Posted August 1, 20186 yr Welcome to Mitgardia If you are new and want to join the fun here, you just think of a character/sigfig for yourself, post it here, and start building. For a signup example you can look at the members overview section. Green and yellow are the official colors of Mitgardia, so incorporating them into your creations helps show your loyalty though it is not required to have the Mitgardian colors in every MOC. Keep reading to find out more about the great Northern guild! Section One: Guilds of Historica Background The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten. Race against race, clan against clan; shields clashed with swords, long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge. The arcadian land was thrown into chaos. When all seemed lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s greatest city: the fortress of Cedrica. To settle the grievances and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined the clans into one mighty Kingdom: Historica. They founded the Four Great Guilds – each one a realm in itself – Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South, and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin ruled the central lands of Historica for decades. But darkness and chaos had only been thwarted, not conquered. Magic was unleashed upon the land, magic that fell into the hands of Victor Revolword. Only in union did the Guilds find strength to defeat him and destroy the Elemental Helm that gave him power. Yet the struggle was not over, for out of the chaos magic had bred there arose a new threat: the Black Spire. Ravaage the Terrible, of whom no man ever spoke save with bated breath and behind closed doors, ruled the darklands of Nocturnus with a rod of iron and resistance glowed only in scattered embers. Meanwhile Drow invaded Avalonia, Algus from the north swept into Mitgardia, and the resurrection of the ancient Desert King threw Kaliphlin into confusion. Slowly, the heroes of the Guilds realized the truth: the fire that fueled the powers of destruction and chaos throughout the land burnt deep in the heart of Nocturnus. There Ravaage sought for the ultimate power, the Necromancer’s Helm. Only by once again uniting, this time against Ravaage, could Historica be saved from ashes and the rule of the undead. But who would unite the Guilds? The King had been slain by Revolword, his son murdered by Ravaage; no other family could command the respect of all the Guilds or ignite their loyalty and patriotism. Yet a rumor arose, a rumor of hope. An heir had appeared, under whose banner all who desired peace could unite. Heroes of Historica, rise up and fight the invader who brings discord to your realm! And rise the heroes did. Throughout the land, in every corner, evil and chaos were subdued. Rivals pledged allegiance to the new, unknown King, and sallied forth to battle Ravaage together. Old jealousies were forgotten. Each man felt that it was the dawning of a new day for Historica. By trickery, the mages of Historica defeated Ravaage and destroyed him, sealing the chamber of the Necromancer’s Helm forever. Leaderless, Ravaage’s army has crumbled, his plans and power vanished. Disorder remains, but the worst seems to be over. All eyes turn toward the throne of Cedrica, where the new monarch, Queen Ylspeth, reigns and rebuilds. Much needs to be resolved, many questions remain to be answered, but at last, Historica breaths free. Guildsmen! This is the world you inhabit, this is the place where you will make your fortune, build a mighty empire, and battle for the glory and honor of the banner… Section Two: Guild Background and Theme Mitgardia: Frigid Wonderland Landscape: From the Frozen Beyond with its secrets to the vast snowy lands of various clans. Where the clan territory ends the terrain starts with large pine forests and the heavenly mountains. After passing the mountains you'll find the tundras and finally there's the Demon's Ridge. That's Mitgardia. No one knows what lies in the Frozen Beyond, not many dare to go there. It is home to fierce creatures like ice dragons and blizzard wolfs, whom haven't crossed the Ebar stream for centuries which connects the Frozen Beyond to the Clan Lands. Recently the fearsome Algus made an attempt to overthrow all of Mitgardia, but have been pushed back into the wastelands of the Frozen Beyond. The Clan Lands are home to various tribes. The conditions are extremely harsh as there's snow whole year long, here real men are made. At the age of 12 boys are send into the cold by pairs, to make it on their own a whole year long to return as men. Even southern cities send their boys to the clans to learn the ways of the clans. South of the Clan Lands majestic mountains appear. The Heavenly Mountains, surrounded by pine forests these mountains are home to grand cities like Omurtag. These mountains are also Mitgardia's economical heart, because they contain iron, gold, coal and other treasures. Past the mountains you'll find the tundra, which holds plains and forests. These lands are Mitgardia's agricultural center and it's home to most of Mitgardia's inhabitants as it also contains Valholl, the capital. In the summer the tempertures can even go up as high as the ones they are used to