Posted March 30, 200816 yr Hello all! Well, as the self describing title implies, I would like to make a formal request of Lego to make this all important Battle pack. Why, do you ask, am I doing it here, in this format, and on these boards? The answer is simple. I am firmly convinced that Eurobrick is now the leading front runner for where our voices can be heard by Lego. When we speak, I think Lego listens. They have done an outstanding job delivering what they can when we have asked for it, within reason. I believe that a 501st battlepack is a reasonable request to make. I propose a Commander, akin to Rex in the upcoming CW movie/series cartoon, a communications officer, and two regular infantry. I would like to see something rather simple for the vehicle, possible akin to an e-web blaster or possible a security checkpoint. Suffice to say to most people by bps for the figures, the choice of vehicle is rather irrelevant anyway. Any suggestion would be welcomed, but I hope this becomes a hot enough topic that Lego will not ignore. *edit* I'm Palin Jax, and I approve this message! ***Official endorsements: 60*** Edited April 1, 200816 yr by Palin Jax
March 30, 200816 yr I really want that this battlepack comes out! So LEGO, please make the 501st battlepack?! Edited March 30, 200816 yr by THE-FORCE
March 31, 200816 yr Yeah all over I have seen people after people talking about this. Lego! do us a favor and make this! Whew got it all out *wacko*
March 31, 200816 yr Sorry to be a party pooper, but isn't there already a "give out your ideas" thread somewhere? |-/ But it's still a good idea. *sweet*
March 31, 200816 yr Author Sorry to be a party pooper, but isn't there already a "give out your ideas" thread somewhere? |-/ But it's still a good idea. *sweet* Party Pooper... >:-( We don't need no stinken Party Poopers... *sing* ... Nope, this isn't an ideas thread, this is an official request. I think if we generate enough buzz here, we might just git er' dunn! So, can we count your post as an official endoresment?
March 31, 200816 yr Sure, why not? *sweet* How about a turret? Not a litttle one like with the clone BPs, but one with like 80 pieces or so. One that's maybe inclosed? --Faramir *I'm Faramir and I approve your approving of this message*
March 31, 200816 yr If it's Ep III movie style, then yes. If it's the awful anime style, then don't even bother.
March 31, 200816 yr Howsabout the 501st as part of a broader "repaint" line of Battle Packs. We could get a Commander Gree along with some Galactic Marines...then they can switch over to the Empire for a second pack and hook us up with some Magma Troopers and some Imperial Storm how I want some Storm Commandos *wub* And don't forget a Battle Pack of Mandalorians as well!
March 31, 200816 yr Author If it's Ep III movie style, then yes. If it's the awful anime style, then don't even bother. Errr... Not so important to me on this one whether they are or not. I would prefer non-cartoonish and definitely Ep III preferably, but when it come to the 501st, hell, I don't care how Lego does it. If they are some how involved in the Clone Wars, I guess Lego would be forced to go that route, but as of yet, I haven't heard nor seen anything linking them to CW. The reason I mentioned Rex is because he does appear to have blue marking indicative of his placement in the 501st.
March 31, 200816 yr Some of you guys seem to miss the point of the SW BPs. They don't have any commanders or other somewhat unique figs, because they are designed to be generic army builders. I've bought several hundred BPs now, but if they were to start including Gree or other commander, I would be less inclined to buy multiples as I don't want 500 Grees.
March 31, 200816 yr I really like the idea of have a 501st BP *wub*, so you surely got my vote of YES ;-) .
March 31, 200816 yr Shouldn't this be in The Embassy?~Peace I agree, it would get more notice there. ;-) As for the battlepack, I think it is a good idea; the idea for some other bigger sets for this is good too! *sweet*
March 31, 200816 yr Author Some of you guys seem to miss the point of the SW BPs. They don't have any commanders or other somewhat unique figs, because they are designed to be generic army builders. I've bought several hundred BPs now, but if they were to start including Gree or other commander, I would be less inclined to buy multiples as I don't want 500 Grees. Err... You missed my point. I want an commander-ish type, for exactly the reasons you mention. If you have some extra binoculars, a kama, or paldrons laying around, so what. But I do agree that 100 Gree's would be a nuisance. Thats quite a sum of Bp's by the way. Don't worry, I do believe you got um, but are you a seller on ebay or bricklink? I am talk about us smaller tier guys that would like smaller units, hence the need for a 501st bp. Otherwise we would have to buy all the left over Rex's at $10 dollars a pop of those said sites. Not that I begrudge anyone making some dough of that. Also the reason for having this thread in this forum is that, and maybe I am wrong, but the more Star Wars orientated fans perchance might frequent here a bit more than at the embassy. But you are right that this is my official request. It also appears that their will be some down time before the next big Lego revelation, which has lead to a lot less chatter on this forum. This too could be con-strewed as my effort to bring something else to the table to talk about than just merely speculating on what Lego might possibly grant us. BTW; great responses so far! Edited March 31, 200816 yr by Palin Jax
March 31, 200816 yr As an administrator at the Clone Army Builders Guild, I am giving my endorsment and all of those part of the guild also with to endorse this pack. Therefore I am offering 42 full endorsements of such a set. Cheers!
March 31, 200816 yr Some of you guys seem to miss the point of the SW BPs. They don't have any commanders or other somewhat unique figs, because they are designed to be generic army builders. I've bought several hundred BPs now, but if they were to start including Gree or other commander, I would be less inclined to buy multiples as I don't want 500 Grees. But on the contrary, the Shock Trooper was at first a battle pack exclusive fig. Although I do agree that having hundreds of commanders would be a bit pointless in an army builder set and it would bump up the price somewhat as well. I believe that's the reason the clone battlepack's Commander didn't have a pauldron on it (to keep the price down) and thats why he was labeled as a Star-Corps Trooper.
March 31, 200816 yr Well in Palin nice way to actually ask TLC for something instead of just wishing for it, i'm deffinatly in support of a 501st battle pack and would buy many, this is a great idea for lego to do and I hope they listen!
March 31, 200816 yr If this set would be from EP III then I would buy a ton of them. So yeah, count me in.
March 31, 200816 yr i also think they should do a commander pack, and not include cpmmanders in the other BPs (not counting the generic yellow ones in the clone bp). it could include cody, gree (my favorite), bly, and... umm...any others? not rex, because hes not in the movies (at least, i dont think so...?) cheers to 501st batttlepack! great idea palin jax. *sweet*
March 31, 200816 yr i also think they should do a commander pack, and not include cpmmanders in the other BPs (not counting the generic yellow ones in the clone bp). it could include cody, gree (my favorite), bly, and... umm...any others? not rex, because hes not in the movies (at least, i dont think so...?) cheers to 501st batttlepack! great idea palin jax. *sweet* Perhaps Bacara?
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