January 3, 20187 yr There is still tons of stuff from the clone wars: -Admiral Yularen - the Aqua droids - comander Wolffe and Cody in phase II armor - Tipli and Tipla -Tup, Hardcase , Echo and Jesse in phase II armor - standard clone naval officiers - Admiral Trench -Senator Organa -Senator Amidala - Another count dooku - the killer droids with the little nano ones - the newest clone pilot etc. etc. .
January 6, 20187 yr ^ Don't forget Mother Talzin, Bo-Katan and Duchess Satine. Those are the biggest ones for me next to Phase II Cody and Bail given how prominent their characters were on the show. A generic Nightsister using this hood piece would be pretty awesome too.
January 18, 20187 yr If the rumoured CMF HP list is to be believed we are going to be seeing House Ghosts. In the moves they are similar to Force Ghosts. Hopefully it won't be long until we see a force ghost now.
January 18, 20187 yr Zuckuss Darth Jar Jar Padma (Mustafar) Bail Organa Cham Syndulla Commander Ponds Wookie warrior (updated) Commander Cody (ep3) Commander Bly (ep3)
February 3, 20187 yr Does anyone think an R4 head could be coming at any point? The R5 head is a much more useful shape, so I'm not sure if the old could have a secondary purpose, but it'd be great to see some of the droids from films II-IV, Rogue One, The Clone Wars and Rebels, as well as any future films/TV.
February 4, 20187 yr Man there’s a ton I want: - Updated Darth Maul with serious face - Updated Obi-Wan Kenobi with new Padawan hair mold - Bail Organa - Kaminoan - Updated Ahsoka from later TCW seasons - Updated Plo Koon - ARC Trooper Fives - Phase II Commander Wolffe - Phase II Commander Cody - Updated Pre Vizsla with new Darksaber piece - Bo-Katan - Updated TCW Maul - Obi-Wan Kenobi in Mandalorian armor disguise - Duchess Satine - Updated Episode III Anakin with Lloyd’s hairpiece from TLNM - Updated Chancellor Palpatine - Pregnant Padme - Galen Erso - Saw Gerrera - Imperial Spy from Episode IV - Updated Bespin Lando - Episode VIII Poncho Luke
February 5, 20187 yr On 2/3/2018 at 11:14 AM, Seaber said: Does anyone think an R4 head could be coming at any point? The R5 head is a much more useful shape, so I'm not sure if the old could have a secondary purpose, but it'd be great to see some of the droids from films II-IV, Rogue One, The Clone Wars and Rebels, as well as any future films/TV. An R4 head would be great! To be honest though the old nose cone piece is already about the right shape and size, although it is a bit longer than I would like; Lego could probably use it with some new prints to start pumping out some R4's. Considering how long the Star Wars theme has existed and the lack of any classic R4's in nearly 20 years is kind of strange.
February 7, 20187 yr Saw Gerrera and his partisans would be a very welcome addition. That and as most people want, Zuckuss!
February 13, 20187 yr Zuckuss Saw Guerrera Pong Krell rerelease Non-creepy TCW Ahsoka Wat Tambor and other CIS backers Darth Nihilus (He will always be canon in my heart) Purge Troopers David Tenant Lightsaber Droid C-21 Highsinger Bounty Hunter Ventress with helmet (or even hair) Phase 2 Cody Oppo Rancissis Mother Talzin Edited February 13, 20187 yr by Nerd-with-a-Pencil
March 19, 20186 yr Lego has been picking up on their Imperial crew and officer figs, i hope to see more rank variations in the future. Also like to see a General Veers in his normal uniform, as well as Admiral Ozzel and Piett.
March 19, 20186 yr 24 minutes ago, TheGeneralMoe said: Lego has been picking up on their Imperial crew and officer figs, i hope to see more rank variations in the future. Also like to see a General Veers in his normal uniform, as well as Admiral Ozzel and Piett. The Piett that was in the SSD still looks perfectly good, just replace the cap with the new version. I grabbed a spare Piett torso and used a JJ Jameson head for a purist Ozzel figure. The Imperial Colonel from the Advernt Calendar matches Veers rank insignia when he visits Vader in his chamber in ESB. Jus picking that up and replacing the head would give a decent Veers. Maybe even the version in the AT-AT if you very carefully remove the print on the headset with brasso or an eraser would do.
April 2, 20186 yr I want the beasts from the geonosis arena. I think the Reek in particular would be sooo dope in a molded fig. Acklay also but love the reek!
April 2, 20186 yr On 3/19/2018 at 4:55 AM, TheGeneralMoe said: Lego has been picking up on their Imperial crew and officer figs, i hope to see more rank variations in the future. Also like to see a General Veers in his normal uniform, as well as Admiral Ozzel and Piett. You can currently make him using the Imperial Officer from the last advent calendar and rubbing off the microphone from his head in the AT-AT set. I did it and it looks great.