in Kaliphlin, because of warm winds from Nocturnus´ vulcanoes. Most south lies Demon's Ridge. A natural barrier to keep unwanted guests out of Mitgardia. With its steep mountains, combined with the cold, you don't want to go through them without a guide. The Isles of Solitude are mostly uninhabited, though ruins of ancient strongholds still remain, and a few outposts of stalwart Mitgardians can be found. Standard: Green and yellow unite Mitgardia. Economy: Giant mines with Historica's best treasures, and of course Ale, are Mitgardia's most important economical resources. Timber is also plentiful Section Three: Recent Guild History Even Mitgardia fell prey to the disorder and discontent so prevalent in Historica recently, and nearly plunged into civil war as some of the powerful Dwarven houses looked to invade Avalonia. Ultimately, the crisis was averted, but tensions between some Dwarven families and the Mitgardian government remained. And then came the terrible invasion of the Algus from the Frozen Beyond. In the struggle to push them back to their icy lands much of Mitgardia was weakened.With a new heir to the throne in Cedrica, maybe now Mitgardia can rebuild its former days of unity and might. Section Four: Guild Leader Core Leader: soccerkid6, this is the member who you can go to for changes to this thread, member disputes, and game question about Mitgardia. Guild Leaders: These are the characters who lead the factions for story purposes. Mitgardian Faction- Sir Glorfindel (soccerkid6) is acting as the Steward of Mitgardia currently, while Elon Chorian (Ecclesiastes) attends to some important family matters. Sir Glorfindel's advisors:Elon Chorian (Ecclesiastes)Steen Larsson (kabel) Section Five: Current Guild Challenges. Guild sign-up: If Mitgardia sounds like the home for you, create a character and post your character in this thread! Community Build: Landscapes of Mitgardia, Dwellings of Mitgardia Mitgardia free-build-challenge: Age of Mitgardia Please post a link to each of your free-builds or challenge builds in this topic, as you complete them. It keeps things simple for indexing purposes. Past Books: Mitgardia Book I Thread, Mitgardia Book II Thread Section Six: People of Mitgardia.Mitgardia is home to a wide variety of people, below are some examples of the types of inhabitants you may find: Members Elon Chorian (Ecclesiastes) Titles and profession: Leader of Mitgardia Short Bio: Proud member of the house of Chorian who live in Ondylion for centuries which was destroyed by the elemental monsters. With the absence of the Jarl and his city destroyed, Elon is living in Valholl now as steward of Mitgardia. Hometown: Valholl Parts: Head, Head and Torso, Green Arms, Hips and Legs, Cape 1, Cape 2, Cape 3, Shields and Axe Blades, Bar, Plume, Steen Larsson (kabel) Titles and profession: Carpenter, Royal Architect, Vice-Admiral of the Mitgardia Fleet, Homeprovider for the Poor, Defender of Valholl as well as Doctus of Mitgardia. Short Bio: Steen was born in Helgestorp a small village near the city of Stoneroda, where, at the age of 7, he became a carpenter aprentince. Due to his military skills he soon rose within the ranks of the Stoneroda militia and his protector Lord Eric Grimmson became awere of him. Steen was eventually choosen to represent the Stoneroda carpenter guild in the Valholl Thing, the Mitgardian parliament. There he showed that he was able to do more than just fight and cut timbers and thus earned quite some titles. With the descrution of Helgestorp and Stoneroda, Steen relocated to Thorshaven, where his brother Lars Larsson currently serves as the mayor of the prospering young town. Hometown: Stoneroda Parts: Hair,¨Head, Cape, Torso, Arms, Hips and Legs, Spear Sir Glorfindel (soccerkid6 - previous sigfig) Titles and profession: Architect Regent of Valholl, Officer of Valholl, Treasurer of the Valholl Mason's guild, Economic Titan, Knight of Valholl, Mason Teacher, Shadow Rider, Rigr, Gentleman, Farmer, Innkeeper, Watchman, Protector, Frost Berserker, Eagle Eyed Danger, Manager, Gatekeeper, Vendour, Miller, Lord Mayor, Agrarian, and Strategic Heavy Weight Short Bio: Though Daydelon has been a small town in years past it is now expanding rapidly and Glorfindel is committed to keeping it strong. Glorfindel visits Valholl often to discuss current matters in Mitgardia with Elon and Steen. Among the dwarves of Mitgardia Glorfindel has many allies, and is always welcomed at the great city of Hradcanny. Hometown: Daydelon Parts: Plume, Green Hand Plume, Helmet and Visor, Head, Cape, Scabbard, Torso, Arms, Legs, Sword, Shield Eryl Storrar (soccerkid6) Titles and profession: Short Bio: Eryl Storrar of Harburg is already a staunch Mitgardian despite his young age. Which should stand him in good stead as he likely will be lord of Harburg one day. Eryl's parents, Karsten and Karin, are the Lord and Lady of Harburg, while his uncle is Sir Glorfindel - Karsten's younger brother. Eryl has a twin sister named Elise, and like most twins, they get into plenty of mischief together. Hometown: Harburg Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs Mikkel Winter-Stone (mrcp6d) Titles and profession: member of the Jarls' engineering corps Short Bio: Mikkel is an engineer for the