Posted June 5, 20186 yr Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List New Terra’s independent source for shipping news. May-June 618. Vol 3, Issue 4 TRADE WARS! Multiple Ports Levy Taxes on Shipping throughout Brick Seas The new harbor fees and customs duties announced by Archduke Oldis and Grand Admiral L’Olius last month were supposed to help fund Terraversa’s infrastructure and defense. The logic was that foreign merchants, whose shipping clogged our ports and roads, wearing down our docks and avenues with their overburdened wagons, would be required to make contributions to the Terraversan government. Those payments would ensure that the people actually using the infrastructure were the ones paying for it, so that the poor citizens of Terraversa aren’t suffering burdensome taxation to enrich foreign merchants. Not to be outdone, Eslandola, the once proud supporters of free trade, were quick to begin implementing taxes of their own. It remains unclear why a nation presenting itself as a group of enlightened traders would ignore all logic and reason to participate in a trade war, although our sources in Nova Terreli tell us this move was not authorized by their colonial council, but rather an independent decision of local leaders. The Oleanese can be forgiven their port taxes, as they are slaves to their superstition and would jump off a cliff if they thought a dove told them to, but there can be no forgiveness for those who should be capable of reading a simple pamphlet on economics and the benefits of reducing barriers to trade. Meanwhile, mere months after its founding, the Free Traders Association has quickly proven that, like all lawless Sea Rats, their words mean little. In this case, they have apparently engaged in backroom dealings to ensure that “free trade” doesn’t come to Charlatan Bay. While this may enrich these piratical sailors, it won’t do the settlement’s citizens any good. And for proof that these taxes won’t help any of the locals in these settlements, we return home to Terraversa, where no ships visited either Kings Port or Westface this month, and local merchants are up in arms! Inexplicably, Nova Terreli was the second busiest port in all the Brick Seas. Our man in Charlatan Bay reports that even that port had reasonable activity, although most of it purportedly was by dastardly pirates fencing ill-gotten booty. Why was Terraversa hit the hardest? We don’t know, but something must be done about the situation here quickly, as merchant families go hungry tonight. We can only hope that leaders throughout the Brick Seas swiftly eliminate these taxes and prohibitions before they grow out of hand. PIRATE ROUND-UP Sea Rats and Corrington Tangle Again Our man in Bastion has plenty to report. The infamous Sea Rat Komodo Dragon squadron, looking none the worse for wear, sailed into port with the WTC Judgement in tow. That would seem to be bad enough for the Corries, but soon after that, the remainder of the Corrish squadron, consisting of HMS Red Angel and Lightning -- both looking heavily damaged -- sailed into Bastion of their own accord! We are anxiously trying to get more word from our reporter as to what fate may await those two ships. Pirates Decimate WTC Coastal Defense Fleet From Jameston we hear reports that pirates Bloody Bill and LeColeon, working together once again, ravaged the coastal gunboat fleet recently launched by the WTC. Apparently the gunboats were on coastal patrol between Mesabi Landing on Cascadia and Jameston on Celestia when the pirates attacked, capturing one gunboat, sinking two others, and damaging yet another before it and its only other squadron mate escaped. While not a meaningful haul for the pirates, it’s another blow to Corrish pride -- not to mention security -- in the East Prio Sea. Captain Gore Escapes! Our readers may remember that last month Eslandola's pirate hunting ship Cardinal II captured the pirate Captain Gore, the former right-hand man to Gregory Decker. While many expected the Greenies to follow in Oleon's footsteps and give this man the same fate his captain suffered, it appears that they have failed to do so. Our sources in Bardo report that the local authorities were so concerned with the music festival that they neglected to try their prisoner, giving him the time to plot and execute a daring escape! We fully expect Captain Gore to set forth and seek revenge against his prior captors. Bad Luck for ZvW; Good Luck for Fortune Hunters? Zublius Von Wreck had his flagship sunk by one of the WTC gunboats last month, and his new flagship is gone as well. Or is it? Our man on Berelli (or Annetta if you prefer) reports that the man’o’war Ghost Harvester II struck a hidden shoal off the eastern coast of the island, north of Port Raleigh. We know this because a local native pearl diver was in the area in his canoe. When he went to offer assistance, the dastardly Von Wreck stole his pearls! The pirates then transferred to their companion brig, Hades’ Hangman, and fled the scene without salvaging much of anything from the doomed ship except the crew. But from the description of the sinking, it sounds like the ship is salvageable. Enterprising seafarers might be able to salvage the wreck and repair it. We are anxious to hear if anyone makes such an attempt, as class 5 man’o’wars don’t grow on trees. Harrison Torn Deals Blow to Oleon Our man in Breshaun reports that crewmembers of the HMS Tiddlywinks and her squadron mates were talking of a battle with a pirate fleet belonging to Harrison Torn near the Oleon capital of Granoleon. Despite Oleon’s powerful anti-piracy squadron having the weather gauge and an advantage in numbers and tonnage, Bluecoat spirits were somber, as The Galaxie went to the bottom in the battle, and Torn escaped with only minor damage to one ship. Oleander officials tried to paint a rosy picture, highlighting how no trade ships were harmed by piracy this month, but it sounds to us like a hollow boast. This Time Greenies Outrun Montroy From King’s Harbour we hear that a small Eslandolan trade squadron was relieved to make it to port. Crewmen of the Long Beard and La Salamandra, who were attacked by the pirate Montroy last month, once again tangled with the pirate on their voyage from Trador. Sighting the convoy south of Tortuga, Montroy stalked the Greenies through the South Prio Seas, but this time the Eslandolan convoy was able to maintain separation and make it to port safely. Bluebeard Strikes Corrish Shipping Our man in Arlinsport tells us that the crew of the Corrish trader Alexander reports becoming separated from its sailing partner HMS "Barracuda" shortly after leaving Nova Terreli and do not know their whereabouts. We can offer some help, as our man in Charlatan Bay sends word that the crew of HMS "Barracuda" was dropped off in that port by none other than Bluebeard, and that the infamous pirate had the Barracuda manned with a prize crew and sailed off. TENSIONS MOUNT IN SEVERAL PORTS Corrington Protests Oleon Taxes in Breshaun and Lavalette In an apparent test of Oleon and Corrington resolve, the Corrish ships Dolfijn and Sapphire Seas sailed into the Oleon ports of Breshaun and Lavalette respectively last month. Ibn al’Sayeed, speaking for the Montoya Estate as owner of the ships, has issued a public letter decrying the Oleander port taxes and refuses to pay them. The ships remain docked until the matter can be resolved. Sea Rats Detain Prio Ships in Bastion Two months ago Prio representatives were outraged when the Sea Rats captured one of their trade ships. Last month a Prio trade fleet captured Misfortune’s Wrath and sank Dark Narwhal. Now two Prio traders, Peacock and Pearl, have been detained in Bastion for what Sea Rat authorities have claimed is an unpaid bar tab! The captains have registered their complaint, but the ships were not allowed to leave port this month, and a resolution is not in sight. How will Prio respond? We will continue to monitor this situation for our readers. Eslandola and Mardier Showdown in Belson First, our man in Belson reports that large trade fleets for both Eslandola and Mardier, each escorted by a squadron of powerful warships, sailed into the Corrish capital at practically the same time. Corrish officials are on high alert trying to nip any dockside problems in the bud. As of yet, our man has not reported any incidents, but there is no love lost between these sailors, and the Greenies’ Commodore de Flynt of the galleon Espada de Luna is not known as the friendliest fellow on the seas. Further, rum and doubloons can only cause problems. The KPA advises travelers to be careful if going to Belson this month. Oleon and Sea Rat Trade Fleets Share Docks in Dortanix Meanwhile, the Mardier port of Dortanix is the scene of another potential tinderbox. Two Bluecoat trade squadrons and a naval squadron led by HRS Pride of Oleon entered port over the course of a two-day period. During that time, two separate Sea Rat trade squadrons also made port. While not as hot a scene as in Belson, we hear that tensions are high, and the KPA advises caution to those traveling to Dortanix as well. - Page 2 - Sea of Storms Claims Two for Davy Jones Locker Bad weather in the appropriately named Sea of Storms caused Oleon’s Licorne to sink shortly after leaving Breshaun. Eslandola’s Lady of Madrice met the same fate as she left Weelond. Her companion, Mysterious Lady, nearly met the same fate, but was able to reach the port of Bardo safely. All three ships were members of large trade convoys, proving that there isn’t always safety in numbers. Trade Ship Missing Our man in Puerto Desafio reports that the Eslandola trader Eerie is overdue to arrive in port. Debris has been found off the western tip of Isla de Victoria, and authorities now fear the worst. If the wreckage is that of the Eerie, it is unknown whether she succumbed to bad weather, hidden shoals, or piracy. Royal University of Tiberia Corrington’s devotion to education and the sciences continues. Our man in Arlinsport reports that the University of Tiberia has announced a capital improvements campaign, seeking royal status. Anyone interested in joining their efforts should consult the university’s public statements for particulars. Corrish Bureaucracy Growing to Meet the Needs of the Growing Bureaucracy Rumors are surfacing that Corrington is looking to compete with Oleon to develop the most bloated bureaucracy