Posted July 8, 20186 yr Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List New Terra’s independent source for shipping news. July 618. Vol 3, Issue 5 War Between Prio and Sea Rats? Our man in Bastion reports that, despite threats of war from the Duchy of Prio, Bastion authorities did not release the Prio merchant ships Peacock or Pearl. Furthermore, our man in Alexport sends word that the crew of the man’o’war Pegasus report taking heavy damage from the Sea Rat ship-of-the-line Odin’s Scorn, and that the Sea Rats succeeded in capturing the flagship of the Prio trade fleet, Prince Alex. Diplomacy may play a part in Prio retrieving their ship, however, as the Sea Rats did not take their prize home but rather towed it into the Oleon port of Fatu Hiva, from where the Prio trade squadron had just set sail. Our man in Fatu Hiva tells us that lights were on all night in the Duchy’s consulate here, and that would-be privateers in pubs throughout the port were already readying plans to apply for letters of marque if they are forthcoming. By our calculations, Lord Alexander Prio has lost 80% of his active trade fleet to Sea Rat attacks in the past months, so we would be shocked if he does not appeal for help in some fashion. Komodo Dragon Sunk! From King’s Harbour we hear that the crew of the Corrish man’o’war HMS Ironsides, on anti-piracy patrol, sank the infamous black-flagged Sea Rat ship Komodo Dragon, but that the Corries’ patrol mate HMS Badger was captured. Meanwhile, from Lavalette we can confirm that the Sea Rats did indeed capture HMS Badger, as she was towed into the bluecoat port by the Killer Frog. Observers in Lavalette tell us that the Killer Frog and Morning Fog appear damaged, with only the smaller Warped Wood appearing no worse for wear among the Sea Rat ships. But knowing how Oleon officials have dealt with pirates in the old world, we expect dim prospects for the black-flagged fleet ever leaving the colonial port. Oleon and Corrington Spring Traps on Pirates, Harrison Torn Captured! From Granoleon we hear that the bluecoats have captured yet another pirate! Crews from the Gladiateur, HRS Ville de Granoleon, and HRS Eltina II are telling the tale of how they lured in the infamous pirate by using a ship captured from another pirate. The Blue Bayou, formerly belonging to Bluebeard’s fleet, was used to lure Harrison Torn into believing a friendly encounter was about. When the Oleon squadron came into sight, they had a commanding position and captured all three ships of Torn’s fleet! Another public trial and hanging is surely in our near future. But at what cost was this victory over the pirate? Torn’s fleet succeeded in sinking the Oleon squadron’s flagship, the ship-of-the-line HMS Tiddlywinks, before striking his colors. And from Port Raleigh we hear that the redcoats tried a similar tactic, but without quite the same results. A large squadron led by Commodore William Hawthorne used the former Sea Rat ships Pineapple Revenge and Priest’s Bounty to draw in the pirate Montroy, but he was more clever than Harrison Torn and detected the subterfuge before it was too late. Montroy’s flagship, Neptune’s Scream II, was captured, but not before the Montroy transferred to the cutter-rigged sloop Harpie and sunk the HMS Perseus. The Corrie crews report that they hit the Harpie with considerable firepower, but not enough to keep Montroy from escaping to fight again another day, but the crew of HMS Perseus were rescued. Additionally, our man in Breshaun tells us that the squadron led by the HRS Tonnant used the Poisoned Peach, captured from Gregory Decker, in a similar manner near Baskers Island, but that pirate Jan Van Sud did not fall for it, sinking the Poisoned Peach before making a clean getaway. Eslandola Experience Pays Off Our man in Freeport tells us that a greenies’ trade squadron came into port with Zublius Von Wreck’s brig Hades’ Hangman in tow! This particular squadron has been attacked by pirates three months in a row. The crew says that ZvW ambushed them near Sabre Island, but that the battle-tested crews of the escorts Long Beard and La Salamandra quickly turned the tables on the pirate. The Long Beard was lost in the battle, but her crew were instrumental in taking ZvW’s brig and largely survived. ZvW escaped aboard his flagship Reaper. Meanwhile, our man in Trador tells us that the crew of the Piece of Eight II, recently commissioned into the MCTC trade fleet, were able to ward off an attack from a pirate they are calling “The Dragon” due to the flag flying from his ships. The crew say they were set upon east of Port Raleigh and claim to have damaged one of The Dragon’s ships before making their escape. PIRATE ROUND-UP Bluebeard in Azure Sea? Our man in Calisto reports that the ETTC ship Tuna King had a narrow escape. Her crew claim to have been attacked by none other than Bluebeard in the Azure Sea, and say they damaged one of the pirate’s ships while making their escape. LeColeon Strikes The ETTC’s luck wasn’t as good in the Cocovia Sea. Sailing from Mesabi Landing, the trade squadron led by the Belson first spotted a suspicious group of three ships somewhere south of Tortuga in the South Prio Sea. As the Belson and her mates made their way west, it became