Jarl, hailing from the Mitgardian capitol, Valholl, and was traveling on a cartography expedition in the Northern Wastelands when Victor's machinations came to light. Since then, he has used his knowledge to improve on the crossbow, increasing its range and accuracy. Recently, in conjunction with the dwarves of Omurtag, he has begun experimenting with new fire-powered ballistic weapons. Whether this fire-breathing tube functions on science or wizardry, he knows not - he just knows it works. Hometown: Valholl Parts: Feather , Hat , Head , Scarf , Torso , Green Arms , Hands , Legs Sir Gunman the Lurikeen (Gunman) Titles and profession: Economic Titan Short Bio: Gunman was born in euosmos, a small city Southeast of tundra.Following his father's steps he became member of a local clan named DAOC at the age of 13. The clan was all about hunting wild animals near euosmos and exploring the lands of Mitgardia. Today at the age of 27, Gunman and his friends Hlias and Markus are core members of the clan and starting to plan serious adventures outside of the Mitgardian boarders. Hometown: Euosmos Parts: Arms, Torso, Legs, Sword, Cape 1, Cape 2, Head, Hair Wyndor (MKJoshA) Titles and profession: Leader of the forces at Dalig Ulv, Friend of the dwarves of Treacleheim, Bane of the Algus Short Bio: Wyndor lives in the northwestern portion of Mitgardia. During the Algus Saga he worked with Charlemagne from Kaliphlin to obtain a dragon. Now he spends his days patrolling the northern borders of Mitgardia with his dragon to ensure no Algus make their way south. Hometown: Dalig Ulv Parts: coming soon! Makny Annenson (The Stad) Profession: Commander of the Stromvakt Bio: Born to the second son of the Lord of Førstlys on the Burial Isle, Makny Annensen was never likely to inherit the rule of his grandfather’s holdings. Instead, he passed his youth learning the ways in which he could best serve his family and people. After his customary year in the clan lands when he came of age, which was just before the Elemental Crisis, he had many adventures and faced many trials, eventually coming into his own as a warrior and strategist. Following the wars against Ravaage, his puppet states, and his allies, Makny surrendered any claim he would ever have to the lordship and took his father’s place commanding the Stromvakt, the elite household guard of Førstlys. Hometown: Førstlys Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Scabbard, Cape Alfadas Mandredson (Alfadas) Titles and profession: Rigr Alfadas Mandredson, Frost Berserker, Eagle Eyed Danger, Shadow Rider, Watchmen, Gatekeeper, Protector and Farmer from the North! Short Bio: Hailing from a small village near the Winter lakes in the south of Mitgardia, Alfadas grew up as the oldest son of the leader of said village. The village thrived in fishing (as they are close to the winter lakes) and the export of said fish to nearby towns. Alfadas didn't much feel like becoming the leader of a small boring village, so he took a couple of friends and together, with Alfadas as their captain, they traveled all across Mitgardia, aiding people and Mitgardia itself. Slowly coming to the conclusion he isn't invulnerable (mostly because he got one of his legs chopped off by a Cyclops) Alfadas grew up to become a more responsible person. When he gets tired of fighting, he will have a village to govern. Hometown: The Winter Lakes Parts: Hair, head, torso, cape (brown), sword, shield, legs (aren't official legs, they are regular green legs with a peg leg) Isengrin (meepinater) Titles and profession: Soldier, scaredy-cat, chicken, little mouse. Short Bio: As a child, Isengrin always wanted to serve as a soldier. When he became of age, he enlisted for a soldier. In his first battle, however, he witnessed his company murdered by orcs. He has never recovered since. Although he can still summon his courage, Isengrin often turns pale at the mention of orcs or goblins... or anything of the sort, really. Hometown: Omurtag Parts: torso: part #937 in dk grey with black hands. legs: part #970 in dark grey. weapon: part # 25111 in silver. Shield: part #22408. helmet: part #3844. armor: part #2587. head: part #326cpb2081 Arun Hilgrim (CaptainAaron) Titles and profession: none Short Bio: Arun is a novice explorer and aspiring wizard from Valholl. There, he recently completed university studies in archaeology and mystic lore. With the recent dangers facing the realms, he hopes to help by unearthing ancient artifacts and discovering long-lost secrets. Besides being a well versed researcher, Arun has some arcane skill. This is currently limited to two abilities. First, he can brightly illuminate his staff at will. The second is that he can comprehend the speech of his wooly goat, Grep. Arun is now moving into his family’s old cottage located in the foothills northeast of Valholl. From there he will have a safe haven for adventuring and can begin exploring the lands of Mitgardia. Hometown: Valholl Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Backpack Lady Eleanor of Bluevale (Bracari) Title: Ruler of Bluevale Short Bio: The Bluevale country is Lady Eleanor's ancestral home. Nestled inside a mighty mountain range it is a long valley with a large lake in the middle, fed by a myriad of small