Posted April 27, 20186 yr Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List New Terra’s independent source for shipping news. April 618. Vol 3, Issue 3 CONTACT IN THE NEW HAVEN SEA! Some of us at the KPA have been wondering why the Carno trade fleet plying the Brick Seas these days has been so small. Now we have an idea why. Our man in Poorvintia reports that several Carno ships have just returned from an extended voyage in the New Haven Sea to the southeast. The ship captains are trying to keep the crews quiet, but KPA reporters know how to expense report a few rounds of drinks far too well to not get the story. Carno has apparently established a settlement on an extremely large island in the southwest portion of the sea. However, they have also discovered a rival settlement by the Kingdom of the Lotus from southern Halos! Initial contact apparently did not go well, and from the battle scars on some of the returning ships and the activity around the naval office in Poorvintia, we can only guess that Carno is preparing for a fight! GARVEYIAN PORT SACKED As the “Fence of Madrice,” many assume Garvey is immune in some way to the ravages of the pirate scourge in the Brick Seas, but that is not the case. The port of Leopaldis was the victim of a harassing raid by pirates this month! With no vessels on patrol to protect the town, a powerful pirate fleet pounded the small fortifications and raided the town bank, fleeing with their booty before the militia could be summoned. No trade ships were harmed in port, and business continues as usual today, but the town is now in poor financial shape and it will take some time to rebuild their reserves. SHIPPING REPORT Corries Scrap with Sea Rats Again Our man in King’s Harbour reports that a large Corrish fleet sailed into port with two captured Sea Rat vessels: the Priest’s Bounty and the notorious Pineapple Revenge! Red coat crews also claimed to have damaged the Sea Rat flagship Komodo Dragon. The crew of Pineapple Revenge have protested, noting that they were not flying the black, but the Corrie crews point out that Priest’s Bounty and Komodo Dragon were flying the back, making the entire squadron fair game. All was not cheers and huzzahs for the red coats, however, as fleet flagship HMS Wentham went down in the fight. Have We Finally Heard the Last of Gregory Decker? From Bardo we have news that the Eslandolan pirate hunting ship Cardinal II came into port with TWO ships in tow: the sloop Butcher and the brig of war Blood and Guts, reportedly belonging to a former Gregory Decker associate calling himself Captain Gore. The fledgling pirate captain was captured along with his ships, so it looks like we’ll have another pirate hanging this month. At least Captain Gore will have the lovely sounds of Bardo’s music festival to listen to until he hangs from the gallows! On the down side for the Greenies, however, our man in Bardo also reports that the galleon Triunfo was lost in the course of making the captures. Prio Gets Revenge Last month Prio representatives were outraged that Sea Rats captured one of their trade ships and snuck out of the Corrie port of Jameston before satisfaction could be obtained. So, it looks like Prio has taken matters into its own hands. We hear from Isla Romantica that the Prio trade fleet, led by the man’o’war Pegasus, sailed into Alexport with a prize crew aboard Misfortune’s Wrath! And crews were happy to report they also sank the Dark Narwhal, while at the same time mourning the loss of the armed sloop Patriot to Davy Jones’ Locker. Is this the end of hostilities between Prio and the Sea Rats, or only the beginning? LeColeon Teams Up with Bloody Bill and Montroy! Are we seeing the emergence of a dire pirate threat in the Prio Seas? Remnants of an Eslandola trade fleet pulled into the Trador port missing two of its ships. While the escorts Long Beard and La Salamandra arrived intact, as did the trader Dark Spirit, crews report to our man in Trador that Cotton Lady and Tuna King were captured by a pirate fleet with ships of both pirate Montroy and pirate LeColeon! And far to the west in Quinnsville, we hear that the small Corrish xebec Satyr narrowly escaped a pirate fleet that included the flagships of both Bloody Bill and LeColeon! Does LeColeon control a pirate fleet larger than anyone could imagine? Have the pirates banded together to fight the increasing patrols from Corrington and Eslandola? What other pirates might join their force? These are dangerous times indeed. Bluebeard to Ransom Corrie Crews? The Corrish man’o’war HMS Proserpine and xebec Lady Jacqueline have not been heard from, but our man in Calisto believes that the pirate Bluebeard may have crews of one or both of the ships hidden away somewhere. We await more news on the fate of the men and their ships. ZvW Strikes Again From Poorvintia we hear the crew of the WTC Riff Raft are reporting that their ship was damaged in an encounter with Zublius Von Wreck in the Cocovia Sea. The WTC crew claim to have sunk ZvW’s man’o’war flagship, Ghost Harvester, but can offer no proof, and we in the KPA offices find their claim suspect. Harrison Torn Attacks Corrington Trade Fleet In Nova Terreli the crew of the Corrish cutter-rigged sloop Alexander is telling the tale of their narrow escape from the clutches of Harrison Torn’s pirate fleet in the Sea of Storms. Their squadron mates were not so lucky, as the schooner Pinto Filly went to the bottom and Torn captured The Defiance. A New Pirate to be Reckoned With? From Lavalette we hear the crew of Sapphire Seas is busy repairing damage from a pirate man’o’war flying a new “Jolly Roger”. We don’t know the name of this pirate, but he was reportedly also flying Sea Rat colors. Be on the lookout for this new threat. Namere Traders Fare Well Our man in Belson tells us that the large Namereian trade fleet that left Kings Port earlier this month arrived in the Corrish capital safely and turned a handsome profit on their cargo of Terraversan goods. We can only assume that other traders will quickly realize the wisdom of calling on our port and the profit in trading for our fine wares. POLITICS King’s Harbour Celebrates The end of last month saw a veritable Who’s Who of the Brick Seas gather for festivities celebrating the rapid growth of the city of King’s Harbour. Corrington pulled out all the stops to put on quite a party. Not only was a good time apparently had by all, but our reporter on the scene tells us that a lot of political and business connections were fast at work throughout the evening, as were spies of all nations! If you’ve been trying to keep a secret lately, we hope for your sake that you weren’t at the ball! RNTC Spending Spree Our man in Lavalette reports that the Royal New Terra Company is looking to purchase properties in that settlement, offering three times the going rate for factories, artisan shops, prospective mines, and enhancements to the town’s arts and culture, and twice the going rate for other properties. Our man also tells us the RNTC is looking to purchase several large ships. While we understand the RNTC recently paid its first ever dividend to shareholders, we imagine those shareholders are furious at such reckless proposed spending by the company! Eslandolan Council Takes Bribe If it seems the Sea Rats got off easy after attacking an Eslandolan trade fleet last month, perhaps the reason is that the greenies can be bought! That’s right, despite all the claims of a returned ship and a Sea Rat on trial, our sources in Weelond tell us that the real price was a few bottles of cheap swill delivered to the Colonial Council! In civilized nations, this would be a scandal, but in Eslandola, apparently this is just called “doing business.” Where is the outrage? EDITORIAL What Are Oleon’s Intentions? We at the KPA offices have been following with keen interest the visit to Kings Port of representatives of Oleon’s Royal New Terra Company these past weeks. Archduke Oldis was initially insulted by the low-ranking officials sent to our fair island, as were we all, but the mood from the royal palace has improved of late, and the Oleonders are still here, but to what end? While Oleon sends mere merchant officers to Terraversa, we hear from Londa that Oleon sent a royal ambassador to negotiate with the Mardierians. All the while, Oleon’s King Philip back in Granoleon has yet to officially recognize our hard-won independence from Mardier. We at the KPA offices urge Archduke Oldis to be wary of the olive branch the Oleonders appear to be offering with their left hand. Oleon boasts a new arsenal in Astrapi, nearly their entire navy has gathered in Breshaun, and there are rumors from Westface of bluecoat spies (caught by none other than L’Olius himself!); we fear the Oleonders’ right hand may quickly reveal a threatening sword. While we are not privy to the talks between the Archduke and the RNTC, we hope that, despite these subtle attempts to intimidate us, an official recognition from Oleon of our status as an independent nation no longer beholden to Mardier in any form is soon forthcoming. ------------------------------------ Ships Captured in April: Blood and Guts (class 4, un-MOC’d) captured by Cardinal II (MAESTRO / ESL) Butcher (class 2, un-MOC’d) captured by Cardinal II (MAESTRO / ESL) Cotton Lady (c3, MOC) captured by Harpie (Montroy / NPC) HMS Proserpine (c5, un-MOC’d) captured by Blue Dagger (Bluebeard / NPC) Lady Jacqueline (c4, MOC) captured by Bluebird (Bluebeard / NPC) Misfortune’s Wrath (c5, un-MOC’d) captured by Pegasus (Romantica / NPC) Pineapple Revenge (c4, MOC) captured by HMS Victoria (Corrington) Priest’s Bounty (c6, MOC) captured by HMS Bounty (Corrington) The Defiance (c3, MOC) captured by Gray Lilly (Harrison Torn / NPC) Tuna King (c3, MOC) captured by Silent Shadow (LeColeon / NPC) Lost at Sea in April: Blue Blood (Bluebeard / NPC) Dark Narwhal (kaiju / SR) Ghost Harvester ? (Zublius Von Wreck / NPC) Henri (Garmadon / ESL) HMS Friends Forever (Corrington) HMS Wentworth (Corrington) Little Hermes (blackdeathgr / OL) Neptune’s Scream (Montroy / NPC) Patriot (Romantica / NPC) Piece of Eight (Sir Stig / ESL) Triunfo (Legostone / ESL) ---------- Results sorted by owner: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Profit Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 518 Kings Port Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 311 Kings Port Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 622 Kings Port HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Lady Jacqueline HMS Proserpine Ayrlego Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Crete Crete blackdeathgr Oleon 224 Breshaun Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 123 Granoleon Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Eltina Sprang a leak, diverted to Eltina Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 246 Granoleon Little Hermes Poisoned Peach blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Blue Blood Blue Dagger Bluebeard NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat Decker's Bane Blue Bayou Bodi Oleon 181 Breshaun Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 123 Granoleon Jacinthe Jacinthe Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach Poisoned Peach Bodi Oleon 50 Breshaun l'Acharnée The Navigator Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 151 Breshaun Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 New Haven HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 191 Nova Terreli Blazer HMS Proserpine Bregir Corrington 575 Jameston Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 583 Belson Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 280 Lavalette Damaged in combat with Jolly Rogers Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 238 Quinnsville Escaped from pirates Bloody Bill & LeColeon Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 335 Breshaun Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 732 Yeldo Corland Provider HMS Friends Forever Brickwolf Corrington 229 Londa Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 547 Weelond Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 574 Weelond Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 412 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 278 Granoleon Blood and Guts Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Butcher Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 