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I would like to see some more of the Cantina figures made. It's such a classic scene from the first movie and besides the main group of heroes the only minifig available is Greedo with crack-able arms. I would like to see Wuher, Ponda Baba, Dr Evazan, Momaw Nadon, and a new Greedo. I'd love some of the others like Braniac, Dannick Jericho, Snagletooth and the rest but I feel they're too obscure. And I still can't believe we haven't seen a Bith musician yet.

  • 1 month later...

Echo,Fives (all versions)

P1 41st trooper.

P1 212th trooper

P2 Commander Cody

Captain Lock


WAC-47 (we haven't seen a pit droid in a while *cough*12 years*cough*)

P1 501st trooper

Sinker,Boost(red and blue)


Meebur Gascon


Commando Gregor

Commander Fil,Captain Keeli,and company

New Republic trooper

Red old republic trooper

I'll post more when I got more to add

Here's some more,

Aqua droid

Ima-Gun Di

Admiral Yularen

CCAT(Clone Cold Assault Trooper)

Flame Thrower Clone Trooper

Sonic Trooper( Desert Camo)

Desert Camo ARF Troopers

Red Wolffepack Troopers

Onderon Rex

Bo Katans


Commander Ponds

Lieutenant Thire

Coruscant Guard Troopers

Riot Control Clone Trooper

New Clone Gunner

Clone Troopers Jesse,Hardcase,Tup,Dogma, and Kix

Commander Appo

P2 Gree

New 442nd Siege Battalion Troopers

That's all,for now.

4-lom and zuckuss, then we would be able to have all the bounty hunters that were looking for han solo (the ones that Darth Vader was talking to on his imperial star destroyer).

I have some crazy ideas for minifigures that Lego will probably never release unless they expand more towards EU sets. However some of these do sound plausable depending on what time Episode 7 will take place after Episode 6.

- Jaster Mereel (Jango Fett's mentor.)

- Cantina Band

- Boss, Sev, Scorch, and Fixer (Delta Squad, and the main protagonists from Republic Commando.)

- Col Serra (Commander of Renegade Squadron.)

- Darth Revan

- Nimbus Commandos (Seperatist Special Forces.)

- Death Star Troopers

- Grand Admiral Thrawn

- Admiral Palleon

- Mirta Gev (Boba Fett's granddaughter, also friends with Jaina Solo.)

- Imperial Shadow Guard (Like the Emperor's Royal Guard, but with lightsaber staffs.)

- Grand Master Luke Skywalker

- Jaina Solo

- Supreme Commander Wedge Antilles :laugh:

Edited by Honorable

4-lom and zuckuss, then we would be able to have all the bounty hunters that were looking for han solo (the ones that Darth Vader was talking to on his imperial star destroyer).

+1 on this. Not including them with the SSD was a huge opportunity missed I believe. They're only onscreen for a few seconds so unless we get a bridge playset of some sort (which wouldn't be a bad idea) there's no good way to include them.

I would like to see:

Oppo Rancisis, (with our without second pair of hands)

Yarael Poof,



Darth Plagueis,

Darth Tenebrous

Bolla Ropal

Ithorian (normal or Jedi)

After playing TOR as Jedi Consular I would love to see some Flesh Raiders (maybe in a battle pack including two of them and two of Twilek pilgrims with some baricade and a turret).

Edited by Krulis

Death Star gunners. Grand Admiral Thrawn would be a nice second choice.

+1 on this. Not including them with the SSD was a huge opportunity missed I believe. They're only onscreen for a few seconds so unless we get a bridge playset of some sort (which wouldn't be a bad idea) there's no good way to include them.

Perhaps we'll get 4-LOM and Zuckuss as exclusive minfigures someday, such as a May 4th promotion

At this point in time, I must say that I would really like a Padme in Senator form, and perhaps a Phase 1 Clone Lieutenant (the blue clone).

I'd love to see a Separtist Council with:

Non-CW Nute Gunray

Rune Hako

Wat Tambor

San Hill

Poggle the Lesser

Shu Mai

Passel Argente

I'd love to see a Separtist Council with:

Non-CW Nute Gunray

Rune Hako

Wat Tambor

San Hill

Poggle the Lesser

Shu Mai

Passel Argente

You're able to cross poggle off the list, look at toyfair 2013 images

And there's an Episode III Gunray in the Anakin's Interceptor set.

