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Please post your entries for "A Pirate's Life" here, before May 12th, 2008.

Each entry should appear in a seperate post, even if that means triple posting, but only in this thread. Be sure to specify the piece count and class of your entry, Impulse, Small, or Large.

Any discussion should occur in the discussion thread only.

Please refer to the rules and be certain that you are following them. If you have any questions, please ask them there as well.

You may use up to 3 photographs for each entry. The first one you post will be your official entry picture.

If there are any comments you wish the voters to see, or a backstory for your entry, be sure to post it here with the entry.

Thanks for participating and good luck, me hearties! *y*

Searching for an idea? Checkout the A-Z of Things to Build thread for some building inspiration.

Impulse Entry: The Marine


Contains 24 Pieces (Including Minifigure)

Description: A marine stands guard on deck, complete with musket, epaulettes and hat. Below him is a gunport. Collect multiples and build yourself a whole ship!

Other Pictures:



Edited by Duke

Large Class Entry: Shipwrecked


Contains 180 pieces (aprox.) including minifigure.

Description: A year ago, a carpenter of a merchant vessel was wrecked along with his crew. The sole survivor, he made his way to a deserted island. Luckily for him, there was a fresh water supply and an abundance of fish in the area. He now lives a simply life there in a shelter he built from driftwood and wreckage. Fishing and relaxing in the sun from day to day.. and hoping one day for rescue.

More Pictures:



Edited by Duke

Class Entry: Impulse Set (smallest)

Lego fans wanted a set with more historical accuracy and less violence, so here it is:


Jethro at Work

Set #: 1134

Pieces: 24

Jethro was an indentured servant in the New World.

He has all ready paid for his trip here,

but continues to work at the cotton plantation with hopes to bring his family to the New World


He uses his trusty wheelbarrow and pitchfork to get his chores done.

Help Jethro earn a living here in the New World so that he may be rejoined with his family by purchasing this set right away! *y*


Here's my entry. It's a large...

Herein lies my tale. It is about a pub in Port Royale. It was called Ye Olde Pub...




Play with the minifigs in the pub, fight enemies on the roof! It is your decision...

Edited by kaboom4

Section: Impulse

Set Name: Make Your Own Imperial Soldier!

Pieces 22

With this set, you can choose to make either infantry, cavalry or artillery.

First, the infantryman. The cannon can be attached to the horse:


The cuirrassier. The cannon when deployed:


Due to photo restrictions, I can't show the artilleryman, but you get the general idea.

The inventory. 22 pieces in all.


Edited by TinyPiesRUs

Here's my entry, which when I logged on here today, I found to be similar in style to TinyPiesRUs. 8-| But I will post it anyway, as that's what this is about, right? X-D

Section: Impulse

Name: Imperial Salute

Pieces: 24

Ever wanted more of those Imperial soldiers? Well here's your chance!


Featuring an updated Imperial Soldier, a Cannon for artillery, three cannon balls, a battalion flag and assorted weapons! Just what you need for a solitary minifig, or to build a massive army! Cannon really fires! (well duh... :-P )

Hello everybody!

Another great contest after the Impulse sets contest some weeks ago. *y*

So here is my MOC for the category Impulse sets:

"Pirate" (Very fancs name :-D !)


This set contains 22 pieces and one minifig:

A senior pirate (which you can see at the brown shoulder patterns), a parrot, a little table with a stolen treasure, a barrel, a treasure box with gold, a shovel, a pick-axe, a sword, a knife and a tumbler.

(I counted the treasure box as two pieces and the 8 gold pieces as 2 pieces because they are built of two molds.)


Thanks! *sweet*


Impulse entry:

Friendly Pirate

Ages: 5-99

Pieces: 19


EUR 2.99

Search the gold!

This friendly pirate is searching for some golden coins!

Help him on his quest with a small boat, his sword and his parrot.

  • Includes pirate minifigure, parrot, pirate flag and boat!




Edited by Matn

Entry Type: Small (the one between impulse and large)

Pirate Island Prison

Pieces: 89


This is the main picture. I used a 8x16 baseplate. The captured soldier is trying to escape out of the pirtes camouflaged prison. I counted the shark as 2 parts because the top of his head is detachable. At the side of the picture is Captain Red Beards faithful monkey Gumbo sailing the small boat, Polly his parrot is behind him on the look out tower and just visible


In this image you can see the soldier behind the vegetation in the prison. You can also see One Eyed Jack :-/ keeping watch on his booty arrrr. :pir_angry:


Similar to the first with Red Beard :-) looking through his telescope for imperial ships. Inside the barrels and chest are many gold coins and jewels. I counted each coin as one piece and the chests and barrels as two each.