streams which spring from the surrounding mountains. A river flows from this lake carving a small pass through the eastern part of the mountains. The southwestern region has hot springs and geysers due to volcanic activity, this gives the valley a special micro-climate. The valley is fertile and was famous for its Orchards whose Apples were then distilled into cider, appreciated throughout Mitgardia. The Lords of Bluevale prospered from this trade for centuries, acquiring land and businesses even in the Capital itself. Unfortunately a volcanic eruption followed by a war between brothers took a heavy toll on the community as many died or fled. Although triumphant against his brother, Lord Brius (Eleanor's grandfather) moved the family to Valholl being able to maintain a noble status due to his wealth. Eleanor was born there, her mother dying in childbirth, and raised surrounded by finery, a melancholic grandfather and often absent father. However, without the steady income from Bluevale's products, some bad investments and general squandering of money by Eleanor's father, Lord Firth, after her grandfather's passing the family lost most of its wealth. When Lord Firth died just a couple of years later, the family status gone and looked upon with a certain disdain by other nobles a young Eleanor decided to sell the little holdings she still had (even the family's house in the city where she grew up) and with a small retinue of faithful servants return to Bluevale to reclaim and rebuild the family's domain. Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs and Hips, Cape. Ronan Lund ((Luc)ky Luke) Titles and profession: Blacksmith in training Short Bio: Ronan was born in the small village called Flockwood. This village high up in the mountains was founded, after the destruction of Helgestorp by a small group of former inhabitants. After a few days of walking haunted by freezing winds this small group found a spring in an almost hidden valley. The group decided to stay there and founded the village now known as Flockwood. Because of the dangers the group encountered in the mountains and the everyday treat of the freezing cold and the mountain’s wildlife, every boy and girl had to learn how to fight from the day they learned how to walk. Even though he lives in a rough place Ronan always tries to stay positive. Hometown: Flockwood Parts: Hat Head Cape Torso Pants Ygnvi Arnesson (Ayrlego) Titles and Profession: None Short Bio: Ygnvi Arnesson grew up in a small rural village set in the valleys of Mitgardia's southern mountains. His early summers were spent in the mountains tending to his families livestock and he seemed set to become a simple farmer. That was; however, until he was drafted into the local fyrd during recent troubles. Unlike many of his neighbours, he seemed to have a talent of fighting, and the taste of life outside of the village of his birth gave him a yearning for adventure. Now free of his service in the militia, he looks to make his name and fortune serving Mitgardia however he can. Parts: hair, head, torso (with green arms), legs Amos Lachlan (Spud the Viking) Titles and Profession: Clergyman, chronicler, scholar. Short Bio: Amos Lachlan is the second son of a farming family in the South lowlands of Mitgardia. He preaches within a small community and still has a soft-spot for agriculture because of his upbringing. Lachlan would like to venture out into surrounding settlements in order to get a general sense of the politics and needs of the people. He keeps notes of current events in order to provide written history. Along with him travels his dog; Kirk. Hometown: A small village on the West side of the Antler river Parts: to be updated Andros Graymane (A_Goodman) Titles and Profession: Blacksmith Short Bio: Born to a modest family on a farm outside of Valholl, Andros grew up in comfort while learning trades such as lumberman and agriculturist. However Andros always had a gift for forging. At the age of 15 Andros left home and joined a group of mercenaries called the Silent Scythe. They were known for taking odd jobs around the Tundra and occasionally making their way north into the Clan Lands. After several years, a job went bad and the few remaining members of the group disbanded. Upon returning home Andros discovered the family farm in ruin and no trace of what had become of his family. Taking the small amount of gold he had saved during his time as a member of the Silent Scythe he purchased a small forge south of Teridyan, on the eastern border of the Tundra. Here he creates some of the highest quality weapons and armor in all of Mitgardia. Although he feels more comfortable creating weapons than using them, as a former mercenary, he is always ready to suit up in his old set of armor and join some fellow guildsman on a quest. As long as there is some gold in it for him of course. Hometown:Valholl Parts:Will Add Virgil Faust (Blaze) Titles and profession: Captain of the Northern Rangers. A group of soldiers whose task it is to protect the most northern places of Mitgardia. Their speciality is hunting and taming dragons and big lizards, but are also excellent at capturing/hunting or sometimes even killing of other large creatures and monsters. Short Bio: A young ranger, but