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I was unsure so went and checked my thought were confirmed...

on SES, it works well, and the 8 cannon holes/4 actual cannons integrates better than the 4 cannons 4

holes of BSB.

The Lego BSB like the red sailed ship had a cannon to each hole aka four, while the SES had four cannons that could move to either side of the boat and had 8 holes.

hope that answers your question

'Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

Thanks for the reviews. It occasionally needs to be emphasized here that Enlighten is available to provide substitutes for Lego sets that have been long out of production. After 45 years of producing lego system clones, their quality is on a par with TLG, and they still do painted bricks, which lego seems to be withdrawing from. If you want to acquire new lego-inspired ships, this is the only option left.'

To be honest, even I am tempted by these sets occasionally. But since I don't trust eBay I find it easy to ignore the urges! :-D I really would love a large (non-viking non-4+) ship hull.

Thanks for the review. *sweet*

'Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

Thanks for the reviews. It occasionally needs to be emphasized here that Enlighten is available to provide substitutes for Lego sets that have been long out of production. After 45 years of producing lego system clones, their quality is on a par with TLG, and they still do painted bricks, which lego seems to be withdrawing from. If you want to acquire new lego-inspired ships, this is the only option left.'

I actually have a MOCpages about enlighten up and you posted something similar to this effect there. Where exactly did you find information about the Enlighten company that it's been cloning Lego sets for 45 years? And I have some enlighten sets, and I do have to say that the quality of the plastic is a notch below Lego's. With the military sets especially, I've seen some stress marks on certain pieces where the bottom of the piece connects to the stud. If anything, the colors do not always measure up looking at them side by side. Plus, you wrote there that they have been cloning Bionicle and Megabloks stuff. I'd seen the Bionicle looking sets only recently on e-bay, and I created my page on Enlighten more than 2 years ago, so didn't really know all this stuff then.

The reason I had asked is because I had written an article on Enlighten for Brickjournal and Joe Meno wants to eventually publish it. Any other information you could give me, especially regarding your sources is appreciated, and I could let know Joe that you helped me out with finding some of the info. Please send me a message if you'd like.

For what it's worth, I have a few Enlighten Bionicle (or Invincibility Robot, as they call it) sets that I bought as far back as 2001.

As for the Pirate knockoffs, if only their yellow as more like Lego original, I'd be completely happy with them.

  • 3 months later...

But the real question is...do these knock-offs come with shooting cannons?

To my knowledge - no. I got one of these cannons mixed with real Lego cannons once and it's a non-shooting cannon. However they may vary, just like in Lego...

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Yes they do shoot and come with plenty of Ammo! I must say the cannons are almost perfect, I have got some Lego cannons as well. I shall do a shoot off and let you know which fire better!

Also I should add, that I had some friends over the other day and they were equally impressed by my clone ships as they were of my Lego ship. As time goes on I am glad I picked them up when i did. I only wish I could use the bricks in competitions

Regards Cpt. PB

Well perhaps my non-shooting cannon was from another clone brand then. It's hard to tell as I got it with no box or instructions. It's a lot brighter than original Lego cannon and looks like the shooting kind, except it doesn't shoot... :pir-classic:

I only wish I could use the bricks in competitions

Same...No offence but I dont know why people dont just get over it that Lego lost there chance to make more pirates in these last years so the Clones have come in. Why cant they accept Clone Bricks? Its like the The Ugly Duckling story. :pir-tongue:

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To be fair this is a Lego fan site, and considering some find the thought of these Clone brands sickening due to the Moral Aspect it is understandable that hey are 'outlawed'. I feel it is a shame that some people are not more open minded to the alternative however, their opinion is theirs and their right. I agree with most other reviews here, these bricks are a good addition to Lego as they provide colour variety and click well. However I don't want to turn this into a Debate with others. Thanks for sharing my opinion.


Cpt. PB

Total rip-off

Low quality plastic

Shame on you.


These are the first thoughts that came to my mind after reading the topic. :pir-blush:

I think these clones are great for children. I wouldn't want my nephew playing with my Lego collection, but I wouldn't mind giving him the knock-offs. When he is older (5 now) I wouldn't mind sharing with him, unless I have children of my own.


  • Author
Total rip-off

Low quality plastic

Shame on you.


