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Maybe this theme could become more akin to the Star Wars UCS sets, with a big UCS style set or two a year, but not much else besides a couple little things (Like BrickHeadz).

2 hours ago, sebastian666 said:

I disagree. LEGO is not going to make a significant financial investment to renew a licensing agreement with one of the most highly guarded licensing properties in history - LOTR - just to produce a couple random Brickheadz.

Its not highly guarded anymore now that Christopher Tolkien died. The Tolkien estate and/or Middle Earth enterprises are not concerned with fidelity to JRR work anymore. Christopher did not have much say since 2017 (coincidently when amazon purchased rights) when he resigned from his appointment as director of the Tolkien Estate, and allowed his nephew and his wife to take over. When amazon purchased the rights they had this clause inserted they could create other stories "previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings". CT and JRR never would have allowed that.

For Lego i dont really care what they make it about, cause toys are toys and castles are castles, lol.


Edited by natesroom

8 hours ago, TheKingPorg said:

Maybe this theme could become more akin to the Star Wars UCS sets, with a big UCS style set or two a year, but not much else besides a couple little things (Like BrickHeadz).

That would be smart. Some dual moulding and armprinting for Boromir, printed medium legs for dwarfs and a few moulds like a hat for Gandalf with hair and it would be interesting for those who own the old stuff, too. A play theme rarely comes with those things and it wasn't very successfull before when there was not a huge part of the fanbase already owning sets. I'd prefer a 20-Figure cmf, but I guess there is more profit in putting 3 cmf-quality-figures into several highly expensive sets.


What if the D2C set is just a giant Boromir (like the harry potter and hermione buildable figures) where you can have removable arrows! Or a giant Mouth of Sauron with removable head!

I personally would love the Dark Tower, it would go perfectly with the Tower of Orthanc.  I do have to agree with what many others have said though in regards to the D2C been Bag End, it's a safe bet if it's a one off or returning theme.  


Edit:  I would also love to see the Golden Hall and some of its surrounding area and Minas Tirith and the ship at the end of ROTK where Frodo wakes up on it. 

Edited by Legoman123

4 hours ago, DocStrange said:

What if the D2C set is just a giant Boromir (like the harry potter and hermione buildable figures) where you can have removable arrows! Or a giant Mouth of Sauron with removable head!

I was thinking a Balroq similar to the new Bowser set would be kind of cool. Not on my wish list, but cool nonetheless.

If they release some kind of gimmicky D2C right away, that would be a bad sign. I wouldn’t want it to follow in the footsteps of HP, with too many gimmicks and not nearly enough solid sets. A large scale iconic location would be ideal for a D2C, especially for a licensed theme with so many iconic castles and such. Some great options would be Barad-Dûr, Minas Tirith, or Helm’s Deep, but I would be very happy with locations like Caras Caladhon or Edoras as well, especially if they were done in a similar style to MBS sets with lots of figures in a huge scale playset that doubles as a display piece. Realistically though, it’ll be something really iconic and probably somewhat gimmicky like a map of Middle-Earth mosaic or brick built creature or character statue

Over the years I’ve made lists of possible minifigs and sets for a LOTR reboot since the heartbreak of losing the theme. There is so much untapped opportunity for LOTR. Just imagine battle packs from every possible faction. Noldorin Warriors and Númenorean Soldiers from the prologue, Gondorian Soldiers, Rohirrim, Mordor Orcs, Haradrim, Oathbreakers, Easterlings, Uruk-hai, Helm’s Deep Lorien Elves, Dunlendings, Moria Orcs, Corsairs of Umbar, there’s so much potential for Battle Packs alone! Not to mention literally everything else. It’s a gold mine that lego would be incompetent not to mine, but they haven’t exactly made the best decisions lately

Edited by Balrogofmorgoth

33 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

 like a map of Middle-Earth mosaic

I would buy this though if its done well, lol.

33 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

Over the years I’ve made lists of possible minifigs and sets for a LOTR reboot since the heartbreak of losing the theme. There is so much untapped opportunity for LOTR. Just imagine battle packs from every possible faction. Not to mention literally everything else. It’s a gold mine that lego would be incompetent not to mine, but they haven’t exactly made the best decisions lately

I think this would or could compete with the Games Workshop license if they were producing battle packs. Its only speculation as to license issues.

