October 8, 201014 yr Because I love the bounty hunters from Empire, I would greatly welcome minifigs of Zuckuss and 4-LOM. Durge would also be cool. Sintas Vel would be a dream come true, especially if she came in a set recreating a scene from Outbid But Never Outgunned. 1. Sintas Vel 2. Zuckuss 3. 4-LOM 4. Durge I also wouldn't mind some Death Troopers.
October 9, 201014 yr This is now my third list of ideas. Baron Papanoida. Who wouldn't want this guy after he owned Greedo with a knife. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101004153231/starwars/images/1/1f/PapanoidaTheCloneWars.JPG Doge (Nakha) Urus. Maybe this dug was annoying but I still feel it would be cool to get a character of this guy. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100407133436/starwars/images/a/ae/Dug_Council.jpg Boba fett. A young Boba in Jango's gear would be a must have for any lego star wars fan. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100329192311/starwars/images/d/d0/BobaBosskCastasSing-TCWS2E20.jpg Mee Deechi. Well maybe Not many people would get Deechi if he was made in lego but I would just so I could get another species. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100413142837/starwars/images/8/88/Mee_Deechi%27s_office.jpg Edited October 9, 201014 yr by commanderneyo
October 9, 201014 yr 1. Captain fordo 2. Commando droid 3. Leia in disguise (jabba's pallace) 4. Starkiller (in his suit from tfu iltimate sith edition)
October 9, 201014 yr My 4th list. 1)Foul Moudama Or any othet Talz would be fine, but this guy is awesome because he is a Talz Jedi. 2)Voolvif Monn Another sweet Jedi, but this dude from the old clone wars cartoon is cooler because he is practically a wolf. 3)Q9-X2 A totally sweet Astromech Droid that reminds me of a rocket. 4)R4-K5 Darth Vader's Astromech, this would be sweet to have so you could make him battle Vader's past Astromech Droid R2-D2! Edited October 9, 201014 yr by master windu 7495
October 9, 201014 yr 1) Bail Organa 2) NEW Wedge Antilles 3) Soontir Fell 4) More protocol droids other than C-3PO Just less CW faces! Churchill
October 9, 201014 yr My 4th list. 1)Foul Moudama Or any othet Talz would be fine, but this guy is awesome because he is a Talz Jedi. 2)Voolvif Monn Another sweet Jedi, but this dude from the old clone wars cartoon is cooler because he is practically a wolf. 3)Q9-X2 A totally sweet Astromech Droid that reminds me of a rocket. 4)R4-K5 Darth Vader's Astromech, this would be sweet to have so you could make him battle Vader's past Astromech Droid R2-D2! R4-K5 looks like the one that's going to be in the new imperial v-wing
October 9, 201014 yr 1. Ep. III Commander Cody 2. Clone Assassin 3. Clone Commando Scorch 4. Starkiller in Sith Stalker armor Edited October 9, 201014 yr by Commander Assassin
October 9, 201014 yr R4-K5 looks like the one that's going to be in the new imperial v-wing That droid in the v-wing is called R2-Q2 1) Bail Organa 2) NEW Wedge Antilles 3) Soontir Fell 4) More protocol droids other than C-3PO Just less CW faces! Churchill Well most likely the characters we will get now are cw which is why all my ideas so far have been cw and if we get bail organa he will be cw
October 10, 201014 yr 1 - Zuckess 2 - 4-LOM 3 - Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, Droopy McCool, Maybe with in a new Jabba's Palace set with a Rancor. 4 - Cantina Band, 1 figure, 6 insturments. But, I would also love to Get an Episode I Jedi Council. Jamie
October 10, 201014 yr Hello Chaps! 1. Wes Janson (Empire Strikes Back) 2. Jek Porkins (A New Hope) 3. General Carlist Rieekan (Empire Strikes Back) 4. Garven Dreis (A New Hope) And a new head (flesh) for Biggs Darklighter! Best Regards.
October 10, 201014 yr Hello Chaps! 1. Wes Janson (Empire Strikes Back) 2. Jek Porkins (A New Hope) 3. General Carlist Rieekan (Empire Strikes Back) 4. Garven Dreis (A New Hope) And a new head (flesh) for Biggs Darklighter! Best Regards. I'll second these... and especially a new Biggs!