  • 3 Minifigures
  • Pirate Jail
  • loads of minifig accessories including weapons and a telescope
  • Polly the Parrot and Gumbo the Monkey
  • The deadly guard shark!!!
  • A mini raft with mooring rope

PLEASE NOTE: due to the new rules about minifigs this creation has less parts than stated

Edited by Skipper 24

Entry Type: Impulse(the smallest one)

Treasure Hunter Raft

Pieces: 23


This is my second entry to the competition but my first was in a different category(small). This is the Treasure Hunters raft. I tried not to make it too similar as matn's entry friendly pirate. I tried to show all of the pirates accessories in this main picture. Also included is a shark and Treasure Hunter's pet parrot Bob. His telescope is identical to the one in my entry for the small category


This image shows the secret compartment underneath the box which Treasure Hunter keeps his stuff in. In the compartment there is a pistol and a cutlass.


This shows one of the exciting features of the raft!!! The raft breaks in two easily with just one of the floor panels needing to be snapped off. this is how the shark can attack the poor treasure hunter. I was originally going to call this set Shark Attack!!! but then that made it sound to goofy :-P so I changed it to Treasure Hunters Raft. *y*


  • Lots of minifig accessories including a telescope, crossbow, paddle, shovel, cutlass, and pistol
  • Mini raft with secret compartment
  • Treasure Hunter with a Tricorn hat
  • Bob Treasure Hunter's parrot
  • The dangerous shark

PLEASE NOTE: Because of new rules this creation has less parts than originally stated

Edited by Skipper 24

Class of Entry: Small (100 pcs or less)

It would be great if TLG would produce another faction within Pirates.

And that faction i suggest would be the Revolutionaries! X-D

(can't exactly say Americans, that's just too specific ;-) )

Well here's my next entry introducing the Revolutionaries.

The Revolutionaries have long been under the rule of the mighty Imperials and seek their independence in the New World.

Since the Revolutionaries are very poor, they can't build many ships to beat back the Imperials, they must rely on a few small innovative craft to hold the great Imperial navy at bay.

One type of vessel in the Revolutionaries navy is the Turtle Submarine.

The Turtle Sub moves under water and can attempt to plant an explosive on the bottom of the hull of an Imperial Ship. 8-|


Turtle Sub

97 pieces.

Includes one Turtle Sub driver and a new Revolutionary Marine with ammo pouch.


The top hatch opens up on top, and the propeller can be turned by the crank inside.

There is also a hand pump for the ballast tank on the bottom of the sub.


The sides of the Sub open to reveal all the details inside and to make it very easy to access the driver.

Large entry:

Imperial Hut

Ages: 5-99

Pieces: 152


EUR 15.99

Protect the gold or steal it!

There is an little Imperial Hut located at the beach. You are the one to protect it with an Imperial Chief and an Imperial Soldier for who it is to hut at the shore (so he's wearing just his underpants). But there is a pirate who wants to steal the hidden treasure in the hut. Break open the wall and find it!

  • Includes Imperial and pirate figures and animals
  • Defend the hut with a cool canon, it really works!
  • Break open the wall to discover the hidden treasure
  • With accesoires like a backbag, swords, guns and trumpet




Edited by Matn

Hey guys here's my entry!

(Note: my blue duna cover is supposed to be the sea)

I made a new theme for this Compitition, The Skellie pirates :skull:

As pirates come and go over the years the pirate culture changes. It's been 200 years that the first pirate crue "The skulls" became pirates and since then the pirate way has become different. 20 generations on The skull pirtates have gone yet a new crue have decided to take their name when they discovered their first treasure, The golden skull. Little did they know that it was cursed and that when their pirate leader touched it he had accidently risen the original Skull pirate clan from the dead. So now they are back and angrier then ever and they plan to teach the new skull clan how it is done...the original pirate way!

Here's the entry

Name: Ye old skellie outpost gaol dock.

Price: $25 Aud.


Description: Ye new skull pirate has come to take ye old skull treasure and capture their base. Will he be cought and locked away or will ye old skull pirates keep their legacy beyond the grave? You decide! Includes 2 ye old skulls, one pirate, a gaol, treasure, a boat and a whole lot of fun!