338 Granoleon Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Valkyrie HMS Friends Forever CelesAurivern Corrington 208 Londa Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 153 Elysabethtown Toucan Toucan Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 23 Lavalette HMS Friends Forever HMS Friends Forever Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank HMS Proserpine HMS Proserpine Corrington Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard HMS Badger HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 140 King's Harbour Damaged in combat, captured Priest's Bounty HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Bull shark HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Gauntlet HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Huntress HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Victoria HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 75 King's Harbour Captured Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sank in combat WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 32 Nova Malto The Lightning Blue Bayou Dukesc Oleon 665 Breshaun The Taurus Crete Dukesc Oleon 335 Breshaun The Fiesta Étoile du Sud Dukesc Oleon 206 Breshaun Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 246 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Pulsar Jacinthe Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 155 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon the Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon Comet 2 Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Ka Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun The Corcel Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 336 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Gun Sloop No. 2 Armina Elizabethville Corrington 0 Stormhaven Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 63 Port Raleigh La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 287 Mooreton Bay Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 245 Mooreton Bay Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 265 Mooreton Bay The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Kings Port The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 237 Kings Port Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 53 Stormhaven FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 123 Lavalette FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 60 Lavalette FTA Fluttering Petal Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Redtail Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Sirrus Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 27 Takashii Henri Henri Garmadon Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 52 Freeport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola 435 Kings Port Island Rose Island Rose gedren_y Eslandola 401 Westface Puck's Jest II Apollo's Mirth Gulagurag Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 259 Leopaldis Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 93 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Dark Narwhal Dark Narwhal kaiju Sea Rats 0 Sank Sank in combat King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 242 Kings Port Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 469 Kings Port Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Vigilante HRS Tonnant Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 503 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 350 Granoleon Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Alexport Sprang a leak, diverted to Alexport Dreamchaser Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Triunfo Cardinal II Legostone Eslandola 0 Sank Sank in combat with pirate Captain Gore Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 92 Puerto Desafio Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1571 Kieg Reventazon La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 436 Nova Terreli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 907 Nova Terreli Cardinal's Shadow WTC Judgement Legostone Eslandola 0 Bastion Sprang a leak, diverted to Bastion Albatross HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 642 Nova Terreli "HMS ""Barracuda""" HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Nova Terreli Pelican HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 562 Nova Terreli Cardinal II Cardinal II MAESTRO Eslandola 105 Bardo Captured pirate Captain Gore and ships "Blood and Guts" and "Butcher" El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 167 Elysabethtown Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 517 Stedor Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 423 Trador Colour of the Wind Verde Oro MAESTRO Eslandola 559 Nova Terreli Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 382 Londa Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 369 Kings Port AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Weelond Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 675 Weelond Tuna King Long Beard Maxim I Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate LeColeon Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate Montroy Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 460 Trador Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Weelond Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 589 Nova Terreli Rhodos Étoile du Sud Merc Oleon 155 Breshaun Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 34 Poorvintia WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 117 Nova Malto WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington 21 Poorvintia HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Port Raleigh WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 52 Port Raleigh WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington 72 Poorvintia Damaged in combat (with ZvW?) WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 762 Dortanix Armina Armina Mike S Corrington 33 Stormhaven Black Marlin Black Marlin Mike S Corrington 429 Elizabethville Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 18 Moray's Den Damaged in combat with HMS Wentham squadron Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 52 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Priest's Bounty Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Badger Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 17 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Clearance Lenore MKJoshA Sea Rats 170 Kings Port Neptune's Scream Neptune's Scream Montroy NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat with Long Beard Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 1048 Belson Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 999 Belson Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Kings Port Sprang a leak, diverted to Kings Port Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 700 Granoleon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ambition Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Aspiration Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Resurrection Crete Phred Oleon 279 Breshaun The Argo Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 309 Breshaun The Benefactor Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Divination Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Pride of Oleon Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Turgut HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Jacinthe Phred Oleon 250 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 258 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 281 Kings Port Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 39 Tortuga Damaged Sapphire Seas Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon HMS Alice HMS Friends Forever Puvel Corrington 183 Londa The Defiance Pinto Filly Puvel Corrington 0 Baskers Island Captured by pirate Harrison Torn Pineapple Revenge Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Victoria Le Gros Étoile du Sud RNTC Oleon 361 Breshaun Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 862 Granoleon The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 279 Breshaun Diablo salado Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 33 Puerto Desafio Palmetto Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio The Drunken Monkey Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 416 Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 244 Bastion Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 99 Alexport Patriot Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Sank Sank in combat Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 105 Alexport Captured Misfortune's Wrath Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 118 Alexport Misfortune's Wrath Dark Narwhal Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Alexport Captured by Pegasus Corporal Milton King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 85 Kings Port HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Hades' Tuba Toucan Sea Rats Sea Rats 23 Lavalette Flying Colt HMS Friends Forever SilentWolf Corrington 183 Londa Alexander Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 396 Nova Terreli Escaped from pirate Harrison Torn Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Nova Terreli Damaged in combat The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 128 Elysabethtown Piece of Eight Piece of Eight Sir Stig Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Artillery Sloop No. 1 Armina Stormhaven Corrington 0 Stormhaven FTA The Gargoyle Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 196 Trador Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 261 Trador Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 553 Kings Port Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 600 Nova Terreli Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Kings Port Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Results sorted by ship: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Profit Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 518 Kings Port Albatross HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 642 Nova Terreli Alexander Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 396 Nova Terreli Escaped from pirate Harrison Torn Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 311 Kings Port Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Alexport Sprang a leak, diverted to Alexport AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Weelond Armina Armina Mike S Corrington 33 Stormhaven Artillery Sloop No. 1 Armina Stormhaven Corrington 0 Stormhaven Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 350 Granoleon Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 600 Nova Terreli Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 622 Kings Port Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 287 Mooreton Bay Black Marlin Black Marlin Mike S Corrington 429 Elizabethville Blazer HMS Proserpine Bregir Corrington 575 Jameston Blood and Guts Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Kings Port Sprang a leak, diverted to Kings Port Blue Blood Blue Dagger Bluebeard NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat Butcher Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Cardinal II Cardinal II MAESTRO Eslandola 105 Bardo Captured pirate Captain Gore and ships "Blood and Guts" and "Butcher" Cardinal's Shadow WTC Judgement Legostone Eslandola 0 Bastion Sprang a leak, diverted to Bastion Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 338 Granoleon Clearance Lenore MKJoshA Sea Rats 170 Kings Port Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Colour of the Wind Verde Oro MAESTRO Eslandola 559 Nova Terreli Comet 2 Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola 435 Kings Port Corland Provider HMS Friends Forever Brickwolf Corrington 229 Londa Corporal Milton King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate Montroy Crete Crete blackdeathgr Oleon 224 Breshaun Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 123 Granoleon Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 245 Mooreton Bay Dark Narwhal Dark Narwhal kaiju Sea Rats 0 Sank Sank in combat Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 93 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Decker's Bane Blue Bayou Bodi Oleon 181 Breshaun Diablo salado Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 