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Oleon, Challenge II – Dark Secrets on the Île d'Or 


Until now most development on Île d'Or has taken place in the budding town of Fatu Hiva. What started out as a few shacks and a wooden dock has continued to grow with new influxes of colonists from Halos and an increasing number of natives who come to the settlement to trade pearls and labor for Olean goods and food. And despite the rumors spread by their northern colonial competitors, Oleon was only too happy to welcome the natives into the Empire of Light and the natives, though wary of some Olean customs, seemed pleased with their new overlord. Most suggested that the natives’ contentment had to do with the culture, trade, and religion being brought to the island, but an astute observer would notice the dread on the native’s faces when talk of the island’s interior was brought up and how they revere the defenses and soldiers standing between the settlement and the wild jungle.

But that soon changed. As the settlement continued to grow, more and more colonists hoped to make their fortune in the jungle. Driven by rumors of gold, they began traveling into the interior. The natives watched with pity as the colonists cheerfully headed to their destiny.

Weeks passed, and the colonists were forgotten. Some would occasionally remark at the lack of contact with the settlers, but nothing happened until the governor decided to send several men into the jungle to find the settlers and survey routes for new roads between them and the settlement.

Days after the surveying team was deployed the first natives arrived. It was a simple boat, and they didn’t cease their frantic rowing until the native craft was beached behind Fatu Hiva’s walls. Soon the trickle of natives became a stream until the town’s harbor was clogged by native craft. The governor tried for force the natives to return to their villages, but they refused, their fear of some unknown danger overwhelming any fear they may have for the town’s authorities.

The governor was unable to get any information from the natives who only mentioned a great evil being awakened, and with no news from the colonists or survey team, the governor grew worried. He wrote to the Secrétaire d’État des Colonies, but was quickly informed that, although a royal settlement, Fatu Hiva was under the RNTC’s region of trade. Subsequent pleas to Lavalette fell on deaf ears as various officials simply sent the letters to each other, no one knowing what to do in Hollande’s absence. Eventually word reached Major Hochstetter who assumed the governor was an old woman, but still decided to deploy a company to Fatu Hiva to ensure nothing had gone wrong. 

Upon arriving, the company found the town overflowing with natives. The captain in command thought the entire native populace must be stuffed into the town, but the fortifications were fine, and the garrison was in order. Still, to put the governor’s mind to rest, the captain marched his company into the wilderness to find the lost colonists and survey team.

Several days later, the sentries were startled by the sound of gunfire from the jungle. Though faint at first, the sporadic fire became louder and louder. The entire town was up, with many native warriors lining the wall, visibly shaking at the thought of this unknown terror.

Without warning a man came charging out of the forest, screaming incoherently and flailing his arms, but he quickly fell under a barrage of native spears and arrows before the defenders realized the man was wearing the uniform of a company infantryman. Unfortunately, the barrage startled the garrison and the edge of the jungle was quickly overwhelmed by a near constant pounding of roundshot, cannister, arrows, and spears before the officers could restore order.

Finally, the town’s gates opened, and a heavily armed troop cautiously headed towards the jungle. Upon arriving, several of the men retched at the carnage. Thirty of the men from the RNTC company had been mercilessly mowed down in the fire from the defenses, and only three, a sergeant and two privates, showed any sign of life.


Picture by Ayrlego

The wounded men were taken to Fatu Hiva for treatment, though no one believed they would survive the night, and the guilty defenders began digging graves for the company men. But as they began to move the bodies, they noticed strange wounds that couldn’t have been caused by the defender’s fire. The men told this to the lieutenant overseeing their progress, but the frightened young man, desperately seeking to be finished with his unpleasant task, told the men to return to their duties and leave autopsies to doctors.

As expected, none of the wounded survived the night. One private died quietly without waking while the other would spontaneously scream and began sobbing inconsolably until he drifted off to eternal rest. The sergeant, a veteran of battles from Guleph to Halos, was just barely conscious, but all he seemed capable of doing was repeating warnings to avoid the jungle and stating that the foe was unlike anything he had ever seen, but before he could provide any meaningful information, he muttered a prayer for his soul before closing his eyes for the final time.

Realizing the severity of the situation and knowing that future requests for troops would take months to fill, the island’s governor has decided to appeal to mercenaries to come and aid his tiny island. Offering rich rewards to those who succeed, the governor is confident that there are enough brave men in New Terra with nothing to lose and a fortune to gain.

NB: In era II, each main challenge will focus on developing one area of the "hosting nation", and highlight the speciality of that nation. For challenge II it is Oleon and mythology.

