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3 minutes ago, mostlytechnic said:

I believe his issue with me began yesterday, when I jokingly voted to lynch someone even before today's hunt began. 

But as you said, that's a joke, and it should have no bearing on today, right?

14 minutes ago, mostlytechnic said:

I believe his issue with me began yesterday, when I jokingly voted to lynch someone even before today's hunt began. 

I wonder who? 

9 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic practice used by a reported alien race Known as Vulcans who exist in another galaxy far far away, and originate from their home planet Vulcan.

The practice involves telepathically joining minds with another individual allowing for an exchange of thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.

However seeing that a Vulcan is not among us, and that the practice is exclusive to those of the Vulcan race, I only bring it up because I'm a uh...enthusiast.


2 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

These Vulcans sound very dangerous to the Empire. I think once we are done exterminating the rebels we ought to go to that galaxy and get rid of yet another nuisance. Man we do so much and no one seems to appreciate it. 


1 hour ago, LegoMonorailFan said:


This could prove problematic since their galaxy is surrounded by a negative energy field known as the galactic barrier. Not only is passing thru the barrier dangerous, people high on the so called "Esper rating" who pass thru the barrier have the potential to unlock ESP abilities. However once they've unlocked these abilities, the Espers become more powerful as time passes eventually becoming like gods, and more often than not these godlike humans would proclaim that they are gods, and demand that others worship them.

Hmm, this topic of Vulcans who aren't even a part of our glorious Empire (yet), seem to be of little concern and distracting of the real concern of traitors among our own officer corp.  Intentional?  Worth keeping an eye on.

Agreed, these Vulcans are a problem for the future.

Our attentions should be on the matter at hand.

Are we to vote out someone from amongst our ranks? Or hold off until we reconvene tomorrow and potentially have more evidence? 

There are decent cases to be made for both strategies on day one. 

12 minutes ago, Forresto said:

Agreed, these Vulcans are a problem for the future.

Our attentions should be on the matter at hand.

Are we to vote out someone from amongst our ranks? Or hold off until we reconvene tomorrow and potentially have more evidence? 

There are decent cases to be made for both strategies on day one. 

I say we let Lord Vadermort deal with the Vulcans.

I'm curious why you bring up the topic of not voting someone out so early.  We haven't even been here long enough to properly cast out baseless accusations and see how people react.  Surely we ought to at least do our due diligence before deciding that.

Just now, fhomess said:

I say we let Lord Vadermort deal with the Vulcans.

I'm curious why you bring up the topic of not voting someone out so early.  We haven't even been here long enough to properly cast out baseless accusations and see how people react.  Surely we ought to at least do our due diligence before deciding that.

Curious you say that given I never said we shouldn't, I merely brought up both options. 

Perhaps you're right though, it may be too early to know which way this board is leaning.

6 minutes ago, Forresto said:

Curious you say that given I never said we shouldn't, I merely brought up both options. 

Perhaps you're right though, it may be too early to know which way this board is leaning.

I don't think the conversation is worth having until people have had a chance to be accused and respond.  I also don't care which way the board is leaning.  I form my own opinions on these things and, given that there are those here who will try to push us into an agenda that is detrimental to the Empire, encourage everyone else to do the same.

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12 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

The Vulcan mind meld is a telepathic practice used by a reported alien race Known as Vulcans who exist in another galaxy far far away, and originate from their home planet Vulcan.

The practice involves telepathically joining minds with another individual allowing for an exchange of thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.

However seeing that a Vulcan is not among us, and that the practice is exclusive to those of the Vulcan race, I only bring it up because I'm a uh...enthusiast.

Typical that I left my Spock minifig back in America with the rest of my collection. 

49 minutes ago, fhomess said:

I don't think the conversation is worth having until people have had a chance to be accused and respond.  I also don't care which way the board is leaning.  I form my own opinions on these things and, given that there are those here who will try to push us into an agenda that is detrimental to the Empire, encourage everyone else to do the same.

Everyone has been accounted for, have they not? And not intending to be meta, but isn't that what always happens? We waffle back and forth on some inane comment and mostly we're wrong with the lynch because a bandwagon forms so everyone can claim "voting patterns"?

Just now, Bob said:

Typical that I left my Spock minifig back in America with the rest of my collection. 

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

1 hour ago, Forresto said:

Agreed, these Vulcans are a problem for the future.

Our attentions should be on the matter at hand.

Are we to vote out someone from amongst our ranks? Or hold off until we reconvene tomorrow and potentially have more evidence? 

There are decent cases to be made for both strategies on day one. 

The thing we don’t want to do is vote out a PR on the first day, so in that regard holding off might be a good idea, but, what we also don’t want it is Officers saying “oh yeah, let’s not vote now” and the conversation going dead. 

Just now, KotZ said:

Everyone has been accounted for, have they not? And not intending to be meta, but isn't that what always happens? We waffle back and forth on some inane comment and mostly we're wrong with the lynch because a bandwagon forms so everyone can claim "voting patterns"?

