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Won't be posting any more chapters for a few more days. Not allowed on my computer. Having to sneak on now...

EDIT: Apparently I'm allowed on! Whoo!

Edited by AwesomeStar

To all EBRP players,

The format and template for the EBRP Faction Summary thread is finally complete with Version 1, in place.

The first kingdom, Black Knights Kingdom has all the key information that is required for the summary thread. All information are based on the posts/story plot that are done in EBRP. There are not supposed to contain any false information that are meant to mislead others. Future information/character may be added if you are intending to use it in your story.

All players are welcome to add in more characters in Black Knights Kingdom, if you are interested. Players are always welcome to add in other factions as well. This summary is meant to give you a very good guide/summary on the kingdom's situation. It's not supposed to be meant to confuse you. This is to ensure, that proper control are taking place to prevent players from creating false scenarios.

Players whom are interested and keen to develop the structure of a particular kingdom. Please talk to us, and tell us your ideas. You must be committed and ready to devote your time to plan the correct direction for the selected kingdom. Having an idea and not contributing to the development to EBRP, is not wise to do so.

At the moment, we do not allow any players to insert direct information or have control over the EBRP Faction Summary Thread. However, if you wish to adopt a kingdom and develop it. Please use the standard template used, and filled up all key information and links. With these information, send us a PM (Private Message), and we will help you to improve the layout better.

Any new amendments or new additions to existing factions, please kindly inform me, KhoRne or ImperialShadows in the Discussion thread. We will be glad to help you with any enquires or doubts.

Lastly, I hope each and every EBRP players truly enjoy these interactive story based fanatasy game.



Edited by WhiteFang

That's a great job you've done there WhiteFang, very clear and easy to follow. :sweet:

I would like to adopt the Dragon Masters Kingdom, for obvious reasons. :blush: It has a huge amount of history and information that I would not be able to fit in there, but I would be happy to write up a summary first. Do we still post excess information in the character summary thread, for example descriptions and pictures of towns, well known legends, population statistics, general information about dragons and the like? I'm thinking of working on my own little 'project' based around the DM, although it will be a whole lot more detailed etc. I want to try and share some of the history with you all, it is very deep and interesting... :grin:

As Dragonator said, great job there Whitefang,

I'd like to Work on the Dwarven kingdom, as they are the ones I RP the most, Also I want to give an idea of their situation at the Present time and hopefully assist anyother players who are looking to join the Dwarves.

Yeah, by the way, I won't be posting for three weeks (24th to the 14th) as I have an important trip I need to attend to, so If at all possible I'll post as soon as I get back, hope that's okay.

Dragonator, feel free to add the Rider Paladins into your faction summary, it is after all, your faction, so I leave them to you while I'm away...

That's a great job you've done there WhiteFang, very clear and easy to follow. :sweet:
As Dragonator said, great job there Whitefang,

Dragonator and Inertia, thanks for giving your kind comments. I had been improving the format over three beta versions. Personally, to kick off the EBRP Faction Summary Thread. At least, I am sure most of the players will now have a much clearer picture now. :classic:

I would like to adopt the Dragon Masters Kingdom, for obvious reasons. :blush: It has a huge amount of history and information that I would not be able to fit in there, but I would be happy to write up a summary first. Do we still post excess information in the character summary thread, for example descriptions and pictures of towns, well known legends, population statistics, general information about dragons and the like? I'm thinking of working on my own little 'project' based around the DM, although it will be a whole lot more detailed etc. I want to try and share some of the history with you all, it is very deep and interesting... :grin:

Dragonator, your knowledge of Dragon Masters Kingdom, is great. And I will love to tap on your expertise on that. :tongue:

This is a summary of easy reading, so huge amount of history and information should be summarised as simple as possible. Well, one day, I do hope to add in more interesting information and on its background. I think it will be fanastic.

Pictures of towns and descriptions had came into my mind before, while I am doing this summary format. I think it's good, but it will required much more time as there is a need to include more scenery / structure to be there which involved plenty of buildings to generate enough capacity for it.

Keep those information there, and do up the first version. Remember, these is only Version 1. There will be bound to have improvements over time. I will be looking forward to your Dragon Masters' format soon. :sweet:

Oh and another note, I mentioned bits and pieces of Northern Sky and Southern Sky. Why these names are no longer adopt? We will leave it in the EBRP Story. As always, I always think these 2 kingdom are united together. That's why, I adopted these titles. Hope you share the same sentiments too. :sweet:

I'd like to Work on the Dwarven kingdom, as they are the ones I RP the most, Also I want to give an idea of their situation at the Present time and hopefully assist anyother players who are looking to join the Dwarves.