on the Brick Seas. Although complex on paper, the Corries have largely left positions in their colonial government unfilled until now. Already candidates from across Corrington are groveling before equally inept governors and admirals, hoping that their embarrassment may earn them a position they can use to extort bribes from merchants and commoners. At this rate, everyone in Corrington will hold some official title before their harlot queen finds a proper husband. RNTC Dividends or Disaster? As the second quarter draws to a close, many shareholders in the RNTC are eagerly awaiting the company’s earnings announcement, expected to take place in early July. Last quarter saw a dividend of 33 DBs/share, and with the most recent revenue reports from the ships, the RNTC could very easily double that this quarter. Nonetheless, the company’s officers are known for their shrewd accounting and corrupt spending to keep their dividend low, so it remains to be seen how much of their rightful earnings the shareholders will actually see. More On Free Trade The WTC issued the following statement: The recent attempts at protectionism -- five settlements from three nations have recently imposed heavy taxes on their ports -- have not gone unnoticed by the WTC. It shall hereby be known all over the Brick Seas that Mesabi Landing remains open and tax-free for traders from all nations! Honouring the spirit of free trade and collaboration, the WTC can assure everybody that their cargo is safe and ship will not be stolen in Mesabi Landing. Most of the time. We also received the following statement from Nest of Thieves: As others are instituting taxes, Nest of Thieves is the last free-of-charge island destination for the crossing from the Old World. Nest of Thieves is the place to be, the place to refuel. Enjoy the pub of Bastion and its busy and friendly docks, the healthy shores, the paradisiac beaches of Rassilon, pretty native girls, and colorful true pirates ships all around the island. Enjoy a rejuvenating break on the sunny Nest of Thieves! ------------------------------------ Ships Captured in May: WTC Judgement (class 7, MOC’d) captured by Komodo Dragon (MKJoshA / Sea Rats) HMS "Barracuda" (class 2, MOC'd) captured by Blue Dagger (Bluebeard / NPC) WTC Agnes B5 (class 0, MOC'd) captured by Little Scavenger (Bloody Bill / NPC) Ships Damaged in May: WTC Agnes B4 (Drunknok / COR) HMS Red Angel (Mesabi / COR) Lightning (LM71Blackbird / COR) Jolly Rogers (Professor Thaum / SR) Scavenger II (Bloody Bill / NPC) Dirty Harry (Bloody Bill / NPC) Bluebird II (Bluebeard / NPC) Gray Lilly (Harrison Torn / NPC) Ships Lost at Sea in May: HMS Gauntlet (Corrington / COR) Eerie (Legostone / ESL) The Galaxie (Dukesc / OL) Licorne (RNTC / OL) Lady of Madrice (Capt Wolf / ESL) WTC Agnes B1 (Drunknok / COR) WTC Agnes B3 (Drunknok / COR) --- Results sorted by owner: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Revenue Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 218 Ulric Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 131 Ulric Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 261 Ulric HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 68 Astrapi Taxes owed? Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 131 Breshaun Gladiateur Gladiateur blackdeathgr Oleon 127 Breshaun Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 263 Breshaun Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 198 Dortanix Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 131 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Dortanix Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 67 Londa Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 242 Londa Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 228 Elizabethville Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 Calisto Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 150 Ulric Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 163 Fuerte Unido Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 297 Dortanix Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 322 Mesabi Landing Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 156 Ulric Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 1038 Terreli Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 493 Nova Terreli Owes 99 DBs in taxes Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after sailing from Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 Bardo Sprung a leak in storm, diverted to Bardo Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 396 Dortanix FTA The Gargoyle FTA The Gargoyle Captain Genaro Oleon 143 Elysabethtown Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 299 Breshaun Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 475 Prinport Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 851 Terreli Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 160 Elizabethville Toucan FTA Achernar Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 93 Charlatan Bay HMS Badger HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bull Shark HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS El Bellos HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Gauntlet HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in rough seas HMS Huntress HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Perseus HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pineapple Revenge HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 114 King's Harbour Priest's Bounty HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 171 King's Harbour WTC Agnes B1 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by Bloody Bill's Dirty Harry WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Escaped from Bloody Bill & LeColeon WTC Agnes B3 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by LeColeon's Golden Trident WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Damaged by LeColeon's Black Star's Revenge WTC Agnes B5 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 Jameston Captured by Bloody Bill's Little Scavenger WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport Comet 2 Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes The Corcel Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 263 Breshaun HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by Harrison Torn's Bloody Compass The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Londa La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 297 Dortanix Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 219 Londa The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 539 Londa The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 269 Londa The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 40 DBs in taxes Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa The Lightning The Turgut Dukesc Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Elysabethtown Robbed of pearls by ZvW La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Firefly Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Verde Oro Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 362 Mesabi Landing Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 317 Mesabi Landing Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 324 Mesabi Landing Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 296 Quinnsville The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Belson The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 495 Belson The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 335 Belson Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 335 Mooreton Bay FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 370 Charlatan Bay FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 278 Charlatan Bay FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 0 Poorvinta Sprung a leak, diverted to Poorvintia FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 153 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 75 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 112 Astrapi Taxes owed? Fog Breaker Fog Breaker Garmadon Eslandola 321 Prinport Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 150 Bastion Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 102 Elysabethtown Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 544 Prinport Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 107 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 135 Dortanix Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 256 Dortanix Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Dortanix Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 446 Dortanix Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Comtesse de Praenia The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Sprung a leak, cargo ruined. Owes 35 DBs in taxes. La Recouvrance The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 383 Breshaun The Athena The Athena Kotz Oleon 120 Londa Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank, cause unknown Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 2374 Terreli Golden voyage! Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 1345 Weelond Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 759 Prinport Reventazon Prince Fernando II Legostone Eslandola 481 Trador The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 137 Bardo HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 unknown Became separated from Alexander, captured by Bluebeard. Crew deposited in Charlatan Bay Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 882 Belson Pelican Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Arlinsport Took on water in storm, diverted to Arlinsport Lightning WTC Judgement LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 317 Pontelli Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 977 Kieg Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 987 Weelond Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 446 Nova Terreli Owes 89 DBs in taxes Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 583 Belson Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 495 Belson AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Breshaun Taxes owed? Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1210 Breshaun Taxes owed? Cotton Lady Cotton Lady MCTC Eslandola 270 King's Harbour Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 520 Nova Terreli Owes 104 DBs in taxes Prince Fernando II Prince Fernando II MCTC Eslandola 842 Trador Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Nova Terreli Owes 16 DBs in taxes Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 202 Londa WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 26 Freeport HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Captured by Komodo Dragon WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 758 Kieg Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 99 Astrapi Taxes owed? Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 90 Dortanix Calamity Strikes Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 220 Bastion Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 226 Bastion Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 431 Bastion Captured class 7 WTC Judgement Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 Bastion Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 73 Bastion Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 271 Balmin Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 259 Balmin Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Weelond Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 767 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 248 Dortanix The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Argo Executioner Phred Oleon 557 Nova Terreli Owes 130 DBs in taxes Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Londa The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 657 Londa The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 365 Londa The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 337 Londa The Ambition The Turgut Phred Oleon 927 Nova Terreli Owes 215 DBs in taxes The Turgut The Turgut Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 154 Dortanix Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 38 Tortuga Damaged in combat The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 120 Tortuga Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Trador Sprung a leak, diverted to Trador Vic Viper Vic Viper professor Thaum Sea Rats 105 Tortuga Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Le Gros Executioner RNTC Oleon 535 Nova Terreli Owes 132 DBs in taxes Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after leaving Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 920 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 248 Dortanix Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 115 Elysabethtown Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 394 Londa Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fuerte Unido Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 126 Fatu Hiva 32 DBs owed in taxes Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 152 Fatu Hiva 38 DBs owed in taxes Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 45 Dortanix Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 831 Terreli Alexander HMS "Barracuda" SilentWolf Corrington 492 Arlinsport Separated from HMS "Barracuda" Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 551 Belson The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 138 Elizabethville Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 646 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 0 Stedor Took on water in storm, diverted to Stedor Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 322 King's Harbour Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 742 Belson Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 823 Weelond Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Ghost Harvester II Ghost Harvester II Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Partially sunk, abandoned by ZvW off coast of Berelli/Annetta, salvageable Results sorted by ship: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Revenue Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 218 Ulric Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 882 Belson Alexander HMS "Barracuda" SilentWolf Corrington 492 Arlinsport Separated from HMS "Barracuda" Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 131 Ulric Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Breshaun Taxes owed? Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Weelond Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 383 Breshaun Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 823 Weelond Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 261 Ulric Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 362 Mesabi Landing Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 228 Elizabethville Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Calamity Strikes Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 220 Bastion Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 475 Prinport Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 90 Dortanix Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 987 Weelond Comet 2 Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Comtesse de Praenia The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Sprung a leak, cargo ruined. Owes 35 DBs in taxes. Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 1038 Terreli Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 322 Mesabi Landing Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix Cotton Lady Cotton Lady MCTC Eslandola 270 King's Harbour Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 198 Dortanix Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 131 Breshaun Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 317 Mesabi Landing Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 107 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 242 Londa Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fuerte Unido Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 Calisto Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 131 Breshaun Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank, cause unknown El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 317 Pontelli Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 156 Ulric Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 160 Elizabethville Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 977 Kieg Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 396 Dortanix Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 493 Nova Terreli Owes 99 DBs in taxes Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 544 Prinport Firefly Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 767 Breshaun Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 831 Terreli Fog Breaker Fog Breaker Garmadon Eslandola 321 Prinport Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 150 Bastion FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 370 Charlatan Bay FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 153 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 278 Charlatan Bay FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 75 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 112 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 0 Poorvinta Sprung a leak, diverted to Poorvintia FTA The Gargoyle FTA The Gargoyle Captain Genaro Oleon 143 Elysabethtown Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Ghost Harvester II Ghost Harvester II Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Partially sunk, abandoned by ZvW off coast of Berelli/Annetta, salvageable Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 102 Elysabethtown Gladiateur Gladiateur blackdeathgr Oleon 127 Breshaun Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 742 Belson Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 99 Astrapi Taxes owed? Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 324 Mesabi Landing Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1210 Breshaun Taxes owed? Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 2374 Terreli Golden voyage! Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 unknown Became separated from Alexander, captured by Bluebeard. Crew deposited in Charlatan Bay HMS Badger HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bull Shark HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS El Bellos HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Gauntlet HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in rough seas HMS Huntress HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix HMS Perseus HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Nova Terreli Owes 16 DBs in taxes HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 38 Tortuga Damaged in combat Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 520 Nova Terreli Owes 104 DBs in taxes Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 226 Bastion King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 135 Dortanix Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 431 Bastion Captured class 7 WTC Judgement Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 263 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond La Recouvrance The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Dortanix Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 394 Londa Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after sailing from Weelond Le Gros Executioner RNTC Oleon 535 Nova Terreli Owes 132 DBs in taxes Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 256 Dortanix Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after leaving Breshaun Lightning WTC Judgement LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 759 Prinport Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 920 Breshaun Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 583 Belson Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 Bastion Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 248 Dortanix Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 Bardo Sprung a leak in storm, diverted to Bardo Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 68 Astrapi Taxes owed? Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 219 Londa Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 154 Dortanix Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 271 Balmin Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 259 Balmin Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 126 Fatu Hiva 32 DBs owed in taxes Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Elysabethtown Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Pelican Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Arlinsport Took on water in storm, diverted to Arlinsport Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Pineapple Revenge HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 114 King's Harbour Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 551 Belson Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 150 Ulric Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 67 Londa Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 299 Breshaun Priest's Bounty HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 171 King's Harbour Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 152 Fatu Hiva 38 DBs owed in taxes Prince Fernando II Prince Fernando II MCTC Eslandola 842 Trador Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 495 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 646 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 0 Stedor Took on water in storm, diverted to Stedor Reventazon Prince Fernando II Legostone Eslandola 481 Trador Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 202 Londa Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 446 Nova Terreli Owes 89 DBs in taxes Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 263 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 446 Dortanix Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 1345 Weelond Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 163 Fuerte Unido Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 115 Elysabethtown Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour The Ambition The Turgut Phred Oleon 927 Nova Terreli Owes 215 DBs in taxes The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 138 Elizabethville The Argo Executioner Phred Oleon 557 Nova Terreli Owes 130 DBs in taxes The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 657 Londa The Athena The Athena Kotz Oleon 120 Londa The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Corcel Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 137 Bardo The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Londa The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 120 Tortuga The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 539 Londa The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 269 Londa The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by Harrison Torn's Bloody Compass The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Belson The Lightning The Turgut Dukesc Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 248 Dortanix The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 495 Belson The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 40 DBs in taxes The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 335 Belson The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Londa The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 337 Londa The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 297 Dortanix The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun The Turgut The Turgut Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 365 Londa Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Trador Sprung a leak, diverted to Trador Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Toucan FTA Achernar Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 93 Charlatan Bay Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 296 Quinnsville Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 322 King's Harbour Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 45 Dortanix Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 851 Terreli Verde Oro Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Vic Viper Vic Viper professor Thaum Sea Rats 105 Tortuga Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Dortanix Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 73 Bastion Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 335 Mooreton Bay WTC Agnes B1 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by Bloody Bill's Dirty Harry WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Escaped from Bloody Bill & LeColeon WTC Agnes B3 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by LeColeon's Golden Trident WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Damaged by LeColeon's Black Star's Revenge WTC Agnes B5 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 Jameston Captured by Bloody Bill's Little Scavenger WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 26 Freeport WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Captured by Komodo Dragon WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 758 Kieg Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 297 Dortanix Results sorted by faction: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Revenue Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 218 Ulric Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 131 Ulric Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 261 Ulric Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 475 Prinport Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 228 Elizabethville Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 Calisto Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 150 Ulric Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 163 Fuerte Unido Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 322 Mesabi Landing Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 156 Ulric Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 1038 Terreli Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 851 Terreli Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 160 Elizabethville HMS Badger HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bull Shark HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS El Bellos HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Gauntlet HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in rough seas HMS Huntress HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Perseus HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pineapple Revenge HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 114 King's Harbour Priest's Bounty HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 171 King's Harbour WTC Agnes B1 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by Bloody Bill's Dirty Harry WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Escaped from Bloody Bill & LeColeon WTC Agnes B3 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by LeColeon's Golden Trident WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Damaged by LeColeon's Black Star's Revenge WTC Agnes B5 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 Jameston Captured by Bloody Bill's Little Scavenger WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 362 Mesabi Landing Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 317 Mesabi Landing Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 324 Mesabi Landing Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 296 Quinnsville Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 335 Mooreton Bay Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 unknown Became separated from Alexander, captured by Bluebeard. Crew deposited in Charlatan Bay Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 882 Belson Pelican Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Arlinsport Took on water in storm, diverted to Arlinsport Lightning WTC Judgement LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 26 Freeport HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Captured by Komodo Dragon WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 758 Kieg Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 831 Terreli Alexander HMS "Barracuda" SilentWolf Corrington 492 Arlinsport Separated from HMS "Barracuda" Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 551 Belson The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 138 Elizabethville Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 493 Nova Terreli Owes 99 DBs in taxes Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after sailing from Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 Bardo Sprung a leak in storm, diverted to Bardo Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Elysabethtown Robbed of pearls by ZvW La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Firefly Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Verde Oro Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Belson The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 495 Belson The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 335 Belson Fog Breaker Fog Breaker Garmadon Eslandola 321 Prinport Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 150 Bastion Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 544 Prinport Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 107 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank, cause unknown Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 2374 Terreli Golden voyage! Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 1345 Weelond Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 759 Prinport Reventazon Prince Fernando II Legostone Eslandola 481 Trador The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 137 Bardo El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 317 Pontelli Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 977 Kieg Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 987 Weelond Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 446 Nova Terreli Owes 89 DBs in taxes Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 495 Belson AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Breshaun Taxes owed? Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1210 Breshaun Taxes owed? Cotton Lady Cotton Lady MCTC Eslandola 270 King's Harbour Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 520 Nova Terreli Owes 104 DBs in taxes Prince Fernando II Prince Fernando II MCTC Eslandola 842 Trador Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Nova Terreli Owes 16 DBs in taxes Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Weelond Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 742 Belson Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 823 Weelond Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 102 Elysabethtown Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 583 Belson Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 271 Balmin Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 259 Balmin Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Ghost Harvester II Ghost Harvester II Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Partially sunk, abandoned by ZvW off coast of Berelli/Annetta, salvageable Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 131 Breshaun Gladiateur Gladiateur blackdeathgr Oleon 127 Breshaun Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 263 Breshaun Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 198 Dortanix Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 131 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Dortanix Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 67 Londa Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 242 Londa Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 297 Dortanix Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 396 Dortanix FTA The Gargoyle FTA The Gargoyle Captain Genaro Oleon 143 Elysabethtown Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 299 Breshaun Comet 2 Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes The Corcel Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 263 Breshaun HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by Harrison Torn's Bloody Compass The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Londa La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 297 Dortanix Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 219 Londa The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 539 Londa The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 269 Londa The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 40 DBs in taxes Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa The Lightning The Turgut Dukesc Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Dortanix Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 446 Dortanix Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Comtesse de Praenia The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Sprung a leak, cargo ruined. Owes 35 DBs in taxes. La Recouvrance The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 383 Breshaun The Athena The Athena Kotz Oleon 120 Londa Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 202 Londa Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 767 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 248 Dortanix The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Argo Executioner Phred Oleon 557 Nova Terreli Owes 130 DBs in taxes Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Londa The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 657 Londa The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 365 Londa The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 337 Londa The Ambition The Turgut Phred Oleon 927 Nova Terreli Owes 215 DBs in taxes The Turgut The Turgut Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Le Gros Executioner RNTC Oleon 535 Nova Terreli Owes 132 DBs in taxes Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after leaving Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 920 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 248 Dortanix Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 115 Elysabethtown Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 394 Londa Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 646 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 0 Stedor Took on water in storm, diverted to Stedor Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 126 Fatu Hiva 32 DBs owed in taxes Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 152 Fatu Hiva 38 DBs owed in taxes Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 68 Astrapi Taxes owed? Toucan FTA Achernar Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 93 Charlatan Bay FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 370 Charlatan Bay FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 278 Charlatan Bay FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 0 Poorvinta Sprung a leak, diverted to Poorvintia FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 153 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 75 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 112 Astrapi Taxes owed? King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 135 Dortanix Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 256 Dortanix Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 99 Astrapi Taxes owed? Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 90 Dortanix Calamity Strikes Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 220 Bastion Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 226 Bastion Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 431 Bastion Captured class 7 WTC Judgement Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 Bastion Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 73 Bastion Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 154 Dortanix Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 38 Tortuga Damaged in combat The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 120 Tortuga Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Trador Sprung a leak, diverted to Trador Vic Viper Vic Viper professor Thaum Sea Rats 105 Tortuga Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fuerte Unido Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 45 Dortanix Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 322 King's Harbour Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour
June 5, 20186 yr Author Results sorted by flagship: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Revenue Destination Notes Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 218 Ulric Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 131 Ulric Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 261 Ulric Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 362 Mesabi Landing Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 317 Mesabi Landing Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 324 Mesabi Landing Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 228 Elizabethville Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 475 Prinport Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 322 Mesabi Landing Cotton Lady Cotton Lady MCTC Eslandola 270 King's Harbour Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fuerte Unido Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 Calisto Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank, cause unknown El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 317 Pontelli Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 156 Ulric Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 977 Kieg Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 742 Belson Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 495 Belson The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Belson The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 495 Belson The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 335 Belson Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 396 Dortanix Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 248 Dortanix The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix Comet 2 Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Le Gros Executioner RNTC Oleon 535 Nova Terreli Owes 132 DBs in taxes The Argo Executioner Phred Oleon 557 Nova Terreli Owes 130 DBs in taxes The Corcel Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 544 Prinport Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 383 Breshaun Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 131 Breshaun Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 131 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 767 Breshaun Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 263 Breshaun Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 1038 Terreli Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 831 Terreli Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 851 Terreli Fog Breaker Fog Breaker Garmadon Eslandola 321 Prinport Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 150 Bastion FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 370 Charlatan Bay FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 278 Charlatan Bay FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 0 Poorvinta Sprung a leak, diverted to Poorvintia Toucan FTA Achernar Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 93 Charlatan Bay FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 153 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 75 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 112 Astrapi Taxes owed? Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 68 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA The Gargoyle FTA The Gargoyle Captain Genaro Oleon 143 Elysabethtown Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Ghost Harvester II Ghost Harvester II Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Partially sunk, abandoned by ZvW off coast of Berelli/Annetta, salvageable Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 102 Elysabethtown Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gladiateur Gladiateur blackdeathgr Oleon 127 Breshaun Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 99 Astrapi Taxes owed? Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Breshaun Taxes owed? Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1210 Breshaun Taxes owed? Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 2374 Terreli Golden voyage! Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Alexander HMS "Barracuda" SilentWolf Corrington 492 Arlinsport Separated from HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 unknown Became separated from Alexander, captured by Bluebeard. Crew deposited in Charlatan Bay. HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS Badger HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bull Shark HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS El Bellos HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Gauntlet HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in rough seas HMS Huntress HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Perseus HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pineapple Revenge HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 114 King's Harbour Priest's Bounty HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 171 King's Harbour HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by Harrison Torn's Bloody Compass HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Dortanix Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after leaving Breshaun Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 67 Londa The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Londa The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Londa Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 38 Tortuga Damaged in combat Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 90 Dortanix King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 135 Dortanix Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 45 Dortanix Calamity Strikes Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 220 Bastion Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 226 Bastion Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 431 Bastion Captured class 7 WTC Judgement Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 Bastion Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 73 Bastion Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Weelond Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 823 Weelond Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 987 Weelond La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 1345 Weelond Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 256 Dortanix Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 154 Dortanix Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 107 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 759 Prinport La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 920 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 299 Breshaun Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 263 Breshaun The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 583 Belson Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 271 Balmin Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 259 Balmin Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 520 Nova Terreli Owes 104 DBs in taxes Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 446 Nova Terreli Owes 89 DBs in taxes Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Elysabethtown Robbed of pearls by ZvW Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 126 Fatu Hiva 32 DBs owed in taxes Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 152 Fatu Hiva 38 DBs owed in taxes Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 882 Belson Pelican Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Arlinsport Took on water in storm, diverted to Arlinsport Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 551 Belson Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 150 Ulric Firefly Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Prince Fernando II Prince Fernando II MCTC Eslandola 842 Trador Reventazon Prince Fernando II Legostone Eslandola 481 Trador Verde Oro Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 646 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 0 Stedor Took on water in storm, diverted to Stedor Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 198 Dortanix Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 446 Dortanix The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 248 Dortanix The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 297 Dortanix Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 297 Dortanix Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 163 Fuerte Unido Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 493 Nova Terreli Owes 99 DBs in taxes Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Nova Terreli Owes 16 DBs in taxes Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after sailing from Weelond Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 Bardo Sprung a leak in storm, diverted to Bardo Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 115 Elysabethtown Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 160 Elizabethville The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 138 Elizabethville Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 242 Londa Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 394 Londa Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 219 Londa The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 657 Londa The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 365 Londa The Athena The Athena Kotz Oleon 120 Londa The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 137 Bardo The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 120 Tortuga Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 202 Londa The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 539 Londa The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 269 Londa Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 40 DBs in taxes The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 337 Londa Comtesse de Praenia The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Sprung a leak, cargo ruined. Owes 35 DBs in taxes. La Recouvrance The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes The Ambition The Turgut Phred Oleon 927 Nova Terreli Owes 215 DBs in taxes The Lightning The Turgut Dukesc Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes The Turgut The Turgut Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Trador Sprung a leak, diverted to Trador Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 296 Quinnsville Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 322 King's Harbour Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Vic Viper Vic Viper professor Thaum Sea Rats 105 Tortuga Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 335 Mooreton Bay WTC Agnes B1 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by Bloody Bill's Dirty Harry WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Escaped from Bloody Bill & LeColeon WTC Agnes B3 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by LeColeon's Golden Trident WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Damaged by LeColeon's Black Star's Revenge WTC Agnes B5 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 Jameston Captured by Bloody Bill's Little Scavenger WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 26 Freeport WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet Lightning WTC Judgement LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Captured by Komodo Dragon WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 758 Kieg Results sorted by destination: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Revenue Destination Notes Eerie Eerie Legostone Eslandola 0 --- Sank, cause unknown Ghost Harvester II Ghost Harvester II Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 --- Partially sunk, abandoned by ZvW off coast of Berelli/Annetta, salvageable HMS Gauntlet HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sank in rough seas The Galaxie HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by Harrison Torn's Bloody Compass Licorne HRS Pride of Oleon RNTC Oleon 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after leaving Breshaun Lady of Madrice Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 --- Sank in storm shortly after sailing from Weelond WTC Agnes B1 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by Bloody Bill's Dirty Harry WTC Agnes B3 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by LeColeon's Golden Trident Alexander HMS "Barracuda" SilentWolf Corrington 492 Arlinsport Separated from HMS "Barracuda" HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Pelican Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Arlinsport Took on water in storm, diverted to Arlinsport FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 153 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 75 Astrapi Taxes owed? FTA Redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 112 Astrapi Taxes owed? Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Narwal FTA Dusk Bart Sea Rats 68 Astrapi Taxes owed? Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 99 Astrapi Taxes owed? Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 37 Astrapi Taxes owed? Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Newt Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Nightingale Nemesis Namere Namere 271 Balmin Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 259 Balmin Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Balmin Nutmeg Nemesis Namere Namere 155 Balmin Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 220 Bardo Mysterious Lady Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 0 Bardo Sprung a leak in storm, diverted to Bardo The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 137 Bardo Frisking Dart Frisking Dart Garmadon Eslandola 150 Bastion Calamity Strikes Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 220 Bastion Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 226 Bastion Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 431 Bastion Captured class 7 WTC Judgement Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 Bastion Viper Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 73 Bastion Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained by port authorities HMS Red Angel WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet Lightning WTC Judgement LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 Bastion Damaged by Komodo Dragon fleet WTC Judgement WTC Judgement Mesabi Corrington 0 Bastion Captured by Komodo Dragon Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 742 Belson Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 495 Belson The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Belson The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 495 Belson The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 335 Belson Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 500 Belson Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 583 Belson Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Belson Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 882 Belson Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 551 Belson Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 646 Belson Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola 0 Belson Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 383 Breshaun Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 131 Breshaun Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 131 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 767 Breshaun Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 263 Breshaun Gladiateur Gladiateur blackdeathgr Oleon 127 Breshaun AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Breshaun Taxes owed? Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1210 Breshaun Taxes owed? HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 920 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 299 Breshaun Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 263 Breshaun The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 526 Breshaun Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 697 Breshaun Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Breshaun Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 581 Breshaun Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 53 Calisto Apollo's Mirth Apollo's Mirth Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Charlatan Bay FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 370 Charlatan Bay FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 278 Charlatan Bay Toucan FTA Achernar Charlatan Bay Sea Rats 93 Charlatan Bay Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 396 Dortanix Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 248 Dortanix The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 297 Dortanix HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Dortanix l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Dortanix Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Dortanix Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 90 Dortanix King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 135 Dortanix Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 45 Dortanix Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 51 Dortanix Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 256 Dortanix Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 154 Dortanix Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 198 Dortanix Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 446 Dortanix The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 248 Dortanix The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 297 Dortanix Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 297 Dortanix Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 228 Elizabethville Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 160 Elizabethville The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 138 Elizabethville FTA The Gargoyle FTA The Gargoyle Captain Genaro Oleon 143 Elysabethtown Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 102 Elysabethtown Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 60 Elysabethtown Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Elysabethtown Robbed of pearls by ZvW Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 115 Elysabethtown Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 126 Fatu Hiva 32 DBs owed in taxes Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 152 Fatu Hiva 38 DBs owed in taxes Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 68 Freeport WTC Brown Bear WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 26 Freeport WTC Grey Wolf WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport WTC Red Fox WTC Dog Days Drunknok Corrington 7 Freeport Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fuerte Unido Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 136 Fuerte Unido Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 163 Fuerte Unido Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 466 Granoleon WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Escaped from Bloody Bill & LeColeon WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 123 Jameston Damaged by LeColeon's Black Star's Revenge WTC Agnes B5 WTC Agnes B1 Drunknok Corrington 0 Jameston Captured by Bloody Bill's Little Scavenger Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 977 Kieg WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 758 Kieg Cotton Lady Cotton Lady MCTC Eslandola 270 King's Harbour HMS Badger HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Bull Shark HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS El Bellos HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Huntress HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour HMS Perseus HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pineapple Revenge HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 114 King's Harbour Priest's Bounty HMS El Bellos Corrington Corrington 171 King's Harbour Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 107 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 King's Harbour Escaped from pirate Montroy Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 269 King's Harbour Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 322 King's Harbour Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 King's Harbour Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Did not leave port. Refusing to pay tax. HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Londa Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 67 Londa The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Londa The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Londa Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 242 Londa Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 394 Londa Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 219 Londa The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 657 Londa The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 365 Londa The Athena The Athena Kotz Oleon 120 Londa Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 202 Londa The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 539 Londa The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 269 Londa Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 67 Londa The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 337 Londa Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 362 Mesabi Landing Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 317 Mesabi Landing Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 324 Mesabi Landing Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 322 Mesabi Landing Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 335 Mooreton Bay Comet 2 Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Executioner Executioner Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Le Gros Executioner RNTC Oleon 535 Nova Terreli Owes 132 DBs in taxes The Argo Executioner Phred Oleon 557 Nova Terreli Owes 130 DBs in taxes The Corcel Executioner Dukesc Oleon 371 Nova Terreli Owes 84 DBs in taxes Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 520 Nova Terreli Owes 104 DBs in taxes Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 446 Nova Terreli Owes 89 DBs in taxes Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 493 Nova Terreli Owes 99 DBs in taxes Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 82 Nova Terreli Owes 16 DBs in taxes Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 40 DBs in taxes The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 35 DBs in taxes Comtesse de Praenia The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Sprung a leak, cargo ruined. Owes 35 DBs in taxes. La Recouvrance The Turgut Kolonialbeamter Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes The Ambition The Turgut Phred Oleon 927 Nova Terreli Owes 215 DBs in taxes The Lightning The Turgut Dukesc Oleon 1217 Nova Terreli Owes 278 DBs in taxes The Turgut The Turgut Phred Oleon 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 317 Pontelli FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 0 Poorvinta Sprung a leak, diverted to Poorvintia WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 28 Port Woodhouse Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 475 Prinport Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 356 Prinport Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 544 Prinport Fog Breaker Fog Breaker Garmadon Eslandola 321 Prinport Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 759 Prinport Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 296 Quinnsville Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 0 Stedor Took on water in storm, diverted to Stedor Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 1038 Terreli Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 831 Terreli Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 851 Terreli Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 2374 Terreli Golden voyage! Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 38 Tortuga Damaged in combat The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 120 Tortuga Vic Viper Vic Viper professor Thaum Sea Rats 105 Tortuga Firefly Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Prince Fernando II Prince Fernando II MCTC Eslandola 842 Trador Reventazon Prince Fernando II Legostone Eslandola 481 Trador Verde Oro Prince Fernando II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Trador Sprung a leak, diverted to Trador Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 218 Ulric Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 131 Ulric Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 261 Ulric Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 156 Ulric Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 150 Ulric HMS "Barracuda" HMS "Barracuda" LM71Blackbird Corrington 0 unknown Became separated from Alexander, captured by Bluebeard. Crew deposited in Charlatan Bay Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Weelond Aurei Lacerta La Raya Venenosa Umbra-Manis Eslandola 823 Weelond Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 987 Weelond La Raya Venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 1345 Weelond
June 5, 20186 yr Author Oops. Somehow this piece fell on the editorial room floor: Greenies Hit Jackpot Eslandola was the place to be this month, either in their ports or on their ships, if you wanted to rake in the doubloons. Seven of the top nine payoffs for cargos were at Eslandolan ports, and five of the top nine were by Eslandolan merchants – including the top two. Particularly noteworthy was the huge haul by the Green Winds III in Terreli; the crew have been spending madly ever since they reached port. Merchants reported large windfalls in Terreli, Weelond, and Nova Terreli. Breshaun and Kieg were other good ports to visit this month.
