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1 hour ago, Actor Builder said:

Ozzel am Listening!

I believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:

Give time to Power Roles, who we may accidentally lynch. Even one day helps them get the ball rolling behind the scenes with some information.

Learn from who dies in the night, without losing so many players.  We may find there is a vigilante, or a secondary scum team. 

New players may not be into it quite yet, and they'll just die because we kill them without reason because it "helps the town".


I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.


There are pros and cons to each of these thoughts.

Giving time to power roles is partially valid.  Reducing the pool of PR targets is a valid reason to lynch.  It's also worth noting that we can rely exclusively on PR's.  We can't be sure which PR's are available to us or whether the information they receive is actionable.  It can take a few nights before that information comes together.

Learning from who dies is the only way we can confirm information to evaluate others on.  Not wanting to lose so many people is valid.  The counter argument to that is that the only weapon we know we have at our disposal is the lynch.

New players may be slow to contribute - eh, maybe?  I agree completely we should not kill without reason.  We absolutely should have some suspicion to go on.

Thank you for contributing a detailed explanation of your thinking.

The one thing I take exception to here is the comment about actively voting Day 2.  That implies that you will not be actively voting today.  Not voting is expressly punishable.  Voting without putting some thought into who you actually do find traitorous is not in our interests.  Everyone needs to place their vote thoughtfully.  Voting for a random person just to avoid penalty makes it harder for the rest of us to look back on in future days.

I tend towards lynching but some of my recent experiences have me more open to the idea of playing things a bit slower.  I don't yet find anyone sufficiently more suspicious than anyone else to want to cast a vote at this time.

1 hour ago, Sandy said:

I actually prefer to vote the more active speakers in the crowd instead the silent ones, because that way we can deduce more about what they have previously said. Knowing someone was loyal makes their theories more valid even posthumously

Admiral Piett, I must question the validity of this statement. On Day 1, even those who are endowed with... ahem, special abilities... know nothing more than the rest of us, and knowing they are loyal posthumously does nothing to validate any theories they may have had. It’s all just aimless speculation.

On the subject of whether or not to vote someone out, I have observed many times the majority flails like a helpless Lothcat when there is no information to go on Day 2, and may even continue to no-lynch for several days while they are picked off one by one. Knowledge is power, and some knowledge is better than none.

46 minutes ago, Rider Raider said:

Speaking of discussion, I would like to start some by voting. Vote: Director Isard (Kintobor)

Oooh, how scandalous. Nice knowing I'm worth being the first vote. :poke:

1 hour ago, Actor Builder said:

Ozzel am Listening!

I believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:

Give time to Power Roles, who we may accidentally lynch. Even one day helps them get the ball rolling behind the scenes with some information.

Learn from who dies in the night, without losing so many players.  We may find there is a vigilante, or a secondary scum team. 

New players may not be into it quite yet, and they'll just die because we kill them without reason because it "helps the town".

I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.

I find this first remark incredibly off, and I doubt a newbie officer will be lynched unless they say something ridiculously stupid. I'm of another mind than Ozzel in our current predicament. I believe you should vote and lynch Day 1, as it gives the town something to go on Day 2. Throwing away a Day 1 vote for a no-lynch gives the scum ample opportunity to murder a guaranteed townie AND hide their trail easier amongst the town. Day Two with a coordinated no lynch just gives the scum more time to murder us off. You're also assuming we have a vigilante, and a trigger happy one at that. We don't know if they'll strike on the first night, so why rely on it to progress? Besides, the vigilante might murder a loyal townie by accident, or even worse, we might have a serial killer. There's a lot of "ifs" to this logic, and I don't buy into it.

There's also the statement that Veers brought up. The implication is that you intend to be active tomorrow, but not today. I find that curious to say the least.

For the time being I'm going to Vote: Ozzel (Actor Builder). I'm not wholly convinced of his scumminess, but I'd at least like others to know that I find this behaviour at best suspicious and at worst scummy. I expect this vote to move, but for now it'll stay if only to remind Ozzel that I'm questioning his logic and I want him to stick around.