clear that they were being stalked by none other than the pirate LeColeon! All attempts to lose the pirate were fruitless, and the ETTC ships were finally set upon west of Stephanique. Only the crew of the Golden Filly made it to King’s Harbour: they report that the Dancing Dogfish was sunk and that the Belson was captured! We have no word at this time on the fate of either crew. Bloody Bill Ravages WTC Defenses Again For the second month in a row, Bloody Bill has put a large dent in the WTC’s gunboat fleet. Our man in Mesabi Landing tells us that Bloody Bill sank one gunboat and captured two more, leaving only two to make it back to port after the smoke cleared. It does appear that the gunboats were able to send one of Bloody Bill’s ships, a brig not previously seen in his fleet, to Davy Jones’ Locker. However, if encounters like this continue, Bloody Bill may have more WTC-built gunboats than the WTC! Captain Gore’s Revenge Escaped from an Eslandolan prison on Bardo, Captain Gore wasted no time in attacking a small Oleon squadron near Le Bellan. Our man in Breshaun reports that while Gore sank The Athena and Pulsar and damaged The Resurrection, the latter’s crew claim to have sunk Gore’s flagship, Decker’s Revenge, while damaging Gore’s brig Escape Artist. Fair Weather for Most of Brick Seas Very few weather-related mishaps were reported this month. A sudden squall in the Sea of Storms forced the Sea Rats’ HMS Pendragon and Oleon’s The Taurus to divert to Arlinsport on their way from Dortanix to the island of Le Bellan when encountering rough waters entering the Sea of Storms. And from Rassillon we hear that the Sea Rat ships Viper and WTC Judgement had to rescue the crew of Calamity Strikes as that ship sprung a leak and sank in the Sea of Thieves before it could make it back to port. -page 2- Oleon Terrified of Things That Go Bump in the NightRecent reports from Fatu Hiva suggest that Oleon and Ile de Or’s native population are terrified of some unknown threat lurking in the island’s jungle. While the logical course of action would be to investigate, Oleon’s colonial authorities are either too incompetent to do so or too afraid of their own shadows to venture outside. This inaction on Oleon’s part has created a huge opportunity for adventurers, as the island’s governor is offering rich rewards to anyone who can help restore peace and tranquility. Oleon Abandons Naval Defense of Eastern ColoniesPractically three quarters of all bluecoat ships on the Brick Seas are anchored in Breshaun today, and the other quarter are in Granoleon. In fact, we could only find reports of two Oleonder ships west of the Sea of Storms: FTA The Gargoyle and Supreme, currently in the port of Bastion. Perhaps the terror in Fatu Hiva has driven bluecoat shipping sailing away in fear. Sea Rats and WTC Reach an AgreementFinally negotiating with their moral equals, the WTC appears to have made a deal with the pirate Sinbad to free the ships HMS Red Angel and Lightning. After a brief detainment, it appears that both vessels will be free to go after paying a nominal ransom to the pirate lord, who is no doubt content with his prior victory over these ships. Nonetheless, given some of our more recent combat reports, it remains to be seen if the pirates will be so generous the next time. Mardier Not Deterred by Port Taxes, But Are the Greenies?Mardier trade fleets sailed into Kings Port and Nova Terreli this month, despite those ports’ new taxes, making a statement that they will not be deterred from visiting any port they choose. Here in Terraversa we are relieved to see some shipping returning after the disastrous results last month, but other than Terraversan ships, Mardier’s trade fleet were the only other visitors to our capital. From Nova Terreli we hear that Mardier’s trade fleet were the only ships in port other than a handful of Eslandian ships. We also hear from Pontelli that some Eslandian ships that usually visit Nova Terreli chose the smaller tax-free port this month. Corrie Ships Still Protesting Oleon Port TaxesThe ships Dolfijn and Sapphire Seas remained in the ports of Breshaun and Lavalette, respectively, for the second month in a row. The Montoya estate appears to be making a statement by refusing to pay the Oleon port taxes, and neither side has budged on the matter. From Lavalette we hear that the Sapphire Seas’ crew is getting a little stir crazy, but our man in Breshaun tells us the crew of the Dolfijn is out on the town every evening. -page 3- Corrington Looks to Ship Off Disappointing HeirsAs part of its effort to help provide the disgraced offspring of nobles with a motivation to leave polite society and travel to the obscure colonies, Corrington has created the Royal Society of Natural Discovery. No doubt this organization will soon prove a lure for those young rakes who have no chance of living in civilized society, as they will now have the chance to enjoy their selves taking government-sponsored day trips throughout Corrington’s colonies. No doubt they will make many new discoveries of an intoxicated nature, but perhaps Corrington’s efforts would be better spent if they bothered to properly raise their children at a young age. Eslandola Music Festival EndsAfter weeks of