Admiral Piett has yet to make an appearance, I can see where you’re coming from but when the voting splits, it becomes useful since the scum aren’t all going to vote for the same player so you can start to get of a feel of where they might be in the voting, plus when the allegiance of the Lynch is revealed you can see who was against/reserved about it and who was for it.

1 hour ago, Forresto said:

Agreed, these Vulcans are a problem for the future.

Our attentions should be on the matter at hand.

Are we to vote out someone from amongst our ranks? Or hold off until we reconvene tomorrow and potentially have more evidence? 

There are decent cases to be made for both strategies on day one. 

I have been thinking about this since it's really the only thing to be thinking about on Day 1, personally I feel no lynches are better for town on day 1. Maybe it's just the games I have played, but out of all the ones I have played the two with day 1 lynches the town lost. The two with no lynches the town won, and then there is the one with no lynch and town still looses. So by that math town wins more with no lynches on day 1 (only the games I have played though). I think last game shows how day 1 lynched can be really bad as we lynched an important pr for pretty much nothing. Just my 2 cents. 

1 hour ago, fhomess said:

I say we let Lord Vadermort deal with the Vulcans.

I'm curious why you bring up the topic of not voting someone out so early.  We haven't even been here long enough to properly cast out baseless accusations and see how people react.  Surely we ought to at least do our due diligence before deciding that.

I mean what else are we too talk about. It's day 1 and I think weather or not we lynch is a very important thing that needs to be discussed. 


1 hour ago, Forresto said:

Curious you say that given I never said we shouldn't, I merely brought up both options. 

Perhaps you're right though, it may be too early to know which way this board is leaning.

Why bring up the option though? What were you trying to achieve? If we agree to lynch someone we still don't know whom. If we agree early on not to lynch anyone all conversation is dead and the traitors can fly under the radar. And if we keep discussing until we agree to disagree, as is the most likely outcome, we have wasted precious time with a worthless discussion and are no step closer to finding the traitors among us. Either we will be able to agree on someone to lynch at the end of the day, or we won't.

19 minutes ago, KotZ said:

Everyone has been accounted for, have they not? And not intending to be meta, but isn't that what always happens? We waffle back and forth on some inane comment and mostly we're wrong with the lynch because a bandwagon forms so everyone can claim "voting patterns"?

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

I'm generally in favor of lynching, I believe we cannot assume we will have any more information tomorrow than we have today.

I mean what else are we too talk about. It's day 1 and I think weather or not we lynch is a very important thing that needs to be discussed. 

Does it, though? Do we gain anything by discussing it?

I was simply trying to keep us focused on the objective. 

Which isn't the obliteration of this so called Vulcan, although that will still definitely totally happen, but on eliminating the traitors amongst us. 

The fact we're discussing this now finally demonstrates I was successful in getting the conversation on track.

1 hour ago, KotZ said:

Everyone has been accounted for, have they not? And not intending to be meta, but isn't that what always happens? We waffle back and forth on some inane comment and mostly we're wrong with the lynch because a bandwagon forms so everyone can claim "voting patterns"?

Isn't that the definition of a mafia game? 

54 minutes ago, Peanuts said:

I'm generally in favor of lynching, I believe we cannot assume we will have any more information tomorrow than we have today.

I concur. Yes, odds are we lynch a loyalist, which is bad. However, if we use the logic that "we don't have any good information to go on" then we won't lynch anyone till like day 4. And that's bad, since the traitors get to keep picking us off each night. The lynch is a source of information. 

48 minutes ago, Forresto said:

I was simply trying to keep us focused on the objective. 

Which isn't the obliteration of this so called Vulcan, although that will still definitely totally happen, but on eliminating the traitors amongst us. 

The fact we're discussing this now finally demonstrates I was successful in getting the conversation on track.

Especially on day 1, I see value in virtually any discussion we have. Talking is how we root the traitors out, for the most part. I don't wait to hear from investigations. 

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Voting is now open!

With 16 players, 9 votes are required to lynch. Remember, you must vote every day or face a penalty. 

Ozzel am present!

I am always against a Day 1 Lynch, unless there's some mega-sized reason for it.

We generally end up lynching the least active player who ends up being town, and it's no fun for anyone.

2 hours ago, Tariq j said:

Admiral Piett has yet to make an appearance, I can see where you’re coming from but when the voting splits, it becomes useful since the scum aren’t all going to vote for the same player so you can start to get of a feel of where they might be in the voting, plus when the allegiance of the Lynch is revealed you can see who was against/reserved about it and who was for it.

I am here, merely became victim of a different time zone and a hectic day got lost in the cantina while getting some cake. 

We certainly have a daunting task ahead of us, with nothing less than our lives and careers at stake. I wouldn't want anyone to make hasty conclusions - especially over someone's love for cake - but I do agree that the traitors must be found among us.

8 minutes ago, Actor Builder said:

Ozzel am present!

I am always against a Day 1 Lynch, unless there's some mega-sized reason for it.

We generally end up lynching the least active player who ends up being town, and it's no fun for anyone.