1 hour ago, Sandy said:

On a tangent, do the rest of you think this will be a straightforward game... of life... or might there be a twist involved? I personally haven't seen anything that would point towards something out of the ordinary so far.

I'm going to answer this statement with another statement: what information will this line of questioning provide at this point in our investigation that can help the town?

1 hour ago, Sandy said:

I actually prefer to vote the more active speakers in the crowd instead the silent ones, because that way we can deduce more about what they have previously said. Knowing someone was loyal makes their theories more valid even posthumously, whereas lynching someone inactive won't tell us anything beyond their alignment.


1 hour ago, Sandy said:

Said passive officer might also be trying to hide a power role. Traitors usually aim for the active players during the night while trying to avoid looking like they're flying under the radar.

Personally, in the beginning I primarily suspect the middle of the road people. The quietest ones are either PRs trying to avoid attention, or just quiet townies. The loudest voices are almost always loyal - the scum don't want that much attention. The traitors, in my experience, talk just enough to not be noticed at either end of the spectrum. 

Bah, now I've given way my plan, and the traitors may try to avoid my trap. But I doubt it. 

Seeing that we're debating a day one lynch, I'll add my two cents and say that I'm against it. I'll be sharing my opinion on this and other discussions in fuller detail shortly.

(Long day, and I have a headache.) 

2 hours ago, Kintobor said:

For the time being I'm going to Vote: Ozzel (Actor Builder). I'm not wholly convinced of his scumminess, but I'd at least like others to know that I find this behaviour at best suspicious and at worst scummy. I expect this vote to move, but for now it'll stay if only to remind Ozzel that I'm questioning his logic and I want him to stick around.

Ozzel am Under Scrutiny!

Hi Bud. You Also Bring Up Good Points In Favor Of A  Day One Lynch. 

I Should Clarify: I Intend To Be Active Today As Much As Any Other Day, I Just Hope It Doesn't Result In A Lynch, Because I Find It Detrimental To The Town.

3 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Seeing that we're debating a day one lynch, I'll add my two cents and say that I'm against it. I'll be sharing my opinion on this and other discussions in fuller detail shortly.

(Long day, and I have a headache.) 

Get Some Rest, Friend.

First off, sorry Im late I had a lone squad of Xwings attack my Stardestroyer. Im here now though! I read up on some stuff thats going on and yes Im suspions on Admiral Motti is for his vote, it may be a joke but every little thing counts here. In the past in not following my gut I lost games for it, so thats why my vote is what it is

Vote: Admiral Motti (mostlytechnic)


PS. It has nothing to do with taking command of his fleet, or moving up the ranks.

4 hours ago, Actor Builder said:

Ozzel am Listening!

I believe in a no-lynch first day because of these:

Give time to Power Roles, who we may accidentally lynch. Even one day helps them get the ball rolling behind the scenes with some information.

Learn from who dies in the night, without losing so many players.  We may find there is a vigilante, or a secondary scum team. 

New players may not be into it quite yet, and they'll just die because we kill them without reason because it "helps the town".


I look forward to actively voting Day 2 though.


8 minutes ago, Actor Builder said:

Ozzel am Under Scrutiny!

Hi Bud. You Also Bring Up Good Points In Favor Of A  Day One Lynch. 

I Should Clarify: I Intend To Be Active Today As Much As Any Other Day, I Just Hope It Doesn't Result In A Lynch, Because I Find It Detrimental To The Town.

Get Some Rest, Friend.

Do you plan on voting today? I agree with you on the no-lynch but from the way your talking it sounds like you might not vote, and I'll think that can be bad for town as voting patterns are one of the only things we have. 


4 hours ago, Rider Raider said:

I am usually for a no-lynch day 1, and this game there is no different. I dislike the senseless lynch of a townie for no reason other than voting patterns that often go unused. I have rarely seen much use come from day 1, but from what does come from it the discussion is usually the most useful.


