August 23, 201410 yr Perhaps they'd scale down the helmet a bit, but I think the opened visor is perfect and the figure captures the spirit of the Senate Guard well, athough improvements are possible especially considering Lego's current standards. What I like about the SG is that it represents all that is good about the Republic: it does not serve a man or an office, but the political body representing the peoples of the Republic, and the guards had open helmets with nothing to hide showing the living being in the uniform. And you can see the decline of the Republic in the decline of the Senate Guard. First the guard is reliefed of its duties to protect the chancellor, replaced by the faceless Red Guard - sworn to the Chancellor only - who are the complete opposite of the Senate Guard. Then it is also transformed into an army of faceless goons. I think that the PT is far worse than the OT when it comes to dramaturgy, but the design department was totally up to the challenge and created a worthy SW universe. Sadly there is no reasonable set in which the Senate Guard could appear. What kid would want to buy a Senate set?
August 23, 201410 yr I think the Ghosts at the end of episode 6 would be awesome. They would have been perfect for the ewok village set along with a burning vader
August 23, 201410 yr Saesee Tiin in his spacesuit Wioslea Grand Moff Tarkin Ponda Baba Obi-Wan in Clone outfit Quarren Soldier Nikto Amanaman EV-9D9 Updated Lando Tusken Raiders Grand Moff Tarkin is a mini figure on the UCS Death Star :)
August 23, 201410 yr Yeah, but that Tarkin has pre-highlight eyes, and a weak hairpiece (either CW or Movie Dooku's hairpieces in bley would be best) Did I mention Zayne Carrick before? Even if I did, he's worth mentioning again. Hasbro really dropped the ball by not releasing him in the comic line (he was the main character on the KOTOR comic!), would be nice to see Lego pick up Hasbro's slack (and get another use out of the trans-yellow saber blade they've got in the Green Lantern vs Sinestro set). I also wouldn't say no to the Moomo Brothers, to get more mileage outta the Ithorian head from the Jedi Scout Fighter set! Edited August 23, 201410 yr by Venkefedo
January 25, 201510 yr Ok, so lets resurrect this near-dead thread! I've been thinking about how two of the upcoming sets, the Final Duel and Shuttle Tydirium, will finally give us updated versions or completely new versions of some important Oridge Tridge characters (Vader, Endor Han and Leia), and it made me realize that there are still quite a few Original Trilogy minifigs that we either don't have or desperately need updated. Its a list in progress, but here it is: A New Hope Leia: the last time we got Leia in her classic white dress was in the 2011 Falcon, and since then we've seen such a development in the detail of figure prints and whatnot, so it seems like its about time for LEGO to do away with that old torso print and give us something more detailed and accurate. Bespin Luke: again, this is another figure that has had such a limited amount of representation in LEGO form and its time we see him again. Bespin Lando: I think everyone agrees that this is one of the most needed Oridge Tridge figs that we need. Just do it, LEGO. ESB Yoda: Sure, we've got a fantastic Prequel-Era Yoda thanks to the 2013 Duel on Geonosis set, but we haven't seen an ESB Yoda since the days of the sand green head. Scout Troopers: We need a complete redesign of the Scout troopers to match with the new Stormies and Snowies. Plus, LEGO could use the fantastic Kashyyk Trooper helmet mold Thats my list for now. I guess the reason I'm craving these figures so much is because I'd love to see a fully updated and detail collection of Original Trilogy minifigs to stand side-by-side with the upcoming The Force Awakens figs. The Prequels are covered, but a up-to-date collection of all the most crucial characters would be amazing, and really make the upcoming generation of characters feel right at home next to the current figures.
March 6, 201510 yr Aayla Secura (EPIII Version) Commander Appo (EPIII Version) Commander Bly (EPIII Version) Commander Cody (EPIII Version) Emporer Palpatine (EPIII Version) Grand Moff Tarkin (Updated EPIV Version) Ki-Adi Mundi (EPIII Version) Lando Calrissian (Updated EPV Version) Luminara Unduli (Updated EPIII Version) Quinlan Voss (EPIII Version) San Hill (EPIII Version) Shaak Ti (EPIII Version) Wat Tambor (EPIII Version) 21st Nova Corps Troopers (EPIII Version) 327th Star Corps Troopers (Updated EPIII Version) 501st Legion Troopers (EPIII Version) Edited March 6, 201510 yr by Sir Gareth
March 7, 201510 yr -Black Imperial Officer with full insignia and updated kepi officer hat Example: Daine Jir -Death Squad Commander (Navy Trooper related guys) They're the guys that help fire the death star lasers in the room where Tarkin shows Leia the destruction of Alderan. -Updated Rebel Technician, Episode IV -Updated Tarkin -Updated AT-ST Driver (along with an updated AT-ST, because we haven't gotten one of those for a while) -Updated Endor Luke (in camo) -Updated Scout Trooper (to go with the updated Stormtroopers, and only slightly updated because the current ones are nearly perfect) -Updated General Madine (he's like one of my favorite rebel officers) Hmm... I can't think of more at the moment. Anyway, I hope we get some of those in the future.