June 5, 20186 yr Well, this MRCA turned into a bit of a fiasco for my ships! That, and the Sea Rats made a laughing stock of some of the most powerful Corrish ships... It will make this month's MRCA interesting to say the least! Very well written and throughly covers everything!
June 6, 20186 yr Very good writing Captain Wolf, I was waiting anxiously the new issuance of this unique source of information, good job with this one!
June 6, 20186 yr Nice write-up, as usual. Kudos for having it done so quickly this month! What does "damaged" mean for a ship though? Are repairs necessary, and if so: how is that handled?
June 6, 20186 yr Author 5 hours ago, Drunknok said: What does "damaged" mean for a ship though? Are repairs necessary, and if so: how is that handled? "Damaged" means that upkeep costs will be higher, essentially representing necessary repairs. It's all done on our end when the upkeep costs are calculated and added to (er, subtracted from ) the account sheets. It's also a bit of color you can use for a MRCA-result build.
June 6, 20186 yr For the second month in a row, my ship Rambler's Reward is down twice, but it is slightly worse this time. I would appreciate it if someone looked into this.
June 6, 20186 yr 4 minutes ago, SpaceJoey86 said: For the second month in a row, my ship Rambler's Reward is down twice, but it is slightly worse this time. I would appreciate it if someone looked into this. Are you double clicking the submit button lol
June 6, 20186 yr Just now, Roadmonkeytj said: Are you double clicking the submit button lol No, but last time I think one was under the wrong flagship. I definitely only filled in one form though.
June 6, 20186 yr Author 38 minutes ago, SpaceJoey86 said: For the second month in a row, my ship Rambler's Reward is down twice, but it is slightly worse this time. I would appreciate it if someone looked into this. I'll look into it and see what's up.
June 6, 20186 yr Author Just now, SpaceJoey86 said: Thanks. Can you tell me where it was sailing from and the route you input? I see some discrepancies in the worksheet for the two versions. PM me if you prefer.
June 6, 20186 yr 47 minutes ago, SpaceJoey86 said: For the second month in a row, my ship Rambler's Reward is down twice, but it is slightly worse this time. I would appreciate it if someone looked into this. The first result is correct. There were two submissions for your ship. I'll see about fixing this for the future.
June 6, 20186 yr Just now, Captain Genaro said: The first result is correct. There were two submissions for your ship. I'll see about fixing this for the future. Thanks a lot!
June 7, 20186 yr Nice write up again! Can sombody link to the topic where Astrapi is detailing their tax system?
June 7, 20186 yr 2 hours ago, Bart said: Can sombody link to the topic where Astrapi is detailing their tax system? If you owe port taxes to Oleon you will receive a PM with the amount owed. No PM, no taxes owed. Here is the post for Oleon's port taxes.
June 7, 20186 yr Author 3 hours ago, Bart said: Can sombody link to the topic where Astrapi is detailing their tax system? All the published tax announcements are linked in the KPA "Trade War" article.
June 7, 20186 yr Author Just to clarify something, in case it wasn't clear from the "Pirate Round-Up" item above: Komodo Dragon and her squadron mates, Morning Fog, Killer Frog, Viper, and Calamity Strikes, are flying the black flag.
June 7, 20186 yr @Capt Wolf bmerrill sailed the White Hawk with the Golden Dragon squadron. I filled the paperwork myself. Is there a reason it didn't show up on the list?
June 7, 20186 yr Author 2 minutes ago, MKJoshA said: @Capt Wolf bmerrill sailed the White Hawk with the Golden Dragon squadron. I filled the paperwork myself. Is there a reason it didn't show up on the list? @Captain Genaro, can you look into this?
June 7, 20186 yr 20 minutes ago, MKJoshA said: @Capt Wolf bmerrill sailed the White Hawk with the Golden Dragon squadron. I filled the paperwork myself. Is there a reason it didn't show up on the list? Looks like the vessel was never licensed.
June 7, 20186 yr 7 hours ago, Legostone said: Looks like the vessel was never licensed. It showed up on the Sea Rat licensed vessel list before I submitted paperwork. I see it's not there now though. Did someone un-license it?
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