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  • 2 weeks later...

Really hope we see more diversity with the female characters next year. This year has been very disapointing.

No Princess Leia or Padme.

No Bounty Hunter Ventress in the Police Gunship.

No Luminara in the Kashyyyk sets.

No Aunt Beru in the Sandcrawler.

No Sabine in the Rebels sets.

So many missed opportunities. :cry_sad:

Seeing how good the new Luke minifigure turned out to be I'm hoping for an update of princess Leia. Her New Hope variant is outdated. The torso printing is weak, it has been for a while. And she needs a new face, using Tamina's head was a good choice for a while, but with as detailed as Luke and Han have become she now looks dreadfully plain. Also an updated version of the Bespin variant would be great.

C3PO needs a few variations as well. We have both needed New Hope variations, but we still need one more variation with his straightened wiring. Plus we need a variation for all three prequels.

Also they really need to step it up with Padme, we don't even have an episode 3 variation as of yet. I can understand Lego not making all her costumes into minifigures (There's too many, though if this theme goes on long enough...) but at least one variation a movie is needed. Also I think a variation for the battle of Theed in ep 1 would be really useful.

i would part with my money for some jedi minifigs :

* Aayla Secura ( non-cartoon )

* Shaak Ti ( non-cartoon )

* Barriss Offee ( non-cartoon )

also wouldn't mind a : - "Sith Inquisitor" ( from star wars the old republic mmo )

- maybe a new Sith from the upcoming movie

i would part with my money for some jedi minifigs :

* Aayla Secura ( non-cartoon )

* Shaak Ti ( non-cartoon )

* Barriss Offee ( non-cartoon )

also wouldn't mind a : - "Sith Inquisitor" ( from star wars the old republic mmo )

- maybe a new Sith from the upcoming movie

Argh, there was a Bariss in the Republic Swamp Speeder set, why does no one seem to know that!

Argh, there was a Bariss in the Republic Swamp Speeder set, why does no one seem to know that!

Some people might be new to LSW. No need to get angry.

How about one of the Jedi Temple Guards from the last arc in season 5? Yellow double bladed light sabers for all!

Would like to see a Star Tours set in the near future(hopefully)

RX-24, R4-M9, R5-??, R5-D2, G2-9T, G2-4T, GNK, 3T-RNE, R3-D3, R3-Y2

Edited by AudiBobaR5-D2

I kind of want Astrometric Droids to get new, more accurate molds. A bit more detail on the legs. Turnable heads. I have no idea how they'd do it Lego-wise but a 3d lego that can go into the droid and out.

Also droid heads based on the other astromechs. We only have R2 (guess it can be R3 too) and R5 heads.

Jedi Twins Tiplee and Tiplar

Jedi Oppo Rancisis

Jedi Yarael Poof

Jedi Yaddle

Jedi Depa Billaba

Jedi Jocasta Nu

Jedi Adi Gallia

Jedi Coleman Kcaj


I love jedis

I think it would be wonderful to see an Admiral Trench minifigure. It would also be good to get Commander Doom and some of his troopers in a Ringo Vinda set. ( For those of you who don't know who Doom is, he is the new green commander from the Clone Wars bonus episodes.

I think it would be wonderful to see an Admiral Trench minifigure. It would also be good to get Commander Doom and some of his troopers in a Ringo Vinda set. ( For those of you who don't know who Doom is, he is the new green commander from the Clone Wars bonus episodes.

Yes! Dooms for everyone!

i would part with my money for some jedi minifigs :

* Aayla Secura ( non-cartoon )

* Shaak Ti ( non-cartoon )

* Barriss Offee ( non-cartoon )

also wouldn't mind a : - "Sith Inquisitor" ( from star wars the old republic mmo )

- maybe a new Sith from the upcoming movie

That would be nice, Barris was in a swampspeeder back in 2010.

What I would really like, is that they made some of the special clones from "The Clone Wars" and make them the same as the movie clones, same torso, same helmet...