March 7, 201510 yr Aayla Secura (EPIII Version) Commander Appo (EPIII Version) Commander Bly (EPIII Version) Commander Cody (EPIII Version) Emporer Palpatine (EPIII Version) Grand Moff Tarkin (Updated EPIV Version) Ki-Adi Mundi (EPIII Version) Lando Calrissian (Updated EPV Version) Luminara Unduli (Updated EPIII Version) Quinlan Voss (EPIII Version) San Hill (EPIII Version) Shaak Ti (EPIII Version) Wat Tambor (EPIII Version) 21st Nova Corps Troopers (EPIII Version) 327th Star Corps Troopers (Updated EPIII Version) 501st Legion Troopers (EPIII Version) I agree completely with this list, except Wat Tambor and San Hill.
March 28, 20159 yr Mine are for Mos Eisley Cantina and Jabba's Palace (If you don't know who they are then you can google them) : Chalmun's Cantina Baniss Keeg Bom Vimdin BoShek Tonnika Sisters Dannik Jerriko Elis Helrot Ellors Madak Feltipern Trevagg Hem Dazon Hrcheck Kal Fas Kabe Ketwol Labria Lak Sivrak Momaw Nadon Muftak (Talz) Myo Nabrun Leids Takeel Dr Cornelius Evazan Ponda Baba Wuher Garindan Jabba's Palace Attark Yarna d'al' Gargan Ephant Mon Saelt-Marae Tessek Amanaman EV-9D9 (Updated) J'Quille Klaatu 8D8 Barada Droopy McCool Sy Snootles Joh Yowza Rystall Sant Lyn Me Greeta Jendowanian Wam Lufba
October 24, 20159 yr As previously mentioned, so far only the Imperial Scout Troopers have not had a new enclosed helmet like the Kashyyyk scout troopers. So I would also agree with the need for a new helmet but for my case, not just the visor but also black for the front of the helmet, not to mention a Storm Commando which is a Scout Trooper in dark gray. Those aside, we do really need more armor wearing troopers like Commanders Bly, Cody (Phase II, movie and animated versions pls.), Appo, Bow, Vil, Wolffe, Fox, Doom and maybe a few more suggestions. With the Kashyyyk CT's already out there is a possibility of an MOC of Republic Clones going up against the TK's on Endor. But above all, the Snowtroopers surely need better backpacks. Edited October 24, 20159 yr by CT-22-2759
October 25, 20159 yr I would like to see some of the Podracer pilots released(surprise surprise), along with Padme in her various outfits throughout the PT.
October 30, 20159 yr I agree that knew Podracer pilots would be nice. The old Gasgano and Aldar Bedo weren't that good. On top of these, a knew pit droid is long overdew. I think that TLG should make short droid legs for the pit droid and the PK droid. It's status of a minifigure, but I would love the Bantha. The same thing goes for The-Nexu.
October 30, 20159 yr Man.. All great ideas. I personally think we are WAAAYYY overdue for Bossk and 4-LOM figs.. Sadly since we've seen a UCS slave I and the prelims for the (bloody awful) carbon freezing chamber, there's little hope we will get a real cloud city set any time soon, which might be the only hope for OT bounty hunters. In that vein of things, a updated cloud city Lando would be sweet. I would like to see a Quarren minifig.. maybe with a rebels set? ...wishful thinking... Even though the scout trooper helmet has held up well over the years, a more realistic update for that would be neat! ... Maybe not going to happen, but some more old republic figs would be excellent!
October 30, 20159 yr Man.. All great ideas. I personally think we are WAAAYYY overdue for Bossk and 4-LOM figs.. Sadly since we've seen a UCS slave I and the prelims for the (bloody awful) carbon freezing chamber, there's little hope we will get a real cloud city set any time soon, which might be the only hope for OT bounty hunters. In that vein of things, a updated cloud city Lando would be sweet. I would like to see a Quarren minifig.. maybe with a rebels set? ...wishful thinking... Even though the scout trooper helmet has held up well over the years, a more realistic update for that would be neat! ... Maybe not going to happen, but some more old republic figs would be excellent! Well Bossk has come in two sets now(Slave 1 and UCS SSD). Maybe you're refering to Zuckuss?
December 5, 20159 yr I would like to see some of the Podracer pilots released(surprise surprise), along with Padme in her various outfits throughout the PT. We definitely need a Mawhonic. His podracer has been out for what... 15 years now? And you can't have a racer without its pilot. Teemto and Ben Quadinaros would also be nice to have, along with other non-podracer Boonta Eve characters like Fode & Beed and the Gella Twi'lek twins. The new CMF queen really makes me wish we'd see more Queen Amidala minifigures. The dress piece would be perfect for the Senate, Funeral and Royal Starship gowns. The cape and shoulder pads would also be a nice way of replicating her dark overcoat from the senate hearing scene. Nice to see the sumo hair in dark brown too, although a shame its printed. Would be perfect on Medical Frigate Leia. Also now that Hasbro is releasing a Crimson Corsair (or "Sidon Ithano") figure from TFA, I hope Lego won't be too far behind on one either. I get the feeling this guy is definitely going to get his own following like Boba Fett and Aurra Sing did despite the limited screentime. Edited December 5, 20159 yr by wesker
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