Yeah, by the way, I won't be posting for three weeks (24th to the 14th) as I have an important trip I need to attend to, so If at all possible I'll post as soon as I get back, hope that's okay.

Dragonator, feel free to add the Rider Paladins into your faction summary, it is after all, your faction, so I leave them to you while I'm away...

Inertia, as a Dwarf player in the EBRP. I am anticpating your particpation too. :wink:

Previously, I had noticed from your past entries to highlight that dwarves are not under one ruler. Instead, there are separated by Clans in the Dwarven Lands. Therefore, can you highlight and formulate a structure based on Clan structure hierarchy for the Dwarves. I am not sure if this is the intended approach you want to do. Maybe, you can try and give us a clearer outlook on your clan and the overall dwarf kingdom structure.

Take your time, and think about it. Always remember to relate it into story, one day. Additional information will be added if there is a requirement for it. For now, let's focus on the Faction format first. :blush:

On a side note, ImperialShadows will be planning for the Crown Kingdom, where Aluvar will have to sit down and look through at his thick and dusty scrolls, reading the history. :tongue:

Dragonator, your knowledge of Dragon Masters Kingdom, is great. And I will love to tap on your expertise on that. :tongue:

This is a summary of easy reading, so huge amount of history and information should be summarised as simple as possible. Well, one day, I do hope to add in more interesting information and on its background. I think it will be fanastic.

Pictures of towns and descriptions had came into my mind before, while I am doing this summary format. I think it's good, but it will required much more time as there is a need to include more scenery / structure to be there which involved plenty of buildings to generate enough capacity for it.

Keep those information there, and do up the first version. Remember, these is only Version 1. There will be bound to have improvements over time. I will be looking forward to your Dragon Masters' format soon. :sweet:

Oh and another note, I mentioned bits and pieces of Northern Sky and Southern Sky. Why these names are no longer adopt? We will leave it in the EBRP Story. As always, I always think these 2 kingdom are united together. That's why, I adopted these titles. Hope you share the same sentiments too. :sweet:

Thanks for that WhiteFang, I'll get to work on it, and hopefully have it finished within a few weeks. I will do a breif summary of the places; the more detailed stuff I think I'll work on separately and share it all with you at a later date, so as I actually have something to show. :grin:

I presume that when I finish it I can post it in the thread? That way I can quickly edit it with any updates when needed without having to annoy anyone. :wink:

I'll try and incorporate your idea in that we were both once a single united kingdom. You know, once upon a time the entire continent was ruled by a single family, and was one big kingdom! But more on all that later... :wink:

I want to start working on building some DM castles and towns, so when I do those I'll make sure I provide a link in the summary and share them with you all. :sweet:

Thanks once again for for taking part, I always enjoy participating!


Edited by dragonator

Can I help with the Bull Knights?

I presume that when I finish it I can post it in the thread? That way I can quickly edit it with any updates when needed without having to annoy anyone. :wink:

Dragonator, I am greatly appericate and will defintely needs your expertise on "Dragon Masters Kingdom". There will be some changes and improvements over time. For now, gather your research, do up the standard layout and impress the three of us. And most importantly, let us have the assurance that you are able to handle it and devote onto it. :sweet:

Can I help with the Bull Knights?

Yes, take your time and develop your story plot, and be sure to commint into it. Your characters will be defintely included in the Bulls Kingdom summary thread.

Situation update in Neb Monastery

Lord Kenneth and the group, had finally arrived Neb Monastery with Adrick's directions. Siloux is badly injured and has knocked out cold.

Neb Monastery arc will be filled with many unexpected things. Erik Heartstorm? Who is he? Why is he so mysterious and how did Adrick get to know him? Two grey ninja appeared out of nowhere, especially in Black Knights Kingdom. There can't be oriental travelers these days, especially these are from Northern Highlands.

Erik Heartstorm and the Ninja will be part of these great preview, in future chapters to come...

There are so much things to be done. :blush:

As for the rest of the scenarios,

Lord Calvin will be in for a surprise on his way to Majestic Tower.

While Lord Jason is controlled by one of the Black Wraith Demons, whom appeared to be one of the Legendary Bat Lord, named Cantor Illus, similar to Old Brown earlier. Sinister plans are undergoing in the Silvana Region.

