Posted March 13, 200816 yr So, to kick off this thread, which anyone can add Block Block MOCs too (or whatever we end up calling it after the poll ;-) ) here is my first set submission. I've formatted it like an entry for the Block Block Contest. I developed this as an exhibition entry and haven't included it in the poll. Enjoy! Theme Name: Random Unnecessaries Set Name: Smash Mech vs. The Impenetrable Fortress Piece Count: 965 pieces MSRP: $89.99 USD Set description: The evil Jocko empire has dissolved it's postal system and combined it with it's evil mecha army. So the drop-off points are in the army's mech suit feet. Even though there is a convenient mailbox right there, people just throw their mail on the ground near it. The smash mech is on it's way to bring your mail and smash you! But don't worry, there's always the impenetrable fortress. It's so impenetrable, there's no way in. You can always go through the pointless tunnel. It leads to nowhere! Wow. You can always rely on your sidekick, the black-armed, red-handed monkey, but he's...busy. He has some bad social habits. Watch out for the evil Jocko-bots and their ray guns. They look like innocent video cameras, but they will turn your hair green...and then disintegrate you. Check out more closeups of the set and the custom figs here. Enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think, offer constructive criticism, etc. :-) And don't forget to check out the Block Block Contest entries and then vote in the poll. EDIT: I meant to mention that, although I didn't borrow any specific techniques, I was very inspired by the work of yoderevolution. ;-)
March 13, 200816 yr Wow 8-� It's so... unnecessary! X-D I love that mech, and the fortress too. But the most *wub* -able thing is your fantastic introduction to this theme! It's also full of special pieces (i.e. the dark-red bin) and figs. And you used very clever techniques (like that for blocking the dish on top of the fortress); I'll need to study these pics closely :-) . When will it be available in Europe 8-| :'-) ? LuxorV
March 13, 200816 yr Let's see here. First off, I'm quite pleased to see that TLG is finally directing their attention to the core audience, the vital 31-34 year olds like us. So 5/5 litterups for that. Clearly, someone has been taking mech lessons, because Smashy, as I like to call him, is *wub* *y* +5/5 litterups again. The fortress. Yay for Asian inspired towery goodness. 5/5 litterups. Parts assortment: Excellent use of black and red in the mech and fortress, as well as in the monkey. A bugle. A boulder top. Letters. A tunnel that leads nowhere. A croissant. A red trash can. It seems fairly obvious that someone was expressing their own personal view on harmony and love, and it was done very well. 5/5 litterups, plus 1 for nostalgia, I had a monkey just like that when I was growing up. Or maybe I didn't, but it doesn't matter. Price/value. Love the mech, love the fortress, don't love the minifig count. Again, TLG is cheating us where it counts, in the minifig numbers. The ones we get are absolutely great, but we need more. Where are the boobies? 8-� Have to deduct a bit there, so 3/5 litterups this time. :-/ That comes to 24/25. I didn't get a bribe for this one, so I'm going to deduct a litterup on general principle, or lack thereof, giving us a final score, rounded for inflation, of 987. No, just 987. Not 987 out of anything. 987. Excellent job! *y* If it had more figures, I'd buy it. 8-| ;-)
March 13, 200816 yr I love the mech and the fortess is very nice too but i have to say there is a good chance you are crazy :-D .