33 Puerto Desafio Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 151 Breshaun Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 New Haven Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 123 Granoleon Dreamchaser Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 92 Puerto Desafio El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 167 Elysabethtown Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 732 Yeldo Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 153 Elysabethtown Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 517 Stedor Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Kings Port Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 412 Breshaun Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 547 Weelond Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 259 Leopaldis Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 700 Granoleon Flying Colt HMS Friends Forever SilentWolf Corrington 183 Londa Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 27 Takashii FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 123 Lavalette FTA Fluttering Petal Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 60 Lavalette FTA Redtail Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Sirrus Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA The Gargoyle Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 196 Trador Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 52 Freeport Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Eltina Sprang a leak, diverted to Eltina Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 553 Kings Port Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 265 Mooreton Bay Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 675 Weelond Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1571 Kieg Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 2 Armina Elizabethville Corrington 0 Stormhaven Hades' Tuba Toucan Sea Rats Sea Rats 23 Lavalette Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Henri Henri Garmadon Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 191 Nova Terreli "HMS ""Barracuda""" HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Nova Terreli HMS Alice HMS Friends Forever Puvel Corrington 183 Londa HMS Badger HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 140 King's Harbour Damaged in combat, captured Priest's Bounty HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Bull shark HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Friends Forever HMS Friends Forever Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank HMS Gauntlet HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Huntress HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port HMS Proserpine HMS Proserpine Corrington Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon HMS Victoria HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 75 King's Harbour Captured Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sank in combat Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Weelond HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon Island Rose Island Rose gedren_y Eslandola 401 Westface Jacinthe Jacinthe Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 39 Tortuga Damaged Sapphire Seas Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 460 Trador Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Ka Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 242 Kings Port Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 18 Moray's Den Damaged in combat with HMS Wentham squadron Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 246 Granoleon La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon l'Acharnée The Navigator Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Lady Jacqueline HMS Proserpine Ayrlego Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by Bluebeard Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Le Gros Étoile du Sud RNTC Oleon 361 Breshaun Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 469 Kings Port Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 Breshaun Little Hermes Poisoned Peach blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 862 Granoleon Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Misfortune's Wrath Dark Narwhal Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Alexport Captured by Pegasus Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 382 Londa Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 52 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Mr. Twistie Jacinthe Phred Oleon 250 Breshaun Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 574 Weelond Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Neptune's Scream Neptune's Scream Montroy NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat with Long Beard Nerdy Mermaid La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 155 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 281 Kings Port Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 1048 Belson Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 999 Belson Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Palmetto Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 99 Alexport Patriot Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Sank Sank in combat Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 416 Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 244 Bastion Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 63 Port Raleigh Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 105 Alexport Captured Misfortune's Wrath Pelican HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 562 Nova Terreli Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Piece of Eight Piece of Eight Sir Stig Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Pineapple Revenge Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Victoria Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Nova Terreli Damaged in combat Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 583 Belson Poisoned Peach Poisoned Peach Bodi Oleon 50 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 278 Granoleon Priest's Bounty Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Badger Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 118 Alexport Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 589 Nova Terreli Puck's Jest II Apollo's Mirth Gulagurag Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Pulsar Jacinthe Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 369 Kings Port Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 34 Poorvintia Reventazon La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 436 Nova Terreli Rhodos Étoile du Sud Merc Oleon 155 Breshaun Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 423 Trador Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 246 Granoleon Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 503 Breshaun Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 907 Nova Terreli Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 280 Lavalette Damaged in combat with Jolly Rogers Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 238 Quinnsville Escaped from pirates Bloody Bill & LeColeon Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador The Ambition Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 128 Elysabethtown The Argo Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 309 Breshaun The Aspiration Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Benefactor Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Corcel Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun The Defiance Pinto Filly Puvel Corrington 0 Baskers Island Captured by Harrison Torn The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Pride of Oleon Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Divination Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Drunken Monkey Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 336 Breshaun The Fiesta Étoile du Sud Dukesc Oleon 206 Breshaun The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Kings Port The Lightning Blue Bayou Dukesc Oleon 665 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 279 Breshaun The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 237 Kings Port The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Resurrection Crete Phred Oleon 279 Breshaun The Taurus Crete Dukesc Oleon 335 Breshaun the Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon The Turgut HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 258 Breshaun Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Toucan Toucan Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 23 Lavalette Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Triunfo Cardinal II Legostone Eslandola 0 Sank Sank in combat with Captain Gore Tuna King Long Beard Maxim I Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate LeColeon Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 261 Trador Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 85 Kings Port Valkyrie HMS Friends Forever CelesAurivern Corrington 208 Londa Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Vigilante HRS Tonnant Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 17 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 53 Stormhaven WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 117 Nova Malto WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington 21 Poorvintia WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 52 Port Raleigh WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 32 Nova Malto WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington 72 Poorvintia Damaged in combat (with ZvW?) WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 762 Dortanix Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 335 Breshaun Results sorted by faction: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Profit Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 518 Kings Port Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 311 Kings Port Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 622 Kings Port Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 338 Granoleon Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Lady Jacqueline HMS Proserpine Ayrlego Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 151 Breshaun Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 New Haven HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 191 Nova Terreli Blazer HMS Proserpine Bregir Corrington 575 Jameston Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 583 Belson Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 280 Lavalette Damaged in combat with Jolly Rogers Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 238 Quinnsville Escaped from pirates Bloody Bill & LeColeon Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 732 Yeldo Corland Provider HMS Friends Forever Brickwolf Corrington 229 Londa Valkyrie HMS Friends Forever CelesAurivern Corrington 208 Londa Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 153 Elysabethtown HMS Friends Forever HMS Friends Forever Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank HMS Proserpine HMS Proserpine Corrington Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard HMS Badger HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 140 King's Harbour Damaged in combat, captured Priest's Bounty HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Bull shark HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Gauntlet HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Huntress HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Victoria HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 75 King's Harbour Captured Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sank in combat WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 32 Nova Malto Gun Sloop No. 2 Armina Elizabethville Corrington 0 Stormhaven Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 287 Mooreton Bay Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 245 Mooreton Bay Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 265 Mooreton Bay Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 53 Stormhaven Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Albatross HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 642 Nova Terreli "HMS ""Barracuda""" HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Nova Terreli Pelican HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 