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14 minutes ago, Duncan Young said:

Aha! You're quite right! While Simon Hurt *did* drug Batman, Bat-Might himself served as a guide to Bruce in his Zurr En Arrh state

I can only imagine what that might sound like to someone who doesn’t follow batman in the comics : )


Bat-mite recently appeared in Scott Snyder's JL run. So I guess he's still around...
It's weird though, he was only really brought in because they were already using Myxlplyx. He doesn't really make any other appearances.
Nor would he really fit that description that leaked of the Golden Age characters.

Myxlplyx is much more recognisable and would make a lot more sense, especially seeing as Superman has no villains here.

Also, seeing as we got the rest of the Trinity as Golden Age versions, I'm starting to worry that the rumored search figure might be Golden Age Supes...

3 minutes ago, Brick Cucumber said:

I'm starting to worry that the rumored search figure might be Golden Age Supes...

Why worry? I mean, its not that hard to find one figure in a fresh box of 60, I've still got five sealed cops I pulled out of five boxes in a Walmart last December 

Whoops, I was told that two of them would be Black Adam and Mad Hatter. Sorry guys! :blush:

I would have rather had those two, but Bat-Mite is a good choice for a series like this.

1 minute ago, legosamsonite said:

Why worry? I mean, its not that hard to find one figure in a fresh box of 60, I've still got five sealed cops I pulled out of five boxes in a Walmart last December

I don't get many opportunities to get out and I live in a heavily populated area. Besides that, they release on random days in stores near me, so I won't know when at all to go look for it...

Just now, legosamsonite said:

Why worry? I mean, its not that hard to find one figure in a fresh box of 60, I've still got five sealed cops I pulled out of five boxes in a Walmart last December 

It’s hard to find chase figures when people clean out all of them from five boxes in one store. 

I like all the new figures we’re getting. Bat-Mite is a great choice and I’m very excited for the Joker figure. I’m hoping the hairpiece comes with the D2C since I always love figures getting alternate hair/hat pieces and it wouldn’t really fit for a TDKR Joker figure. I’m excited to see Flash’s helmet mold! 

Has a search 17th figure been confirmed then?


For the most part I like the series, my only big complaints are a lack of Barda, as well as Cheetah, Sinestro and Rebirth Superman feeling a bit boring for me. I get another Superman was pretty inevitable and he'd use a lot of existing parts, but we could have got something like Kingdom Come Supes, or maybe the black suit from the comics, complete with Old Luke/Sirius hairpiece in black. I get why Cheetah and Sinestro were used too, but admittedly neither are my favorites, I'd have liked to have gotten Circe from the current JLD story in Cheetahs place, and maybe one of the other Lanterns like Larfleeze or Atrocitus, maybe even a hero as a lantern instead of retro Sinestro. Aside from that, if I was gonna get really nitpicky, I'd say put someone else in Metamorpho's place, he really feels like a bit of a niche selection. Maybe have Constantine or Zatanna in his place, they wouldn't need new pieces like Metamorpho.


I'm really suprised we're getting TDKR Joker though, I'd have thought he was a bit too dark for Lego.

Edited by AManofNoConsequence

Ok, well not entirely expected. Original Flash will be a nice touch, and another Golden Age figure which I really appreciate. The Superman confuses me because with the lineup we knew it made perfect sense to complete the Trinity. Joker in TDKR is a mad choice, because any kid that wants to know what version he is is going to be taken aback by the dark tone. Bat-Mite is from out of left field but I’m happy with him. As has been mentioned already his part in Brave and the Bold was just brilliant. I shall update the stat sheet soon.

1 hour ago, GoldenNinja3000 said:

It’s hard to find chase figures when people clean out all of them from five boxes in one store. 

Sorry, re-reading that it sounds rude, was merely pointing out if you get lucky with finding a fresh box you shouldn't have an issue finding it

And I got those cops like 7-8 months after the release, and trust me, where I live there are barely any other serious collectors..

1 hour ago, thatblockoguy said:

Has a search 17th figure been confirmed then?

If there is a chase figure then it'll likely be one of the 16, Mister Gold wasn't but he wasn't one per box.

Was it a verified source that said this? As I'm hoping that there isn't a chase figure.

All this talk about a chase figure really worries me. Where did this rumor come from?

