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The Reinhardt minifig in the teaser had a hairpiece, didn’t he? So maybe we’re getting two heads for him, which wouldn‘t be entirely unprecedented (unless the one that leaked recently has a face print on the other side) :thumbup: Or perhaps that minifig in the teaser was a different character to begin with, but the consensus definitely was it being Reinhardt, haven‘t heard any other ideas...

27 minutes ago, JasonEffex said:

Considering the scale of the character, I think the best option would be (as others have said) to give Reinhardt a nexo knights style mech suit; or at least use the battle suit body piece as the core of the build. 

I never liked the idea of him being an axl-fig because it would make him way to small (especially if they ever make a big-fig Roadhog) in comparison to other characters.

I agree. Especially looking at the leaked helmet and how it should scale in comparison to the body armour. Definitely a Nexo Suit. 

I wonder if there's gonna be a leaked pair of legs? Though is there is a suit they might just go with plain, unprinted legs, sopimce no one will see them usually anyway . . 

I'm still convinced Reinhardt will be a regular minifig. It had the armour printed in the torso.

Maybe it comes with a build of the suit, but I don't know... I think the best of option is still the Axl's torso from NK.

While that helmet is impressive (could kinda see it being repurposed by others for some sorta Nexo Knights villain), the head alone on the other hand reminds me somewhat of Gypsy Avenger:


Some more Widowmaker images have surfaced. 

All 6 sets leaked! Find them on the usual place.

Edited by Wonkyeye1

I LOVE the look of these sets, I never played the game but these sets are outstanding. The rocket is a sweet set with great figures Winston looks amazing, the small probably $20 set reminds me of something like Ninjago's throne room from the summer wave. I'm going to have to start putting money aside for these for sure, hope to see more sets based on similar games. 

75970 - Widowmaker, Tracer, weird tiny jet build
75971 - Hanzo, Genji, random civilian, small dojo
75972 - Soldier 76, Reaper, McCree, Dorado payload and scenery
75973 - Big Reinhardt and D.Va builds
75974 - Big Bastion build
75975 - Mercy, Reaper, Winston, Pharah, spaceship with launchpad

If I'm being honest these sets don't convince me to play the game ): 

Whoa, those builds do not disappoint... :thumbup: *oh2*

Well, the three stars of this wave definitely are the D. VA & Reinhardt mech combo pack, that retrofuturistic hovertruck with McCree, and the Watchpoint playset with that incredible shuttle! Fans of Space Police II are going to be all over D. VA's mech for those newly recolored Trans-Dark Green canopy pieces, while I can definitely see @Murdoch17 giving that Watchpoint shuttle a Classic Space makeover! :grin:

Edited by Digger of Bricks

I don't play the game, but I'm noticing that the sets themselves aren't very detailed. The smallest set looks chunky and basic, and every set in the wave has four or fewer figures. It's not for me I guess. :shrug_confused:

Ok! I never doubted that they'd deliver, but these sets look seriously cool, and I haven't even played the game:excited:! All of the figures are recognisable, and the sets all have a nice look to them, though my favourite would be the D.va and Reinhardt one. If I can find space among the new Spider-Man, Ninjago, and LM2:TSP stuff, I will pick up some of these for sure!

Don''t think I'll get all of 'em, but the D.va ad Reinhardt set is gonna be a instant-buy.

I've just been looking at the images, and I found something interesting about their guns: They have a new handle/barrel element!

Also, red rollercoaster tracks in Gibraltar!

Edited by GrandDukeofKumquats

Never played the game and know nothing about the characters, but some of the mechs actually look really cool (and the Hanzo vs Genji set looks straight out of Ninjago, one of the themes I love). I went into this theme with 0 interested but the sets are actually good enough to convince me to get some or even all of them. Well done, Lego!

Oh man, I am hyped! 

Well, sort of anyway. The Watchpoint set is a little disappointing that there's not much actual base, but I can live with it. Definitely a must-buy. Tracer/Widowmaker Set is a must-buy too. Reaper/76/McCree has brilliant builds, but it's probably not gonna be high on my priority list. Though if I do get it that stuff is all going to be integrated into bigger builds for my city. 