562 Nova Terreli Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 34 Poorvintia WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 117 Nova Malto WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington 21 Poorvintia HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Port Raleigh WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 52 Port Raleigh WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington 72 Poorvintia Damaged in combat (with ZvW?) WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 762 Dortanix Armina Armina Mike S Corrington 33 Stormhaven Black Marlin Black Marlin Mike S Corrington 429 Elizabethville HMS Alice HMS Friends Forever Puvel Corrington 183 Londa The Defiance Pinto Filly Puvel Corrington 0 Baskers Island Captured by pirate Harrison Torn Flying Colt HMS Friends Forever SilentWolf Corrington 183 Londa Alexander Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 396 Nova Terreli Escaped from pirate Harrison Torn Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Nova Terreli Damaged in combat The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 128 Elysabethtown Artillery Sloop No. 1 Armina Stormhaven Corrington 0 Stormhaven The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 547 Weelond Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 574 Weelond Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 63 Port Raleigh La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Kings Port The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 237 Kings Port Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 27 Takashii Henri Henri Garmadon Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola 435 Kings Port Island Rose Island Rose gedren_y Eslandola 401 Westface Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 259 Leopaldis Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 93 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Triunfo Cardinal II Legostone Eslandola 0 Sank Sank in combat with pirate Captain Gore Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 92 Puerto Desafio Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1571 Kieg Reventazon La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 436 Nova Terreli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 907 Nova Terreli Cardinal's Shadow WTC Judgement Legostone Eslandola 0 Bastion Sprang a leak, diverted to Bastion" Cardinal II Cardinal II MAESTRO Eslandola 105 Bardo Captured pirate Captain Gore and ships "Blood and Guts" and "Butcher" El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 167 Elysabethtown Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 517 Stedor Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 423 Trador Colour of the Wind Verde Oro MAESTRO Eslandola 559 Nova Terreli Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 369 Kings Port AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Weelond Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 675 Weelond Tuna King Long Beard Maxim I Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate LeColeon Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate Montroy Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 460 Trador Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Weelond Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 589 Nova Terreli Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from Montroy & LeColeon Piece of Eight Piece of Eight Sir Stig Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 553 Kings Port Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 600 Nova Terreli Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Kings Port Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 52 Freeport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 382 Londa Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 1048 Belson Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 999 Belson Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Blue Blood Blue Dagger Bluebeard NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat Neptune's Scream Neptune's Scream Montroy NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat with Long Beard Crete Crete blackdeathgr Oleon 224 Breshaun Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 123 Granoleon Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Eltina Sprang a leak, diverted to Eltina Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 246 Granoleon Little Hermes Poisoned Peach blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Decker's Bane Blue Bayou Bodi Oleon 181 Breshaun Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 123 Granoleon Jacinthe Jacinthe Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach Poisoned Peach Bodi Oleon 50 Breshaun l'Acharnée The Navigator Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 335 Breshaun Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 412 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 278 Granoleon The Lightning Blue Bayou Dukesc Oleon 665 Breshaun The Taurus Crete Dukesc Oleon 335 Breshaun The Fiesta Étoile du Sud Dukesc Oleon 206 Breshaun Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 246 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Pulsar Jacinthe Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 155 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon the Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon Comet 2 Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Ka Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun The Corcel Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 336 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Tonnant Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 503 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 350 Granoleon Rhodos Étoile du Sud Merc Oleon 155 Breshaun Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Kings Port Sprang a leak, diverted to Kings Port Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 700 Granoleon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ambition Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Aspiration Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Resurrection Crete Phred Oleon 279 Breshaun The Argo Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 309 Breshaun The Benefactor Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Divination Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Pride of Oleon Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Turgut HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Jacinthe Phred Oleon 250 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 258 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Le Gros Étoile du Sud RNTC Oleon 361 Breshaun Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 862 Granoleon The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 279 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 416 Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 244 Bastion Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 99 Alexport Patriot Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Sank Sank in combat Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 105 Alexport Captured Misfortune's Wrath Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 118 Alexport Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Toucan Toucan Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 23 Lavalette FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 123 Lavalette FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 60 Lavalette FTA Fluttering Petal Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Redtail Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Sirrus Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette Puck's Jest II Apollo's Mirth Gulagurag Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Dark Narwhal Dark Narwhal kaiju Sea Rats 0 Sank Sank in combat King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 242 Kings Port Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 469 Kings Port Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Alexport Sprang a leak, diverted to Alexport Dreamchaser Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 18 Moray's Den Damaged in combat with HMS Wentham squadron Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 52 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Priest's Bounty Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Badger Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 17 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Clearance Lenore MKJoshA Sea Rats 170 Kings Port Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 281 Kings Port Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 39 Tortuga Damaged Sapphire Seas Pineapple Revenge Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Victoria Diablo salado Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 33 Puerto Desafio Palmetto Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio The Drunken Monkey Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio Misfortune's Wrath Dark Narwhal Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Alexport Captured by Pegasus Corporal Milton King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 85 Kings Port HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Hades' Tuba Toucan Sea Rats Sea Rats 23 Lavalette FTA The Gargoyle Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 196 Trador Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 261 Trador Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Results sorted by flagship: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Profit Destination Notes Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Alexport Sprang a leak, diverted to Alexport Dreamchaser Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Puck's Jest II Apollo's Mirth Gulagurag Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Armina Armina Mike S Corrington 33 Stormhaven Artillery Sloop No. 1 Armina Stormhaven Corrington 0 Stormhaven Gun Sloop No. 2 Armina Elizabethville Corrington 0 Stormhaven Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 518 Kings Port Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 311 Kings Port Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 622 Kings Port Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 287 Mooreton Bay Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 245 Mooreton Bay Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 265 Mooreton Bay Black Marlin Black Marlin Mike S Corrington 429 Elizabethville Blood and Guts Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Butcher Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Kings Port Sprang a leak, diverted to Kings Port Decker's Bane Blue Bayou Bodi Oleon 181 Breshaun The Ambition Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Aspiration Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Lightning Blue Bayou Dukesc Oleon 665 Breshaun Blue Blood Blue Dagger Bluebeard NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat Cardinal II Cardinal II MAESTRO Eslandola 105 Bardo Captured pirate Captain Gore and ships "Blood and Guts" and "Butcher" Triunfo Cardinal II Legostone Eslandola 0 Sank Sank in combat with pirate Captain Gore Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 338 Granoleon Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola 435 Kings Port Crete Crete blackdeathgr Oleon 224 Breshaun The Resurrection Crete Phred Oleon 279 Breshaun The Taurus Crete Dukesc Oleon 335 Breshaun Dark Narwhal Dark Narwhal kaiju Sea Rats 0 Sank Sank in combat Misfortune's Wrath Dark Narwhal Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Alexport Captured by Pegasus Diablo salado Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 33 Puerto Desafio Palmetto Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio The Drunken Monkey Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 151 Breshaun Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 New Haven Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 92 Puerto Desafio El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 167 Elysabethtown Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 732 Yeldo Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 517 Stedor Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Kings Port Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 553 Kings Port Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Kings