drinking, music, and celebration, the MCTC officials in Bardo have declared their annual music festival to be over. A musician going by the name of Miss Kitty was granted the title of The Golden Bard of Bardo, though our sources report that The Tone-Deaf Terror would be more appropriate. RNTC Dividends DisappointComing off a very successful first quarter, the RNTC’s shareholders will no doubt be disappointed by the fact that the company is not paying a dividend in the second quarter. While still showing a profit, the company’s board seems to think that they can spend the doubloons better than the monies’ rightful owners. And they may be right, considering that the last quarter saw over 2,700 DBs spent to acquire licenses, more than the company spent in its entire first year. Our financial analysts remain astonished that anyone would continue to hold this stock, but perhaps its status as the only publicly traded stock in the Brick Seas has earned it a special place in many portfolios. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ships Captured in July(ship stats will be provided to new owners by PM) --------------------------------------------------------------Belson (ETTC) (class 5, MOC) captured by LeColeonBloody Compass (Harrison Torn) (class 5, no MOC) captured by OleonDevil’s Barnacle (Harrison Torn) (class 2, no MOC) captured by OleonGray Lilly (Harrison Torn) (class 3, no MOC) captured by OleonHades’ Hangman (Zublius Von Wreck) (class 4, no MOC) captured by EslandolaHMS Badger (Corrington) (class 5, MOC) captured by MKJoshANeptune’s Scream II (Montroy) (class 5, no MOC) captured by Corrington Prince Alex (Romantica) (class 5, no MOC) captured by Roadmonkeytj and professor thaumWTC Agnes Y2 (Drunknok) (class 0, MOC) captured by Bloody BillWTC Agnes Y4 (Drunknok) (class 0, MOC) captured by Bloody Bill Ships Lost at Sea in July-------------------------------------Calamity Strikes (MKJoshA)Dancing Dogfish (ETTC)Decker’s Revenge (Captain Gore)HMS Perseus (Corrington)HMS Tiddlywinks (Dukesc)Komodo Dragon (MKJoshA)Long Beard (Puerto Desafio)Poisoned Peach (Bodi)Pulsar (Dukesc)Ravenclaw (Bloody Bill)The Athena (Kotz)WTC Agnes Y5 (Drunknok) Results by ship: Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun . Results by owner: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Results by nationality: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port
July 8, 20186 yr Author Results by flagship: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli Results by destination: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon Colonial Gunboat Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill Results by DBs: Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality DBs Destination Notes Alexander Keith Filly Winds Ayrlego Corrington 1614 Belson Golden voyage Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington 1384 Belson Golden voyage Golden Crescent Espada de Luna Umbra-Manis Eslandola 1210 Prinport Green Winds III Green Winds III Legostone Eslandola 1117 Kieg Gotheborg Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 1083 Kieg Turaco Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 1065 Londa Jawed's Fortune Alexander Lord Buckethead Corrington 1029 Yeldo Mac Quinnes Mac Quinnes Legostone Eslandola 998 Terreli Malto Express Malto Express RNTC Oleon 903 Granoleon Esmeralda Esmeralda MAESTRO Eslandola 844 Terreli Purple Rain Espada de Luna Maxim I Eslandola 807 Prinport The Messenger Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 807 Prinport Albatross Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Puffin Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 774 Londa Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 171 DBs in taxes Midnight Sun Minerva Mardier Mardier 756 Nova Terreli Owes 176 DBs in taxes Prince Fernando II Verde Oro MCTC Eslandola 753 Nova Terreli Owes 151 DBs in taxes Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon 745 Breshaun The Lightning La Recouvrance Dukesc Oleon 745 Breshaun Fleur Verte Fleur Verte Oleon Oleon 734 Granoleon Hotspur Hotspur Bregir Corrington 641 Mesabi Landing Moana Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 141 DBs in taxes Monju Minerva Mardier Mardier 630 Nova Terreli Owes 146 DBs in taxes Pioneer Pioneer Bregir Corrington 609 Belson WTC Teamwork WTC Teamwork Mesabi Corrington 603 Terreli Tyche Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 598 Kings Port Misty Marauder Mardier Mardier 591 Kings Port Owes 228 DBs in taxes Magnolia Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Manatee Marauder Mardier Mardier 577 Kings Port Owes 204 DBs in taxes Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia 572 Terreli Far Horizon Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 571 Weelond Pelican Alexander LM71Blackbird Corrington 568 Yeldo The Raenette Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 549 Prinport El Rubi El Rubi MAESTRO Eslandola 525 Nova Terreli Owes 105 DBs in taxes The Ambition La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 524 Breshaun La Fleur Pourpre Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon The Torino Malto Express Dukesc Oleon 516 Granoleon Lady Belson Lady Belson Flavius Gratian Corrington 505 Arlinsport Lady