48 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

There is so much untapped opportunity for LOTR. Just imagine battle packs from every possible faction. Noldorin Warriors and Númenorean Soldiers from the prologue, Gondorian Soldiers, Rohirrim, Mordor Orcs, Haradrim, Oathbreakers, Easterlings, Uruk-hai, Helm’s Deep Lorien Elves, Dunlendings, Moria Orcs, Corsairs of Umbar, there’s so much potential for Battle Packs alone! Not to mention literally everything else. 

Yes. Yes. YES. I never knew how badly I needed these minifigs in my life. A Battle of the Last Alliance set in front of the Black Gate would be incredible… Gil Galad, Elrond and the Noldorin warriors, Elendil, Isildur and the Numenorean soldiers, SAURON, Mordor Orcs and a troll, Eagles and Fell Beasts… Just take my money. “Take it. You must take it. I’m giving it to you!”

1 hour ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

There is so much untapped opportunity for LOTR. Just imagine battle packs from every possible faction. Noldorin Warriors and Númenorean Soldiers from the prologue, Gondorian Soldiers, Rohirrim, Mordor Orcs, Haradrim, Oathbreakers, Easterlings, Uruk-hai, Helm’s Deep Lorien Elves, Dunlendings, Moria Orcs, Corsairs of Umbar, there’s so much potential for Battle Packs alone! Not to mention literally everything else. It’s a gold mine that lego would be incompetent not to mine, but they haven’t exactly made the best decisions lately

I'm probably in the minority thinking this (certainly on this forum), but I suspect that LEGO battle packs for LOTR armies wouldn't be that popular. If you wanted all those armies, wouldn't you go Games Workshop instead, with much more accurate figures and greater variety? Does the LEGO minifigure do all the characters justice in the same way as it does for Star Wars? It feels like Star Wars characters probably work better in minifigure form. And then LEGO castle is great, but (for me) is great for the LEGO aesthetic, rather than the variety.

I like the 2nd Age idea. 

We really need a  Mûmakil and at least the gate of Minas Tirith in addition to the balrog. I think those are the biggest missed opportunities of the original line.

As far as the “gimmick” sets, if I’m honest with myself, I think it has real potential. If they offered the Red Book of Westmarch that opened to reveal a map of Middle Earth… I’d freakin’ love that. Or Sting. Or Star-Wars-style helmets like Theoden’s helm or an Uruk-Hai? Oh man, that could be cool. 

25 minutes ago, RichardGoring said:

I'm probably in the minority thinking this (certainly on this forum), but I suspect that LEGO battle packs for LOTR armies wouldn't be that popular. If you wanted all those armies, wouldn't you go Games Workshop instead, with much more accurate figures and greater variety? Does the LEGO minifigure do all the characters justice in the same way as it does for Star Wars? It feels like Star Wars characters probably work better in minifigure form. And then LEGO castle is great, but (for me) is great for the LEGO aesthetic, rather than the variety.

First of all, I think it’s really apples and oranges. If you want accuracy and variety, you’re not in the market for Lego minifigs, period. Lego is pretty much it’s own category, but best fits the “construction toy” label, though I do see where it can tread on an action figure license. That’s why Star Wars minifigs have to be packaged with construction elements for battle packs. So it doesn’t step on Hasbro toes. 

Secondly, I’ll reference the original 2012+ LotR minifigs as exhibit A: how well do the minifigs do justice to the characters? In my estimation, very, very well. I’ve got the whole Fellowship in front of me right now, and they really are nice. 

Just look at Boromir. It’s sooo good!

Edited by SirBlake

6 minutes ago, SirBlake said:

First of all, I think it’s really apples and oranges. If you want accuracy and variety, you’re not in the market for Lego minifigs, period. Lego is pretty much it’s own category, but best fits the “construction toy” label, though I do see where it can tread on an action figure license. That’s why Star Wars minifigs have to be packaged with construction elements for battle packs. So it doesn’t step on Hasbro toes. 

Secondly, I’ll reference the original 2012+ LotR minifigs as exhibit A: how well do the minifigs do justice to the characters? In my estimation, very, very well. I’ve got the whole Fellowship in front of me right now, and they really are nice. 

Just look at Boromir. It’s sooo good!

Yes, totally get that it's not a fair comparison. I just wonder whether LEGO would go for battle pack style things for LOTR and how well they would sell compared to more complete models.