These are the first thoughts that came to my mind after reading the topic. :pir-blush:

1. yes total rip-off, but with no actual Lego product available from Lego resembling these creations Lego has/is currently sacrificing this market to the Modern day pirates :pir-hmpf_bad:

2. pray tell, have you ever seen these bricks in person? I have done a little research into these bricks, they are abs plastic, to my understanding the same as lego, the plastic colour is about the only inferiority it has, along with the molds having a bump on the stud, instead of the word Lego.

3. If Lego wishes to sue them, they should email me and I will do the ground work for them on the condition they do release a new Pirates range! :pir-tongue:

4. :thumbup: ... :pir-look:

thanks for your opinion, it is one shared by many on this forum. Did you at least enjoy the review?

SHOOT OFF POSTED SEE HERE! i need a brake from my revision :pir_wacko:


Cpt. PB

Edited by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

Same...No offence but I dont know why people dont just get over it that Lego lost there chance to make more pirates in these last years so the Clones have come in. Why cant they accept Clone Bricks? Its like the The Ugly Duckling story. :pir-tongue:

I think the problem is not on the quality of parts. It is not a 'clone brand' in the same way as Megablocks is. These sets are illegal copies. Selling them, promoting them and buying them is illegal. The fact that the line is no longer produced, doesn't mean that anyone can take it over. Besides the set desings, a lot of other patents such as mini-fig shape and design are put aside.

Now, it doesn't really bother if you buy the stuff but I'm quite surprised that this is tolerated on the forum regarding the possible consequences...

You can see HERE a few words about TLC and their way to enjoy the 'Enlighten' stuff.

Note: I don't really think they do a lot of quality control on the production line nor in the labs when mixing A/H5N1 chicken wings, yellow glowing fish straight from Beijing's Yangtze blue-water-river and fresh K2-harvested Tibetan Monk skulls to make the mighty little parts you're twisting in your hands right now just before dinner. yummy :pir-skull:

Edited by Karto

buying them is illegal.

You can see HERE a few words about TLC and their way to enjoy the 'Enlighten' stuff.

1. It isnt illegal if you brought them and didnt know it was a Illegal Copy.

2. Lego were pretty selfish to bulldoze all the Enlighten when they could have sent it to children who need it... :pir-sad2:

3. Also Law is diffrent in diffrent countrys.

I have only brought 1 clone set...On ebay if you search "Lego Pirates" or "Lego Military" it will come up with alot of clone sets. Lego would have been bound to find this out already. They are proberbly only targeting the suppliers.


Although these aren't Lego sets, it still made me sad to see them destroyed. Such a waste!

Although these aren't Lego sets, it still made me sad to see them destroyed. Such a waste!

Extremely, If you go into the 99p stores in London there are plenty of Knock-off G.I.Joe figures, I even saw a Pickachu that had been changed colour...

I think these clones are great for children. I wouldn't want my nephew playing with my Lego collection, but I wouldn't mind giving him the knock-offs. When he is older (5 now) I wouldn't mind sharing with him, unless I have children of my own.


Yes it's great for these. I have bought some set for this and to have brilliant cutlass or somes shooting canons. And childrens dont care if it's real lego or enlighten, it's the same happyness for them. And it's a pleasure to see them playing with bricks than with playstation like zombies !

1. It isnt illegal if you brought them and didnt know it was a Illegal Copy.

That's very wrong. Next time you travel, ask about it at the customs of your airport (US, CA, EU or whatever western country)... It's quite common to see people coming back from Turkey, Singapore or Hong Kong being held back with some Gucci, Armani, Rolex or Sony PlayStation stuff which they 'didn't know' they were copies while being bought at 3 bucks a piece... Authorities usually track producers and wholesalers of course, but buying the stuff is illegal by law... I don't want to be harsh but you seem a little naive. :pir-tongue:

2. Lego were pretty selfish to bulldoze all the Enlighten when they could have sent it to children who need it...

It's their brand. They do the design, the development and all the imaginable investments (that's the very basic purpose of patents and trademarks). Do you have any idea how much a company has to invest in safety and quality control? All basic materials, especially for toys, must be tested and approved by countless official entities. You can't give any kind of stuff to children knowing they'll probably put it in their mouth. I really doubt that a company which sells 1000 parts sets at 5$ pays attention to the quality of the basic materials they use. It's very common to find lead and mercury for example in chinese low quality goods... (even real brands may have problems with their Chinese production sites like Mattel and its countless recalls...)