with already a great reputation, he is the youngest captain ever and also the gouvernor of Pikesteel village. If you have a big snake in your bathroom or a drake in your backyard, send a message to Virgil, he will know how to take care of them! Hometown: Pikesteel Village, at the foot of Pikesteel Mountain. Dargrin Galvinor (dathil) Short bio: The Galvinors go way back. Originating from Varlyria, Dargrin's ancestors came to Stagmont in Mitgardia looking for a new home, a place to follow their ideals. Within a few generations, they became a respected family, due to them using their coin investing in the expanse of Stagmont. The Stagmont Dargrin has been born and raised in, has become a serious town, and the Galvinors are accepted as its paramounts. Dargrin, his brother Edmun, and their uncle Drakk are focussed on solving the mysteries around the disappearance of their parents during the war, as well as on restoring the prosperity of their hometown. Hometown: Stagmont (sigil: Stag on a dark red and dark green field) Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Cape Snorri Puvelson (Puvel) Titles and profession: Farmer - Protector Short Bio: Snorri Puvelson, son of Puvel the Hurn, is a veteran of the Alguswars. After receiving training from his father, Snorri joined the fight in the cold mountains. Even though he’s a battle hardened veteran at his young age, his aim is to lead a peaceful life and make his hometown prosperous again. Hometown: Kyllingfelt Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Legs? Eoin Wallace (Eoin Wallace) Short bio: Eoin Wallace is a fierce warrior who lives in the woods just south of Dalig ulv, with his friend Douglas. From his house in the woods he mostly spends his time patrolling the wilds of mitgardia, discouraging bandits and keeping law and order. He sometimes goes into the cities but when he does its never for long, for he feels uneasy with all the people in one place. Home town: the woods south of Dalig ulv. Parts: head, legs, torso, green and yellow arms with flesh hands, scabbard, sword, cape, hair, brown stick, torch, gem. Louis of Valnötsträd (Louis of Nutwood) Titles and Profession: Young Karl; Aspiring warrior. Short Bio: I was born in a small village called Valnötsträd, famous for its timber. Father was a skillful carpenter and Mother was an audacious house builder. But I never aspired to work with them. My destiny was much grander. I dreamt of crossing the lands of the North, to seek for mysteries and great adventures, just like my grandfather, Föbvr the Wise. I wanted to fight alongside the bravest of men and build alliances with the wisest of them.On my father’s deathbed, I pledged to protect my family. And I swore to the gods that I would become a great warrior to fight and die for the people of Mitgardia.To Valholl. To Mitgardia! Hometown: Valnötsträd Parts: Hair, Head with freckles, Cape, Hun Cape, Torso, Dark brown left arm, Dark blue right Arm, Legs, Sword, Shield, Brown Stick. Sigrid Haraldsdottir (Aurore) Titles and profession : advisor and aspiring herbalist Short bio : Sigrid was the youngest daughter of the ruler of Horgaard, a tiny village nested in a secluded valley of the Heavenly Mountains. She spent a peaceful childhood bickering with her siblings and riding in the mountains, while showing an insatiable curiosity about...well, about everything and anything - but especially plants. And rocks. And animals as well. When her father and brothers went to war, Sigrid and her older sister Dagmar were left behind in charge of the village. Years later, none of the men have returned. Dagmar has become the de facto ruler of the village, and Sigrid acts as her advisor. HometownHome-one-horse-village : Horgaard Parts : Hair - Head - Cape - Torso (with white arms) - Skirt (alternate legs when mounted) Captain Arion (ForTheGreaterGood) Short Bio: My sigfig's name is Captain Arion, he's a Mitgardian army captain and he's from Teridyan. He's the second of five children, and prefers to lead his soldiers by example rather than by words. Parts List: hair, torso , arms are just regular green system arms, legs ,sword, shield, head Ava (Zarcania) Short bio : Has been recently discovered by a Mitgardian, lying on the floor near ruins in the south of Mitgardia. A list of name has been found in his pocket. It appaers that, at least some could be Mitgardians names. Until now, he has not really managed to wake up from the limb he is in, so we don't really know more. Title and profession : we don't know... Hometown : we don't know... Celestina StrongSilver (The British Brixter) Hometown: LilyOake Short Bio: Raised in the quaint village of LilyOake near the border of the Mitgardia tundra, Celestina would witness the brutality of the winter and the bloodlust of starved citizens. A famine blighted her crops and caused a famine so large that half the population died out, Lord Falx, the leader of LilyOake was only able to keep his domain by relocating his people to The Isle of Solitude where the people have begun work on building a new LilyOake from a large Fort called Fort Eaglefall. Celestina now works as a sergeant in the LilyOake guard, protecting her people from outside threats and overlooking the development of LilyOake Gunther van Hal (Captain Flint) Titles and profession: Huntsman. He is a mercenary who mostly works alone and hunting witches, monsters, various creatures and discovering many strange and unexplained things. Short Bio: He was born in a small village in the Clan Lands. He lost his mother very young, his father had to leave and left him with old Helmut, who was a blacksmith and a good friend of his father. Helmut trained him how to wield a sword. He quickly showed skills and with a lot of hard work and exploration of the unknown, he became the best huntsman in the area. Hometown: Snowy wilderness Edited January 21, 20232 yr by soccerkid6
