensure they establish no presence there. Obviously such a matter is much too trivial for an Admiral and too complex for a lower-ranked officer, but a team of four, say, captains would be ideally suited for this kind of mission. Of course, in order to blend in we may have to spend quite a bit, but certainly the information gained by such a mission outvalue the expenses. What do you think, Captain Jellico?

Hmm, I'm liking your idea Captain Fenton.  As you said, blending in does require spending, as long as it can be justified to Lord Vader we should be ok; don't want to risk his wrath.  And of course we have to come back with reliable information.

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