of Madrice II Stormbringer II Capt Wolf Eslandola 499 Weelond Thalia Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 498 Kings Port Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington 495 Londa Jon El Flurry Oscuridad II MCTC Eslandola 483 Trador Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington 481 Jameston Mysterious Lady Mysterious Lady Capt Wolf Eslandola 478 Weelond Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia 477 Terreli Piece of Eight II Piece of Eight II MCTC Eslandola 473 Trador Escaped pirate "The Dragon" Santiago La Raya Venenosa Legostone Eslandola 468 Pontelli Rojo Tormento Oscuridad II MAESTRO Eslandola 459 Trador Corland Provider Flying Colt Brickwolf Corrington 458 Weelond Santa Clara Santa Clara Kolonialbeamter Oleon 444 Breshaun Killer Frog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 443 Lavalette Captured HMS Badger, damaged in combat The Aspiration The Aspiration Phred Oleon 439 Breshaun Reventazon Verde Oro Legostone Eslandola 430 Nova Terreli Owes 86 DBs in taxes Gazelle Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Gun Runner Gazelle Garvey Garvey 427 Jameston Valkyrie Flying Colt CelesAurivern Corrington 427 Weelond Golden Apple Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Goldfish Goldfish Garvey Garvey 419 Arlinsport Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon 407 Breshaun Étoile du Sud Étoile du Sud Captain Genaro Oleon 395 Breshaun The Festiva The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 390 Breshaun Blazer Blazer Bregir Corrington 382 Yeldo Western Wind II Western Wind II Flavius Gratian Corrington 369 Quinnsville Athena Fleur Verte Kotz Oleon 367 Granoleon Flying Colt Flying Colt SilentWolf Corrington 367 Weelond The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon 349 Breshaun Alexander Alexander SilentWolf Corrington 340 Yeldo Colour of the Wind La Raya Venenosa MAESTRO Eslandola 335 Pontelli Lenore Lenore kaiju Sea Rats 313 Eltina Taxes owed? Filo Morado Filo Morado Kai NRG Eslandola 313 Salida Este The Benefactor Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun The Divination Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 296 Breshaun Zephyr Santa Clara Breshaun Oleon 296 Breshaun Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere 292 Bardo Pride of Poseidon Malto Express Captain Genaro Oleon 292 Granoleon The Defiance The Defiance Legostone Eslandola 292 Kieg Swift Pinto Filly LM71Blackbird Corrington 290 Londa Rambler's Reward Rambler's Reward SpaceJoey86 Oleon 287 Breshaun Altar Boy Aurora Altonia Altonia 286 Terreli Kuga Fleur Verte Dukesc Oleon 258 Granoleon Sakoleva Malto Express blackdeathgr Oleon 258 Granoleon Lady Jacqueline The Aspiration RNTC Oleon 257 Breshaun Mr. Twistie Étoile du Sud Phred Oleon 247 Breshaun The Marion Santa Clara RNTC Oleon 247 Breshaun The Yacht Majestic The Aspiration Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun The Resurrection The Resurrection Phred Oleon 244 Breshaun Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, sank Decker's Revenge HMHV Athena HMHV Athena Bregir Corrington 238 Mesabi Landing Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon 233 Breshaun Morning Fog Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 223 Lavalette Damaged in combat HRS Ville de Granoleon HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 210 Granoleon Captured Bloody Compass and pirate Harrison Torn HMS Wentham II HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 210 Port Raleigh Captured Neptune's Scream The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats 208 Trador Crete Santa Clara blackdeathgr Oleon 197 Breshaun Cormorant The Festiva Keymonus Oleon 195 Breshaun The Fiesta The Festiva Dukesc Oleon 195 Breshaun Nerdy Mermaid's Sister Lenore pombe Sea Rats 188 Eltina Taxes owed? FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour FV No.2 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 183 King's Harbour Decker's Bane The Aspiration Bodi Oleon 175 Breshaun Cheetah Cheetah Carno Carno 172 King's Harbour Emporium's Peregrine The Ant CelesAurivern Corrington 169 Elysabethtown FTA Achernar FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 168 Bastion King Archibald King Archibald kaiju Sea Rats 166 Eltina Taxes owed? Golden Filly Belson ETTC Corrington 160 King's Harbour Damaged by pirate LeColeon Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats 152 Trador La Salamandra Long Beard Eslandola Eslandola 150 Freeport Captured Hades' Hangman, damaged by Zublius Von Wreck Nerdy Mermaid The Aspiration Dukesc Oleon 146 Breshaun Rhodos The Festiva Merc Oleon 146 Breshaun Gladiateur HMS Tiddlywinks blackdeathgr Oleon 146 Granoleon Supreme Supreme RNTC Oleon 144 Bastion Corland Supplier Corland Supplier Brickwolf Corrington 144 Port Woodhouse FTA Dusk FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 142 Bastion Palmetto Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Drunken Monkey Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 140 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? The Ant The Ant SilentWolf Corrington 139 Elysabethtown FTA The Gargoyle Supreme Captain Genaro Oleon 138 Bastion Dagger Fleur Verte blackdeathgr Oleon 129 Granoleon Drakkar Fleur