August 2, 20186 yr Author If all of you Mitgardians could post your updated or new sigfig introductions here as well, I think that would be a good idea. Then new members in the future can still easily find our Book III intros. So here is Eryl Storrar's again: From left to right: Karin Storrar, Eryl and Elise (twins), Karsten Storrar. Eryl Storrar (soccerkid6) Titles and profession: Short Bio: Eryl Storrar of Harburg is already a staunch Mitgardian despite his young age. Which should stand him in good stead as he likely will be lord of Harburg one day. Eryl's parents, Karsten and Karin, are the Lord and Lady of Harburg, while his uncle is Sir Glorfindel - Karsten's younger brother. Eryl has a twin sister named Elise, and like most twins, they get into plenty of mischief together. Hometown: Harburg Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs @MKJoshA @The Stad If you two can put together bios matching the format of those in the first post, I'll update your character descriptions
August 4, 20186 yr Can't wait to get this chapter started! To see all those new MOCs, new challenges and to see where to story goes. Edit: I looked at my back story in Book ll and it's, gently put, garbage. Can I rewrite my back story for the same character? Still plan to use Alfadas Mandredson, but with a different story if that's allowed. For now this is my picture: Edited August 4, 20186 yr by Alfadas
August 4, 20186 yr Author On 8/4/2018 at 3:36 PM, Alfadas said: Can't wait to get this chapter started! To see all those new MOCs, new challenges and to see where to story goes. Edit: I looked at my back story in Book ll and it's, gently put, garbage. Can I rewrite my back story for the same character? Still plan to use Alfadas Mandredson, but with a different story if that's allowed. For now this is my picture: Glad you're staying in the coolest guild! I think it would be quite alright to give your character a story reset for Book III. If you put together a bio matching the format of those in the first post, I'll add you to the members list
August 4, 20186 yr On 8/4/2018 at 5:10 PM, soccerkid6 said: Glad you're staying in the coolest guild! I think it would be quite alright to give your character a story reset for Book III. If you put together a bio matching the format of those in the first post, I'll add you to the members list Right, thanks :) Titles and profession: Rigr Alfadas Mandredson, Frost Berserker, Eagle Eyed Danger, Shadow Rider, Watchmen, Gatekeeper, Protector and Farmer from the North! Short Bio: Hailing from a small village near the Winter lakes in the south of Mitgardia, Alfadas grew up as the oldest son of the leader of said village. The village thrived in fishing (as they are close to the winter lakes) and the export of said fish to nearby towns. Alfadas didn't much feel like becoming the leader of a small boring village, so he took a couple of friends and together, with Alfadas as their captain, they traveled all across Mitgardia, aiding people and Mitgardia itself. Slowly coming to the conclusion he isn't invulnerable (mostly because he got one of his legs chopped off by a Cyclops) Alfadas grew up to become a more responsible person. When he gets tired of fighting, he will have a village to govern. Hometown: The Winter Lakes Parts: Hair, head, torso, cape (brown), sword, shield, legs (aren't official legs, they are regular green legs with a peg leg)
August 4, 20186 yr I hope book III makes me come back at building :) Sir Gunman signs up (same sigfig as the intro post)
August 5, 20186 yr Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums and just posted an intro in Book III general if you would like to know more about me. I'm looking forward to building with all of you. Arun Hilgrim (CaptainAaron) Titles and profession: none Short Bio: Arun is a novice explorer and aspiring wizard from Valholl. There, he recently completed university studies in archaeology and mystic lore. With the recent dangers facing the realms, he hopes to help by unearthing ancient artifacts and discovering long-lost secrets. Besides being a well versed researcher, Arun has some arcane skill. This is currently limited to two abilities. First, he can brightly illuminate his staff at will. The second is that he can comprehend the speech of his wooly goat, Grep. Arun is now moving into his family’s old cottage located in the foothills northeast of Valholl. From there he will have a safe haven for adventuring and can begin exploring the lands of Mitgardia. Hometown: Valholl Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Backpack Edited August 8, 20186 yr by CaptainAaron Formatted for member list.
