October 13, 201311 yr Good ideas legofreak86, an updated palatine would be great, darth vader would be good as well.id like admiral trench from episode "cat and mouse" and in cybernetics from the season 6 preview.
October 13, 201311 yr Good ideas legofreak86, an updated palatine would be great, darth vader would be good as well.id like admiral trench from episode "cat and mouse" and in cybernetics from the season 6 preview. Yes Trench had a really brilliant look and temperament in the series. He seemed very much like a classic star wars villain: intelligent and precise and pure evil. A military genius and an intriguing character design. I wouldn't mind seeing a figure of him in some shape or form. I'm not too keen on spiders but I strangely didn't find trench scary due to the way he talked/acted.
November 5, 201311 yr I think we need to see an updated Kit Fisto. With the release of the new AOTC sets, his simple print and lack of a unique colour scheme makes him look out of place next to the new Jedi figs. Also, a new head would be better, as well as him being olive green.
November 6, 201311 yr I would really like to see some force ghosts, as I feel we really missed out in getting those in the Ewok Village.
November 6, 201311 yr I would really go for some Airborne troopers like the ones in the 3rd star wars movie. Oh and some Scuba troopers would be nice to don't you think
November 6, 201311 yr I would really go for some Airborne troopers like the ones in the 3rd star wars movie. Oh and some Scuba troopers would be nice to don't you think We are getting Airborne troopers in the Utapau battle pack I believe.
November 6, 201311 yr Sabe and the handmaidens from Episode 1 would be great. And I would really like to see a Padme variation from the last fight scene in Episode 1. Boss Nass is high up on my list too and perhaps another Gungan (Different printing or something). An episode 1 Palpatine would certainly be interesting as well. Also we really need an episode 3 variation of Padme. Also we need Bespin variations of Leia and Lando. And honestly I wouldn't mind a broken variation of C3PO (With some sort of battle damage). Most importantly to me is variations of C3PO for Episode 1 and 2 (It just feels incomplete to me to not have those versions). Edited November 6, 201311 yr by strangely
November 6, 201311 yr I'd like to get an updated Greedo. This ties in to the fact that we desperately need a new Cantina set. That set would give us so many new fig opportunities, like Ponda Babba, Bith, Dr. Evazzan, and an updated Ben Kenobi.
November 6, 201311 yr This ties in to the fact that we desperately need a new Cantina set. That set would give us so many new fig opportunities, like Ponda Babba, Bith, Dr. Evazzan, and an updated Ben Kenobi. I think the summer wave could well bring the Cantenia.
November 7, 201311 yr I think the summer wave could well bring the Cantenia. Definitely a possibility. Plus it will be 10 years since the last set, so it would be perfect timing for a remake.
November 7, 201311 yr We are getting Airborne troopers in the Utapau battle pack I believe. Sweetness
January 12, 201411 yr 1. Wat Tambor 2. Po Nudo 3. Rune Haako 4. Nute Gunray (episode 1 headdress) 5. Ponda Baba 6. San hill 7. Shu mai 8. Passel argente Basically all the members of the seperatist movement.
January 13, 201411 yr Seeing the level of detail LEGO is now going to with their figs this year (new Han, Chewie, even the leg printing on the Rebel and Imperial pilots is stellar), I think its high time that we see some more major OT characters get this treatment. My list: Vader (new leg, back, and back-of-head printing, along with anew breather/mask/helmet as three separate pieces) The Emperor (new face that matches how his new PT versions look, and new body and leg printing) Princess Leia ANH (updated body print, back print, new leg print) 3PO (new leg printing) Stormtrooper (remodel the helmet, much like the new Phase 2 Clone helmet, so the helmet can turn around on the neck without interruption) Bespin Luke (complete overhaul on the old fig) Bespin Lando (same as the Luke fig) I bet there are more that people would like to see, but these ones seem to pop out most importantly in my mind (especially Vader; the current helmet, while decent, is going out of style next to all the new detailed pieces).
January 14, 201411 yr Uh, an R2D2 (astromech droids specifically) with an updated more R2D2ish mold. Not happening but it would be neat. I'm talking just some more detail on the mold, especially for the big legs. Shape them more like R2. Give him a proper 3rd leg somehow :P. And a dome that can rotate. Also heads for other astromechs not yet represented. R3: Transparent, printed dome. R4: Taller heads similar to R5. R6: Bah, just look it up. Really starting with R6 they just get more obscure. But R3s and R4s aren't really obscure.
January 14, 201411 yr A rotatable head for R2 would only be good if its done like the lids on these barels. I wouldn't want something like the 2x2 turntables where it would be spinning all over the place. Love the idea of a three piece helmet for Darth Vader. Hopefully he'll at least get a new mold in the new Star Destroyer. Too bad they missed the chance to also throw in an updated Palpatine and ANH Leia with the set. Actually on the topic of Leia its a bit of a downer she hasn't shown up in any 2014 sets yet. I really hope the B-Wing at least comes with a General Leia minifigure. It would be nice to get a new variant that hasn't been done before and would complete all the Leia figures from ROTJ (although Endor Leia still needs an update) General Lando and Nien Numb would also be good additions with the B-Wing.
January 15, 201411 yr I'd like a Prequel-Trilogy-style Shaak-Ti. I think non-CW versions of all the Jedi who currently only exist in that form is needed. While this may be a while off (LEGO may not touch on the PT again for the next year or two), the best way they could achieve it would be by giving us a big D2C Jedi Temple based on all three films.
January 15, 201411 yr I think non-CW versions of all the Jedi who currently only exist in that form is needed. While this may be a while off (LEGO may not touch on the PT again for the next year or two), the best way they could achieve it would be by giving us a big D2C Jedi Temple based on all three films. This honestly might be the only way. Considering we're still missing Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Eeth Koth, Luminara Unduli, Even Piell, Plo Koon and Barris Offee from the PT versions. Mind you not all of them are on the council but those Jedi desperately need the Minifig treatment that isn't CW. Palpatine's Arrest definitely helped with PT Jedi but we need the rest!
January 16, 201411 yr I think the current stormtroopers and vader are fine I'd like for lego to stop remaking figures that are already iconic to the theme it would annoy me for my favourite two figures to be changed, constant change means that the models in Lego media get outdated. I'm particularly hoping that the stormtroopes aren't changed merely to match the new tv show and it's ok that their heads can't spin, those new phase 2 clones moulds aren't great too much of the style has been sacrificed. In terms of new figures lego should keep rolling out the new moulds and complete the species we still need.
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