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You know what? I don't need this kind of aggravation in my life. I am trying to navigate this forum and not step on any toes and all I get is snarky and derogatory comments.  You guys can keep your comments and criticisms, I don't need every word I say on here discounted because of one mistake.  I can see there are those on here who feel they are holier than thou, and I just don't have the time to deal with it. I will go back into my hole and  crawl out again when I have spent another 8 months creating something people on here won't appreciate.  

Enough said.



You're the one that came in here acting like you were God's gift to Technic building.

I remember last year someone either here or on Facebook saying something to the effect of "Everybody and their mother wants to be a Technic Rockstar" :laugh:

Just now, Bublehead said:

Do I need say anything else on the subject?... @Meatman just proved my point.

So are you actually done here, or are you just going to stick around for the drama?

1 minute ago, Meatman said:

So are you actually done here, or are you just going to stick around for the drama?

I think he's going to pick the latter -- go for more attention.

This will probably be my only comment on a thread like this: I don't like this drama. Somehow, everyone should just cool down for a bit and maybe take a short break. 


This is starting to sound like my LUG...

Edited by TechnicRCRacer

@Bublehead Dude you are literally fishing for sympathy. I just went through your comment history and you have no reason to be mad at anyone.

10 minutes ago, Bublehead said:

Do I need say anything else on the subject?... @Meatman just proved my point.

But @Meatman was 100% right. Your first post was calling your MOC a game-changer. You built up the hype yourself and then went on the defensive when it backfired and people got annoyed at you.

You need to learn forum etiquette. Until you do so, people aren’t gonna give a crap if you leave.

Edited by Bartybum

I'm really sorry you feel this way.

The members of this forum haven't said or done anything that warrants this kind of reaction or should I say over reaction. 

Sure you got off on the wrong foot and yes you took some stick for it but you read far more into things than was there. You made the mistake of taking those comments personally and to make matters worse you then start a topic about mindset & atttitude which is almost guaranteed to get a negative reaction from people. I can't help but think you didn't know this could be seen as provocative.

I tried to tell you that this is a very friendly place and to keep that in mind when reading comments but it appears from what you've said in this topic that you've chosen to do otherwise.

I'm sorry you're leaving as you're obviously a builder with talent but I can't help but feel you're the master of your own discontent.

Edited by grum64

Admittedly, I don't have much to offer this forum about anything technical.  I have no training, education, or expertise in anything technical. 

But what I cannot offer in technical expertise, perhaps I can offer in social.   As a practicing clinical psychologist, my whole career is built off of trying to learn about people's behavior and presentation, and view it objectively.  With this intro, I say the following:

I can tell on nearly every single MOC posting the reason why the member is posting their MOC.  Usually falls somewhere on the "building as an end unto itself versus a means to an end" continuum.  When hypersensitivity, paranoia of others' perceptions, and an inability to accept feedback predominate one's activity online in forums such as this, I can tell you where they fall on this continuum.  @Bublehead, whereas I defended you on your initial post I can state, fairly certainly, where you lie. 

When building is a means to fulfilling the need for recognition or social "likes" I don't think the outcome on forums such as this one will ever be positive.  It is too easily recognized and is a distraction from the hobby we all love.  Also serves as the complete opposite of the "childhood wonderment" discussed in one of your last posts.  Negative emotions when others don't fill your social needs is likely to occupy your experience, and sooner or later that negative emotion is spewed out to others.  That is exactly what occurred here.  

This being said, I think staying away from this forum is a good idea.  Sounds like you are entirely frustrated with your experience. 

Are you guys serious?!?!? Idc if someone is creating drama and looking for attention, but you don't need to treat them this way... I have been apart of this community for awhile, not super active, but I do post once and awhile. But why would I want to be apart of a community that treats people like that?? Specially knowing that some of the negative comment should are coming from grown adults that know better... this is suppose to be fun, not an area that people want to leave because of the comments being made. 