August 6, 20186 yr Author Welcome aboard @CaptainAaron! Arun and Grep look like they will have some great adventures together
August 6, 20186 yr On 8/5/2018 at 11:36 PM, CaptainAaron said: Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums and just posted an intro in Book III general if you would like to know more about me. I'm looking forward to building with all of you. Arun Hilgrim swears loyalty to Mitgardia. Background: Arun Hilgrim is a novice explorer and aspiring wizard from Valholl. There, he recently completed university studies in archaeology and mystic lore. With the recent dangers facing the realms, he hopes to help by unearthing ancient artifacts and discovering long-lost secrets. Besides being a well versed researcher, Arun has some arcane skill. This is currently limited to two abilities. First, he can brightly illuminate his staff at will. The second is that he can comprehend the speech of his wooly goat, Grep. Arun is now moving into his family’s old cottage located in the foothills northeast of Valholl. From there he will have a safe haven for adventuring and can begin exploring the lands. Welcome to Mitgardia! Hope you'll like it here. And speaking with a goat. You sure that's magic and not some weird mushrooms you found?
August 6, 20186 yr Author On 8/6/2018 at 6:36 AM, mccoyed said: Hey. I still love you guys. Just saying. :P Well that's good to know Enjoy your time in Varlyrio!
August 6, 20186 yr Makny Annensen Profession: Commander of the Stromvakt Bio: Born to the second son of the Lord of Førstlys on the Burial Isle, Makny Annensen was never likely to inherit the rule of his grandfather’s holdings. Instead, he passed his youth learning the ways in which he could best serve his family and people. After his customary year in the clan lands when he came of age, which was just before the Elemental Crisis, he had many adventures and faced many trials, eventually coming into his own as a warrior and strategist. Following the wars against Ravaage, his puppet states, and his allies, Makny surrendered any claim he would ever have to the lordship and took his father’s place commanding the Stromvakt, the elite household guard of Førstlys. Hometown: Førstlys Parts: Hair, Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Scabbard, Cape Edited August 6, 20186 yr by The Stad
August 6, 20186 yr Wyndor (MKJoshA) Titles and profession: Leader of the forces at Dalig Ulv, Friend of the dwarves of Treacleheim, Bane of the Algus Short Bio: Wyndor lives in the northwestern portion of Mitgardia. During the Algus Saga he worked with Charlemagne from Kaliphlin to obtain a dragon. Now he spends his days patrolling the northern borders of Mitgardia with his dragon to ensure no Algus make their way south. Hometown: Dalig Ulv Parts: coming soon!
August 7, 20186 yr Signing up! Name: Isengrin (meepinater) Profession: soldier titles: Scaredy-cat, chicken, little mouse. Short Bio: As a child, Isengrin always wanted to serve as a soldier. When he became of age, he enlisted for a soldier. In his first battle, however, he witnessed his company murdered by orcs. He has never recovered since. Although he can still summon his courage, Isengrin often turns pale at the mention of orcs or goblins... or anything of the sort, really. Hometown: Omurtag Parts: torso: part #937 in dk grey with black hands. legs: part #970 in dark grey. weapon: part # 25111 in silver. Shield: part #22408. helmet: part #3844. armor: part #2587. head: part #326cpb2081 Edited August 7, 20186 yr by meepinater
August 7, 20186 yr Author @The Stad @MKJoshA Thanks guys! Edited the first post to include your updated info @meepinater Glad to have you in the north! I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of Isengrin, and hearing more of his misadventures @CaptainAaron If you would like to write up a bio following the format in the first post, I can add Arun (and Grep ) to our members list. Also I just opened a new Mitgardian Community Build for Book III!Dwellings of Mitgardia I'm hoping to do a build for it myself before too long, and it would likely be an especially fitting task for some of you newer members. Edited August 7, 20186 yr by soccerkid6
August 7, 20186 yr On 8/7/2018 at 1:10 AM, soccerkid6 said: @The Stad @MKJoshA Thanks guys! Edited the first post to include your updated info @meepinater Glad to have you in the north! I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of Isengrin, and hearing more of his misadventures @CaptainAaron If you would like to write up a bio following the format in the first post, I can add Arun (and Grep ) to our members list. Also I just opened a new Mitgardian Community Build for Book III!Dwellings of Mitgardia I'm hoping to do a build for it myself before too long, and it would likely be an especially fitting task for some of you newer members. so... I would upload pictures but my Sd card reader broke... in the meantime, how does this work? do we just post mocs that follow a storyline? if so, is the storyline for all of Mitgardia, or just our characters? obviously, we can post plain old mocs...