March 13, 200816 yr I love the mech and the fortess is very nice too but i have to say there is a good chance you are crazy :-D . What, only a chance 8-� ?!? You're shaking one of the few certainties in my world 8-| ! ;-) X-D LuxorV
March 13, 200816 yr A great idea, Hinck'!! Maybe I'll post something fitting. ;-) And your Set there is awesome!! *wub*
March 13, 200816 yr That is sweet! That mech would give exoforce a run for it's money -good job! The fortress design is very nice too -and the minifgures are supreb. I love the two henchmen robots -great decals. My only complaint is -where is the hero's weapons? How can he fight that robot with only a monkey and some garbage! 8-� Lol, BTW, where did you get that sweet dark red trash can? Good job. *y*
March 13, 200816 yr I'm afraid I have to disagree with the general sentiment here - that mech is way too gorgeous, sleek and functional-looking to be a genuine Block Block set - must be a clone brand design. The inclusion of the old-style postboxes in the footsies is transparently a last-minute attempt to integrate Block Block thematics into an official release. Shame on you, Block Block designers! Seriously though, it's fantastic as ever Hinckley. The mech is fantastic and the tower is a hoot. Definitely at the premium of the Block Block range. I wonder if it was released in Europe what the price would be, especially with all those nice accessories. 200 Euros maybe? Also, the monkey with the bad habits and the red hands. Are his hands red BECAUSE he's been indulging in his bad habits? If so, I hate to think what that would entail... X-O Edited March 17, 200816 yr by Hinckley
March 14, 200816 yr lol...another excellent moc by hinckley!!! nicely done mech and love those custom decals! *y* :-D
March 14, 200816 yr Yup, that's one awesome mech! *wub* The only thing I would have to criticize would be the way the cockpit is attached to the bridge between the legs - somehow it looks too thin and makes the cockpit look offset. This might be intended, but I think it might have looked better if the cockpit was set higher so that the upper back of it kind of directly connected to the big curved things on the bridge above it. 8-| But that's just me! :-P I REALLY love those railgun-arms, though! The "impenetrable fortress" is very beatifully designed as well, although I can't quite see the impenetrableness. X-D I mean, if you ask me, the Smash Mech could easily stomp (or smash) that thing into the ground! :-D However, I also think your theme name is great! *y* It totally says what Block-Block is! ;-) Is it a refference to the Jungle Book's "Bare Necessities"? Perhaps a version of that song with altered lyrics could be the Block-Block theme song! :-D Now, could you please answer me a question, Hinckley, I don't quite understand what kind of universe we created here. I mean what theme is it beased on? We all have our own interpretations of it. Is that what it's all about; is it whatever we think it is, or do we agree on just one of them? If it's the latter, what is it that defines it? Your MOC? Or perhaps the winning entry in the contest? Which is it? Sorry I'm asking so many questions again *wacko* ; I'm just trying to understand and don't know how to put it. :-$ PS: I can't stand saying "Block-Block" no more |-/ and can't wait for us to decide on a real theme name! When will the polls be over? Edited March 17, 200816 yr by Hinckley
March 15, 200816 yr Author Let's see here. First off, I'm quite pleased to see that TLG is finally directing their attention to the core audience, the vital 31-34 year olds like us. So 5/5 litterups for that. Amen, brother. It's about time, right? ...Parts assortment: Excellent use of black and red in the mech and fortress, as well as in the monkey. A bugle. A boulder top. Letters. A tunnel that leads nowhere. A croissant. A red trash can. It seems fairly obvious that someone was expressing their own personal view on harmony and love, ... That comes to 24/25. I didn't get a bribe for this one, so I'm going to deduct a litterup on general principle, or lack thereof, giving us a final score, rounded for inflation, of 987. No, just 987. Not 987 out of anything. 