Phase 2 Cody would be a nice addition and would go well with the recent battle pack

Phase 2 Cody would be a nice addition and would go well with the recent battle pack

Yeah, we definately need him. I like the first Cody, but he just dosn't fit as nicely in the Utapau scene as a phase-2 would.

I would love to see:

  1. Commander Doom
  2. Commander Cody (phase 2)
  3. Updated Manga Guards
  4. Wuher
  5. 4-LOM
  6. Zuckuss
  7. ROTS 501st troopers

Edited by Legoman123

I would love to see:

  1. Commander Doom
  2. Commander Cody (phase 2)
  3. Updated Manga Guards
  4. ROTS 501st troopers

Yep, Doom and his men. Plus Tip'laa and Tip'lee.

What if Lego did an advent calendar type set with only bonus episode minifigures? I know we aren't going to get sets from each arc, but maybe we could get all of the (important) minifigures. It would have:

1 Tiplar 2 Tiplee 3 Admiral Trench 4 Commander Doom 5 Doom Trooper 6 501st trooper 7 Tup 8 Nala Se 9 Fives 10 clone naval officer 11 Rocket super battle droid 12 Kamino shadow trooper 13 Commander Fox 14 Shock Trooper 15 Rush Clovis 16 San Hill 17 Tribal Warrior 18 Tribal Leader 19 gundark 20 Mother Talzin 21 Pike Soldier 22 Pike leader 23 Mime/light side spirit 24 Dark Yoda 25 Darth Sidious

P.S. Sorry for the long list-like post, comment if I left out any important characters.

From CW we still need: CW sidious, pre vizsla (season 4), mother talzin, night-sisters, Bo Katan, Jedi temple guards, duchess satine (season 5), Bo katan, Arc trooper Fives, updated Hondo, commander fox phase 2, Dark Yoda, Battle damaged yoda, Admiral trench, Adi Galia, Bounty hunter ventress, season 5 Darth Maul. The list goes on and on. It'd be great if CW gets one summer exclusive with sidious based on season 6 or season 5's battle with Bo Katan, Pre Vizsla, Darth Maul, satine, Obi in mando armour. In an ideal world CW sets would end summer 2015 but due to rebels that is unlikely. There is no official confirmation that CW's lego set line is even ending. ROTS was 2005 and they still make sets of that so maybe star wars will go that sort of way, a mix of CW, ST, OT, rebels and PT it would certainly offer a range of different sets unlike other typical licensed themes as we would have the realism of the 7+movies and the style and cartoonish charm of Rebels and CW.That would be best. IF Lego CW is to end this year I just hope we get one more set as one of the two usual summer exclusives just to round off CW with Sidious and other characters wanted.

Edited by legofreak86

I really want a UCS Cloud Car with pilots that look like their arguing with each other. If I had the orange I'd make it myself

Mother Talzin is by far my most wanted Clone Wars figure. Her design is too awesome to not be made, and with some green lightning pieces and a flaming lightsaber she would be one epic minifigure.

I wholeheartedly agree wesker. sad CW Lego has to end now to make way for rebels. They could at least have the courtesy to finish the range with one last wave: Mandalore set involving bo katan, satine, maul, jet pack obi wan and season 4 vizsla, ringo vinda set with doom, Anakin, tup, fives tiplee tiplaa , trench and one of doom's troopers, Dissapeared set including mother talzin, mace windu (leg printing), cultists, Sacrifice set of the final fight with sidious, unique dooku, Anakin, R2, Yoda (battle damaged robe), Finally a personal request: a zillo beast set just for nosalgia's sake.

  • 1 month later...

In 2011 we have gotten Shadow ARF Trooper, then in 2012 it was TC-14, 2013 Han Solo (Hoth) and 2014 Revan from KotOR.

So I would like to know who do you guys think would be the next May the 4th minifigure for next year.

I think the Next Minifigure would be HK-47 (my favorite character) or Bastila Shan or someone from KotOR.

Edited by ShadowWolfHount

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