April 22, 20168 yr On 4/22/2016 at 4:04 PM, HawkLord said: Oola was a dancer, Leia was arm-candy. There was no sex implied in either character. "Slave" is different than "sex slave". Jabba continually made suggestive gestures and expressions at Leia. Maybe it's never explicitly said but let's not sanitize it ether. It's heavily implied throughout the old EU and the new canon of how female Twil'leks are treated.
April 22, 20168 yr Jabba only made a licking gesture. Hutts are fat slobs that eat a ton - for all we know he was saving Leia as a snack. Nothing in the movies explicitly refers to sex with regards to any character. There's only two instances of sex in the whole movie series and one is immaculate conception. Just because the EU makes any other references, doesn't make it fact. ;)
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/22/2016 at 9:26 PM, HawkLord said: Jabba only made a licking gesture. Hutts are fat slobs that eat a ton - for all we know he was saving Leia as a snack. Nothing in the movies explicitly refers to sex with regards to any character. There's only two instances of sex in the whole movie series and one is immaculate conception. Just because the EU makes any other references, doesn't make it fact. ;) Also that crap in the EU was thrown out along with luuke and the 12 palpatines
April 23, 20168 yr Oola died because she resisted Jabba pulling her close to him which is why he opened the trapdoor to the Rancor pit. Why else would she resist him pulling her closer if there wasn't more going on there? It wasn't because he was going to eat her as that sort of behavior would exist somewhere else in the new canon. The sexual undertones of it are heavily implied, the bikinis and skimpy outfits on only the women, I mean come on. On another note I recently began playing KOTOR again today (second play through) and my god does that game have some great concepts and designs. If only Disney would recanonize it (It doesn't interfere with any of the new canon material so far and it's set so far back it barely effects the PT, OT and ST). I wish we could've gotten more KOTOR minifigures or even TOR. I didn't feel the desire to but having started replaying KOTOR I actually appreciate the Revan figure more now. Edited April 23, 20168 yr by Forresto
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/22/2016 at 6:42 PM, pittpenguin123 said: Exactly. (also in the EU i think hutts bread asexually like plants or somthing) You're right about that, I don't know about now though, probably still the same though. Edited April 23, 20168 yr by Kman860
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Forresto said: On another note I recently began playing KOTOR again today (second play through) and my god does that game have some great concepts and designs. If only Disney would recanonize it (It doesn't interfere with any of the new canon material so far and it's set so far back it barely effects the PT, OT and ST). But it does, tho. I'm not sure in how many ways, but there are so many things in the various side quests, conversations, and general story that touch on other EU material set in & after the Saga era, and some of that is bound to conflict. Korriban alone conflicts, since right now the only canon name for the old Sith world is Moraband. And there may be some story elements they don't want to canonize, like the origins of the Tuskens, how certain worlds were populated by slave races, the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, etc. The basic story might be smooth sailing for the new canon, but all the myriad details make it more & more likely to conflict with something in such a way that it would affect the new canon universe. That said, more elements of KOTOR are being brought in seemingly with every project...and I'd love to get sets/minifigs based on the games to go with Revan. I want a T3-M4 to go with T7-O1, not to mention an HK-47... I've made my own Carth & Bao-Dur minifigs, but it'd be nice to get a Darth Malak & Bastila, not to mention Zaalbar & Mission Vao, Jolee, Juhani, Canderous (1st game version & Mandalore version), etc.
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Forresto said: Oola died because she resisted Jabba pulling her close to him which is why he opened the trapdoor to the Rancor pit. Why else would she resist him pulling her closer if there wasn't more going on there? It wasn't because he was going to eat her as that sort of behavior would exist somewhere else in the new canon. The sexual undertones of it are heavily implied, the bikinis and skimpy outfits on only the women, I mean come on. whould you want to be near jabba? Just look at all that gunk and slime coming out of his mouth and noes. There was even a toy for how gross that was (jabba glob) On another note the talk about the 1313 Boba i started made me want a fig. I started working on decals, just need to finish the arms. Edited April 23, 20168 yr by pittpenguin123
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/22/2016 at 2:23 PM, pittpenguin123 said: No one said Rots was rated M. we are talking about 1313 the game that got put on hold. But when the heck did we get a sex slave? I think you misunderstood my comment. Revenge of the Sith is M, there's some pretty hardcore stuff in that film that has made its way into a Lego product. I didn't really understand why being M would be relevant to whether or not Lego would make something. Return of the Jedi is PG and as mentioned, the tatooine stuff is super seedy and that's been well represented in star wars sets. I don't want to derail the thread but that's just how it is. On 4/22/2016 at 9:04 PM, Forresto said: Jabba continually made suggestive gestures and exp<b></b>ressions at Leia. Maybe it's never explicitly said but let's not sanitize it ether. It's heavily implied throughout the old EU and the new canon of how female Twil'leks are treated. On 4/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Forresto said: Oola died because she resisted Jabba pulling her close to him which is why he opened the trapdoor to the Rancor pit. Why else would she resist him pulling her closer if there wasn't more going on there? It wasn't because he was going to eat her as that sort of behavior would exist somewhere else in the new canon. The sexual undertones of it are heavily implied, the bikinis and skimpy outfits on only the women, I mean come on. Good post.