I may also be biased because I have an old collection of Games Workshop High Elves and Wood Elves from 25 years ago that I still enjoy. And see little bits of what they do now, especially with Forge World, amazes me. But it's only the figures, and you don't really get anything like the full scale models that LEGO produces.

One thing to consider with battle packs and army building is how many new molds would be needed. For example for that list above you'd need new helmets and shields for almost all, as well as weapons and armour for some. I count 13 new molds, allowing for the same existing armour piece on the Uruks to be reused for gondor and others. That doesn't include anything new for the existing Mordor Orcs, Uruks, Corsairs, Dead, and Rohirrim either. 

Battle packs normally make use of existing parts, so although I think if we were to get proper lines again battle packs of a sort would be likely (similar to Uruk-Hai Attack from 2012 or the recent SW 501st set which has substantial scenery or vehicle and both sides of the conflict). 

You've also got to think about how adaptable they are. For example the old Rohan helmet did for Theoden, Eomer and the Rohirrim Soldier. The new Viking Helmet will do for Viking figures as well as Eowyn and other Rohirrim. For factions like Numenor, Elendil, Isildur and the soldiers all have helmets too different to use the same mold. For Gondor, you may be able to get away with a shared one for the Gondorian Soldiers, Citadel Guards, Fountain Court Guards and Faramir, but then all normal  Gondorian Soldiers would have to have the pin holes in their helmets for the wing pieces - another new mold! 

That's also why I think this D2C is unlikely to be something like Minas Tirith or Helm's Deep as there would be too many new molds required for such a new theme. 

I’d prefer if they offer some more smaller sets along with a D2C. It’s a good way to introduce more figures especially with battle packs like 79012-1/Mirkwood-Elf-Army or poly bags were an option

I think a CMF series would go down well to fill in some of the gaps form the original line and give new fans a chance to get main characters which may not be in the D2C itself (hopefully the white city)

The Balrog (new moulded head), Treebeard (although I have built my own which I’m very happy with) Gondor battle pack, and a fell beast (either brick built or moulded like the vidoe game version in a larger set) are my top pics for sets. 

6 hours ago, SirBlake said:

Just look at Boromir. It’s sooo good!

Forget Boromir. Look at Theoden. For me, he is still the best minifig ever released. A perfect balance of detail while still being LEGO-like.

6 hours ago, SirBlake said:

As far as the “gimmick” sets, if I’m honest with myself, I think it has real potential. If they offered the Red Book of Westmarch that opened to reveal a map of Middle Earth… I’d freakin’ love that. Or Sting. Or Star-Wars-style helmets like Theoden’s helm or an Uruk-Hai? Oh man, that could be cool. 

They did do a buildable Sting in an in store promotion in the US. You had to complete a quest / treasure hunt as Frodo around the store then pay 5 or 6 bucks to claim your prize, Sting. It wasn't very much like Sting though.



For its first year back, and not including anything extra from the CMF, Harry Potter got about 13 new molds. Not bad. It used very little from earlier incarnations of the theme, but could reuse plenty of existing parts like rats and owls. 

LOTR could potentially be very lucky in that almost all parts used on the old sets hold up. Hobbit and elf hair, Gandalf's beards, Gimli's helmet and beard combo, rohan helmet and sheild, Sting, Gollum, the Ring, Orc hair pieces, the Cave Troll, eagles, wargs and all Uruk pieces except the halberd still look great. The new longsword pievmce looks great for Glamdring

Aside from new printing like duel coloured arms, skirt pieces replaced the wizard's slopes, and printed feet for the Hobbits, there are only a few necessary pieces to update the old figures. A new dual molded hat for Gandalf and perhaps elf hair with inbuilt quiver for Legolas would just about be all that is required to update the old figures, though of course new swords, bows, axes, etc would be welcome too. 

tldr;if we ever were to get a new range of minifigure sets, there is good potential for new molds being used on figs and accessories as very little old stuff needs updating. 

3 hours ago, Seaber said:

For its first year back, and not including anything extra from the CMF, Harry Potter got about 13 new molds. Not bad. It used very little from earlier incarnations of the theme, but could reuse plenty of existing parts like rats and owls. 