On 8/31/2016 at 11:33 AM, Dannylonglegs said:

Island #: 23 Claimed by Oleon
Name: Île d'Or
Nickname: The Crown
Geographical Features: This island's coasts are white sand, and the surrounding sea is deep, but a small ridge of coral does exist to the west. The natives of this island dive for pearls in the reef ridge, where they also cast nets for fish. The Island's soil is rocky, and not great for crop growing.
Rumors: It is rumoured that there may be gold on this island. It is also suspected that the natives of this island are related to those from the glimmering archipelago.

General Rules

Deadline: September 2, 618 AE.

The challenge will consist of three sub-categories. Participants may choose to enter any number of sub-categories, however all participates must submit an entry to Category A in order to progress to the other two categories. All entries must be linked in this thread.

Entries across all three categories will be eligible to win 'BoBS cards' at leadership discretion. The type of card will be dependent on the build and why a card is being awarded.

Category A – Intelligence

Your band of mercenaries needs to know what they’re up against. As such, they desire to gather information about their foe before setting out, and the refugees in Fatu Hiva could provide valuable information, that is if they weren’t so afraid to talk. Show your mercenaries visiting natives at local workshops and attempting to learn about the terror in the jungle.

Your build should feature the natives using their skills to provide valuable goods for the Oleanese. Do they simply work in Olean factories, are their native crafts valuable enough to the colonists, or do they take the best of both worlds to create hybrid workshops? 

Rewards and Rules: 

Minimum size: 256 stud footprint (equal to 16x16). One entry allowed per player. Build must be able to be licensed under the rules of the EGS and in addition to posting a link here, a link should also be posted in the Fatu Hiva settlement thread. 

The winner of this challenge will have obviously invested a great deal in the fledgling settlement, and so will be awarded a free large property license of any type in the settlement of Fatu Hiva (micro scale build only required).

The ownership of all properties will have the personal guarantee of the Colonial governor, even in the event of a state of war between Oleon and the nation of the owner. 

Scoring will consider how well you introduce your mercenaries and how creative the workshop is.

Category B – Setting Out

Your expedition has to get started somewhere, but where is up to you. Do you follow the route of the original colonists and soldiers straight into the interior, do you decide to visit one of the beach side settlements abandoned by the refugees, or do you come up with something else?

During your journey, it is probable that you will run across pagan idols and artefacts, items that the Order of the Faith would like the world to be rid of. Trying to hide or smuggle the items would be a death sentence, a most painful death sentence, but destroying the items or somehow making them pure could buy a lot of favor with the Order, and Order has very deep pockets.

Your build will be judged by how well you incorporate the following description into your build, and how you deal with the pagan artefacts.

"Nicknamed The Crown, this island's coasts are white sand, and the surrounding sea is deep, but a small ridge of coral does exist to the west. The natives of this island dive for pearls in the reef ridge, where they also cast nets for fish. The Island's soil is rocky, and not great for crop growing. Little is known about the interior of the island, other than a thick and wild jungle grows there.
It is rumored that there may be gold on this island. It is also suspected that the natives of this island are related to those from the glimmering archipelago."

Rewards and Rules: 

Maximum size per entry: 1024 stud footprint (equal to 32x32). Each entry may consist of several builds and multiple entries per player is encouraged.

The overall winner for Cat B will be granted a free large arts and culture property license, second place a free medium arts and culture property license and third place a free small arts and culture property license (microbuilds required to activate) in Fatu Hiva.

Additionally there will be three winners for the sub-category of the idol. Each winner will receive gifts from the order as well as 100 DBs. Whether these gifts truly have supernatural powers or their mere presence helps to reassure men is a matter for philosophers, but what cannot be denied is their effectiveness. 

1st: Relic of Saint-Arltrees: Oleon's patron saint and one of Oleon's greatest warriors, this relic will surely bring the strength and battlefield success of the great saint to whoever carries it. [BOBS CARD TBD]

2nd: Medal of Ares: This sacred medal, blessed with water from the Spring of Athena, is sure to protect any soldier who marches into battle wearing it. [BOBS CARD TBD] 

3rd: Blessings of Artemis : Not the most powerful god, but the priests will ask for her to intercede on your behalf. [ BOBS CARD TBD]

For this category, multiple entries per player are allowed and encouraged. 

Category C – The Final Battle

From the perspective of one of your characters, show the final resolution to your mercenaries’ adventure. The build should feature a conflict between your band and whatever evil is plaguing the deepest, darkest corners of the island. The story should be a narrative by one of your characters and it should match the build. The story should be entertaining and, if your character is prone to exaggeration, may include the supernatural. This build does not need to be a historically accurate portrayal, but must be a story told by one of the members.

Rewards and Rules: 

Size: Unlimited. One entry per player.

The winner will be awarded with the title "Defender of Fatu Hiva." Also, the skills their victories mercenaries have gained here will no doubt serve them well in future adventures [BOBS CARD TBD].