Verte Bodi Oleon 129 Granoleon Castaway Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Cyclops Cheetah Carno Carno 129 King's Harbour Fishing Proa 1 Fishing Proa 1 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun Fishing Proa 2 Fishing Proa 2 Phred Oleon 127 Breshaun FTA Fluttering Petal FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion FTA Sirrus FTA Achernar FTA Sea Rats 126 Bastion Amethyst Amethyst Bregir Corrington 126 Freeport HMS Hermes HMS Hermes Drunknok Corrington 126 Jameston Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington 121 Elizabethville WTC Agnes B2 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing WTC Agnes B4 WTC Agnes B2 Drunknok Corrington 121 Mesabi Landing Clearance King Archibald MKJoshA Sea Rats 117 Eltina Taxes owed? Nightingale Nightingale Namere Namere 116 Elizabethville RSND Dolphin RSND Dolphin RSND Corrington 114 Jameston FV No.3 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington 114 King's Harbour Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington 107 Balondia Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? Stormbull Odin's Scorn professor thaum Sea Rats 105 Fatu Hiva Captured ship Prince Alex. Taxes owed? FTA redtail FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 104 Bastion WTC Agnes Y1 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 103 Mesabi Landing Escaped from pirate Bloody Bill Eslandita Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 102 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Cotton Lady Long Beard MCTC Eslandola 101 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Blue Bayou HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 100 Granoleon Damaged by Harrison Torn, captured Gray Lilly Godfreed Faulk Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 91 Bastion Golden Dragon Golden Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 91 Bastion Holder's Secret Stormbringer II MCTC Eslandola 88 Weelond WTC Dog Days WTC Dog Days Mesabi Corrington 85 Elizabethville Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington 80 Calisto Escaped from pirate Bluebeard Warped Wood Komodo Dragon Rassilon Sea Rats 78 Lavalette Priest's Bounty HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 75 Port Raleigh Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats 71 Tortuga FTA Night's Whisper FTA Dusk FTA Sea Rats 69 Bastion Newt Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Nutmeg Nightingale Namere Namere 66 Elizabethville Viper Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 65 Rassilon Panther Pegasus Romantica Romantica 63 Alexport Damaged by Odin's Scorn Corporal Milton Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 63 Eltina Taxes owed? Narwal Narwal Bart Sea Rats 63 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? WTC Judgement Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 63 Rassilon HRS Eltina II HMS Tiddlywinks Oleon Oleon 60 Granoleon Captured Devil's Barnacle Vagabond King King Archibald Sea Rats Sea Rats 58 Eltina Taxes owed? Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 56 Alexport Pineapple Revenge HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 50 Port Raleigh Ka The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 49 Breshaun Helped sink Decker's Revenge WTC Red Fox WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 46 Trador WTC Brown Bear WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador WTC Grey Wolf WTC Grey Wolf Drunknok Corrington 42 Trador Hades' Tuba FTA Dusk Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Misfortune's Doom Golden Dragon Sea Rats Sea Rats 35 Bastion Dark Spirit Long Beard Kai NRG Eslandola 35 Freeport Escaped from pirate Zublius Von Wreck Diablo Salado Diablo Salado Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats 32 Fatu Hiva Taxes owed? Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey 31 Alexport Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington 25 King's Harbour Patriot II Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Survived combat with Odin's Scorn and Stormbull Pegasus Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Alexport Damaged by Stormbull HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Arlinsport Corrington 0 Arlinsport HMS Pendragon Lenore Sea Rats Sea Rats 0 Arlinsport Sprung a leak, diverted to Arlinsport The Taurus Santa Clara Dukesc Oleon 0 Arlinsport Sprang a leak, diverted to Arlinsport Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Nova Nemesis Namere Namere 0 Bardo Peacock Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Pearl Peacock Romantica Romantica 0 Bastion Detained in Bastion Dolfijn Dolfijn Bregir Corrington 0 Breshaun Still refusing to pay port taxes HRS Combattante HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Pride of Oleon HRS Pride of Oleon Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun l'Acharnée HRS Pride of Oleon Bodi Oleon 0 Breshaun Vigilante HRS Pride of Oleon Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Ardent HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Tonnant HRS Tonnant Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Tonnant Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun The Ranger HRS