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Block Block Contest 62 members have voted

  1. 1. Which entry is your favorite?

    • "Evolution of Stauder" by Stauder
    • "Hidden Base" by Exobuilder
    • "Robo-Sinner's Rampage" by Zero1312
    • "Mortal Street Admin Fighters Combat" by jipay
    • "The Litter Bug Walker" by SirNadroj
    • "Penguin Death Door vs the Crossdressing Lightning Babe and Co." by Batbrick
    • "Revenge of the mad Exo-Force guy" by Stealth Hunter
    • "Warehoure confrontation" by LuxorV
    • "Balrog" by Sinner
    • "the day they met hinckley on the beach" by Captain Green Hair
    • "Blockington Battle" by Brickmaster
    • "Girlband Garbage" by casewindu
    • "Dipsy's Hideout" by kill will
    • "Recyclotron vs Compostia!" by svelte corps
    • "Assault on Garbage Tower" by SlyOwl
    • "Black Santa vs Ninja-Powered Evil Car" by Alex Wilson
    • "Lord Trash's Factory" by Graynar
    • "Bandit's Surprise" by Piranha
    • "Emerald Escape" by Oky Wan Kenobi
  2. 2. Now Vote for the name that best fits our new theme!

    • The Studio
    • Meta Cry
    • Eurobricks Stories
    • Total Garbage
    • Dancing Momo Cacti Kittens
    • J.A.I.L Japanese Anti-littering Investigation League
    • Game Ships
    • Space Traveling Pirates
    • Block Invasion
    • LEGO can't be bothered anymore
    • Garbage Mechs
    • Superbots Earth-Save
    • Hippy '63
    • MidLEGO Crisis Wars
    • Trash Wars
    • Apocalyptica
    • The Random Unnecessaries
    • Block Block

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We're so close to submitting our new theme idea to LEGO. Just vote for your favorite and we'll make our submission. ;-) Vote once for your favorite set and then choose the best theme name carefully because once we're in production there's not turning back. :-D

Best of luck to everyone and thanks for submitting such great entries and making this a fun contest. *wub* *wub*

Check out the entries here:

2213455557_2cd86e5288_o.jpg a.jpg picture_017.jpg jipay.jpg 5copy.jpg

2227286184_e5fab8650b.jpg dc310001.jpg blockblock_000a.jpg balrog1.jpg aa.jpg

blockblock_001.jpg girlband-audition.jpg 1.jpg mainpic.jpg dscn4320.jpg

midlegocrisiswars_640.jpg 01blockblock.jpg hpim0723.jpg 2327416285_de85049b02_o.jpg

Remember to choose wisely, there's a prize at stake. First place set entry gets this custom Strider figure:


Check out my entry and the expanding Block Block Universe here...

EDIT: The poll will be open for one full week, so I will close it this coming Wednesday.

ok, so i voted for Jipays as my favourite because i love the two levels and the detail he put into it! then, for the name, i voted for "Random Unnecessaries" because the name perfectly describes the theme; random and unnecessary!!

keep in mind i liked all of the other entries too and it was very close

Edited by ricecracker

I just really love svelte_corps "Recylotron vs. Compostia". There is a surreal beauty about it, and the choice of colours is excellent. The consistency of the colours and the elegant simplicity of the design makes it look like a real set. In fact, if it was a real set - I'd buy it! It's "Total Garbage"! :-D

Again some great entries here! *y*

For best entry i voted ''lord trash factory'', cause it looks like a real set. *sweet*

For best theme i choose ''total garbage'', that just says it all. X-D

I voted for Jipay's entry because I love the look of the outside, and all of the action everywhere else. The cover art of the set tells a story in itself, and I think that is really cool. *y*

I chose Eurobricks Stories because I thought we should steer from the Block Block-like names and get something really neat and original. It might not be the most clever name, but I love it for it's boldness! :-P

Edited by Hinckley

I voted for Batbrick's entry, it's hilarious! :-D

Also I think that Just Block Block is okay :-X

I voted for 'Lord Trash's Factory by Graynar' because I think it really captures the weirdness of this them *wacko* :-P . As for the theme's name, I went with Random Unnecessaries because I just love the sound of it *wub* .

Seen so many of you do amazing work over a long time.

And now seeing people building really horrible things makes me scared *wet my pants*

I will not point at someone special, but Captain green hair�s is sure one of them :-P X-D

I voted on his just because of that.

Plus Total Garbage.


  • Author
Seen so many of you do amazing work over a long time.

And now seeing people building really horrible things makes me scared *wet my pants*

I will not point at someone special, but Captain green hair�s is sure one of them :-P X-D

I voted on his just because of that.

Plus Total Garbage.


You voted for Captain Green Hair just because I wet my pants in his comic? *wacko* You're a one issue voter! :-D Well, that entry violates the rules, I'm disqualifying it. :-P So there. Just kidding. No one's disqualified but Ras and Captain Green Hair are both Trouser Peewies! :-P

I voted for "Warehouse Confrontation" by LuxorV, because it just looks like the game. ;-)

Block Invasion for the name.

I voted for Graynar because his entry was the best! Go Graynar!

I had to vote for SlyOwl's entry. Random junk and beating on Hippies, what more could you want in a new theme.

I chose "Trash Wars" because of the endless possibilities and it was sorta catchy.

I had to vote for SlyOwl's entry. Random junk and beating on Hippies, what more could you want in a new theme.

I chose "Trash Wars" because of the endless possibilities and it was sorta catchy.

Same here I loved the smooth look of this model and the way the trash inside the rocket can be taken out! :-D

I voted Luxor V's theme name as I thought it wasa clever and fun abreviation that fitted well with his moc!