Bastion . . I get there are people who like the big display piece style build, but it's just not for me, and I'll definitely pass on it. 

Genji/Hanzo Set is definitely cute, but I don't have much interest in the characters, so I'll only get that one if budget allows (which, between TLM2, Ninjago, and Spidey it might not). Which leaves Reinhardt/D.Va . . . I'm honestly a little disappointed. Those mechs are nice, but they're so bulky and overbuilt and I just feel like Lego could have done better at making them more accurately scaled. I might get it, but it's unlikely. 

Also; disappointed by the repeat of Reaper. I'd have much rather gotten a minifig of Sombra, especially over Pharah. Pharah is a surprising choice, and I'll get e Set anyway because Mercy and Winston, but the only way Pharah makes sense is . . if they're gonna make a minifig of Ana down the line. Actually, this might be interesting. 

Also, no Roadhog/Junkrat? Boo. 

20 minutes ago, Hisstori said:

Don''t think I'll get all of 'em, but the D.va ad Reinhardt set is gonna be a instant-buy.

That set in particular just must have been designed by Mark Stafford (a.k.a. @Nabii). :wink:

Oh, I see now, the ship bit from the Tracer/Widowmaker set is the payload from the Watchpoint: Gibraltar Map in the game. Even the box art shows the small vehicle being placed on top of the yellow circle that's in the Gibraltar set. The biggest and smallest sets are supposed to work together. 

@Digger of Bricks I think the spaceship has some new slope parts that you've been wanting for some time.

21 minutes ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

Which leaves Reinhardt/D.Va . . . I'm honestly a little disappointed. Those mechs are nice, but they're so bulky and overbuilt and I just feel like Lego could have done better at making them more accurately scaled. I might get it, but it's unlikely. 

I agree about Reinhardt, he's just too much all the way around, but I get the impression they did this on purpose. Scale was always going to be an issue. I think they made Rein so bulky to justify Bastion being so big.

D.va looks alright to me, the cockpit seems scaled just large enough to fit a minifigure and the arms look good, but the legs are a little overbuilt. The kneecap looks kind of bad to me.

21 minutes ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

Also; disappointed by the repeat of Reaper. I'd have much rather gotten a minifig of Sombra, especially over Pharah. Pharah is a surprising choice, and I'll get e Set anyway because Mercy and Winston, but the only way Pharah makes sense is . . if they're gonna make a minifig of Ana down the line. Actually, this might be interesting. 

Also, no Roadhog/Junkrat? Boo. 

I'm guessing they're trying to give us as much of the initial roster first before expanding to the additions. As for the repeat, I'm guessing it was a cost saving maneuver. In fairness, most of the minifigures get new molds, to say nothing of the leg printing (and the various new colored parts in the sets), so there was bound to be a repeat or generic minifigure snuck in to boost the minifigure count without having to stretch the budget any further. They clearly wanted to go for quality over quantity.

I'm not too worried though. Looking at the character lineup in these sets, it seems pretty clear they're planning on there being another wave. If this was a one and done situation, they'd have just thrown in the most popular characters and locations. But there's still a fair amount of popular characters left, as well as locations they haven't touched at all. Probably a summer or fall wave.

Edited by strangely

Love all these sets.  Gonna get them all.  The figs look great so many useful new pieces and parts.  Mercy looks great and I like Reaper, I wonder if his cape is new.  Reinhardt looks cool love the helm.  Genji and Honzo look great and set is cheap probably picking up a few of those.  

The mini figs are the highlights to these sets, I just wish the builds motivated me more to play the game. I'm glad Genji comes in a cheap set 

Whoa kids must really love mechs right? Mechs here, mechs in Spiderman line, in the DC line and the TLM2 theme.... all at once


About the sets.... This theme is so not for me....  The minifigures (and new hairpieces) look great tho

Interesting to see a lot of Nexo Knights pieces being reused here

These sets look great for the most part. All of the mini figures are gorgeous. Loving all the new hair pieces. Hope we get Mei in the wishful second wave.

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