I even find it criminal to give such risky goods to kids, just to save a little money. What a shame! If TLC had ever done that with the Enlighten stuff, they would have been smashed to the ground.

Note: I'm not saying all Chinese stuff is from low quality! They sure have very good production sites from foreign brands and from own high quality brands such as Lenovo. They also do more and more high level research & development, especially in medical research.

3. Also Law is diffrent in diffrent countrys.

That's true, but in this case, most industrialized countries are on the same line (USA, Canada, the EU, Japan, Australia...) and work together. This matter is discussed at WTO (World Trade Organization) and G8 level.

I have only brought 1 clone set...On ebay if you search "Lego Pirates" or "Lego Military" it will come up with alot of clone sets. Lego would have been bound to find this out already. They are proberbly only targeting the suppliers.

You may buy them, that's not a problem to me personally :thumbup: . My point was about the fact it is openly promoted on a LEGO dedicated forum. I just found it strange that this was tolerated, nothing more.

Now speaking about eBay... They have been condemned just one week ago to pay 38,83 Million Euro to LVMH (French luxury goods company) for the massive sale of brand copies on their platform and the lack of control on it. Basically, eBay doesn't really check every item put for sale for obvious financial reasons... they usually take action when complaints are coming in. This is no longer enough apparently :pir-laugh:

Edited by Karto

  • 2 weeks later...

That's very wrong. Next time you travel, ask about it at the customs of your airport (US, CA, EU or whatever western country)... It's quite common to see people coming back from Turkey, Singapore or Hong Kong being held back with some Gucci, Armani, Rolex or Sony PlayStation stuff which they 'didn't know' they were copies while being bought at 3 bucks a piece... Authorities usually track producers and wholesalers of course, but buying the stuff is illegal by law... I don't want to be harsh but you seem a little naive. :pir-tongue:

It's their brand. They do the design, the development and all the imaginable investments (that's the very basic purpose of patents and trademarks). Do you have any idea how much a company has to invest in safety and quality control? All basic materials, especially for toys, must be tested and approved by countless official entities. You can't give any kind of stuff to children knowing they'll probably put it in their mouth. I really doubt that a company which sells 1000 parts sets at 5$ pays attention to the quality of the basic materials they use. It's very common to find lead and mercury for example in chinese low quality goods... (even real brands may have problems with their Chinese production sites like Mattel and its countless recalls...)

I even find it criminal to give such risky goods to kids, just to save a little money. What a shame! If TLC had ever done that with the Enlighten stuff, they would have been smashed to the ground.

Note: I'm not saying all Chinese stuff is from low quality! They sure have very good production sites from foreign brands and from own high quality brands such as Lenovo. They also do more and more high level research & development, especially in medical research.

That's true, but in this case, most industrialized countries are on the same line (USA, Canada, the EU, Japan, Australia...) and work together. This matter is discussed at WTO (World Trade Organization) and G8 level.

You may buy them, that's not a problem to me personally :thumbup: . My point was about the fact it is openly promoted on a LEGO dedicated forum. I just found it strange that this was tolerated, nothing more.

I think its more a question of whether the specific Chinese toy company is using parts currently protected by patent law or parts which are now in public domain. Enlighten seems to use only public domain parts and original Enlighten designed parts, while other companies clone parts that are still protected under international patent laws. Kazi for instance, sells only original designs, but is cloneing "cheese" slope, which TLG just introduced 6 years ago, and is making "Spider Super Man" sets, which incorporate a poorly cloned copy of Spiderman (Lego torso, Mega Block head, oversized at that) violating both Lego's patent on the element and Marvel's intellectual property rights to the character.

These sets stink :pir-sad: I hate the way when you go on e-bay to buy pirate legos these are all over the place for really cheap.


I actually bid on one of these accidently(sp) but someone else purchased it.

Lucky me :pir-laugh:


These sets stink :pir-sad: I hate the way when you go on e-bay to buy pirate legos these are all over the place for really cheap.


I actually bid on one of these accidently(sp) but someone else purchased it.

Lucky me :pir-laugh:


The problem is, if you want new parts to expand your pirate holdings, this is currently the only source, unless you wish to switch over to Mega's Pyrates and Pirates of the Carribean line, both of which are overly sculpted in my opinion.

I usually expand my collection through Bricklink, or occassionally Ebay.

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