In recognition of their service in helping to save Fatu Hiva, the colonial governor will reward the mercenaries with land grants for a free large plantation property license, second place a free medium plantation property license and third place a free small plantation property license (microbuilds required to activate) on Ile de Or.

Judging will consider the creativity of your story, the unique nature of the enemy, and your depiction of jungle combat.

Index of Entries

Category A


@LM71Blackbird The Fatu Hiva Expedition - Bamboo Kayak Craftsman

@Spud the Viking Water mill

@Mesabi Native workshop

@Ayrlego Native Pearling Village


@Captain Braunsfeld [Era II - Challenge II - Cat A] Fish Trading Post on Île d'Or


@blackdeathgr Kahlua No's food shack

@Bodi A timber yard on the coast

@Keymonus Juracàn's fishing point

@Phred Incompetent adventurers!

@KotZ Fishing Village

@Ross Fisher Fôret d'or lumber yard

Sea Rats:

@Fraunces Brothel of Île D'Or

@Bart Canoe Makers

@Professor Thaum [SR - Era II - Ch II - Cat. A] Boombeego's gift shop

@Roadmonkeytj The quest for the dark secret

Category B


@LM71Blackbird [COR - CH II - Cat B] The Fatu Hiva Expedition - Into the Jungle

[COR - CH II - Cat B] The Fatu Hiva Expedition - Base of Operations

@Spud the Viking Sea-ing is believing


@Captain Braunsfeld Then they found something

                                  What shall we do now?


@blackdeathgr Bay of Pearls reef

@Ross Fisher Destroying the Idol

@Keymonus Un petit oiseau

                      Blades in the dark

                      Following the trail

@KotZ Destroying the idol


            Blesing the idol

Sea Rats:

@Fraunces [SR - Era II - Challenge 2 - CatB] Jungle Grave

@Bart Pagan temple

@Professor Thaum The landing

                               Along the way

                               Along the way again

@Roadmonkeytj The quest for the dark secret continues


Category C


@Spud The Viking Struggle in the jungle


@Captain Braunsfeld Suddenly...


@Ross Fisher The heart of darkness

@Keymonus The last battle


Sea Rats:

@Professor Thaum Blut im Auge

@Fraunces Battling the Jungle Ogre

@Roadmonkeytj The Dark Secret Unveiled


For Cat B, don't you mean minimum, not maximum, for the stud count? And I think you meant to use the word conscious, not concessions, in your story.

  • Author
38 minutes ago, gedren_y said:

For Cat B, don't you mean minimum, not maximum, for the stud count? And I think you meant to use the word conscious, not concessions, in your story.

Half right. I do mean maximum, but I did mean to use conscious. Thank you for the correction. 

Edited by Captain Genaro

I am not sure what the requirements for the CatB subcategory of the idol are. What are we supposed to build there, and what aspects are judged with what criteria?

Also: am I correct in assuming that the CatA builds only have to be able to be licensed, but do not actually have to be licensed by the building player?

Also also: what happens when a party actually disobeys the Orders orders? Like smuggling artefacts away or something...

Finally: I assume the natives come from a variety of different tribes, so we are free to use different versions of minifigs (with the old islanders being just one option of many)?

Very interesting, I am really looking forward to this challenge!

1 hour ago, Drunknok said:

Also also: what happens when a party actually disobeys the Orders orders? Like smuggling artefacts away or something...


6 hours ago, Captain Genaro said:

Trying to hide or smuggle the items would be a death sentence, a most painful death sentence


Can't wait to build for and see what others build for this!

Where intriguing story, Genaro and OL, and great build by Ayrlego.

I like how it is both very different and still comparable to the COR challenge. Well done!

  • Author
6 hours ago, Drunknok said:

I am not sure what the requirements for the CatB subcategory of the idol are. What are we supposed to build there, and what aspects are judged with what criteria?

I assume you're confused about the idol/pagan artifact part. That can be whatever you want. A temple, voodoo doll, statue, etc. It's intentionally left open ended to encourage creativity. 

6 hours ago, Drunknok said:

Also: am I correct in assuming that the CatA builds only have to be able to be licensed, but do not actually have to be licensed by the building player? 

These licenses do not count against any monthly limits. Just make a note of it when licensing the property. As with Corrington's challenge, Oleon will buy the licenses at cost if anyone doesn't have the doubloons or desire to license their builds in Fatu Hiva.

2 hours ago, Drunknok said:

Also also: what happens when a party actually disobeys the Orders orders? Like smuggling artefacts away or something...

It probably wouldn't help your overall score, and it certainly wouldn't help your score for the sub-category. And of course there's the whole thing about a painful death.