Tonnant Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Turgut La Recouvrance Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Executioner Le Gros Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Diligente The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun HRS Retribution of Breshaun The Navigator Oleon Oleon 0 Breshaun Persévérante The Navigator Kolonialbeamter Oleon 0 Breshaun The Navigator The Navigator Dukesc Oleon 0 Breshaun The Pearl of Loyalty The Navigator Phred Oleon 0 Breshaun Belson Belson ETTC Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate LeColeon Artillery Sloop No. 1 Artillery Sloop No. 1 Stormhaven Corrington 0 Elizabethville Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington 0 Elizabethville Prince Alex Pegasus Romantica Romantica 0 Fatu Hiva Captured by Odin's Scorn and Stormbull. Taxes owed? Hades' Hangman Reaper Zublius Von Wreck NPC 0 Freeport Captured by La Salamandra Bloody Compass Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Ville de Granoleon Devil's Barnacle Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by HRS Eltina II Gray Lilly Bloody Compass Harrison Torn NPC 0 Granoleon Captured by Blue Bayou AQAR Gotheborg Maxim I Eslandola 0 Kieg HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour Sank Komodo Dragon Coloni??al Gunboat? Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Gun Sloop No. 1 Justicia King's Harbour Corrington 0 King's Harbour Justicia Justicia Bregir Corrington 0 King's Harbour QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington 0 King's Harbour Marauder Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Mya Marauder Mardier Mardier 0 Kings Port Owes 80 DBs in taxes Tiger Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa 0 Kings Port HMS Badger HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington 0 Lavalette Captured by Killer Frog Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington 0 Lavalette Still refusing to pay port taxes Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 30 DBs in taxes Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 20 DBs in taxes Mongoose Minerva Mardier Mardier 0 Nova Terreli Owes 25 DBs in taxes Firefly Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola 0 Nova Terreli Asesino II La Raya Venenosa Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Pontelli La Raya venenosa La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli Migery's Revenge La Raya Venenosa Eslandola Eslandola 0 Pontelli HMS Bagg of Bolton HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Bull Shark HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS El Bellos HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Huntress HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh HMS Victoria HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 Port Raleigh Neptune's Scream II Neptune's Scream II Montroy NPC 0 Port Raleigh Captured by HMS Wentham II Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola 0 Port Raleigh Dropped pearls when canoe bumped by whale Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport Sleeping Siren II Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola 0 Prinport The Lady Hawk Espada de Luna Faladrin Eslandola 0 Prinport QV Gunboat No.2 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville QV Gunboat No.3 QV Gunboat No.2 Quinnsville Corrington 0 Quinnsville Thunder Thunder Professor Thaum Sea Rats 0 Tortuga WTC Agnes Y2 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill WTC Agnes Y4 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 ??? Captured by pirate Bloody Bill Midas Touch Oscuridad II Nova Terreli Eslandola 0 Trador Oscuridad II Oscuridad II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Trador Hammerhead Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond Stormbringer II Stormbringer II Eslandola Eslandola 0 Weelond The Gallant Stormbringer II Bardo Eslandola 0 Weelond Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 120 DBs in taxes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 140 DBs in taxes Hand of Fate Hand of Fate Kwatchi Sea Rats 0 Westface Owes 160 DBs in taxes Dancing Dogfish Belson ETTC Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate LeColeon Decker's Revenge Decker's Revenge Captain Gore NPC 0 --- Sunk by The Resurrection HMS Tiddlywinks HMS Tiddlywinks Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Harrison Torn HMS Perseus HMS Wentham II Corrington Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Montroy Poisoned Peach HRS Tonnant Bodi Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Jan Van Sud Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sunk by HMS Ironsides Long Beard Long Beard Puerto Desafio Eslandola 0 --- Sunk by pirate Zublius Von Wreck Ravenclaw Scavenger II Bloody Bill NPC 0 --- Sunk by WTC gunboats Pulsar The Resurrection Dukesc Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore The Athena The Resurrection Kotz Oleon 0 --- Sunk by pirate Captain Gore Calamity Strikes Viper MKJoshA Sea Rats 0 --- Sprang a leak, sank in Sea of Thieves WTC Agnes Y5 WTC Agnes Y1 Drunknok Corrington 0 --- Sunk by pirate Bloody Bill
July 8, 20186 yr Another great writer up @Capt Wolf and all those who work on the tmcra behind the scenes.