12 minutes ago, aminnich said:

Are you guys serious?!?!? Idc if someone is creating drama and looking for attention, but you don't need to treat them this way... I have been apart of this community for awhile, not super active, but I do post once and awhile. But why would I want to be apart of a community that treats people like that?? Specially knowing that some of the negative comment should are coming from grown adults that know better... this is suppose to be fun, not an area that people want to leave because of the comments being made. 

"community" is the operative word here.  In any community there are still rules and regulations, written or un-written, that when violated members have a right to stick up for one another.  I get the sense that the OP was trying to call out or shame someone whose, so far by democratic vote, was doing nothing wrong.  When some people are being too sensitive, and they try to blame others for their frailties, it does no good to support that.  I don't see any of the postings thus far, as trying to "treat" the OP in any way.  Don't confuse one's ire with evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the community.  There are some in life that will draw their own ire no matter how careful you try to be. 



54 minutes ago, aminnich said:


Treats people like what? The community wasn’t hostile to Bublehead. I found it pretty clear that he’s just too close to the matter and builds for recognition rather than enjoyment, like @nerdsforprez said.

You may not care if people are causing drama, but many others and I do, because we don’t want the forum to run itself into the ground.

This is something he has to figure out on his own. Many of us have no interest (and shouldn’t be expected to) in supporting his actions, and that’s been expressed multiple times fairly.

Edited by Bartybum

To be honest @Bublehead I was going to offer some helpful criticism of your original MOC, until I realized that it was the perfect representation of all things Technic and no advice would be acceptable so I said nothing bad about it. Not really sure what the problem is but you seem determined to receive only god-like praise for your creations then dish out thinly veiled insults to anyone offering constructive criticism. Happy building. 


 Frankly, I couldn't even find your first MOC topic to make comments on after seeing mention of it in this thread, so I have no remarks there. 

 Bud, we are all adults here. We work stressful lives, working, going to uni, to each his own. Frankly, tensions can wear thin, but there is no need to aggravate people with unnecessary topics like this. If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, fine! By all means, keep posting relevant, non-aggressive material! But when you reach our adult community with actions that suggest we are young children who need to have things layed out to them, who need recognition for their every action, yes problems will emerge. I think that you should re-look at this comment you posted. 

"And I am going to give you a definition of it that most will understand."

 Maybe you don't see it, though many people might find that this a bit insulting to their intelligence. You are acting as if we don't know anything, and that you need to lay you plans out overly clearly to us. This sort of a mentality seems to persist throughout your posts. Said simply, cut it out. There's no need for that sort of crap on here. 

Edited by Myers Lego Technic

I went back and read the topics. It's unfortunate how things turned out, nobody should have to feel like they don't belong so soon after joining. Teasers, especially those that don't include something obviously new or mysterious enough to warrant curiosity in the photos, get less attention than humble WIPs or final presentations. I had no issue with your original topic, looked fine. But the way you made a point of replying to every comment that you didn't like with your own snarky remarks is not a good way to get started, if you feel like you've been attacked or made fun of unnecessarily, just report the comment/talk to a mod. People that pointed out flaws in your MOC were just reacting to your quite boastful attitude for a new member, even if your experience far outweighs your forum time. Also, replying to every constructive criticism by explaining why what you did was right and made more sense comes off as arrogant, even if you didn't mean it that way, I'm pretty sure everyone has been guilty of that at some point. For the record, I really enjoyed your MOC when you unveiled the entire setup, and want to see more from you in the future.

I hope you change your mind and continue sharing your creations and opinions, but if you're truly done, you obviously didn't need to post something akin to self righteous people exclaiming their exit from a social media platform, because without a reputation, a dramatic exit is just immature and antagonizing. It seems like you want to stick around, and I definitely welcome you to, but an internet forum isn't worth getting yourself worked up over. 

Edited by z3_2drive

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