Thanks guys for looking!! Hope you enjoy it and yes the next two entries will be about my new theme!


Edited by hollisbrick

Here's my entry for the impulse class (24 pieces including monkey, parrot and epaulletes):

Slacking off on the job:


Damn monkeys these days:


Ready for action:


Too bad my photographing and photoshop skills are allmost non-existant (so no nice LEGO-background for me).

I hope I understood the rules, so it isn't immediately disqualified :pir-tongue: .

gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=312748

edit: changed a picture

Edited by Fluyt

Here's my entry.

Impulse: Shipwrecked Captain


Help Captain return to house! :)

Contains 19 Pieces.



Edited by Majek

Class of Entry: Large

The Treasure of Skull Island

Ahoy! Every pirate needs a secret hiding place for his loot. What better place than Skull Island, a craggy outcropping of rock in the South Pacific. The only way to reach the island is by a rickety footbridge from a smaller nearby island with a tiny patch of sand. The island is partially hidden by jungle growth, and is home to the rare Blue Parrot.


Captain Grayhook only trusts one other living soul with the secret location of this island -- Stubby, his first mate. Of course somebody has to bring the shovel to dig out the treasure. Stubby does occasionally have trouble jumping out of the rowboat though.


Once the boat is safely beached, Grayhook and Stubby carefully climb the path to the bridge, cross to the island, go down the old wooden stairs, and swing open the skull face in the rock. Inside is the captain's treasure (a gold ingot, a silver crystal, a giant emerald, and a gold coins). The treasure is safely guarded by a skeleton with a silver sword that will scare off anyone trying to steal the treasure!


This was a lot of fun, but very hard to stay at 200 pieces! I had to make some tradeoffs, such as using the one-piece palm trunk rather than the better multi-piece trunk. If I could have another 100 pieces, I would have made the rocks craggier, the jungle growth thicker, and the treasure bigger! For those of you interested in the details, The large island is made up of two 8x16 blocks on top of about 30 normal and inverted steep slope bricks. On top of the platform is 2 BURPS, 2 LURPS, the skull piece and a few bricks here and there to hold it all together. The small island is essentially 3 8x8 blocks stacked off center. The bridge is connected diagonally using flat hinge pieces. I promise there are not more than 200 pieces - I counted a couple times to make sure I don't get DQ'd! If you want to see some closeup pictures, I put a couple additional picture files on brickshelf (give them a couple days to make the folder public) http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=312987


Entry Type: Large (the biggest one)

Pirate Treasure Cave

Pieces: 152


This is the pirates treasure cave, it's built on a 16x32 yellow baseplate(its meant to be sand). The actual cave can be seen at the far right of the model with Captain Red Beard :pir-classic: standing on the entry gate looking out for imperial soldiers. Inside the cave are many treasure chests and barrels packed full of jewls and coins. One of my favourite additions to this set was the captured imperial who had been hanged on a small ships mast and is now a skeleton, the skeleton counts as one of my minifigures. Also included are two soldiers on beach patrol and One Eyed Jack :pir-sceptic: .


This picture shows the dead imperial luitenant who has been hanged. Near the top of the image is Red Beards monkey Gumbo, on top of the old ships mast is Red Beards parrot Polly. You can also see the caves entrance gate and the spear trap that lies in wait for any victim who trys to find the cave.


This picture shows One Eyed Jack :pir-sceptic: shooting one of the guards on beach patrol. next to Jack are some spare swords, muskets, Cross bows and pistols. Between the vegetation the spear trap is in action as it has spiked one of the soldiers on patrol.


  • Polly the parrot and Gumbo the monkey
  • Treasure chests full of Treasure and jewels
  • 2 fully armed imperial soldiers
  • One Eyed Jack and Captain Red Beard
  • A skeleton of and imperial lieutenant
  • Extra weapons to arm your Minifigures!
  • Lots of vegetation hiding the cave

Class of Entry: Large Set (200 pcs or less)

The Gunboat

186 pieces.

A gunboat is any small, undecked craft carrying 1 to 3 cannons powered by sail or ore up to 50 feet (15 m) long.

They're basically a large rowboat type vessel with cannon(s), which were used for coastal defense.


The Revolutionaries use many gunboats due to their low cost.

Although a well placed cannon ball will sink this vessel in a single shot.