There are still many sub-plots going on at the moment. :sweet:

I am quite sure, most of the players are lost in my story by now. :sadnew:

On a side note,

ImperialScouts, in the Neb Monastery arc. Feel free to make up more background on Adrick, Siloux and Cecil. They are free for you to use. I had given a little hint that Adrick actually knew Erik. And, I am very sure that Aluvar will know him too. Just that, Erik is a very mysterious person, whom love to be a loner! :tongue:

Edited by WhiteFang

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I added a post describing the Kingdom of Ankoria to the EBRP summary thread :classic: . That's two factions already! :tongue:

As is EBRP tradition for me, I just did my obligatory "theme month caption" chapter. Yes, I managed to get it into the story. Scary, isn't it? :wacko:

Excellent job on the summaries guys. :thumbup: I'll get to Crown Kingdom soon.

I added a post describing the Kingdom of Ankoria to the EBRP summary thread :classic: . That's two factions already! :tongue:

Great job, KhoRne! :thumbup: We are 19 more to completion. Well, at least the format. :tongue:

As is EBRP tradition for me, I just did my obligatory "theme month caption" chapter. Yes, I managed to get it into the story. Scary, isn't it? :wacko:

Excellent job on the summaries guys. :thumbup: I'll get to Crown Kingdom soon.

Haha, you are crazy! I was laughing off my chair earlier. I wonder why are they inside until I recalled the caption contest. :laugh:

I will look forward to yours too. :wink:

Dragonator, your Dragon Masters Kingdom will need your support as well! Let's keep up the good work, guys! :wink:

Edited by WhiteFang

Just done my 5th or 6th chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. I'm glad that KhoRne and me have got a plot going together, so thanks KhoRne!!!

WhiteFang: how many posts until I can do my summary?

WhiteFang: how many posts until I can do my summary?

Number of posts do not autmatically translate into doing up a summary, for the Faction Summary thread.

If you are really interested to do up a summary. Here are a few pointers. :wink:

Concerate on your storyplot and build your depth from there. With your selected faction to start with, you are able to create fiction places which exist in the Lands/Regions. Characters can be added on in your story as it goes.

Use the "Existing Character Thread" to be your working area. You can post your summary there. Once you are done, we will take a look whether if its adhere to the standard format. Please note that, posting directly into the Summary Thread is not allowed.

Remember, you need to be committed to your Faction if you wish to expand your story plot. Otherwise, characters that are mentioned in any faction in their story, will be added along the way, into the Summary Thread. Hope that will clarify for now. :sweet:

Edited by WhiteFang

Number of posts do not autmatically translate into doing up a summary, for the Faction Summary thread.

If you are really interested to do up a summary. Here are a few pointers. :wink:

Concerate on your storyplot and build your depth from there. With your selected faction to start with, you are able to create fiction places which exist in the Lands/Regions. Characters can be added on in your story as it goes.

Use the "Existing Character Thread" to be your working area. You can post your summary there. Once you are done, we will take a look whether if its adhere to the standard format. Please note that, posting directly into the Summary Thread is not allowed.

Remember, you need to be committed to your Faction if you wish to expand your story plot. Otherwise, characters that are mentioned in any faction in their story, will be added along the way, into the Summary Thread. Hope that will clarify for now. :sweet:

Yup, thanks.

To all EBRP Players,

The third faction, Forestmen Kingdom summary index is up. :classic:

Current players that have their characters aligned to Forestmen Kingdom. Please look through the details, to make sure that critical information such as character, places, regions or key notes are inserted and placed correctly. I had taken the initiative to draft out the rough background of Forestmen Kingdom. The layout will remained as it is, but the content will change over time, to suit to the players' story plot.

I took my time off, to read through the Characters thread, and parts of the story posting which happened in the Forestmen regions. If I have omitted any details, please inform me. Any questions or doubts, please highlight to me as well.

As for now, I will be the one, helping to take care of Forestmen Kingdom. :wink:

Thanks for your attention, and enjoy EBRP!


To all EBRP Players,

The third faction, Forestmen Kingdom summary index is up. :classic:

Current players that have their characters aligned to Forestmen Kingdom. Please look through the details, to make sure that critical information such as character, places, regions or key notes are inserted and placed correctly. I had taken the initiative to draft out the rough background of Forestmen Kingdom. The layout will remained as it is, but the content will change over time, to suit to the players' story plot.