Port The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 237 Kings Port Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 412 Breshaun Le Gros Étoile du Sud RNTC Oleon 361 Breshaun Rhodos Étoile du Sud Merc Oleon 155 Breshaun The Argo Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 309 Breshaun The Fiesta Étoile du Sud Dukesc Oleon 206 Breshaun Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Benefactor Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Divination Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 259 Leopaldis Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 350 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 123 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 123 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 700 Granoleon Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 246 Granoleon Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 27 Takashii FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 123 Lavalette FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 60 Lavalette Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 52 Freeport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Weelond Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 675 Weelond Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1571 Kieg Henri Henri Garmadon Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Albatross HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 642 Nova Terreli HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 191 Nova Terreli "HMS ""Barracuda""" HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Nova Terreli Pelican HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 562 Nova Terreli HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Corland Provider HMS Friends Forever Brickwolf Corrington 229 Londa Flying Colt HMS Friends Forever SilentWolf Corrington 183 Londa HMS Alice HMS Friends Forever Puvel Corrington 183 Londa HMS Friends Forever HMS Friends Forever Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Valkyrie HMS Friends Forever CelesAurivern Corrington 208 Londa Blazer HMS Proserpine Bregir Corrington 575 Jameston HMS Proserpine HMS Proserpine Corrington Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard Lady Jacqueline HMS Proserpine Ayrlego Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Eltina Sprang a leak, diverted to Eltina HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon HMS Badger HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 140 King's Harbour Damaged in combat, captured Priest's Bounty HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Bull shark HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Gauntlet HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Huntress HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Victoria HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 75 King's Harbour Captured Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 Sank Sank in combat HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Pride of Oleon Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Turgut HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Tonnant Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Island Rose Island Rose gedren_y Eslandola 401 Westface Jacinthe Jacinthe Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Jacinthe Phred Oleon 250 Breshaun Pulsar Jacinthe Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 39 Tortuga Damaged Sapphire Seas Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Corporal Milton King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 242 Kings Port Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 85 Kings Port Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 18 Moray's Den Damaged in combat with HMS Wentham squadron Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 52 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Pineapple Revenge Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Victoria Priest's Bounty Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Badger Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 17 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 600 Nova Terreli La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Reventazon La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 436 Nova Terreli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 907 Nova Terreli Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 155 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 258 Breshaun Clearance Lenore MKJoshA Sea Rats 170 Kings Port HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 469 Kings Port Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 281 Kings Port Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate Montroy Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 93 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Tuna King Long Beard Maxim I Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate LeColeon La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 862 Granoleon Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 278 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 246 Granoleon the Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 382 Londa Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 1048 Belson Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 999 Belson Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Neptune's Scream Neptune's Scream Montroy NPC 0 Sank Sank in combat with Long Beard Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 460 Trador Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 423 Trador Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 416 Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 244 Bastion Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 63 Port Raleigh Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 99 Alexport Patriot Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Sank Sank in combat Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 105 Alexport Captured Misfortune's Wrath Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 118 Alexport Piece of Eight Piece of Eight Sir Stig Eslandola 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Alexander Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 396 Nova Terreli Escaped from pirate Harrison Torn Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Nova Terreli Damaged in combat The Defiance Pinto Filly Puvel Corrington 0 Baskers Island Captured by pirate Harrison Torn Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 583 Belson Comet 2 Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Ka Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Little Hermes Poisoned Peach blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Sank Sprang a leak, sank Poisoned Peach Poisoned Peach Bodi Oleon 50 Breshaun The Corcel Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 34 Poorvintia Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 503 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 279 Breshaun Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 335 Breshaun Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 280 Lavalette Damaged in combat with Jolly Rogers Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 238 Quinnsville Escaped from pirates Bloody Bill & LeColeon Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 547 Weelond Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Weelond Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 574 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 153 Elysabethtown The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 128 Elysabethtown The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 336 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun l'Acharnée The Navigator Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun FTA Fluttering Petal Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Redtail Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Sirrus Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette Hades' Tuba Toucan Sea Rats Sea Rats 23 Lavalette Toucan Toucan Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 23 Lavalette FTA The Gargoyle Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 196 Trador Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 261 Trador Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Colour of the Wind Verde Oro MAESTRO Eslandola 559 Nova Terreli Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 589 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 53 Stormhaven WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 117 Nova Malto WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 32 Nova Malto WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington 21 Poorvintia Cardinal's Shadow WTC Judgement Legostone Eslandola 0 Bastion Sprang a leak, diverted to Bastion HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Port Raleigh WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 52 Port Raleigh WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington 72 Poorvintia Damaged in combat (with ZvW?) WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 762 Dortanix Results sorted by destination: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Profit Destination Notes Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 99 Alexport Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 105 Alexport Captured Misfortune's Wrath Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 118 Alexport Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Alexport Sprang a leak, diverted to Alexport Misfortune's Wrath Dark Narwhal Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Alexport Captured by Pegasus HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Cardinal II Cardinal II MAESTRO Eslandola 105 Bardo Captured pirate Captain Gore and ships "Blood and Guts" and "Butcher" Blood and Guts Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II Butcher Blood and Guts Captain Gore NPC 0 Bardo Captured by Cardinal II The Defiance Pinto Filly Puvel Corrington 0 Baskers Island Captured by pirate Harrison Torn Cardinal's Shadow WTC Judgement Legostone Eslandola 0 Bastion Sprang a leak, diverted to Bastion Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 416 Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 244 Bastion Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 583 Belson Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 1048 Belson Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 999 Belson Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Belson Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 600 Belson Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 151 Breshaun Crete Crete blackdeathgr Oleon 224 Breshaun Decker's Bane Blue Bayou Bodi Oleon 181 Breshaun Jacinthe Jacinthe Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach Poisoned Peach Bodi Oleon 50 Breshaun l'Acharnée The Navigator Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 335 Breshaun Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 412 Breshaun The Lightning Blue Bayou Dukesc Oleon 665 Breshaun The Taurus Crete Dukesc Oleon 335 Breshaun The Fiesta Étoile du Sud Dukesc Oleon 206 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Pulsar Jacinthe Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 155 Breshaun Comet 2 Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun Ka Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 50 Breshaun The Corcel Poisoned Peach Dukesc Oleon 200 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 336 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Tonnant Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 661 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 503 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Rhodos Étoile du Sud Merc Oleon 155 Breshaun Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ambition Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Aspiration Blue Bayou Phred Oleon 503 Breshaun The Resurrection Crete Phred Oleon 279 Breshaun The Argo Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 309 Breshaun The Benefactor Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun The Divination Executioner Phred Oleon 300 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 102 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Pride of