April 23, 20168 yr Sex in STAR WARS? Now that's a topic - maybe the moderators should extract the discussion into its own thread... Let me chime in, though! Regarding Jabba always having an attractive female slave, I'd say that this is not even implicitly overly sexual in nature. I mean, look at a Hutt, and then look at an anthropomorphic female like Oola or Leia - it doesn't even remotely appear like they are biologically and anatomically compatible, if you know what I mean... I guess they have their female slaves more as a sign of their dominance and status. But then, fortunately, STAR WARS isn't as sanitized as the Prequels tried so hard to make it with their portrayal of an overly naive, asexual 'romance' between Anakin and Padmé. In the Clone Wars we learn that Obi Wan once was in love, we see Ahsoka getting the hots for Lux, we get to know a courageous clone deserter who fathered children with a Twi'lek female. In Rebels, it's pretty obvious that Kanaan and Hera have a thing going on, and in the Original Trilogy we have Leia kissing her brother, and then Han, and also: Han shoots first - or isn't he? Gee, I never got why STAR WARS should have been so devoid of romance and sexual attraction, why the Jedi should be completely emotionless and without even a hint of a drive - how do they get through puberty with raging hormones? But fortunately, writers like Filoni show us that the Jedi actually are also creatures of flesh and blood, as exemplified by what they hinted at with Obi Wan and showed us even more explicitly with Ahsoka, and not just those aloof, empty and boring dudes for which they are portrayed in the Prequels. And back to topic: My most wanted character is adult Ahsoka from Rebels, plus I'd like to get a Vader with his helmet and mask slashed open to go with her. The former we will get this year, I recon, the latter propably never... Edited April 23, 20168 yr by DarthTwoShedsJackson
April 23, 20168 yr On 4/23/2016 at 3:52 PM, DarthTwoShedsJackson said: Sex in STAR WARS? Now that's a topic - maybe the moderators should extract the discussion into its own thread... Summoning the moderators
April 23, 20168 yr Just for the record the new and canon book "Lost Stars" has a lot of sex in it and the also canon book Lords of the Sith touches on the sexual exploitation of Twil'leks under Imperial rule. Essentially this continues the old EU's attitude about the enslavement of Ryloth's inhabitants. Do not read following hidden text if you care about spoilers for Lords of the Sith. Reveal hidden contents a twil'lek woman even uses the reputation female Twil'leks have in the galaxy to sleep with imperial officers who she kills Lets not forget human trafficking specifically sex trafficking is a wide spread and common issue globally. If Jabba is a crime lord on a galactic level who owns slaves, feeds slaves to giant monsters, and uses people as wall decoration I doubt very much sex slavery/trafficking is anywhere beneath him. View the scene however you choose but thats how I see it, in a much more realistic tone. Besides if there wasnt anything sexual to those scenes Disney wouldnt have pulled all of the Princess Leia Slave Bikini merchendise.
April 26, 20168 yr How does sex in Star Wars relate to most wanted figs? Did I miss a post somewhere? It's an adult site, you wanna discuss, that's fine...providing it remains classy. Start a new thread though, in the correct place please!
April 26, 20168 yr On 4/26/2016 at 5:13 AM, Stash2Sixx said: How does sex in Star Wars relate to most wanted figs? Did I miss a post somewhere? It's an adult site, you wanna discuss, that's fine...providing it remains classy. Start a new thread though, in the correct place please! We were talking about figures Lego may or may not produce because of there being or not being a sexual nature to them in the film. For instance the possibikity we will never get another Slave Princess Leia figure because Disney has ixnayed it.