Speaking of discussion, I would like to start some by voting. Vote: Director Isard (Kintobor)

Any reason as to why your voting for Director Isard? I know it's day 1 but some reasoning, even if it's a joke would be nice. For now I will Vote: Admiral Daala (Rider Raider) . For not really giving a reason as to her vote. Yeah my vote is definitely a day 1 vote but so far no one has acted too weird. 

9 hours ago, Lady K said:



Hmm, this topic of Vulcans who aren't even a part of our glorious Empire (yet), seem to be of little concern and distracting of the real concern of traitors among our own officer corp.  Intentional?  Worth keeping an eye on.

Just day one chit chat. That's all. 

(Also I'm a Trekkie and I find it amusing to discuss Star Trek in a Star Wars themed game. :grin: )


8 hours ago, fhomess said:

I'm curious why you bring up the topic of not voting someone out so early.  We haven't even been here long enough to properly cast out baseless accusations and see how people react.  Surely we ought to at least do our due diligence before deciding that.

I personally see nothing wrong with debating early in the game whether or not we want a day one lynch. 


7 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

I mean what else are we too talk about. It's day 1 and I think weather or not we lynch is a very important thing that needs to be discussed. 



7 hours ago, Peanuts said:


Why bring up the option though? What were you trying to achieve? If we agree to lynch someone we still don't know whom. If we agree early on not to lynch anyone all conversation is dead and the traitors can fly under the radar. And if we keep discussing until we agree to disagree, as is the most likely outcome, we have wasted precious time with a worthless discussion and are no step closer to finding the traitors among us. Either we will be able to agree on someone to lynch at the end of the day, or we won't.

I'm generally in favor of lynching, I believe we cannot assume we will have any more information tomorrow than we have today.

Does it, though? Do we gain anything by discussing it?

What do you propose we discuss with our precious time on day one then?

10 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Just day one chit chat. That's all. 

(Also I'm a Trekkie and I find it amusing to discuss Star Trek in a Star Wars themed game. :grin: )

Vote: GRand Moff Tarkin (LegoMonorailFan)

I knew the Rebels would infiltrate the highest levels of the Empire! A Trekkie here? Amongst the greatest military leaders of the glorious Empire? Absolute scum. :laugh:

i just want to make it clear, even though Im not a mod of this game. If we don't vote tomorrow you get your one chance(five vote penalty), the next time you die.

1 hour ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

Any reason as to why your voting for Director Isard? I know it's day 1 but some reasoning, even if it's a joke would be nice. For now I will Vote: Admiral Daala (Rider Raider) . For not really giving a reason as to her vote. Yeah my vote is definitely a day 1 vote but so far no one has acted too weird. 

It was just a vote to get Isard active and discussion rolling. The only post they had made at the time was fluff.

Unvote: Director Isard (Kintobor)

2 minutes ago, KotZ said:

Vote: GRand Moff Tarkin (LegoMonorailFan)

I knew the Rebels would infiltrate the highest levels of the Empire! A Trekkie here? Amongst the greatest military leaders of the glorious Empire? Absolute scum. :laugh:

Fair enough. :laugh:

Right now my suspicion lies upon those in favor of a day one lynch and those who feel it is useless to discuss whether or not we should have a day one lynch. Particularly @Peanuts who seemed awfully defensive about discussing a day one lynch, yet stated he was in favor of a day one lynch. So for now I'm going to Vote: Captain Fenton (Peanuts)


18 minutes ago, KotZ said:

Vote: GRand Moff Tarkin (LegoMonorailFan)

I knew the Rebels would infiltrate the highest levels of the Empire! A Trekkie here? Amongst the greatest military leaders of the glorious Empire? Absolute scum. :laugh:

Not a need of a vote but ok, Im just waiting until there is a Star Trek mafia so we can bug him with Starwars stuff.:vader:

I'll note that I don't suspect Daala at this point. Often times the first few votes is just getting the ball rolling, and I find nothing suspicious in Daala doing so.