October 10, 201014 yr my 5th(and maybe final) list: 1)Starkiller(Sith Stalker Armour) 2)Savage Opress 3)Tion Medon 4)Darth Phobos Edited October 10, 201014 yr by master windu 7495
October 10, 201014 yr 1 - Zuckess 2 - 4-LOM 4 - Cantina Band, 1 figure, 6 insturments. But, I would also love to Get an Episode I Jedi Council. who doesn't want those?
October 11, 201014 yr 1 Queen amidala (ep1) 2 Padme in white battle suit (ep2) 3 Padme in brown battle suit (ep1) 4 Padme in wedding gown (ep2)
October 11, 201014 yr 1 Queen amidala (ep1) 2 Padme in white battle suit (ep2) 3 Padme in brown battle suit (ep1) 4 Padme in wedding gown (ep2) Sounds like you like padme
October 11, 201014 yr How about a Padme Battle Pack? Im pretey sure TLG wouldn't ever do that tough it would be quite funny
October 11, 201014 yr Im pretey sure TLG wouldn't ever do that tough it would be quite funny It would look like this. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100418004314/starwars/images/e/e7/Amidala_taken_hostage.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091106131130/starwars/images/1/1f/Blue_travel_attire.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100428171961/starwars/images/b/b9/Padme_ELG-3A.jpg http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=113847675340964&set=a.102468589812206.3505.102459479813117 The only way we would get a Padme battle pack is because we have not had Padme in a set for 11 years..
October 11, 201014 yr Princess Leia in bounty hunter disguise Death Star gunner Non LULS Luminara Unduli Ki-Adi Mundi
October 11, 201014 yr List 6(and i know i've done loads) 1) Flesh Zam Wessel 2)Firefighter Droid 3)Flesh Luke Skywalker(Bespin) 4)Medcha Wanto
October 12, 201014 yr It would look like this. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091106131130/starwars/images/1/1f/Blue_travel_attire.jpg The only way we would get a Padme battle pack is because we have not had Padme in a set for 11 years.. I could go for that one.
October 12, 201014 yr I would like to see: 1) A new Dewback (i know it's not a minifigure) 2) Ki-Adi Mundi (a must!) 3) The band of Cantina 4) Yarael Poof With that i can make my favorite parts: Jedi council and a Mos Eisly cantina scene
October 12, 201014 yr 1. Padme Amidala: For sure like the original post said we have one of the key SWU characters that hasn't appeared in Minifigure form. For real! Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's mother, Princess Leia Organa Solo's mother, Mara Jade Skywalker’s dead mother-in-law, Han Solos’ dead mother-in-law, grandmother of Jacen, Jaina, & Anakin Solo and Ben Skywalker (2 others I forget names), Anakin Skywalker's lover and wife, key senator for the Republic, Queen of Naboo, super hot and sexy Natalie Portman in Lego form. Does the list need to go on of she shouldn't have been made in at least 16 different ways by now! Fail TLC, Fail. And yet we have probably 30-80 sets/items with basically the same Vader minifigure. 2. Any Bothan 3. Any Kaminoan 4. Any Chiss, Noghri, and or Yuuzhan Vong if you want to look at the Expanded Universe Bonus: More shades of Twi'lek's and Males as well Twi'lek Edited October 12, 201014 yr by Rook
October 12, 201014 yr This just get's more hard for me as I am trying to pick characters other than ones already stated. Anyway to my 4th list. Sergeant Bric. Was a pretty cool bounty hunter and a new species would mean a awesome addition to lego. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100915160415/starwars/images/9/94/Bric-CC.jpg Ion papanoida The son of Baron Papanoida was another great character and we really need a Pantoran in lego http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101004152734/starwars/images/1/10/Ion_Papanoida.jpg Mandalorian Police Officer Would be very useful in a Mandalore set. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101009210915/starwars/images/7/71/Mandalorianpolicecaptain.jpg Nuvo Vindi This guy was pretty cool though he was captured. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090917064959/starwars/images/9/9d/Vindihastheruns.jpg
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