August 7, 20186 yr On 8/7/2018 at 1:10 AM, soccerkid6 said: Also I just opened a new Mitgardian Community Build for Book III!Dwellings of Mitgardia I'm hoping to do a build for it myself before too long, and it would likely be an especially fitting task for some of you newer members. Oooh nice. Not great at all at building a house of any sort so this will be a fun challenge. I assume there is no end date? except maybe the end of book lll?
August 7, 20186 yr Author On 8/7/2018 at 1:42 AM, meepinater said: so... I would upload pictures but my Sd card reader broke... in the meantime, how does this work? do we just post mocs that follow a storyline? if so, is the storyline for all of Mitgardia, or just our characters? obviously, we can post plain old mocs... You are welcome to create builds developing your own character's story, and that also may tie into general happenings in the Guilds. Not every build has to be about your character, just some aspect of life in the Guilds of Historica, you're even allowed to build scenes set in the other guilds! When official challenges come out, there will be more specific build prompts to follow. On 8/7/2018 at 6:57 AM, Alfadas said: Oooh nice. Not great at all at building a house of any sort so this will be a fun challenge. I assume there is no end date? except maybe the end of book lll? Glad you like it, and yup, no end date
August 7, 20186 yr On 8/7/2018 at 11:55 AM, soccerkid6 said: You are welcome to create builds developing your own character's story, and that also may tie into general happenings in the Guilds. Not every build has to be about your character, just some aspect of life in the Guilds of Historica, you're even allowed to build scenes set in the other guilds! When official challenges come out, there will be more specific build prompts to follow. ok, thanks. I'm working on Isengrin's house... it's cool.
August 7, 20186 yr Author On 8/7/2018 at 7:10 PM, meepinater said: ok, thanks. I'm working on Isengrin's house... it's cool. Looking forward to seeing that!
August 8, 20186 yr @soccerkid6 I have edited my post above to match the formatting style of the member list.
August 8, 20186 yr Author @CaptainAaron Excellent! I've added you to our quickly growing list of members
August 8, 20186 yr Ok, I'm in! I signed up years ago, YEARS AGO, and chose Mitgardia. Due to working management at a LEGO store, I didn't really have time to build on my own, ironic right? So, I never properly withdrew from the team. That being said, only right that I fulfill the pledge I made! So I will join (rejoin) Mitgardia. Unfortunately, I'm a bit limited as of right now, broke both elbows a week before Brickworld Chicago, hopefully cleared sooner than later, but I have started building small scale. I really want to work on my castle-like building skills and I think this is the perfect place to further that. That being said...I'll develop a new figure within the next week and get going on a back story. Looking for a climate similar to the Midwest USA, where my guy can farm during the summer months, but within/nearby the mountains...if possible? Roughly, what location would I be looking at? Thanks in advance.
August 8, 20186 yr On 8/8/2018 at 7:17 PM, Stash2Sixx said: Ok, I'm in! I signed up years ago, YEARS AGO, and chose Mitgardia. Due to working management at a LEGO store, I didn't really have time to build on my own, ironic right? So, I never properly withdrew from the team. That being said, only right that I fulfill the pledge I made! So I will join (rejoin) Mitgardia. Unfortunately, I'm a bit limited as of right now, broke both elbows a week before Brickworld Chicago, hopefully cleared sooner than later, but I have started building small scale. I really want to work on my castle-like building skills and I think this is the perfect place to further that. That being said...I'll develop a new figure within the next week and get going on a back story. Looking for a climate similar to the Midwest USA, where my guy can farm during the summer months, but within/nearby the mountains...if possible? Roughly, what location would I be looking at? Thanks in advance. Welcome (back?)! Not entirely sure about the climate in midwest usa, but around the Winter Lakes in the South or near Vaholl seems like the place you want. It's in the south, so the climate is a bit more modest, summers are not too cold. On a different note, the Orcish Marches, is that like the name suggests? Just a swamp with tons of orcs? Might need to send an expedition there to thin their numbers if that's the case. Edited August 8, 20186 yr by Alfadas clicked the submit button to quickly
August 9, 20186 yr Author @Stash2Sixx Super excited to have you back in Mitgardia! John and I would have loved to have met you at Brickworld. Too bad about the broken elbows (heard about that from some of the other EB crew when there too). As Alfadas said, somewhere near Vaholl should work well for that sort of climate. Likely near the mountain range to the west of Vaholl, or on the southern side of Mt. Mitgard @Alfadas There hasn't been much representation of the Orcish marches in the past. I would assume there are indeed a significant amount of orcs there. Though I would not advise attacking any fellow Mitgardians, whatever their race. Edited August 9, 20186 yr by soccerkid6
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