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9 minutes ago, Risgrynsgrot said:

Does anyone know if this theme will be sold by most toy retailers or have a smaller release? Because most online retailers here in Sweden usually have the new wave up on their pages by now but barely no one has overwatch.

Try amazon, that is where I just bought the watchpoint Gibraltar set

 I have to say I'm really disappointed with both the Genji and Hanzo figure. Both look like crappy third party clone brands, but Hanzo is especially bad with the gray skintone on his torso and complete lack of his biggest trait - his dragon tattoo.




Hey @Falconfan1414, are you aware if this theme has an upcoming summer wave for 2019? :classic:

There's a lot of hate for the mercy face, I agree it looks horrid, but the rest of the minifig has very accurate printing. I plan on using a different head, this seems like an easy solution to the regular one.

Now I don't have any insider information, but I did notice something that makes me believe we'll get at least one more wave of Overwatch sets.

If you look at the set numbers, Watchpoint Gibraltar is 75975, and the Blizzard exclusive Omnic Bastion set is 75987. There's 11 other set numbers in between, which makes me think there are definitely more sets planned. Maybe a summer wave for sure and any subsequent waves will depend on sales.

3 hours ago, Wonkyeye1 said:

Now I don't have any insider information, but I did notice something that makes me believe we'll get at least one more wave of Overwatch sets.

If you look at the set numbers, Watchpoint Gibraltar is 75975, and the Blizzard exclusive Omnic Bastion set is 75987. There's 11 other set numbers in between, which makes me think there are definitely more sets planned. Maybe a summer wave for sure and any subsequent waves will depend on sales.

If there is a summer wave at this point, it shouldn't depend on the sales of the winter wave, right?

Anyway, I think these sets will sell like hot cakes. Almost all of my friends that have played the game at some point (I must say that most of my friends are fan of Blizzard, including myself) are interested in the sets. Especially the D.Va and Reinhardt set and the Tracer and Widow set.

Coincidentally, they aren't interested in the Watchpoint Gibraltar set, but they really want the Mercy minifigure (and they don't care about the face print tho).

4 hours ago, 0khrana said:

There's a lot of hate for the mercy face, I agree it looks horrid, but the rest of the minifig has very accurate printing. I plan on using a different head, this seems like an easy solution to the regular one.


I will probably try Tallie Lintra's head, but I will keep the official one:



5 hours ago, 0khrana said:

There's a lot of hate for the mercy face, I agree it looks horrid, but the rest of the minifig has very accurate printing. I plan on using a different head, this seems like an easy solution to the regular one.

Yeah, this was my thought too. 

My first instinct is to go with either Madame Hooch or Minerva McGonagall's head. I'm not sure I agree, @hachiroku, because Mercy is a veteran who's supposed to look a little on the elderly side, and that face doesn't quite scream 'veteran' to me. 

1 hour ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

Yeah, this was my thought too. 

My first instinct is to go with either Madame Hooch or Minerva McGonagall's head. I'm not sure I agree, @hachiroku, because Mercy is a veteran who's supposed to look a little on the elderly side, and that face doesn't quite scream 'veteran' to me. 

Mercy is 37 years old. She's a veteran but not so veteran.

2 hours ago, hachiroku said:

Mercy is 37 years old. She's a veteran but not so veteran.

It has also been implied that she may have decelerated aging due to her medical technology.

By the way, Amazon already has some of the sets except Bastion and D.Va/Reinhardt on sale! :sweet:

Picked up four of the sets today.  Got Dva vs Reinhardt, Hanzo vs Genji, Tracer vs Widowmaker, and Dorado Showdown.  I built the Genji vs Hanzo set, its a interesting little build and is really nice.   The figs are great, so much detail.  Can't wait to build the rest.  

I need to 3d print some accurate mercy wings. I did this for my decal mercy minifigs and they came out ok. I'm not sure if these sets are only available directly through lego here in Australia, none of our retailers can tell me whether they are stocking them. 

On 12/30/2018 at 12:44 PM, 0khrana said:

I need to 3d print some accurate mercy wings. I did this for my decal mercy minifigs and they came out ok. I'm not sure if these sets are only available directly through lego here in Australia, none of our retailers can tell me whether they are stocking them.

We should have them tomorrow.

Has anyone had their pre-orders on S@H ship yet? Mine haven't been yet, so I asked a friend who also made a few pre-orders that haven't been shipped either.

A bit irked by this, as I live roughly 20 minutes walk away from the Watford shop, so I could have gone and picked these up on Tuesday. What's the point of pre-ordering if we're not gonna get them anywhere close to the release date?

One has to wonder, between Mercy's terrible faceprint and Hanzo's missing dragon tattoo, aswell as the general sub-par fuzzy printing that the entire wave has in common, what happened to "Only the best is good enough"?

Yeah, the CMFs do a better job at prints than the regular sets.

EDIT: Wrong thread.

Edited by hachiroku

Has anyone got any word on if/when the Overwatch sets will be available in Australia?

3 hours ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

Has anyone got any word on if/when the Overwatch sets will be available in Australia?

I've asked a few Target and Big W stores and no one can give an answer. Myer are apparently getting a few sets in, I'm not certain they're stocking the whole range though. I bought mine off of the lego store out of frustration as no brick and mortar store would give me an answer.

So I just got 4/6 of the sets (other than Gibraltar and Bastion). I’m generally happy with most of them (but I agree with the Hanzo and Genji flaws (seriously no face print on Genji?), and I haven’t looked back in this thread to see most other opinions, but I really think Reinhardt should’ve had his shield for that price and I don’t know why D.Va can’t hold onto the controls without modification. That seems like a major issue that should’ve been fixed while designing the set. Other than that stuff I really like the builds and think they’ll all look good on display. I’d also like to add that (and I know they’re probably not the best source) but I talked to a Lego Store employee about more possible more sets and she told me that they probably have more sets designed, but they’re waiting to see how this wave sells and if it sells well more sets will be out late this year. 