LOTR could potentially be very lucky in that almost all parts used on the old sets hold up. Hobbit and elf hair, Gandalf's beards, Gimli's helmet and beard combo, rohan helmet and sheild, Sting, Gollum, the Ring, Orc hair pieces, the Cave Troll, eagles, wargs and all Uruk pieces except the halberd still look great. The new longsword pievmce looks great for Glamdring

Aside from new printing like duel coloured arms, skirt pieces replaced the wizard's slopes, and printed feet for the Hobbits, there are only a few necessary pieces to update the old figures. A new dual molded hat for Gandalf and perhaps elf hair with inbuilt quiver for Legolas would just about be all that is required to update the old figures, though of course new swords, bows, axes, etc would be welcome too. 

tldr;if we ever were to get a new range of minifigure sets, there is good potential for new molds being used on figs and accessories as very little old stuff needs updating. 

This is exaclty why I’m hoping for CMF or Battle Pack. I’m really interested in seeing new molds and new printing on these minifigures. Also medium legs were introduced in 2018 so it may work for some minifigures. 

However, the third s CMF series of 2023 is reportedly to be boxes instead of blind bags. So I don’t know i fit’s licensed or regular just yet.

5 hours ago, MAB said:

They did do a buildable Sting in an in store promotion in the US. You had to complete a quest / treasure hunt as Frodo around the store then pay 5 or 6 bucks to claim your prize, Sting. It wasn't very much like Sting though.

Wow, that is seriously disappointing, lol. 

I would honestly disagree on the old minifigs. I have several of them, and while their beards are accurate, I don't think they really captured the character's expressions very well. Some of them do look rather good (Gandalf, Saruman, Thorin's company, Mouth of Sauron), but I would say the Fellowship's heads are among the weaker of them.

As much as it is exciting that LOTR seems to be returning, we do need to temper expectations... For all we know, it will be a Stranger Things situation of one D2C and a couple of Brickheadz, and that would be it. We don't know enough to speculate on tons of battle packs, and considering how few battle packs LEGO does for even Star Wars, I wouldn't expect much on that end... 


Also, 500 posts - Woo 

Edited by NoOneOfImportance

Shout-out to the OG's for sticking around all these years, it's been a while my dudes.

14 hours ago, natesroom said:

I would buy this though if its done well, lol.

I think this would or could compete with the Games Workshop license if they were producing battle packs. Its only speculation as to license issues.

I would absolutely buy it too. Let me put it this way: I will buy every single LOTR themed product that lego releases no matter what. 

44 minutes ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

As much as it is exciting that LOTR seems to be returning, we do need to temper expectations... For all we know, it will be a Stranger Things situation of one D2C and a couple of Brickheadz, and that would be it. We don't know enough to speculate on tons of battle packs, and considering how few battle packs LEGO does for even Star Wars, I wouldn't expect much on that end... 


Also, 500 posts - Woo 

Yes, it’s definitely important that we all understand that nothing has happened yet, and at this point all of this speculation is purely out of hope that these Brickheadz are a sign of a complete return of the theme. But THAT IS NOWHERE NEAR CONFIRMED

13 hours ago, RichardGoring said:

I'm probably in the minority thinking this (certainly on this forum), but I suspect that LEGO battle packs for LOTR armies wouldn't be that popular. If you wanted all those armies, wouldn't you go Games Workshop instead, with much more accurate figures and greater variety? Does the LEGO minifigure do all the characters justice in the same way as it does for Star Wars? It feels like Star Wars characters probably work better in minifigure form. And then LEGO castle is great, but (for me) is great for the LEGO aesthetic, rather than the variety.

I think LOTR battle packs would be extremely popular, possibly more popular than Star Wars ones. It’s perfect for a theme that has no many different military factions in a fantasy setting. Especially among lego fans. Lego fans will want lego figures, not Games Workshop figures, including kids

Edited by Balrogofmorgoth

So having started watching ROP a d being a big fan of the LOTR movies AND having all the Harry Potter sets out there I was getting bored and just a few days ago decided I should start buying the old LOTR minifigures on Bricklink...then this!!! Do people think they will remake old sets and start the whole theme off again for those who missed it first time round like me? In which case I should sit tight and collect the minifigures this time round rather than paying a fortune on the secondary market. OR...do people think they will just fill the gaps of builds and minifigures they didn't releass before in which case I will still have to go hunting for the fellowship etc.

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