April 3, 20186 yr 14 hours ago, Brickweiser said: You can currently make him using the Imperial Officer from the last advent calendar and rubbing off the microphone from his head in the AT-AT set. I did it and it looks great. i used a krennic head ... i'm pretty happy with it ...
April 16, 20186 yr I’m hopping we get a mud trooper in the summer wave or a later battle pack. With or without the googles and respirator. Either would be great Because if what I think is true they are not stormtroopers but just regular imperial soldiers with some special gear. Mud trooper I hope is not a specialty it’s just a name because they had to call them something. I think a battle pack would be great for building up my non stormtrooper forces. And they torso and helmet and legs would be useful to make other Imperials.
April 16, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, stormtroopercaptain said: I’m hopping we get a mud trooper in the summer wave or a later battle pack. With or without the googles and respirator. Either would be great Because if what I think is true they are not stormtroopers but just regular imperial soldiers with some special gear. Mud trooper I hope is not a specialty it’s just a name because they had to call them something. I think a battle pack would be great for building up my non stormtrooper forces. And they torso and helmet and legs would be useful to make other Imperials. The current 'mud trooper' we have seems to be using a helmet that lego can re-print into other helmet with different goggles for different imperials, e.g. Veers, AT-ST pilots. Not sure if they would want to make a new mould for that helmet and a respirator to fit it. Or the may go cheaper and use the existing goggles helmet and print the face to have the respirator. Either way would be interesting.
April 16, 20186 yr Yea I also doubt they will make a new helmet. But hopfulling in August we will get a standard imperial version. It would be kinda cool if they made a bottom piece like the new Vader helmet. They could use the old helmet and you could take the mask/goggles off.
April 16, 20186 yr take the han solo fig from the tie fighter, replace the head with one of the grey rebel combat driver heads and viola, a mudtrooper. han was a mudtrooper ...
April 16, 20186 yr - Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars Concept Mini-Figures (I don't have any hopes for this but yeahh... why not?) - Wat Tambor - Galen Erso - Saw Gerrera - Leia (The Last Jedi Outfit) - Praetorian Guards - Vulptex - Moulded head for Ten Numb
April 28, 20186 yr On 18/10/2017 at 3:31 PM, LegoAndDisney said: Can I make a list of figures I want? Here they are from each movie: Phantom Menace -Rune Haako - Just to go with Nute Gunray -Boss Nass - Why he hasn't been made yet is beyond me. -Sabe - Either in her black dress or her battle gear; I'd be happy with that. -Shmi Skywalker - Luke and Leia's Grandma still hasn't had a figure yet? -C3PO - Without the armour. -Chancellor Valorum -Senator Palpatine -Padme - in her Naboo battle gear. It baffles me how little we have of Padme, she had some great costumes.Attack of the Clones -Updated Zam Wesell -Bail Organa -Dexter Jettser -Jocasta Nu -Padme - Again, more variations of her. Especially her travelling gear and senate outfits. -C3PO - Silver Edition. -Young Owen Lars -Young Aunt Beru -Cliegg LarsRevenge of the Sith -Chancellor Palpatine - I would like his outfit that he wore during the Darth Plagueis scene. -Pregnant Padme - Make it happen Lego, make it happen!!Rogue One: -Galen Erso - Both his normal outfit and his imperial one. -Young Jyn -Lyra Erso -Saw Gerrera -Mon Mothma -Old Bail OrganaA New Hope -Dr Evazan -Ponda Baba -WuherEmpire Strikes Back -Upgraded Lando from BespinReturn of the Jedi -Jabba's Dancers; Rystall, Greeata and Lyn Me -Sy Snootles -The Entire Max Rebo Band - I liked them! Edited April 28, 20186 yr by joanfihu
April 29, 20186 yr Would like to see an updated Imperial Scout Trooper in the near future. Perhaps with a new helmet design with the black voice transmitter (I think) in the centre below the visor, and a visor as part of the helmet rather than relying on a black head to show a visor. Would be nice to see this in some future Endor sets such as a bunker remake and maybe a speeder bike chase or something.
May 4, 20186 yr On 4/29/2018 at 2:36 PM, Renown said: Would like to see an updated Imperial Scout Trooper in the near future. Perhaps with a new helmet design with the black voice transmitter (I think) in the centre below the visor, and a visor as part of the helmet rather than relying on a black head to show a visor. Would be nice to see this in some future Endor sets such as a bunker remake and maybe a speeder bike chase or something. I would love for them to make a new imperial scout trooper with a new helmet. Every trooper that Lego has made that has previously had the open helmet with a black face has been updated with a proper helmet except the scout trooper.
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