987. I see you've done me the favor of using my least favorite feedback method, a rating. I don't know why this gets on my nerves, but rating MOCs is a big pet peeve of mine. But I shouldn't take a 987 out of nothing for granted, so thank you. I hope your monkey is okay. Even if he didn't exist. For your sake, I'll get to work on a booby factory for my next addition to this little universe. I love the mech and the fortess is very nice too but i have to say there is a good chance you are crazy :-D . Thanks, but just a chance? You're shaking one of the few certainties in my world 8-| ! What, only a chance 8-� ?!?You're shaking one of the few certainties in my world 8-| ! ;-) X-D LuxorV Uh-oh, LuxorV. We think alike. You're crazy too!! *wacko* That is sweet!That mech would give exoforce a run for it's money -good job! The fortress design is very nice too -and the minifgures are supreb. I love the two henchmen robots -great decals. My only complaint is -where is the hero's weapons? How can he fight that robot with only a monkey and some garbage! 8-� Lol, BTW, where did you get that sweet dark red trash can? Good job. *y* Thanks Graynar! I shall not give away the source of my rare special magic bricks. And the hero, who will have to be renamed from Strider, to avoid copyright bullcrap, uses his hair to fight things. He's that confident in his 'do. All right, so I got a little lazy... :-P I'm afraid I have to disagree with the general sentiment here - that mech is way too gorgeous, sleek and functional-looking to be a genuine Block Block set - must be a clone brand design. The inclusion of the old-style postboxes in the footsies is transparently a last-minute attempt to integrate Block Block thematics into an official release. Shame on you, Block Block designers!Seriously though, it's fantastic as ever Hinckley. The mech is fantastic and the tower is a hoot. Definitely at the premium of the Block Block range. I wonder if it was released in Europe what the price would be, especially with all those nice accessories. 200 Euros maybe? Also, the monkey with the bad habits and the red hands. Are his hands red BECAUSE he's been indulging in his bad habits? If so, I hate to think what that would entail... X-O Actually, you kind of caught me there. My original idea was more of a tank that housed two Fabuland mailboxes. The idea was always to include a mailbox in the bad guy vehicle, just because it's random and unnecessary. However, I am severely tank-building challenged... :'-( and decided to combine two of my ideas from the first Smackdown with Sinner-the mech and aerial gunner platform. I had been wanting to build a very intimidating mech with backwards facing legs and a rotating cockpit for some time. For the record, the cockpit doesn't rotate, but... :-/ anyway... This reminds me, I meant to mention that, although I didn't borrow any specific techniques, I was very inspired by the work of yoderevolution. Anyway, the monkey causes many problems as you can imagine. I believe whatever tragedy lead to the conflict between the Evil Jocko Empire and the Random Unnecessaries was his fault... Yup, that's one awesome mech! *wub* The only thing I would have to criticize would be the way the cockpit is attached to the bridge between the legs - somehow it looks too thin and makes the cockpit look offset. This might be intended, but I think it might have looked better if the cockpit was set higher so that the upper back of it kind of directly connected to the big curved things on the bridge above it. 8-| But that's just me! :-P Thank you! That's what's been bugging me. I thought maybe it was just too far away and that I was just going to have to learn to deal with it, but it does need more armor or gears or something to make it look more connected. Maybe if the connection was just bulkier like you suggest, like there is a heavy casing or housing for the actual cockpit. That's for V2-thanks for the advice! I REALLY love those railgun-arms, though! The "impenetrable fortress" is very beatifully designed as well, although I can't quite see the impenetrableness. X-D I mean, if you ask me, the Smash Mech could easily stomp (or smash) that thing into the ground! :-D However, I also think your theme name is great! *y* It totally says what Block-Block is! ;-) Is it a refference to the Jungle Book's "Bare Necessities"? Perhaps a version of that song with altered lyrics could be the Block-Block theme song! :-D Thank you and that song needs to happen. Yes I would like to see it smash the fortress. I think that's the fun of the set. It's impenetrable because there are no doors or windows, so there's no telling what it's fortifying as the builders built themselves inside and can't get out. Now, could you please answer me a question, Hinckley, I don't quite understand what kind of universe we created here. I mean what theme is it beased on? We all have our own interpretations of it. Is that what it's all about; is it whatever we think it is, or do we agree on just one of them? If it's the latter, what is it that defines it? Your MOC? Or perhaps the winning entry in the contest? Which is it? Yes.