July 8, 20186 yr A great write-up as always, entertaining, informative, with some obvious mistakes and some wilful fake news inserted - still fun to read! Many thanks for the efforts once again, especialy it being done so fast.
July 8, 20186 yr 7 hours ago, kaiju said: So how are taxes handled? Taxes are the responsibility of you and the entity issuing the tax. They should contact you with a tally of how much you owe and you should pay it. Game masters are not part of this effort.
July 8, 20186 yr Fantastic addition @Capt Wolf! A very entertaining read! I gotta say, I am pretty happy with all the results! Had 9 ships sail this month and made 4065 Dbs!
July 8, 20186 yr 8th day of the 7th month, 618, Mesabi Landing To the editor of the "Kings Port Adviser and Ship List", it has come to our attention that you have included incorrect information in your most recent issue. In particular, you have written: Quote Sea Rats and WTC Reach an AgreementFinally negotiating with their moral equals, the WTC appears to have made a deal with the pirate Sinbad to free the ships HMS Red Angel and Lightning. After a brief detainment, it appears that both vessels will be free to go after paying a nominal ransom to the pirate lord, who is no doubt content with his prior victory over these ships. Nonetheless, given some of our more recent combat reports, it remains to be seen if the pirates will be so generous the next time. If you had done your work properly, you would know that Captain Ansa Mesabi, while being the sister of our glorious leader Count Mesabi, is in no way related to the WTC. Combined with the insult aimed at our honourable organisation, we can not let this stand. By this time next week we demand a correction of this misinformation and expect an apology from you. We also demand 250DB each being paid to Captain Ansa Mesabi and the WTC as compensation for the immaterial damage caused by your slander. Expecting cooperation on your part, with kind regards, Kadeus Mordo, WTC ============================================================== @Capt Wolf Captain Mesabi is played by Mesabi, the WTC has its own account - payment should go to each account respectively.
July 8, 20186 yr Author 9 minutes ago, Drunknok said: If you had done your work properly, you would know that Captain Ansa Mesabi, while being the sister of our glorious leader Count Mesabi, is in no way related to the WTC. Combined with the insult aimed at our honourable organisation, we can not let this stand. By this time next week we demand a correction of this misinformation and expect an apology from you. We also demand 250DB each being paid to Captain Ansa Mesabi and the WTC as compensation for the immaterial damage caused by your slander. NOTICE: We have become aware that we received an erroneous report that the WTC had reached an agreement with the pirate Sinbad. We now hear that the agreement with Sinbad was reached by Captain Ansa Mesabi, sister of the WTC leader, but in no way part of the WTC herself. We apologize to Sinbad for suggesting he was in league with the WTC. Furthermore, this month's subscription fees to all involved have been waived.
July 8, 20186 yr 10 minutes ago, Capt Wolf said: NOTICE: We have become aware that we received an erroneous report that the WTC had reached an agreement with the pirate Sinbad. We now hear that the agreement with Sinbad was reached by Captain Ansa Mesabi, sister of the WTC leader, but in no way part of the WTC herself. We apologize to Sinbad for suggesting he was in league with the WTC. Furthermore, this month's subscription fees to all involved have been waived. About 1/3 of the way done, looking forward to the rest. Edited July 8, 20186 yr by Drunknok
July 8, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, Capt Wolf said: NOTICE: We have become aware that we received an erroneous report that the WTC had reached an agreement with the pirate Sinbad. We now hear that the agreement with Sinbad was reached by Captain Ansa Mesabi, sister of the WTC leader, but in no way part of the WTC herself. We apologize to Sinbad for suggesting he was in league with the WTC. Furthermore, this month's subscription fees to all involved have been waived. As a loyal reader I feel enlightened that my subscription fee has been waived... I would hate to have to switch to another source of inaccurate information lmao
July 8, 20186 yr Thanks for helping clear things up @Drunknok. Yes, Ansa Mesabi is not WTC (Yet! ) But we'll see what happens after she fixes the Dock and reports back to admiral authority.