However, a few of these vessels can cause serious damage to an Imperial Ship before they're all destroyed. :pir-skull:

This Gunboat comes with a crew of 5, one of which is a Revolutionary Lieutenant.


The rudder is fully functional and a small crate of cannon balls and a barrel of powder is included.

Not a lot of provisions are needed in such a craft since they rarely wander far from their harbors.


Help the Revolutionaries defend their coast line against the mighty Imperial Navy with these small, yet maneuverable craft.

Impulse Category:

Kahuka's Palm Tree

24 pieces.


Tip the palm tree to reveal the treasure!


Thanks to Phes for the CGI background! :thumbup:

Edited by SlyOwl

Large Category:

The Jolly Sinner

200 pieces.


Press the button at the base of the mast and watch it realistically collapse! Then snap it back on again and battle the enemy!


Designer's notes:

Although this seems very large, it contains 200 pieces exactly. This comes as a result of using slightly more <insert that tiresome argument> parts (e.g. 1x4x2 arches instead of a 1x4 arch and two 1x1 bricks), larger parts (panel walls) and, in some areas, reduced structural integrity. Although this might seem a disadvantage, it in fact can be helpful to the model's overall realism, if not looks. An example of this are the jibs on the main mast. These are built to TLC specifications, but with a few pieces removed. Therefore they are weaker, and so snap when the mast falls over, making the carnage all the more. Another example of apparant weakness is the mast base; it might seem that the mast would topple over all the time. Not so, as its weight keeps it vertical to quite extreme angles.

On another note, it may appear that bits of rigging and rope are missing in the images. This is because of the resizing. just click enlarge to view the main picture in all its glory.

Thanks again to Phes for the CGI background! :thumbup:

Edited by SlyOwl

Heres mine, despite not coming here often I DO love Pirates, and most of all the Islanders, so here is my impulse entry:

Islander Camping grounds:


Comes with Islander, parrot, snake and 25 pieces. Includes Golden Idol and eating place:


Let the islander pray to the golden idol for rain!


Hope you liked it! I plan to make entries to the other two categories as well.

Batbrick Away! :pir-devil:

Hey guys!

Here's my impulse entry!

Here is the theme story if you havn't seen my small entry or your too lazy to go back one page...anyway

As pirates come and go over the years the pirate culture changes. It's been 200 years that the first pirate crue "The skulls" became pirates and since then the pirate way has become different. 20 generations on The skull pirtates have gone yet a new crue have decided to take their name when they discovered their first treasure, The golden skull. Little did they know that it was cursed and that when their pirate leader touched it he had accidently risen the original Skull pirate clan from the dead. So now they are back and angrier then ever and they plan to teach the new skull clan how it is done...the original pirate way!

Name: Skellie Pirate outcast

Peices: 25

Price: $4 Aud (thats right guys buy my impulse cause it's $2 cheaper :pir-tongue: )

Description: All ye old skull pirates have been risin from the dead one unlucky one got risen in an unlucky situation. He is stranded on a bandy bank about 1km from land. Will he take the oars and raft/box and go to land or will he stay onthe sandy bank with his treasure? YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!! Comes with a skelliton pirte, treasure a sandy bank and a whole lot of fun!!!





Comments are welcome! hope you enjoy it and good luck to eberyone!


Small Category:

Rebels' Rock (Thanks Rocko :pir-wink: )

97 pieces.


The back:


Open the back to imprison the intruder, or hide the treasure!



The last two pics contain a 16x24 plate, as I don't have a 16x16 or two 8x16 plates. I can't be bothered to chop the rest off again :pir-classic:

Thanks again to Phes for the CGI background! :thumbup:

Lego Pirate impulse set: "The Merchant"

Contains: 23 pieces (including the parrot and the rat) and one minifig (consisting of 4 elements being legs, torso, head and headgear).



The thought behind this is creating a number of smaller sets similar to this one (like the current 5614 Good Wizard and 5615 Knight impulse sets) with useful parts that can be used for pirate MOC-ing and adding to Lego Pirate sets and ships.


- "Steve" the merchant fig

- "Polly wants a cracker" the parrot (she was found on Monkey Island which explains her food preference :pir-grin: )

- rat

- skull with conquistador helmet

- trans dark-pink jug

- barrel with weapons (flintlock musket and cutlass)

- empty treasure chest with dark grey shovel

- map (for locating a treasure)

- working compass

- handheld telescope

Edited by jamtf

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