September 25, 201212 yr Bly? Or do you mean Gree? It's not a named trooper. It's a legion. 327th Star Corps. Edited September 25, 201212 yr by Gile (SRB)
September 25, 201212 yr Bly? Or do you mean Gree? Commander Bly is a member and 2nd in command of the 327th Star Corps, but he looks a little different then the one in the battle pack. He wears not only a pouldron, but a kama and macrobinoculars as well. If you look up the 237th, you will see that most members wear some sort of pouldron. I wish they would make a CW commander Bly, and some members of Star Corps...
September 25, 201212 yr Bly? Or do you mean Gree? Here is a picture of the 2 together. Left is Bly, right is Gree Bly and Gree
September 25, 201212 yr No Gree is the green one Yoda beheaded. He's also the green one from the Geonosian turret set.
September 25, 201212 yr Discussion of the minifigs you want to see in future sets belongs in "Most Wanted Star Wars Characters". (as opposed to discussion of the minifigs rumored to be in rumored sets, which would belong here) I'll move this discussion over there... ...and done.
December 29, 201212 yr That's Bly, not Cody. Actually it is a generic 327th trooper it wasn't officially named as Cody or Bly However according to Lego starwars video games the figure is labelled as Cody
December 31, 201212 yr I'd like to see more Padme figures released. I know realistically not all her costumes are going to be done, but I can see these ones appearing in possible sets:
December 31, 201212 yr Can somebody tell me the name of the droid that speaks with C-3PO early in Return of the Jedi to assign him his work in Jabba's Palace? I believe it was the same type that helped Padame give birth.
January 3, 201312 yr I agree with Wesker. I would want a battlepack with all different sorts of Padme's And the handmaidens. And then I let them chase Nute Gunray But I also find it strange that they still hasn't made a Shmi Skywalker fig.
January 3, 201312 yr I agree with Wesker. I would want a battlepack with all different sorts of Padme's And the handmaidens. And then I let them chase Nute Gunray But I also find it strange that they still hasn't made a Shmi Skywalker fig. It could be a good EP II set. Shmi, two tuskan raiders, Anakin, and moisture vaporator/swoop bike/tuskan hut. The best figures that I would love are Echo and Fives. In a citadel themed set. Edited January 3, 201312 yr by jmagaletta
January 3, 201312 yr I prefer Shmi from TPM. She is more iconic than the AOTC version who was barely on screen. I'd actually like to see Lego focus on the podracers again, even remake the remaining ones from the Mos Espa Podrace and Watto's Junkyard sets. There's so many potential minifigures: Qui-Gon in poncho Shmi C-3PO Ann & Tann Gella (the blue Twi'lek twins) Kitster Ben Quadinaros Teemto Mawhonic (he didn't come with his podracer in 2001, and Lego now has the head mold thanks to Ree Yees in the new Sail Barge) Fode & Beed Updated Tusken Raider Updated Gasgano Updated Alder Beedo Non-CW Aurra Sing Non-CW Quinlan Vos Eopie
January 3, 201312 yr This guy. HK-Muthakriffin'-47. Requires a head mould and nothing more. Oh, and he's economical too - recast all parts in light grey/silver and he's HK-51, new companion in SWTOR.
January 3, 201312 yr Can somebody tell me the name of the droid that speaks with C-3PO early in Return of the Jedi to assign him his work in Jabba's Palace? I believe it was the same type that helped Padame give birth. She was released in the last Jabba's Palace set 4480:
January 4, 201312 yr There are really a lot of minifigures LEGO should produce, but here are the standouts: Oppo Rancisis Dexter Jettster Zuckuss Quinlan Vos (non CW) Sweitt Concorkill Jungle Felucian Coleman Kcaj White Darth Vader (Infinities) Kazdan Paratus Bail Organa Voss Commando Dr. Sionver Boll Momaw Nadon Vindican Durge
January 4, 201312 yr Chewie's minifigures have changed like once. I wants one with proper colored in eyes, maybe a better colored chest thingy and a proper Crossbow that's not a Crossbow with an arrow on top (if I'm not mistaken they still use this...). Basically comparing the current chewie to other minifigures of the same style like the new Gamorrean_Guard (which I like) it doesn't seem quite up to par. Maybe if I saw those Wookiee eyes and teeth.. vs here's one that has eyes and teeth. Now if they would add that printing to a minifigure Chewy it would be awesome Edited January 4, 201312 yr by Crackerjack
January 6, 201312 yr ^ I wouldn't mind if they also added the printed fur detail. Anyway I'm in a bit of a Clone Wars mood at the moment and after rewatching the Mortis arc recently, the Ones have just jumped up on my most wanted list. The Son and Father in particular would make some epic looking minifigures. Perhaps in a future Jedi Shuttle set? Satine and Bo-Katan would also be nice. Its a shame Satine isn't in the Mandalorian Speeder set coming out, but I'm holding hope Bo-Katan will be one of the Mandalorians. At least we're getting a CW Darth Maul though. Speaking of future sets, I'm kind of torn whether I want the Starhopper to be from the Zygarian arc or the Maul arc. Zygarian will be our only chance for Queen Miraj Scintel, but the Maul arc could give us Talzin (the last prominant CW villain still to be made) as well as a new Ventress variant. Talzin is certainly do-able now with the new Ninja-Go shoulder piece. All she really needs is a new hood mold and maybe Palpatine's lightning piece in green.
January 12, 201312 yr 1. Kal Skirata 2. Etain Tur-Mukan 3. Bardan Jusik (Jedi version) 4. Bardan Jusik (Mandalorian Version) All from the Republic Commando Series.
January 14, 201312 yr I still don't know why Bossk has a green head? Why don't they give him the color he has in the movies? but mini-figures i like to see are: - Ponda Baba (walrusman) - Snaggletooth (Zutton) - Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) - Figrin D'an (for the modal nodes) - Zuckuss - 4-lom - Ugnaughts and maybe - Tessek (squidhead)
January 14, 201312 yr I still don't know why Bossk has a green head? Why don't they give him the color he has in the movies? but mini-figures i like to see are: - Ponda Baba (walrusman) - Snaggletooth (Zutton) - Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) - Figrin D'an (for the modal nodes) - Zuckuss - 4-lom - Ugnaughts and maybe - Tessek (squidhead) Thank you for listing characters everyone actually KNOWS. Thanks for not trying to out-nerd everyone, also. I guess if someone really wants a really obscure SW character, the best option might be to make a custom. I would.
January 15, 201312 yr Echo,Fives (all versions) P1 41st trooper. P1 212th trooper P2 Commander Cody Captain Lock U9-C4 WAC-47 (we haven't seen a pit droid in a while *cough*12 years*cough*) P1 501st trooper Sinker,Boost(red and blue) Comet Meebur Gascon QT-KT Commando Gregor Commander Fil,Captain Keeli,and company New Republic trooper Red old republic trooper I'll post more when I got more to add
January 16, 201312 yr I think that Lego should make a set that includes some clone commandos as we've never had any and Lego made a set for starwars the force unleashed and are making sets for the old republic so I don't see why they couldn't make a republic commando set even if there are problems of game rights they could make ones based on Gregor from TCW or make plain commandos. Also along with the commandos I think that Lego should go back to episode 3 style phase 2 clones along with the return of the kashyyyk scout trooper!
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