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Day One: Introductions

Aboard the finished Death Star...

Darth Vader assembled the senior Imperial Officers in a conference room that is different than the one depicted in the films. Next to him stood Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand.
"You are all here to listen to a message from the Emperor himself. While he is aboard the station, he did not feel as though he should deliver it personally."
Lord Vader stepped towards a viewscreen mounted on the wall. A few seconds later, the Emperor appeared.
"Greetings assembled senior staff." the Emperor said. "I have foreseen something very disturbing while I was holding court here, on my throne. Separate from the Rebel Alliance that seeks to overthrow this great Empire, there is an Officer's Rebellion brewing amongst you all. While I could interrogate each and every one of you, or simply kill you and replace you, I am a very busy man. I have an entire galaxy to run. Therefore, Lord Vader will lead this investigation. Every day, you will decide amongst yourselves who you think is a traitor to this great Empire. That is all."
The feed cut off, and the assembled officers spoke amongst each other, surprised at the internal rebellion. Except for traitors, who faked being surprised.
"You have until the end of the day to produce someone to interrogate. Failure to do so will be met with great consequences." Vader said.
With that, the Sith Lord left the room. 

List of Characters (16):
Grand Moff Tarkin - Played by: LegoMonorailFan
Grand Admiral Thrawn - Played by: mediumsnowman
Director Isard - Played by: Kintobor
Admiral Piett - Played by: Sandy
Admiral Motti - Played by: mostlytechnic
Admiral Daala - Played by: Rider Raider
Admiral Ozzel - Played by: Actor Builder
Admiral Yularen - Played by: KotZ
General Veers - Played by: fhomess
Admiral Shelby - Played by: Forresto
Admiral Greer - Played by: Tariq j 
Colonel Dellus - Played by: LegoRacer1
Captain Needa - Played by: Khscarymovie4
Captain Komec - Played by: jluck
Captain Fenton - Played by: Peanuts
Captain Jellico - Played by: Lady K


1) the imperial reporter


1) Every player has received their own character. You are either a Loyalist or a Traitor. The town need to eliminate the scum and the scum need to outnumber the town. Any third party characters have their own win conditions. 

2) Every day you will be able to vote for a player. Voting should be done as so: Vote: Character (Player). Unvoting is to be done in the same fashion: Unvote: Character (Player). A majority vote is required to lynch a player. You must vote every day, or you'll receive some sort of devious punishment.

3) A game day will last 72 hours, but if a unanimous vote is acheived after the 48 hour mark and the day thread goes quiet, the day may end early to my discresion. You may not vote within the first 24 hours of the day. Once the day is over, you will have 24 hours to send in a night action if this applies to you. Nights will last at most 48 hours, but it usually won't and I'm just saying that so nobody faults me if I'm late. You may not talk about the game outside of the day thread.

4) The alignment of players who have been lynched, as well as those who died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5) You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6) You are encouraged to role-play in this game. I've provided a role for you to expand upon if you wish. With that being said, please try not to post out of character in the game thread. You may PM other players, but do so at your own risk.

7) If you die, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players. Any information you had is null and void and is not allowed to be passed on under any circumstances.

8) Don't edit your posts.

9) You must post in every day thread.

10) Try to be nice to your fellow players. It's a game on a LEGO forum.

11) Violation of your first rule will result in a 5-vote penalty and your second violation will result in your death!

Lord Vader and Mara Jade? This is serious.

I'm shocked there are traitors among us!  I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they are all caught.

That said, can't Vader use some kind of mind reading thing and just end this quickly?

15 minutes ago, fhomess said:

I'm shocked there are traitors among us!  I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they are all caught.

That said, can't Vader use some kind of mind reading thing and just end this quickly?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's not that easy. Remember when he struggled to read Leia's mind? From the interweb we have this.

"He was not able to read Leia's thoughts because she was not in the same state of emotional turmoil, AND not emotionally suffering because of specific information about specific person - which is what enabled him to read Luke's mind."

Traitors! We’ve had problems like this before, I believe Agent Kallus of the ISB had committed similar crimes only to escape.

51 minutes ago, fhomess said:

I'm shocked there are traitors among us!  I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they are all caught.

That said, can't Vader use some kind of mind reading thing and just end this quickly?

Clearly, arcane mystic powers are no match for the acumen and rational reasoning taught in an imperial academy. That said, I am shocked that any officer could ever harbour rebellious thoughts. Even if they didn't see how despicable their cause is, surely they would have to realize it's hopeless to oppose the emperor?

Anyway, here we are. Let's find these traitors quickly.

1 hour ago, fhomess said:

I'm shocked there are traitors among us!  I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they are all caught.


12 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

Clearly, arcane mystic powers are no match for the acumen and rational reasoning taught in an imperial academy. That said, I am shocked that any officer could ever harbour rebellious thoughts. Even if they didn't see how despicable their cause is, surely they would have to realize it's hopeless to oppose the emperor?

Is this the fake shock we were warned about? Hmmmm? After all, we've had an ongoing rebellion we face. Is it really surprising that some among us could possibly be traitorous scum? 

32 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

Traitors! We’ve had problems like this before, I believe Agent Kallus of the ISB had committed similar crimes only to escape.

The traitors will not escape this time.

4 minutes ago, mostlytechnic said:


Is this the fake shock we were warned about? Hmmmm? After all, we've had an ongoing rebellion we face. Is it really surprising that some among us could possibly be traitorous scum? 

I mean, we all knew something was wrong when we replied in the confirmation thread were ordered to appear in the conference room all of a sudden. Still, I didn't expect there to be rebels on the Death Star, amongst the Imperial Officers. Did you?