I took my time off, to read through the Characters thread, and parts of the story posting which happened in the Forestmen regions. If I have omitted any details, please inform me. Any questions or doubts, please highlight to me as well.

As for now, I will be the one, helping to take care of Forestmen Kingdom. :wink:

Thanks for your attention, and enjoy EBRP!


That's great, thanks! But you forgot the Island, which I think is apart of the Forestmen kingdom. I plan to head back to the Forestmen kingdom soon, so perhaps I could describe the regions more :sweet: .

That's great, thanks! But you forgot the Island, which I think is apart of the Forestmen kingdom. I plan to head back to the Forestmen kingdom soon, so perhaps I could describe the regions more :sweet: .

Thanks ImperialScouts! I did not notice the island earlier. Thought it belong to the Elves faction! :tongue:

I will update it or if you have a better map to share, it will be best. :wink:

Currently, our characters are engaged in Neb Monastery arc. At the moment in our story plot, we are able to identify only 2 out of 9 characters whom belong to the Symbol of the Nine! They are Adrick and Erik. I am sure, with their current powers. They are not able to stop completely the Black Wraith Demons advance. It is a good thing, that you had mentioned the Prince of Darkness. I am very pleased with it. :sweet:

If you are not able to continue the quest with us, it's all right. I will love to see how Forestmen Kingdom culture is. I am sure it is a very nice kingdom, filled with beautiful scenery. At the moment, I will like you or other players to shape up the Forestmen and filled me up with critical information. Maybe, could you do up a character profile on Cecil too? I have not seen his looks yet. :laugh:

Thanks ImperialScouts! I did not notice the island earlier. Thought it belong to the Elves faction! :tongue:

I will update it or if you have a better map to share, it will be best. :wink:

Currently, our characters are engaged in Neb Monastery arc. At the moment in our story plot, we are able to identify only 2 out of 9 characters whom belong to the Symbol of the Nine! They are Adrick and Erik. I am sure, with their current powers. They are not able to stop completely the Black Wraith Demons advance. It is a good thing, that you had mentioned the Prince of Darkness. I am very pleased with it. :sweet:

If you are not able to continue the quest with us, it's all right. I will love to see how Forestmen Kingdom culture is. I am sure it is a very nice kingdom, filled with beautiful scenery. At the moment, I will like you or other players to shape up the Forestmen and filled me up with critical information. Maybe, could you do up a character profile on Cecil too? I have not seen his looks yet. :laugh:

Hehe, thanks!

The island looks like it belongs to the Forestmen faction because it looks like the same shade of green as the Forestmen kingdom.

True, that we know only of 2 of 9. Though, after our characters escape death once again, the sub-plot to find the 7 will begin :devil: . I think we can make it happen faster by allowing Erik to have knowledge of where the other 7 are...as well as help from our flying friend, Bluervo!

No, I believe Cecil and Siloux will stick around until the end of the plot :classic: . Then they'll go back to the Forestmen kingdom. I hope we can really develop a good history and culture of the Forestmen kingdom!

As for the current situation, it looks like a stand still, but perhaps the shield Erik mentioned earlier will help??? :wink: . After the battle, maybe we can have one of the characters, most likely Erik or Adrick, explain more about the King and Princes of Darkness

Will be making my next chapter tomorrow - soz for delay, have been busy of late.

See ya!

- A.S

The island looks like it belongs to the Forestmen faction because it looks like the same shade of green as the Forestmen kingdom.

Forestmen map is updated. :classic: There are 2 new regions which total up to 7 regions. Sea regions will be included later. I just realised that Forestmen is a vast kingdom!

True, that we know only of 2 of 9. Though, after our characters escape death once again, the sub-plot to find the 7 will begin :devil: . I think we can make it happen faster by allowing Erik to have knowledge of where the other 7 are...as well as help from our flying friend, Bluervo!

No, I believe Cecil and Siloux will stick around until the end of the plot :classic: . Then they'll go back to the Forestmen kingdom. I hope we can really develop a good history and culture of the Forestmen kingdom!

As for the current situation, it looks like a stand still, but perhaps the shield Erik mentioned earlier will help??? :wink: . After the battle, maybe we can have one of the characters, most likely Erik or Adrick, explain more about the King and Princes of Darkness

Unknowingly, we had created a new faction which is commonly known as Black Wraith Demons. I must said, it all started with Aluvar and it had brought us so far in our stories. With our future plot development, we will experiment on how this new faction will look like.