Oleon Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Turgut HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Jacinthe Phred Oleon 250 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 258 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Le Gros Étoile du Sud RNTC Oleon 361 Breshaun Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 279 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Rambler's Reward La Recouvrance SpaceJoey86 Oleon 258 Breshaun Lady Jacqueline HMS Proserpine Ayrlego Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard HMS Proserpine HMS Proserpine Corrington Corrington 0 Calisto Captured by pirate Bluebeard Puck's Jest II Apollo's Mirth Gulagurag Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Dreamchaser Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 762 Dortanix Black Marlin Black Marlin Mike S Corrington 429 Elizabethville Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 0 Eltina Sprang a leak, diverted to Eltina Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 153 Elysabethtown The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 128 Elysabethtown El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 167 Elysabethtown Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 52 Freeport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 30 Freeport Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 338 Granoleon Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 253 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 123 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 246 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 123 Granoleon Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 278 Granoleon Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 246 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Granoleon La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon the Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 492 Granoleon Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 350 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 700 Granoleon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Granoleon Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 862 Granoleon Blazer HMS Proserpine Bregir Corrington 575 Jameston Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1571 Kieg Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 542 Kieg HMS Badger HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 140 King's Harbour Damaged in combat, captured Priest's Bounty HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Bull shark HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Gauntlet HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Huntress HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Squadron victorious HMS Victoria HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 75 King's Harbour Captured Pineapple Revenge Priest's Bounty Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Badger Pineapple Revenge Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 0 King's Harbour Captured by HMS Victoria Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 518 Kings Port Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 311 Kings Port Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 622 Kings Port The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Kings Port The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 369 Kings Port The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 237 Kings Port Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola 435 Kings Port Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 369 Kings Port Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 553 Kings Port Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Kings Port Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Kings Port Sprang a leak, diverted to Kings Port King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 242 Kings Port Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 469 Kings Port Clearance Lenore MKJoshA Sea Rats 170 Kings Port Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 281 Kings Port Corporal Milton King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 85 Kings Port HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 94 Kings Port Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 280 Lavalette Damaged in combat with Jolly Rogers Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Toucan Toucan Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 23 Lavalette FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 123 Lavalette FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 60 Lavalette FTA Fluttering Petal Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Redtail Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette FTA Sirrus Toucan FTA Sea Rats 70 Lavalette Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 51 Lavalette Hades' Tuba Toucan Sea Rats Sea Rats 23 Lavalette Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 259 Leopaldis Corland Provider HMS Friends Forever Brickwolf Corrington 229 Londa Valkyrie HMS Friends Forever CelesAurivern Corrington 208 Londa HMS Alice HMS Friends Forever Puvel Corrington 183 Londa Flying Colt HMS Friends Forever SilentWolf Corrington 183 Londa Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 364 Londa Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 382 Londa Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 558 Londa Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Londa Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 465 Londa Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 287 Mooreton Bay Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 245 Mooreton Bay Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 265 Mooreton Bay Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 Mooreton Bay Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 257 Mooreton Bay Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 18 Moray's Den Damaged in combat with HMS Wentham squadron Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 52 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 17 Moray's Den Escaped from HMS Wentham squadron Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 New Haven WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 31 Nova Malto WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 32 Nova Malto WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 117 Nova Malto HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 191 Nova Terreli Albatross HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 642 Nova Terreli "HMS ""Barracuda""" HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Nova Terreli Pelican HMHV Athena LM71Blackbird Corrington 562 Nova Terreli Alexander Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 396 Nova Terreli Escaped from pirate Harrison Torn Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Nova Terreli Damaged in combat La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Reventazon La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 436 Nova Terreli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 907 Nova Terreli Colour of the Wind Verde Oro MAESTRO Eslandola 559 Nova Terreli Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 589 Nova Terreli Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 600 Nova Terreli Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 34 Poorvintia WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington 21 Poorvintia WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington 72 Poorvintia Damaged in combat (with ZvW?) HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Port Raleigh WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 52 Port Raleigh Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 63 Port Raleigh Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 92 Puerto Desafio Diablo salado Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 33 Puerto Desafio Palmetto Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio The Drunken Monkey Diablo salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Puerto Desafio Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 238 Quinnsville Escaped from pirates Bloody Bill & LeColeon Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 517 Stedor Gun Sloop No. 2 Armina Elizabethville Corrington 0 Stormhaven Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 53 Stormhaven Armina Armina Mike S Corrington 33 Stormhaven Artillery Sloop No. 1 Armina Stormhaven Corrington 0 Stormhaven Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 27 Takashii Tuna King Long Beard Maxim I Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate LeColeon Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 0 Tortuga Captured by pirate Montroy Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 39 Tortuga Damaged Sapphire Seas La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 93 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 423 Trador Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 460 Trador Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 Trador Escaped from pirates Montroy & LeColeon FTA The Gargoyle Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 196 Trador Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 217 Trador Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 261 Trador Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Trador The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 547 Weelond Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 574 Weelond Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Weelond Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 675 Weelond Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Weelond Island Rose Island Rose gedren_y Eslandola 401 Westface Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 732 Yeldo HMS Friends Forever HMS Friends Forever Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank HMS Wentham HMS Wentham Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in combat Henri Henri Garmadon Eslandola 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank Triunfo Cardinal II Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank in combat with pirate Captain Gore Piece of Eight Piece of Eight Sir Stig Eslandola 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank Blue Blood Blue Dagger Bluebeard NPC 0 --- Sank in combat Neptune's Scream Neptune's Scream Montroy NPC 0 --- Sank in combat with Long Beard Ghost Harvester Ghost Harvester Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Sank in combat Little Hermes Poisoned Peach blackdeathgr Oleon 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank Patriot Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 --- Sank in combat Dark Narwhal Dark Narwhal kaiju Sea Rats 0 --- Sank in combat
April 27, 20186 yr Another fantastic addition of the KPA! Good to see my ships were able to make a decent profit on their maiden voyage!
April 27, 20186 yr I seem to be down twice, but I can't see very well on my mobile.Otherwise very good quite write up.
April 27, 20186 yr The Eslandolans have invaded Kings Port, and with us we have brought the Triuri faith. "Geal grádhaich, gorm taic, dearg a' dion."
April 27, 20186 yr Great writing! I want to thank @Capt Wolf for compiling yet another fantastic KPA, it is much appreciated! The WTCM is taking notes, even though some of the topics brought up here were already set for the next issue. Great minds think alike or something like that...
April 27, 20186 yr Argh, what is it with my bad luck lately? I think I’ve lost at least one vessel for all MRCAs with the new system :/ I really don’t like sistershipping builds, there is only so much to do for that, especially as someone who doesn’t like land based building
April 27, 20186 yr 20 minutes ago, Legostone said: Argh, what is it with my bad luck lately? Dude, you have made about 3K in profits. How is that "bad luck"? Edited April 27, 20186 yr by Drunknok
April 27, 20186 yr Just now, Drunknok said: Dude, you have made about 3K in profits. How is that "bad luck"? Losing a class 7 after losing a pair of class 3s and a class 2 the previous MRCA as well as a class 5 before that... As someone who is currently unable to do much building it kinda sucks losing ship after ship. And licensing the half dozen warships I have unlicensed wouldn’t really help since I would rather get more trade going...