  • Author

Vote Count:
Admiral Ozzel/Actor Builder - 1 (Kintobor)
Admiral Motti/mostlytechnic - 1 (LegoRacer1)
Admiral Daala/Rider Raider - 1 (Khscarymovie4)
Grand Moff Tarkin/LegoMonorailFan - 1 (KotZ)
Captain Fenton/Peanuts - 1 (LegoMonorailFan)

Reminder: 9 votes are required to lynch. You must vote every day. 

49 minutes ago, Bob said:

Vote Count:
Admiral Ozzel/Actor Builder - 1 (Kintobor)
Admiral Motti/mostlytechnic - 1 (LegoRacer1)
Admiral Daala/Rider Raider - 1 (Khscarymovie4)
Grand Moff Tarkin/LegoMonorailFan - 1 (KotZ)
Captain Fenton/Peanuts - 1 (LegoMonorailFan)

Reminder: 9 votes are required to lynch. You must vote every day. 

Well this certainly should get discussion going.  As far as the Day 1 lynch, I have seen advantages and disadvantages recently to both.  I do think it is better to have than to have not.  As to who?  Right now most are joining in the discussion....most, but not all.  I would really like to hear more from those who have said very little before casting my vote (even an initial one).


I suppose if I have to vote I will.

Colonel Dellus (LegoRacer1) 

If only to motivate him to get involved in the conversation more.

Still uncertain of whether a Day One lynch is beneficial.

I think if we do lynch today it should for the least active, since they contribute less to the conversation, lines that can serve as clues to their allegiance. 

7 hours ago, Kintobor said:

I'm going to answer this statement with another statement: what information will this line of questioning provide at this point in our investigation that can help the town?

I just like to know what I'm up against. There have been cases like this where the mechanics behind it are so out of the usual that it makes everything harder to figure out. So far everything seems to follow a familiar pattern, since nobody has yet brought up anything special.

It seems the time to vote is now, and since I'm in a rush to get to work the cantina, I'm going to agree that my fellow admiral's strategy is not the most beneficial for our cause.

Vote: Admiral Ozzel (Actor Builder)

4 hours ago, LegoRacer1 said:

i just want to make it clear, even though Im not a mod of this game. If we don't vote tomorrow you get your one chance(five vote penalty), the next time you die.

Ozzel am Well-Read of the Rules!

VOTE: COLONEL DELLUS (LegoRacer1) for being so obnoxiously unhelpful as to just restate the rules we all agreed to beforehand! 

(Note: I am on mobile and cannot bold text. Please accept my vote as it stands. Thanks, Bob.)

official Off-Mobile Vote:

VOTE: Colonel Dellus (LegoRacer1)

I feel like in previous times we've been too focused on trying vote for someone by catching them out on something they've said. If we're going to have a day one lynch, then it should be a less active player. 

6 hours ago, LegoRacer1 said:

First off, sorry Im late I had a lone squad of Xwings attack my Stardestroyer. Im here now though! I read up on some stuff thats going on and yes Im suspions on Admiral Motti is for his vote, it may be a joke but every little thing counts here. In the past in not following my gut I lost games for it, so thats why my vote is what it is

Vote: Admiral Motti (mostlytechnic)


PS. It has nothing to do with taking command of his fleet, or moving up the ranks.

So is it just a joke or a gut feeling you want to act on? Would you actually be comfortable to lynch Admiral Motti? This is a sincere question, I'm not sure what the motivation behind your vote is.

5 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Just day one chit chat. That's all. 

(Also I'm a Trekkie and I find it amusing to discuss Star Trek in a Star Wars themed game. :grin: )


I personally see nothing wrong with debating early in the game whether or not we want a day one lynch. 




What do you propose we discuss with our precious time on day one then?

Well, we have started accusing each other, and whether or not that will end in a lynch, it's a hundred times more helpful for us than debating lynching in general. Lynching will happen or it won't.