These rebellious officers managed to somehow slip under the Intelligence committee? Blast. We'll have to double our efforts. 

20 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

I mean, we all knew something was wrong when we replied in the confirmation thread were ordered to appear in the conference room all of a sudden. Still, I didn't expect there to be rebels on the Death Star, amongst the Imperial Officers. Did you?

True, I was expecting to be looking amongst the lower ranks. But I suppose anything is possible, and with traitors among us, we must root them out for the good of the Empire!

Just now, Kintobor said:

These rebellious officers managed to somehow slip under the Intelligence committee? Blast. We'll have to double our efforts. 

Yes, I would have expected you to prevent this. Unless perhaps you're among the scum.... but I suppose I should ignore that thought, since our roles and allegiances were randomly generated. I mean, I'm Chief of Naval Operations, and why do we even have one of those? We have no boats in space! Oh wait, I guess we do have spaceSHIPS. 

Hunting rebels is what I do so seeing more suffer will be fun. Though I would be lying if I was to say that having traitors sit in this very room under are nose is good feeling. 

Traitors among us? Well this shall be solved quite easily with the Vulcan mind meld. 


Honestly Im not very surprised. I have always thought someone here was a little fishy (Admiral Motti) I am surprised are most of us here are! This group or single rebel most be within the highest ranks to cover themselves up.

It is common knowledge many among us harbor secret desires for power. I have observed that this is typical for your race. The Chiss are above such petty pursuits and dedicate our time to the true applications of efficient strategy and intellectual dominance.

Still, the newfound boldness of these traitors is troubling to me. As a gardener prunes the nycillin of Felicia, shall we prune and purge these traitors from our ranks to strengthen the might of the Empire and cement again our hold over the galaxy. 

3 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Traitors among us? Well this shall be solved quite easily with the Vulcan mind meld. 


Traitors amongst us....and we have to answer to Lord Vader with quality information....no pressure.

Is this a possible sign?  What exactly is a Vulcan mind meld and who are these Vulcans?  And why do you know of them?

Ozzel Am Here!

Let us catch scums swift and with gusto!

These Vulcans will be crushed with the steel fist of Imperial justice...after we squeeze the traitors out from amidst our ranks.

Many of you will no doubt recognize the Shelby name, famous for my exploits in numerous campaigns against the Rebels. But do not let the fame fool you, I am no arrogant Coruscanti or core world snob, I am but a humbld servant to my duty. 

Evidence is currently lacking. 

2 hours ago, Lady K said:

Traitors amongst us....and we have to answer to Lord Vader with quality information....no pressure.

Is this a possible sign?  What exactly is a Vulcan mind meld and who are these Vulcans?  And why do you know of them?

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic practice used by a reported alien race Known as Vulcans who exist in another galaxy far far away, and originate from their home planet Vulcan.

The practice involves telepathically joining minds with another individual allowing for an exchange of thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.

However seeing that a Vulcan is not among us, and that the practice is exclusive to those of the Vulcan race, I only bring it up because I'm a uh...enthusiast.

7 hours ago, LegoRacer1 said:

Honestly Im not very surprised. I have always thought someone here was a little fishy (Admiral Motti) I am surprised are most of us here are! This group or single rebel most be within the highest ranks to cover themselves up.

So you are both unsurprised and surprised, Colonel? Even for an officer of the ground forces, that sounds confused. And what is your issue with Admiral Motti?

57 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

So you are both unsurprised and surprised, Colonel? Even for an officer of the ground forces, that sounds confused. And what is your issue with Admiral Motti?

I'd like to know that too, what's this sudden problem you have with him?

2 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic practice used by a reported alien race Known as Vulcans who exist in another galaxy far far away, and originate from their home planet Vulcan.


Interesting, we would need some kind of ship to get us to that Universe. Maybe the Devastator or the Executer.

6 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic practice used by a reported alien race Known as Vulcans who exist in another galaxy far far away, and originate from their home planet Vulcan.

The practice involves telepathically joining minds with another individual allowing for an exchange of thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.

However seeing that a Vulcan is not among us, and that the practice is exclusive to those of the Vulcan race, I only bring it up because I'm a uh...enthusiast.

These Vulcans sound very dangerous to the Empire. I think once we are done exterminating the rebels we ought to go to that galaxy and get rid of yet another nuisance. Man we do so much and no one seems to appreciate it. 

4 hours ago, Tariq j said:

Interesting, we would need some kind of ship to get us to that Universe. Maybe the Devastator or the Executer.


34 minutes ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

These Vulcans sound very dangerous to the Empire. I think once we are done exterminating the rebels we ought to go to that galaxy and get rid of yet another nuisance. Man we do so much and no one seems to appreciate it. 

This could prove problematic since their galaxy is surrounded by a negative energy field known as the galactic barrier. Not only is passing thru the barrier dangerous, people high on the so called "Esper rating" who pass thru the barrier have the potential to unlock ESP abilities. However once they've unlocked these abilities, the Espers become more powerful as time passes eventually becoming like gods, and more often than not these godlike humans would proclaim that they are gods, and demand that others worship them.

Like our Lord Vader you mean? 

Perhaps he is a vulcan in disguise, who could know under that helm-

*Mysteriously begins to choke* I-I-ne-never-mi-min-mind *Mysteriously stops choking*

7 hours ago, Peanuts said:

So you are both unsurprised and surprised, Colonel? Even for an officer of the ground forces, that sounds confused. And what is your issue with Admiral Motti?

I believe his issue with me began yesterday, when I jokingly voted to lynch someone even before today's hunt began. 

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