April 27, 20186 yr 2 minutes ago, Legostone said: Losing a class 7 after losing a pair of class 3s and a class 2 the previous MRCA as well as a class 5 before that... As someone who is currently unable to do much building it kinda sucks losing ship after ship. And licensing the half dozen warships I have unlicensed wouldn’t really help since I would rather get more trade going... Aye, that sucks for sure. Still, you have made a ton of doubloons at the same time. How about licensing those warships and capturing some pirate ships? I do not know if that is even possible in the rules though. You could also use the warships as a "service" to sell to others - either by providing genuine help for trade convoys or by "it would be a shame if something happened to your ships... if you know what I mean". Just saying...
April 28, 20186 yr Great writing capt.Wolf. The divergence between Corries and Searats' testimony is interesting, who was telling the truth? And the men l'Ollius imprisoned are not spies, they are honest seamen of Oleon.
April 28, 20186 yr Great write-up as usual, CW! Two questions: - "Damaged" Does this status have any bearing on results? Is some profit deducted, additional upkeep charged, or the ship in docks for the next mrca? - "Black Flag Sea Rats" How do I know if a Sea Rat (or anyone else) attacking me is flying the black flag? I think this is necessary information.
April 28, 20186 yr 16 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: Alexander is telling the tale of their narrow escape from the clutches of Harrison Torn’s pirate fleet in the Sea of Storms. Their squadron mates were not so lucky, as the schooner Pinto Filly went to the bottom and Torn captured The Defiance. Here in the write up the Pinto Filly went to the bottom. However, it isn't on the list of ships lost and in the summary it is listed as arriving in Nova Terelli, making 400 doubloons and just being damaged.
April 28, 20186 yr Nice writing again :) what is it with almost all the Oleon ships going to Breshaun o.O ?
April 28, 20186 yr Author 2 hours ago, SilentWolf said: Here in the write up the Pinto Filly went to the bottom. However, it isn't on the list of ships lost and in the summary it is listed as arriving in Nova Terelli, making 400 doubloons and just being damaged. Our apologies, but congratulations on your good fortune! Our man in Nova Terreli was in error. He confirms your report that Pinto Filly was only damaged in combat, not sunk, and arrived in port later than the Alexander. We will flog the reporter for such shoddy work when we get our hands on him. 6 hours ago, Bregir said: Great write-up as usual, CW! Thanks! 6 hours ago, Bregir said: Two questions: - "Damaged" Does this status have any bearing on results? ...additional upkeep charged? Yes. Damaged ships are charged a higher cost of maintenance/upkeep. 6 hours ago, Bregir said: - "Black Flag Sea Rats" How do I know if a Sea Rat (or anyone else) attacking me is flying the black flag? I think this is necessary information. You don't. Good point! We should discuss in the court how best to make this info public as appropriate.
April 28, 20186 yr 8 hours ago, Bregir said: - "Black Flag Sea Rats" How do I know if a Sea Rat (or anyone else) attacking me is flying the black flag? I think this is necessary information. Just an FYI - the only Black Flagged SR fleet was under the Komodo Dragon, part of that never-ending slap fight you have going. The rest of us were simply minding our own business this month.
April 28, 20186 yr Oh dear me! The Henri's sunk! And just sunk too - just like that. Oh well, it served its time and I was getting a wee bit tired of it anyways - and it frees me up from having to build a ship limit build. Next large ship will have more guns (even if this was just a storm...) Still, this deserves a build!
May 1, 20186 yr So, I've got a quick question... This is my first MRCA with trade ships, so when it says the profit amount, that means that is how many DBs I get right? Thanks!
May 1, 20186 yr 35 minutes ago, LM71Blackbird said: So, I've got a quick question... This is my first MRCA with trade ships, so when it says the profit amount, that means that is how many DBs I get right? This is more of your revenue rather than profit (I'll fix the terms for the next MCRA). You still have to pay taxes and any ship upkeep. I don't believe Corrington has any taxes on MCRA income, but your faction leadership can confirm this.
May 1, 20186 yr Profit by destination: I took the top ten destination towns, which make up for 84% of all MRCA-profits, and set their profits in relation to the total profits from this MRCA (48.298 DBs). Top 10 settlements: Western Seas OL Breshaun 9.592 DBs 19,9% Eastern Seas ESL Nova Terreli 5.377 DBs 11,1% Crossroads NPC Kings Port 4.849 DBs 10,0% Old World OL Granoleon 4.756 DBs 9,8% Old World NPC Londa 3.959 DBs 8,2% Old World COR Belson 3.830 DBs 7,9% Old World NPC Kieg 2.655 DBs 5,5% Western Seas ESL Weelond 2.356 DBs 4,9% Eastern Seas ESL Trador 1.867 DBs 3,9% Eastern Seas COR Mooreton Bay 1.311 DBs 2,7% Sum by Regions: Old World 15.200 DBs 31,5% Western Seas 11.948 DBs 24,7% Eastern Seas 8.555 DBs 17,7% Crossroads 4.849 DBs 10,0% Sum by Nations: OL 14.348 DBs 29,7% NPC 11.463 DBs 23,7% ESL 9.600 DBs 19,9% COR 5.141 DBs 10,6% So what does this tell us? - Most profits are still being made by sailing to the old world and selling goods there. - Sailing from the Old World to the New World seems like the way to make money. - One third of all MRCA profits were made in Oleon's two most important towns (by destination). - 1 settlement makes up for 20% of all gained profits, 5 settlements for 59%, and 10 settlements for 84% (a total of 39 destination towns in this MRCA).- Remark: Most of the other 16% by the other 29 settlements were actually in the eastern Seas.
May 1, 20186 yr Interesting and illuminating statistics, Elos. Balancing the tMRCA is an ongoing issue and the court is discussing how to balance it better, including making smaller ports more attractive. My personal take on it is that trade value has too large an impact on profits. To me, it should mainly be a measure for how much trade a port can sustain, not how profitable it is to trade there. The spread between factions is also somewhat alarming, as it mirrors what we have seen for some time now. It would appear OL has "cracked the code" so to speak, while the rest of us are still fumbling around. Anyways, interesting statistics. The court is already discussing balancing of the tMRCA as of now, but this will help.
May 1, 20186 yr @Elostirion Interesting numbers, but I wonder what does it do, if you divide those settlement totals by the number of ships that visited it. Because when I read trough the TMCRA results I noticed that Oleon gathered virtually all their ships in Breshaun this turn. If the Court is re-thinking the trade system, you might want to take into account, the raise and fall of the trade value based on the number of ships that visit it, a maximum number of ships able to actually trade into a port, (based on trade value or settlement status idk) and things like that. and maybe a sort of gain for the town bank out of that trade? (or is it possible to tax visiting ships (automatically?))