2 hours ago, Drunknok said:

Finally: I assume the natives come from a variety of different tribes, so we are free to use different versions of minifigs (with the old islanders being just one option of many)?

Yes, you are not required to use a specific type of minifig for the islanders. We know that collections are limited, and we don't want anyone to feel obligated to purchase specific minifigs for this contest. Fleshies, old islanders, POTC natives, CMF natives, etc. are all acceptable. 

1 hour ago, Spud The Viking said:



7 minutes ago, Captain Genaro said:

And of course there's the whole thing about a painful death.

Yeah... I do not think so to be honest. You can not kill one of my characters without my consent - at least that was the consensus in this game last time I checked -  and you will not get mine over this. There is some wording about a "death sentence" (which is not identical with being killed), most likely to be enforced by somebody from the Order?

Not that I speak for the WTC, but I think they would react rather rudely to any attempts at their lives. Some might put it as "I want to see them try", but we do not want open war over some profitable artefact business, right? :devil:


11 minutes ago, Captain Genaro said:

[all other replies]

Thanks for clearing that up. :thumbup:

  • Author

@DrunknokThe death sentence is a joke. No one is going to kill your characters here.


Just now, Captain Genaro said:

@DrunknokThe death sentence is a joke. No one is going to kill your characters here.

Good to get some confirmation on that detail. With Oleon, you never know. :tongue:

So apart from pretty much giving up any chances of winning CatB or its subcategory there is no ingame effect other than IC ill will from the Order for smuggling idols/artefacts/whatnot off the island, correct? That is a trade-off I would happily accept for the WTC to be honest...

The Crahaish neh Triuri might want to send some people to investigate the mystical aspects of this story, which would definitely engender some ill will from the Order.

  • Author
44 minutes ago, gedren_y said:

The Crahaish neh Triuri might want to send some people to investigate the mystical aspects of this story, which would definitely engender some ill will from the Order.

Please do, and have some fun with it. No one is going to kill your characters, and with a little creativity I think you can be very competitive in every category.

1 hour ago, Drunknok said:


So apart from pretty much giving up any chances of winning CatB or its subcategory there is no ingame effect other than IC ill will from the Order for smuggling idols/artefacts/whatnot off the island, correct? That is a trade-off I would happily accept for the WTC to be honest...

Your entries might be disqualified or score very poorly, and you could probably expect the same IC response as if someone made a MOC of their characters looting any one of Oleon's islands. Oleon hates thieves, the RTNC hates smugglers, and the Order hates heretics. But no one is going to seize or kill your characters.

Great to see this posted, nice job Captain Genaro and Ayrlego!

As this is my first challenge, I'm looking forward to this very much!

Nice looking challenge!

Can I use virtual builds?

Which are the native minifigures?

  • Author
1 minute ago, SpaceJoey86 said:

Can I use virtual builds?

Yes, virtual builds are allowed. 

1 minute ago, SpaceJoey86 said:

Which are the native minifigures?

Phred has some nice builds showing natives of Fatu Hiva, but any native figure is acceptable for the challenge. 





18 hours ago, LM71Blackbird said:

As this is my first challenge, I'm looking forward to this very much!


Stupid question number 93,4: is the requirement of CatA on a per-player basis, or do I have to do one build per character?

For example: I do want to send characters Alois and Bobby - do I have to provide one CatA build or two?

31 minutes ago, Drunknok said:

Stupid question number 93,4: is the requirement of CatA on a per-player basis, or do I have to do one build per character?

For example: I do want to send characters Alois and Bobby - do I have to provide one CatA build or two?

It's on per-player basis, one entry per player.

Excellent challenge guys, congratulations on those that were involved and good luck to all the participants! Hopefully I can participate too :wink:

Can I use a (not yet moc'd, not yet used anywhere) platoon of my 1st Battalion Derr's Expedionary Light Infantry ? as mercenaries ? 
*would that require me to use an army form to locate them in Fatu Hiva then?

Edited by Bart

1 hour ago, Bart said:

Can I use a (not yet moc'd, not yet used anywhere) platoon of my 1st Battalion Derr's Expedionary Light Infantry ? as mercenaries ? 
*would that require me to use an army form to locate them in Fatu Hiva then?

You can use any troops you like story wise. Your Derr’s light infantry would be fine.

There is no requirement to license troops though the EGS for this challenge or place them on Fatu Hiva. Your mercenary troop is for story purposes only. (Although you can always license them later if you want)

10 hours ago, Ayrlego said:

You can use any troops you like story wise. Your Derr’s light infantry would be fine.

There is no requirement to license troops though the EGS for this challenge or place them on Fatu Hiva. Your mercenary troop is for story purposes only. (Although you can always license them later if you want)

Thanks :) a nice change to give them story time and to flesh out some more. 

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