As far as we know, there is no chase minifigure

The rumor came from nowhere, just as most of the rumors here do

Everyone in order of appearance

Batman 1939, Detective Comics #27

Flash 1940, Flash Comics #1

Wonder Woman 1941, All Star Comics #8

Cheetah 1943, Wonder Woman #6

Bat-Mite 1959, Detective Comics #267

Sinestro 1961, Green Lantern Vol 2 #7

Metamorpho 1965, The Brave and the Bold #57

Mr Miracle 1971, Mr Miracle #1 (he might be a later version, will alter when a clearer picture comes out)

Bumblebee 1976, Teen Titans #48 (as Bumblebee, the character first appeared in #45)

Cyborg 1980, DC Comics Presents #26

Joker 1986, The Dark Knight Returns 

Aquaman (in particular this version) 1995, Aquaman Vol 5 #9

Stargirl 1999, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0

Huntress (if we’re sticking with New 52) 2011, Worlds’ Finest #1

Simon Baz 2012, New 52 Free Comic Book Day Edition 

Pre-Flashpoint Superman 2017, Action Comics #976

Ironically the iteration of the character that started it all is the most recent depiction we have.

 I feel that this series is designed with a second in mind. They can fill gaps as they go, assuming that we get a second series. 

“ Mr Miracle 1971, Mr Miracle #1 (he might be a later version, will alter when a clearer picture comes out). “

It appears to be Scot Free in his most recent costume

Jay Garrick is up. I love this figure

Well there it is. The first slot I don't like. Of all of the Superman variants, why would they go for the one where the only real difference is that the belt is different? Oh well, I suppose we'll probably get the Spider-Man mark 4 legs with some printing on them at least.

The Jay Garrick helmet is perfect, although the lightning on the torso looks a bit lower than it should be. There should also be lightning bolts on the side of the legs. Other than that, it is perfect. I'm picking up 2 so I can make a Rival minifigure.

Edit: I'm dumb. I was going off the 1st appearance, not the Golden Age one late in the run. Pretty accurate to the late Golden Age one.

Edited by Do1633
I'm dumb

The helmet could've used some hair, but I can't complain with a helmet design that perfect. All you need is a brick wall between him and Barry's Flash and you can recreate the iconic "Flash of Two Worlds" cover from Flash #123.

I know I'm definitely getting two of him so that I can have one version when he's in his prime and the other as his more well known older appearance.

4 minutes ago, MisterBatfleck said:

The helmet could've used some hair, but I can't complain with a helmet design that perfect. All you need is a brick wall between him and Barry's Flash and you can recreate the iconic "Flash of Two Worlds" cover from Flash #123.

I know I'm definitely getting two of him so that I can have one version when he's in his prime and the other as his more well known older appearance.

I wish there was a Rival, Zoom, and Wally West Flash to make the three generations of Flashes and their nemeses.

7 minutes ago, Do1633 said:

I wish there was a Rival, Zoom, and Wally West Flash to make the three generations of Flashes and their nemeses.

Rival might be a tough one to make, but I think the Professor Zoom/Eobard version we got last year could also double for a good Zolomon since their suits are practically identical except for the eyes. As for Wally, I personally use the Mighty Micros Flash we got a few years back and gave him the red legs with the yellow boots so that it looks like his DCAU/Pre-Flashpoint suit.

Oooh, I’m not sure what I was expecting of Jay’s helmet mould but I really like that minifigure. Another win for me.

46 minutes ago, MisterBatfleck said:

The helmet could've used some hair

Ah, but then you wouldn’t be able to have him throwing his hat!

2 minutes ago, Yochip said:

Ah, but then you wouldn’t be able to have him throwing his hat!

Good point, if it had hair attached to it then he couldn't do this:


Jay Garrick is my favorite Flash, so I'm highly pumped for this figure.

With Bat-mite in tow, I am amused how Batman keeps getting his versions of villains based on Superman villains wide-released before Superman's original version (Bat-mite to Mr. Mxysptlk and Batzarro to Bizarro a few years back).

TDKR Joker sounds interesting, too, as it is going to be very distinct from our previous Mistah Js.

And, of course, a new Superman variant is quite appealing. While it is a shame we don't get a first appearance look, he also hasn't gotten a modern comic look yet, so this is honestly my current preference, as Superman is more likely than anyone else to get his original look than just about anyone.

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