I want a Phase II Cody, Gree, and Fox. Rex got the treatment, now it's their turn I think

You're able to cross poggle off the list, look at toyfair 2013 images

And there's an Episode III Gunray in the Anakin's Interceptor set.

I want a Phase II Cody, Gree, and Fox. Rex got the treatment, now it's their turn I think

Thanks. I guess I didn't do my research :classic:

At this point in time, I must say that I would really like a Padme in Senator form, and perhaps a Phase 1 Clone Lieutenant (the blue clone).

Senator Padme would be great. My preference would be the Loyalist Committee costume from the begining of AOTC. Perhaps it could be included in a Bounty Hunter Pursuit remake?

I posted an image earlier in this thread of some other Padme variants I'd like to see. I can't imagine Lego will go beyond these costumes, unless we get a special promotional/exclusive minifigure like a Ceremony Amidala.


Ephant Mon, a new EV-9D9, Tan We, Ishi Tib, an updated Zam Wessel.

Would also love to see a Bantha, a redone Boga, Dewback, Ronto and the 3 creates from the Genosian Arena.

Clone Wars would've loved to see Tarkin, Moralo Eval, Obi-Wan as Rako Hardeen, break it up a little, even a few trandoshans from the season 3 finale.

EU - Mara Jade, NJO Luke, the Solo kids

PT - Yaddle (for some reason everyone forgot about her after TPM), Depa Billaba, Yarael Poof, Zam Wesell, Kaminoain, Wat Tambor, San Hill, Tion Medon, generic Utapau soldier, alternate versions of Padme

OT - Ponda Baba, Dr Evazan, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Bespin Leia

4-Lom and Zuckuss top my list

A pink skinned update of Zam Wessel

An updated Lando in Bespin outfit, or his RotJ general outfit

Wat Tambor

From Clone Wars


King Katuunko

Mother Talzin

Senator Chuchee (sp?)

Ziro the Hutt (c'mon we gotta use the Jabba mold again and he's colorful)

I couldn't agree more about 4-Lom and zuckuss, I said the same thing but someone said that they couldn't see it happening in any other set than a bridge set ( where Darth Vader hires the bounty hunters to find Han Solo) but we got Boskka in the newist slave 1 and in the one before that we got Dengar and IG-88 so who knows what the next slave 1 could bring.

Edited by Legoman123

I'm still waiting on the remaining variants of the 3 classic heroes.


- Dagobah Luke

- Bespin Luke

- Endor Luke

- Bespin Gown Leia

- Endor Leia

All new

- Medical Frigate Luke

- Death Star II Luke

- Bespin Jumpsuit Leia

- Medical Frigate Leia

- Home One Leia

- Ewok Village Leia

- Endor Trenchcoat Han


Zam Wesell


More PT clones and Jedi!

Zam and the Kaminoans are long overdue. I wouldn't mind a new EV-9D9 with a special head/torso piece like 2-1B. I don't think the last iteration (or the medical droid variant from Grievous' Starfighter) did her justice. A new Pit Droid done similar would be good too.


4-Lom and Zuckuss top my list

A pink skinned update of Zam Wessel

An updated Lando in Bespin outfit, or his RotJ general outfit

Wat Tambor

From Clone Wars


King Katuunko

Mother Talzin

Senator Chuchee (sp?)

Ziro the Hutt (c'mon we gotta use the Jabba mold again and he's colorful)

Completely agree with all these! I don't even like Ziro but it would be good to have a few more Hutts aside from Jabba. Satine and Talzin are probably my two most wanted characters from TCW alongside Bo-Katan.


Jedi temple guards

Asajj Ventress (in bounty hunter outfit)


Commander Bacara

Commander Wolffe (phase 2)

Commander Jet

Commander Blitz

91st recon corps clones

187th legion clones

My list of wants:

  • 4-LOM and Zuckuss
  • Blue Senate Guards (Episode I, II, or III)
  • Chancellor Palpatine and his cronies (the morbidly obese Twi'lek fellow and the bald woman).
  • Non-Clone Wars versions of all the Order 66 Jedi (Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, etc.)
  • More Episode III clones, preferably with an updated helmet and print.

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