I voted for Graynar's factory as it is well-executed, has great play value and looks like it could be a real set from the 90s - BURPS, traps, dodgy colour scheme (no offence Graynar!).

I voted for Dancing Cacti Momo Kittens as it kind of means the same as 'Random Unnecessaries'... but says it just more randomly :-P I think the Garbage thing is maybe just a bit too specific if this theme really will come into its own full-blown spin off... Total Garbage maybe as a sub-theme instead.

Wow, this contest really turned out big! So many fantastic entries! My favourites were LuxorV's, Granyar's, and Slyowl's! But everyone did a great job ~ those are my top three. ;-)

Thanks to anyone who voted for me! :'-) And a special thanks to Hinckley for hosting the contest! *y* *sweet*

Thanks to all those who voted for my entry this far :'-) .

I'll take some more time before casting my vote; as for now, my top two are SirNadroj and svelte corps...

I'll add to the chorus: really thanks Hinckley for creating this contest. It's probably the funniest thing I ever saw on EB, since I lost the Mistery Ship ;-) .

Btw: when will the poll close. If I know a precise date, I'll have to oblige myself to sit here and decide my vote 8-| .


Ouch, tough call! So many truly craptastic entries, but I have to go with Graynar's craptacular "Lord Trash's Factory", because of the "awesome" effects on the "box cover" and especially for the hilarious ad "blocks actually fit together". *y* Niiiiice.

And although "Block Block" could perhaps be considered something short of a trademark :-D, I already fully associate that name with all this beauty.

I voted for "Mortal Street Admin Fighters Combat" and The Random Unnecessaries. Thanks for running this great contest Hinkley!

Thanks for everyone who voted for me! It will take a while for me to decide my vote, so many good entries!

To the Bricksignal! >:-)

This contest turned out far better than I thought it would. Looking though the entries my stands out as too serious. Sorry Hinckley. See, I went for silly in your two last contests (new town ideas and sig fig house) and my entries seemed out of place, so I went for the reverse this time... Gee I'm a dolt. :-$ Great entries everyone. Here's my quick comment run-down... X-D

Stauder I'd buy that for the price! I could do my own interviews then. Shame I'm too young for it. X-D Nice to see that Larry is branching out!

Exobuilder I love the min-figs and treasure chest; sold! :-D Nice trap idea too. I love the evil henchmen!

zero1312 Was I cloned? I was told it was just an eye test! 8-� I hope he is defeated.

jipay Do you know there's a new Street Fighter game (and movie) coming up? I would like to say that the abuse on me is a bit harsh, but look at poor Vader! :-X Great setting too; it looks modular are you going to put this next to Cafe Corner? :-P

SirNadroj This was one of my first thoughts for the contest and you did a great job of it! I like the Strider too. *sweet*

Batbrick This entry is odd. Just plain odd. 8-| The quad shooter is pretty funny... but I think the "Rolling Death Door of Doom" is my favourite part! :-D

Stealth Hunter Why is the Exo-Force guy so mad? Because the theme has been cancelled? Tell him not to worry; I think it will be back.

LuxorV The gorilla is great... and oddly cute! "JAIL" is pretty funny too.

Sinner I think you missed the point here... :-| You just seemed to use this excuse to make another ship, and what is the deal with the burps in the middle? 8-| If it was supposed to make the middle look round you have FAILED. *n*

Captain green hair Even your worst ship is beats my best! I loved the video.

Brickmaster Great entry, especially the vehicles. (I'm not clear on how a mono-wheel would work though... ) The garbage truck is especially cool... and extra points for the clam! :-P

casewindu This is almost a social statement! 8-� The red topped girl excites me... 8-|

kill will Your chrome parts are pretty cool! *sweet* I'd buy this set for that money alone; I have none of those... :'-(

svelte_corps Are you trying to out weird Batbrick? Eitherway, I really love your Recycle Truck rebuild. I'll have to show my boy that... and he'll then expect me to make it for him. :-| Compostia is very cool too. *wub*

SlyOwl If it wasn't for several older parts this would almost be believable set. I love "The Trashster" and the flower power cannon is pretty cool too. :-D (Nice use of the helicopter skis.)

Alex Wilson Black Santa vs Ninja-Powered Evil Car?! What kind of nonsense is that? *wacko* Great work!

Graynar Oh man! This is so bad! My favourite part is.... the box! 'Blocks actually fit together!" :-D

Piranha You seem to have taken my angle; when in doubt make something you wanted to make anyway! :-D Hinckley looks odd (as opposed to queer) in blue. 8-|

Oky Wan Kenobi This is very close to a believable set! *wub* It's good to see someone else wanted to make the ship. *sweet*I wanted to make mine that size but I haven't got any of those octagonal pieces that you used for the engine. It looks near perfect as a thumbnail; I was stunned when I first saw it.

So who did I vote for? I came close to voting for Oky Wan Kenobi and svelte_corps, but in the end I voted for Graynar because aside from making such a great playset, he did such a funny box! :-D Oh, and I picked The Random Unnecessaries for the theme name.

Thanks to the two people who have voted for me (so far?) and thanks Hinckley for this odd contest! *sweet*

Can anyone tell me when this poll will be over?

  • Author
Can anyone tell me when this poll will be over?


Graynar got my vote with Lord Trash's factory! :-D

And then I chose Random Unnecessaries, as after seeing this, I thought it just fits in so well! Although I will miss the good ol' "Block Block" that started all this... :'-(



8-| Well? When?

  • Author
8-| Well? When?

Can't you read? I updated the first post with the deadline... *wacko*

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