Sounds like you've been in a pickle like this before. Well, I too have had scuffles with rebel scum infiltrating our bases before, and I can say that lynching is our best (but not only) weapon against the scum.

It is highly risky to just vote somebody off without any hints, but neglecting to do that gives the traitors a free pass to take us out in the night.

I actually prefer to vote the more active speakers in the crowd instead the silent ones, because that way we can deduce more about what they have previously said. Knowing someone was loyal makes their theories more valid even posthumously, whereas lynching someone inactive won't tell us anything beyond their alignment.

4 minutes ago, Sandy said:

Sounds like you've been in a pickle like this before. Well, I too have had scuffles with rebel scum infiltrating our bases before, and I can say that lynching is our best (but not only) weapon against the scum.

It is highly risky to just vote somebody off without any hints, but neglecting to do that gives the traitors a free pass to take us out in the night.

Ozzel am Listening!

I believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:

Give time to Power Roles, who we may accidentally lynch. Even one day helps them get the ball rolling behind the scenes with some information.

Learn from who dies in the night, without losing so many players.  We may find there is a vigilante, or a secondary scum team. 

New players may not be into it quite yet, and they'll just die because we kill them without reason because it "helps the town".


I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.


4 minutes ago, Actor Builder said:

 believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:


I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.


You make good points, my colleague, even though it will probably take several days until we start learning something from those of us bestowed with special abilities.

I have no big motive to start the finger-pointing, but if it starts, I am not against joining it. That's all I'm trying to say.

16 minutes ago, Actor Builder said:

I believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:


I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.

I see your assessment there. There's certainly been flimsier arguments made for no-lynch first day.

@Sandy I'm slightly against the idea of going after the more active ones. Of course, scum try to appear active, but if a loyal town member isn't active, they're just clogging the pipes and we should flush them down into the trash compactor. Of course, we should still analyze what active people say otherwise we get nowhere.

34 minutes ago, Sandy said:

I am here, merely became victim of a different time zone and a hectic day got lost in the cantina while getting some cake. 

We certainly have a daunting task ahead of us, with nothing less than our lives and careers at stake. I wouldn't want anyone to make hasty conclusions - especially over someone's love for cake - but I do agree that the traitors must be found among us.

Sounds like you've been in a pickle like this before. Well, I too have had scuffles with rebel scum infiltrating our bases before, and I can say that lynching is our best (but not only) weapon against the scum.

It is highly risky to just vote somebody off without any hints, but neglecting to do that gives the traitors a free pass to take us out in the night.

I actually prefer to vote the more active speakers in the crowd instead the silent ones, because that way we can deduce more about what they have previously said. Knowing someone was loyal makes their theories more valid even posthumously, whereas lynching someone inactive won't tell us anything beyond their alignment.

I agree and disagree with you.  Firstly we do need to give Lord Vader good intel or....well I don't want to even imagine what will happen.  However, in my past assignments on different ships in the Empire's Fleet I have noticed that punishing, or in this case lynching, a more vocal and active member of the crew can have a bad effect on the conversation; it can slow or stop altogether. 

5 minutes ago, KotZ said:


@Sandy I'm slightly against the idea of going after the more active ones. Of course, scum try to appear active, but if a loyal town member isn't active, they're just clogging the pipes and we should flush them down into the trash compactor. 

Said passive officer might also be trying to hide a power role. Traitors usually aim for the active players during the night while trying to avoid looking like they're flying under the radar.

But sure, people can use a multitude of strategies in this situation. It all depends on what kind of a team of traitors we are facing.

On a tangent, do the rest of you think this will be a straightforward game... of life... or might there be a twist involved? I personally haven't seen anything that would point towards something out of the ordinary so far.

I am usually for a no-lynch day 1, and this game there is no different. I dislike the senseless lynch of a townie for no reason other than voting patterns that often go unused. I have rarely seen much use come from day 1, but from what does come from it the discussion is usually the most useful.


Speaking of discussion, I would like to start some by voting. Vote: Director Isard (Kintobor)

6 minutes ago, Sandy said:

On a tangent, do the rest of you think this will be a straightforward game... of life... or might there be a twist involved? I personally haven't seen anything that would point towards something out of the ordinary so far.

I haven't either, but let's not rule it out on Day 1. I remember I read a story and there was a man who reminded me of myself who was lynched and had a role called a gladiator, which seemed to confuse everyone. Are you meaning that kind of surprise or twist?

I agree with both Yularen and Jellico in terms of active players, what I’ve noticed with lynching is you have think about it in the long run, if a players is quiet now, what guarantees they’ll speak up and vote in the future? 

10 minutes ago, Sandy said:

On a tangent, do the rest of you think this will be a straightforward game... of life... or might there be a twist involved? I personally haven't seen anything that would point towards something out of the ordinary so far.

If you mean game mechanics wise, maybe, there could be a new role mechanic or it could just be a regular game. In a lot of stories I have read there’s been a new/unusual role that’s been the twist of the game. 

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