2 hours ago, halomaster96 said:

So I just got 4/6 of the sets (other than Gibraltar and Bastion). I’m generally happy with most of them (but I agree with the Hanzo and Genji flaws (seriously no face print on Genji?), and I haven’t looked back in this thread to see most other opinions, but I really think Reinhardt should’ve had his shield for that price and I don’t know why D.Va can’t hold onto the controls without modification. That seems like a major issue that should’ve been fixed while designing the set. Other than that stuff I really like the builds and think they’ll all look good on display. I’d also like to add that (and I know they’re probably not the best source) but I talked to a Lego Store employee about more possible more sets and she told me that they probably have more sets designed, but they’re waiting to see how this wave sells and if it sells well more sets will be out late this year. 

I think they did a pretty good job; my first instinct is to say Genji's absent face is a result of Lego not wanting to print something so graphic on a children's toy, but then I remembered they've done 'scarred Darren Vader' in the past . . I'm personally not very interested in Hanzo or Genji, so I'll probably pass on that set unless I find myself with leftover cash and get it as an impulse buy (which has happened to me before).

I don't know why Hanzo's dragon tattoo is missing, and it's disappointing that Mercy's face was mucked up so badly, but the latter is easy to fix and aside from those two, all the figures look great and the builds equally so. I definitely intend to buy these sets, and I almost definitely will buy whatever's in Wave 2. So here's hoping everyone else feels the same. 

3 minutes ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

I think they did a pretty good job; my first instinct is to say Genji's absent face is a result of Lego not wanting to print something so graphic on a children's toy, but then I remembered they've done 'scarred Darren Vader' in the past . . I'm personally not very interested in Hanzo or Genji, so I'll probably pass on that set unless I find myself with leftover cash and get it as an impulse buy (which has happened to me before).

I don't know why Hanzo's dragon tattoo is missing, and it's disappointing that Mercy's face was mucked up so badly, but the latter is easy to fix and aside from those two, all the figures look great and the builds equally so. I definitely intend to buy these sets, and I almost definitely will buy whatever's in Wave 2. So here's hoping everyone else feels the same. 

I'm not the biggest fan of either character either, but I want the complete roster, especially if this happens to be the only wave of sets. Personally, I most wanted to get Pharah (my main), but preferred to get all the smaller sets first as I'd rather have more characters and builds than one set that I mainly just want for the figures. Also, for $90, the Watchpoint: Gibraltar set should've at least had one more minifigure even is it was a generic scientist or astronaut. I really think they could've pulled off Genji's face especially considering the scarred Anakin figure and the various Vader heads. I think they could have done something like Metallo's head in Lego DC Supervillains, but it would've likely ended up like Mercy's head. Speaking of which, are there any other good alternative heads for her before I get that set eventually (besides Tallie as I don't have that set and would likely keep her as is if I did get it)?

2 hours ago, halomaster96 said:

I'm not the biggest fan of either character either, but I want the complete roster, especially if this happens to be the only wave of sets. Personally, I most wanted to get Pharah (my main), but preferred to get all the smaller sets first as I'd rather have more characters and builds than one set that I mainly just want for the figures. Also, for $90, the Watchpoint: Gibraltar set should've at least had one more minifigure even is it was a generic scientist or astronaut. I really think they could've pulled off Genji's face especially considering the scarred Anakin figure and the various Vader heads. I think they could have done something like Metallo's head in Lego DC Supervillains, but it would've likely ended up like Mercy's head. Speaking of which, are there any other good alternative heads for her before I get that set eventually (besides Tallie as I don't have that set and would likely keep her as is if I did get it)?

I'm currently leaning towards using Tina Goldstein's head from the Dimensions/Suitcase sets. 

Edited by Feng-huang0296

8 hours ago, halomaster96 said:

I’d also like to add that (and I know they’re probably not the best source) but I talked to a Lego Store employee about more possible more sets and she told me that they probably have more sets designed, but they’re waiting to see how this wave sells and if it sells well more sets will be out late this year. 

That's definitely not how that works, given what we know about the design and production process. The timeframe between the start of the design process and the set hitting stores is roughly a year, so if there is a Summer wave for this year, it's been in production since last summer, which means the current sales figures would be irrelevant. If they wanted to wait for the first results before deciding on additional waves, we wouldn't see a second wave before Spring 2020 :wink: 

Edited by Lego-Freak

My order arrived today direct from lego I have a weekend of building ahead of me =]


Here's mercy with an alternate head and a test set of 3d printed wings. I'll probably print them a bit bigger.


Edited by 0khrana

5 hours ago, Lego-Freak said:

That's definitely not how that works, given what we know about the design and production process. The timeframe between the start of the design process and the set hitting stores is roughly a year, so if there is a Summer wave for this year, it's been in production since last summer, which means the current sales figures would be irrelevant. If they wanted to wait for the first results before deciding on additional waves, we wouldn't see a second wave before Spring 2020 :wink: 

I kinda fingered it would be farther along that she thought, but she did make it sound like a winter wave for the end of the year rather than a summer wave. IMO we will probably get a second wave, but if the first one doesn’t sell well, then the third is out of the picture. I am hoping it goes that far at least though as, for the most part, I like the sets I’ve built so far. 

7 hours ago, Feng-huang0296 said:

I'm currently leaning towards using Tina Goldstein's head from the Dimensions/Suitcase sets. 

Oh that’s a very good idea! I’ll keep that in mind for when I get that set. :wink:

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