5 hours ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

Fair enough. :laugh:

Right now my suspicion lies upon those in favor of a day one lynch and those who feel it is useless to discuss whether or not we should have a day one lynch. Particularly @Peanuts who seemed awfully defensive about discussing a day one lynch, yet stated he was in favor of a day one lynch. So for now I'm going to Vote: Captain Fenton (Peanuts)


I stand by my opinion. Only once we stopped having the debate about Day One Lynches we started accusing each other. Even if no lynch results from that, at least we haven't wasted the day.

15 hours ago, Forresto said:

Agreed, these Vulcans are a problem for the future.

Our attentions should be on the matter at hand.

Are we to vote out someone from amongst our ranks? Or hold off until we reconvene tomorrow and potentially have more evidence? 

There are decent cases to be made for both strategies on day one. 

I find you awfully non-commital. You haven't been inactive today, but I feel like you said a lot without ever saying much. Like, you bring up whether we should lynch, but your opinion on the topic is just "There are decent cases to be made for both strategies".

15 hours ago, Forresto said:

Curious you say that given I never said we shouldn't, I merely brought up both options. 

Perhaps you're right though, it may be too early to know which way this board is leaning.

And now you emphasize you only brought up options. Why even start the discussion if you're not willing to actually discuss? At this point you only said there are 'decent cases to be made', but you don't make the cases and get defensive when someone replies to you.

13 hours ago, Forresto said:

I was simply trying to keep us focused on the objective. 

Which isn't the obliteration of this so called Vulcan, although that will still definitely totally happen, but on eliminating the traitors amongst us. 

The fact we're discussing this now finally demonstrates I was successful in getting the conversation on track.

3 hours ago, Forresto said:

I suppose if I have to vote I will.

Colonel Dellus (LegoRacer1) 

If only to motivate him to get involved in the conversation more.

Still uncertain of whether a Day One lynch is beneficial.

I think if we do lynch today it should for the least active, since they contribute less to the conversation, lines that can serve as clues to their allegiance. 

After some votes come in, you follow up with a vote of your own, with no accusation, again emphasizing you are not acussing, but only trying to motivate. Still uncertain whether a lynch is benefitial.  Still non-commital.

This all seems very middle-of-the-road to me, so I'll

Vote: Admiral Shelby (Forresto)



9 hours ago, LegoRacer1 said:

First off, sorry Im late I had a lone squad of Xwings attack my Stardestroyer. Im here now though! I read up on some stuff thats going on and yes Im suspions on Admiral Motti is for his vote, it may be a joke but every little thing counts here. In the past in not following my gut I lost games for it, so thats why my vote is what it is

Vote: Admiral Motti (mostlytechnic)


PS. It has nothing to do with taking command of his fleet, or moving up the ranks.

This pings me slightly, since I feel like you're trying to start an easy bandwagon, to me it was a joke vote. Something that wasn't to be taken seriously. 

5 hours ago, Sandy said:

I just like to know what I'm up against. There have been cases like this where the mechanics behind it are so out of the usual that it makes everything harder to figure out. So far everything seems to follow a familiar pattern, since nobody has yet brought up anything special.

To be fair, even if there was some kind of mechanic, it's only Day One, so we wouldn't know about it until later in the game. 


7 hours ago, Forresto said:

I suppose if I have to vote I will.

Colonel Dellus (LegoRacer1) 

If only to motivate him to get involved in the conversation more.

Still uncertain of whether a Day One lynch is beneficial.

I think if we do lynch today it should for the least active, since they contribute less to the conversation, lines that can serve as clues to their allegiance. 

I agree with the last part, the thing is it all depends on how well we utilize the voting patterns the next day. And this is where I'm concerned, say we do make a lynch today and try and analyse the voting patterns tomorrow, how successful will we be? Its all very well saying we're  going to use the patterns, but is there a guarantee we're going to catch a scum? 

I'm curious has there ever been a game where a scum has been caught and lynched based mostly off voting patterns? For most of the games I've played it's usually down to a night action result like a track or an investigation that a scum has been caught.

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