March 15, 200816 yr Wow! A wonderful wacky creation there Hinckley, I love the backstory, almost better than the moc! *y* The mech is wonderful, brilliantly designed and constructed, and very sleek. Plus its the best post system ever! My one criticism is that the cockpit is looking down a tad much, maybe if the evil Jocko bots were in seats a bit more horizontal it wouldn't matter. Either way its far better than anything I could even think of imagining of dreaming to make, so its a win for me! *sweet* To the Bricksignal! >:-)
March 15, 200816 yr Woah that is one cool mech 8-� and i love the fortress, it's, dare i sy cute :-D great job! *y* *y*
March 15, 200816 yr I don't know why this gets on my nerves, but rating MOCs is a big pet peeve of mine. Well, here is my theory: rating = (numeric) evaluation of quality (numeric) evaluation = more numbers & less comments, thoughts, and/or constructive critique MOCs = products of creativity creativity = unmeasurable rating of MOCs = bulls**t :-X :-P Idk if this is completely right or not and I don't want to offend any raters, it's just what I think the logical explanation of your problem with ratings might be! ;-) This reminds me, I meant to mention that, although I didn't borrow any specific techniques, I was very inspired by the work of yoderevolution. Well, looking at some of his mechs like the "SUB-WRabbit" you did a pretty good job capturing the same round building style! *y* Yes. |-/ |-/ |-/ You're unbelievable! :-P Is it even possible to get a serious answer from you in right away? Guess not. :-| No seriously, is it the winning contest entry? Edited March 17, 200816 yr by Hinckley
March 15, 200816 yr Author Well, here is my theory:rating = (numeric) evaluation of quality (numeric) evaluation = more numbers & less comments, thoughts, and/or constructive critique MOCs = products of creativity creativity = unmeasurable rating of MOCs = bulls**t :-X :-P Idk if this is completely right or not and I don't want to offend any raters, it's just what I think the logical explanation of your problem with ratings might be! ;-) Well, I can always use more logic, that's for sure. ;-) I'm pretty sure Imperialshadows was just doing it to get under my skin. And it worked! >:-( :-P I think my annoyance with MOC raters is that I post my MOCs for feedback and advice and I think both are subjective. Ratings come in competitions and from experts and I like to think of posting MOCs in a community llike sharing my creations with friends and peers... You're unbelievanle! :-P Is it even possible to get a serious answer from you in right away? Guess not. :-| No seriously, is it the winning contest entry? Unbelievanle? I don't know what that word means, but I'm offended by the context! >:-( :-P No, I think of this theme as more of an improv. When learning improv, you're taught to never deny what you're getting from the other performers. The rule is "yes, and" not "no, but"...So, I think this theme can go wherever anyone wants to take it as long as it doesn't negate a direction someone else has already established. For example if someone built a set that was Exploding-Popcorn-Butt-Samantha's house where she lived with her husband Strider, someone couldn't come in and say "No, this is her house where she lives with her husband, the evil Lord Jocko." But, someone could build her vacation house where she's having an affair with the evil Lord Jocko... make sense? *wacko*
March 15, 200816 yr Nice BBU stuff there Hinckley - I�ll just line up in the *wub*-crowd *y*! Everything written already! To mail a letter you should put in the box, but people throw them on the ground instead - fair enough! But if your in the "recieving" end of the mail chain, where does it poop out get delivered from 8-|? The "impenetrable fortress" is very beatifully designed as well, although I can't quite see the impenetrableness. X-D I mean, if you ask me, the Smash Mech could easily stomp (or smash) that thing into the ground! :-DThe fortress is of course totally solid, so you might be able to stomp it in the ground but it won�t be penetrated X-D!Inpenetrable On copmike
March 15, 200816 yr Both MOCs share a pretty funny concept, a fine color scheme and a solid building style. *y* But that mail box in the mecha�s foot�s just plain hilarious.... :-P
March 15, 200816 yr Exploding-Popcorn-Butt-Samantha's house where she lived with her husband Strider As crap as my entry was, I love that character. I may just post a future moc with her, with several popcorn backside explosion action. But who exactly is this evil Jocko anyhoo? To the Bricksignal! >:-)