May 1, 20186 yr 46 minutes ago, Bart said: @Elostirion Interesting numbers, but I wonder what does it do, if you divide those settlement totals by the number of ships that visited it. Because when I read trough the TMCRA results I noticed that Oleon gathered virtually all their ships in Breshaun this turn. Great idea! I just took the amount, not the ship classes: Kieg 2.655 DBs 5,5% 3 ships 885 DBs / ship Dortanix 762 DBs 1,6% 1 ships 762 DBs / ship Yeldo 732 DBs 1,5% 1 ships 732 DBs / ship Jameston 575 DBs 1,2% 1 ships 575 DBs / ship Belson 3.830 DBs 7,9% 7 ships 547 DBs / ship Stedor 517 DBs 1,1% 1 ships 517 DBs / ship Elizabethville 429 DBs 0,9% 1 ships 429 DBs / ship Westface 401 DBs 0,8% 1 ships 401 DBs / ship Nova Terreli 5.377 DBs 11,1% 16 ships 336 DBs / ship Granoleon 4.756 DBs 9,8% 17 ships 280 DBs / ship Kings Port 4.849 DBs 10,0% 18 ships 269 DBs / ship Weelond 2.356 DBs 4,9% 9 ships 262 DBs / ship Leopaldis 259 DBs 0,5% 1 ships 259 DBs / ship Londa 3.959 DBs 8,2% 16 ships 247 DBs / ship Quinnsville 238 DBs 0,5% 1 ships 238 DBs / ship Bastion 660 DBs 1,4% 3 ships 220 DBs / ship Breshaun 9.592 DBs 19,9% 50 ships 192 DBs / ship Mooreton Bay 1.311 DBs 2,7% 8 ships 164 DBs / ship Elysabethtown 448 DBs 0,9% 3 ships 149 DBs / ship Trador 1.867 DBs 3,9% 13 ships 144 DBs / ship Puerto Desafio 405 DBs 0,8% 4 ships 101 DBs / ship Lavalette 821 DBs 1,7% 10 ships 82 DBs / ship Alexport 322 DBs 0,7% 5 ships 64 DBs / ship New Haven 53 DBs 0,1% 1 ships 53 DBs / ship Nova Malto 211 DBs 0,4% 4 ships 53 DBs / ship Poorvintia 127 DBs 0,3% 3 ships 42 DBs / ship Port Raleigh 115 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 38 DBs / ship Freeport 112 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 37 DBs / ship Bardo 105 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 35 DBs / ship Moray's Den 87 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 29 DBs / ship Takashii 27 DBs 0,1% 1 ships 27 DBs / ship King's Harbour 215 DBs 0,4% 9 ships 24 DBs / ship Stormhaven 86 DBs 0,2% 4 ships 22 DBs / ship Tortuga 39 DBs 0,1% 3 ships 13 DBs / ship Arlinsport 0 DBs 0,0% 2 ships 0 DBs / ship Baskers Island 0 DBs 0,0% 1 ships 0 DBs / ship Calisto 0 DBs 0,0% 2 ships 0 DBs / ship Charlatan Bay 0 DBs 0,0% 2 ships 0 DBs / ship Eltina 0 DBs 0,0% 1 ships 0 DBs / ship And only those with 3 at least 3 ships visiting: Kieg 2.655 DBs 5,5% 3 ships 885 DBs / ship Belson 3.830 DBs 7,9% 7 ships 547 DBs / ship Nova Terreli 5.377 DBs 11,1% 16 ships 336 DBs / ship Granoleon 4.756 DBs 9,8% 17 ships 280 DBs / ship Kings Port 4.849 DBs 10,0% 18 ships 269 DBs / ship Weelond 2.356 DBs 4,9% 9 ships 262 DBs / ship Londa 3.959 DBs 8,2% 16 ships 247 DBs / ship Bastion 660 DBs 1,4% 3 ships 220 DBs / ship Breshaun 9.592 DBs 19,9% 50 ships 192 DBs / ship Mooreton Bay 1.311 DBs 2,7% 8 ships 164 DBs / ship Elysabethtown 448 DBs 0,9% 3 ships 149 DBs / ship Trador 1.867 DBs 3,9% 13 ships 144 DBs / ship Puerto Desafio 405 DBs 0,8% 4 ships 101 DBs / ship Lavalette 821 DBs 1,7% 10 ships 82 DBs / ship Alexport 322 DBs 0,7% 5 ships 64 DBs / ship Nova Malto 211 DBs 0,4% 4 ships 53 DBs / ship Poorvintia 127 DBs 0,3% 3 ships 42 DBs / ship Port Raleigh 115 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 38 DBs / ship Freeport 112 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 37 DBs / ship Bardo 105 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 35 DBs / ship Moray's Den 87 DBs 0,2% 3 ships 29 DBs / ship King's Harbour 215 DBs 0,4% 9 ships 24 DBs / ship Stormhaven 86 DBs 0,2% 4 ships 22 DBs / ship Tortuga 39 DBs 0,1% 3 ships 13 DBs / ship And the Top 10 by amount of ships (at least 8 ships): Nova Terreli 5.377 DBs 11,1% 16 ships 336 DBs / ship Granoleon 4.756 DBs 9,8% 17 ships 280 DBs / ship Kings Port 4.849 DBs 10,0% 18 ships 269 DBs / ship Weelond 2.356 DBs 4,9% 9 ships 262 DBs / ship Londa 3.959 DBs 8,2% 16 ships 247 DBs / ship Breshaun 9.592 DBs 19,9% 50 ships 192 DBs / ship Mooreton Bay 1.311 DBs 2,7% 8 ships 164 DBs / ship Trador 1.867 DBs 3,9% 13 ships 144 DBs / ship Lavalette 821 DBs 1,7% 10 ships 82 DBs / ship King's Harbour 215 DBs 0,4% 9 ships 24 DBs / ship And ordered by amount of ships: Breshaun 9.592 DBs 19,9% 50 ships 192 DBs / ship Kings Port 4.849 DBs 10,0% 18 ships 269 DBs / ship Granoleon 4.756 DBs 9,8% 17 ships 280 DBs / ship Nova Terreli 5.377 DBs 11,1% 16 ships 336 DBs / ship Londa 3.959 DBs 8,2% 16 ships 247 DBs / ship Trador 1.867 DBs 3,9% 13 ships 144 DBs / ship Lavalette 821 DBs 1,7% 10 ships 82 DBs / ship Weelond 2.356 DBs 4,9% 9 ships 262 DBs / ship King's Harbour 215 DBs 0,4% 9 ships 24 DBs / ship Mooreton Bay 1.311 DBs 2,7% 8 ships 164 DBs / ship Learnings: - Travelling to unknown settlements (Kieg, Dortanix, Yeldo) seems fantastic; makes total sense to me as well. - Despite the 50 ships Breshaun is still very profitable. - Nova Terreli and Kings Port are highly profitable, despite the fact that due to their strategic location almost every ship would visit them. Also some great points from @Bregir, especially that trade value should not so much limit the profits, but rather the amount of tradable goods. So Trade value 100 vs. 1000 should not make a huge difference if only one ship visits, but definitely make a massive difference if 20 ships visit. Also I fully agree with @Bart, that towns MUST profit from the MRCA. I think we might go as far as to entirely remove the profits from land-based EGS for towns (maybe keep them in some point system to finance defense, but nothing else really) and maybe entirely base town-profits on the MRCA. Else taxation may always be an option.
May 1, 20186 yr @Elostirion Wow, I am sure some work went to this ("Tag der Arbeit" im besten Sinne? ). Thank you for the effort, it has been a very interesting and enlightening read. Edited May 1, 20186 yr by Drunknok
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