July 8, 20186 yr 3 hours ago, Mesabi said: Thanks for helping clear things up @Drunknok. Yes, Ansa Mesabi is not WTC [IC]This does not change the fact that for the time being the KPA is spreading factually wrong information and is on a campaign of character assassination concerning the WTC. So far we are still waiting for an apology and compensation for pain and suffering. We only demand justice and fair treatment.[/IC] Edited July 8, 20186 yr by Drunknok
July 8, 20186 yr pffft, let it slide man. anyone could've made such a mistake. There are several Mesabi characters, whom are all fun to follow, but I for one also wouldn't be able to tell from the top of my head which one is in the WTC or not, or which one rules Mesabi Landing and which one is on a ship somewhere on the charts edge.
July 8, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, Bart said: pffft, let it slide man. anyone could've made such a mistake. There are several Mesabi characters, whom are all fun to follow, but I for one also wouldn't be able to tell from the top of my head which one is in the WTC or not, or which one rules Mesabi Landing and which one is on a ship somewhere on the charts edge. [IC]You are also not responsible for a newspaper and its accuracy. Somebody else is, and he has to take responsibility. [/IC] P.S.: Just to make this clear: I am stirring up IC drama here, nothing more. OOC I am well aware of the little mistake and its likely origin - and to be honest I do not care too much. Mistakes happen all the time, this is nothing serious. @Capt Wolf does a phenomenal job with the KPA, which I appreciate a lot! Still, I will milk this as much as possible for IC shenanigans - and then some more. Edited July 8, 20186 yr by Drunknok
July 8, 20186 yr 45 minutes ago, Drunknok said: : I am stirring up IC drama here, nothing more. Drunknok, please be aware that it is not clear what is OOC and what is IC. This is something you should try to make more clear, as some of your posts appear to be you as a player writing them, nor you as a character. Capt Wolf: Phenomenal job with the write up this month. Some very exciting encounters - particularly the one concerning the HMS Ironsides!! ;)
July 9, 20186 yr @Bregir, and @Drunknok. Must you two continue this incessant argument over pointless things? Bregir, Drunknok is not insulting anyone, he's only causing IC trouble. Drunknok, don't always take yourself so seriously in these. Remember Poe's law. Now, are are their to be BoBS cards rewarded this turn? I'm curious.
July 9, 20186 yr 18 minutes ago, Mesabi said: @Bregir, and @Drunknok. Must you two continue this incessant argument over pointless things? Bregir, Drunknok is not insulting anyone, he's only causing IC trouble. Drunknok, don't always take yourself so seriously in these. Remember Poe's law. Where is the argument here? He made a fair point, I reacted accordingly. I fail to see the issue...
July 9, 20186 yr @Capt Wolf Concerning my three losses (WTC Agnes Y2, Y4 and Y5) due to Bloody Bill: is it possible to tell which ships caused the captures and the kill? Last month I got this kind of info, and I would appreciate the details. I have... a list.
July 9, 20186 yr Author That information is not specified by the results generated. Sometimes I add specifics in my write-up, sometimes I leave it to you to decide. What you do know is that Scavenger II, Little Scavenger, and Dirty Harry survived the battle for Bloody Bill. Given that Ravenclaw was sunk, it was likely in the middle of the action and involved in the kill. And I'd guess it would be easier for his smaller ships (LS, DH) to maneuver and board the gunboats than it would be for his flagship. If you want to say Ravenclaw sunk the one, and that Little Scavenger and Dirty Harry were each responsible for a capture, that works.
July 9, 20186 yr Just now, Capt Wolf said: That information is not specified by the results generated. Sometimes I add specifics in my write-up, sometimes I leave it to you to decide. What you do know is that Scavenger II, Little Scavenger, and Dirty Harry survived the battle for Bloody Bill. Given that Ravenclaw was sunk, it was likely in the middle of the action and involved in the kill. And I'd guess it would be easier for his smaller ships (LS, DH) to maneuver and board the gunboats than it would be for his flagship. If you want to say Ravenclaw sunk the one, and that Little Scavenger and Dirty Harry were each responsible for a capture, that works. Thank you. I can work with this.
July 9, 20186 yr 1 hour ago, Mesabi said: Now, are are their to be BoBS cards rewarded this turn? I'm curious. Likely, but don't expect them soon
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