March 16, 200816 yr Unbelievanle? I don't know what that word means, but I'm offended by the context! >:-( :-P No, I think of this theme as more of an improv. When learning improv, you're taught to never deny what you're getting from the other performers. The rule is "yes, and" not "no, but"...So, I think this theme can go wherever anyone wants to take it as long as it doesn't negate a direction someone else has already established. For example if someone built a set that was Exploding-Popcorn-Butt-Samantha's house where she lived with her husband Strider, someone couldn't come in and say "No, this is her house where she lives with her husband, the evil Lord Jocko." But, someone could build her vacation house where she's having an affair with the evil Lord Jocko... make sense? *wacko* :-$ Oops! Sorry, I meant "unbelievable", and there is nothing to be offended by that - it just means that you are a silly goose, never taking my questions seriously and all, you know. ;-) Unless you find wrong grammar to be offensive! :-P But honestly, it would be nice if I wouldn't have to drive you insane everytime I would like to know something just to get a reasonable answer. :-/ I mean, I see that you have humor, and I respect that, but still... Wait, what am I saying? "Drive you insane"? According to you (and many others), you are already there! *wacko* So getting a "reasonable answer is practically impossible! :-P This doesn't make any sense! I think I'm going crazy too!!! *sing* NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :-D So, never mind, and don't worry, be happy! *y* And thanks for the explanaition! It makes sense and I understand now! ;-) Just one more thing: is Evil Lord Jocko the shrouded guy with the glowing Eyes? Btw, I can't blame the empire: I would go evil too if people would throw their mail next to the box instead of inside it! :-D Edited March 17, 200816 yr by Hinckley
March 16, 200816 yr Great MOC Hinckley! It's so awesome! I love the giant robot, it bet it packs a punch between it's legs! Hmm, maybe I worded that wrong. It's a very unique design, and it looks really nice in that colour scheme, all evil, which I assume it's most definately supposed to. I hope we get to see more of the evil Jocko empire. *sweet* That building, sorry, that The Impenetrable Fortress is also very cool, like a giant columny... er... building. It's so pillary! :-D *y* Great colour scheme too, it reminds me of a dinosaur. No, I'm not completely crazy, I was referring to the helicopter in the Dino Attack set, which is also tan and red. And that reminded me of dinosaurs. :-$ But my favourite part by far is the little brown rock tunnel. Such an architectural ingenuity, and the bit of grass growing on it is the icing on the cake. That is, if the rock tunnel were a cake, and the grass were icing. It's so cool, and with so few pieces, I think I may just make one also. It ties in so well with the mugs, croissant and bin too. Great job! Peace ~iamded
March 17, 200816 yr Cool Creation Hinckley! Very creative *y* However I don't really like the Mech :-/ Because the positioning of it(head below the legs) is very unnatural Just a matter of opinion I guess :-) Great Custom figs too, they look very sharp and sweet! But a fleshie strider?? How could you? X-O :-P I'm working on a few Block Block creations as we speak I finally found the meaning of it ! Combining elements from the past/present/future Some Ideas I have are Tree of Life Postal Craft Legend of Strider I created a very in-depth backgorund story for this new theme No Teasers yet though........
March 17, 200816 yr Cool Creation Hinckley! Very creative *y* However I don't really like the Mech :-/ Because the positioning of it(head below the legs) is very unnatural Just a matter of opinion I guess :-) Great Custom figs too, they look very sharp and sweet! But a fleshie strider?? How could you? X-O :-P *y* I'm working on a few Block Block creations as we speak I finally found the meaning of it ! Combining elements from the past/present/future Some Ideas I have are Tree of Life Postal Craft Legend of Strider I created a very in-depth backgorund story for this new theme No Teasers yet though........ I reckon tats what makes the mech look cool and it looks more fearsome that way..once again good job!
March 17, 200816 yr Author I'm working on a few Block Block creations as we speakI finally found the meaning of it ! Combining elements from the past/present/future Ew, no! That's time twisters. :-P Seriously though, the theme is meant to be whatever you want it to be. Use your imagination, there's no limit here.
March 18, 200816 yr Ew, no! That's time twisters. :-P Seriously though, the theme is meant to be whatever you want it to be. Use your imagination, there's no limit here. Not like that! :-D More like a civilization advanced in vehicles but slow in weapons Equals Anti gravity craft armed with bows and arrows :-P Add in some culture items and you get something awesome! Hopefully you'll see what I mean soon Since this has become a "Praise Hinckley ego booster" thread :-P X-D Time for some Block Block expansions!
March 18, 200816 yr Nice like it Hinckley. You should consider making a giant tortoise newspaper delivery company.
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