More importantly, the King of Darkness does not exist in the lands we know. More precisly, they existed in another time space. The Dark Princes and Princess are known to have 20 of them, each of them having their own unique powers. You are correct, that the earlier one is a much weaker level. In addition, there are actually quite a few of them appear in Black Knights Kingdom. One of them had taken over Lord Jason's body. The other is attacking Lord Calvin at the Oldennock Woods. In fact, Old Brown used to belong to that group.

I know for some people who had watched "Bleach" anime. This is similar to the Arrancar structure. Believe me, this is so much different because this is EBRP. :wink:

More will be explained slowly in the story. :classic:

Players whom had encounters with Black Wraith Demons, can give suggestions to this mysterious faction. In fact, this concept was actually developed in the process of EBRP. ImperialShadows was the one whom coined "Black Wraith Demon" to the earlier arc/chapters in Lord Kenneth encounter in Green Valley. :sweet:

Will be making my next chapter tomorrow - soz for delay, have been busy of late.

Looking forward to it. :wink:

Edited by WhiteFang

Players whom had encounters with Black Wraith Demons, can give suggestions to this mysterious faction. In fact, this concept was actually developed in the process of EBRP. ImperialShadows was the one whom coined "Black Wraith Demon" to the earlier arc/chapters in Lord Kenneth encounter in Green Valley. :sweet:

Still not sure where I pulled that one out of. Please, feel free to give them any background you want, remembering that Aluvar had dealt with their kind before and they are working for/with an evil of such magnitude that it hasn't been identified yet, so other evil characters have some kind of hierarchy, but it isn't well defined at this point.

That includes Aluvar's undead son, an old Skellie general and any number of others who are not officially sactioned by the skellies themselves. Revolutionaries, of a sort, suckered into thinking that the evil is on their side, when it reality, it only intends to consume everyone.

Sorry I haven't been chaptering it up lately, I've just been really busy and felt like my characters were drifting in and out of mostly funny situations. I intend to add an Aluvar story, this evening, involving the search for that ultimate source of evil in some kind of weird alternate universe. Or something. I won't know until I write it. That's how this works for me.


Black Knights territory

North of our previous location by a few hundred yards

The fireball bounces harmlessly off Aluvar's spell, doing no harm, aside from a bit of emotional shock to the poor Lord, who now looks like he's just about through with this whole situation.

Y-y-y-you saved me from that, that unholy creature, whatever it is.

It's a black wraith demon. They basically suck the life out of anyone they come in contact with. As a matter of fact, we should tend to the wounds your men have suffered, or they'll all be dead, or worse, by nightfall.

Oh, yes, immediately. Men! Gather together, we must deal with your wounds immediately, and bring the boy we found, he needs caring for as well.

This is the start of the Black Wraith Demons, coined by Aluvar. :tongue:

Still not sure where I pulled that one out of. Please, feel free to give them any background you want, remembering that Aluvar had dealt with their kind before and they are working for/with an evil of such magnitude that it hasn't been identified yet, so other evil characters have some kind of hierarchy, but it isn't well defined at this point.

That includes Aluvar's undead son, an old Skellie general and any number of others who are not officially sactioned by the skellies themselves. Revolutionaries, of a sort, suckered into thinking that the evil is on their side, when it reality, it only intends to consume everyone.

Yes, I remembered his son and I am very curious to his outcome. At the moment, we are fighting against lots of unknown evil within our lands. The development will not take place overnight, we will let it evolved as we move on. :wink:

Sorry I haven't been chaptering it up lately, I've just been really busy and felt like my characters were drifting in and out of mostly funny situations. I intend to add an Aluvar story, this evening, involving the search for that ultimate source of evil in some kind of weird alternate universe. Or something. I won't know until I write it. That's how this works for me.

It's ok. Soon, it will be my turn to post less. Will be getting busy over the next few weeks. Till it's over, the plot will still continue and grows. I am looking forward to Aluvar's story. Anyway, I am sure most of us here do that too. You won't know what it is until you start typing. :wink:

It's ok. Soon, it will be my turn to post less. Will be getting busy over the next few weeks.

I think it's my turn at the moment too, I've been so busy with exams and this Mystery Castle game. Sorry I've not been as active as I would like, but that will change soon I hope. :grin:

Hey, sorry, slight change of plans...

I think I'm going to have Siloux return home, to start another plot I wanted to do :classic: . I'll leave Cecil with your group, WhiteFang, though. Hope it's all right and doesn't interfere with anything.

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