April 28, 20168 yr On 4/23/2016 at 6:52 PM, jhaelego said: Bazine is at the top of my list at the moment. She's one of my most wanted too. I'd love a supplementry set to Maz's Castle with both her and the Crimson Corsair. Or even better if they returned for Episodes 8 and 9.
April 28, 20168 yr On 4/28/2016 at 7:50 AM, wesker said: She's one of my most wanted too. I'd love a supplementry set to Maz's Castle with both her and the Crimson Corsair. Or even better if they returned for Episodes 8 and 9. Yeah, figures like this are why star wars collectable minifigs series are needed. So many characters that will never make it into a set that can be produced. Even significant ones like padme, shmip, beru, typho, bail, etc. are unlikely to be featured in a set which is disappointing because Star Wars costumes are so beautiful.
May 10, 20168 yr It's never gonna happen, but an Agent Terex minifigure would be incredible. http://media.comicbo...-2-2-177736.jpg https://2.bp.blogspo...Agent-Terex.png Also, jetpack-wearing First Order stormtroopers. :wub: Edited May 10, 20168 yr by Junior Shark
May 10, 20168 yr Phase II Commander Cody. We already have Gree and Rex, so why not. Also, LEGO need to put those holes into the Phase II helmets, so I can give my Rex his antennae.
May 10, 20168 yr The lack of holes for phase two troopers was one of the biggest design flaws of the design.
May 10, 20168 yr On 5/10/2016 at 8:10 PM, Junior Shark said: It's never gonna happen, but an Agent Terex minifigure would be incredible. http://media.comicbo...-2-2-177736.jpg https://2.bp.blogspo...Agent-Terex.png Also, jetpack-wearing First Order stormtroopers. :wub: The comics are turning out lots of great characters for potential figs (I'd still like to get a Yavin Ceremony Luke WITHOUT the medal, since they're using that outfit quite a bit in the comics--they did the same in the Dark Horse days with the EMPIRE comic, too, tho they darkened the jacket to a light brown--kinda like Poe's/Finn's, now that I think about it). Sana Starros, Dr. Aphra, BT-1, 0-0-0, L'ulo...
May 10, 20168 yr +1 on jacket Luke. I have that celebration minifigure, and he's just frustrating. Especially when reading the comics. The mystery protocol droid in this year's Advent Calendar might make a decent Triple Zero. And since we're going into extreme wishlisting here, a Dr. Aphra minifigure with arm printing would be the best ever.
May 11, 20168 yr On 4/21/2016 at 7:14 PM, Covi said: I really hope for a new Lando or an updated Bossk (with printed green feet). Yeah, an updated Bossk. With dualmolded legs and arms. Mind you, not green, but a shade of brown (dark tan for instance), and a yellowish jumpsuit. Bossk isn't green. The fig we have now really stands out next to my other Bossks (kenner hasbro whatever) in a bad way, so i really like to replace him for a better one.
May 11, 20168 yr On 5/11/2016 at 9:14 PM, Borex said: Yeah, an updated Bossk. With dualmolded legs and arms. Mind you, not green, but a shade of brown (dark tan for instance), and a yellowish jumpsuit. Bossk isn't green. The fig we have now really stands out next to my other Bossks (kenner hasbro whatever) in a bad way, so i really like to replace him for a better one. He is green. Hes more green-brown. The lightings just screwed up. Hes more like this color. http://www.art-paint...Green-Brown.gif the problem is they can never stay with a color for bossk. like in TCW he was a lime green. Edited May 11, 20168 yr by pittpenguin123
May 11, 20168 yr He was more of a dijon-mustard in TCW, not "lime green" Dark Tan or Olive Green would probably work well with Bossk in Lego form... much better than Sand Green anyway! Either way, we'd then have a dark tan or olive green Trandoshan head for populating our SW cantinas & marketplaces with. I kinda favor dark tan, if only for the chance for Lego to produce dark tan hands again. I love that color for hands! I've replaced most of the tan hands from my Endor Commandos with dark tan hands, and they look so much nicer. It's a great "glove" color. Plus dark tan Trandoshan heads are also useful for Saurin figures for the Mos Eisley cantina & elsewhere! Just need to maybe sharpie out the colored iris print on the head to make 'em a bit more accurate
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